blob: 32069d1b17d0edaa8e4cbc6e8134a82a42683e89 [file] [log] [blame]
// // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// // This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// // significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
// abstract class AbstractScannerTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_tokenize_attribute() {
// _tokenize("<html bob=\"one two\">", <Object> [LT, "html", "bob", EQ, "\"one two\"", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_comment() {
// _tokenize("<!-- foo -->", <Object> ["<!-- foo -->"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_comment_incomplete() {
// _tokenize("<!-- foo", <Object> ["<!-- foo"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_comment_with_gt() {
// _tokenize("<!-- foo > -> -->", <Object> ["<!-- foo > -> -->"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_declaration() {
// _tokenize("<! foo ><html>", <Object> ["<! foo >", LT, "html", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_declaration_malformed() {
// _tokenize("<! foo /><html>", <Object> ["<! foo />", LT, "html", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_directive_incomplete() {
// _tokenize2("<? \nfoo", <Object> ["<? \nfoo"], <int> [0, 4]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_directive_xml() {
// _tokenize("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>", <Object> ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_directives_incomplete_with_newline() {
// _tokenize2("<! \nfoo", <Object> ["<! \nfoo"], <int> [0, 4]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_empty() {
// _tokenize("", <Object> []);
// }
// void test_tokenize_lt() {
// _tokenize("<", <Object> [LT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags() {
// _tokenize("<script> <p></p></script>", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p></p>", LT_SLASH, "script", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags2() {
// _tokenize("<script> <p></p><</script>", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p></p><", LT_SLASH, "script", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags3() {
// _tokenize("<script> <p></p></</script>", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p></p></", LT_SLASH, "script", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_partial() {
// _tokenize("<script> <p> ", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p> "]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_partial2() {
// _tokenize("<script> <p> <", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p> <"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_partial3() {
// _tokenize("<script> <p> </", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p> </"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_ref() {
// _tokenize("<script source='some.dart'/> <p>", <Object> [
// LT,
// "script",
// "source",
// EQ,
// "'some.dart'",
// " ",
// LT,
// "p",
// GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_script_with_newline() {
// _tokenize2("<script> <p>\n </script>", <Object> [LT, "script", GT, " <p>\n ", LT_SLASH, "script", GT], <int> [0, 13]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_spaces_and_newlines() {
// Token token = _tokenize2(" < html \n bob = 'joe\n' >\n <\np > one \r\n two <!-- \rfoo --> </ p > </ html > ", <Object> [
// " ",
// LT,
// "html",
// "bob",
// EQ,
// "'joe\n'",
// GT,
// "\n ",
// LT,
// "p",
// GT,
// " one \r\n two ",
// "<!-- \rfoo -->",
// " ",
// "p",
// GT,
// " ",
// "html",
// GT,
// " "], <int> [0, 9, 21, 25, 28, 38, 49]);
// token =;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(1, token.offset);
// token =;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(3, token.offset);
// token =;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(10, token.offset);
// }
// void test_tokenize_string() {
// _tokenize("<p bob=\"foo\">", <Object> [LT, "p", "bob", EQ, "\"foo\"", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_string_partial() {
// _tokenize("<p bob=\"foo", <Object> [LT, "p", "bob", EQ, "\"foo"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_string_single_quote() {
// _tokenize("<p bob='foo'>", <Object> [LT, "p", "bob", EQ, "'foo'", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_string_single_quote_partial() {
// _tokenize("<p bob='foo", <Object> [LT, "p", "bob", EQ, "'foo"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_tag_begin_end() {
// _tokenize("<html></html>", <Object> [LT, "html", GT, LT_SLASH, "html", GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_tag_begin_only() {
// Token token = _tokenize("<html>", <Object> [LT, "html", GT]);
// token =;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(1, token.offset);
// }
// void test_tokenize_tag_incomplete_with_special_characters() {
// _tokenize("<br-a_b", <Object> [LT, "br-a_b"]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_tag_self_contained() {
// _tokenize("<br/>", <Object> [LT, "br", SLASH_GT]);
// }
// void test_tokenize_tags_wellformed() {
// _tokenize("<html><p>one two</p></html>", <Object> [
// LT,
// "html",
// GT,
// LT,
// "p",
// GT,
// "one two",
// "p",
// GT,
// "html",
// GT]);
// }
// AbstractScanner newScanner(String input);
// /**
// * Given an object representing an expected token, answer the expected token type.
// *
// * @param count the token count for error reporting
// * @param expected the object representing an expected token
// * @return the expected token type
// */
// TokenType _getExpectedTokenType(int count, Object expected) {
// if (expected is TokenType) {
// return expected as TokenType;
// }
// if (expected is String) {
// String lexeme = expected as String;
// if (lexeme.startsWith("\"") || lexeme.startsWith("'")) {
// return TokenType.STRING;
// }
// if (lexeme.startsWith("<!--")) {
// return TokenType.COMMENT;
// }
// if (lexeme.startsWith("<!")) {
// return TokenType.DECLARATION;
// }
// if (lexeme.startsWith("<?")) {
// return TokenType.DIRECTIVE;
// }
// if (_isTag(lexeme)) {
// return TokenType.TAG;
// }
// return TokenType.TEXT;
// }
//"Unknown expected token ${count}: ${(expected != null ? expected.runtimeType : "null")}");
// return null;
// }
// bool _isTag(String lexeme) {
// if (lexeme.length == 0 || !Character.isLetter(lexeme.codeUnitAt(0))) {
// return false;
// }
// for (int index = 1; index < lexeme.length; index++) {
// int ch = lexeme.codeUnitAt(index);
// if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) && ch != 0x2D && ch != 0x5F) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// Token _tokenize(String input, List<Object> expectedTokens) => _tokenize2(input, expectedTokens, <int> [0]);
// Token _tokenize2(String input, List<Object> expectedTokens, List<int> expectedLineStarts) {
// AbstractScanner scanner = newScanner(input);
// scanner.passThroughElements = <String> ["script"];
// int count = 0;
// Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize();
// Token token = firstToken;
// Token previousToken = token.previous;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(previousToken.type == TokenType.EOF);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(previousToken, previousToken.previous);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, previousToken.offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(token,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(0, token.offset);
// while (token.type != TokenType.EOF) {
// if (count == expectedTokens.length) {
//"too many parsed tokens");
// }
// Object expected = expectedTokens[count];
// TokenType expectedTokenType = _getExpectedTokenType(count, expected);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSameMsg("token ${count}", expectedTokenType, token.type);
// if (expectedTokenType.lexeme != null) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg("token ${count}", expectedTokenType.lexeme, token.lexeme);
// } else {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg("token ${count}", expected, token.lexeme);
// }
// count++;
// previousToken = token;
// token =;
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(previousToken, token.previous);
// }
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(token,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(input.length, token.offset);
// if (count != expectedTokens.length) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("not enough parsed tokens", false);
// }
// List<int> lineStarts = scanner.lineStarts;
// bool success = expectedLineStarts.length == lineStarts.length;
// if (success) {
// for (int i = 0; i < lineStarts.length; i++) {
// if (expectedLineStarts[i] != lineStarts[i]) {
// success = false;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// if (!success) {
// JavaStringBuilder msg = new JavaStringBuilder();
// msg.append("Expected line starts ");
// for (int start in expectedLineStarts) {
// msg.append(start);
// msg.append(", ");
// }
// msg.append(" but found ");
// for (int start in lineStarts) {
// msg.append(start);
// msg.append(", ");
// }
// }
// return firstToken;
// }
// }
// class AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest extends AngularTest {
// static AngularElement getAngularElement(Element element, Type angularElementType) {
// List<ToolkitObjectElement> toolkitObjects = null;
// if (element is ClassElement) {
// ClassElement classElement = element as ClassElement;
// toolkitObjects = classElement.toolkitObjects;
// }
// if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
// LocalVariableElement variableElement = element as LocalVariableElement;
// toolkitObjects = variableElement.toolkitObjects;
// }
// if (toolkitObjects != null) {
// for (ToolkitObjectElement toolkitObject in toolkitObjects) {
// if (isInstanceOf(toolkitObject, angularElementType)) {
// return toolkitObject as AngularElement;
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// static void _assertHasAttributeSelector(AngularSelectorElement selector, String name) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is HasAttributeSelectorElementImpl, HasAttributeSelectorElementImpl, selector);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(name, (selector as HasAttributeSelectorElementImpl).name);
// }
// static void _assertIsTagSelector(AngularSelectorElement selector, String name) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularTagSelectorElementImpl, AngularTagSelectorElementImpl, selector);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(name, (selector as AngularTagSelectorElementImpl).name);
// }
// static String _createAngularSource(List<String> lines) {
// String source = "import 'angular.dart';\n";
// source += EngineTestCase.createSource(lines);
// return source;
// }
// void test_bad_notConstructorAnnotation() {
// String mainContent = EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const MY_ANNOTATION = null;",
// "class MyFilter {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularFilterElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyFilter");
// AngularFormatterElement filter = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularFormatterElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(filter);
// }
// void test_Decorator() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Decorator(selector: '[my-dir]',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'my-dir' : '=>myPropA',",
// " '.' : '&myPropB',",
// " })",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set myPropA(value) {}",
// " set myPropB(value) {}",
// " @NgTwoWay('my-prop-c')",
// " String myPropC;",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularDirectiveElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyDirective");
// AngularDecoratorElement directive = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularDecoratorElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(directive);
// // verify
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, directive.nameOffset);
// _assertHasAttributeSelector(directive.selector, "my-dir");
// // verify properties
// List<AngularPropertyElement> properties =;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(3, properties);
// _assertProperty(properties[0], "my-dir", findMainOffset("my-dir' :"), AngularPropertyKind.ONE_WAY, "myPropA", findMainOffset("myPropA'"));
// _assertProperty(properties[1], ".", findMainOffset(".' :"), AngularPropertyKind.CALLBACK, "myPropB", findMainOffset("myPropB'"));
// _assertProperty(properties[2], "my-prop-c", findMainOffset("my-prop-c'"), AngularPropertyKind.TWO_WAY, "myPropC", -1);
// }
// void test_Decorator_bad_cannotParseSelector() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Decorator(selector: '~bad-selector',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'my-dir' : '=>myPropA',",
// " '.' : '&myPropB',",
// " })",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set myPropA(value) {}",
// " set myPropB(value) {}",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.CANNOT_PARSE_SELECTOR]);
// }
// void test_Decorator_bad_missingSelector() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Decorator(/*selector: '[my-dir]',*/",
// " map: const {",
// " 'my-dir' : '=>myPropA',",
// " '.' : '&myPropB',",
// " })",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set myPropA(value) {}",
// " set myPropB(value) {}",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.MISSING_SELECTOR]);
// }
// void test_Formatter() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Formatter(name: 'myFilter')",
// "class MyFilter {",
// " call(p1, p2) {}",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularFilterElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyFilter");
// AngularFormatterElement filter = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularFormatterElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(filter);
// // verify
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("myFilter",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "myFilter'"), filter.nameOffset);
// }
// void test_Formatter_missingName() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Formatter()",
// "class MyFilter {",
// " call(p1, p2) {}",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.MISSING_NAME]);
// // no filter
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyFilter");
// AngularFormatterElement filter = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularFormatterElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(filter);
// }
// void test_getElement_component_name() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {}"]));
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("ctrl'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // find AngularComponentElement
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularComponentElement, AngularComponentElement, element);
// }
// void test_getElement_component_property_fromFieldAnnotation() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " @NgOneWay('prop')",
// " var field;",
// "}"]));
// // prepare node
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("prop'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // prepare Element
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// // check AngularPropertyElement
// AngularPropertyElement property = element as AngularPropertyElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("prop",;
// }
// void test_getElement_component_property_fromMap() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'prop' : '@field',",
// " })",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " var field;",
// "}"]));
// // AngularPropertyElement
// {
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("prop'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // prepare Element
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// // check AngularPropertyElement
// AngularPropertyElement property = element as AngularPropertyElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("prop",;
// }
// // FieldElement
// {
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("@field'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // prepare Element
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// // check FieldElement
// FieldElement field = element as FieldElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("field",;
// }
// }
// void test_getElement_component_selector() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {}"]));
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("myComp'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // find AngularSelectorElement
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularSelectorElement, AngularSelectorElement, element);
// }
// void test_getElement_controller_name() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Controller(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: '[myApp]')",
// "class MyController {",
// "}"]));
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("ctrl'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // find AngularControllerElement
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularControllerElement, AngularControllerElement, element);
// }
// void test_getElement_directive_property() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Decorator(selector: '[my-dir]',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'my-dir' : '=>field'",
// " })",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set field(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// // prepare node
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("my-dir'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // prepare Element
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// // check AngularPropertyElement
// AngularPropertyElement property = element as AngularPropertyElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my-dir",;
// }
// void test_getElement_directive_selector() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Decorator(selector: '[my-dir]')",
// "class MyDirective {}"]));
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("my-dir]'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // find AngularSelectorElement
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularSelectorElement, AngularSelectorElement, element);
// }
// void test_getElement_filter_name() {
// resolveMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@Formatter(name: 'myFilter')",
// "class MyFilter {",
// " call(p1, p2) {}",
// "}"]));
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("myFilter'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // find FilterElement
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularFormatterElement, AngularFormatterElement, element);
// }
// void test_getElement_noClassDeclaration() {
// resolveMainSource("var foo = 'bar';");
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("bar'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, 0);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// void test_getElement_noClassElement() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const A(p);",
// "}",
// "",
// "@A('bar')",
// "class B {}"]));
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("bar'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// // reset B element
// node.getAncestor((node) => node is ClassDeclaration).name.staticElement = null;
// // class is not resolved - no element
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, 0);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// void test_getElement_noNode() {
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(null, 0);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// void test_getElement_notFound() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["class MyComponent {", " var str = 'some string';", "}"]));
// // prepare node
// SimpleStringLiteral node = _findMainNode("some string'", SimpleStringLiteral);
// int offset = node.offset;
// // no Element
// Element element = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(node, offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// void test_getElement_SimpleStringLiteral_withToolkitElement() {
// SimpleStringLiteral literal = AstFactory.string2("foo");
// Element element = new AngularScopePropertyElementImpl("foo", 0, null);
// literal.toolkitElement = element;
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(element, AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.getElement(literal, -1));
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_cannotParseSelector() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: '~myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.CANNOT_PARSE_SELECTOR]);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_missingSelector() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', /*selector: 'myComp',*/",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.MISSING_SELECTOR]);
// }
// /**
// *
// *
// */
// void test_NgComponent_bad_notHtmlTemplate() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// addMainSource(_createAngularSource([
// "@NgComponent(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]));
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_properties_invalidBinding() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {'name' : '?field'})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.INVALID_PROPERTY_KIND]);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_properties_nameNotStringLiteral() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {null : 'field'})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME]);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_properties_noSuchField() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {'name' : '=>field'})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.INVALID_PROPERTY_FIELD]);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_properties_notMapLiteral() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: null)",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.INVALID_PROPERTY_MAP]);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_bad_properties_specNotStringLiteral() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {'name' : null})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.INVALID_PROPERTY_SPEC]);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_no_cssUrl() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html'/*, cssUrl: 'my_styles.css'*/)",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // no CSS
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, component.styleUri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, component.styleUriOffset);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_no_publishAs() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(/*publishAs: 'ctrl',*/ selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // no name
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, component.nameOffset);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_no_templateUrl() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " /*templateUrl: 'my_template.html',*/ cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // no template
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, component.templateUri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, component.templateSource);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, component.templateUriOffset);
// }
// /**
// *
// *
// */
// void test_NgComponent_notAngular() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class Component {",
// " const Component(a, b);",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Component('foo', 42)",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// assertNoMainErrors();
// }
// void test_NgComponent_properties_fieldFromSuper() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(_createAngularSource([
// "class MySuper {",
// " var myPropA;",
// "}",
// "",
// "",
// "",
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'prop-a' : '@myPropA'",
// " })",
// "class MyComponent extends MySuper {",
// "}"]));
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // verify
// List<AngularPropertyElement> properties =;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, properties);
// _assertProperty(properties[0], "prop-a", findMainOffset("prop-a' :"), AngularPropertyKind.ATTR, "myPropA", findMainOffset("myPropA'"));
// }
// void test_NgComponent_properties_fromFields() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(_createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " @NgAttr('prop-a')",
// " var myPropA;",
// " @NgCallback('prop-b')",
// " var myPropB;",
// " @NgOneWay('prop-c')",
// " var myPropC;",
// " @NgOneWayOneTime('prop-d')",
// " var myPropD;",
// " @NgTwoWay('prop-e')",
// " var myPropE;",
// "}"]));
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // verify
// List<AngularPropertyElement> properties =;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(5, properties);
// _assertProperty(properties[0], "prop-a", findMainOffset("prop-a')"), AngularPropertyKind.ATTR, "myPropA", -1);
// _assertProperty(properties[1], "prop-b", findMainOffset("prop-b')"), AngularPropertyKind.CALLBACK, "myPropB", -1);
// _assertProperty(properties[2], "prop-c", findMainOffset("prop-c')"), AngularPropertyKind.ONE_WAY, "myPropC", -1);
// _assertProperty(properties[3], "prop-d", findMainOffset("prop-d')"), AngularPropertyKind.ONE_WAY_ONE_TIME, "myPropD", -1);
// _assertProperty(properties[4], "prop-e", findMainOffset("prop-e')"), AngularPropertyKind.TWO_WAY, "myPropE", -1);
// }
// void test_NgComponent_properties_fromMap() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(_createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'prop-a' : '@myPropA',",
// " 'prop-b' : '&myPropB',",
// " 'prop-c' : '=>myPropC',",
// " 'prop-d' : '=>!myPropD',",
// " 'prop-e' : '<=>myPropE'",
// " })",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " var myPropA;",
// " var myPropB;",
// " var myPropC;",
// " var myPropD;",
// " var myPropE;",
// "}"]));
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // verify
// List<AngularPropertyElement> properties =;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(5, properties);
// _assertProperty(properties[0], "prop-a", findMainOffset("prop-a' :"), AngularPropertyKind.ATTR, "myPropA", findMainOffset("myPropA'"));
// _assertProperty(properties[1], "prop-b", findMainOffset("prop-b' :"), AngularPropertyKind.CALLBACK, "myPropB", findMainOffset("myPropB'"));
// _assertProperty(properties[2], "prop-c", findMainOffset("prop-c' :"), AngularPropertyKind.ONE_WAY, "myPropC", findMainOffset("myPropC'"));
// _assertProperty(properties[3], "prop-d", findMainOffset("prop-d' :"), AngularPropertyKind.ONE_WAY_ONE_TIME, "myPropD", findMainOffset("myPropD'"));
// _assertProperty(properties[4], "prop-e", findMainOffset("prop-e' :"), AngularPropertyKind.TWO_WAY, "myPropE", findMainOffset("myPropE'"));
// }
// void test_NgComponent_properties_no() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // verify
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("ctrl",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "ctrl'"), component.nameOffset);
// _assertIsTagSelector(component.selector, "myComp");
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my_template.html", component.templateUri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "my_template.html'"), component.templateUriOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my_styles.css", component.styleUri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "my_styles.css'"), component.styleUriOffset);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0,;
// }
// void test_NgComponent_scopeProperties() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Component(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: 'myComp',",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " MyComponent(Scope scope) {",
// " scope.context['boolProp'] = true;",
// " scope.context['intProp'] = 42;",
// " scope.context['stringProp'] = 'foo';",
// " // duplicate is ignored",
// " scope.context['boolProp'] = true;",
// " // LHS is not an IndexExpression",
// " var v1;",
// " v1 = 1;",
// " // LHS is not a Scope access",
// " var v2;",
// " v2['name'] = 2;",
// " }",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularComponentElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyComponent");
// AngularComponentElement component = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularComponentElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(component);
// // verify
// List<AngularScopePropertyElement> scopeProperties = component.scopeProperties;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(3, scopeProperties);
// {
// AngularScopePropertyElement property = scopeProperties[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(property, findMainElement2("boolProp"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("boolProp",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "boolProp'"), property.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("bool",;
// }
// {
// AngularScopePropertyElement property = scopeProperties[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(property, findMainElement2("intProp"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("intProp",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "intProp'"), property.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("int",;
// }
// {
// AngularScopePropertyElement property = scopeProperties[2];
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(property, findMainElement2("stringProp"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("stringProp",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "stringProp'"), property.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("String",;
// }
// }
// void test_NgController() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Controller(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: '[myApp]')",
// "class MyController {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularControllerElement
// ClassElement classElement = mainUnitElement.getType("MyController");
// AngularControllerElement controller = getAngularElement(classElement, AngularControllerElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(controller);
// // verify
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("ctrl",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "ctrl'"), controller.nameOffset);
// _assertHasAttributeSelector(controller.selector, "myApp");
// }
// void test_NgController_cannotParseSelector() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Controller(publishAs: 'ctrl', selector: '~unknown')",
// "class MyController {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.CANNOT_PARSE_SELECTOR]);
// }
// void test_NgController_missingPublishAs() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Controller(selector: '[myApp]')",
// "class MyController {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.MISSING_PUBLISH_AS]);
// }
// void test_NgController_missingSelector() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "@Controller(publishAs: 'ctrl')",
// "class MyController {",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// // has error
// assertMainErrors([AngularCode.MISSING_SELECTOR]);
// }
// void test_NgController_noAnnotationArguments() {
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource(["@NgController", "class MyController {", "}"]);
// resolveMainSource(mainContent);
// }
// void test_parseSelector_hasAttribute() {
// AngularSelectorElement selector = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.parseSelector(42, "[name]");
// _assertHasAttributeSelector(selector, "name");
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(42 + 1, selector.nameOffset);
// }
// void test_parseSelector_hasClass() {
// AngularSelectorElement selector = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.parseSelector(42, ".my-class");
// AngularHasClassSelectorElementImpl classSelector = selector as AngularHasClassSelectorElementImpl;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my-class",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(".my-class", classSelector.toString());
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(42 + 1, selector.nameOffset);
// // test apply()
// {
// XmlTagNode node = HtmlFactory.tagNode("div", [HtmlFactory.attribute("class", "one two")]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(classSelector.apply(node));
// }
// {
// XmlTagNode node = HtmlFactory.tagNode("div", [HtmlFactory.attribute("class", "one my-class two")]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(classSelector.apply(node));
// }
// }
// void test_parseSelector_isTag() {
// AngularSelectorElement selector = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.parseSelector(42, "name");
// _assertIsTagSelector(selector, "name");
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(42, selector.nameOffset);
// }
// void test_parseSelector_isTag_hasAttribute() {
// AngularSelectorElement selector = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.parseSelector(42, "tag[attr]");
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is IsTagHasAttributeSelectorElementImpl, IsTagHasAttributeSelectorElementImpl, selector);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("tag[attr]",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, selector.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("tag", (selector as IsTagHasAttributeSelectorElementImpl).tagName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attr", (selector as IsTagHasAttributeSelectorElementImpl).attributeName);
// }
// void test_parseSelector_unknown() {
// AngularSelectorElement selector = AngularCompilationUnitBuilder.parseSelector(0, "~unknown");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(selector);
// }
// void test_view() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/wrong.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_templateA.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_templateB.html", "");
// String mainContent = _createAngularSource([
// "class MyRouteInitializer {",
// " init(ViewFactory view, foo) {",
// " foo.view('wrong.html'); // has target",
// " foo(); // less than one argument",
// " foo('wrong.html', 'bar'); // more than one argument",
// " foo('wrong' + '.html'); // not literal",
// " foo('wrong.html'); // not ViewFactory",
// " view('my_templateA.html');",
// " view('my_templateB.html');",
// " }",
// "}"]);
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(mainContent);
// // prepare AngularViewElement(s)
// List<AngularViewElement> views = mainUnitElement.angularViews;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, views);
// {
// AngularViewElement view = views[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my_templateA.html", view.templateUri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, view.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "my_templateA.html'"), view.templateUriOffset);
// }
// {
// AngularViewElement view = views[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my_templateB.html", view.templateUri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(-1, view.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(AngularTest.findOffset(mainContent, "my_templateB.html'"), view.templateUriOffset);
// }
// }
// void _assertProperty(AngularPropertyElement property, String expectedName, int expectedNameOffset, AngularPropertyKind expectedKind, String expectedFieldName, int expectedFieldOffset) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedNameOffset, property.nameOffset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expectedKind, property.propertyKind);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedFieldName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedFieldOffset, property.fieldNameOffset);
// }
// /**
// * Find [AstNode] of the given type in [mainUnit].
// */
// AstNode _findMainNode(String search, Type clazz) => EngineTestCase.findNode(mainUnit, mainContent, search, predicate);
// static dartSuite() {
//'AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_Decorator', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_Decorator);
// });
// _ut.test('test_Decorator_bad_cannotParseSelector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_Decorator_bad_cannotParseSelector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_Decorator_bad_missingSelector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_Decorator_bad_missingSelector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_Formatter', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_Formatter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_Formatter_missingName', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_Formatter_missingName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_cannotParseSelector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_cannotParseSelector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_missingSelector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_missingSelector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_notHtmlTemplate', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_notHtmlTemplate);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_properties_invalidBinding', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_properties_invalidBinding);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_properties_nameNotStringLiteral', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_properties_nameNotStringLiteral);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_properties_noSuchField', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_properties_noSuchField);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_properties_notMapLiteral', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_properties_notMapLiteral);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_bad_properties_specNotStringLiteral', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_bad_properties_specNotStringLiteral);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_no_cssUrl', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_no_cssUrl);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_no_publishAs', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_no_publishAs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_no_templateUrl', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_no_templateUrl);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_notAngular', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_notAngular);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_properties_fieldFromSuper', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_properties_fieldFromSuper);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_properties_fromFields', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_properties_fromFields);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_properties_fromMap', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_properties_fromMap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_properties_no', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_properties_no);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_scopeProperties', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_scopeProperties);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgController', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgController);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgController_cannotParseSelector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgController_cannotParseSelector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgController_missingPublishAs', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgController_missingPublishAs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgController_missingSelector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgController_missingSelector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgController_noAnnotationArguments', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgController_noAnnotationArguments);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bad_notConstructorAnnotation', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bad_notConstructorAnnotation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_SimpleStringLiteral_withToolkitElement', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_SimpleStringLiteral_withToolkitElement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_component_name', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_component_name);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_component_property_fromFieldAnnotation', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_component_property_fromFieldAnnotation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_component_property_fromMap', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_component_property_fromMap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_component_selector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_component_selector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_controller_name', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_controller_name);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_directive_property', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_directive_property);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_directive_selector', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_directive_selector);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_filter_name', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_filter_name);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_noClassDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_noClassDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_noClassElement', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_noClassElement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_noNode', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_noNode);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_notFound', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_notFound);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parseSelector_hasAttribute', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parseSelector_hasAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parseSelector_hasClass', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parseSelector_hasClass);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parseSelector_isTag', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parseSelector_isTag);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parseSelector_isTag_hasAttribute', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parseSelector_isTag_hasAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parseSelector_unknown', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parseSelector_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_view', () {
// final __test = new AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_view);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class AngularDartIndexContributorTest extends AngularTest {
// IndexStore _store = mock(IndexStore);
// AngularDartIndexContributor _index = new AngularDartIndexContributor(_store);
// void test_component_propertyField() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", "");
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent', // selector",
// " map: const {",
// " 'propAttr' : '@field', // attr",
// " 'propOneWay' : '=>field', // one-way",
// " 'propTwoWay' : '<=>field', // two-way",
// " })",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " @NgOneWay('annProp')",
// " var field;",
// "}",
// "",
// "main() {",
// " var module = new Module();",
// " module.type(MyComponent);",
// " ngBootstrap(module: module);",
// "}"]));
// FieldElement field = findMainElement2("field");
// PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
// PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
// // index
// mainUnit.accept(_index);
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// // @field
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("propAttr"), findMainOffset("field', // attr"), "field");
// assertNoRecordedRelation(relations, getter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// // =>field
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("propOneWay"), findMainOffset("field', // one-way"), "field");
// assertNoRecordedRelation(relations, getter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// // <=>field
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("propTwoWay"), findMainOffset("field', // two-way"), "field");
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, getter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// // @NgOneWay('annProp') is ignore - no explicit field reference
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("annProp"), -1, "field");
// assertNoRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// }
// void test_directive_propertyField() {
// resolveMainSourceNoErrors(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Decorator(",
// " selector: '[my-directive]',",
// " map: const {",
// " 'propAttr' : '@field', // attr",
// " 'propOneWay' : '=>field', // one-way",
// " 'propTwoWay' : '<=>field', // two-way",
// " })",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " var field;",
// "}",
// "",
// "main() {",
// " var module = new Module();",
// " module.type(MyDirective);",
// " ngBootstrap(module: module);",
// "}"]));
// FieldElement field = findMainElement2("field");
// PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
// PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
// // index
// mainUnit.accept(_index);
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// // @field
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("propAttr"), findMainOffset("field', // attr"), "field");
// assertNoRecordedRelation(relations, getter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// // =>field
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("propOneWay"), findMainOffset("field', // one-way"), "field");
// assertNoRecordedRelation(relations, getter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// // <=>field
// {
// ExpectedLocation location = new ExpectedLocation(findMainElement2("propTwoWay"), findMainOffset("field', // two-way"), "field");
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, getter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, setter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, location);
// }
// }
// List<RecordedRelation> captureRecordedRelations() => captureRelations(_store);
// static dartSuite() {
//'AngularDartIndexContributorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_component_propertyField', () {
// final __test = new AngularDartIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_component_propertyField);
// });
// _ut.test('test_directive_propertyField', () {
// final __test = new AngularDartIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_directive_propertyField);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest extends AngularTest {
// IndexStore _store = mock(IndexStore);
// AngularHtmlIndexContributor _index = new AngularHtmlIndexContributor(_store);
// void test_expression_inAttribute() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([" <button title='{{ctrl.field}}'>Remove</button>", ""]));
// // prepare elements
// Element fieldGetter = (findMainElement2("field") as FieldElement).getter;
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, fieldGetter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("field}}"), "field"));
// }
// void test_expression_inContent() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([" {{ctrl.field}}", ""]));
// // prepare elements
// Element fieldGetter = (findMainElement2("field") as FieldElement).getter;
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, fieldGetter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("field}}"), "field"));
// }
// void test_expression_ngRepeat() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// " <li ng-repeat='name in ctrl.names'>",
// " {{name}}",
// " </li>",
// ""]));
// // prepare elements
// Element namesElement = (findMainElement2("names") as FieldElement).getter;
// Element nameElement = findIndexElement("name");
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, namesElement, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("names'>"), "names"));
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, nameElement, IndexConstants.IS_READ_BY, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("name}}"), "name"));
// }
// void test_Formatter_use() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Formatter(name: 'myFormatter')",
// "class MyFormatter {",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Item {",
// " String name;",
// " bool done;",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Controller(",
// " selector: '[my-controller]',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl')",
// "class MyController {",
// " List<Item> items;",
// "}"]));
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// " <li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | myFormatter:true\">",
// " </li>",
// ""]));
// // prepare elements
// AngularFormatterElement filterElement = findMainElement2("myFormatter");
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, filterElement, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("myFormatter:true"), "myFormatter"));
// }
// void test_NgComponent_templateFile() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " String field;",
// "}"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{ctrl.field}}", " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveMain();
// resolveIndex();
// // prepare elements
// AngularComponentElement componentElement = findMainElement2("ctrl");
// FieldElement field = findMainElement2("field");
// PropertyAccessorElement fieldGetter = field.getter;
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, componentElement, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("ctrl.field"), "ctrl"));
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, fieldGetter, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY_QUALIFIED, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("field}}"), "field"));
// }
// void test_NgComponent_use() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent', // selector",
// " map: const {'attrA' : '=>setA', 'attrB' : '@setB'})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " set setA(value) {}",
// " set setB(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<myComponent attrA='null' attrB='str'/>",
// "<myComponent>abcd</myComponent> with closing tag"]));
// // prepare elements
// AngularSelectorElement selectorElement = findMainElement2("myComponent");
// AngularPropertyElement attrA = findMainElement2("attrA");
// AngularPropertyElement attrB = findMainElement2("attrB");
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, selectorElement, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("myComponent attrA='null"), "myComponent"));
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, attrA, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("attrA='null"), "attrA"));
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, attrB, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("attrB='str"), "attrB"));
// // with closing tag
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, selectorElement, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("myComponent>abcd"), "myComponent"));
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, selectorElement, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_CLOSING_TAG_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("myComponent> with closing tag"), "myComponent"));
// }
// void test_NgComponent_use_tagHasAttribute() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent[attr]', // selector",
// " map: const {'attr' : '=>setAttr'})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " set setAttr(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<myComponent attr='null'/>"]));
// // prepare elements
// AngularSelectorElement selectorElement = findMainElement2("myComponent[attr]");
// AngularPropertyElement attr = findMainElement2("attr");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(selectorElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(attr);
// // index
// indexUnit.accept(_index);
// // verify
// List<RecordedRelation> relations = captureRecordedRelations();
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, selectorElement, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("myComponent attr='null"), "myComponent"));
// assertRecordedRelation(relations, attr, IndexConstants.ANGULAR_REFERENCE, new ExpectedLocation(indexHtmlUnit, findOffset2("attr='null"), "attr"));
// }
// List<RecordedRelation> captureRecordedRelations() => captureRelations(_store);
// static dartSuite() {
//'AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_Formatter_use', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_Formatter_use);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_templateFile', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_templateFile);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_use', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_use);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_use_tagHasAttribute', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_use_tagHasAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_expression_inAttribute', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_expression_inAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_expression_inContent', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_expression_inContent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_expression_ngRepeat', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_expression_ngRepeat);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest extends AngularTest {
// void test_analysisContext_changeDart_invalidateApplication() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{ctrl.noMethod()}}", " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// // there are some errors in my_template.html
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(indexSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length != 0);
// }
// // change main.dart, there are no MyComponent anymore
// context.setContents(mainSource, "");
// // ...errors in my_template.html should be removed
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(indexSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length == 0);
// }
// }
// void test_analysisContext_changeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inDart() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'no-such-template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]));
// Source entrySource = contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// // there are some errors in MyComponent
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(mainSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length != 0);
// }
// // make entry-point.html non-Angular
// context.setContents(entrySource, "<html/>");
// // ...errors in MyComponent should be removed
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(mainSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length == 0);
// }
// }
// void test_analysisContext_changeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inTemplate() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]));
// Source entrySource = contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{ctrl.noMethod()}}", " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// // there are some errors in my_template.html
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(indexSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length != 0);
// }
// // make entry-point.html non-Angular
// context.setContents(entrySource, "<html/>");
// // ...errors in my_template.html should be removed
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(indexSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length == 0);
// }
// }
// void test_analysisContext_removeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inDart() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'no-such-template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]));
// Source entrySource = contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// // there are some errors in MyComponent
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(mainSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length != 0);
// }
// // remove entry-point.html
// {
// ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
// changeSet.removedSource(entrySource);
// context.applyChanges(changeSet);
// }
// // ...errors in MyComponent should be removed
// {
// List<AnalysisError> errors = context.getErrors(mainSource).errors;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(errors.length == 0);
// }
// }
// void test_contextProperties() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([
// "<div>",
// " {{\$id}}",
// " {{\$parent}}",
// " {{\$root}}",
// "</div>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier("\$id");
// assertResolvedIdentifier("\$parent");
// assertResolvedIdentifier("\$root");
// }
// void test_getAngularElement_isAngular() {
// // prepare local variable "name" in compilation unit
// CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit("test.dart");
// FunctionElementImpl function = ElementFactory.functionElement("main");
// unit.functions = <FunctionElement> [function];
// LocalVariableElementImpl local = ElementFactory.localVariableElement2("name");
// function.localVariables = <LocalVariableElement> [local];
// // set AngularElement
// AngularElement angularElement = new AngularControllerElementImpl("ctrl", 0);
// local.toolkitObjects = <AngularElement> [angularElement];
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(angularElement, AngularHtmlUnitResolver.getAngularElement(local));
// }
// void test_getAngularElement_notAngular() {
// Element element = ElementFactory.localVariableElement2("name");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(AngularHtmlUnitResolver.getAngularElement(element));
// }
// void test_getAngularElement_notLocal() {
// Element element = ElementFactory.classElement2("Test", []);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(AngularHtmlUnitResolver.getAngularElement(element));
// }
// /**
// * Test that we resolve "ng-click" expression.
// */
// void test_ngClick() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<button ng-click='ctrl.doSomething(\$event)'/>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier("doSomething");
// }
// void test_NgComponent_resolveTemplateFile() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " String field;",
// "}"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{ctrl.field}}", " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// assertNoErrors();
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl.", "MyComponent");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("field}}", "String");
// }
// void test_NgComponent_updateDartFile() {
// Source componentSource = contextHelper.addSource("/my_component.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "library my.component;",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "@Component(selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_module.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library my.module;", "import 'my_component.dart';"]));
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["library main;", "import 'my_module.dart';"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<myComponent/>"]));
// // "myComponent" tag was resolved
// {
// XmlTagNode tagNode = HtmlUnitUtils.getTagNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("myComponent"));
// AngularSelectorElement tagElement = tagNode.element as AngularSelectorElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("myComponent",;
// }
// // replace "myComponent" with "myComponent2" in my_component.dart and index.html
// {
// context.setContents(componentSource, _getSourceContent(componentSource).replaceAll("myComponent", "myComponent2"));
// indexContent = _getSourceContent(indexSource).replaceAll("myComponent", "myComponent2");
// context.setContents(indexSource, indexContent);
// }
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// // "myComponent2" tag should be resolved
// {
// XmlTagNode tagNode = HtmlUnitUtils.getTagNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("myComponent2"));
// AngularSelectorElement tagElement = tagNode.element as AngularSelectorElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("myComponent2",;
// }
// }
// void test_NgComponent_use_resolveAttributes() {
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{ctrl.field}}", " </div>"]));
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent', // selector",
// " map: const {'attrA' : '=>setA', 'attrB' : '@setB'})",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " set setA(value) {}",
// " set setB(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<input type='text' ng-model='someModel'/>",
// "<myComponent attrA='someModel' attrB='bbb'/>"]));
// // "attrA" attribute expression was resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(findIdentifier("someModel"));
// // "myComponent" tag was resolved
// XmlTagNode tagNode = HtmlUnitUtils.getTagNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("myComponent"));
// AngularSelectorElement tagElement = tagNode.element as AngularSelectorElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("myComponent",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(findMainOffset("myComponent', // selector"), tagElement.nameOffset);
// // "attrA" attribute was resolved
// {
// XmlAttributeNode node = HtmlUnitUtils.getAttributeNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("attrA='"));
// AngularPropertyElement element = node.element as AngularPropertyElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attrA",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("setA",;
// }
// // "attrB" attribute was resolved, even if it @binding
// {
// XmlAttributeNode node = HtmlUnitUtils.getAttributeNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("attrB='"));
// AngularPropertyElement element = node.element as AngularPropertyElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attrB",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("setB",;
// }
// }
// void test_NgDirective_noAttribute() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@NgDirective(selector: '[my-directive]', map: const {'foo': '=>input'})",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set input(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<div my-directive>", "</div>"]));
// }
// void test_NgDirective_noExpression() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@NgDirective(selector: '[my-directive]', map: const {'.': '=>input'})",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set input(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<div my-directive>", "</div>"]));
// }
// void test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Decorator(selector: '[my-directive]')",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " @NgOneWay('my-property')",
// " String condition;",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<input type='text' ng-model='name'>",
// "<div my-directive my-property='name != null'>",
// "</div>"]));
// resolveMainNoErrors();
// // "my-directive" attribute was resolved
// {
// AngularSelectorElement selector = findMainElement(ElementKind.ANGULAR_SELECTOR, "my-directive");
// XmlAttributeNode attrNodeSelector = HtmlUnitUtils.getAttributeNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("my-directive"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(attrNodeSelector);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(selector, attrNodeSelector.element);
// }
// // "my-property" attribute was resolved
// {
// XmlAttributeNode attrNodeProperty = HtmlUnitUtils.getAttributeNode(indexUnit, findOffset2("my-property='"));
// AngularPropertyElement propertyElement = attrNodeProperty.element as AngularPropertyElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(propertyElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(AngularPropertyKind.ONE_WAY, propertyElement.propertyKind);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("condition",;
// }
// // "name" expression was resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(findIdentifier("name != null"));
// }
// void test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression_attrString() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@NgDirective(selector: '[my-directive])",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " @NgAttr('my-property')",
// " String property;",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<input type='text' ng-model='name'>",
// "<div my-directive my-property='name != null'>",
// "</div>"]));
// resolveMain();
// // @NgAttr means "string attribute", which we don't parse
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(findIdentifierMaybe("name != null"));
// }
// void test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression_dotAsName() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Decorator(",
// " selector: '[my-directive]',",
// " map: const {'.' : '=>condition'})",
// "class MyDirective {",
// " set condition(value) {}",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<input type='text' ng-model='name'>",
// "<div my-directive='name != null'>",
// "</div>"]));
// // "name" attribute was resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(findIdentifier("name != null"));
// }
// /**
// * Test that we resolve "ng-if" expression.
// */
// void test_ngIf() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<div ng-if='ctrl.field != null'/>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier("field");
// }
// void test_ngModel_modelAfterUsage() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<h3>Hello {{name}}!</h3>",
// "<input type='text' ng-model='name'>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name}}!", "String");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'>", "String");
// }
// void test_ngModel_modelBeforeUsage() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<input type='text' ng-model='name'>",
// "<h3>Hello {{name}}!</h3>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name}}!", "String");
// Element element = assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'>", "String");
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("name",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(findOffset2("name'>"), element.nameOffset);
// }
// void test_ngModel_notIdentifier() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<input type='text' ng-model='ctrl.field'>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("field'>", "String");
// }
// /**
// * Test that we resolve "ng-mouseout" expression.
// */
// void test_ngMouseOut() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<button ng-mouseout='ctrl.doSomething(\$event)'/>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier("doSomething");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_additionalVariables() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat='name in ctrl.names'>",
// " {{\$index}} {{\$first}} {{\$middle}} {{\$last}} {{\$even}} {{\$odd}}",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("\$index", "int");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("\$first", "bool");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("\$middle", "bool");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("\$last", "bool");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("\$even", "bool");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("\$odd", "bool");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_bad_expectedIdentifier() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<li ng-repeat='name + 42 in ctrl.names'>", "</li>"]));
// assertErrors(indexSource, [AngularCode.INVALID_REPEAT_ITEM_SYNTAX]);
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_bad_expectedIn() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<li ng-repeat='name : ctrl.names'>", "</li>"]));
// assertErrors(indexSource, [AngularCode.INVALID_REPEAT_SYNTAX]);
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_filter_literal() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat='item in ctrl.items | filter:42:null'/>",
// "</li>"]));
// // filter "filter" is resolved
// Element filterElement = assertResolvedIdentifier("filter");
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularFormatterElement, AngularFormatterElement, filterElement);
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_filter_propertyMap() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat='item in ctrl.items | filter:{name:null, done:false}'/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name:", "String");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("done:", "bool");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_missingColon() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:'' true\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertErrors(indexSource, [AngularCode.MISSING_FORMATTER_COLON]);
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_noArgs() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// // filter "orderBy" is resolved
// Element filterElement = assertResolvedIdentifier("orderBy");
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularFormatterElement, AngularFormatterElement, filterElement);
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_emptyString() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:'':true\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// // filter "orderBy" is resolved
// Element filterElement = assertResolvedIdentifier("orderBy");
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularFormatterElement, AngularFormatterElement, filterElement);
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyList() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:['name', 'done']\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'", "String");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("done'", "bool");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:'name'\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'", "String");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_minus() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:'-name'\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'", "String");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_plus() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:'+name'\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'", "String");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_untypedItems() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.untypedItems | orderBy:'name'\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name'", "dynamic");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_filters_two() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat=\"item in ctrl.items | orderBy:'+' | orderBy:'-'\"/>",
// "</li>"]));
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularFormatterElement, AngularFormatterElement, assertResolvedIdentifier("orderBy:'+'"));
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularFormatterElement, AngularFormatterElement, assertResolvedIdentifier("orderBy:'-'"));
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_resolvedExpressions() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat='name in ctrl.names'>",
// " {{name}}",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name in", "String");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl.", "MyController");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("names'", "List<String>");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("name}}", "String");
// }
// void test_ngRepeat_trackBy() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController([
// "<li ng-repeat='name in ctrl.names track by name.length'/>",
// "</li>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("length'", "int");
// }
// /**
// * Test that we resolve "ng-show" expression.
// */
// void test_ngShow() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<div ng-show='ctrl.field != null'/>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier("field");
// }
// void test_notResolved_noDartScript() {
// resolveIndex2(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html ng-app>",
// " <body>",
// " <div my-marker>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// assertNoErrors();
// // Angular is not initialized, so "ctrl" is not parsed
// Expression expression = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, findOffset2("ctrl"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(expression);
// }
// void test_notResolved_notAngular() {
// resolveIndex2(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html no-ng-app>",
// " <body>",
// " <div my-marker>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// assertNoErrors();
// // Angular is not initialized, so "ctrl" is not parsed
// Expression expression = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, findOffset2("ctrl"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(expression);
// }
// void test_notResolved_wrongControllerMarker() {
// addMyController();
// addIndexSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html ng-app>",
// " <body>",
// " <div not-my-marker>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// // no errors, because we decided to ignore them at the moment
// assertNoErrors();
// // "ctrl" is not resolved
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = findIdentifier("ctrl");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(identifier.bestElement);
// }
// void test_resolveExpression_evenWithout_ngBootstrap() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Controller(",
// " selector: '[my-controller]',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl')",
// "class MyController {",
// " String field;",
// "}"]));
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html ng-app>",
// " <body>",
// " <div my-controller>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl.", "MyController");
// }
// void test_resolveExpression_ignoreUnresolved() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Controller(",
// " selector: '[my-controller]',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl')",
// "class MyController {",
// " Map map;",
// " Object obj;",
// "}"]));
// resolveIndex2(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html ng-app>",
// " <body>",
// " <div my-controller>",
// " {{}}",
// " {{}}",
// " {{invisibleScopeProperty}}",
// " </div>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// assertNoErrors();
// // "" and "ctrl.obj" are resolved
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("map", "Map<dynamic, dynamic>");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("obj", "Object");
// // ...but not "invisibleScopeProperty"
// {
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = findIdentifier("invisibleScopeProperty");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(identifier.bestElement);
// }
// }
// void test_resolveExpression_inAttribute() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["<button title='{{ctrl.field}}'></button>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl", "MyController");
// }
// void test_resolveExpression_ngApp_onBody() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// " <body ng-app>",
// " <div my-controller>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl", "MyController");
// }
// void test_resolveExpression_withFilter() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveIndexNoErrors(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["{{ctrl.field | uppercase}}"]));
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl", "MyController");
// assertResolvedIdentifier("uppercase");
// }
// void test_resolveExpression_withFilter_notSimpleIdentifier() {
// addMyController();
// resolveIndex2(AngularTest.createHtmlWithMyController(["{{ctrl.field | not.supported}}"]));
// assertErrors(indexSource, [AngularCode.INVALID_FORMATTER_NAME]);
// }
// void test_scopeProperties() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// " String field;",
// " MyComponent(Scope scope) {",
// " scope.context['scopeProperty'] = 'abc';",
// " }",
// "}",
// ""]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{scopeProperty}}", " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// assertNoErrors();
// // "scopeProperty" is resolved
// Element element = assertResolvedIdentifier2("scopeProperty}}", "String");
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularScopePropertyElement, AngularScopePropertyElement, AngularHtmlUnitResolver.getAngularElement(element));
// }
// void test_scopeProperties_hideWithComponent() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Component(",
// " templateUrl: 'my_template.html', cssUrl: 'my_styles.css',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl',",
// " selector: 'myComponent')",
// "class MyComponent {",
// "}",
// "",
// "void setScopeProperties(Scope scope) {",
// " scope.context['ctrl'] = 1;",
// "}",
// ""]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([" <div>", " {{ctrl}}", " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// assertNoErrors();
// // "ctrl" is resolved
// LocalVariableElement element = assertResolvedIdentifier("ctrl}}") as LocalVariableElement;
// List<ToolkitObjectElement> toolkitObjects = element.toolkitObjects;
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularComponentElement, AngularComponentElement, toolkitObjects[0]);
// }
// void test_view_resolveTemplateFile() {
// addMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "@Controller(",
// " selector: '[my-controller]',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl')",
// "class MyController {",
// " String field;",
// "}",
// "",
// "class MyRouteInitializer {",
// " init(ViewFactory view) {",
// " view('my_template.html');",
// " }",
// "}"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/entry-point.html", AngularTest.createHtmlWithAngular([]));
// addIndexSource2("/my_template.html", EngineTestCase.createSource([
// " <div my-controller>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>"]));
// contextHelper.addSource("/my_styles.css", "");
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// assertNoErrors();
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("ctrl.", "MyController");
// assertResolvedIdentifier2("field}}", "String");
// }
// String _getSourceContent(Source source) => context.getContents(source).data.toString();
// void _resolveIndexNoErrors(String content) {
// resolveIndex2(content);
// assertNoErrors();
// verify([indexSource]);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_resolveTemplateFile', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_resolveTemplateFile);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_updateDartFile', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_updateDartFile);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgComponent_use_resolveAttributes', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgComponent_use_resolveAttributes);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgDirective_noAttribute', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgDirective_noAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgDirective_noExpression', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgDirective_noExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression_attrString', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression_attrString);
// });
// _ut.test('test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression_dotAsName', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_NgDirective_resolvedExpression_dotAsName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_analysisContext_changeDart_invalidateApplication', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_analysisContext_changeDart_invalidateApplication);
// });
// _ut.test('test_analysisContext_changeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inDart', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_analysisContext_changeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inDart);
// });
// _ut.test('test_analysisContext_changeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inTemplate', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_analysisContext_changeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inTemplate);
// });
// _ut.test('test_analysisContext_removeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inDart', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_analysisContext_removeEntryPoint_clearAngularErrors_inDart);
// });
// _ut.test('test_contextProperties', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_contextProperties);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getAngularElement_isAngular', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getAngularElement_isAngular);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getAngularElement_notAngular', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getAngularElement_notAngular);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getAngularElement_notLocal', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getAngularElement_notLocal);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngClick', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngClick);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngIf', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngIf);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngModel_modelAfterUsage', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngModel_modelAfterUsage);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngModel_modelBeforeUsage', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngModel_modelBeforeUsage);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngModel_notIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngModel_notIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngMouseOut', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngMouseOut);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_additionalVariables', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_additionalVariables);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_bad_expectedIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_bad_expectedIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_bad_expectedIn', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_bad_expectedIn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_filter_literal', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_filter_literal);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_filter_propertyMap', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_filter_propertyMap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_missingColon', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_missingColon);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_noArgs', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_noArgs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_emptyString', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_emptyString);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyList', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyList);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_minus', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_minus);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_plus', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_plus);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_untypedItems', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_orderBy_propertyName_untypedItems);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_filters_two', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_filters_two);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_resolvedExpressions', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_resolvedExpressions);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngRepeat_trackBy', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngRepeat_trackBy);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ngShow', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ngShow);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notResolved_noDartScript', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notResolved_noDartScript);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notResolved_notAngular', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notResolved_notAngular);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notResolved_wrongControllerMarker', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notResolved_wrongControllerMarker);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveExpression_evenWithout_ngBootstrap', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveExpression_evenWithout_ngBootstrap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveExpression_ignoreUnresolved', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveExpression_ignoreUnresolved);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveExpression_inAttribute', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveExpression_inAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveExpression_ngApp_onBody', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveExpression_ngApp_onBody);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveExpression_withFilter', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveExpression_withFilter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveExpression_withFilter_notSimpleIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveExpression_withFilter_notSimpleIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_scopeProperties', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_scopeProperties);
// });
// _ut.test('test_scopeProperties_hideWithComponent', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_scopeProperties_hideWithComponent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_view_resolveTemplateFile', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_view_resolveTemplateFile);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// /**
// * Tests for [HtmlUnitUtils] for Angular HTMLs.
// */
// class AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest extends AngularTest {
// void test_getElement_forExpression() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveSimpleCtrlFieldHtml();
// // prepare expression
// int offset = indexContent.indexOf("ctrl");
// Expression expression = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset);
// // get element
// Element element = HtmlUnitUtils.getElement(expression);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is VariableElement, VariableElement, element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("ctrl",;
// }
// void test_getElement_forExpression_null() {
// Element element = HtmlUnitUtils.getElement(null);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// void test_getElement_forOffset() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveSimpleCtrlFieldHtml();
// // no expression
// {
// Element element = HtmlUnitUtils.getElementAtOffset(indexUnit, 0);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// // has expression at offset
// {
// int offset = indexContent.indexOf("field");
// Element element = HtmlUnitUtils.getElementAtOffset(indexUnit, offset);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is PropertyAccessorElement, PropertyAccessorElement, element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("field",;
// }
// }
// void test_getElementToOpen_controller() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveSimpleCtrlFieldHtml();
// // prepare expression
// int offset = indexContent.indexOf("ctrl");
// Expression expression = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset);
// // get element
// Element element = HtmlUnitUtils.getElementToOpen(indexUnit, expression);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is AngularControllerElement, AngularControllerElement, element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("ctrl",;
// }
// void test_getElementToOpen_field() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveSimpleCtrlFieldHtml();
// // prepare expression
// int offset = indexContent.indexOf("field");
// Expression expression = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset);
// // get element
// Element element = HtmlUnitUtils.getElementToOpen(indexUnit, expression);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is PropertyAccessorElement, PropertyAccessorElement, element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("field",;
// }
// void test_getEnclosingTagNode() {
// resolveIndex2(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// " <body ng-app>",
// " <badge name='abc'> 123 </badge>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// // no unit
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getEnclosingTagNode(null, 0));
// // wrong offset
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getEnclosingTagNode(indexUnit, -1));
// // valid offset
// XmlTagNode expected = _getEnclosingTagNode("<badge");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(expected);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("badge", expected.tag);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getEnclosingTagNode("badge"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getEnclosingTagNode("name="));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getEnclosingTagNode("123"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getEnclosingTagNode("/badge"));
// }
// void test_getExpression() {
// addMyController();
// _resolveSimpleCtrlFieldHtml();
// // try offset without expression
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, 0));
// // try offset with expression
// int offset = indexContent.indexOf("ctrl");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset + 1));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset + 2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset + "ctrl.field".length));
// // try without unit
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(null, offset));
// }
// void test_getTagNode() {
// resolveIndex2(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// " <body ng-app>",
// " <badge name='abc'> 123 </badge> done",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// // no unit
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getTagNode(null, 0));
// // wrong offset
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(HtmlUnitUtils.getTagNode(indexUnit, -1));
// // on tag name
// XmlTagNode expected = _getTagNode("badge name=");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(expected);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("badge", expected.tag);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getTagNode("badge"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getTagNode(" name="));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getTagNode("adge name="));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getTagNode("badge>"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getTagNode("adge>"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected, _getTagNode("> done"));
// // in tag node, but not on the name token
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_getTagNode("name="));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_getTagNode("123"));
// }
// XmlTagNode _getEnclosingTagNode(String search) => HtmlUnitUtils.getEnclosingTagNode(indexUnit, indexContent.indexOf(search));
// XmlTagNode _getTagNode(String search) => HtmlUnitUtils.getTagNode(indexUnit, indexContent.indexOf(search));
// void _resolveSimpleCtrlFieldHtml() {
// resolveIndex2(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// " <body ng-app>",
// " <div my-controller>",
// " {{ctrl.field}}",
// " </div>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_getElementToOpen_controller', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElementToOpen_controller);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElementToOpen_field', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElementToOpen_field);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_forExpression', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_forExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_forExpression_null', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_forExpression_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getElement_forOffset', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getElement_forOffset);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getEnclosingTagNode', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getEnclosingTagNode);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getExpression', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getTagNode', () {
// final __test = new AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getTagNode);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// abstract class AngularTest extends EngineTestCase {
// /**
// * Creates an HTML content that has Angular marker and script with "main.dart" reference.
// */
// static String createHtmlWithAngular(List<String> lines) {
// String source = EngineTestCase.createSource(["<html ng-app>", " <body>"]);
// source += EngineTestCase.createSource(lines);
// source += EngineTestCase.createSource([
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]);
// return source;
// }
// /**
// * Creates an HTML content that has Angular marker, script with "main.dart" reference and
// * "MyController" injected.
// */
// static String createHtmlWithMyController(List<String> lines) {
// String source = EngineTestCase.createSource(["<html ng-app>", " <body>", " <div my-controller>"]);
// source += EngineTestCase.createSource(lines);
// source += EngineTestCase.createSource([
// " </div>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='main.dart'></script>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]);
// return source;
// }
// /**
// * Finds an [Element] with the given names inside of the given root [Element].
// *
// * TODO(scheglov) maybe move this method to Element
// *
// * @param root the root [Element] to start searching from
// * @param kind the kind of the [Element] to find, if `null` then any kind
// * @param name the name of an [Element] to find
// * @return the found [Element] or `null` if not found
// */
// static Element findElement(Element root, ElementKind kind, String name) {
// List<Element> result = [null];
// root.accept(new GeneralizingElementVisitor_AngularTest_findElement(kind, name, result));
// return result[0] as Element;
// }
// /**
// * Finds an [Element] with the given names inside of the given root [Element].
// *
// * @param root the root [Element] to start searching from
// * @param name the name of an [Element] to find
// * @return the found [Element] or `null` if not found
// */
// static Element findElement2(Element root, String name) => findElement(root, null, name);
// /**
// * @return the offset of given <code>search</code> string in <code>content</code>. Fails test if
// * not found.
// */
// static int findOffset(String content, String search) {
// int offset = content.indexOf(search);
// assertThat(offset).describedAs(content).isNotEqualTo(-1);
// return offset;
// }
// AnalysisContextHelper contextHelper = new AnalysisContextHelper();
// AnalysisContext context;
// String mainContent;
// Source mainSource;
// CompilationUnit mainUnit;
// CompilationUnitElement mainUnitElement;
// String indexContent;
// Source indexSource;
// HtmlUnit indexUnit;
// HtmlElement indexHtmlUnit;
// CompilationUnitElement indexDartUnitElement;
// /**
// * Fills [indexContent] and [indexSource].
// */
// void addIndexSource(String content) {
// addIndexSource2("/index.html", content);
// }
// /**
// * Fills [indexContent] and [indexSource].
// */
// void addIndexSource2(String name, String content) {
// indexContent = content;
// indexSource = contextHelper.addSource(name, indexContent);
// }
// /**
// * Fills [mainContent] and [mainSource].
// */
// void addMainSource(String content) {
// mainContent = content;
// mainSource = contextHelper.addSource("/main.dart", content);
// }
// void addMyController() {
// resolveMainSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "",
// "import 'angular.dart';",
// "",
// "class Item {",
// " String name;",
// " bool done;",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Controller(",
// " selector: '[my-controller]',",
// " publishAs: 'ctrl')",
// "class MyController {",
// " String field;",
// " List<String> names;",
// " List<Item> items;",
// " var untypedItems;",
// " doSomething(event) {}",
// "}"]));
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the number of errors reported against the given source matches the number of errors
// * that are given and that they have the expected error codes. The order in which the errors were
// * gathered is ignored.
// *
// * @param source the source against which the errors should have been reported
// * @param expectedErrorCodes the error codes of the errors that should have been reported
// * @throws AnalysisException if the reported errors could not be computed
// * @throws AssertionFailedError if a different number of errors have been reported than were
// * expected
// */
// void assertErrors(Source source, List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
// GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// AnalysisErrorInfo errorsInfo = context.getErrors(source);
// for (AnalysisError error in errorsInfo.errors) {
// errorListener.onError(error);
// }
// errorListener.assertErrorsWithCodes(expectedErrorCodes);
// }
// void assertMainErrors(List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
// assertErrors(mainSource, expectedErrorCodes);
// }
// /**
// * Assert that no errors have been reported against the [indexSource].
// */
// void assertNoErrors() {
// assertErrors(indexSource, []);
// }
// void assertNoErrors2(Source source) {
// assertErrors(source, []);
// }
// /**
// * Assert that no errors have been reported against the [mainSource].
// */
// void assertNoMainErrors() {
// assertErrors(mainSource, []);
// }
// /**
// * Checks that [indexHtmlUnit] has [SimpleIdentifier] with given name, resolved to
// * not `null` [Element].
// */
// Element assertResolvedIdentifier(String name) {
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = findIdentifier(name);
// // check Element
// Element element = identifier.bestElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// // return Element for further analysis
// return element;
// }
// Element assertResolvedIdentifier2(String name, String expectedTypeName) {
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = findIdentifier(name);
// // check Element
// Element element = identifier.bestElement;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// // check Type
// DartType type = identifier.bestType;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedTypeName, type.toString());
// // return Element for further analysis
// return element;
// }
// /**
// * @return [AstNode] which has required offset and type.
// */
// AstNode findExpression(int offset, Type clazz) {
// Expression expression = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpression(indexUnit, offset);
// return expression != null ? expression.getAncestor(predicate) : null;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the [SimpleIdentifier] at the given search pattern. Fails if not found.
// */
// SimpleIdentifier findIdentifier(String search) {
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = findIdentifierMaybe(search);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNullMsg("${search} in ${indexContent}", identifier);
// // check that offset/length of the identifier is valid
// {
// int offset = identifier.offset;
// int end = identifier.end;
// String contentStr = indexContent.substring(offset, end);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(, contentStr);
// }
// // done
// return identifier;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the [SimpleIdentifier] at the given search pattern, or `null` if not found.
// */
// SimpleIdentifier findIdentifierMaybe(String search) => findExpression(findOffset2(search), SimpleIdentifier);
// /**
// * Returns [Element] from [indexDartUnitElement].
// */
// Element findIndexElement(String name) => findElement2(indexDartUnitElement, name);
// /**
// * Returns [Element] from [mainUnitElement].
// */
// Element findMainElement(ElementKind kind, String name) => findElement(mainUnitElement, kind, name);
// /**
// * Returns [Element] from [mainUnitElement].
// */
// Element findMainElement2(String name) => findElement2(mainUnitElement, name);
// /**
// * @return the offset of given <code>search</code> string in [mainContent]. Fails test if
// * not found.
// */
// int findMainOffset(String search) => findOffset(mainContent, search);
// /**
// * @return the offset of given <code>search</code> string in [indexContent]. Fails test if
// * not found.
// */
// int findOffset2(String search) => findOffset(indexContent, search);
// /**
// * Resolves [indexSource].
// */
// void resolveIndex() {
// indexUnit = context.resolveHtmlUnit(indexSource);
// indexHtmlUnit = indexUnit.element;
// indexDartUnitElement = indexHtmlUnit.angularCompilationUnit;
// }
// void resolveIndex2(String content) {
// addIndexSource(content);
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// resolveIndex();
// }
// /**
// * Resolves [mainSource].
// */
// void resolveMain() {
// mainUnit = contextHelper.resolveDefiningUnit(mainSource);
// mainUnitElement = mainUnit.element;
// }
// /**
// * Resolves [mainSource].
// */
// void resolveMainNoErrors() {
// resolveMain();
// assertNoErrors2(mainSource);
// }
// void resolveMainSource(String content) {
// addMainSource(content);
// resolveMain();
// }
// void resolveMainSourceNoErrors(String content) {
// resolveMainSource(content);
// assertNoErrors2(mainSource);
// }
// @override
// void setUp() {
// super.setUp();
// _configureForAngular(contextHelper);
// context = contextHelper.context;
// }
// @override
// void tearDown() {
// contextHelper = null;
// context = null;
// // main
// mainContent = null;
// mainSource = null;
// mainUnit = null;
// mainUnitElement = null;
// // index
// indexContent = null;
// indexSource = null;
// indexUnit = null;
// indexHtmlUnit = null;
// indexDartUnitElement = null;
// // super
// super.tearDown();
// }
// /**
// * Verify that all of the identifiers in the HTML units associated with the given sources have
// * been resolved.
// *
// * @param sources the sources identifying the compilation units to be verified
// * @throws Exception if the contents of the compilation unit cannot be accessed
// */
// void verify(List<Source> sources) {
// ResolutionVerifier verifier = new ResolutionVerifier();
// for (Source source in sources) {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = context.getResolvedHtmlUnit(source);
// htmlUnit.accept(new ExpressionVisitor_AngularTest_verify(verifier));
// }
// verifier.assertResolved();
// }
// void _configureForAngular(AnalysisContextHelper contextHelper) {
// contextHelper.addSource("/angular.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "library angular;",
// "",
// "class Scope {",
// " Map context;",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Formatter {",
// " final String name;",
// " const Formatter({});",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Directive {",
// " const Directive({",
// " selector,",
// " children,",
// " visibility,",
// " module,",
// " map,",
// " exportedExpressions,",
// " exportedExpressionAttrs",
// " });",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Decorator {",
// " const Decorator({",
// " children/*: Directive.COMPILE_CHILDREN*/,",
// " map,",
// " selector,",
// " module,",
// " visibility,",
// " exportedExpressions,",
// " exportedExpressionAttrs",
// " });",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Controller {",
// " const Controller({",
// " children,",
// " publishAs,",
// " map,",
// " selector,",
// " visibility,",
// " publishTypes,",
// " exportedExpressions,",
// " exportedExpressionAttrs",
// " });",
// "}",
// "",
// "class NgAttr {",
// " const NgAttr(String name);",
// "}",
// "class NgCallback {",
// " const NgCallback(String name);",
// "}",
// "class NgOneWay {",
// " const NgOneWay(String name);",
// "}",
// "class NgOneWayOneTime {",
// " const NgOneWayOneTime(String name);",
// "}",
// "class NgTwoWay {",
// " const NgTwoWay(String name);",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Component extends Directive {",
// " const Component({",
// " this.template,",
// " this.templateUrl,",
// " this.cssUrl,",
// " this.applyAuthorStyles,",
// " this.resetStyleInheritance,",
// " publishAs,",
// " module,",
// " map,",
// " selector,",
// " visibility,",
// " exportExpressions,",
// " exportExpressionAttrs",
// " }) : super(selector: selector,",
// " children: null/*NgAnnotation.COMPILE_CHILDREN*/,",
// " visibility: visibility,",
// " map: map,",
// " module: module,",
// " exportExpressions: exportExpressions,",
// " exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Decorator(selector: '[ng-click]', map: const {'ng-click': '&onEvent'})",
// "@Decorator(selector: '[ng-mouseout]', map: const {'ng-mouseout': '&onEvent'})",
// "class NgEventDirective {",
// " set onEvent(value) {}",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Decorator(selector: '[ng-if]', map: const {'ng-if': '=>condition'})",
// "class NgIfDirective {",
// " set condition(value) {}",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Decorator(selector: '[ng-show]', map: const {'ng-show': '=>show'})",
// "class NgShowDirective {",
// " set show(value) {}",
// "}",
// "",
// "@Formatter(name: 'filter')",
// "class FilterFormatter {}",
// "",
// "@Formatter(name: 'orderBy')",
// "class OrderByFilter {}",
// "",
// "@Formatter(name: 'uppercase')",
// "class UppercaseFilter {}",
// "",
// "class ViewFactory {",
// " call(String templateUrl) => null;",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Module {",
// " install(Module m) {}",
// " type(Type t) {}",
// " value(Type t, value) {}",
// "}",
// "",
// "class Injector {}",
// "",
// "Injector ngBootstrap({",
// " Module module: null,",
// " List<Module> modules: null,",
// " /*dom.Element*/ element: null,",
// " String selector: '[ng-app]',",
// " /*Injector*/ injectorFactory/*(List<Module> modules): _defaultInjectorFactory*/}) {}",
// ""]));
// }
// }
// class ConstantEvaluatorTest extends ResolverTestCase {
// void fail_constructor() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_identifier_class() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_identifier_function() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_identifier_static() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_identifier_staticMethod() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_identifier_topLevel() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_identifier_typeParameter() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_prefixedIdentifier_invalid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_prefixedIdentifier_valid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_propertyAccess_invalid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_propertyAccess_valid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_simpleIdentifier_invalid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void fail_simpleIdentifier_valid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("?");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, value);
// }
// void test_bitAnd_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(74 & 42, "74 & 42");
// }
// void test_bitNot() {
// _assertValue3(~42, "~42");
// }
// void test_bitOr_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(74 | 42, "74 | 42");
// }
// void test_bitXor_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(74 ^ 42, "74 ^ 42");
// }
// void test_divide_double_double() {
// _assertValue2(3.2 / 2.3, "3.2 / 2.3");
// }
// void test_divide_double_double_byZero() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("3.2 / 0.0");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("double",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(value.doubleValue.isInfinite());
// }
// void test_divide_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(1, "3 / 2");
// }
// void test_divide_int_int_byZero() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("3 / 0");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_equal_boolean_boolean() {
// _assertValue(false, "true == false");
// }
// void test_equal_int_int() {
// _assertValue(false, "2 == 3");
// }
// void test_equal_invalidLeft() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("a == 3");
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_equal_invalidRight() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("2 == a");
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_equal_string_string() {
// _assertValue(false, "'a' == 'b'");
// }
// void test_greaterThan_int_int() {
// _assertValue(false, "2 > 3");
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_int_int() {
// _assertValue(false, "2 >= 3");
// }
// void test_leftShift_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(64, "16 << 2");
// }
// void test_lessThan_int_int() {
// _assertValue(true, "2 < 3");
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_int_int() {
// _assertValue(true, "2 <= 3");
// }
// void test_literal_boolean_false() {
// _assertValue(false, "false");
// }
// void test_literal_boolean_true() {
// _assertValue(true, "true");
// }
// void test_literal_list() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("const ['a', 'b', 'c']");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_literal_map() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("const {'a' : 'm', 'b' : 'n', 'c' : 'o'}");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_literal_null() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("null");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(value.isNull);
// }
// void test_literal_number_double() {
// _assertValue2(3.45, "3.45");
// }
// void test_literal_number_integer() {
// _assertValue3(42, "42");
// }
// void test_literal_string_adjacent() {
// _assertValue4("abcdef", "'abc' 'def'");
// }
// void test_literal_string_interpolation_invalid() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("'a\${f()}c'");
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_literal_string_interpolation_valid() {
// _assertValue4("a3c", "'a\${3}c'");
// }
// void test_literal_string_simple() {
// _assertValue4("abc", "'abc'");
// }
// void test_logicalAnd() {
// _assertValue(false, "true && false");
// }
// void test_logicalNot() {
// _assertValue(false, "!true");
// }
// void test_logicalOr() {
// _assertValue(true, "true || false");
// }
// void test_minus_double_double() {
// _assertValue2(3.2 - 2.3, "3.2 - 2.3");
// }
// void test_minus_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(1, "3 - 2");
// }
// void test_negated_boolean() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("-true");
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_negated_double() {
// _assertValue2(-42.3, "-42.3");
// }
// void test_negated_integer() {
// _assertValue3(-42, "-42");
// }
// void test_notEqual_boolean_boolean() {
// _assertValue(true, "true != false");
// }
// void test_notEqual_int_int() {
// _assertValue(true, "2 != 3");
// }
// void test_notEqual_invalidLeft() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("a != 3");
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_notEqual_invalidRight() {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue("2 != a");
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(result.isValid);
// }
// void test_notEqual_string_string() {
// _assertValue(true, "'a' != 'b'");
// }
// void test_parenthesizedExpression() {
// _assertValue4("a", "('a')");
// }
// void test_plus_double_double() {
// _assertValue2(2.3 + 3.2, "2.3 + 3.2");
// }
// void test_plus_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(5, "2 + 3");
// }
// void test_remainder_double_double() {
// _assertValue2(3.2 % 2.3, "3.2 % 2.3");
// }
// void test_remainder_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(2, "8 % 3");
// }
// void test_rightShift() {
// _assertValue3(16, "64 >> 2");
// }
// void test_times_double_double() {
// _assertValue2(2.3 * 3.2, "2.3 * 3.2");
// }
// void test_times_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(6, "2 * 3");
// }
// void test_truncatingDivide_double_double() {
// _assertValue3(1, "3.2 ~/ 2.3");
// }
// void test_truncatingDivide_int_int() {
// _assertValue3(3, "10 ~/ 3");
// }
// void _assertValue(bool expectedValue, String contents) {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue(contents);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("bool",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedValue, value.boolValue);
// }
// void _assertValue2(double expectedValue, String contents) {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue(contents);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("double",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg(expectedValue, value.doubleValue, 0.0);
// }
// void _assertValue3(int expectedValue, String contents) {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue(contents);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isValid);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("int",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedValue, value.intValue.longValue());
// }
// void _assertValue4(String expectedValue, String contents) {
// EvaluationResult result = _getExpressionValue(contents);
// DartObject value = result.value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("String",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedValue, value.stringValue);
// }
// EvaluationResult _getExpressionValue(String contents) {
// Source source = addSource("var x = ${contents};");
// LibraryElement library = resolve(source);
// CompilationUnit unit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, library);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(unit);
// NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> declarations = unit.declarations;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(1, declarations);
// CompilationUnitMember declaration = declarations[0];
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is TopLevelVariableDeclaration, TopLevelVariableDeclaration, declaration);
// NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables = (declaration as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables.variables;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(1, variables);
// ConstantEvaluator evaluator = new ConstantEvaluator(source, new TestTypeProvider());
// return evaluator.evaluate(variables[0].initializer);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ConstantEvaluatorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitNot', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitNot);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_double_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_double_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_double_double_byZero', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_double_double_byZero);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_int_int_byZero', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_int_int_byZero);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equal_boolean_boolean', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equal_boolean_boolean);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equal_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equal_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equal_invalidLeft', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equal_invalidLeft);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equal_invalidRight', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equal_invalidRight);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equal_string_string', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equal_string_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_leftShift_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_leftShift_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_boolean_false', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_boolean_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_boolean_true', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_boolean_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_list', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_list);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_map', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_map);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_null', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_number_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_number_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_number_integer', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_number_integer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_string_adjacent', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_string_adjacent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_string_interpolation_invalid', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_string_interpolation_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_string_interpolation_valid', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_string_interpolation_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_string_simple', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_string_simple);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalNot', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalNot);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_double_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_double_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_boolean', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_boolean);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_integer', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_integer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_boolean_boolean', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_boolean_boolean);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_invalidLeft', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_invalidLeft);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_invalidRight', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_invalidRight);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_string_string', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_string_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parenthesizedExpression', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parenthesizedExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_plus_double_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_plus_double_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_plus_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_plus_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_double_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_double_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_rightShift', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_rightShift);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_double_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_double_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_int_int);
// });
// _ut.test('test_truncatingDivide_double_double', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_truncatingDivide_double_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_truncatingDivide_int_int', () {
// final __test = new ConstantEvaluatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_truncatingDivide_int_int);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ConstantFinderTest extends EngineTestCase {
// AstNode _node;
// void test_visitConstructorDeclaration_const() {
// ConstructorElement element = _setupConstructorDeclaration("A", true);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(_node, _findConstantDeclarations()[element]);
// }
// void test_visitConstructorDeclaration_nonConst() {
// _setupConstructorDeclaration("A", false);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_findConstantDeclarations().isEmpty);
// }
// void test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_const() {
// _setupInstanceCreationExpression("A", true);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_findConstructorInvocations().contains(_node));
// }
// void test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConst() {
// _setupInstanceCreationExpression("A", false);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_findConstructorInvocations().isEmpty);
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_const() {
// VariableElement element = _setupVariableDeclaration("v", true, true);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(_node, _findVariableDeclarations()[element]);
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_noInitializer() {
// _setupVariableDeclaration("v", true, false);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_findVariableDeclarations().isEmpty);
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_nonConst() {
// _setupVariableDeclaration("v", false, true);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_findVariableDeclarations().isEmpty);
// }
// HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> _findConstantDeclarations() {
// ConstantFinder finder = new ConstantFinder();
// _node.accept(finder);
// HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> constructorMap = finder.constructorMap;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constructorMap);
// return constructorMap;
// }
// List<InstanceCreationExpression> _findConstructorInvocations() {
// ConstantFinder finder = new ConstantFinder();
// _node.accept(finder);
// List<InstanceCreationExpression> constructorInvocations = finder.constructorInvocations;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constructorInvocations);
// return constructorInvocations;
// }
// HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> _findVariableDeclarations() {
// ConstantFinder finder = new ConstantFinder();
// _node.accept(finder);
// HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> variableMap = finder.variableMap;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(variableMap);
// return variableMap;
// }
// ConstructorElement _setupConstructorDeclaration(String name, bool isConst) {
// Keyword constKeyword = isConst ? Keyword.CONST : null;
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration2(constKeyword, null, null, name, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), null, AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// ClassElement classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2(name, []);
// ConstructorElement element = ElementFactory.constructorElement(classElement, name, isConst, []);
// constructorDeclaration.element = element;
// _node = constructorDeclaration;
// return element;
// }
// void _setupInstanceCreationExpression(String name, bool isConst) {
// _node = AstFactory.instanceCreationExpression2(isConst ? Keyword.CONST : null, AstFactory.typeName3(AstFactory.identifier3(name), []), []);
// }
// VariableElement _setupVariableDeclaration(String name, bool isConst, bool isInitialized) {
// VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration = isInitialized ? AstFactory.variableDeclaration2(name, AstFactory.integer(0)) : AstFactory.variableDeclaration(name);
// SimpleIdentifier identifier =;
// VariableElement element = ElementFactory.localVariableElement(identifier);
// identifier.staticElement = element;
// AstFactory.variableDeclarationList2(isConst ? Keyword.CONST : null, [variableDeclaration]);
// _node = variableDeclaration;
// return element;
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ConstantFinderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_visitConstructorDeclaration_const', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConstructorDeclaration_const);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConstructorDeclaration_nonConst', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConstructorDeclaration_nonConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_const', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_const);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConst', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_const', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_const);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_noInitializer', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_noInitializer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_nonConst', () {
// final __test = new ConstantFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_nonConst);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ConstantValueComputerTest extends ResolverTestCase {
// void test_computeValues_cycle() {
// TestLogger logger = new TestLogger();
// AnalysisEngine.instance.logger = logger;
// Source librarySource = addSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const int a = c;",
// "const int b = a;",
// "const int c = b;"]));
// LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve(librarySource);
// CompilationUnit unit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(librarySource, libraryElement);
// analysisContext.computeErrors(librarySource);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(unit);
// ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
// computer.add(unit);
// computer.computeValues();
// NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> members = unit.declarations;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(3, members);
// _validate(false, (members[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// _validate(false, (members[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// _validate(false, (members[2] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// }
// void test_computeValues_dependentVariables() {
// Source librarySource = addSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const int b = a;", "const int a = 0;"]));
// LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve(librarySource);
// CompilationUnit unit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(librarySource, libraryElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(unit);
// ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
// computer.add(unit);
// computer.computeValues();
// NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> members = unit.declarations;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(2, members);
// _validate(true, (members[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// _validate(true, (members[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// }
// void test_computeValues_empty() {
// ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
// computer.computeValues();
// }
// void test_computeValues_multipleSources() {
// Source librarySource = addNamedSource("/lib.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "library lib;",
// "part 'part.dart';",
// "const int c = b;",
// "const int a = 0;"]));
// Source partSource = addNamedSource("/part.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["part of lib;", "const int b = a;", "const int d = c;"]));
// LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve(librarySource);
// CompilationUnit libraryUnit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(librarySource, libraryElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(libraryUnit);
// CompilationUnit partUnit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(partSource, libraryElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(partUnit);
// ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
// computer.add(libraryUnit);
// computer.add(partUnit);
// computer.computeValues();
// NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> libraryMembers = libraryUnit.declarations;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(2, libraryMembers);
// _validate(true, (libraryMembers[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// _validate(true, (libraryMembers[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> partMembers = libraryUnit.declarations;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(2, partMembers);
// _validate(true, (partMembers[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// _validate(true, (partMembers[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// }
// void test_computeValues_singleVariable() {
// Source librarySource = addSource("const int a = 0;");
// LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve(librarySource);
// CompilationUnit unit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(librarySource, libraryElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(unit);
// ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
// computer.add(unit);
// computer.computeValues();
// NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> members = unit.declarations;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfList(1, members);
// _validate(true, (members[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnConstructor() {
// // x depends on "const A()"
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " const A();", "}", "const x = const A();"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument() {
// // "const A(x)" depends on x
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const A(;",
// " final A next;",
// "}",
// "const A x = const A(null);",
// "const A y = const A(x);"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument_unresolvedConstructor() {
// // "const A.a(x)" depends on x even if the constructor A.a can't be found.
// // TODO(paulberry): the error CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_VALUE is redundant and
// // probably shouldn't be issued.
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// "}",
// "const int x = 1;",
// "const A y = const A.a(x);"]), [
// }
// void test_dependencyOnConstructorInitializer() {
// // "const A()" depends on x
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const int x = 1;",
// "class A {",
// " const A() : v = x;",
// " final int v;",
// "}"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructor() {
// // b depends on B() depends on A()
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const A(this.x);",
// " final int x;",
// "}",
// "class B extends A {",
// " const B() : super(5);",
// "}",
// "const B b = const B();"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructorParameters() {
// // b depends on B() depends on i
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const A(this.x);",
// " final int x;",
// "}",
// "class B extends A {",
// " const B() : super(i);",
// "}",
// "const B b = const B();",
// "const int i = 5;"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirect() {
// // a depends on depends on
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const A a = const;",
// "class A {",
// " factory const =;",
// " const;",
// "}"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirectWithTypeParams() {
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const factory A(var a) = B<int>;",
// "}",
// "",
// "class B<T> implements A {",
// " final T x;",
// " const B(this.x);",
// "}",
// "",
// "const A a = const A(10);"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnImplicitSuperConstructor() {
// // b depends on B() depends on A()
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const A() : x = 5;",
// " final int x;",
// "}",
// "class B extends A {",
// " const B();",
// "}",
// "const B b = const B();"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnOptionalParameterDefault() {
// // a depends on A() depends on B()
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const A([x = const B()]) : b = x;",
// " final B b;",
// "}",
// "class B {",
// " const B();",
// "}",
// "const A a = const A();"]), []);
// }
// void test_dependencyOnVariable() {
// // x depends on y
// _assertProperDependencies(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const x = y + 1;", "const y = 2;"]), []);
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_false() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool(null, "false")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_overridden() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("false", "true")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_parseError() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("parseError", "true")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_true() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool(null, "true")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_false() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("false", null)));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_parseError() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("parseError", null)));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_true() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, _assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("true", null)));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_bool_undeclared() {
// _assertValidUnknown(_check_fromEnvironment_bool(null, null));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_default_overridden() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(234, _assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int("234", "123")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_default_parseError() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(123, _assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int("parseError", "123")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_default_undeclared() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(123, _assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int(null, "123")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_ok() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(234, _assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int("234", null)));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError() {
// _assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_int("parseError", null));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError_nullDefault() {
// _assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_int("parseError", "null"));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared() {
// _assertValidUnknown(_check_fromEnvironment_int(null, null));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared_nullDefault() {
// _assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_int(null, "null"));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_string_default_overridden() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("abc", _assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string("abc", "'def'")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_string_default_undeclared() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("def", _assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string(null, "'def'")));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_string_empty() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("", _assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string("", null)));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_string_ok() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("abc", _assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string("abc", null)));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared() {
// _assertValidUnknown(_check_fromEnvironment_string(null, null));
// }
// void test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared_nullDefault() {
// _assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_string(null, "null"));
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A(4, 5);",
// "class A {",
// " const A(int i, int j) : k = 2 * i + j;",
// " final int k;",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "k", 13);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, true, true);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, true, false);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, false, true);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, false, false);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesConstConstructor() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A(3);",
// "class A {",
// " const A(int i) : b = const B(4);",
// " final int b;",
// "}",
// "class B {",
// " const B(this.k);",
// " final int k;",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfA = _assertType(result, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fieldsOfA);
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfB = _assertFieldType(fieldsOfA, "b", "B");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fieldsOfB);
// _assertIntField(fieldsOfB, "k", 4);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesStaticConst() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A(3);",
// "class A {",
// " const A(int i) : k = i +;",
// " final int k;",
// "}",
// "class B {",
// " static const bar = 4;",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "k", 7);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesToplevelConst() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A(3);",
// "const bar = 4;",
// "class A {",
// " const A(int i) : k = i + bar;",
// " final int k;",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "k", 7);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitSuper() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const B(4, 5);",
// "class A {",
// " const A(this.x);",
// " final int x;",
// "}",
// "class B extends A {",
// " const B(int x, this.y) : super(x * 2);",
// " final int y;",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(2, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "y", 5);
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> superclassFields = _assertFieldType(fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, superclassFields);
// _assertIntField(superclassFields, "x", 8);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A(42);",
// "class A {",
// " int x;",
// " const A(this.x)",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "x", 42);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, true, true);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, true, false);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, false, true);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
// _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, false, false);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitSuper() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const B(4);",
// "class A {",
// " const A() : x(3);",
// " final int x;",
// "}",
// "class B extends A {",
// " const B(this.y);",
// " final int y;",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(2, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "y", 4);
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> superclassFields = _assertFieldType(fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, superclassFields);
// _assertIntField(superclassFields, "x", 3);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A();",
// "class A {",
// " const factory A() = B;",
// "}",
// "class B implements A {",
// " const B();",
// "}"]));
// _assertType(_evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo"), "B");
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_cycle() {
// // It is an error to have a cycle in factory redirects; however, we need
// // to make sure that even if the error occurs, attempting to evaluate the
// // constant will terminate.
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A();",
// "class A {",
// " const factory A() = A.b;",
// " const factory A.b() = A;",
// "}"]));
// _assertValidUnknown(_evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo"));
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_extern() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A();",
// "class A {",
// " external const factory A();",
// "}"]));
// _assertValidUnknown(_evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo"));
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_nonConst() {
// // It is an error for a const factory constructor redirect to a non-const
// // constructor; however, we need to make sure that even if the error
// // attempting to evaluate the constant won't cause a crash.
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const foo = const A();",
// "class A {",
// " const factory A() = A.b;",
// " A.b();",
// "}"]));
// _assertValidUnknown(_evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo"));
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeParams() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A {",
// " const factory A(var a) = B<int>;",
// "}",
// "",
// "class B<T> implements A {",
// " final T x;",
// " const B(this.x);",
// "}",
// "",
// "const A a = const A(10);"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "a");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B<int>");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "x", 10);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeSubstitution() {
// // To evaluate the redirection of A<int>, A's template argument (T=int) must be substituted
// // into B's template argument (B<U> where U=T) to get B<int>.
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A<T> {",
// " const factory A(var a) = B<T>;",
// "}",
// "",
// "class B<U> implements A {",
// " final U x;",
// " const B(this.x);",
// "}",
// "",
// "const A<int> a = const A<int>(10);"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "a");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B<int>");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fields);
// _assertIntField(fields, "x", 10);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_symbol() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const foo = const Symbol('a');"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "foo");
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, evaluationResult);
// DartObjectImpl value = (evaluationResult as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.symbolType, value.type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("a", value.value);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_explicit() {
// _checkInstanceCreation_withSupertypeParams(true);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_implicit() {
// _checkInstanceCreation_withSupertypeParams(false);
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_withTypeParams() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class C<E> {",
// " const C();",
// "}",
// "const c_int = const C<int>();",
// "const c_num = const C<num>();"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl c_int = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "c_int");
// _assertType(c_int, "C<int>");
// DartObjectImpl c_int_value = (c_int as ValidResult).value;
// EvaluationResultImpl c_num = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "c_num");
// _assertType(c_num, "C<num>");
// DartObjectImpl c_num_value = (c_num as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(c_int_value == c_num_value);
// }
// void test_isValidSymbol() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo\$"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo\$bar"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("iff"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("gif"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("if\$"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("\$if"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo="));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo.+"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("void"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("_foo"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo._bar"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("if"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo.if"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo."));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol(""));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(ConstantValueComputer.isValidPublicSymbol("foo.void"));
// }
// void test_symbolLiteral_void() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const voidSymbol = #void;"]));
// VariableDeclaration voidSymbol = findTopLevelDeclaration(compilationUnit, "voidSymbol");
// EvaluationResultImpl voidSymbolResult = (voidSymbol.element as VariableElementImpl).evaluationResult;
// DartObjectImpl value = (voidSymbolResult as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.symbolType, value.type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("void", value.value);
// }
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> _assertFieldType(HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields, String fieldName, String expectedType) {
// DartObjectImpl field = fields[fieldName];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedType, field.type.displayName);
// return field.fields;
// }
// void _assertIntField(HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields, String fieldName, int expectedValue) {
// DartObjectImpl field = fields[fieldName];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("int",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedValue, field.intValue.longValue());
// }
// void _assertNullField(HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fields, String fieldName) {
// DartObjectImpl field = fields[fieldName];
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isNull);
// }
// void _assertProperDependencies(String sourceText, List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
// Source source = addSource(sourceText);
// LibraryElement element = resolve(source);
// CompilationUnit unit = analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(unit);
// ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
// computer.add(unit);
// computer.computeValues();
// assertErrors(source, expectedErrorCodes);
// }
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> _assertType(EvaluationResultImpl result, String typeName) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeName, value.type.displayName);
// return value.fields;
// }
// bool _assertValidBool(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.boolType, value.type);
// bool boolValue = value.boolValue;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(boolValue);
// return boolValue;
// }
// int _assertValidInt(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.intType, value.type);
// return value.intValue;
// }
// void _assertValidNull(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.nullType, value.type);
// }
// String _assertValidString(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.stringType, value.type);
// return value.stringValue;
// }
// void _assertValidUnknown(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(value.isUnknown);
// }
// EvaluationResultImpl _check_fromEnvironment_bool(String valueInEnvironment, String defaultExpr) {
// String envVarName = "x";
// String varName = "foo";
// if (valueInEnvironment != null) {
// analysisContext2.declaredVariables.define(envVarName, valueInEnvironment);
// }
// String defaultArg = defaultExpr == null ? "" : ", defaultValue: ${defaultExpr}";
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const ${varName} = const bool.fromEnvironment('${envVarName}'${defaultArg});"]));
// return _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, varName);
// }
// EvaluationResultImpl _check_fromEnvironment_int(String valueInEnvironment, String defaultExpr) {
// String envVarName = "x";
// String varName = "foo";
// if (valueInEnvironment != null) {
// analysisContext2.declaredVariables.define(envVarName, valueInEnvironment);
// }
// String defaultArg = defaultExpr == null ? "" : ", defaultValue: ${defaultExpr}";
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const ${varName} = const int.fromEnvironment('${envVarName}'${defaultArg});"]));
// return _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, varName);
// }
// EvaluationResultImpl _check_fromEnvironment_string(String valueInEnvironment, String defaultExpr) {
// String envVarName = "x";
// String varName = "foo";
// if (valueInEnvironment != null) {
// analysisContext2.declaredVariables.define(envVarName, valueInEnvironment);
// }
// String defaultArg = defaultExpr == null ? "" : ", defaultValue: ${defaultExpr}";
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const ${varName} = const String.fromEnvironment('${envVarName}'${defaultArg});"]));
// return _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, varName);
// }
// void _checkInstanceCreation_withSupertypeParams(bool isExplicit) {
// String superCall = isExplicit ? " : super()" : "";
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class A<T> {",
// " const A();",
// "}",
// "class B<T, U> extends A<T> {",
// " const B()${superCall};",
// "}",
// "class C<T, U> extends A<U> {",
// " const C()${superCall};",
// "}",
// "const b_int_num = const B<int, num>();",
// "const c_int_num = const C<int, num>();"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl b_int_num = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "b_int_num");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> b_int_num_fields = _assertType(b_int_num, "B<int, num>");
// _assertFieldType(b_int_num_fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A<int>");
// EvaluationResultImpl c_int_num = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "c_int_num");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> c_int_num_fields = _assertType(c_int_num, "C<int, num>");
// _assertFieldType(c_int_num_fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A<num>");
// }
// void _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(bool isFieldFormal, bool isNamed, bool hasDefault) {
// String fieldName = "j";
// String paramName = isFieldFormal ? fieldName : "i";
// String formalParam = "${(isFieldFormal ? "this." : "int ")}${paramName}${(hasDefault ? " = 3" : "")}";
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "const x = const A();",
// "const y = const A(${(isNamed ? "${paramName}: " : "")}10);",
// "class A {",
// " const A(${(isNamed ? "{${formalParam}}" : "[${formalParam}]")})${(isFieldFormal ? "" : " : ${fieldName} = ${paramName}")};",
// " final int ${fieldName};",
// "}"]));
// EvaluationResultImpl x = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "x");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfX = _assertType(x, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fieldsOfX);
// if (hasDefault) {
// _assertIntField(fieldsOfX, fieldName, 3);
// } else {
// _assertNullField(fieldsOfX, fieldName);
// }
// EvaluationResultImpl y = _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(compilationUnit, "y");
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfY = _assertType(y, "A");
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, fieldsOfY);
// _assertIntField(fieldsOfY, fieldName, 10);
// }
// EvaluationResultImpl _evaluateInstanceCreationExpression(CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String name) {
// Expression expression = findTopLevelConstantExpression(compilationUnit, name);
// return (expression as InstanceCreationExpression).evaluationResult;
// }
// ConstantValueComputer _makeConstantValueComputer() => new ConstantValueComputerTest_ValidatingConstantValueComputer(new TestTypeProvider(), analysisContext2.declaredVariables);
// void _validate(bool shouldBeValid, VariableDeclarationList declarationList) {
// for (VariableDeclaration declaration in declarationList.variables) {
// VariableElementImpl element = declaration.element as VariableElementImpl;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(element);
// EvaluationResultImpl result = element.evaluationResult;
// if (shouldBeValid) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// Object value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(value);
// } else {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ErrorResult, ErrorResult, result);
// }
// }
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ConstantValueComputerTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_computeValues_cycle', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_computeValues_cycle);
// });
// _ut.test('test_computeValues_dependentVariables', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_computeValues_dependentVariables);
// });
// _ut.test('test_computeValues_empty', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_computeValues_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_computeValues_multipleSources', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_computeValues_multipleSources);
// });
// _ut.test('test_computeValues_singleVariable', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_computeValues_singleVariable);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnConstructor', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument_unresolvedConstructor', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument_unresolvedConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnConstructorInitializer', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnConstructorInitializer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructor', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructorParameters', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructorParameters);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirect', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirect);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirectWithTypeParams', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirectWithTypeParams);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnImplicitSuperConstructor', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnImplicitSuperConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnOptionalParameterDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnOptionalParameterDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_dependencyOnVariable', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_dependencyOnVariable);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_false', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_overridden', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_overridden);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_parseError', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_parseError);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_true', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_parseError', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_parseError);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_bool_undeclared', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_bool_undeclared);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_default_overridden', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_default_overridden);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_default_parseError', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_default_parseError);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_default_undeclared', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_default_undeclared);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_ok', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_ok);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError_nullDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError_nullDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared_nullDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared_nullDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_string_default_overridden', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_string_default_overridden);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_string_default_undeclared', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_string_default_undeclared);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_string_empty', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_string_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_string_ok', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_string_ok);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared_nullDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared_nullDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithoutDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithoutDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesConstConstructor', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesConstConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesStaticConst', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesStaticConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesToplevelConst', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesToplevelConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitSuper', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitSuper);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithoutDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithoutDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitSuper', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitSuper);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeParams', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeParams);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeSubstitution', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeSubstitution);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_cycle', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_cycle);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_extern', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_extern);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_nonConst', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_nonConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_symbol', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_symbol);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_explicit', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_explicit);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_implicit', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_implicit);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_withTypeParams', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_withTypeParams);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isValidSymbol', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isValidSymbol);
// });
// _ut.test('test_symbolLiteral_void', () {
// final __test = new ConstantValueComputerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_symbolLiteral_void);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ConstantValueComputerTest_ValidatingConstantValueComputer extends ConstantValueComputer {
// AstNode _nodeBeingEvaluated;
// ConstantValueComputerTest_ValidatingConstantValueComputer(TypeProvider typeProvider, DeclaredVariables declaredVariables) : super(typeProvider, declaredVariables);
// @override
// void beforeComputeValue(AstNode constNode) {
// super.beforeComputeValue(constNode);
// _nodeBeingEvaluated = constNode;
// }
// @override
// void beforeGetConstantInitializers(ConstructorElement constructor) {
// super.beforeGetConstantInitializers(constructor);
// // If we are getting the constant initializers for a node in the graph, make sure we properly
// // recorded the dependency.
// ConstructorDeclaration node = findConstructorDeclaration(constructor);
// if (node != null && referenceGraph.nodes.contains(node)) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(referenceGraph.containsPath(_nodeBeingEvaluated, node));
// }
// }
// @override
// void beforeGetParameterDefault(ParameterElement parameter) {
// super.beforeGetParameterDefault(parameter);
// // Find the ConstructorElement and figure out which parameter we're talking about.
// ConstructorElement constructor = parameter.getAncestor((element) => element is ConstructorElement);
// int parameterIndex;
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = constructor.parameters;
// int numParameters = parameters.length;
// for (parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < numParameters; parameterIndex++) {
// if (identical(parameters[parameterIndex], parameter)) {
// break;
// }
// }
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(parameterIndex < numParameters);
// // If we are getting the default parameter for a constructor in the graph, make sure we properly
// // recorded the dependency on the parameter.
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorNode = constructorDeclarationMap[constructor];
// if (constructorNode != null) {
// FormalParameter parameterNode = constructorNode.parameters.parameters[parameterIndex];
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(referenceGraph.nodes.contains(parameterNode));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(referenceGraph.containsPath(_nodeBeingEvaluated, parameterNode));
// }
// }
// @override
// ConstantVisitor createConstantVisitor() => new ConstantValueComputerTest_ValidatingConstantVisitor(typeProvider, referenceGraph, _nodeBeingEvaluated);
// }
// class ConstantValueComputerTest_ValidatingConstantVisitor extends ConstantVisitor {
// final DirectedGraph<AstNode> _referenceGraph;
// final AstNode _nodeBeingEvaluated;
// ConstantValueComputerTest_ValidatingConstantVisitor(TypeProvider typeProvider, this._referenceGraph, this._nodeBeingEvaluated) : super.con1(typeProvider);
// @override
// void beforeGetEvaluationResult(AstNode node) {
// super.beforeGetEvaluationResult(node);
// // If we are getting the evaluation result for a node in the graph, make sure we properly
// // recorded the dependency.
// if (_referenceGraph.nodes.contains(node)) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_referenceGraph.containsPath(_nodeBeingEvaluated, node));
// }
// }
// }
// class ConstantVisitorTest extends ResolverTestCase {
// void test_visitConditionalExpression_false() {
// Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
// Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
// ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(AstFactory.booleanLiteral(false), thenExpression, elseExpression);
// _assertValue(0, expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(new TestTypeProvider())));
// }
// void test_visitConditionalExpression_instanceCreation_invalidFieldInitializer() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// LibraryElementImpl libraryElement = ElementFactory.library(null, "lib");
// String className = "C";
// ClassElementImpl classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2(className, []);
// (libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl).types = <ClassElement> [classElement];
// ConstructorElementImpl constructorElement = ElementFactory.constructorElement(classElement, null, true, [typeProvider.intType]);
// constructorElement.parameters[0] = new FieldFormalParameterElementImpl(AstFactory.identifier3("x"));
// InstanceCreationExpression expression = AstFactory.instanceCreationExpression2(Keyword.CONST, AstFactory.typeName4(className, []), [AstFactory.integer(0)]);
// expression.staticElement = constructorElement;
// expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(typeProvider));
// }
// void test_visitConditionalExpression_nonBooleanCondition() {
// Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
// Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
// ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(AstFactory.nullLiteral(), thenExpression, elseExpression);
// EvaluationResultImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(new TestTypeProvider()));
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ErrorResult, ErrorResult, result);
// }
// void test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantElse() {
// Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
// Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.identifier3("x");
// ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(AstFactory.booleanLiteral(true), thenExpression, elseExpression);
// EvaluationResultImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(new TestTypeProvider()));
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ErrorResult, ErrorResult, result);
// }
// void test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantThen() {
// Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.identifier3("x");
// Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
// ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(AstFactory.booleanLiteral(true), thenExpression, elseExpression);
// EvaluationResultImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(new TestTypeProvider()));
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ErrorResult, ErrorResult, result);
// }
// void test_visitConditionalExpression_true() {
// Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
// Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
// ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(AstFactory.booleanLiteral(true), thenExpression, elseExpression);
// _assertValue(1, expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(new TestTypeProvider())));
// }
// void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_inEnvironment() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const a = b;", "const b = 3;"]));
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> environment = new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
// DartObjectImpl six = new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, new IntState(6));
// environment["b"] = six;
// _assertValue(6, _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, "a", environment));
// }
// void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInEnvironment() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const a = b;", "const b = 3;"]));
// HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> environment = new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
// DartObjectImpl six = new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, new IntState(6));
// environment["c"] = six;
// _assertValue(3, _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, "a", environment));
// }
// void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_withoutEnvironment() {
// CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["const a = b;", "const b = 3;"]));
// _assertValue(3, _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, "a", null));
// }
// void _assertValue(int expectedValue, EvaluationResultImpl result) {
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ValidResult, ValidResult, result);
// DartObjectImpl value = (result as ValidResult).value;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("int",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedValue, value.intValue.longValue());
// }
// EvaluationResultImpl _evaluateConstant(CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String name, HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> lexicalEnvironment) {
// Expression expression = findTopLevelConstantExpression(compilationUnit, name);
// return expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con2(typeProvider, lexicalEnvironment));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ConstantVisitorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_visitConditionalExpression_false', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConditionalExpression_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConditionalExpression_instanceCreation_invalidFieldInitializer', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConditionalExpression_instanceCreation_invalidFieldInitializer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConditionalExpression_nonBooleanCondition', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConditionalExpression_nonBooleanCondition);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantElse', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantElse);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantThen', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantThen);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConditionalExpression_true', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConditionalExpression_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleIdentifier_inEnvironment', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleIdentifier_inEnvironment);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInEnvironment', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInEnvironment);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleIdentifier_withoutEnvironment', () {
// final __test = new ConstantVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleIdentifier_withoutEnvironment);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ContentCacheTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_setContents() {
// Source source = new TestSource();
// ContentCache cache = new ContentCache();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(cache.getContents(source));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(cache.getModificationStamp(source));
// String contents = "library lib;";
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(cache.setContents(source, contents));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(contents, cache.getContents(source));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(cache.getModificationStamp(source));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(contents, cache.setContents(source, contents));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(contents, cache.setContents(source, null));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(cache.getContents(source));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(cache.getModificationStamp(source));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(cache.setContents(source, null));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ContentCacheTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_setContents', () {
// final __test = new ContentCacheTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_setContents);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class DartObjectImplTest extends EngineTestCase {
// TypeProvider _typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// void test_add_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertAdd(null, _stringValue("1"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_add_knownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(3.0), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_add_knownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(3.0), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_add_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_add_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_add_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertAdd(null, _intValue(1), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_add_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertAdd(_intValue(3), _intValue(1), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_add_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(1), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_add_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertAdd(_intValue(null), _intValue(1), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_add_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_add_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_add_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertAdd(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_add_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertAdd(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_bitAnd_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertBitAnd(null, _stringValue("6"), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitAnd_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertBitAnd(null, _intValue(6), _stringValue("3"));
// }
// void test_bitAnd_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertBitAnd(_intValue(2), _intValue(6), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitAnd_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitAnd(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_bitAnd_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertBitAnd(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitAnd_unknownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitAnd(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_bitNot_invalid() {
// _assertBitNot(null, _stringValue("6"));
// }
// void test_bitNot_knownInt() {
// _assertBitNot(_intValue(-4), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitNot_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitNot(_intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_bitOr_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertBitOr(null, _stringValue("6"), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitOr_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertBitOr(null, _intValue(6), _stringValue("3"));
// }
// void test_bitOr_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertBitOr(_intValue(7), _intValue(6), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitOr_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitOr(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_bitOr_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertBitOr(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitOr_unknownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitOr(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_bitXor_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertBitXor(null, _stringValue("6"), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitXor_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertBitXor(null, _intValue(6), _stringValue("3"));
// }
// void test_bitXor_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertBitXor(_intValue(5), _intValue(6), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitXor_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitXor(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_bitXor_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertBitXor(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_bitXor_unknownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertBitXor(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_concatenate_invalid_knownString() {
// _assertConcatenate(null, _intValue(2), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_concatenate_knownString_invalid() {
// _assertConcatenate(null, _stringValue("abc"), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_concatenate_knownString_knownString() {
// _assertConcatenate(_stringValue("abcdef"), _stringValue("abc"), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_concatenate_knownString_unknownString() {
// _assertConcatenate(_stringValue(null), _stringValue("abc"), _stringValue(null));
// }
// void test_concatenate_unknownString_knownString() {
// _assertConcatenate(_stringValue(null), _stringValue(null), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_divide_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertDivide(null, _stringValue("6"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_divide_knownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(3.0), _doubleValue(6.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_divide_knownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(3.0), _doubleValue(6.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_divide_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(6.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_divide_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(6.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_divide_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertDivide(null, _intValue(6), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_divide_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertDivide(_intValue(3), _intValue(6), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_divide_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(6), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_divide_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertDivide(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_divide_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_divide_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_divide_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertDivide(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_divide_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertDivide(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_bool_false() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_bool_true() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(true), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_bool_unknown() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(null), _boolValue(null), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_double_false() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(4.0));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_double_true() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_double_unknown() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_int_false() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(false), _intValue(-5), _intValue(5));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_int_true() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(true), _intValue(5), _intValue(5));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_int_unknown() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_list_empty() {
// _assertEqualEqual(null, _listValue([]), _listValue([]));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_list_false() {
// _assertEqualEqual(null, _listValue([]), _listValue([]));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_map_empty() {
// _assertEqualEqual(null, _mapValue([]), _mapValue([]));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_map_false() {
// _assertEqualEqual(null, _mapValue([]), _mapValue([]));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_null() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(true), _nullValue(), _nullValue());
// }
// void test_equalEqual_string_false() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(false), _stringValue("abc"), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_string_true() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(true), _stringValue("abc"), _stringValue("abc"));
// }
// void test_equalEqual_string_unknown() {
// _assertEqualEqual(_boolValue(null), _stringValue(null), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_equals_list_false_differentSizes() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_listValue([_boolValue(true)]) == _listValue([_boolValue(true), _boolValue(false)]));
// }
// void test_equals_list_false_sameSize() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_listValue([_boolValue(true)]) == _listValue([_boolValue(false)]));
// }
// void test_equals_list_true_empty() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(_listValue([]), _listValue([]));
// }
// void test_equals_list_true_nonEmpty() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(_listValue([_boolValue(true)]), _listValue([_boolValue(true)]));
// }
// void test_equals_map_true_empty() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(_mapValue([]), _mapValue([]));
// }
// void test_equals_symbol_false() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_symbolValue("a") == _symbolValue("b"));
// }
// void test_equals_symbol_true() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(_symbolValue("a"), _symbolValue("a"));
// }
// void test_getValue_bool_false() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, _boolValue(false).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_bool_true() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, _boolValue(true).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_bool_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_boolValue(null).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_double_known() {
// double value = 2.3;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(value, _doubleValue(value).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_double_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_doubleValue(null).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_int_known() {
// int value = 23;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(value, _intValue(value).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_int_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_intValue(null).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_list_empty() {
// Object result = _listValue([]).value;
// _assertInstanceOfObjectArray(result);
// List<Object> array = result as List<Object>;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, array);
// }
// void test_getValue_list_valid() {
// Object result = _listValue([_intValue(23)]).value;
// _assertInstanceOfObjectArray(result);
// List<Object> array = result as List<Object>;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, array);
// }
// void test_getValue_map_empty() {
// Object result = _mapValue([]).value;
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is Map, Map, result);
// Map map = result as Map;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(0, map);
// }
// void test_getValue_map_valid() {
// Object result = _mapValue([_stringValue("key"), _stringValue("value")]).value;
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is Map, Map, result);
// Map map = result as Map;
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfMap(1, map);
// }
// void test_getValue_null() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_nullValue().value);
// }
// void test_getValue_string_known() {
// String value = "twenty-three";
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(value, _stringValue(value).value);
// }
// void test_getValue_string_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(_stringValue(null).value);
// }
// void test_greaterThan_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThan(null, _stringValue("1"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_false() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_true() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(1.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownInt_false() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownInt_true() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(2.0), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertGreaterThan(null, _intValue(1), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownInt_knownInt_false() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(false), _intValue(1), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownInt_knownInt_true() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(true), _intValue(2), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThan_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(null, _stringValue("1"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_false() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_true() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(1.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_false() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_true() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(2.0), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(null, _intValue(1), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_false() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(false), _intValue(1), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_true() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(true), _intValue(2), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_bool_false() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_boolValue(false).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_bool_true() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_boolValue(true).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_bool_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_boolValue(null).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_double_known() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_doubleValue(2.3).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_double_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_doubleValue(null).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_dynamic() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_dynamicValue().hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_int_known() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_intValue(23).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_int_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_intValue(null).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_list_empty() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_listValue([]).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_list_invalid() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_dynamicValue().hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_list_valid() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_listValue([_intValue(23)]).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_map_empty() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_mapValue([]).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_map_invalidKey() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_mapValue([_dynamicValue(), _stringValue("value")]).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_map_invalidValue() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_mapValue([_stringValue("key"), _dynamicValue()]).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_map_valid() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_mapValue([_stringValue("key"), _stringValue("value")]).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_null() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_nullValue().hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_num() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_numValue().hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_string_known() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_stringValue("twenty-three").hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_hasExactValue_string_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_stringValue(null).hasExactValue);
// }
// void test_integerDivide_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(null, _stringValue("6"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(3), _doubleValue(6.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(3), _doubleValue(6.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _doubleValue(6.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _doubleValue(6.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(null, _intValue(6), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(3), _intValue(6), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_integerDivide_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertIntegerDivide(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_false() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_boolValue(false).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_true() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_boolValue(true).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_boolValue(null).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_double_known() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_doubleValue(2.3).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_double_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_doubleValue(null).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_dynamic() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_dynamicValue().isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_int_known() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_intValue(23).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_int_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_intValue(null).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_list() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_listValue([]).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_null() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_nullValue().isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_num() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_numValue().isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_string_known() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_stringValue("twenty-three").isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_string_unknown() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_stringValue(null).isBoolNumStringOrNull);
// }
// void test_lessThan_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertLessThan(null, _stringValue("1"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_false() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(1.0));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_true() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownInt_false() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(2.0), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownInt_true() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertLessThan(null, _intValue(1), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownInt_knownInt_false() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(false), _intValue(2), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownInt_knownInt_true() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(true), _intValue(1), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThan_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThan_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_lessThan_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThan_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_lessThan_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertLessThan(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(null, _stringValue("1"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_false() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(1.0));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_true() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_false() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(2.0), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_true() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(null, _intValue(1), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_false() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(false), _intValue(2), _intValue(1));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_true() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(true), _intValue(1), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(1), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertLessThanOrEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_false_false() {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_false_null() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _nullValue());
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_false_string() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _stringValue("false"));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_false_true() {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_null_false() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _nullValue(), _boolValue(false));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_null_true() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _nullValue(), _boolValue(true));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_string_false() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _stringValue("true"), _boolValue(false));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_string_true() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _stringValue("false"), _boolValue(true));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_true_false() {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(true), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_true_null() {
// _assertLogicalAnd(null, _boolValue(true), _nullValue());
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_true_string() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(true), _stringValue("true"));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalAnd_true_true() {
// _assertLogicalAnd(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(true), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_logicalNot_false() {
// _assertLogicalNot(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_logicalNot_null() {
// _assertLogicalNot(null, _nullValue());
// }
// void test_logicalNot_string() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalNot(_boolValue(true), _stringValue(null));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalNot_true() {
// _assertLogicalNot(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_logicalNot_unknown() {
// _assertLogicalNot(_boolValue(null), _boolValue(null));
// }
// void test_logicalOr_false_false() {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_logicalOr_false_null() {
// _assertLogicalOr(null, _boolValue(false), _nullValue());
// }
// void test_logicalOr_false_string() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(false), _stringValue("false"));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_false_true() {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(false), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_logicalOr_null_false() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(false), _nullValue(), _boolValue(false));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_null_true() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _nullValue(), _boolValue(true));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_string_false() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(false), _stringValue("true"), _boolValue(false));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_string_true() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _stringValue("false"), _boolValue(true));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_true_false() {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(true), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_logicalOr_true_null() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(true), _nullValue());
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_true_string() {
// try {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(true), _stringValue("true"));
//"Expected EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_logicalOr_true_true() {
// _assertLogicalOr(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(true), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_minus_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertMinus(null, _stringValue("4"), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_minus_knownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(4.0), _doubleValue(3.0));
// }
// void test_minus_knownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(4.0), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_minus_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(4.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_minus_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(4.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_minus_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertMinus(null, _intValue(4), _stringValue("3"));
// }
// void test_minus_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertMinus(_intValue(1), _intValue(4), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_minus_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(4), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_minus_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertMinus(_intValue(null), _intValue(4), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_minus_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(3.0));
// }
// void test_minus_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_minus_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertMinus(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(3.0));
// }
// void test_minus_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertMinus(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_negated_double_known() {
// _assertNegated(_doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(-2.0));
// }
// void test_negated_double_unknown() {
// _assertNegated(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_negated_int_known() {
// _assertNegated(_intValue(-3), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_negated_int_unknown() {
// _assertNegated(_intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_negated_string() {
// _assertNegated(null, _stringValue(null));
// }
// void test_notEqual_bool_false() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(false), _boolValue(true), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_notEqual_bool_true() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(true), _boolValue(false), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_notEqual_bool_unknown() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(null), _boolValue(null), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_notEqual_double_false() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(false), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_notEqual_double_true() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(true), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(4.0));
// }
// void test_notEqual_double_unknown() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(null), _doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_notEqual_int_false() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(false), _intValue(5), _intValue(5));
// }
// void test_notEqual_int_true() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(true), _intValue(-5), _intValue(5));
// }
// void test_notEqual_int_unknown() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_notEqual_null() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(false), _nullValue(), _nullValue());
// }
// void test_notEqual_string_false() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(false), _stringValue("abc"), _stringValue("abc"));
// }
// void test_notEqual_string_true() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(true), _stringValue("abc"), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_notEqual_string_unknown() {
// _assertNotEqual(_boolValue(null), _stringValue(null), _stringValue("def"));
// }
// void test_performToString_bool_false() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue("false"), _boolValue(false));
// }
// void test_performToString_bool_true() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue("true"), _boolValue(true));
// }
// void test_performToString_bool_unknown() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue(null), _boolValue(null));
// }
// void test_performToString_double_known() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue("2.0"), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_performToString_double_unknown() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue(null), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_performToString_int_known() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue("5"), _intValue(5));
// }
// void test_performToString_int_unknown() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_performToString_null() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue("null"), _nullValue());
// }
// void test_performToString_string_known() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue("abc"), _stringValue("abc"));
// }
// void test_performToString_string_unknown() {
// _assertPerformToString(_stringValue(null), _stringValue(null));
// }
// void test_remainder_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(null, _stringValue("7"), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(7.0), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(1.0), _doubleValue(7.0), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(7.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(6.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertRemainder(null, _intValue(7), _stringValue("2"));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(_intValue(1), _intValue(7), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(7), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_remainder_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(_intValue(null), _intValue(7), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_remainder_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_remainder_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_remainder_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertRemainder(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0));
// }
// void test_remainder_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertRemainder(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(2));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertShiftLeft(null, _stringValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertShiftLeft(null, _intValue(6), _stringValue(null));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertShiftLeft(_intValue(48), _intValue(6), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_knownInt_tooLarge() {
// _assertShiftLeft(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.intType, new IntState(Long.MAX_VALUE)));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertShiftLeft(_intValue(null), _intValue(6), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertShiftLeft(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_shiftLeft_unknownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertShiftLeft(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertShiftRight(null, _stringValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertShiftRight(null, _intValue(48), _stringValue(null));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertShiftRight(_intValue(6), _intValue(48), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_knownInt_tooLarge() {
// _assertShiftRight(_intValue(null), _intValue(48), new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.intType, new IntState(Long.MAX_VALUE)));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertShiftRight(_intValue(null), _intValue(48), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertShiftRight(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_shiftRight_unknownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertShiftRight(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_times_invalid_knownInt() {
// _assertTimes(null, _stringValue("2"), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_times_knownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(6.0), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(3.0));
// }
// void test_times_knownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(6.0), _doubleValue(2.0), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_times_knownDouble_unknownDouble() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_times_knownDouble_unknownInt() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(2.0), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_times_knownInt_invalid() {
// _assertTimes(null, _intValue(2), _stringValue("3"));
// }
// void test_times_knownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertTimes(_intValue(6), _intValue(2), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_times_knownInt_unknownDouble() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(2), _doubleValue(null));
// }
// void test_times_knownInt_unknownInt() {
// _assertTimes(_intValue(null), _intValue(2), _intValue(null));
// }
// void test_times_unknownDouble_knownDouble() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(3.0));
// }
// void test_times_unknownDouble_knownInt() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(null), _doubleValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// void test_times_unknownInt_knownDouble() {
// _assertTimes(_doubleValue(null), _intValue(null), _doubleValue(3.0));
// }
// void test_times_unknownInt_knownInt() {
// _assertTimes(_intValue(null), _intValue(null), _intValue(3));
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of adding the left and right operands is the expected value, or that the
// * operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertAdd(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.add(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.add(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of bit-anding the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertBitAnd(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.bitAnd(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.bitAnd(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the bit-not of the operand is the expected value, or that the operation throws an
// * exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param operand the operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertBitNot(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl operand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// operand.bitNot(_typeProvider);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = operand.bitNot(_typeProvider);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of bit-oring the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertBitOr(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.bitOr(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.bitOr(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of bit-xoring the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertBitXor(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.bitXor(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.bitXor(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of concatenating the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertConcatenate(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.concatenate(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.concatenate(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of dividing the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertDivide(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.divide(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.divide(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of comparing the left and right operands for equality is the expected
// * value, or that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertEqualEqual(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.equalEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.equalEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of comparing the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertGreaterThan(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.greaterThan(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.greaterThan(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of comparing the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertGreaterThanOrEqual(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.greaterThanOrEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.greaterThanOrEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// void _assertInstanceOfObjectArray(Object result) {
// // TODO(scheglov) implement
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of dividing the left and right operands as integers is the expected
// * value, or that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertIntegerDivide(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.integerDivide(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.integerDivide(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of comparing the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertLessThan(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.lessThan(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.lessThan(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of comparing the left and right operands is the expected value, or that
// * the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertLessThanOrEqual(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.lessThanOrEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.lessThanOrEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of logical-anding the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertLogicalAnd(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.logicalAnd(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.logicalAnd(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the logical-not of the operand is the expected value, or that the operation throws
// * an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param operand the operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertLogicalNot(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl operand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// operand.logicalNot(_typeProvider);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = operand.logicalNot(_typeProvider);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of logical-oring the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertLogicalOr(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.logicalOr(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.logicalOr(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of subtracting the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertMinus(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.minus(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.minus(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the negation of the operand is the expected value, or that the operation throws an
// * exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param operand the operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertNegated(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl operand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// operand.negated(_typeProvider);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = operand.negated(_typeProvider);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of comparing the left and right operands for inequality is the expected
// * value, or that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertNotEqual(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.notEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.notEqual(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that converting the operand to a string is the expected value, or that the operation
// * throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param operand the operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertPerformToString(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl operand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// operand.performToString(_typeProvider);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = operand.performToString(_typeProvider);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of taking the remainder of the left and right operands is the expected
// * value, or that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertRemainder(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.remainder(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.remainder(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of multiplying the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertShiftLeft(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.shiftLeft(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.shiftLeft(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of multiplying the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertShiftRight(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.shiftRight(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.shiftRight(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the result of multiplying the left and right operands is the expected value, or
// * that the operation throws an exception if the expected value is `null`.
// *
// * @param expected the expected result of the operation
// * @param leftOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @param rightOperand the left operand to the operation
// * @throws EvaluationException if the result is an exception when it should not be
// */
// void _assertTimes(DartObjectImpl expected, DartObjectImpl leftOperand, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
// if (expected == null) {
// try {
// leftOperand.times(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
//"Expected an EvaluationException");
// } on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
// }
// } else {
// DartObjectImpl result = leftOperand.times(_typeProvider, rightOperand);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expected, result);
// }
// }
// DartObjectImpl _boolValue(bool value) {
// if (value == null) {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
// } else if (identical(value, false)) {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.FALSE_STATE);
// } else if (identical(value, true)) {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.TRUE_STATE);
// }
//"Invalid boolean value used in test");
// return null;
// }
// DartObjectImpl _doubleValue(double value) {
// if (value == null) {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.doubleType, DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
// } else {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.doubleType, new DoubleState(value));
// }
// }
// DartObjectImpl _dynamicValue() => new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.nullType, DynamicState.DYNAMIC_STATE);
// DartObjectImpl _intValue(int value) {
// if (value == null) {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.intType, IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
// } else {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.intType, new IntState(value.longValue()));
// }
// }
// DartObjectImpl _listValue(List<DartObjectImpl> elements) => new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.listType, new ListState(elements));
// DartObjectImpl _mapValue(List<DartObjectImpl> keyElementPairs) {
// HashMap<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> map = new HashMap<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl>();
// int count = keyElementPairs.length;
// for (int i = 0; i < count;) {
// map[keyElementPairs[i++]] = keyElementPairs[i++];
// }
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.mapType, new MapState(map));
// }
// DartObjectImpl _nullValue() => new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
// DartObjectImpl _numValue() => new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.nullType, NumState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
// DartObjectImpl _stringValue(String value) {
// if (value == null) {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.stringType, StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
// } else {
// return new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.stringType, new StringState(value));
// }
// }
// DartObjectImpl _symbolValue(String value) => new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.symbolType, new SymbolState(value));
// static dartSuite() {
//'DartObjectImplTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_add_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_add_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_add_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitAnd_unknownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitAnd_unknownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitNot_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitNot_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitNot_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitNot_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitNot_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitNot_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitOr_unknownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitOr_unknownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_bitXor_unknownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_bitXor_unknownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_concatenate_invalid_knownString', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_concatenate_invalid_knownString);
// });
// _ut.test('test_concatenate_knownString_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_concatenate_knownString_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_concatenate_knownString_knownString', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_concatenate_knownString_knownString);
// });
// _ut.test('test_concatenate_knownString_unknownString', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_concatenate_knownString_unknownString);
// });
// _ut.test('test_concatenate_unknownString_knownString', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_concatenate_unknownString_knownString);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_divide_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_divide_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_bool_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_bool_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_double_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_double_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_double_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_double_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_int_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_int_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_int_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_int_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_list_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_list_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_list_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_list_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_map_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_map_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_map_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_map_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_string_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_string_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_string_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_string_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equalEqual_string_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equalEqual_string_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_list_false_differentSizes', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_list_false_differentSizes);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_list_false_sameSize', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_list_false_sameSize);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_list_true_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_list_true_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_list_true_nonEmpty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_list_true_nonEmpty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_map_true_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_map_true_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_symbol_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_symbol_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_symbol_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_symbol_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_bool_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_bool_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_double_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_double_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_int_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_int_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_list_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_list_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_list_valid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_list_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_map_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_map_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_map_valid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_map_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_string_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_string_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getValue_string_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getValue_string_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownDouble_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownInt_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownInt_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownInt_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownInt_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_greaterThan_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_greaterThan_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_bool_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_bool_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_double_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_double_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_dynamic', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_dynamic);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_int_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_int_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_list_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_list_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_list_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_list_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_list_valid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_list_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_map_empty', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_map_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_map_invalidKey', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_map_invalidKey);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_map_invalidValue', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_map_invalidValue);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_map_valid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_map_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_num', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_num);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_string_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_string_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hasExactValue_string_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hasExactValue_string_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_integerDivide_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_integerDivide_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_bool_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_double_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_double_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_dynamic', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_dynamic);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_int_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_int_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_list', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_list);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_num', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_num);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_string_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_string_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_string_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isBoolNumStringOrNull_string_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownDouble_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThanOrEqual_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownDouble_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownDouble_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownInt_knownInt_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownInt_knownInt_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownInt_knownInt_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownInt_knownInt_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_lessThan_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_lessThan_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_false_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_false_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_false_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_false_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_false_string', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_false_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_false_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_false_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_null_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_null_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_null_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_null_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_string_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_string_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_string_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_string_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_true_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_true_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_true_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_true_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_true_string', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_true_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalAnd_true_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalAnd_true_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalNot_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalNot_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalNot_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalNot_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalNot_string', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalNot_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalNot_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalNot_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalNot_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalNot_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_false_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_false_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_false_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_false_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_false_string', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_false_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_false_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_false_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_null_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_null_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_null_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_null_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_string_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_string_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_string_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_string_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_true_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_true_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_true_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_true_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_true_string', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_true_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_logicalOr_true_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_logicalOr_true_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_minus_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_minus_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_double_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_double_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_int_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_int_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negated_string', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negated_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_bool_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_bool_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_double_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_double_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_double_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_double_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_int_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_int_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_int_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_int_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_string_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_string_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_string_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_string_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_notEqual_string_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_notEqual_string_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_bool_false', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_bool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_bool_true', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_bool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_bool_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_bool_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_double_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_double_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_double_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_double_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_int_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_int_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_int_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_int_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_null', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_string_known', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_string_known);
// });
// _ut.test('test_performToString_string_unknown', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_performToString_string_unknown);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_remainder_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_remainder_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_knownInt_tooLarge', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_knownInt_tooLarge);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftLeft_unknownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftLeft_unknownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_knownInt_tooLarge', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_knownInt_tooLarge);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_shiftRight_unknownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_shiftRight_unknownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_invalid_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_invalid_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownDouble_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownDouble_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownDouble_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownDouble_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownInt_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownInt_unknownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownInt_unknownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_knownInt_unknownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_knownInt_unknownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_unknownDouble_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_unknownDouble_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_unknownDouble_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_unknownDouble_knownInt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_unknownInt_knownDouble', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_unknownInt_knownDouble);
// });
// _ut.test('test_times_unknownInt_knownInt', () {
// final __test = new DartObjectImplTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_times_unknownInt_knownInt);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class DartUriResolverTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_creation() {
// JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(sdkDirectory);
// DartSdk sdk = new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new DartUriResolver(sdk));
// }
// void test_isDartUri_null_scheme() {
// Uri uri = parseUriWithException("foo.dart");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(uri.scheme);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(DartUriResolver.isDartUri(uri));
// }
// void test_resolve_dart() {
// JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(sdkDirectory);
// DartSdk sdk = new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
// UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:core"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// }
// void test_resolve_dart_nonExistingLibrary() {
// JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(sdkDirectory);
// DartSdk sdk = new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
// UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:cor"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// void test_resolve_nonDart() {
// JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(sdkDirectory);
// DartSdk sdk = new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
// UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:some/file.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'DartUriResolverTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new DartUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isDartUri_null_scheme', () {
// final __test = new DartUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isDartUri_null_scheme);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_dart', () {
// final __test = new DartUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_dart);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_dart_nonExistingLibrary', () {
// final __test = new DartUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_dart_nonExistingLibrary);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_nonDart', () {
// final __test = new DartUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_nonDart);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class DeclaredVariablesTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void test_getBool_false() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// variables.define(variableName, "false");
// DartObject object = variables.getBool(typeProvider, variableName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(object);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, object.boolValue);
// }
// void test_getBool_invalid() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// variables.define(variableName, "not true");
// _assertNullDartObject(typeProvider, variables.getBool(typeProvider, variableName));
// }
// void test_getBool_true() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// variables.define(variableName, "true");
// DartObject object = variables.getBool(typeProvider, variableName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(object);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, object.boolValue);
// }
// void test_getBool_undefined() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// _assertUnknownDartObject(variables.getBool(typeProvider, variableName));
// }
// void test_getInt_invalid() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// variables.define(variableName, "four score and seven years");
// _assertNullDartObject(typeProvider, variables.getInt(typeProvider, variableName));
// }
// void test_getInt_undefined() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// _assertUnknownDartObject(variables.getInt(typeProvider, variableName));
// }
// void test_getInt_valid() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// variables.define(variableName, "23");
// DartObject object = variables.getInt(typeProvider, variableName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(object);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(23, object.intValue);
// }
// void test_getString_defined() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// String value = "value";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// variables.define(variableName, value);
// DartObject object = variables.getString(typeProvider, variableName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(object);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(value, object.stringValue);
// }
// void test_getString_undefined() {
// TestTypeProvider typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
// String variableName = "var";
// DeclaredVariables variables = new DeclaredVariables();
// _assertUnknownDartObject(variables.getString(typeProvider, variableName));
// }
// void _assertNullDartObject(TestTypeProvider typeProvider, DartObject result) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeProvider.nullType, result.type);
// }
// void _assertUnknownDartObject(DartObject result) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue((result as DartObjectImpl).isUnknown);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'DeclaredVariablesTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_getBool_false', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getBool_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getBool_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getBool_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getBool_true', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getBool_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getBool_undefined', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getBool_undefined);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getInt_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getInt_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getInt_undefined', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getInt_undefined);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getInt_valid', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getInt_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getString_defined', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getString_defined);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getString_undefined', () {
// final __test = new DeclaredVariablesTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getString_undefined);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void fail_getDocFileFor() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile docFile = sdk.getDocFileFor("html");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(docFile);
// }
// void test_creation() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(sdk);
// }
// void test_fromFile_invalid() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(sdk.fromFileUri(new JavaFile("/not/in/the/sdk.dart").toURI()));
// }
// void test_fromFile_library() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// Source source = sdk.fromFileUri(new JavaFile.relative(new JavaFile.relative(sdk.libraryDirectory, "core"), "core.dart").toURI());
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(source.isInSystemLibrary);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:core", source.uri.toString());
// }
// void test_fromFile_part() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// Source source = sdk.fromFileUri(new JavaFile.relative(new JavaFile.relative(sdk.libraryDirectory, "core"), "num.dart").toURI());
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(source.isInSystemLibrary);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:core/num.dart", source.uri.toString());
// }
// void test_getDart2JsExecutable() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile executable = sdk.dart2JsExecutable;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(executable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.exists());
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.canExecute());
// }
// void test_getDartFmtExecutable() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile executable = sdk.dartFmtExecutable;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(executable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.exists());
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.canExecute());
// }
// void test_getDirectory() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile directory =;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(directory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(directory.exists());
// }
// void test_getDocDirectory() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile directory = sdk.docDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(directory);
// }
// void test_getLibraryDirectory() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile directory = sdk.libraryDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(directory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(directory.exists());
// }
// void test_getPubExecutable() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile executable = sdk.pubExecutable;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(executable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.exists());
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.canExecute());
// }
// void test_getSdkVersion() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// String version = sdk.sdkVersion;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(version);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(version.length > 0);
// }
// void test_getVmExecutable() {
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
// JavaFile executable = sdk.vmExecutable;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(executable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.exists());
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(executable.canExecute());
// }
// DirectoryBasedDartSdk _createDartSdk() {
// JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNullMsg("No SDK configured; set the property '' on the command line", sdkDirectory);
// return new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromFile_invalid', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromFile_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromFile_library', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromFile_library);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromFile_part', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromFile_part);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getDart2JsExecutable', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getDart2JsExecutable);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getDartFmtExecutable', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getDartFmtExecutable);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getDirectory', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getDirectory);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getDocDirectory', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getDocDirectory);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getLibraryDirectory', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getLibraryDirectory);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getPubExecutable', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getPubExecutable);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getSdkVersion', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getSdkVersion);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getVmExecutable', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getVmExecutable);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class DirectoryBasedSourceContainerTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_contains() {
// JavaFile dir = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist");
// JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/some.dart");
// JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/folder/some2.dart");
// JavaFile file3 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist3/some3.dart");
// FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file1);
// FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file2);
// FileBasedSource source3 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file3);
// DirectoryBasedSourceContainer container = new DirectoryBasedSourceContainer.con1(dir);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(container.contains(source1));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(container.contains(source2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(container.contains(source3));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'DirectoryBasedSourceContainerTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_contains', () {
// final __test = new DirectoryBasedSourceContainerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_contains);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ElementBuilderTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void test_visitCatchClause() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String exceptionParameterName = "e";
// String stackParameterName = "s";
// CatchClause clause = AstFactory.catchClause2(exceptionParameterName, stackParameterName, []);
// clause.accept(builder);
// List<LocalVariableElement> variables = holder.localVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, variables);
// VariableElement exceptionVariable = variables[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(exceptionVariable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(exceptionParameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(exceptionVariable.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(exceptionVariable.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(exceptionVariable.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(exceptionVariable.initializer);
// VariableElement stackVariable = variables[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(stackVariable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(stackParameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(stackVariable.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(stackVariable.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(stackVariable.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(stackVariable.initializer);
// }
// void test_visitClassDeclaration_abstract() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "C";
// ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = AstFactory.classDeclaration(Keyword.ABSTRACT, className, null, null, null, null, []);
// classDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ClassElement> types = holder.types;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, types);
// ClassElement type = types[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(className,;
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = type.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, typeParameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(type.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitClassDeclaration_minimal() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "C";
// ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = AstFactory.classDeclaration(null, className, null, null, null, null, []);
// classDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ClassElement> types = holder.types;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, types);
// ClassElement type = types[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(className,;
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = type.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, typeParameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitClassDeclaration_parameterized() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "C";
// String firstVariableName = "E";
// String secondVariableName = "F";
// ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = AstFactory.classDeclaration(null, className, AstFactory.typeParameterList([firstVariableName, secondVariableName]), null, null, null, []);
// classDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ClassElement> types = holder.types;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, types);
// ClassElement type = types[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(className,;
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = type.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, typeParameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstVariableName, typeParameters[0].name);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(secondVariableName, typeParameters[1].name);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitClassDeclaration_withMembers() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "C";
// String typeParameterName = "E";
// String fieldName = "f";
// String methodName = "m";
// ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = AstFactory.classDeclaration(null, className, AstFactory.typeParameterList([typeParameterName]), null, null, null, [
// AstFactory.fieldDeclaration2(false, null, [AstFactory.variableDeclaration(fieldName)]),
// AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]))]);
// classDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ClassElement> types = holder.types;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, types);
// ClassElement type = types[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(className,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(type.isSynthetic);
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = type.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, typeParameters);
// TypeParameterElement typeParameter = typeParameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(typeParameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(typeParameterName,;
// List<FieldElement> fields = type.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(fieldName,;
// List<MethodElement> methods = type.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// MethodElement method = methods[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(method);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// }
// void test_visitConstructorDeclaration_factory() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "A";
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration2(null, Keyword.FACTORY, AstFactory.identifier3(className), null, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), null, AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// constructorDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ConstructorElement> constructors = holder.constructors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, constructors);
// ConstructorElement constructor = constructors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constructor);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(constructor.isFactory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("",;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitConstructorDeclaration_minimal() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "A";
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration2(null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(className), null, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), null, AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// constructorDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ConstructorElement> constructors = holder.constructors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, constructors);
// ConstructorElement constructor = constructors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constructor);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(constructor.isFactory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("",;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitConstructorDeclaration_named() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "A";
// String constructorName = "c";
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration2(null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(className), constructorName, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), null, AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// constructorDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ConstructorElement> constructors = holder.constructors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, constructors);
// ConstructorElement constructor = constructors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constructor);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(constructor.isFactory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(constructorName,;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(constructor,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(constructor, constructorDeclaration.element);
// }
// void test_visitConstructorDeclaration_unnamed() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String className = "A";
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration2(null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(className), null, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), null, AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// constructorDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ConstructorElement> constructors = holder.constructors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, constructors);
// ConstructorElement constructor = constructors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constructor);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(constructor.isFactory);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("",;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, constructor.parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(constructor, constructorDeclaration.element);
// }
// void test_visitEnumDeclaration() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String enumName = "E";
// EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration = AstFactory.enumDeclaration2(enumName, ["ONE"]);
// enumDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<ClassElement> enums = holder.enums;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, enums);
// ClassElement enumElement = enums[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(enumElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(enumName,;
// }
// void test_visitFieldDeclaration() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String firstFieldName = "x";
// String secondFieldName = "y";
// FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = AstFactory.fieldDeclaration2(false, null, [
// AstFactory.variableDeclaration(firstFieldName),
// AstFactory.variableDeclaration(secondFieldName)]);
// fieldDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, fields);
// FieldElement firstField = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(firstField);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstFieldName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(firstField.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(firstField.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(firstField.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(firstField.isSynthetic);
// FieldElement secondField = fields[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(secondField);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(secondFieldName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(secondField.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(secondField.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(secondField.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(secondField.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitFieldFormalParameter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String parameterName = "p";
// FieldFormalParameter formalParameter = AstFactory.fieldFormalParameter(null, null, parameterName);
// formalParameter.accept(builder);
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = holder.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameters);
// ParameterElement parameter = parameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(parameter.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(ParameterKind.REQUIRED, parameter.parameterKind);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, parameter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitFieldFormalParameter_funtionTyped() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String parameterName = "p";
// FieldFormalParameter formalParameter = AstFactory.fieldFormalParameter(null, null, parameterName, AstFactory.formalParameterList([AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3("a")]));
// formalParameter.accept(builder);
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = holder.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameters);
// ParameterElement parameter = parameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(parameter.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(ParameterKind.REQUIRED, parameter.parameterKind);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitFormalParameterList() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String firstParameterName = "a";
// String secondParameterName = "b";
// FormalParameterList parameterList = AstFactory.formalParameterList([
// AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(firstParameterName),
// AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(secondParameterName)]);
// parameterList.accept(builder);
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = holder.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstParameterName, parameters[0].name);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(secondParameterName, parameters[1].name);
// }
// void test_visitFunctionDeclaration_getter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String functionName = "f";
// FunctionDeclaration declaration = AstFactory.functionDeclaration(null, Keyword.GET, functionName, AstFactory.functionExpression2(AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([])));
// declaration.accept(builder);
// List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = holder.accessors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, accessors);
// PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(accessor);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(functionName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(accessor, declaration.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(accessor, declaration.functionExpression.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(accessor.isGetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(accessor.isSetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(accessor.isSynthetic);
// PropertyInducingElement variable = accessor.variable;
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is TopLevelVariableElement, TopLevelVariableElement, variable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(variable.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitFunctionDeclaration_plain() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String functionName = "f";
// FunctionDeclaration declaration = AstFactory.functionDeclaration(null, null, functionName, AstFactory.functionExpression2(AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([])));
// declaration.accept(builder);
// List<FunctionElement> functions = holder.functions;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, functions);
// FunctionElement function = functions[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(function);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(functionName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(function, declaration.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(function, declaration.functionExpression.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(function.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitFunctionDeclaration_setter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String functionName = "f";
// FunctionDeclaration declaration = AstFactory.functionDeclaration(null, Keyword.SET, functionName, AstFactory.functionExpression2(AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([])));
// declaration.accept(builder);
// List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = holder.accessors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, accessors);
// PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(accessor);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("${functionName}=",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(accessor, declaration.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(accessor, declaration.functionExpression.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(accessor.isGetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(accessor.isSetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(accessor.isSynthetic);
// PropertyInducingElement variable = accessor.variable;
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is TopLevelVariableElement, TopLevelVariableElement, variable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(variable.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitFunctionExpression() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// FunctionExpression expression = AstFactory.functionExpression2(AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// expression.accept(builder);
// List<FunctionElement> functions = holder.functions;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, functions);
// FunctionElement function = functions[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(function);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(function, expression.element);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(function.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitFunctionTypeAlias() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String aliasName = "F";
// String parameterName = "E";
// FunctionTypeAlias aliasNode = AstFactory.typeAlias(null, aliasName, AstFactory.typeParameterList([parameterName]), null);
// aliasNode.accept(builder);
// List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> aliases = holder.typeAliases;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, aliases);
// FunctionTypeAliasElement alias = aliases[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(aliasName,;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, alias.parameters);
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = alias.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, typeParameters);
// TypeParameterElement typeParameter = typeParameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(typeParameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// }
// void test_visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String parameterName = "p";
// FunctionTypedFormalParameter formalParameter = AstFactory.functionTypedFormalParameter(null, parameterName, []);
// _useParameterInMethod(formalParameter, 100, 110);
// formalParameter.accept(builder);
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = holder.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameters);
// ParameterElement parameter = parameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(parameter.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(ParameterKind.REQUIRED, parameter.parameterKind);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(SourceRangeFactory.rangeStartEnd(100, 110), parameter.visibleRange);
// }
// void test_visitLabeledStatement() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String labelName = "l";
// LabeledStatement statement = AstFactory.labeledStatement(AstFactory.list([AstFactory.label2(labelName)]), AstFactory.breakStatement());
// statement.accept(builder);
// List<LabelElement> labels = holder.labels;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, labels);
// LabelElement label = labels[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(label);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(labelName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(label.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_abstract() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.emptyFunctionBody());
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<MethodElement> methods = holder.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// MethodElement method = methods[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(method);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(method.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, Keyword.GET, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(field.setter);
// PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(getter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(getter.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(getter.isGetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(getter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(field, getter.variable);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter_abstract() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, Keyword.GET, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.emptyFunctionBody());
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(field.setter);
// PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(getter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(getter.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(getter.isGetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(getter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(field, getter.variable);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter_external() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration(null, null, Keyword.GET, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(field.setter);
// PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(getter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(getter.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(getter.isGetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(getter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(field, getter.variable);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, getter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_minimal() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<MethodElement> methods = holder.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// MethodElement method = methods[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(method);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_operator() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "+";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, Keyword.OPERATOR, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3("addend")]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<MethodElement> methods = holder.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// MethodElement method = methods[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(method);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, method.parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, Keyword.SET, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(field.getter);
// PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(setter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(setter.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(setter.isSetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(setter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("${methodName}=",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName, setter.displayName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(field, setter.variable);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter_abstract() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, Keyword.SET, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.emptyFunctionBody());
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(field.getter);
// PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(setter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(setter.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(setter.isSetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(setter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("${methodName}=",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName, setter.displayName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(field, setter.variable);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter_external() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration(null, null, Keyword.SET, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> fields = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(field.getter);
// PropertyAccessorElement setter = field.setter;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(setter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(setter.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(setter.isSetter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(setter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("${methodName}=",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName, setter.displayName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(field, setter.variable);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, setter.parameters);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_static() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(Keyword.STATIC, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<MethodElement> methods = holder.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// MethodElement method = methods[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(method);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.functions);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.labels);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.localVariables);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, method.parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(method.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitMethodDeclaration_withMembers() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String methodName = "m";
// String parameterName = "p";
// String localVariableName = "v";
// String labelName = "l";
// String exceptionParameterName = "e";
// MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3(methodName), AstFactory.formalParameterList([AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(parameterName)]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([
// AstFactory.variableDeclarationStatement2(Keyword.VAR, [AstFactory.variableDeclaration(localVariableName)]),
// AstFactory.tryStatement2(AstFactory.block([AstFactory.labeledStatement(AstFactory.list([AstFactory.label2(labelName)]), AstFactory.returnStatement())]), [AstFactory.catchClause(exceptionParameterName, [])])]));
// methodDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<MethodElement> methods = holder.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// MethodElement method = methods[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(method);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(methodName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isAbstract);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(method.isSynthetic);
// List<VariableElement> parameters = method.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameters);
// VariableElement parameter = parameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// List<VariableElement> localVariables = method.localVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, localVariables);
// VariableElement firstVariable = localVariables[0];
// VariableElement secondVariable = localVariables[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(firstVariable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(secondVariable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(( == localVariableName && == exceptionParameterName) || ( == exceptionParameterName && == localVariableName));
// List<LabelElement> labels = method.labels;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, labels);
// LabelElement label = labels[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(label);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(labelName,;
// }
// void test_visitNamedFormalParameter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String parameterName = "p";
// DefaultFormalParameter formalParameter = AstFactory.namedFormalParameter(AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(parameterName), AstFactory.identifier3("42"));
// _useParameterInMethod(formalParameter, 100, 110);
// formalParameter.accept(builder);
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = holder.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameters);
// ParameterElement parameter = parameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(ParameterKind.NAMED, parameter.parameterKind);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(SourceRangeFactory.rangeStartEnd(100, 110), parameter.visibleRange);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("42", parameter.defaultValueCode);
// FunctionElement initializer = parameter.initializer;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(initializer.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitSimpleFormalParameter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String parameterName = "p";
// SimpleFormalParameter formalParameter = AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(parameterName);
// _useParameterInMethod(formalParameter, 100, 110);
// formalParameter.accept(builder);
// List<ParameterElement> parameters = holder.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, parameters);
// ParameterElement parameter = parameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(parameter.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(parameter.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(ParameterKind.REQUIRED, parameter.parameterKind);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(SourceRangeFactory.rangeStartEnd(100, 110), parameter.visibleRange);
// }
// void test_visitTypeAlias_minimal() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String aliasName = "F";
// TypeAlias typeAlias = AstFactory.typeAlias(null, aliasName, null, null);
// typeAlias.accept(builder);
// List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> aliases = holder.typeAliases;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, aliases);
// FunctionTypeAliasElement alias = aliases[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(aliasName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias.type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(alias.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitTypeAlias_withFormalParameters() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String aliasName = "F";
// String firstParameterName = "x";
// String secondParameterName = "y";
// TypeAlias typeAlias = AstFactory.typeAlias(null, aliasName, AstFactory.typeParameterList([]), AstFactory.formalParameterList([
// AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(firstParameterName),
// AstFactory.simpleFormalParameter3(secondParameterName)]));
// typeAlias.accept(builder);
// List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> aliases = holder.typeAliases;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, aliases);
// FunctionTypeAliasElement alias = aliases[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(aliasName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias.type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(alias.isSynthetic);
// List<VariableElement> parameters = alias.parameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, parameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstParameterName, parameters[0].name);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(secondParameterName, parameters[1].name);
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = alias.typeParameters;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(typeParameters);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, typeParameters);
// }
// void test_visitTypeAlias_withTypeParameters() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String aliasName = "F";
// String firstTypeParameterName = "A";
// String secondTypeParameterName = "B";
// TypeAlias typeAlias = AstFactory.typeAlias(null, aliasName, AstFactory.typeParameterList([firstTypeParameterName, secondTypeParameterName]), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]));
// typeAlias.accept(builder);
// List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> aliases = holder.typeAliases;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, aliases);
// FunctionTypeAliasElement alias = aliases[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(aliasName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(alias.type);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(alias.isSynthetic);
// List<VariableElement> parameters = alias.parameters;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(parameters);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, parameters);
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = alias.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, typeParameters);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstTypeParameterName, typeParameters[0].name);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(secondTypeParameterName, typeParameters[1].name);
// }
// void test_visitTypeParameter() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String parameterName = "E";
// TypeParameter typeParameter = AstFactory.typeParameter(parameterName);
// typeParameter.accept(builder);
// List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = holder.typeParameters;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, typeParameters);
// TypeParameterElement typeParameterElement = typeParameters[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(typeParameterElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parameterName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(typeParameterElement.bound);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(typeParameterElement.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_inConstructor() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// //
// // C() {var v;}
// //
// String variableName = "v";
// VariableDeclaration variable = AstFactory.variableDeclaration2(variableName, null);
// Statement statement = AstFactory.variableDeclarationStatement2(null, [variable]);
// ConstructorDeclaration constructor = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration2(null, null, AstFactory.identifier3("C"), "C", AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), null, AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([statement]));
// constructor.accept(builder);
// List<ConstructorElement> constructors = holder.constructors;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, constructors);
// List<LocalVariableElement> variableElements = constructors[0].localVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, variableElements);
// LocalVariableElement variableElement = variableElements[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(variableName,;
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_inMethod() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// //
// // m() {var v;}
// //
// String variableName = "v";
// VariableDeclaration variable = AstFactory.variableDeclaration2(variableName, null);
// Statement statement = AstFactory.variableDeclarationStatement2(null, [variable]);
// MethodDeclaration constructor = AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3("m"), AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([statement]));
// constructor.accept(builder);
// List<MethodElement> methods = holder.methods;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, methods);
// List<LocalVariableElement> variableElements = methods[0].localVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, variableElements);
// LocalVariableElement variableElement = variableElements[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(variableName,;
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_localNestedInField() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// //
// // var f = () {var v;}
// //
// String variableName = "v";
// VariableDeclaration variable = AstFactory.variableDeclaration2(variableName, null);
// Statement statement = AstFactory.variableDeclarationStatement2(null, [variable]);
// Expression initializer = AstFactory.functionExpression2(AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), AstFactory.blockFunctionBody2([statement]));
// String fieldName = "f";
// VariableDeclaration field = AstFactory.variableDeclaration2(fieldName, initializer);
// FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = AstFactory.fieldDeclaration2(false, null, [field]);
// fieldDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<FieldElement> variables = holder.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, variables);
// FieldElement fieldElement = variables[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(fieldElement);
// FunctionElement initializerElement = fieldElement.initializer;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(initializerElement);
// List<FunctionElement> functionElements = initializerElement.functions;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, functionElements);
// List<LocalVariableElement> variableElements = functionElements[0].localVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, variableElements);
// LocalVariableElement variableElement = variableElements[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(variableName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(variableElement.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(variableElement.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(variableElement.isSynthetic);
// }
// void test_visitVariableDeclaration_noInitializer() {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// String variableName = "v";
// VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration = AstFactory.variableDeclaration2(variableName, null);
// AstFactory.variableDeclarationList2(null, [variableDeclaration]);
// variableDeclaration.accept(builder);
// List<TopLevelVariableElement> variables = holder.topLevelVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, variables);
// TopLevelVariableElement variable = variables[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(variable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(variable.initializer);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(variableName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(variable.isConst);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(variable.isFinal);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(variable.isSynthetic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(variable.getter);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(variable.setter);
// }
// void _useParameterInMethod(FormalParameter formalParameter, int blockOffset, int blockEnd) {
// Block block = AstFactory.block([]);
// block.leftBracket.offset = blockOffset;
// block.rightBracket.offset = blockEnd - 1;
// BlockFunctionBody body = AstFactory.blockFunctionBody(block);
// AstFactory.methodDeclaration2(null, null, null, null, AstFactory.identifier3("main"), AstFactory.formalParameterList([formalParameter]), body);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ElementBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_visitCatchClause', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitCatchClause);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitClassDeclaration_abstract', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitClassDeclaration_abstract);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitClassDeclaration_minimal', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitClassDeclaration_minimal);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitClassDeclaration_parameterized', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitClassDeclaration_parameterized);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitClassDeclaration_withMembers', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitClassDeclaration_withMembers);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConstructorDeclaration_factory', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConstructorDeclaration_factory);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConstructorDeclaration_minimal', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConstructorDeclaration_minimal);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConstructorDeclaration_named', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConstructorDeclaration_named);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitConstructorDeclaration_unnamed', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitConstructorDeclaration_unnamed);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitEnumDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitEnumDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFieldDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFieldDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFieldFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFieldFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFieldFormalParameter_funtionTyped', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFieldFormalParameter_funtionTyped);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFormalParameterList', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFormalParameterList);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFunctionDeclaration_getter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFunctionDeclaration_getter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFunctionDeclaration_plain', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFunctionDeclaration_plain);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFunctionDeclaration_setter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFunctionDeclaration_setter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFunctionExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFunctionExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFunctionTypeAlias', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFunctionTypeAlias);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitLabeledStatement', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitLabeledStatement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_abstract', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_abstract);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter_abstract', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter_abstract);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter_external', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_getter_external);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_minimal', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_minimal);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_operator', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_operator);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter_abstract', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter_abstract);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter_external', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_setter_external);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_static', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_static);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitMethodDeclaration_withMembers', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitMethodDeclaration_withMembers);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitNamedFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitNamedFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitTypeAlias_minimal', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeAlias_minimal);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitTypeAlias_withFormalParameters', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeAlias_withFormalParameters);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitTypeAlias_withTypeParameters', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeAlias_withTypeParameters);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitTypeParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_inConstructor', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_inConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_inMethod', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_inMethod);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_localNestedInField', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_localNestedInField);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitVariableDeclaration_noInitializer', () {
// final __test = new ElementBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitVariableDeclaration_noInitializer);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ElementLocatorTest extends ResolverTestCase {
// void fail_locate_ExportDirective() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("export", ["export 'dart:core';"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ImportElement, ImportElement, element);
// }
// void fail_locate_Identifier_libraryDirective() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("foo", ["library;"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
// }
// void fail_locate_Identifier_partOfDirective() {
// // Can't resolve the library element without the library declaration.
// // AstNode id = findNodeIn("foo", "part of;");
// // Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// // assertInstanceOf(LibraryElement.class, element);
//"Test this case");
// }
// void test_locate_AssignmentExpression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("+=", ["int x = 0;", "void main() {", " x += 1;", "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_BinaryExpression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("+", ["var x = 3 + 4;"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_ClassDeclaration() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("class", ["class A { }"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_CompilationUnit() {
// CompilationUnit cu = _resolveContents(["// only comment"]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(cu.element);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(cu);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(cu.element, element);
// }
// void test_locate_ConstructorDeclaration() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("bar", 0, ["class A {", " {}", "}"]);
// ConstructorDeclaration declaration = id.getAncestor((node) => node is ConstructorDeclaration);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_FunctionDeclaration() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("f", ["int f() => 3;"]);
// FunctionDeclaration declaration = id.getAncestor((node) => node is FunctionDeclaration);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is FunctionElement, FunctionElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_namedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("Class", 2, [
// "class Class {",
// " const;",
// "}",
// "void main( parameter) {",
// "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_unnamedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("Class", 2, [
// "class Class {",
// " const Class();",
// "}",
// "void main(@Class() parameter) {",
// "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_className() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("A", ["class A { }"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_constructor_named() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("bar", 0, ["class A {", " {}", "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_constructor_unnamed() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("A", 1, ["class A {", " A() {}", "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_fieldName() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("x", ["class A { var x; }"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is FieldElement, FieldElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_Identifier_propertAccess() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("length", ["void main() {", " int x = 'foo'.length;", "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is PropertyAccessorElement, PropertyAccessorElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_ImportDirective() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("import", ["import 'dart:core';"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ImportElement, ImportElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_IndexExpression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("\\[", 1, [
// "void main() {",
// " List x = [1, 2];",
// " var y = x[0];",
// "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression() {
// AstNode node = _findNodeIndexedIn("A(", 0, ["class A {}", "void main() {", " new A();", "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_prefixedIdentifier() {
// // prepare: new pref.A()
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstFactory.identifier3("A");
// PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = AstFactory.identifier4("pref", identifier);
// InstanceCreationExpression creation = AstFactory.instanceCreationExpression2(Keyword.NEW, AstFactory.typeName3(prefixedIdentifier, []), []);
// // set ClassElement
// ClassElement classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []);
// identifier.staticElement = classElement;
// // set ConstructorElement
// ConstructorElement constructorElement = ElementFactory.constructorElement2(classElement, null, []);
// creation.constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
// // verify that "A" is resolved to ConstructorElement
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(identifier);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(classElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_simpleIdentifier() {
// // prepare: new A()
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstFactory.identifier3("A");
// InstanceCreationExpression creation = AstFactory.instanceCreationExpression2(Keyword.NEW, AstFactory.typeName3(identifier, []), []);
// // set ClassElement
// ClassElement classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []);
// identifier.staticElement = classElement;
// // set ConstructorElement
// ConstructorElement constructorElement = ElementFactory.constructorElement2(classElement, null, []);
// creation.constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
// // verify that "A" is resolved to ConstructorElement
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(identifier);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(classElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_LibraryDirective() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("library", ["library foo;"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_MethodDeclaration() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("m", ["class A {", " void m() {}", "}"]);
// MethodDeclaration declaration = id.getAncestor((node) => node is MethodDeclaration);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_MethodInvocation_method() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn("bar", 1, [
// "class A {",
// " int bar() => 42;",
// "}",
// "void main() {",
// " var f = new A().bar();",
// "}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_MethodInvocation_topLevel() {
// String contents = EngineTestCase.createSource(["foo(x) {}", "void main() {", " foo(0);", "}"]);
// CompilationUnit cu = _resolveContents([contents]);
// MethodInvocation node = AbstractDartTest.findNode(cu, contents.indexOf("foo(0)"), MethodInvocation);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is FunctionElement, FunctionElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_PostfixExpression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("++", ["int addOne(int x) => x++;"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_PrefixedIdentifier() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("int", ["import 'dart:core' as core;", " value;"]);
// PrefixedIdentifier identifier = id.getAncestor((node) => node is PrefixedIdentifier);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(identifier);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_PrefixExpression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("++", ["int addOne(int x) => ++x;"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_StringLiteral_exportUri() {
// addNamedSource("/foo.dart", "library foo;");
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("'foo.dart'", ["export 'foo.dart';"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_StringLiteral_expression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("abc", ["var x = 'abc';"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// void test_locate_StringLiteral_importUri() {
// addNamedSource("/foo.dart", "library foo; class A {}");
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("'foo.dart'", ["import 'foo.dart'; class B extends A {}"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_StringLiteral_partUri() {
// addNamedSource("/foo.dart", "part of app;");
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("'foo.dart'", ["library app; part 'foo.dart';"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is CompilationUnitElement, CompilationUnitElement, element);
// }
// void test_locate_VariableDeclaration() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("x", ["var x = 'abc';"]);
// VariableDeclaration declaration = id.getAncestor((node) => node is VariableDeclaration);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is TopLevelVariableElement, TopLevelVariableElement, element);
// }
// void test_locateWithOffset_BinaryExpression() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("+", ["var x = 3 + 4;"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locateWithOffset(id, 0);
// EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
// }
// void test_locateWithOffset_StringLiteral() {
// AstNode id = _findNodeIn("abc", ["var x = 'abc';"]);
// Element element = ElementLocator.locateWithOffset(id, 1);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(element);
// }
// @override
// void reset() {
// AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
// analysisOptions.hint = false;
// resetWithOptions(analysisOptions);
// }
// /**
// * Find the first AST node matching a pattern in the resolved AST for the given source.
// *
// * @param nodePattern the (unique) pattern used to identify the node of interest
// * @param lines the lines to be merged into a single source string
// * @return the matched node in the resolved AST for the given source lines
// * @throws Exception if source cannot be verified
// */
// AstNode _findNodeIn(String nodePattern, List<String> lines) => _findNodeIndexedIn(nodePattern, 0, lines);
// /**
// * Find the AST node matching the given indexed occurrence of a pattern in the resolved AST for
// * the given source.
// *
// * @param nodePattern the pattern used to identify the node of interest
// * @param index the index of the pattern match of interest
// * @param lines the lines to be merged into a single source string
// * @return the matched node in the resolved AST for the given source lines
// * @throws Exception if source cannot be verified
// */
// AstNode _findNodeIndexedIn(String nodePattern, int index, List<String> lines) {
// String contents = EngineTestCase.createSource(lines);
// CompilationUnit cu = _resolveContents([contents]);
// int start = _getOffsetOfMatch(contents, nodePattern, index);
// int end = start + nodePattern.length;
// return new NodeLocator.con2(start, end).searchWithin(cu);
// }
// int _getOffsetOfMatch(String contents, String pattern, int matchIndex) {
// if (matchIndex == 0) {
// return contents.indexOf(pattern);
// }
// JavaPatternMatcher matcher = new JavaPatternMatcher(new RegExp(pattern), contents);
// int count = 0;
// while (matcher.find()) {
// if (count == matchIndex) {
// return matcher.start();
// }
// ++count;
// }
// return -1;
// }
// /**
// * Parse, resolve and verify the given source lines to produce a fully resolved AST.
// *
// * @param lines the lines to be merged into a single source string
// * @return the result of resolving the AST structure representing the content of the source
// * @throws Exception if source cannot be verified
// */
// CompilationUnit _resolveContents(List<String> lines) {
// Source source = addSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(lines));
// LibraryElement library = resolve(source);
// assertNoErrors(source);
// verify([source]);
// return analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, library);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ElementLocatorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_locateWithOffset_BinaryExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locateWithOffset_BinaryExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locateWithOffset_StringLiteral', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locateWithOffset_StringLiteral);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_AssignmentExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_AssignmentExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_BinaryExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_BinaryExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_ClassDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_ClassDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_CompilationUnit', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_CompilationUnit);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_ConstructorDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_ConstructorDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_FunctionDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_FunctionDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_namedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_namedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_unnamedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_unnamedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_className', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_className);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_constructor_named', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_constructor_named);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_constructor_unnamed', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_constructor_unnamed);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_fieldName', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_fieldName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_Identifier_propertAccess', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_Identifier_propertAccess);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_ImportDirective', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_ImportDirective);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_IndexExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_IndexExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_prefixedIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_prefixedIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_simpleIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_simpleIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_LibraryDirective', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_LibraryDirective);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_MethodDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_MethodDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_MethodInvocation_method', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_MethodInvocation_method);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_MethodInvocation_topLevel', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_MethodInvocation_topLevel);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_PostfixExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_PostfixExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_PrefixExpression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_PrefixExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_PrefixedIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_PrefixedIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_StringLiteral_exportUri', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_StringLiteral_exportUri);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_StringLiteral_expression', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_StringLiteral_expression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_StringLiteral_importUri', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_StringLiteral_importUri);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_StringLiteral_partUri', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_StringLiteral_partUri);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locate_VariableDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ElementLocatorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locate_VariableDeclaration);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class EnumMemberBuilderTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void test_visitEnumDeclaration_multiple() {
// String firstName = "ONE";
// String secondName = "TWO";
// String thirdName = "THREE";
// EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration = AstFactory.enumDeclaration2("E", [firstName, secondName, thirdName]);
// ClassElement enumElement = _buildElement(enumDeclaration);
// List<FieldElement> fields = enumElement.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(5, fields);
// FieldElement constant = fields[2];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constant);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(constant.isStatic);
// constant = fields[3];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constant);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(secondName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(constant.isStatic);
// constant = fields[4];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constant);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(thirdName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(constant.isStatic);
// }
// void test_visitEnumDeclaration_single() {
// String firstName = "ONE";
// EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration = AstFactory.enumDeclaration2("E", [firstName]);
// ClassElement enumElement = _buildElement(enumDeclaration);
// List<FieldElement> fields = enumElement.fields;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(3, fields);
// FieldElement field = fields[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("index",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(field.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// field = fields[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("values",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isStatic);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(field.isSynthetic);
// FieldElement constant = fields[2];
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(constant);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(firstName,;
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(constant.isStatic);
// }
// ClassElement _buildElement(EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration) {
// ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
// ElementBuilder elementBuilder = new ElementBuilder(holder);
// enumDeclaration.accept(elementBuilder);
// EnumMemberBuilder memberBuilder = new EnumMemberBuilder(new TestTypeProvider());
// enumDeclaration.accept(memberBuilder);
// List<ClassElement> enums = holder.enums;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, enums);
// return enums[0];
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'EnumMemberBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_visitEnumDeclaration_multiple', () {
// final __test = new EnumMemberBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitEnumDeclaration_multiple);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitEnumDeclaration_single', () {
// final __test = new EnumMemberBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitEnumDeclaration_single);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ErrorReporterTest extends EngineTestCase {
// /**
// * Create a type with the given name in a compilation unit with the given name.
// *
// * @param fileName the name of the compilation unit containing the class
// * @param typeName the name of the type to be created
// * @return the type that was created
// */
// InterfaceType createType(String fileName, String typeName) {
// CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit(fileName);
// ClassElementImpl element = ElementFactory.classElement2(typeName, []);
// unit.types = <ClassElement> [element];
// return element.type;
// }
// void test_creation() {
// GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// TestSource source = new TestSource();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new ErrorReporter(listener, source));
// }
// void test_reportTypeErrorForNode_differentNames() {
// DartType firstType = createType("/test1.dart", "A");
// DartType secondType = createType("/test2.dart", "B");
// GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// ErrorReporter reporter = new ErrorReporter(listener, firstType.element.source);
// reporter.reportTypeErrorForNode(StaticWarningCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, AstFactory.identifier3("x"), [firstType, secondType]);
// AnalysisError error = listener.errors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(error.message.indexOf("(") < 0);
// }
// void test_reportTypeErrorForNode_sameName() {
// String typeName = "A";
// DartType firstType = createType("/test1.dart", typeName);
// DartType secondType = createType("/test2.dart", typeName);
// GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// ErrorReporter reporter = new ErrorReporter(listener, firstType.element.source);
// reporter.reportTypeErrorForNode(StaticWarningCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, AstFactory.identifier3("x"), [firstType, secondType]);
// AnalysisError error = listener.errors[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(error.message.indexOf("(") >= 0);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ErrorReporterTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new ErrorReporterTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_reportTypeErrorForNode_differentNames', () {
// final __test = new ErrorReporterTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_reportTypeErrorForNode_differentNames);
// });
// _ut.test('test_reportTypeErrorForNode_sameName', () {
// final __test = new ErrorReporterTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_reportTypeErrorForNode_sameName);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ErrorSeverityTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void test_max_error_error() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, ERROR.max(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
// }
// void test_max_error_none() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, ERROR.max(ErrorSeverity.NONE));
// }
// void test_max_error_warning() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, ERROR.max(ErrorSeverity.WARNING));
// }
// void test_max_none_error() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, NONE.max(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
// }
// void test_max_none_none() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.NONE, NONE.max(ErrorSeverity.NONE));
// }
// void test_max_none_warning() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.WARNING, NONE.max(ErrorSeverity.WARNING));
// }
// void test_max_warning_error() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, WARNING.max(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
// }
// void test_max_warning_none() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.WARNING, WARNING.max(ErrorSeverity.NONE));
// }
// void test_max_warning_warning() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(ErrorSeverity.WARNING, WARNING.max(ErrorSeverity.WARNING));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ErrorSeverityTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_max_error_error', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_error_error);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_error_none', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_error_none);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_error_warning', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_error_warning);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_none_error', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_none_error);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_none_none', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_none_none);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_none_warning', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_none_warning);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_warning_error', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_warning_error);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_warning_none', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_warning_none);
// });
// _ut.test('test_max_warning_warning', () {
// final __test = new ErrorSeverityTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_max_warning_warning);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ExitDetectorTest extends ParserTestCase {
// void fail_doStatement_continue_with_label() {
// _assertFalse("{ x: do { continue x; } while(true); }");
// }
// void fail_whileStatement_continue_with_label() {
// _assertFalse("{ x: while (true) { continue x; } }");
// }
// void fail_whileStatement_doStatement_scopeRequired() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (true) { x: do { continue x; } while(true); }");
// }
// void test_asExpression() {
// _assertFalse("a as Object;");
// }
// void test_asExpression_throw() {
// _assertTrue("throw '' as Object;");
// }
// void test_assertStatement() {
// _assertFalse("assert(a);");
// }
// void test_assertStatement_throw() {
// _assertTrue("assert((throw 0));");
// }
// void test_assignmentExpression() {
// _assertFalse("v = 1;");
// }
// void test_assignmentExpression_lhs_throw() {
// _assertTrue("a[throw ''] = 0;");
// }
// void test_assignmentExpression_rhs_throw() {
// _assertTrue("v = throw '';");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_and() {
// _assertFalse("a && b;");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_and_lhs() {
// _assertTrue("throw '' && b;");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_and_rhs() {
// _assertTrue("a && (throw '');");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_and_rhs2() {
// _assertTrue("false && (throw '');");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_and_rhs3() {
// _assertFalse("true && (throw '');");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_or() {
// _assertFalse("a || b;");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_or_lhs() {
// _assertTrue("throw '' || b;");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_or_rhs() {
// _assertTrue("a || (throw '');");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_or_rhs2() {
// _assertTrue("true || (throw '');");
// }
// void test_binaryExpression_or_rhs3() {
// _assertFalse("false || (throw '');");
// }
// void test_block_empty() {
// _assertFalse("{}");
// }
// void test_block_noReturn() {
// _assertFalse("{ int i = 0; }");
// }
// void test_block_return() {
// _assertTrue("{ return 0; }");
// }
// void test_block_returnNotLast() {
// _assertTrue("{ return 0; throw 'a'; }");
// }
// void test_block_throwNotLast() {
// _assertTrue("{ throw 0; x = null; }");
// }
// void test_cascadeExpression_argument() {
// _assertTrue("a..b(throw '');");
// }
// void test_cascadeExpression_index() {
// _assertTrue("a..[throw ''];");
// }
// void test_cascadeExpression_target() {
// _assertTrue("throw ''..b();");
// }
// void test_conditional_ifElse_bothThrows() {
// _assertTrue("c ? throw '' : throw '';");
// }
// void test_conditional_ifElse_elseThrows() {
// _assertFalse("c ? i : throw '';");
// }
// void test_conditional_ifElse_noThrow() {
// _assertFalse("c ? i : j;");
// }
// void test_conditional_ifElse_thenThrow() {
// _assertFalse("c ? throw '' : j;");
// }
// void test_creation() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new ExitDetector());
// }
// void test_doStatement_throwCondition() {
// _assertTrue("{ do {} while (throw ''); }");
// }
// void test_doStatement_true_break() {
// _assertFalse("{ do { break; } while (true); }");
// }
// void test_doStatement_true_continue() {
// _assertTrue("{ do { continue; } while (true); }");
// }
// void test_doStatement_true_if_return() {
// _assertTrue("{ do { if (true) {return null;} } while (true); }");
// }
// void test_doStatement_true_noBreak() {
// _assertTrue("{ do {} while (true); }");
// }
// void test_doStatement_true_return() {
// _assertTrue("{ do { return null; } while (true); }");
// }
// void test_emptyStatement() {
// _assertFalse(";");
// }
// void test_forEachStatement() {
// _assertFalse("for (element in list) {}");
// }
// void test_forEachStatement_throw() {
// _assertTrue("for (element in throw '') {}");
// }
// void test_forStatement_condition() {
// _assertTrue("for (; throw 0;) {}");
// }
// void test_forStatement_implicitTrue() {
// _assertTrue("for (;;) {}");
// }
// void test_forStatement_implicitTrue_break() {
// _assertFalse("for (;;) { break; }");
// }
// void test_forStatement_initialization() {
// _assertTrue("for (i = throw 0;;) {}");
// }
// void test_forStatement_true() {
// _assertTrue("for (; true; ) {}");
// }
// void test_forStatement_true_break() {
// _assertFalse("{ for (; true; ) { break; } }");
// }
// void test_forStatement_true_continue() {
// _assertTrue("{ for (; true; ) { continue; } }");
// }
// void test_forStatement_true_if_return() {
// _assertTrue("{ for (; true; ) { if (true) {return null;} } }");
// }
// void test_forStatement_true_noBreak() {
// _assertTrue("{ for (; true; ) {} }");
// }
// void test_forStatement_updaters() {
// _assertTrue("for (;; i++, throw 0) {}");
// }
// void test_forStatement_variableDeclaration() {
// _assertTrue("for (int i = throw 0;;) {}");
// }
// void test_functionExpression() {
// _assertFalse("(){};");
// }
// void test_functionExpression_bodyThrows() {
// _assertFalse("(int i) => throw '';");
// }
// void test_functionExpressionInvocation() {
// _assertFalse("f(g);");
// }
// void test_functionExpressionInvocation_argumentThrows() {
// _assertTrue("f(throw '');");
// }
// void test_functionExpressionInvocation_targetThrows() {
// _assertTrue("throw ''(g);");
// }
// void test_identifier_prefixedIdentifier() {
// _assertFalse("a.b;");
// }
// void test_identifier_simpleIdentifier() {
// _assertFalse("a;");
// }
// void test_if_false_else_return() {
// _assertTrue("if (false) {} else { return 0; }");
// }
// void test_if_false_noReturn() {
// _assertFalse("if (false) {}");
// }
// void test_if_false_return() {
// _assertFalse("if (false) { return 0; }");
// }
// void test_if_noReturn() {
// _assertFalse("if (c) i++;");
// }
// void test_if_return() {
// _assertFalse("if (c) return 0;");
// }
// void test_if_true_noReturn() {
// _assertFalse("if (true) {}");
// }
// void test_if_true_return() {
// _assertTrue("if (true) { return 0; }");
// }
// void test_ifElse_bothReturn() {
// _assertTrue("if (c) return 0; else return 1;");
// }
// void test_ifElse_elseReturn() {
// _assertFalse("if (c) i++; else return 1;");
// }
// void test_ifElse_noReturn() {
// _assertFalse("if (c) i++; else j++;");
// }
// void test_ifElse_thenReturn() {
// _assertFalse("if (c) return 0; else j++;");
// }
// void test_indexExpression() {
// _assertFalse("a[b];");
// }
// void test_indexExpression_index() {
// _assertTrue("a[throw ''];");
// }
// void test_indexExpression_target() {
// _assertTrue("throw ''[b];");
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression() {
// _assertFalse("new A(b);");
// }
// void test_instanceCreationExpression_argumentThrows() {
// _assertTrue("new A(throw '');");
// }
// void test_isExpression() {
// _assertFalse("A is B;");
// }
// void test_isExpression_throws() {
// _assertTrue("throw '' is B;");
// }
// void test_labeledStatement() {
// _assertFalse("label: a;");
// }
// void test_labeledStatement_throws() {
// _assertTrue("label: throw '';");
// }
// void test_literal_boolean() {
// _assertFalse("true;");
// }
// void test_literal_double() {
// _assertFalse("1.1;");
// }
// void test_literal_integer() {
// _assertFalse("1;");
// }
// void test_literal_null() {
// _assertFalse("null;");
// }
// void test_literal_String() {
// _assertFalse("'str';");
// }
// void test_methodInvocation() {
// _assertFalse("a.b(c);");
// }
// void test_methodInvocation_argument() {
// _assertTrue("a.b(throw '');");
// }
// void test_methodInvocation_target() {
// _assertTrue("throw ''.b(c);");
// }
// void test_parenthesizedExpression() {
// _assertFalse("(a);");
// }
// void test_parenthesizedExpression_throw() {
// _assertTrue("(throw '');");
// }
// void test_propertyAccess() {
// _assertFalse("new Object().a;");
// }
// void test_propertyAccess_throws() {
// _assertTrue("(throw '').a;");
// }
// void test_rethrow() {
// _assertTrue("rethrow;");
// }
// void test_return() {
// _assertTrue("return 0;");
// }
// void test_superExpression() {
// _assertFalse("super.a;");
// }
// void test_switch_allReturn() {
// _assertTrue("switch (i) { case 0: return 0; default: return 1; }");
// }
// void test_switch_defaultWithNoStatements() {
// _assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: return 0; default: }");
// }
// void test_switch_fallThroughToNotReturn() {
// _assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: case 1: break; default: return 1; }");
// }
// void test_switch_fallThroughToReturn() {
// _assertTrue("switch (i) { case 0: case 1: return 0; default: return 1; }");
// }
// void test_switch_noDefault() {
// _assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: return 0; }");
// }
// void test_switch_nonReturn() {
// _assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: i++; default: return 1; }");
// }
// void test_thisExpression() {
// _assertFalse("this.a;");
// }
// void test_throwExpression() {
// _assertTrue("throw new Object();");
// }
// void test_tryStatement_noReturn() {
// _assertFalse("try {} catch (e, s) {} finally {}");
// }
// void test_tryStatement_return_catch() {
// _assertFalse("try {} catch (e, s) { return 1; } finally {}");
// }
// void test_tryStatement_return_finally() {
// _assertTrue("try {} catch (e, s) {} finally { return 1; }");
// }
// void test_tryStatement_return_try() {
// _assertTrue("try { return 1; } catch (e, s) {} finally {}");
// }
// void test_variableDeclarationStatement_noInitializer() {
// _assertFalse("int i;");
// }
// void test_variableDeclarationStatement_noThrow() {
// _assertFalse("int i = 0;");
// }
// void test_variableDeclarationStatement_throw() {
// _assertTrue("int i = throw new Object();");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_false_nonReturn() {
// _assertFalse("{ while (false) {} }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_throwCondition() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (throw '') {} }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_true_break() {
// _assertFalse("{ while (true) { break; } }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_true_continue() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (true) { continue; } }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_true_if_return() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (true) { if (true) {return null;} } }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_true_noBreak() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (true) {} }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_true_return() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (true) { return null; } }");
// }
// void test_whileStatement_true_throw() {
// _assertTrue("{ while (true) { throw ''; } }");
// }
// void _assertFalse(String source) {
// _assertHasReturn(false, source);
// }
// void _assertHasReturn(bool expectedResult, String source) {
// ExitDetector detector = new ExitDetector();
// Statement statement = ParserTestCase.parseStatement(source, []);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expectedResult, statement.accept(detector));
// }
// void _assertTrue(String source) {
// _assertHasReturn(true, source);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ExitDetectorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_asExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_asExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_asExpression_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_asExpression_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_assertStatement', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assertStatement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_assertStatement_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assertStatement_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_assignmentExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assignmentExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_assignmentExpression_lhs_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assignmentExpression_lhs_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_assignmentExpression_rhs_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assignmentExpression_rhs_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_and', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_and);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_and_lhs', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_and_lhs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_and_rhs', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_and_rhs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_and_rhs2', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_and_rhs2);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_and_rhs3', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_and_rhs3);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_or', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_or);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_or_lhs', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_or_lhs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_or_rhs', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_or_rhs);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_or_rhs2', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_or_rhs2);
// });
// _ut.test('test_binaryExpression_or_rhs3', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_binaryExpression_or_rhs3);
// });
// _ut.test('test_block_empty', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_block_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_block_noReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_block_noReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_block_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_block_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_block_returnNotLast', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_block_returnNotLast);
// });
// _ut.test('test_block_throwNotLast', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_block_throwNotLast);
// });
// _ut.test('test_cascadeExpression_argument', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_cascadeExpression_argument);
// });
// _ut.test('test_cascadeExpression_index', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_cascadeExpression_index);
// });
// _ut.test('test_cascadeExpression_target', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_cascadeExpression_target);
// });
// _ut.test('test_conditional_ifElse_bothThrows', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_conditional_ifElse_bothThrows);
// });
// _ut.test('test_conditional_ifElse_elseThrows', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_conditional_ifElse_elseThrows);
// });
// _ut.test('test_conditional_ifElse_noThrow', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_conditional_ifElse_noThrow);
// });
// _ut.test('test_conditional_ifElse_thenThrow', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_conditional_ifElse_thenThrow);
// });
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_doStatement_throwCondition', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_doStatement_throwCondition);
// });
// _ut.test('test_doStatement_true_break', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_doStatement_true_break);
// });
// _ut.test('test_doStatement_true_continue', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_doStatement_true_continue);
// });
// _ut.test('test_doStatement_true_if_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_doStatement_true_if_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_doStatement_true_noBreak', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_doStatement_true_noBreak);
// });
// _ut.test('test_doStatement_true_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_doStatement_true_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_emptyStatement', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_emptyStatement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forEachStatement', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forEachStatement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forEachStatement_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forEachStatement_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_condition', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_condition);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_implicitTrue', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_implicitTrue);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_implicitTrue_break', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_implicitTrue_break);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_initialization', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_initialization);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_true', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_true_break', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_true_break);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_true_continue', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_true_continue);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_true_if_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_true_if_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_true_noBreak', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_true_noBreak);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_updaters', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_updaters);
// });
// _ut.test('test_forStatement_variableDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_forStatement_variableDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_functionExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_functionExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_functionExpressionInvocation', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_functionExpressionInvocation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_functionExpressionInvocation_argumentThrows', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_functionExpressionInvocation_argumentThrows);
// });
// _ut.test('test_functionExpressionInvocation_targetThrows', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_functionExpressionInvocation_targetThrows);
// });
// _ut.test('test_functionExpression_bodyThrows', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_functionExpression_bodyThrows);
// });
// _ut.test('test_identifier_prefixedIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_identifier_prefixedIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_identifier_simpleIdentifier', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_identifier_simpleIdentifier);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ifElse_bothReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ifElse_bothReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ifElse_elseReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ifElse_elseReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ifElse_noReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ifElse_noReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_ifElse_thenReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_ifElse_thenReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_false_else_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_false_else_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_false_noReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_false_noReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_false_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_false_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_noReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_noReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_true_noReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_true_noReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_if_true_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_if_true_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_indexExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_indexExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_indexExpression_index', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_indexExpression_index);
// });
// _ut.test('test_indexExpression_target', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_indexExpression_target);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_instanceCreationExpression_argumentThrows', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_instanceCreationExpression_argumentThrows);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isExpression_throws', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isExpression_throws);
// });
// _ut.test('test_labeledStatement', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_labeledStatement);
// });
// _ut.test('test_labeledStatement_throws', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_labeledStatement_throws);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_String', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_String);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_boolean', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_boolean);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_double', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_double);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_integer', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_integer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_literal_null', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_literal_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_methodInvocation', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_methodInvocation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_methodInvocation_argument', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_methodInvocation_argument);
// });
// _ut.test('test_methodInvocation_target', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_methodInvocation_target);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parenthesizedExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parenthesizedExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parenthesizedExpression_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parenthesizedExpression_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_propertyAccess', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_propertyAccess);
// });
// _ut.test('test_propertyAccess_throws', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_propertyAccess_throws);
// });
// _ut.test('test_rethrow', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_rethrow);
// });
// _ut.test('test_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_superExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_superExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_switch_allReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_switch_allReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_switch_defaultWithNoStatements', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_switch_defaultWithNoStatements);
// });
// _ut.test('test_switch_fallThroughToNotReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_switch_fallThroughToNotReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_switch_fallThroughToReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_switch_fallThroughToReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_switch_noDefault', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_switch_noDefault);
// });
// _ut.test('test_switch_nonReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_switch_nonReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_thisExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_thisExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_throwExpression', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_throwExpression);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tryStatement_noReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tryStatement_noReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tryStatement_return_catch', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tryStatement_return_catch);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tryStatement_return_finally', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tryStatement_return_finally);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tryStatement_return_try', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tryStatement_return_try);
// });
// _ut.test('test_variableDeclarationStatement_noInitializer', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_variableDeclarationStatement_noInitializer);
// });
// _ut.test('test_variableDeclarationStatement_noThrow', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_variableDeclarationStatement_noThrow);
// });
// _ut.test('test_variableDeclarationStatement_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_variableDeclarationStatement_throw);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_false_nonReturn', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_false_nonReturn);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_throwCondition', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_throwCondition);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_true_break', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_true_break);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_true_continue', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_true_continue);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_true_if_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_true_if_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_true_noBreak', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_true_noBreak);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_true_return', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_true_return);
// });
// _ut.test('test_whileStatement_true_throw', () {
// final __test = new ExitDetectorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_whileStatement_true_throw);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// /**
// * An explicit package: resolver. This UriResolver shells out to pub, calling it's list-package-dirs
// * command. It parses the resulting json map, which maps symbolic package references to their
// * concrete locations on disk.
// *
// * <pre>
// *{
// *"packages": {
// *"foo": "path/to/foo",
// *"bar": "path/to/bar"
// *},
// *"input_files": [
// *...
// *]
// *},
// *</pre>
// */
// class ExplicitPackageUriResolver extends UriResolver {
// /**
// * The name of the `package` scheme.
// */
// static String PACKAGE_SCHEME = "package";
// static String PUB_LIST_COMMAND = "list-package-dirs";
// /**
// * Return `true` if the given URI is a `package` URI.
// *
// * @param uri the URI being tested
// * @return `true` if the given URI is a `package` URI
// */
// static bool isPackageUri(Uri uri) => PACKAGE_SCHEME == uri.scheme;
// final JavaFile rootDir;
// final DirectoryBasedDartSdk _sdk;
// Map<String, List<JavaFile>> packageMap;
// /**
// * Create a new ExplicitPackageUriResolver.
// *
// * @param sdk the sdk; this is used to locate the pub command to run
// * @param rootDir the directory for which we'll be resolving package information
// */
// ExplicitPackageUriResolver(this._sdk, this.rootDir) {
// if (rootDir == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("the root dir must not be null");
// }
// }
// List<String> get command => <String> [_sdk.pubExecutable.getAbsolutePath(), PUB_LIST_COMMAND];
// @override
// Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) {
// if (!isPackageUri(uri)) {
// return null;
// }
// String path = uri.path;
// if (path == null) {
// path = uri.path;
// if (path == null) {
// return null;
// }
// }
// String pkgName;
// String relPath;
// int index = path.indexOf('/');
// if (index == -1) {
// // No slash
// pkgName = path;
// relPath = "";
// } else if (index == 0) {
// // Leading slash is invalid
// return null;
// } else {
// // <pkgName>/<relPath>
// pkgName = path.substring(0, index);
// relPath = path.substring(index + 1);
// }
// if (packageMap == null) {
// packageMap = calculatePackageMap();
// }
// List<JavaFile> dirs = packageMap[pkgName];
// if (dirs != null) {
// for (JavaFile packageDir in dirs) {
// if (packageDir.exists()) {
// JavaFile resolvedFile = new JavaFile.relative(packageDir, relPath.replaceAll('/', new String.fromCharCode(JavaFile.separatorChar)));
// if (resolvedFile.exists()) {
// return new FileBasedSource.con2(uri, resolvedFile);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// //
// // Return a FileBasedSource that doesn't exist. This helps provide more meaningful error
// // messages to users (a missing file error, as opposed to an invalid uri error).
// //
// String fullPackagePath = "${pkgName}/${relPath}";
// return new FileBasedSource.con2(uri, new JavaFile.relative(rootDir, fullPackagePath.replaceAll('/', new String.fromCharCode(JavaFile.separatorChar))));
// }
// String resolvePathToPackage(String path) {
// if (packageMap == null) {
// return null;
// }
// for (String key in packageMap.keys.toSet()) {
// List<JavaFile> files = packageMap[key];
// for (JavaFile file in files) {
// try {
// if (file.getCanonicalPath().endsWith(path)) {
// return key;
// }
// } on JavaIOException catch (e) {
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// @override
// Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
// if (packageMap == null) {
// return null;
// }
// if (source is FileBasedSource) {
// String sourcePath = (source as FileBasedSource).file.getPath();
// for (MapEntry<String, List<JavaFile>> entry in getMapEntrySet(packageMap)) {
// for (JavaFile pkgFolder in entry.getValue()) {
// String pkgCanonicalPath = pkgFolder.getAbsolutePath();
// if (sourcePath.startsWith(pkgCanonicalPath)) {
// String packageName = entry.getKey();
// String relPath = sourcePath.substring(pkgCanonicalPath.length);
// return parseUriWithException("${PACKAGE_SCHEME}:${packageName}${relPath}");
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// Map<String, List<JavaFile>> calculatePackageMap() {
// ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command);
// ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner(builder);
// try {
// if (runProcess(runner) == 0) {
// return parsePackageMap(runner.getStdOut());
// } else {
// AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logInformation("pub ${PUB_LIST_COMMAND} failed: exit code ${runner.getExitCode()}");
// }
// } on JavaIOException catch (ioe) {
// AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logInformation2("error running pub ${PUB_LIST_COMMAND}", ioe);
// } on JSONException catch (e) {
// AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError2("malformed json from pub ${PUB_LIST_COMMAND}", e);
// }
// return new HashMap<String, List<JavaFile>>();
// }
// Map<String, List<JavaFile>> parsePackageMap(String jsonText) {
// Map<String, List<JavaFile>> map = new HashMap<String, List<JavaFile>>();
// JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsonText);
// JSONObject packages = obj.optJSONObject("packages");
// if (packages != null) {
// JavaIterator keys = packages.keys();
// while (keys.hasNext) {
// Object key =;
// if (key is String) {
// String strKey = key as String;
// List<JavaFile> files = new List<JavaFile>();
// map[strKey] = files;
// Object val = packages.get(strKey);
// if (val is String) {
// String path = val as String;
// files.add(new JavaFile(path));
// } else if (val is JSONArray) {
// JSONArray arr = val as JSONArray;
// for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) {
// files.add(new JavaFile(arr.getString(i)));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return map;
// }
// /**
// * Run the external process and return the exit value once the external process has completed.
// *
// * @param runner the external process runner
// * @return the external process exit code
// */
// int runProcess(ProcessRunner runner) => runner.runSync(0);
// }
// class ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_creation() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/foo_project");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new ExplicitPackageUriResolver(null, directory));
// }
// void test_resolve_invalid() {
// JavaFile projectDir = new JavaFile("foo_project");
// UriResolver resolver = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest_MockExplicitPackageUriResolver.con1(projectDir);
// // Invalid: URI
// try {
// parseUriWithException("package:");
//"Expected exception");
// } on URISyntaxException catch (e) {
// }
// // Invalid: just slash
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:/"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// // Invalid: leading slash... or should we gracefully degrade and ignore the leading slash?
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:/foo"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// void test_resolve_nonPackage() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/foo_project");
// UriResolver resolver = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest_MockExplicitPackageUriResolver.con1(directory);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:core"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// void test_resolve_resolvePathToPackage() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/src/foo/bar/baz/lib");
// String packages = "{\"packages\":{\"unittest\": [\"/dart/unittest/lib\"],\"\": [\"/src/foo/bar/baz/lib\",\"/gen/foo/bar/baz\"]}}";
// ExplicitPackageUriResolver resolver = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest_MockExplicitPackageUriResolver.con2(directory, packages);
// String resolvedPath = resolver.resolvePathToPackage("${JavaFile.separator}baz${JavaFile.separator}lib");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(resolvedPath);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("", resolvedPath);
// resolvedPath = resolver.resolvePathToPackage("${JavaFile.separator}dart${JavaFile.separator}mypackage");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(resolvedPath);
// }
// @override
// void tearDown() {
// FileUtilities2.deleteTempDir();
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_invalid', () {
// final __test = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_nonPackage', () {
// final __test = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_nonPackage);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_resolvePathToPackage', () {
// final __test = new ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_resolvePathToPackage);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest_MockExplicitPackageUriResolver extends ExplicitPackageUriResolver {
// String _jsonText = "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}";
// ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest_MockExplicitPackageUriResolver.con1(JavaFile rootDir) : super(null, rootDir);
// ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest_MockExplicitPackageUriResolver.con2(JavaFile rootDir, String jsonPackageList) : super(null, rootDir) {
// if (!jsonPackageList.isEmpty) {
// _jsonText = jsonPackageList;
// packageMap = calculatePackageMap();
// }
// }
// @override
// Map<String, List<JavaFile>> calculatePackageMap() {
// try {
// return parsePackageMap(_jsonText);
// } on JSONException catch (e) {
// return new HashMap<String, List<JavaFile>>();
// }
// }
// }
// class ExpressionVisitor_AngularTest_verify extends ExpressionVisitor {
// ResolutionVerifier verifier;
// ExpressionVisitor_AngularTest_verify(this.verifier) : super();
// @override
// void visitExpression(Expression expression) {
// expression.accept(verifier);
// }
// }
// class FileBasedSourceTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_equals_false_differentFiles() {
// JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist1.dart");
// JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist2.dart");
// FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file1);
// FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file2);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(source1 == source2);
// }
// void test_equals_false_null() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist1.dart");
// FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(source1 == null);
// }
// void test_equals_true() {
// JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file1);
// FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file2);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(source1 == source2);
// }
// void test_getEncoding() {
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new FileUriResolver()]);
// String fullPath = "/does/not/exist.dart";
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile(fullPath);
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(source, factory.fromEncoding(source.encoding));
// }
// void test_getFullName() {
// String fullPath = "/does/not/exist.dart";
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile(fullPath);
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(file.getAbsolutePath(), source.fullName);
// }
// void test_getShortName() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("exist.dart", source.shortName);
// }
// void test_hashCode() {
// JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file1);
// FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file2);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(source1.hashCode, source2.hashCode);
// }
// void test_isInSystemLibrary_contagious() {
// JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(sdkDirectory);
// DartSdk sdk = new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
// UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([resolver]);
// // resolve dart:core
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:core"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(result.isInSystemLibrary);
// // system libraries reference only other system libraries
// Source partSource = factory.resolveUri(result, "num.dart");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(partSource);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(partSource.isInSystemLibrary);
// }
// void test_isInSystemLibrary_false() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(file.getAbsolutePath(), source.fullName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(source.isInSystemLibrary);
// }
// void test_issue14500() {
// // see
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/some/packages/foo:bar.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(source.exists());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_dart_fileName() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("dart:test"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:test/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_dart_filePath() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("dart:test"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("c/lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:test/c/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_dart_filePathWithParent() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("dart:test/b/test.dart"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("../c/lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:test/c/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_file_fileName() {
// if (OSUtilities.isWindows()) {
// // On Windows, the URI that is produced includes a drive letter, which I believe is not
// // consistent across all machines that might run this test.
// return;
// }
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("file:/a/b/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_file_filePath() {
// if (OSUtilities.isWindows()) {
// // On Windows, the URI that is produced includes a drive letter, which I believe is not
// // consistent across all machines that might run this test.
// return;
// }
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("c/lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("file:/a/b/c/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_file_filePathWithParent() {
// if (OSUtilities.isWindows()) {
// // On Windows, the URI that is produced includes a drive letter, which I believe is not
// // consistent across all machines that might run this test.
// return;
// }
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("../c/lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("file:/a/c/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_package_fileName() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("package:b/test.dart"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("package:b/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_package_fileNameWithoutPackageName() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("package:test.dart"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("package:lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_package_filePath() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("package:b/test.dart"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("c/lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("package:b/c/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_resolveRelative_package_filePathWithParent() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("package:a/b/test.dart"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// Uri relative = source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("../c/lib.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(relative);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("package:a/c/lib.dart", relative.toString());
// }
// void test_system() {
// JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con2(parseUriWithException("dart:core"), file);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(source);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(file.getAbsolutePath(), source.fullName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(source.isInSystemLibrary);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'FileBasedSourceTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_equals_false_differentFiles', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_false_differentFiles);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_false_null', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_false_null);
// });
// _ut.test('test_equals_true', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_equals_true);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getEncoding', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getEncoding);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getFullName', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getFullName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getShortName', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getShortName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_hashCode', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_hashCode);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isInSystemLibrary_contagious', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isInSystemLibrary_contagious);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isInSystemLibrary_false', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isInSystemLibrary_false);
// });
// _ut.test('test_issue14500', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_issue14500);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_dart_fileName', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_dart_fileName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_dart_filePath', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_dart_filePath);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_dart_filePathWithParent', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_dart_filePathWithParent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_file_fileName', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_file_fileName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_file_filePath', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_file_filePath);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_file_filePathWithParent', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_file_filePathWithParent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_package_fileName', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_package_fileName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_package_fileNameWithoutPackageName', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_package_fileNameWithoutPackageName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_package_filePath', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_package_filePath);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative_package_filePathWithParent', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative_package_filePathWithParent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_system', () {
// final __test = new FileBasedSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_system);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class FileUriResolverTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_creation() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new FileUriResolver());
// }
// void test_resolve_file() {
// UriResolver resolver = new FileUriResolver();
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("file:/does/not/exist.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart").getAbsolutePath(), result.fullName);
// }
// void test_resolve_nonFile() {
// UriResolver resolver = new FileUriResolver();
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:core"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'FileUriResolverTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new FileUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_file', () {
// final __test = new FileUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_file);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_nonFile', () {
// final __test = new FileUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_nonFile);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// /**
// * The class `FileUtilities2` implements utility methods used to create and manipulate files.
// */
// class FileUtilities2 {
// /**
// * A temporary directory used during testing and cleared via [deleteTempDir].
// */
// static JavaFile _TEMP_DIR = new JavaFile(JavaSystemIO.getProperty(""), "AnalysisEngineTestTmp");
// /**
// * Create a file with the given path after replacing any forward slashes ('/') in the path with
// * the current file separator.
// *
// * @param path the path of the file to be created
// * @return the file representing the path
// */
// static JavaFile createFile(String path) => new JavaFile(_convertPath(path)).getAbsoluteFile();
// /**
// * Create a new symlink or throw an exception if creation of symlinks is not supported. Use
// * [isSymLinkSupported] to determine if this method will work on the current platform.
// *
// * @param existingFile the existing file to which the new symlink should point (not `null`,
// * and must exist)
// * @param linkFile the symlink to be created (not `null`, but must not exist)
// */
// static void createSymLink(JavaFile existingFile, JavaFile linkFile) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("Creation of symlinks is not supported", isSymLinkSupported);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("Target file does not exist", existingFile.exists());
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalseMsg("Link already exists", linkFile.exists());
// ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner(<String> ["ln", "-s", existingFile.getPath(), linkFile.getPath()]);
// int exitCode = runner.runSync(10000);
// if (exitCode != 0) {
//"Symlink creation failed [${exitCode}] ${linkFile}");
// }
// }
// /**
// * Create a temporary directory. Call [deleteTempDir] in the [TestCase] tearDown
// * method to delete all temporary files and directories.
// *
// * @param name the name of the temporary directory (not `null`, not empty)
// * @return the directory created (not `null`)
// */
// static JavaFile createTempDir(String name) {
// JavaFile dir = new JavaFile.relative(_TEMP_DIR, name);
// if (dir.mkdirs()) {
// return dir;
// }
// throw new JavaIOException("Failed to create directory ${dir}");
// }
// /**
// * Create a temporary file. Call [deleteTempDir] in the [TestCase] tearDown method
// * to delete all temporary files and directories.
// *
// * @param name the name of the temporary file (not `null`, not empty)
// * @return the file (not `null`)
// */
// static JavaFile createTempFile(String name, String content) {
// JavaFile file = new JavaFile.relative(_TEMP_DIR, name);
// if (file.createNewFile()) {
// return file;
// }
// throw new JavaIOException("Failed to create file ${file}");
// }
// /**
// * Delete the contents of the given directory, given that we know it is a directory.
// *
// * @param dir the directory whose contents are to be deleted
// */
// static void deleteDirectory(JavaFile dir) {
// for (JavaFile file in dir.listFiles()) {
// if (file.isDirectory()) {
// deleteDirectory(file);
// } else {
// if (!file.delete()) {
// throw new JavaIOException("Failed to delete ${file}");
// }
// }
// }
// if (!dir.delete()) {
// throw new JavaIOException("Failed to delete ${dir}");
// }
// }
// /**
// * Delete symlink or throw an exception if creation of symlinks is not supported. Use
// * [isSymLinkSupported] to determine if this method will work on the current platform.
// *
// * @param linkFile the symlink to be deleted (not `null`, and must exist)
// */
// static void deleteSymLink(JavaFile linkFile) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("Creation of symlinks is not supported", isSymLinkSupported);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("Link does not exist", linkFile.exists());
// ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner(<String> ["rm", linkFile.getPath()]);
// int exitCode = runner.runSync(10000);
// if (exitCode != 0) {
//"Symlink deletion failed [${exitCode}] ${linkFile}");
// }
// }
// /**
// * Delete the temporary directory. This should called from the [TestCase] tearDown method of
// * any test case which calls [createTempDir] or [createTempFile].
// */
// static void deleteTempDir() {
// if (_TEMP_DIR.exists()) {
// deleteDirectory(_TEMP_DIR);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Determine if creation of symlinks via [createSymLink] is supported.
// *
// * @return `true` if symlinks can be created, else false
// */
// static bool get isSymLinkSupported => !OSUtilities.isWindows();
// /**
// * Convert all forward slashes in the given path to the current file separator.
// *
// * @param path the path to be converted
// * @return the converted path
// */
// static String _convertPath(String path) {
// if (JavaFile.separator == "/") {
// // We're on a unix-ish OS.
// return path;
// } else {
// // On windows, the path separator is '\'.
// return path.replaceAll("/", "\\\\");
// }
// }
// }
// class GeneralizingElementVisitor_AngularTest_findElement extends GeneralizingElementVisitor<Object> {
// ElementKind kind;
// String name;
// List<Element> result;
// GeneralizingElementVisitor_AngularTest_findElement(this.kind,, this.result) : super();
// @override
// Object visitElement(Element element) {
// if ((kind == null || element.kind == kind) && name == {
// result[0] = element;
// }
// return super.visitElement(element);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Utility methods to create HTML nodes.
// */
// class HtmlFactory {
// static XmlAttributeNode attribute(String name, String value) {
// Token nameToken = _stringToken(name);
// Token equalsToken = new Token.con1(TokenType.EQ, 0);
// Token valueToken = _stringToken(value);
// return new XmlAttributeNode(nameToken, equalsToken, valueToken);
// }
// static List list(List<Object> elements) {
// List elementList = new List();
// for (Object element in elements) {
// elementList.add(element);
// }
// return elementList;
// }
// static HtmlScriptTagNode scriptTag(List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes) => new HtmlScriptTagNode(_ltToken(), _stringToken("script"), list(attributes), _sgtToken(), null, null, null, null);
// static HtmlScriptTagNode scriptTagWithContent(String contents, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes) {
// Token attributeEnd = _gtToken();
// Token contentToken = _stringToken(contents);
// attributeEnd.setNext(contentToken);
// Token contentEnd = _ltsToken();
// contentToken.setNext(contentEnd);
// return new HtmlScriptTagNode(_ltToken(), _stringToken("script"), list(attributes), attributeEnd, null, contentEnd, _stringToken("script"), _gtToken());
// }
// static XmlTagNode tagNode(String name, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes) => new XmlTagNode(_ltToken(), _stringToken(name), [], _sgtToken(), null, null, null, null);
// static Token _gtToken() => new Token.con1(TokenType.GT, 0);
// static Token _ltsToken() => new Token.con1(TokenType.LT_SLASH, 0);
// static Token _ltToken() => new Token.con1(TokenType.LT, 0);
// static Token _sgtToken() => new Token.con1(TokenType.SLASH_GT, 0);
// static Token _stringToken(String value) => new Token.con2(TokenType.STRING, 0, value);
// }
// class HtmlParserTest extends EngineTestCase {
// /**
// * The name of the 'script' tag in an HTML file.
// */
// static String _TAG_SCRIPT = "script";
// void fail_parse_scriptWithComment() {
// String scriptBody = EngineTestCase.createSource([
// " /**",
// " * <editable-label bind-value=\"dartAsignableValue\">",
// " * </editable-label>",
// " */",
// " class Foo {}"]);
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// " <html>",
// " <body>",
// " <script type=\"application/dart\">",
// scriptBody,
// " </script>",
// " </body>",
// " </html>"]));
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t4("body", [_t("script", _a(["type", "\"application/dart\""]), scriptBody, [])])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_attribute() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo=\"sdfsdf\"></body></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t("body", _a(["foo", "\"sdfsdf\""]), "", [])])]);
// XmlTagNode htmlNode = htmlUnit.tagNodes[0];
// XmlTagNode bodyNode = htmlNode.tagNodes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("sdfsdf", bodyNode.attributes[0].text);
// }
// void test_parse_attribute_EOF() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo=\"sdfsdf\"");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t("body", _a(["foo", "\"sdfsdf\""]), "", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_attribute_EOF_missing_quote() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo=\"sdfsd");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t("body", _a(["foo", "\"sdfsd"]), "", [])])]);
// XmlTagNode htmlNode = htmlUnit.tagNodes[0];
// XmlTagNode bodyNode = htmlNode.tagNodes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("sdfsd", bodyNode.attributes[0].text);
// }
// void test_parse_attribute_extra_quote() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo=\"sdfsdf\"\"></body></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t("body", _a(["foo", "\"sdfsdf\""]), "", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_attribute_single_quote() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo='sdfsdf'></body></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t("body", _a(["foo", "'sdfsdf'"]), "", [])])]);
// XmlTagNode htmlNode = htmlUnit.tagNodes[0];
// XmlTagNode bodyNode = htmlNode.tagNodes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("sdfsdf", bodyNode.attributes[0].text);
// }
// void test_parse_comment_embedded() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html <!-- comment -->></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "", [])]);
// }
// void test_parse_comment_first() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<!-- comment --><html></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "", [])]);
// }
// void test_parse_comment_in_content() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><!-- comment --></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "<!-- comment -->", [])]);
// }
// void test_parse_content() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html>\n<p a=\"b\">blat \n </p>\n</html>");
// // XmlTagNode.getContent() does not include whitespace between '<' and '>' at this time
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "\n<pa=\"b\">blat \n </p>\n", [_t("p", _a(["a", "\"b\""]), "blat \n ", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_content_none() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><p/>blat<p/></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "<p/>blat<p/>", [_t3("p", "", []), _t3("p", "", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_declaration() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<!DOCTYPE html>\n\n<html><p></p></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t3("p", "", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_directive() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<?xml ?>\n\n<html><p></p></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t3("p", "", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_getAttribute() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo=\"sdfsdf\"></body></html>");
// XmlTagNode htmlNode = htmlUnit.tagNodes[0];
// XmlTagNode bodyNode = htmlNode.tagNodes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("sdfsdf", bodyNode.getAttribute("foo").text);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, bodyNode.getAttribute("bar"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, bodyNode.getAttribute(null));
// }
// void test_parse_getAttributeText() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><body foo=\"sdfsdf\"></body></html>");
// XmlTagNode htmlNode = htmlUnit.tagNodes[0];
// XmlTagNode bodyNode = htmlNode.tagNodes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("sdfsdf", bodyNode.getAttributeText("foo"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, bodyNode.getAttributeText("bar"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(null, bodyNode.getAttributeText(null));
// }
// void test_parse_headers() {
// String code = EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// " <body>",
// " <h2>000</h2>",
// " <div>",
// " 111",
// " </div>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]);
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse(code);
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t4("body", [_t3("h2", "000", []), _t4("div", [])])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_script() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html><script >here is <p> some</script></html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t4("html", [_t3("script", "here is <p> some", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_self_closing() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<html>foo<br>bar</html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "foo<br>bar", [_t3("br", "", [])])]);
// }
// void test_parse_self_closing_declaration() {
// HtmlUnit htmlUnit = parse("<!DOCTYPE html><html>foo</html>");
// _validate(htmlUnit, [_t3("html", "foo", [])]);
// }
// HtmlUnit parse(String contents) {
// TestSource source = new TestSource.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/test.dart"), contents);
// AbstractScanner scanner = new StringScanner(source, contents);
// scanner.passThroughElements = <String> [_TAG_SCRIPT];
// Token token = scanner.tokenize();
// LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(scanner.lineStarts);
// GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// HtmlUnit unit = new HtmlParser(source, errorListener).parse(token, lineInfo);
// errorListener.assertNoErrors();
// return unit;
// }
// XmlValidator_Attributes _a(List<String> keyValuePairs) => new XmlValidator_Attributes(keyValuePairs);
// XmlValidator_Tag _t(String tag, XmlValidator_Attributes attributes, String content, List<XmlValidator_Tag> children) => new XmlValidator_Tag(tag, attributes, content, children);
// XmlValidator_Tag _t2(String tag, XmlValidator_Attributes attributes, List<XmlValidator_Tag> children) => new XmlValidator_Tag(tag, attributes, null, children);
// XmlValidator_Tag _t3(String tag, String content, List<XmlValidator_Tag> children) => new XmlValidator_Tag(tag, new XmlValidator_Attributes([]), content, children);
// XmlValidator_Tag _t4(String tag, List<XmlValidator_Tag> children) => new XmlValidator_Tag(tag, new XmlValidator_Attributes([]), null, children);
// void _validate(HtmlUnit htmlUnit, List<XmlValidator_Tag> expectedTags) {
// XmlValidator validator = new XmlValidator();
// validator.expectTags(expectedTags);
// htmlUnit.accept(validator);
// validator.assertValid();
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'HtmlParserTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_EOF', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_EOF);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_EOF_missing_quote', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_EOF_missing_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_extra_quote', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_extra_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_single_quote', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_single_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_comment_embedded', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_comment_embedded);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_comment_first', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_comment_first);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_comment_in_content', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_comment_in_content);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_content', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_content);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_content_none', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_content_none);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_declaration', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_declaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_directive', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_directive);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_getAttribute', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_getAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_getAttributeText', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_getAttributeText);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_headers', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_headers);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_script', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_script);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_self_closing', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_self_closing);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_self_closing_declaration', () {
// final __test = new HtmlParserTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_self_closing_declaration);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest extends HtmlParserTest {
// void test_buider() {
// HtmlTagInfoBuilder builder = new HtmlTagInfoBuilder();
// HtmlUnit unit = parse(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// " <body>",
// " <div id=\"x\"></div>",
// " <p class='c'></p>",
// " <div class='c'></div>",
// " </body>",
// "</html>"]));
// unit.accept(builder);
// HtmlTagInfo info = builder.getTagInfo();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(info);
// List<String> allTags = info.getAllTags();
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(4, allTags);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("div", info.getTagWithId("x"));
// List<String> tagsWithClass = info.getTagsWithClass("c");
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, tagsWithClass);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_buider', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buider);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_EOF', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_EOF);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_EOF_missing_quote', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_EOF_missing_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_extra_quote', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_extra_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_attribute_single_quote', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_attribute_single_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_comment_embedded', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_comment_embedded);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_comment_first', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_comment_first);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_comment_in_content', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_comment_in_content);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_content', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_content);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_content_none', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_content_none);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_declaration', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_declaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_directive', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_directive);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_getAttribute', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_getAttribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_getAttributeText', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_getAttributeText);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_headers', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_headers);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_script', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_script);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_self_closing', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_self_closing);
// });
// _ut.test('test_parse_self_closing_declaration', () {
// final __test = new HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_parse_self_closing_declaration);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class HtmlUnitBuilderTest extends EngineTestCase {
// AnalysisContextImpl _context;
// void test_embedded_script() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\">foo=2;</script>",
// "</html>"]));
// _validate(element, [_s(_l([_v("foo")]))]);
// }
// void test_embedded_script_no_content() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\"></script>",
// "</html>"]));
// _validate(element, [_s(_l([]))]);
// }
// void test_external_script() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\" src=\"other.dart\"/>",
// "</html>"]));
// _validate(element, [_s2("other.dart")]);
// }
// void test_external_script_no_source() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\"/>",
// "</html>"]));
// _validate(element, [_s2(null as String)]);
// }
// void test_external_script_with_content() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\" src=\"other.dart\">blat=2;</script>",
// "</html>"]));
// _validate(element, [_s2("other.dart")]);
// }
// void test_no_scripts() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource(["<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html><p></p></html>"]));
// _validate(element, []);
// }
// void test_two_dart_scripts() {
// HtmlElementImpl element = _build(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\">bar=2;</script>",
// "<script type=\"application/dart\" src=\"other.dart\"/>",
// "<script src=\"dart.js\"/>",
// "</html>"]));
// _validate(element, [_s(_l([_v("bar")])), _s2("other.dart")]);
// }
// @override
// void setUp() {
// _context = AnalysisContextFactory.contextWithCore();
// }
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary _l(List<HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedVariable> expectedVariables) => new HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary(this, expectedVariables);
// HtmlElementImpl _build(String contents) {
// TestSource source = new TestSource.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/test.html"), contents);
// ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
// changeSet.addedSource(source);
// _context.applyChanges(changeSet);
// HtmlUnitBuilder builder = new HtmlUnitBuilder(_context);
// return builder.buildHtmlElement(source, _context.getModificationStamp(source), _context.parseHtmlUnit(source));
// }
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript _s(HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary expectedLibrary) => new HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript.con1(expectedLibrary);
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript _s2(String scriptSourcePath) => new HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript.con2(scriptSourcePath);
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedVariable _v(String varName) => new HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedVariable(varName);
// void _validate(HtmlElementImpl element, List<HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript> expectedScripts) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(_context, element.context);
// List<HtmlScriptElement> scripts = element.scripts;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(scripts);
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(expectedScripts.length, scripts);
// for (int scriptIndex = 0; scriptIndex < scripts.length; scriptIndex++) {
// expectedScripts[scriptIndex]._validate(scriptIndex, scripts[scriptIndex]);
// }
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'HtmlUnitBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_embedded_script', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_embedded_script);
// });
// _ut.test('test_embedded_script_no_content', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_embedded_script_no_content);
// });
// _ut.test('test_external_script', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_external_script);
// });
// _ut.test('test_external_script_no_source', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_external_script_no_source);
// });
// _ut.test('test_external_script_with_content', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_external_script_with_content);
// });
// _ut.test('test_no_scripts', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_no_scripts);
// });
// _ut.test('test_two_dart_scripts', () {
// final __test = new HtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_two_dart_scripts);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary {
// final HtmlUnitBuilderTest HtmlUnitBuilderTest_this;
// final List<HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedVariable> _expectedVariables;
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary(this.HtmlUnitBuilderTest_this, this._expectedVariables);
// void _validate(int scriptIndex, EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl script) {
// LibraryElement library = script.scriptLibrary;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNullMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", library);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSameMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", HtmlUnitBuilderTest_this._context, script.context);
// CompilationUnitElement unit = library.definingCompilationUnit;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNullMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", unit);
// List<TopLevelVariableElement> variables = unit.topLevelVariables;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(_expectedVariables.length, variables);
// for (int index = 0; index < variables.length; index++) {
// _expectedVariables[index].validate(scriptIndex, variables[index]);
// }
// JUnitTestCase.assertSameMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", script, library.enclosingElement);
// }
// }
// class HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript {
// String _expectedExternalScriptName;
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary _expectedLibrary;
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript.con1(HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedLibrary expectedLibrary) {
// this._expectedExternalScriptName = null;
// this._expectedLibrary = expectedLibrary;
// }
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedScript.con2(String expectedExternalScriptPath) {
// this._expectedExternalScriptName = expectedExternalScriptPath;
// this._expectedLibrary = null;
// }
// void _validate(int scriptIndex, HtmlScriptElement script) {
// if (_expectedLibrary != null) {
// _validateEmbedded(scriptIndex, script);
// } else {
// _validateExternal(scriptIndex, script);
// }
// }
// void _validateEmbedded(int scriptIndex, HtmlScriptElement script) {
// if (script is! EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl) {
//"Expected script ${scriptIndex} to be embedded, but found ${(script != null ? script.runtimeType : "null")}");
// }
// EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl embeddedScript = script as EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl;
// _expectedLibrary._validate(scriptIndex, embeddedScript);
// }
// void _validateExternal(int scriptIndex, HtmlScriptElement script) {
// if (script is! ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl) {
//"Expected script ${scriptIndex} to be external with src=${_expectedExternalScriptName} but found ${(script != null ? script.runtimeType : "null")}");
// }
// ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl externalScript = script as ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl;
// Source scriptSource = externalScript.scriptSource;
// if (_expectedExternalScriptName == null) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNullMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", scriptSource);
// } else {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNullMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", scriptSource);
// String actualExternalScriptName = scriptSource.shortName;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", _expectedExternalScriptName, actualExternalScriptName);
// }
// }
// }
// class HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedVariable {
// final String _expectedName;
// HtmlUnitBuilderTest_ExpectedVariable(this._expectedName);
// void validate(int scriptIndex, TopLevelVariableElement variable) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNullMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", variable);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg("script ${scriptIndex}", _expectedName,;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Instances of the class `HtmlWarningCodeTest` test the generation of HTML warning codes.
// */
// class HtmlWarningCodeTest extends EngineTestCase {
// /**
// * The source factory used to create the sources to be resolved.
// */
// SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
// /**
// * The analysis context used to resolve the HTML files.
// */
// AnalysisContextImpl _context;
// /**
// * The contents of the 'test.html' file.
// */
// String _contents;
// /**
// * The list of reported errors.
// */
// List<AnalysisError> _errors;
// void test_invalidUri() {
// _verify(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type='application/dart' src='ht:'/>",
// "</html>"]), [HtmlWarningCode.INVALID_URI]);
// _assertErrorLocation2(_errors[0], "ht:");
// }
// void test_uriDoesNotExist() {
// _verify(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<html>",
// "<script type='application/dart' src='other.dart'/>",
// "</html>"]), [HtmlWarningCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST]);
// _assertErrorLocation2(_errors[0], "other.dart");
// }
// @override
// void setUp() {
// _sourceFactory = new SourceFactory([new FileUriResolver()]);
// _context = new AnalysisContextImpl();
// _context.sourceFactory = _sourceFactory;
// }
// void _assertErrorLocation(AnalysisError error, int expectedOffset, int expectedLength) {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg(error.toString(), expectedOffset, error.offset);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg(error.toString(), expectedLength, error.length);
// }
// void _assertErrorLocation2(AnalysisError error, String expectedString) {
// _assertErrorLocation(error, _contents.indexOf(expectedString), expectedString.length);
// }
// void _verify(String contents, List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
// this._contents = contents;
// TestSource source = new TestSource.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/test.html"), contents);
// ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
// changeSet.addedSource(source);
// _context.applyChanges(changeSet);
// HtmlUnitBuilder builder = new HtmlUnitBuilder(_context);
// builder.buildHtmlElement(source, _context.getModificationStamp(source), _context.parseHtmlUnit(source));
// GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// errorListener.addAll2(builder.errorListener);
// errorListener.assertErrorsWithCodes(expectedErrorCodes);
// _errors = errorListener.errors;
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'HtmlWarningCodeTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_invalidUri', () {
// final __test = new HtmlWarningCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invalidUri);
// });
// _ut.test('test_uriDoesNotExist', () {
// final __test = new HtmlWarningCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_uriDoesNotExist);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// /**
// * Instances of the class `MockDartSdk` implement a [DartSdk].
// */
// class MockDartSdk implements DartSdk {
// @override
// Source fromFileUri(Uri uri) => null;
// @override
// AnalysisContext get context => null;
// @override
// List<SdkLibrary> get sdkLibraries => null;
// @override
// SdkLibrary getSdkLibrary(String dartUri) => null;
// @override
// String get sdkVersion => null;
// @override
// List<String> get uris => null;
// @override
// Source mapDartUri(String dartUri) => null;
// }
// class NonExistingSourceTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// Source _source = new NonExistingSource("/foo/bar/baz.dart", UriKind.PACKAGE_URI);
// void test_access() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_source.exists());
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.PACKAGE_URI, _source.uriKind);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("/foo/bar/baz.dart", _source.fullName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("/foo/bar/baz.dart", _source.shortName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(0, _source.modificationStamp);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_source.isInSystemLibrary);
// }
// void test_getContents() {
// try {
// _source.contents;
// } on UnsupportedOperationException catch (e) {
// }
// }
// void test_getContentsToReceiver() {
// try {
// _source.getContentsToReceiver(null);
// } on UnsupportedOperationException catch (e) {
// }
// }
// void test_getEncoding() {
// try {
// _source.encoding;
// } on UnsupportedOperationException catch (e) {
// }
// }
// void test_resolveRelative() {
// try {
// _source.resolveRelativeUri(parseUriWithException("qux.dart"));
// } on UnsupportedOperationException catch (e) {
// }
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'NonExistingSourceTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_access', () {
// final __test = new NonExistingSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_access);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getContents', () {
// final __test = new NonExistingSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getContents);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getContentsToReceiver', () {
// final __test = new NonExistingSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getContentsToReceiver);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getEncoding', () {
// final __test = new NonExistingSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getEncoding);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveRelative', () {
// final __test = new NonExistingSourceTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveRelative);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class PackageUriResolverTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_absolute_vs_canonical() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/packages");
// // Cannot compare paths on Windows because this
// // assertEquals(directory.getAbsolutePath(), directory.getCanonicalPath());
// // results in
// // expected:<[e]:\does\not\exist\pac...> but was:<[E]:\does\not\exist\pac...>
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(directory.getAbsoluteFile(), directory.getCanonicalFile());
// }
// void test_creation() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/packages");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new PackageUriResolver([directory]));
// }
// void test_isPackageUri_null_scheme() {
// Uri uri = parseUriWithException("foo.dart");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(uri.scheme);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PackageUriResolver.isPackageUri(uri));
// }
// void test_resolve_canonical() {
// if (!FileUtilities2.isSymLinkSupported) {
// print("Skipping ${runtimeType.toString()} test_resolve_canonical");
// return;
// }
// JavaFile lib1Dir = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("pkg1/lib").getCanonicalFile();
// JavaFile otherDir = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("pkg1/other").getCanonicalFile();
// JavaFile packagesDir = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("pkg1/packages").getCanonicalFile();
// JavaFile lib2Dir = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("pkg2/lib").getCanonicalFile();
// // Create symlink packages/pkg1 --> lib1
// JavaFile pkg1Dir = new JavaFile.relative(packagesDir, "pkg1");
// FileUtilities2.createSymLink(lib1Dir, pkg1Dir);
// // Create symlink packages/pkg1/other --> other
// FileUtilities2.createSymLink(otherDir, new JavaFile.relative(lib1Dir, "other"));
// // Create symlink packages/pkg2 --> lib2
// JavaFile pkg2Dir = new JavaFile.relative(packagesDir, "pkg2");
// FileUtilities2.createSymLink(lib2Dir, pkg2Dir);
// UriResolver resolver = new PackageUriResolver([packagesDir]);
// // Assert that package:pkg1 resolves to lib1
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:pkg1"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(lib1Dir, new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.FILE_URI, result.uriKind);
// // Assert that package:pkg1/ resolves to lib1
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:pkg1/"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(lib1Dir, new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.FILE_URI, result.uriKind);
// // Assert that package:pkg1/other resolves to lib1/other not other
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:pkg1/other"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(new JavaFile.relative(lib1Dir, "other"), new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.FILE_URI, result.uriKind);
// // Assert that package:pkg1/other/some.dart resolves to lib1/other/some.dart not other.dart
// // when some.dart does NOT exist
// JavaFile someDart = new JavaFile.relative(new JavaFile.relative(lib1Dir, "other"), "some.dart");
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:pkg1/other/some.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(someDart, new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// // Assert that package:pkg1/other/some.dart resolves to lib1/other/some.dart not other.dart
// // when some.dart exists
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(new JavaFile.relative(otherDir, someDart.getName()).createNewFile());
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(someDart.exists());
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:pkg1/other/some.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(someDart, new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// // Assert that package:pkg2/ resolves to lib2
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:pkg2/"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(lib2Dir, new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.PACKAGE_URI, result.uriKind);
// }
// void test_resolve_invalid() {
// JavaFile packagesDir = new JavaFile("packages");
// UriResolver resolver = new PackageUriResolver([packagesDir]);
// // Invalid: URI
// try {
// parseUriWithException("package:");
//"Expected exception");
// } on URISyntaxException catch (e) {
// }
// // Invalid: just slash
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:/"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// // Invalid: leading slash... or should we gracefully degrade and ignore the leading slash?
// result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:/foo"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// void test_resolve_nonPackage() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/packages");
// UriResolver resolver = new PackageUriResolver([directory]);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:core"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// void test_resolve_package() {
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/packages");
// UriResolver resolver = new PackageUriResolver([directory]);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("package:third/party/library.dart"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/packages/third/party/library.dart").getAbsoluteFile(), new JavaFile(result.fullName));
// }
// void test_restore() {
// if (!FileUtilities2.isSymLinkSupported) {
// print("Skipping ${runtimeType.toString()} test_restore");
// return;
// }
// JavaFile argsCanonicalDir = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("args").getCanonicalFile();
// JavaFile packagesDir = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("packages");
// // Create symlink packages/args --> args-canonical
// FileUtilities2.createSymLink(argsCanonicalDir, new JavaFile.relative(packagesDir, "args"));
// UriResolver resolver = new PackageUriResolver([packagesDir]);
// // args-canonical/args.dart --> packages:args/args.dart
// JavaFile someDart = new JavaFile.relative(argsCanonicalDir, "args.dart");
// FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(someDart);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(parseUriWithException("package:args/args.dart"), resolver.restoreAbsolute(source));
// }
// @override
// void tearDown() {
// FileUtilities2.deleteTempDir();
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'PackageUriResolverTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_absolute_vs_canonical', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_absolute_vs_canonical);
// });
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isPackageUri_null_scheme', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isPackageUri_null_scheme);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_canonical', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_canonical);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_invalid', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_invalid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_nonPackage', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_nonPackage);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_package', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_package);
// });
// _ut.test('test_restore', () {
// final __test = new PackageUriResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_restore);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class PolymerCompilationUnitBuilderTest extends PolymerTest {
// void test_badAnnotation_noArguments() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "class MyAnnotation {}",
// "@MyAnnotation",
// "class MyElement {",
// "}",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagDartElement);
// }
// void test_badAnnotation_notConstructor() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource(["@NoSuchAnnotation()", "class MyElement {", "}", ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagDartElement);
// }
// void test_customTag() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// "}",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my-element",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(findTagDartOffset("my-element') // marker"), tagDartElement.nameOffset);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'PolymerCompilationUnitBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_badAnnotation_noArguments', () {
// final __test = new PolymerCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_badAnnotation_noArguments);
// });
// _ut.test('test_badAnnotation_notConstructor', () {
// final __test = new PolymerCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_badAnnotation_notConstructor);
// });
// _ut.test('test_customTag', () {
// final __test = new PolymerCompilationUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_customTag);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// /**
// * Test for [PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder].
// */
// class PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest extends PolymerTest {
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_bad_script_noSuchCustomTag() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('other-name')",
// "class MyElement {",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// // HTML part is resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// // ...but no Dart part found
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagHtmlElement.dartElement);
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_bad_script_notResolved() {
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='no-such-file.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagHtml();
// // HTML part is resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagHtmlElement.dartElement);
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_AttributeFieldNotPublished() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "const otherAnnotation = null;",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// " @otherAnnotation",
// " String attr;",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element' attributes='attr'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTagDart();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.ATTRIBUTE_FIELD_NOT_PUBLISHED]);
// // Dart and HTML parts are resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// // attribute is still created
// List<PolymerAttributeElement> attributes = tagHtmlElement.attributes;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, attributes);
// {
// PolymerAttributeElement attribute = attributes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attr",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(attribute.field);
// }
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_DuplicateAttributeDefinition() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// " @published String attr;",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element' attributes='attr attr'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTagDart();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION]);
// // Dart and HTML parts are resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// // attribute is still created
// List<PolymerAttributeElement> attributes = tagHtmlElement.attributes;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, attributes);
// {
// PolymerAttributeElement attribute = attributes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attr",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(attribute.field);
// }
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_EmptyAttributes() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element' attributes=''>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTagDart();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES]);
// // Dart and HTML parts are resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// // no attributes
// List<PolymerAttributeElement> attributes = tagHtmlElement.attributes;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, attributes);
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidAttributeName() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// " @published String goodAttr;",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element' attributes='1badAttr goodAttr'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTagDart();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME]);
// // Dart and HTML parts are resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// // one attribute is still created
// List<PolymerAttributeElement> attributes = tagHtmlElement.attributes;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, attributes);
// {
// PolymerAttributeElement attribute = attributes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("goodAttr",;
// }
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidTagName() {
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='invalid name'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.INVALID_TAG_NAME]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagHtmlElement);
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidTagName_noValue() {
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.INVALID_TAG_NAME]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagHtmlElement);
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_MissingTagName() {
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.MISSING_TAG_NAME]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagHtmlElement);
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_UndefinedAttributeField() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element' attributes='attr'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTagDart();
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, [PolymerCode.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_FIELD]);
// // Dart and HTML parts are resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// // attribute is still created
// List<PolymerAttributeElement> attributes = tagHtmlElement.attributes;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, attributes);
// {
// PolymerAttributeElement attribute = attributes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attr",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(attribute.field);
// }
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_OK() {
// addTagDartSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "import 'polymer.dart';",
// "",
// "@CustomTag('my-element') // marker",
// "class MyElement {",
// " @published String attrA;",
// " @published String attrB;",
// "}",
// ""]));
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element' attributes='attrA attrB'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// " <script type='application/dart' src='my-element.dart'></script>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagDart();
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTag();
// // Dart and HTML parts are resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagDartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my-element",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("my-element",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(findTagHtmlOffset("my-element' attributes="), tagHtmlElement.nameOffset);
// // Dart and HTML parts should point at each other
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(tagDartElement, tagHtmlElement.dartElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(tagHtmlElement, tagDartElement.htmlElement);
// // check attributes
// List<PolymerAttributeElement> attributes = tagHtmlElement.attributes;
// EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, attributes);
// {
// PolymerAttributeElement attribute = attributes[0];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attrA",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(findTagHtmlOffset("attrA "), attribute.nameOffset);
// FieldElement field = attribute.field;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attrA",;
// }
// {
// PolymerAttributeElement attribute = attributes[1];
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attrB",;
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(findTagHtmlOffset("attrB'>"), attribute.nameOffset);
// FieldElement field = attribute.field;
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(field);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("attrB",;
// }
// }
// void test_buildTagHtmlElement_OK_noScript() {
// addTagHtmlSource(EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "<!DOCTYPE html>",
// "",
// "<polymer-element name='my-element'>",
// " <template>",
// " <div>Hello!</div>",
// " </template>",
// "</polymer-element>",
// ""]));
// resolveTagHtml();
// assertNoErrorsTagHtml();
// // HTML part is resolved
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(tagHtmlElement);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(tagHtmlElement.dartElement);
// }
// void test_isValidAttributeName() {
// // empty
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName(""));
// // invalid first character
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName(" "));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName("-"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName("0"));
// // invalid character in the middle
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName("a&"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName("a-b"));
// // OK
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName("a"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidAttributeName("bb"));
// }
// void test_isValidTagName() {
// // empty
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName(""));
// // invalid first character
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName(" "));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("-"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("0"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("&"));
// // invalid character in the middle
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("a&"));
// // no '-'
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("a"));
// // forbidden names
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("annotation-xml"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("color-profile"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("font-face"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("font-face-src"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("font-face-uri"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("font-face-format"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("font-face-name"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("missing-glyph"));
// // OK
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("a-b"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("a-b-c"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilder.isValidTagName("aaa-bbb"));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_OK', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_OK);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_OK_noScript', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_OK_noScript);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_bad_script_noSuchCustomTag', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_bad_script_noSuchCustomTag);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_bad_script_notResolved', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_bad_script_notResolved);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_AttributeFieldNotPublished', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_AttributeFieldNotPublished);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_DuplicateAttributeDefinition', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_DuplicateAttributeDefinition);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_EmptyAttributes', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_EmptyAttributes);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidAttributeName', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidAttributeName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidTagName', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidTagName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidTagName_noValue', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_InvalidTagName_noValue);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_MissingTagName', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_MissingTagName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_UndefinedAttributeField', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_buildTagHtmlElement_error_UndefinedAttributeField);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isValidAttributeName', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isValidAttributeName);
// });
// _ut.test('test_isValidTagName', () {
// final __test = new PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isValidTagName);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// abstract class PolymerTest extends EngineTestCase {
// /**
// * @return the offset of given <code>search</code> string in <code>contents</code>. Fails test if
// * not found.
// */
// static int findOffset(String contents, String search) {
// int offset = contents.indexOf(search);
// assertThat(offset).describedAs(contents).isNotEqualTo(-1);
// return offset;
// }
// AnalysisContextHelper contextHelper = new AnalysisContextHelper();
// AnalysisContext context;
// Source tagDartSource;
// String tagDartContents;
// Source tagHtmlSource;
// String tagHtmlContents;
// CompilationUnitElement tagDartUnitElement;
// HtmlElement tagHtmlUnitElement;
// PolymerTagDartElement tagDartElement;
// PolymerTagHtmlElement tagHtmlElement;
// void addTagDartSource(String contents) {
// tagDartContents = contents;
// tagDartSource = contextHelper.addSource("/my-element.dart", contents);
// }
// void addTagHtmlSource(String contents) {
// tagHtmlContents = contents;
// tagHtmlSource = contextHelper.addSource("/my-element.html", contents);
// }
// /**
// * Assert that the number of errors reported against the given source matches the number of errors
// * that are given and that they have the expected error codes. The order in which the errors were
// * gathered is ignored.
// *
// * @param source the source against which the errors should have been reported
// * @param expectedErrorCodes the error codes of the errors that should have been reported
// * @throws AnalysisException if the reported errors could not be computed
// * @throws AssertionFailedError if a different number of errors have been reported than were
// * expected
// */
// void assertErrors(Source source, List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
// GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
// AnalysisErrorInfo errorsInfo = context.getErrors(source);
// for (AnalysisError error in errorsInfo.errors) {
// errorListener.onError(error);
// }
// errorListener.assertErrorsWithCodes(expectedErrorCodes);
// }
// void assertNoErrorsTag() {
// assertNoErrorsTagDart();
// assertNoErrorsTagHtml();
// }
// void assertNoErrorsTagDart() {
// assertErrors(tagDartSource, []);
// }
// void assertNoErrorsTagHtml() {
// assertErrors(tagHtmlSource, []);
// }
// /**
// * @return the offset of given <code>search</code> string in [tagDartContents]. Fails test
// * if not found.
// */
// int findTagDartOffset(String search) => findOffset(tagDartContents, search);
// /**
// * @return the offset of given <code>search</code> string in [tagHtmlContents]. Fails test
// * if not found.
// */
// int findTagHtmlOffset(String search) => findOffset(tagHtmlContents, search);
// void resolveTagDart() {
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// tagDartUnitElement = contextHelper.getDefiningUnitElement(tagDartSource);
// // try to find a PolymerTagDartElement
// for (ClassElement classElement in tagDartUnitElement.types) {
// for (ToolkitObjectElement toolkitObject in classElement.toolkitObjects) {
// if (toolkitObject is PolymerTagDartElement) {
// tagDartElement = toolkitObject as PolymerTagDartElement;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// void resolveTagHtml() {
// contextHelper.runTasks();
// tagHtmlUnitElement = context.getHtmlElement(tagHtmlSource);
// // try to find a PolymerTagHtmlElement
// List<PolymerTagHtmlElement> polymerTags = tagHtmlUnitElement.polymerTags;
// if (polymerTags.length != 0) {
// tagHtmlElement = polymerTags[0];
// }
// }
// @override
// void setUp() {
// super.setUp();
// _configureForPolymer(contextHelper);
// context = contextHelper.context;
// }
// @override
// void tearDown() {
// contextHelper = null;
// context = null;
// tagDartSource = null;
// tagDartContents = null;
// tagHtmlSource = null;
// tagHtmlContents = null;
// tagDartUnitElement = null;
// tagHtmlUnitElement = null;
// tagDartElement = null;
// tagHtmlElement = null;
// super.tearDown();
// }
// void _configureForPolymer(AnalysisContextHelper contextHelper) {
// contextHelper.addSource("/polymer.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "library polymer;",
// "",
// "class CustomTag {",
// " final String tagName;",
// " const CustomTag(this.tagName);",
// "}",
// "",
// "class ObservableProperty {",
// " const ObservableProperty();",
// "}",
// "const ObservableProperty observable = const ObservableProperty();",
// "",
// "class PublishedProperty extends ObservableProperty {",
// " const PublishedProperty();",
// "}",
// "const published = const PublishedProperty();",
// ""]));
// }
// }
// class ReferenceFinderTest extends EngineTestCase {
// DirectedGraph<AstNode> _referenceGraph;
// HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> _variableDeclarationMap;
// HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> _constructorDeclarationMap;
// VariableDeclaration _head;
// AstNode _tail;
// void test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_const() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailConstructor("A", true, true, true));
// _assertOneArc(_tail);
// }
// void test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConstDeclaration() {
// // In the source:
// // const x = const A();
// // x depends on "const A()" even if the A constructor isn't declared as const.
// _visitNode(_makeTailConstructor("A", false, true, true));
// _assertOneArc(_tail);
// }
// void test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConstUsage() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailConstructor("A", true, false, true));
// _assertNoArcs();
// }
// void test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_notInMap() {
// // In the source:
// // const x = const A();
// // x depends on "const A()" even if the AST for the A constructor isn't available.
// _visitNode(_makeTailConstructor("A", true, true, false));
// _assertOneArc(_tail);
// }
// void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_const() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailVariable("v2", true, true));
// _assertOneArc(_tail);
// }
// void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_nonConst() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailVariable("v2", false, true));
// _assertNoArcs();
// }
// void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInMap() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailVariable("v2", true, false));
// _assertNoArcs();
// }
// void test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_const() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailSuperConstructorInvocation("A", true, true));
// _assertOneArc(_tail);
// }
// void test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_nonConst() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailSuperConstructorInvocation("A", false, true));
// _assertNoArcs();
// }
// void test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_notInMap() {
// _visitNode(_makeTailSuperConstructorInvocation("A", true, false));
// _assertNoArcs();
// }
// void test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_unresolved() {
// SuperConstructorInvocation superConstructorInvocation = AstFactory.superConstructorInvocation([]);
// _tail = superConstructorInvocation;
// _visitNode(superConstructorInvocation);
// _assertNoArcs();
// }
// @override
// void setUp() {
// _referenceGraph = new DirectedGraph<AstNode>();
// _variableDeclarationMap = new HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration>();
// _constructorDeclarationMap = new HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration>();
// _head = AstFactory.variableDeclaration("v1");
// }
// void _assertNoArcs() {
// Set<AstNode> tails = _referenceGraph.getTails(_head);
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfSet(0, tails);
// }
// void _assertOneArc(AstNode tail) {
// Set<AstNode> tails = _referenceGraph.getTails(_head);
// EngineTestCase.assertSizeOfSet(1, tails);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(tail, new JavaIterator(tails).next());
// }
// ReferenceFinder _createReferenceFinder(AstNode source) => new ReferenceFinder(source, _referenceGraph, _variableDeclarationMap, _constructorDeclarationMap);
// InstanceCreationExpression _makeTailConstructor(String name, bool isConstDeclaration, bool isConstUsage, bool inMap) {
// List<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = new List<ConstructorInitializer>();
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration(AstFactory.identifier3(name), null, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), initializers);
// if (isConstDeclaration) {
// constructorDeclaration.constKeyword = new KeywordToken(Keyword.CONST, 0);
// }
// ClassElementImpl classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2(name, []);
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstFactory.identifier3(name);
// TypeName type = AstFactory.typeName3(identifier, []);
// InstanceCreationExpression instanceCreationExpression = AstFactory.instanceCreationExpression2(isConstUsage ? Keyword.CONST : Keyword.NEW, type, []);
// _tail = instanceCreationExpression;
// ConstructorElementImpl constructorElement = ElementFactory.constructorElement(classElement, name, isConstDeclaration, []);
// if (inMap) {
// _constructorDeclarationMap[constructorElement] = constructorDeclaration;
// }
// instanceCreationExpression.staticElement = constructorElement;
// return instanceCreationExpression;
// }
// SuperConstructorInvocation _makeTailSuperConstructorInvocation(String name, bool isConst, bool inMap) {
// List<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = new List<ConstructorInitializer>();
// ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = AstFactory.constructorDeclaration(AstFactory.identifier3(name), null, AstFactory.formalParameterList([]), initializers);
// _tail = constructorDeclaration;
// if (isConst) {
// constructorDeclaration.constKeyword = new KeywordToken(Keyword.CONST, 0);
// }
// ClassElementImpl classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2(name, []);
// SuperConstructorInvocation superConstructorInvocation = AstFactory.superConstructorInvocation([]);
// ConstructorElementImpl constructorElement = ElementFactory.constructorElement(classElement, name, isConst, []);
// if (inMap) {
// _constructorDeclarationMap[constructorElement] = constructorDeclaration;
// }
// superConstructorInvocation.staticElement = constructorElement;
// return superConstructorInvocation;
// }
// SimpleIdentifier _makeTailVariable(String name, bool isConst, bool inMap) {
// VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration = AstFactory.variableDeclaration(name);
// _tail = variableDeclaration;
// VariableElementImpl variableElement = ElementFactory.localVariableElement2(name);
// variableElement.const3 = isConst;
// AstFactory.variableDeclarationList2(isConst ? Keyword.CONST : Keyword.VAR, [variableDeclaration]);
// if (inMap) {
// _variableDeclarationMap[variableElement] = variableDeclaration;
// }
// SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstFactory.identifier3(name);
// identifier.staticElement = variableElement;
// return identifier;
// }
// void _visitNode(AstNode node) {
// node.accept(_createReferenceFinder(_head));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ReferenceFinderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_const', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_const);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConstDeclaration', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConstDeclaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConstUsage', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_nonConstUsage);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_notInMap', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitInstanceCreationExpression_notInMap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleIdentifier_const', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleIdentifier_const);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleIdentifier_nonConst', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleIdentifier_nonConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInMap', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInMap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_const', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_const);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_nonConst', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_nonConst);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_notInMap', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_notInMap);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_unresolved', () {
// final __test = new ReferenceFinderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSuperConstructorInvocation_unresolved);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class RelativeFileResolverTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_creation() {
// JavaFile root = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist");
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/relative");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new RelativeFileUriResolver(root, [directory]));
// }
// void test_resolve_file() {
// JavaFile root = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("/does/not/exist");
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createTempDir("/does/not/exist/relative");
// JavaFile testFile = new JavaFile.relative(directory, "exist.dart");
// testFile.createNewFile();
// Uri uri = new Uri("file", null, "${root.toURI().path}${JavaFile.separator}exist.dart", null, null);
// UriResolver resolver = new RelativeFileUriResolver(root, [directory]);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(uri);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(result);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), result.fullName);
// }
// void test_resolve_nonFile() {
// JavaFile root = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist");
// JavaFile directory = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist/relative");
// UriResolver resolver = new RelativeFileUriResolver(root, [directory]);
// Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(parseUriWithException("dart:core"));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNull(result);
// }
// @override
// void tearDown() {
// FileUtilities2.deleteTempDir();
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'RelativeFileResolverTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new RelativeFileResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_file', () {
// final __test = new RelativeFileResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_file);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolve_nonFile', () {
// final __test = new RelativeFileResolverTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolve_nonFile);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class SDKLibrariesReaderTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void test_readFrom_dart2js() {
// LibraryMap libraryMap = new SdkLibrariesReader(true).readFromFile(FileUtilities2.createFile("/libs.dart"), EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "final Map<String, LibraryInfo> LIBRARIES = const <String, LibraryInfo> {",
// " 'first' : const LibraryInfo(",
// " 'first/first.dart',",
// " category: 'First',",
// " documented: true,",
// " platforms: VM_PLATFORM,",
// " dart2jsPath: 'first/first_dart2js.dart'),",
// "};"]));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(libraryMap);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(1, libraryMap.size());
// SdkLibrary first = libraryMap.getLibrary("dart:first");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(first);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("First", first.category);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("first/first_dart2js.dart", first.path);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:first", first.shortName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, first.isDart2JsLibrary);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, first.isDocumented);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, first.isImplementation);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, first.isVmLibrary);
// }
// void test_readFrom_empty() {
// LibraryMap libraryMap = new SdkLibrariesReader(false).readFromFile(FileUtilities2.createFile("/libs.dart"), "");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(libraryMap);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(0, libraryMap.size());
// }
// void test_readFrom_normal() {
// LibraryMap libraryMap = new SdkLibrariesReader(false).readFromFile(FileUtilities2.createFile("/libs.dart"), EngineTestCase.createSource([
// "final Map<String, LibraryInfo> LIBRARIES = const <String, LibraryInfo> {",
// " 'first' : const LibraryInfo(",
// " 'first/first.dart',",
// " category: 'First',",
// " documented: true,",
// " platforms: VM_PLATFORM),",
// "",
// " 'second' : const LibraryInfo(",
// " 'second/second.dart',",
// " category: 'Second',",
// " documented: false,",
// " implementation: true,",
// " platforms: 0),",
// "};"]));
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(libraryMap);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(2, libraryMap.size());
// SdkLibrary first = libraryMap.getLibrary("dart:first");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(first);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("First", first.category);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("first/first.dart", first.path);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:first", first.shortName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, first.isDart2JsLibrary);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, first.isDocumented);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, first.isImplementation);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, first.isVmLibrary);
// SdkLibrary second = libraryMap.getLibrary("dart:second");
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(second);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("Second", second.category);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("second/second.dart", second.path);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("dart:second", second.shortName);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, second.isDart2JsLibrary);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, second.isDocumented);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(true, second.isImplementation);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(false, second.isVmLibrary);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'SDKLibrariesReaderTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_readFrom_dart2js', () {
// final __test = new SDKLibrariesReaderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_readFrom_dart2js);
// });
// _ut.test('test_readFrom_empty', () {
// final __test = new SDKLibrariesReaderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_readFrom_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_readFrom_normal', () {
// final __test = new SDKLibrariesReaderTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_readFrom_normal);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class SourceFactoryTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_creation() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(new SourceFactory([]));
// }
// void test_fromEncoding_invalidUri() {
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([]);
// try {
// factory.fromEncoding("<:&%>");
//"Expected IllegalArgumentException");
// } on IllegalArgumentException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_fromEncoding_noResolver() {
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([]);
// try {
// factory.fromEncoding("foo:/does/not/exist.dart");
//"Expected IllegalArgumentException");
// } on IllegalArgumentException catch (exception) {
// }
// }
// void test_fromEncoding_valid() {
// String encoding = "file:/does/not/exist.dart";
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_fromEncoding_valid(encoding)]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(factory.fromEncoding(encoding));
// }
// void test_resolveUri_absolute() {
// List<bool> invoked = [false];
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_absolute(invoked)]);
// factory.resolveUri(null, "dart:core");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(invoked[0]);
// }
// void test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_absolute() {
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_absolute()]);
// String absolutePath = "/does/not/matter.dart";
// Source containingSource = new FileBasedSource.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart"));
// Source result = factory.resolveUri(containingSource, absolutePath);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(FileUtilities2.createFile(absolutePath).getAbsolutePath(), result.fullName);
// }
// void test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_relative() {
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_relative()]);
// Source containingSource = new FileBasedSource.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/have.dart"));
// Source result = factory.resolveUri(containingSource, "exist.dart");
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart").getAbsolutePath(), result.fullName);
// }
// void test_restoreUri() {
// JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/some/file1.dart");
// JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/some/file2.dart");
// Source source1 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file1);
// Source source2 = new FileBasedSource.con1(file2);
// Uri expected1 = parseUriWithException("");
// SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_restoreUri(source1, expected1)]);
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(expected1, factory.restoreUri(source1));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(null, factory.restoreUri(source2));
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'SourceFactoryTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_creation', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEncoding_invalidUri', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEncoding_invalidUri);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEncoding_noResolver', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEncoding_noResolver);
// });
// _ut.test('test_fromEncoding_valid', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEncoding_valid);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveUri_absolute', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveUri_absolute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_absolute', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_absolute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_relative', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_relative);
// });
// _ut.test('test_restoreUri', () {
// final __test = new SourceFactoryTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_restoreUri);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class StringScannerTest extends AbstractScannerTest {
// @override
// AbstractScanner newScanner(String input) => new StringScanner(null, input);
// static dartSuite() {
//'StringScannerTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_attribute', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_attribute);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_comment', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_comment);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_comment_incomplete', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_comment_incomplete);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_comment_with_gt', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_comment_with_gt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_declaration', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_declaration);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_declaration_malformed', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_declaration_malformed);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_directive_incomplete', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_directive_incomplete);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_directive_xml', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_directive_xml);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_directives_incomplete_with_newline', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_directives_incomplete_with_newline);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_empty', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_lt', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_lt);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags2', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags2);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags3', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_embedded_tags3);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_partial', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_partial);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_partial2', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_partial2);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_partial3', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_partial3);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_ref', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_ref);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_script_with_newline', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_script_with_newline);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_spaces_and_newlines', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_spaces_and_newlines);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_string', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_string);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_string_partial', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_string_partial);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_string_single_quote', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_string_single_quote);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_string_single_quote_partial', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_string_single_quote_partial);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_tag_begin_end', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_tag_begin_end);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_tag_begin_only', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_tag_begin_only);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_tag_incomplete_with_special_characters', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_tag_incomplete_with_special_characters);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_tag_self_contained', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_tag_self_contained);
// });
// _ut.test('test_tokenize_tags_wellformed', () {
// final __test = new StringScannerTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_tokenize_tags_wellformed);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ClassDeclarationTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ClassTypeAliasTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(IndexExpressionTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(NodeListTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(SimpleIdentifierTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(SimpleStringLiteralTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(VariableDeclarationTest);
// suite.addTest(;
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ConstantEvaluatorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ElementLocatorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(NodeLocatorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ToSourceVisitorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(BreadthFirstVisitorTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ConstantEvaluatorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(DeclaredVariablesTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AnalysisDeltaTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ChangeSetTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ElementKindTest);
// suite.addTest(;
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AngularPropertyKindTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ErrorSeverityTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TodoCodeTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTest(;
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ToSourceVisitorTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(HtmlParserTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(StringScannerTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AngularCompilationUnitBuilderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ElementBuilderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(EnumMemberBuilderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(HtmlUnitBuilderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(HtmlWarningCodeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(PolymerCompilationUnitBuilderTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AnalysisCacheTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(DartEntryImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(HtmlEntryImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(PartitionManagerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(SdkCachePartitionTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(UniversalCachePartitionTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ConstantFinderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ConstantValueComputerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ConstantVisitorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ReferenceFinderTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AnalysisContextImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(AnalysisOptionsImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(IncrementalAnalysisCacheTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(InstrumentedAnalysisContextImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(WorkManagerTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ClassElementImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(CompilationUnitElementImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ElementLocationImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ElementImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(HtmlElementImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(LibraryElementImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(MultiplyDefinedElementImplTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ErrorReporterTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ExitDetectorTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTest(;
// suite.addTestSuite(HtmlTagInfoBuilderTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AngularDartIndexContributorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(AngularHtmlIndexContributorTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(AngularHtmlUnitResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(AngularHtmlUnitUtilsTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(PolymerHtmlUnitBuilderTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(DartObjectImplTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(DeclarationMatcherTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ElementResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(IncrementalResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(InheritanceManagerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(LibraryElementBuilderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(LibraryTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(StaticTypeAnalyzerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(SubtypeManagerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TypeOverrideManagerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TypeProviderImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TypeResolverVisitorTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(EnclosedScopeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(LibraryImportScopeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(LibraryScopeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ScopeBuilderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ScopeTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(SDKLibrariesReaderTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(AnalysisTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(GenerateDartErrorsTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(GenerateDartHintsTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(GetContentTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(IncrementalAnalysisTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ParseDartTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ParseHtmlTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ResolveDartLibraryTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ResolveDartUnitTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ResolveHtmlTaskTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ScanDartTaskTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(FunctionTypeImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(InterfaceTypeImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TypeParameterTypeImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(UnionTypeImplTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(VoidTypeImplTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ComplexParserTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ErrorParserTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(IncrementalParserTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(NonErrorParserTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(RecoveryParserTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ResolutionCopierTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(SimpleParserTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(CompileTimeErrorCodeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ErrorResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(HintCodeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(MemberMapTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(NonErrorResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(NonHintCodeTest);
// //suite.addTestSuite(PubSuggestionCodeTest.class);
// suite.addTestSuite(SimpleResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(StaticTypeWarningCodeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(StaticWarningCodeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(StrictModeTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TypePropagationTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(CharSequenceReaderTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(IncrementalScannerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(KeywordStateTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ScannerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(TokenTypeTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// class TestAll {
// static Test suite() {
// TestSuite suite = new ExtendedTestSuite("Tests in ${TestAll.getPackage().getName()}");
// suite.addTestSuite(ContentCacheTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(DartUriResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(ExplicitPackageUriResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(FileUriResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(NonExistingSourceTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(PackageUriResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(RelativeFileResolverTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(DirectoryBasedSourceContainerTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(SourceFactoryTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(FileBasedSourceTest);
// suite.addTestSuite(UriKindTest);
// return suite;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Instances of the class `TestSource` implement a source object that can be used for testing
// * purposes.
// */
// class TestSource extends FileBasedSource {
// /**
// * The contents of the file represented by this source.
// */
// String _contents;
// /**
// * The modification stamp associated with this source.
// */
// int _modificationStamp = 0;
// /**
// * A flag indicating whether an exception should be generated when an attempt is made to access
// * the contents of this source.
// */
// bool _generateExceptionOnRead = false;
// /**
// * The number of times that the contents of this source have been requested.
// */
// int _readCount = 0;
// /**
// * Initialize a newly created source object.
// */
// TestSource() : this.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/test.dart"), "");
// /**
// * Initialize a newly created source object. The source object is assumed to not be in a system
// * library.
// *
// * @param file the file represented by this source
// * @param contents the contents of the file represented by this source
// */
// TestSource.con1(JavaFile file, String contents) : super.con1(file) {
// this._contents = contents;
// _modificationStamp = JavaSystem.currentTimeMillis();
// }
// /**
// * Initialize a newly created source object with the specified contents.
// *
// * @param contents the contents of the file represented by this source
// */
// TestSource.con2(String contents) : this.con1(FileUtilities2.createFile("/test.dart"), contents);
// @override
// int get modificationStamp => _modificationStamp;
// /**
// * The number of times that the contents of this source have been requested.
// */
// int get readCount => _readCount;
// /**
// * Set the contents of this source to the given contents. This has the side-effect of updating the
// * modification stamp of the source.
// *
// * @param contents the new contents of this source
// */
// void set contents(String contents) {
// this._contents = contents;
// _modificationStamp = JavaSystem.currentTimeMillis();
// }
// /**
// * A flag indicating whether an exception should be generated when an attempt is made to access
// * the contents of this source.
// */
// void set generateExceptionOnRead(bool generate) {
// _generateExceptionOnRead = generate;
// }
// @override
// TimestampedData<String> get contentsFromFile {
// _readCount++;
// if (_generateExceptionOnRead) {
// throw new JavaIOException("I/O Exception while getting the contents of ${fullName}");
// }
// return new TimestampedData<String>(_modificationStamp, _contents);
// }
// @override
// void getContentsFromFileToReceiver(Source_ContentReceiver receiver) {
// _readCount++;
// if (_generateExceptionOnRead) {
// throw new JavaIOException("I/O Exception while getting the contents of ${fullName}");
// }
// receiver.accept(_contents, _modificationStamp);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Instances of the class `ToSourceVisitorTest`
// */
// class ToSourceVisitorTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void fail_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_attributes_content() {
// _assertSource("<script type='application/dart'>f() {}</script>", HtmlFactory.scriptTagWithContent("f() {}", [HtmlFactory.attribute("type", "'application/dart'")]));
// }
// void fail_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_noAttributes_content() {
// _assertSource("<script>f() {}</script>", HtmlFactory.scriptTagWithContent("f() {}", []));
// }
// void test_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_attributes_noContent() {
// _assertSource("<script type='application/dart'/>", HtmlFactory.scriptTag([HtmlFactory.attribute("type", "'application/dart'")]));
// }
// void test_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_noAttributes_noContent() {
// _assertSource("<script/>", HtmlFactory.scriptTag([]));
// }
// void test_visitHtmlUnit_empty() {
// _assertSource("", new HtmlUnit(null, new List<XmlTagNode>(), null));
// }
// void test_visitHtmlUnit_nonEmpty() {
// _assertSource("<html/>", new HtmlUnit(null, HtmlFactory.list([HtmlFactory.tagNode("html", [])]), null));
// }
// void test_visitXmlAttributeNode() {
// _assertSource("x=y", HtmlFactory.attribute("x", "y"));
// }
// /**
// * Assert that a `ToSourceVisitor` will produce the expected source when visiting the given
// * node.
// *
// * @param expectedSource the source string that the visitor is expected to produce
// * @param node the AST node being visited to produce the actual source
// */
// void _assertSource(String expectedSource, XmlNode node) {
// PrintStringWriter writer = new PrintStringWriter();
// node.accept(new ToSourceVisitor(writer));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedSource, writer.toString());
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'ToSourceVisitorTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_attributes_noContent', () {
// final __test = new ToSourceVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_attributes_noContent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_noAttributes_noContent', () {
// final __test = new ToSourceVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitHtmlScriptTagNode_noAttributes_noContent);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitHtmlUnit_empty', () {
// final __test = new ToSourceVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitHtmlUnit_empty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitHtmlUnit_nonEmpty', () {
// final __test = new ToSourceVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitHtmlUnit_nonEmpty);
// });
// _ut.test('test_visitXmlAttributeNode', () {
// final __test = new ToSourceVisitorTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitXmlAttributeNode);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class TodoCodeTest extends EngineTestCase {
// void test_locateLineCommentTodo() {
// _locate("//TODO", 2, 4);
// _locate("//TODO:", 2, 5);
// _locate("// TODO(sdsdf): ", 3, 13);
// _locate("// TODO (sdsdf): ", 3, 14);
// _locate("//TODO(sdsdf)", 2, 11);
// _locate("// TODO(sdsdf): ", 4, 13);
// }
// void test_locateMultiLineCommentTodo() {
// _locate("* TODO \n * foo", 2, 5);
// _locate("*TODO:\n * foo", 1, 5);
// _locate("*TODO(sdsdf): \n * foo", 1, 13);
// _locate("* TODO(sdsdf)\n * foo", 2, 11);
// _locate(" * TODO(sdsdf): \n * foo", 3, 13);
// _locate(" * sdfsdf \n * TODO(sdsdf): \n * foo", 14, 13);
// }
// void test_locateMultipleComments() {
// JavaPatternMatcher m = new JavaPatternMatcher(TodoCode.TODO_REGEX, "/**\n * TODO: foo bar\n * TODO bar baz\n*/");
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(m.find());
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(7, m.start(2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(13, m.end(2) - m.start(2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(m.find());
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(24, m.start(2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(12, m.end(2) - m.start(2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(m.find());
// }
// void test_negativeLineCommentTodo() {
// _negative("// TODOS");
// _negative("// todo");
// }
// void test_negativeMultiLineCommentTodo() {
// _negative(" * TODOS \n * foo");
// _negative(" * todo\n * foo");
// }
// void _locate(String comment, int start, int length) {
// JavaPatternMatcher m = new JavaPatternMatcher(TodoCode.TODO_REGEX, comment);
// JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(m.find());
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(start, m.start(2));
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(length, m.end(2) - m.start(2));
// }
// void _negative(String comment) {
// JavaPatternMatcher m = new JavaPatternMatcher(TodoCode.TODO_REGEX, comment);
// JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(m.find());
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'TodoCodeTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_locateLineCommentTodo', () {
// final __test = new TodoCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locateLineCommentTodo);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locateMultiLineCommentTodo', () {
// final __test = new TodoCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locateMultiLineCommentTodo);
// });
// _ut.test('test_locateMultipleComments', () {
// final __test = new TodoCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_locateMultipleComments);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negativeLineCommentTodo', () {
// final __test = new TodoCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negativeLineCommentTodo);
// });
// _ut.test('test_negativeMultiLineCommentTodo', () {
// final __test = new TodoCodeTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_negativeMultiLineCommentTodo);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class UriKindTest extends JUnitTestCase {
// void test_fromEncoding() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.DART_URI, UriKind.fromEncoding(0x64));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.FILE_URI, UriKind.fromEncoding(0x66));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(UriKind.PACKAGE_URI, UriKind.fromEncoding(0x70));
// JUnitTestCase.assertSame(null, UriKind.fromEncoding(0x58));
// }
// void test_getEncoding() {
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(0x64, UriKind.DART_URI.encoding);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(0x66, UriKind.FILE_URI.encoding);
// JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(0x70, UriKind.PACKAGE_URI.encoding);
// }
// static dartSuite() {
//'UriKindTest', () {
// _ut.test('test_fromEncoding', () {
// final __test = new UriKindTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fromEncoding);
// });
// _ut.test('test_getEncoding', () {
// final __test = new UriKindTest();
// runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getEncoding);
// });
// });
// }
// }
// class UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_fromEncoding_valid extends UriResolver {
// String encoding;
// UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_fromEncoding_valid(this.encoding) : super();
// @override
// Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) {
// if (uri.toString() == encoding) {
// return new TestSource();
// }
// return null;
// }
// }
// class UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_absolute extends UriResolver {
// List<bool> invoked;
// UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_absolute(this.invoked) : super();
// @override
// Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) {
// invoked[0] = true;
// return null;
// }
// }
// class UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_absolute extends UriResolver {
// @override
// Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) => new FileBasedSource.con2(uri, new JavaFile.fromUri(uri));
// }
// class UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_resolveUri_nonAbsolute_relative extends UriResolver {
// @override
// Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) => new FileBasedSource.con2(uri, new JavaFile.fromUri(uri));
// }
// class UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_restoreUri extends UriResolver {
// Source source1;
// Uri expected1;
// UriResolver_SourceFactoryTest_test_restoreUri(this.source1, this.expected1) : super();
// @override
// Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) => null;
// @override
// Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
// if (identical(source, source1)) {
// return expected1;
// }
// return null;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Instances of `XmlValidator` traverse an [XmlNode] structure and validate the node
// * hierarchy.
// */
// class XmlValidator extends RecursiveXmlVisitor<Object> {
// /**
// * A list containing the errors found while traversing the AST structure.
// */
// List<String> _errors = new List<String>();
// /**
// * The tags to expect when visiting or `null` if tags should not be checked.
// */
// List<XmlValidator_Tag> _expectedTagsInOrderVisited;
// /**
// * The current index into the [expectedTagsInOrderVisited] array.
// */
// int _expectedTagsIndex = 0;
// /**
// * The key/value pairs to expect when visiting or `null` if attributes should not be
// * checked.
// */
// List<String> _expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs;
// /**
// * The current index into the [expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs].
// */
// int _expectedAttributeIndex = 0;
// /**
// * Assert that no errors were found while traversing any of the AST structures that have been
// * visited.
// */
// void assertValid() {
// while (_expectedTagsIndex < _expectedTagsInOrderVisited.length) {
// String expectedTag = _expectedTagsInOrderVisited[_expectedTagsIndex++]._tag;
// _errors.add("Expected to visit node with tag: ${expectedTag}");
// }
// if (!_errors.isEmpty) {
// PrintStringWriter writer = new PrintStringWriter();
// writer.print("Invalid XML structure:");
// for (String message in _errors) {
// writer.newLine();
// writer.print(" ");
// writer.print(message);
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Set the tags to be expected when visiting
// *
// * @param expectedTags the expected tags
// */
// void expectTags(List<XmlValidator_Tag> expectedTags) {
// // Flatten the hierarchy into expected order in which the tags are visited
// List<XmlValidator_Tag> expected = new List<XmlValidator_Tag>();
// _expectTags(expected, expectedTags);
// this._expectedTagsInOrderVisited = new List.from(expected);
// }
// @override
// Object visitHtmlUnit(HtmlUnit node) {
// if (node.parent != null) {
// _errors.add("HtmlUnit should not have a parent");
// }
// if (node.endToken.type != TokenType.EOF) {
// _errors.add("HtmlUnit end token should be of type EOF");
// }
// _validateNode(node);
// return super.visitHtmlUnit(node);
// }
// @override
// Object visitXmlAttributeNode(XmlAttributeNode actual) {
// if (actual.parent is! XmlTagNode) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${actual.runtimeType.toString()} to have parent of type ${XmlTagNode.toString()}");
// }
// String actualName =;
// String actualValue = actual.valueToken.lexeme;
// if (_expectedAttributeIndex < _expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs.length) {
// String expectedName = _expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs[_expectedAttributeIndex];
// if (expectedName != actualName) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${(_expectedTagsIndex - 1)} tag: ${_expectedTagsInOrderVisited[_expectedTagsIndex - 1]._tag} attribute ${(_expectedAttributeIndex ~/ 2)} to have name: ${expectedName} but found: ${actualName}");
// }
// String expectedValue = _expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs[_expectedAttributeIndex + 1];
// if (expectedValue != actualValue) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${(_expectedTagsIndex - 1)} tag: ${_expectedTagsInOrderVisited[_expectedTagsIndex - 1]._tag} attribute ${(_expectedAttributeIndex ~/ 2)} to have value: ${expectedValue} but found: ${actualValue}");
// }
// } else {
// _errors.add("Unexpected ${(_expectedTagsIndex - 1)} tag: ${_expectedTagsInOrderVisited[_expectedTagsIndex - 1]._tag} attribute ${(_expectedAttributeIndex ~/ 2)} name: ${actualName} value: ${actualValue}");
// }
// _expectedAttributeIndex += 2;
// _validateNode(actual);
// return super.visitXmlAttributeNode(actual);
// }
// @override
// Object visitXmlTagNode(XmlTagNode actual) {
// if (!(actual.parent is HtmlUnit || actual.parent is XmlTagNode)) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${actual.runtimeType.toString()} to have parent of type ${HtmlUnit.toString()} or ${XmlTagNode.toString()}");
// }
// if (_expectedTagsInOrderVisited != null) {
// String actualTag = actual.tag;
// if (_expectedTagsIndex < _expectedTagsInOrderVisited.length) {
// XmlValidator_Tag expected = _expectedTagsInOrderVisited[_expectedTagsIndex];
// if (expected._tag != actualTag) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${_expectedTagsIndex} tag: ${expected._tag} but found: ${actualTag}");
// }
// _expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs = expected._attributes._keyValuePairs;
// int expectedAttributeCount = _expectedAttributeKeyValuePairs.length ~/ 2;
// int actualAttributeCount = actual.attributes.length;
// if (expectedAttributeCount != actualAttributeCount) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${_expectedTagsIndex} tag: ${expected._tag} to have ${expectedAttributeCount} attributes but found ${actualAttributeCount}");
// }
// _expectedAttributeIndex = 0;
// _expectedTagsIndex++;
// Assert.assertNotNull(actual.attributeEnd);
// Assert.assertNotNull(actual.contentEnd);
// int count = 0;
// Token token =;
// Token lastToken = actual.contentEnd;
// while (!identical(token, lastToken)) {
// token =;
// if (++count > 1000) {
//"Expected ${_expectedTagsIndex} tag: ${expected._tag} to have a sequence of tokens from getAttributeEnd() to getContentEnd()");
// break;
// }
// }
// if (actual.attributeEnd.type == TokenType.GT) {
// if (HtmlParser.SELF_CLOSING.contains(actual.tag)) {
// Assert.assertNull(actual.closingTag);
// } else {
// Assert.assertNotNull(actual.closingTag);
// }
// } else if (actual.attributeEnd.type == TokenType.SLASH_GT) {
// Assert.assertNull(actual.closingTag);
// } else {
//"Unexpected attribute end token: ${actual.attributeEnd.lexeme}");
// }
// if (expected._content != null && expected._content != actual.content) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${_expectedTagsIndex} tag: ${expected._tag} to have content '${expected._content}' but found '${actual.content}'");
// }
// if (expected._children.length != actual.tagNodes.length) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${_expectedTagsIndex} tag: ${expected._tag} to have ${expected._children.length} children but found ${actual.tagNodes.length}");
// } else {
// for (int index = 0; index < expected._children.length; index++) {
// String expectedChildTag = expected._children[index]._tag;
// String actualChildTag = actual.tagNodes[index].tag;
// if (expectedChildTag != actualChildTag) {
// _errors.add("Expected ${_expectedTagsIndex} tag: ${expected._tag} child ${index} to have tag: ${expectedChildTag} but found: ${actualChildTag}");
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// _errors.add("Visited unexpected tag: ${actualTag}");
// }
// }
// _validateNode(actual);
// return super.visitXmlTagNode(actual);
// }
// /**
// * Append the specified tags to the array in depth first order
// *
// * @param expected the array to which the tags are added (not `null`)
// * @param expectedTags the expected tags to be added (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
// */
// void _expectTags(List<XmlValidator_Tag> expected, List<XmlValidator_Tag> expectedTags) {
// for (XmlValidator_Tag tag in expectedTags) {
// expected.add(tag);
// _expectTags(expected, tag._children);
// }
// }
// void _validateNode(XmlNode node) {
// if (node.beginToken == null) {
// _errors.add("No begin token for ${node.runtimeType.toString()}");
// }
// if (node.endToken == null) {
// _errors.add("No end token for ${node.runtimeType.toString()}");
// }
// int nodeStart = node.offset;
// int nodeLength = node.length;
// if (nodeStart < 0 || nodeLength < 0) {
// _errors.add("No source info for ${node.runtimeType.toString()}");
// }
// XmlNode parent = node.parent;
// if (parent != null) {
// int nodeEnd = nodeStart + nodeLength;
// int parentStart = parent.offset;
// int parentEnd = parentStart + parent.length;
// if (nodeStart < parentStart) {
// _errors.add("Invalid source start (${nodeStart}) for ${node.runtimeType.toString()} inside ${parent.runtimeType.toString()} (${parentStart})");
// }
// if (nodeEnd > parentEnd) {
// _errors.add("Invalid source end (${nodeEnd}) for ${node.runtimeType.toString()} inside ${parent.runtimeType.toString()} (${parentStart})");
// }
// }
// }
// }
// class XmlValidator_Attributes {
// final List<String> _keyValuePairs;
// XmlValidator_Attributes(this._keyValuePairs);
// }
// class XmlValidator_Tag {
// final String _tag;
// final XmlValidator_Attributes _attributes;
// final String _content;
// final List<XmlValidator_Tag> _children;
// XmlValidator_Tag(this._tag, this._attributes, this._content, this._children);
// }