blob: 1008e65290ecfdc59935a20415a61dd80929637e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.src.refactoring.inline_method;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/status.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/strings.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/util.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring_internal.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/element_visitors.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* Returns the [SourceRange] to find conflicting locals in.
SourceRange _getLocalsConflictingRange(AstNode node) {
// maybe Block
Block block = node.getAncestor((node) => node is Block);
if (block != null) {
int offset = node.offset;
int endOffset = block.end;
return rangeStartEnd(offset, endOffset);
// maybe whole executable
AstNode executableNode = getEnclosingExecutableNode(node);
if (executableNode != null) {
return rangeNode(executableNode);
// not a part of a declaration with locals
return SourceRange.EMPTY;
* Returns the source which should replace given invocation with given
* arguments.
String _getMethodSourceForInvocation(_SourcePart part, CorrectionUtils utils,
AstNode contextNode, Expression targetExpression, List<Expression> arguments) {
// prepare edits to replace parameters with arguments
List<SourceEdit> edits = <SourceEdit>[];
(ParameterElement parameter, List<_ParameterOccurrence> occurrences) {
// prepare argument
Expression argument = null;
for (Expression arg in arguments) {
if (arg.bestParameterElement == parameter) {
argument = arg;
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
argument = (argument as NamedExpression).expression;
int argumentPrecedence = getExpressionPrecedence(argument);
String argumentSource = utils.getNodeText(argument);
// replace all occurrences of this parameter
for (_ParameterOccurrence occurrence in occurrences) {
SourceRange range = occurrence.range;
// prepare argument source to apply at this occurrence
String occurrenceArgumentSource;
if (argumentPrecedence < occurrence.parentPrecedence) {
occurrenceArgumentSource = "(${argumentSource})";
} else {
occurrenceArgumentSource = argumentSource;
// do replace
edits.add(new SourceEdit.range(range, occurrenceArgumentSource));
// replace static field "qualifier" with invocation target
(String className, List<SourceRange> ranges) {
for (SourceRange range in ranges) {
edits.add(new SourceEdit.range(range, className + '.'));
// replace instance field "qualifier" with invocation target
if (targetExpression != null) {
String targetSource = utils.getNodeText(targetExpression) + '.';
for (SourceRange qualifierRange in part._instanceFieldQualifiers) {
edits.add(new SourceEdit.range(qualifierRange, targetSource));
// prepare edits to replace conflicting variables
Set<String> conflictingNames = _getNamesConflictingAt(contextNode);
part._variables.forEach((VariableElement variable, List<SourceRange> ranges) {
String originalName = variable.displayName;
// prepare unique name
String uniqueName;
uniqueName = originalName;
int uniqueIndex = 2;
while (conflictingNames.contains(uniqueName)) {
uniqueName = originalName + uniqueIndex.toString();
// update references, if name was change
if (uniqueName != originalName) {
for (SourceRange range in ranges) {
edits.add(new SourceEdit.range(range, uniqueName));
// prepare source with applied arguments
edits.sort((SourceEdit a, SourceEdit b) => b.offset - a.offset);
return SourceEdit.applySequence(part._source, edits);
* Returns the names which will shadow or will be shadowed by any declaration
* at [node].
Set<String> _getNamesConflictingAt(AstNode node) {
Set<String> result = new Set<String>();
// local variables and functions
SourceRange localsRange = _getLocalsConflictingRange(node);
ExecutableElement enclosingExecutable = getEnclosingExecutableElement(node);
if (enclosingExecutable != null) {
visitChildren(enclosingExecutable, (element) {
if (element is LocalElement) {
SourceRange elementRange = element.visibleRange;
if (elementRange != null && elementRange.intersects(localsRange)) {
return true;
// fields
ClassElement enclosingClassElement = getEnclosingClassElement(node);
if (enclosingClassElement != null) {
Set<ClassElement> elements = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (ClassElement classElement in elements) {
List<Element> classMembers = getChildren(classElement);
for (Element classMemberElement in classMembers) {
// done
return result;
* [InlineMethodRefactoring] implementation.
class InlineMethodRefactoringImpl extends RefactoringImpl implements
InlineMethodRefactoring {
final SearchEngine searchEngine;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final int offset;
String file;
CorrectionUtils utils;
SourceChange change;
bool isDeclaration = false;
bool deleteSource = false;
bool inlineAll = true;
ExecutableElement _methodElement;
bool _isAccessor;
String _methodFile;
CompilationUnit _methodUnit;
CorrectionUtils _methodUtils;
AstNode _methodNode;
FormalParameterList _methodParameters;
FunctionBody _methodBody;
Expression _methodExpression;
_SourcePart _methodExpressionPart;
_SourcePart _methodStatementsPart;
List<_ReferenceProcessor> _referenceProcessors = [];
InlineMethodRefactoringImpl(this.searchEngine, this.unit, this.offset) {
file = unit.element.source.fullName;
utils = new CorrectionUtils(unit);
String get className {
if (_methodElement == null) {
return null;
Element classElement = _methodElement.enclosingElement;
if (classElement is ClassElement) {
return classElement.displayName;
return null;
String get methodName {
if (_methodElement == null) {
return null;
return _methodElement.displayName;
String get refactoringName {
if (_methodElement is MethodElement) {
return "Inline Method";
} else {
return "Inline Function";
Future<RefactoringStatus> checkFinalConditions() {
change = new SourceChange(refactoringName);
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
// check for compatibility of "deleteSource" and "inlineAll"
if (deleteSource && !inlineAll) {
result.addError('All references must be inlined to remove the source.');
// prepare changes
for (_ReferenceProcessor processor in _referenceProcessors) {
// delete method
if (deleteSource && inlineAll) {
SourceRange methodRange = rangeNode(_methodNode);
SourceRange linesRange = _methodUtils.getLinesRange(methodRange);
change.addEdit(_methodFile, new SourceEdit.range(linesRange, ""));
// done
return new Future.value(result);
Future<RefactoringStatus> checkInitialConditions() {
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
// prepare method information
if (result.hasFatalError) {
return new Future.value(result);
// maybe operator
if (_methodElement.isOperator) {
result = new RefactoringStatus.fatal('Cannot inline operator.');
return new Future.value(result);
// analyze method body
// process references
return searchEngine.searchReferences(_methodElement).then((references) {
for (SearchMatch reference in references) {
_ReferenceProcessor processor =
new _ReferenceProcessor(this, reference);
}).then((_) {
return result;
Future<SourceChange> createChange() {
return new Future.value(change);
bool requiresPreview() => false;
_SourcePart _createSourcePart(SourceRange range) {
String source = _methodUtils.getRangeText(range);
String prefix = getLinePrefix(source);
_SourcePart result = new _SourcePart(range.offset, source, prefix);
// remember parameters and variables occurrences
_methodUnit.accept(new _VariablesVisitor(_methodElement, range, result));
// done
return result;
* Initializes [_methodElement] and related fields.
RefactoringStatus _prepareMethod() {
_methodElement = null;
_methodParameters = null;
_methodBody = null;
deleteSource = false;
inlineAll = false;
// prepare for failure
RefactoringStatus fatalStatus = new RefactoringStatus.fatal(
'Method declaration or reference must be selected to activate this refactoring.');
// prepare selected SimpleIdentifier
AstNode node = new NodeLocator.con1(offset).searchWithin(unit);
if (node is! SimpleIdentifier) {
return fatalStatus;
SimpleIdentifier identifier = node as SimpleIdentifier;
// prepare selected ExecutableElement
Element element = identifier.bestElement;
if (element is! ExecutableElement) {
return fatalStatus;
_methodElement = element as ExecutableElement;
_isAccessor = element is PropertyAccessorElement;
_methodFile = _methodElement.source.fullName;
_methodUnit = element.unit;
_methodUtils = new CorrectionUtils(_methodUnit);
// class member
bool isClassMember = element.enclosingElement is ClassElement;
if (element is MethodElement || _isAccessor && isClassMember) {
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = element.node;
_methodNode = methodDeclaration;
_methodParameters = methodDeclaration.parameters;
_methodBody = methodDeclaration.body;
// prepare mode
isDeclaration = node ==;
deleteSource = isDeclaration;
inlineAll = deleteSource;
return new RefactoringStatus();
// unit member
bool isUnitMember = element.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement;
if (element is FunctionElement || _isAccessor && isUnitMember) {
FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration = element.node;
_methodNode = functionDeclaration;
_methodParameters = functionDeclaration.functionExpression.parameters;
_methodBody = functionDeclaration.functionExpression.body;
// prepare mode
isDeclaration = node ==;
deleteSource = isDeclaration;
inlineAll = deleteSource;
return new RefactoringStatus();
// OK
return fatalStatus;
* Analyze [_methodBody] to fill [_methodExpressionPart] and
* [_methodStatementsPart].
RefactoringStatus _prepareMethodParts() {
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
if (_methodBody is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
ExpressionFunctionBody body = _methodBody as ExpressionFunctionBody;
_methodExpression = body.expression;
SourceRange methodExpressionRange = rangeNode(_methodExpression);
_methodExpressionPart = _createSourcePart(methodExpressionRange);
} else if (_methodBody is BlockFunctionBody) {
Block body = (_methodBody as BlockFunctionBody).block;
List<Statement> statements = body.statements;
if (statements.length >= 1) {
Statement lastStatement = statements[statements.length - 1];
// "return" statement requires special handling
if (lastStatement is ReturnStatement) {
_methodExpression = lastStatement.expression;
SourceRange methodExpressionRange = rangeNode(_methodExpression);
_methodExpressionPart = _createSourcePart(methodExpressionRange);
// exclude "return" statement from statements
statements = statements.sublist(0, statements.length - 1);
// if there are statements, process them
if (!statements.isEmpty) {
SourceRange statementsRange =
_methodStatementsPart = _createSourcePart(statementsRange);
// check if more than one return
body.accept(new _ReturnsValidatorVisitor(result));
} else {
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal('Cannot inline method without body.');
return result;
class _ParameterOccurrence {
final int parentPrecedence;
final SourceRange range;
_ParameterOccurrence(this.parentPrecedence, this.range);
* Processor for single [SearchMatch] reference to [methodElement].
class _ReferenceProcessor {
final InlineMethodRefactoringImpl ref;
String _refFile;
CorrectionUtils _refUtils;
SimpleIdentifier _node;
SourceRange _refLineRange;
String _refPrefix;
_ReferenceProcessor(this.ref, SearchMatch reference) {
// prepare SourceChange to update
Element refElement = reference.element;
_refFile = refElement.source.fullName;
// prepare CorrectionUtils
CompilationUnit refUnit = refElement.unit;
_refUtils = new CorrectionUtils(refUnit);
// prepare node and environment
_node = _refUtils.findNode(reference.sourceRange.offset);
Statement refStatement = _node.getAncestor((node) => node is Statement);
if (refStatement != null) {
_refLineRange = _refUtils.getLinesRangeStatements([refStatement]);
_refPrefix = _refUtils.getNodePrefix(refStatement);
} else {
_refLineRange = null;
_refPrefix = _refUtils.getLinePrefix(_node.offset);
bool _canInlineBody(AstNode usage) {
// no statements, usually just expression
if (ref._methodStatementsPart == null) {
// empty method, inline as closure
if (ref._methodExpressionPart == null) {
return false;
// OK, just expression
return true;
// analyze point of invocation
AstNode parent = usage.parent;
AstNode parent2 = parent.parent;
// OK, if statement in block
if (parent is Statement) {
return parent2 is Block;
// maybe assignment, in block
if (parent is AssignmentExpression) {
AssignmentExpression assignment = parent;
// inlining setter
if (assignment.leftHandSide == usage) {
return parent2 is Statement && parent2.parent is Block;
// inlining initializer
return ref._methodExpressionPart != null;
// maybe value for variable initializer, in block
if (ref._methodExpressionPart != null) {
if (parent is VariableDeclaration) {
if (parent2 is VariableDeclarationList) {
AstNode parent3 = parent2.parent;
return parent3 is VariableDeclarationStatement &&
parent3.parent is Block;
// not in block, cannot inline body
return false;
void _inlineMethodInvocation(RefactoringStatus status, Expression usage,
bool cascaded, Expression target, List<Expression> arguments) {
// we don't support cascade
if (cascaded) {
'Cannot inline cascade invocation.',
new Location.fromNode(usage));
// can we inline method body into "methodUsage" block?
if (_canInlineBody(usage)) {
// insert non-return statements
if (ref._methodStatementsPart != null) {
// prepare statements source for invocation
String source = _getMethodSourceForInvocation(
source = _refUtils.replaceSourceIndent(
// do insert
SourceRange range = rangeStartLength(_refLineRange, 0);
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit.range(range, source);
ref.change.addEdit(_refFile, edit);
// replace invocation with return expression
if (ref._methodExpressionPart != null) {
// prepare expression source for invocation
String source = _getMethodSourceForInvocation(
if (getExpressionPrecedence(ref._methodExpression) <
getExpressionParentPrecedence(usage)) {
source = "(${source})";
// do replace
SourceRange methodUsageRange = rangeNode(usage);
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit.range(methodUsageRange, source);
ref.change.addEdit(_refFile, edit);
} else {
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit.range(_refLineRange, "");
ref.change.addEdit(_refFile, edit);
// inline as closure invocation
String source;
source = ref._methodUtils.getRangeText(
rangeStartEnd(ref._methodParameters.leftParenthesis, ref._methodNode));
String methodPrefix =
source = _refUtils.replaceSourceIndent(source, methodPrefix, _refPrefix);
source = source.trim();
// do insert
SourceRange range = rangeNode(_node);
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit.range(range, source);
ref.change.addEdit(_refFile, edit);
void _process(RefactoringStatus status) {
AstNode nodeParent = _node.parent;
// may be only single place should be inlined
if (!_shouldProcess()) {
// may be invocation of inline method
if (nodeParent is MethodInvocation) {
MethodInvocation invocation = nodeParent;
Expression target =;
List<Expression> arguments = invocation.argumentList.arguments;
} else {
// cannot inline reference to method: var v = new A().method;
if (ref._methodElement is MethodElement) {
'Cannot inline class method reference.',
new Location.fromNode(_node));
// PropertyAccessorElement
if (ref._methodElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
Expression usage = _node;
Expression target = null;
bool cascade = false;
if (nodeParent is PrefixedIdentifier) {
PrefixedIdentifier propertyAccess = nodeParent;
usage = propertyAccess;
target = propertyAccess.prefix;
cascade = false;
if (nodeParent is PropertyAccess) {
PropertyAccess propertyAccess = nodeParent;
usage = propertyAccess;
target = propertyAccess.realTarget;
cascade = propertyAccess.isCascaded;
// prepare arguments
List<Expression> arguments = [];
if (_node.inSetterContext()) {
AssignmentExpression assignment =
_node.getAncestor((node) => node is AssignmentExpression);
// inline body
_inlineMethodInvocation(status, usage, cascade, target, arguments);
// not invocation, just reference to function
String source;
source = ref._methodUtils.getRangeText(
rangeStartEnd(ref._methodParameters.leftParenthesis, ref._methodNode));
String methodPrefix =
source =
_refUtils.replaceSourceIndent(source, methodPrefix, _refPrefix);
source = source.trim();
source = removeEnd(source, ';');
// do insert
SourceRange range = rangeNode(_node);
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit.range(range, source);
ref.change.addEdit(_refFile, edit);
bool _shouldProcess() {
if (!ref.inlineAll) {
SourceRange parentRange = rangeNode(_node);
return parentRange.contains(ref.offset);
return true;
class _ReturnsValidatorVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final RefactoringStatus result;
int _numReturns = 0;
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
if (_numReturns == 2) {
result.addError('Ambiguous return value.', new Location.fromNode(node));
* Information about the source of a method being inlined.
class _SourcePart {
* The base for all [SourceRange]s.
final int _base;
* The source of the method.
final String _source;
* The original prefix of the method.
final String _prefix;
* The occurrences of the method parameters.
Map<ParameterElement, List<_ParameterOccurrence>> _parameters = {};
* The occurrences of the method local variables.
Map<VariableElement, List<SourceRange>> _variables = {};
* The source ranges of the qualifiers in instance field references.
* Some of them have length `0`.
List<SourceRange> _instanceFieldQualifiers = [];
* The source ranges of the qualifiers in instance field references.
* Some of them have length `0`.
Map<String, List<SourceRange>> _staticFieldQualifiers = {};
_SourcePart(this._base, this._source, this._prefix);
void addInstanceFieldQualifier(SourceRange range) {
range = rangeFromBase(range, _base);
void addParameterOccurrence(ParameterElement parameter, SourceRange range,
int precedence) {
if (parameter != null) {
List<_ParameterOccurrence> occurrences = _parameters[parameter];
if (occurrences == null) {
occurrences = [];
_parameters[parameter] = occurrences;
range = rangeFromBase(range, _base);
occurrences.add(new _ParameterOccurrence(precedence, range));
void addStaticFieldQualifier(String className, SourceRange range) {
List<SourceRange> ranges = _staticFieldQualifiers[className];
if (ranges == null) {
ranges = [];
_staticFieldQualifiers[className] = ranges;
range = rangeFromBase(range, _base);
void addVariable(VariableElement element, SourceRange range) {
List<SourceRange> ranges = _variables[element];
if (ranges == null) {
ranges = [];
_variables[element] = ranges;
range = rangeFromBase(range, _base);
* A visitor that fills [_SourcePart] with fields, parameters and variables.
class _VariablesVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
* The [ExecutableElement] being inlined.
final ExecutableElement methodElement;
* The [SourceRange] of the element body.
SourceRange bodyRange;
* The [_SourcePart] to record reference into.
_SourcePart result;
_VariablesVisitor(this.methodElement, this.bodyRange, this.result);
visitNode(AstNode node) {
SourceRange nodeRange = rangeNode(node);
if (!bodyRange.intersects(nodeRange)) {
return null;
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
SourceRange nodeRange = rangeNode(node);
if (bodyRange.covers(nodeRange)) {
void _addInstanceFieldQualifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = getPropertyAccessorElement(node);
if (isFieldAccessorElement(accessor)) {
AstNode qualifier = getNodeQualifier(node);
if (qualifier == null || qualifier is ThisExpression) {
if (accessor.isStatic) {
String className = accessor.enclosingElement.displayName;
if (qualifier == null) {
SourceRange qualifierRange = rangeStartLength(node, 0);
result.addStaticFieldQualifier(className, qualifierRange);
} else {
SourceRange qualifierRange;
if (qualifier != null) {
qualifierRange = rangeStartStart(qualifier, node);
} else {
qualifierRange = rangeStartLength(node, 0);
void _addParameter(SimpleIdentifier node) {
ParameterElement parameterElement = getParameterElement(node);
// not a parameter
if (parameterElement == null) {
// not a parameter of the function being inlined
if (!methodElement.parameters.contains(parameterElement)) {
// OK, add occurrence
SourceRange nodeRange = rangeNode(node);
int parentPrecedence = getExpressionParentPrecedence(node);
void _addVariable(SimpleIdentifier node) {
VariableElement variableElement = getLocalVariableElement(node);
if (variableElement != null) {
SourceRange nodeRange = rangeNode(node);
result.addVariable(variableElement, nodeRange);