blob: 9cd84231f27a5749f3d8532a60eca0ae7009ca97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer2dart.treeShaker;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/universe/universe.dart';
import 'closed_world.dart';
* The result of performing local reachability analysis on a method.
class MethodAnalysis {
* The AST for the method.
final Declaration declaration;
* The functions statically called by the method.
final List<LocalElement> calls = <LocalElement>[];
* The selectors used by the method to perform dynamic invocation.
final List<Selector> invokes = <Selector>[];
* The classes that are instantiated by the method.
final List<ClassElement> instantiates = <ClassElement>[];
* The result of performing local reachability analysis on a class.
* TODO(paulberry): Do we need to do any other analysis of classes? (For
* example, detect annotations that are relevant to mirrors, detect that a
* class might be used for custom HTML elements, or collect inherited and
* mixed-in classes).
class ClassAnalysis {
* The AST for the class.
final ClassDeclaration declaration;
* This class is responsible for performing local analysis of the source code
* to provide the information needed to do tree shaking.
class LocalReachabilityComputer {
* Perform local reachability analysis of [method].
MethodAnalysis analyzeMethod(ExecutableElement method) {
MethodAnalysis analysis = new MethodAnalysis(method.node);
analysis.declaration.accept(new TreeShakingVisitor(analysis));
return analysis;
* Perform local reachability analysis of [classElement].
ClassAnalysis analyzeClass(ClassElement classElement) {
return new ClassAnalysis(classElement.node);
* Determine which members of [classElement] are matched by the given
* [selector].
* [methods] is populated with all the class methods which are matched by the
* selector, [accessors] with all the getters and setters which are matched
* by the selector, and [fields] with all the fields which are matched by the
* selector.
void getMatchingClassMembers(ClassElement classElement, Selector selector,
List<MethodElement> methods, List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors,
List<PropertyInducingElement> fields) {
// TODO(paulberry): should we walk through superclasses and mixins as well
// here? Or would it be better to make [TreeShaker] responsible for those
// relationships (since they are non-local)? Consider making use of
// InheritanceManager to do this.
for (MethodElement method in classElement.methods) {
// TODO(paulberry): account for arity and named arguments when matching
// the selector against the method.
if ( == {
if (selector.kind == SelectorKind.GETTER) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in classElement.accessors) {
if (accessor.isGetter && == {
if (accessor.isSynthetic) {
// This accessor is implied by the corresponding field declaration.
} else {
* This class is responsible for driving the tree shaking process, and
* and performing the global inferences necessary to determine which methods
* in the source program are reachable. It makes use of
* [LocalReachabilityComputer] to do local analysis of individual classes and
* methods.
class TreeShaker {
List<Element> _queue = <Element>[];
Set<Element> _alreadyEnqueued = new HashSet<Element>();
ClosedWorld _world;
Set<Selector> _selectors = new HashSet<Selector>();
final LocalReachabilityComputer _localComputer = new LocalReachabilityComputer();
TreeShaker(FunctionElement mainFunction)
: _world = new ClosedWorld(mainFunction);
void _addElement(Element element) {
if (_alreadyEnqueued.add(element)) {
void _addSelector(Selector selector) {
if (_selectors.add(selector)) {
// New selector, so match it against all class methods.
_world.instantiatedClasses.forEach((ClassElement element, AstNode node) {
_matchClassToSelector(element, selector);
void _matchClassToSelector(ClassElement classElement, Selector selector) {
List<MethodElement> methods = <MethodElement>[];
List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
List<PropertyInducingElement> fields = <PropertyInducingElement>[];
ClosedWorld shake() {
while (_queue.isNotEmpty) {
Element element = _queue.removeLast();
print('Tree shaker handling $element');
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
MethodAnalysis analysis = _localComputer.analyzeMethod(element);
_world.executableElements[element] = analysis.declaration;
} else if (element is ClassElement) {
ClassAnalysis analysis = _localComputer.analyzeClass(element);
_world.instantiatedClasses[element] = analysis.declaration;
for (Selector selector in _selectors) {
_matchClassToSelector(element, selector);
} else if (element is FieldElement) {
VariableDeclaration declaration = element.node;
_world.fields[element] = declaration;
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected element type while tree shaking');
print('Tree shaking done');
return _world;
Selector createSelectorFromMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
int arity = 0;
List<String> namedArguments = <String>[];
for (var x in node.argumentList.arguments) {
if (x is NamedExpression) {
} else {
return new, null, arity, namedArguments);
class TreeShakingVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final MethodAnalysis analysis;
* Handle a true method call (a MethodInvocation that represents a call to
* a non-static method).
void handleMethodCall(MethodInvocation node) {
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorElement staticElement = node.staticElement;
if (staticElement != null) {
// TODO(paulberry): Really we should enqueue the constructor, and then
// when we visit it add the class to the class bucket.
ClassElement classElement = staticElement.enclosingElement;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): deal with this situation. This can happen, for
// example, in the case "main() => new Unresolved();" (which is a
// warning, not an error).
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
Element staticElement = node.methodName.staticElement;
if (staticElement == null) {
if (node.realTarget != null) {
// Calling a method that has no known element, e.g.:
// dynamic x;
} else {
// Calling a toplevel function which has no known element, e.g.
// main() {
// foo();
// }
// TODO(paulberry): deal with this case. May need to notify the back
// end in case this makes it want to drag in some helper code.
throw new UnimplementedError();
} else if (staticElement is MethodElement) {
// Invoking a method, e.g.:
// class A {
// f() {}
// }
// main() {
// new A().f();
// }
// or via implicit this, i.e.:
// class A {
// f() {}
// foo() {
// f();
// }
// }
// TODO(paulberry): if user-provided types are wrong, this may actually
// be the PropertyAccessorElement case.
// TODO(paulberry): do we need to do something different for static
// methods?
} else if (staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// Invoking a callable getter, e.g.:
// typedef FunctionType();
// class A {
// FunctionType get f { ... }
// }
// main() {
// new A().f();
// }
// or via implicit this, i.e.:
// typedef FunctionType();
// class A {
// FunctionType get f { ... }
// foo() {
// f();
// }
// }
// This also covers the case where the getter is synthetic, because we
// are getting a field (TODO(paulberry): verify that this is the case).
// TODO(paulberry): deal with this case.
// TODO(paulberry): if user-provided types are wrong, this may actually
// be the MethodElement case.
throw new UnimplementedError();
} else if (staticElement is MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement) {
// TODO(paulberry): deal with this case.
throw new UnimplementedError();
} else if (staticElement is LocalElement) {
// Invoking a callable local, e.g.:
// typedef FunctionType();
// main() {
// FunctionType f = ...;
// f();
// }
// or:
// main() {
// f() { ... }
// f();
// }
// or:
// f() {}
// main() {
// f();
// }
// TODO(paulberry): for the moment we are assuming it's a toplevel
// function.
} else if (staticElement is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
// TODO(paulberry): do we have to deal with this case?
throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(paulberry): I believe all the other possibilities are errors, but
// we should double check.
void visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
// Accessing a getter or setter, e.g.:
// class A {
// get g() => ...;
// }
// main() {
// new A().g;
// }
// TODO(paulberry): do setters go through this path as well?
// TODO(paulberry): handle cases where the property access is represented
// as a PrefixedIdentifier.
analysis.invokes.add(new Selector.getter(, null));