blob: 5dc396516c645dcce2ad900aa83987da20c0306a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Sections in this file should contain "$compiler == dartk" or
# "$compiler == dartkp".
convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: Pass, Slow # Uses --verify_before_gc --verify_after_gc --old_gen_growth_rate=1 flags
[ $builder_tag == asan ]
isolate/non_fatal_exception_in_timer_callback_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 34724
mirrors/dynamic_load_test: Fail # Issue 32187
[ $compiler == app_jitk ]
async/slow_consumer2_test: RuntimeError
async/stream_distinct_test: RuntimeError
async/timer_not_available_test: RuntimeError
isolate/ping_pause_test: Skip # Timeout
[ $compiler == dartkb ]
mirrors/*: Skip # Mirrors are not yet supported in bytecode modes.
[ $compiler == fasta ]
html/*: Skip # TODO(ahe): Make dart:html available.
isolate/browser/*: Skip # TODO(ahe): Make dart:html available.
js/*: Skip # TODO(ahe): Make dart:js available.
[ $fasta ]
async/future_or_type_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 34626
mirrors/generic_f_bounded_mixin_application_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 34613
mirrors/metadata_allowed_values_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/metadata_allowed_values_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/redirecting_factory_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 34714
mirrors/redirecting_factory_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue 34714
[ $arch == simdbc64 && $mode == debug && $runtime == vm && $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
isolate/isolate_complex_messages_test: Crash #
[ $arch == simdbc64 && $hot_reload_rollback ]
convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Uses --verify_before_gc --verify_after_gc --old_gen_growth_rate=1 flags
[ $arch == simdbc64 && $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
isolate/issue_24243_parent_isolate_test: RuntimeError #
[ $arch == x64 && $builder_tag == asan && $compiler == dartk ]
mirrors/dynamic_load_test: Fail # Memory leak (issue 34724)
[ $arch == x64 && $mode == debug && $runtime == vm && $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test: Skip # Because it times out, issue 29439.
[ $arch == x64 && ($hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback) ]
convert/base64_test/01: Pass, Crash #
isolate/int32_length_overflow_test: Timeout # Issue 35733
[ $builder_tag == obfuscated && $compiler == dartkp ]
collection/list_test: RuntimeError # Issue 34911
[ $builder_tag == optimization_counter_threshold && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
isolate/unresolved_ports_test: CompileTimeError, Pass, Timeout # Fails to compile on opt counter builder (#31838)
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/emptyarray: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/false: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/none: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/smi: Crash, RuntimeError, Fail, Pass # Crashes on opt counter builder (#31838)
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/string: Pass, Crash, RuntimeError # Flaky on vm-kernel-optcounter-threshold-linux-release-x64, bug #31838
[ $compiler == app_jitk && ($mode == product || $mode == release) ]
isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Skip # Timeout, Issue 33385
[ $compiler != dart2js && $fasta && !$strong ]
isolate/browser/compute_this_script_browser_test: CompileTimeError
isolate/browser/package_resolve_browser_hook2_test: CompileTimeError
isolate/browser/package_resolve_browser_hook_test: CompileTimeError
isolate/browser/package_resolve_browser_test: CompileTimeError
# The failures below still need to be investigated and possibly fixed, or marked as skipped.
[ $compiler == dartkb && $strong ]
convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: Pass, Timeout # Please triage.
isolate/isolate_complex_messages_test: Pass, Crash # runtime/vm/ 17395: error: expected: type_arguments.IsNull() || type_arguments.IsCanonical()
isolate/mandel_isolate_test: Pass, Timeout # Please triage.
isolate/spawn_uri_exported_main_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Please triage:'Isolate was not spawned successfully.')
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/emptyarray: Skip # Times out, issue 32232
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test/false: Skip # Times out, issue 32232
mirrors/library_uri_io_test: RuntimeError # Platform.script points to dill file.
mirrors/method_mirror_location_test: Crash # runtime/lib/ 1634: error: expected: token_pos != TokenPosition::kNoSource
[ $compiler == dartkp && $mode == debug && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $strong ]
isolate/static_function_test: Skip # Flaky (
# ===== dartkp + dart_precompiled status lines =====
[ $compiler == dartkp && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $strong ]
async/slow_consumer2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
async/stream_distinct_test: RuntimeError
async/timer_not_available_test: RuntimeError
html/*: SkipByDesign # dart:html not supported on VM.
isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Skip # Times out. Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
isolate/deferred_in_isolate_test: Skip # Times out. Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate2_test/01: Skip # Times out. Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
isolate/ping_pause_test: Pass, Timeout
isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Pass, Timeout
mirrors/*: SkipByDesign # Mirrors are not supported in AOT mode.
[ $compiler == dartkp && !$strong ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == fasta && $strong ]
isolate/isolate_stress_test: CompileTimeError
mirrors/deferred_type_test: CompileTimeError
mirrors/mirrors_nsm_mismatch_test: CompileTimeError
mirrors/mirrors_nsm_test/dart2js: CompileTimeError
mirrors/mirrors_nsm_test/none: CompileTimeError
mirrors/native_class_test: CompileTimeError
[ $mode == debug && $runtime == vm && $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
mirrors/other_declarations_location_test: Crash # Issue 33325 (assertion error, TypeParameter not having position).
[ $mode == debug && $hot_reload_rollback && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
isolate/message3_test/constList_identical: Skip # Timeout
[ $runtime == vm && $checked && $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
mirrors/redirecting_factory_different_type_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 28424
mirrors/reflected_type_generics_test/02: Pass
# ===== dartk + vm status lines =====
[ $runtime == vm && $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
async/slow_consumer2_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
async/timer_not_available_test: RuntimeError
html/*: SkipByDesign # dart:html not supported on VM.
isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Skip # Times out. Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
isolate/deferred_in_isolate_test: Skip # Times out. Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate2_test/01: Skip # Times out. Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
isolate/ping_pause_test: Pass, Timeout
isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Pass, Timeout
isolate/static_function_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 31855. CompileTimeError. Issue 31402
mirrors/apply3_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/class_declarations_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/class_declarations_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/class_mirror_location_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/constructor_kinds_test/01: RuntimeError
mirrors/constructor_kinds_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/constructor_private_name_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33345 - Incorrect qualified symbol literal from kernel reader
mirrors/constructors_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/dart2js_mirrors_test: RuntimeError # 31916
mirrors/deferred_type_test: CompileTimeError, RuntimeError
mirrors/enum_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/equality_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/fake_function_without_call_test: RuntimeError, OK
mirrors/function_apply_test: RuntimeError, OK
mirrors/function_type_mirror_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/generic_f_bounded_mixin_application_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/generic_function_typedef_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/generic_mixin_applications_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/invocation_fuzz_test: RuntimeError, Crash
mirrors/library_declarations_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/library_enumeration_deferred_loading_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/library_exports_hidden_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_exports_shown_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_import_deferred_loading_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_imports_deferred_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_imports_hidden_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_imports_metadata_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_imports_prefixed_show_hide_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_imports_prefixed_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/library_imports_shown_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33098
mirrors/load_library_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/metadata_allowed_values_test/16: Skip # Flaky, crashes.
mirrors/metadata_scope_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/method_mirror_location_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/method_mirror_source_line_ending_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33478
mirrors/method_mirror_source_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33041
mirrors/mirrors_nsm_mismatch_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 31533
mirrors/mirrors_nsm_test/dart2js: CompileTimeError # Issue 31533
mirrors/mirrors_nsm_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue 31533
mirrors/mirrors_reader_test: Crash
mirrors/mirrors_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/mirrors_used*: SkipByDesign # Invalid tests. MirrorsUsed does not have a specification, and dart:mirrors is not required to hide declarations that are not covered by any MirrorsUsed annotation.
mirrors/mirrors_used_inheritance_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/mirrors_used_typedef_declaration_test/01: RuntimeError
mirrors/mirrors_used_typedef_declaration_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/mixin_application_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/mixin_members_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/native_class_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:html
mirrors/operator_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/other_declarations_location_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33325 (no source positions for type parameters).
mirrors/parameter_of_mixin_app_constructor_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/private_symbol_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33326 - CFE/kernel invalid typedef substitution
mirrors/private_types_test: RuntimeError # Issue 33326 - CFE/kernel invalid typedef substitution
mirrors/redirecting_factory_test/01: RuntimeError
mirrors/redirecting_factory_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/reflect_class_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_function_type_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_generics_test/01: RuntimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_generics_test/02: RuntimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_typedefs_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_typevars_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/regress_26187_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/relation_assignable_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/relation_subclass_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/relation_subtype_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/repeated_private_anon_mixin_app_test: RuntimeError # Mangled mixin application class name
mirrors/static_members_easier_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/static_members_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
mirrors/symbol_validation_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 31537
mirrors/symbol_validation_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 31537
mirrors/type_variable_is_static_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/type_variable_owner_test/01: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_deferred_library_test: CompileTimeError # Deferred loading kernel issue 28335.
mirrors/typedef_deferred_library_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_in_signature_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_library_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_metadata_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_reflected_type_test/01: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_reflected_type_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/typedef_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/typevariable_mirror_metadata_test: RuntimeError
[ $fasta && !$strong ]
isolate/isolate_import_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
isolate/isolate_stress_test: CompileTimeError
mirrors/generics_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/metadata_allowed_values_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/metadata_allowed_values_test/27: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/metadata_constructor_arguments_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/native_class_test: CompileTimeError
mirrors/redirecting_factory_different_type_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/reflect_class_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/reflect_class_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_classes_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/reflected_type_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/regress_16321_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
mirrors/top_level_accessors_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
typed_data/float32x4_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
typed_data/int32x4_static_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
typed_data/int32x4_static_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $hot_reload_rollback && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
isolate/illegal_msg_function_test: Skip # Timeout
isolate/pause_test: Skip # Timeout
# Enabling of dartk for sim{arm,arm64,dbc64} revealed these test failures, which
# are to be triaged. Isolate tests are skipped on purpose due to the usage of
# batch mode.
[ $strong && ($arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simdbc64) && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
isolate/mandel_isolate_test: Pass, Timeout
isolate/nested_spawn2_test: Pass, RuntimeError # RuntimeError caused by timeout
mirrors/library_uri_io_test: RuntimeError # Please triage.
[ $strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
async/slow_consumer2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31402 (Invocation arguments)
async/stream_distinct_test: RuntimeError
isolate/ping_pause_test: RuntimeError
isolate/request_reply_test: Pass, Timeout
isolate/stacktrace_message_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/constructor_optional_args_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/constructors_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/fake_function_with_call_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/instance_members_easier_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/instance_members_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/instance_members_with_override_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/invoke_closurization2_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/invoke_throws_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/mixin_members_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/operator_test: RuntimeError
mirrors/redirecting_factory_different_type_test/none: RuntimeError
mirrors/redirecting_factory_reflection_test: RuntimeError
# ===== Skip dartk and darkp in !$strong mode ====
[ !$strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb) && ($hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback) ]
isolate/mandel_isolate_test: Pass, Timeout, RuntimeError # Test can time out which results in runtime error
isolate/message4_test: Pass, Timeout, Crash # Timeout and sporadic crash (issue 33824)
mirrors/dynamic_load_test: Crash
mirrors/library_uri_io_test: Skip # Timeout
mirrors/library_uri_package_test: Skip # Timeout
[ $compiler == app_jitk || $compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb || $compiler == dartkp ]
html/*: SkipByDesign
isolate/browser/*: SkipByDesign
js/*: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb ]
isolate/ping_pause_test: Skip # Issues 32137 and 32138
[ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback ]
isolate/issue_6610_test: Skip # Sources are looked up on every reload request.