blob: 6cc686b33d158b5b7cd3eb83634362c1fab99923 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.function_type_alias_builder;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart'
show FreshTypeParameters, getFreshTypeParameters, substitute;
import 'package:kernel/src/future_or.dart';
import '../fasta_codes.dart'
show noLength, templateCyclicTypedef, templateTypeArgumentMismatch;
import '../problems.dart' show unhandled;
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart' show SourceLibraryBuilder;
import 'class_builder.dart';
import 'fixed_type_builder.dart';
import 'formal_parameter_builder.dart';
import 'function_type_builder.dart';
import 'library_builder.dart';
import 'metadata_builder.dart';
import 'named_type_builder.dart';
import 'nullability_builder.dart';
import 'type_builder.dart';
import 'type_declaration_builder.dart';
import 'type_variable_builder.dart';
class TypeAliasBuilder extends TypeDeclarationBuilderImpl {
final TypeBuilder type;
final List<TypeVariableBuilder> _typeVariables;
/// The [Typedef] built by this builder.
final Typedef typedef;
DartType thisType;
TypeAliasBuilder(List<MetadataBuilder> metadata, String name,
this._typeVariables, this.type, LibraryBuilder parent, int charOffset,
{Typedef typedef, Typedef referenceFrom})
: typedef = typedef ??
(new Typedef(name, null,
typeParameters: TypeVariableBuilder.typeParametersFromBuilders(
fileUri: parent.library.fileUri,
reference: referenceFrom?.reference)
..fileOffset = charOffset),
super(metadata, 0, name, parent, charOffset);
String get debugName => "TypeAliasBuilder";
LibraryBuilder get parent => super.parent;
// TODO(CFE TEAM): Some of this is a temporary workaround.
List<TypeVariableBuilder> get typeVariables => _typeVariables;
int varianceAt(int index) => typeVariables[index].parameter.variance;
bool get fromDill => false;
Typedef build(SourceLibraryBuilder libraryBuilder) {
typedef..type ??= buildThisType(libraryBuilder);
TypeBuilder type = this.type;
if (type is FunctionTypeBuilder) {
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters =
new List<TypeParameter>(type.typeVariables?.length ?? 0);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
TypeVariableBuilder typeVariable = type.typeVariables[i];
typeParameters[i] = typeVariable.parameter;
FreshTypeParameters freshTypeParameters =
if (type.formals != null) {
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in type.formals) {
VariableDeclaration parameter =, 0);
parameter.type = freshTypeParameters.substitute(parameter.type);
if (formal.isNamed) {
} else {
} else if (type is NamedTypeBuilder || type is FixedTypeBuilder) {
// No error, but also no additional setup work.
} else if (type != null) {
unhandled("${type.fullNameForErrors}", "build", charOffset, fileUri);
return typedef;
TypedefType thisTypedefType(Typedef typedef, LibraryBuilder clientLibrary) {
// At this point the bounds of `typedef.typeParameters` may not be assigned
// yet, so [getAsTypeArguments] may crash trying to compute the nullability
// of the created types from the bounds. To avoid that, we use "dynamic"
// for the bound of all boundless variables and add them to the list for
// being recomputed later, when the bounds are assigned.
List<DartType> bounds =
new List<DartType>.filled(typedef.typeParameters.length, null);
for (int i = 0; i < bounds.length; ++i) {
bounds[i] = typedef.typeParameters[i].bound;
if (bounds[i] == null) {
typedef.typeParameters[i].bound = const DynamicType();
List<DartType> asTypeArguments =
getAsTypeArguments(typedef.typeParameters, clientLibrary.library);
TypedefType result =
new TypedefType(typedef, clientLibrary.nonNullable, asTypeArguments);
for (int i = 0; i < bounds.length; ++i) {
if (bounds[i] == null) {
// If the bound is not assigned yet, put the corresponding
// type-parameter type into the list for the nullability re-computation.
// At this point, [parent] should be a [SourceLibraryBuilder] because
// otherwise it's a compiled library loaded from a dill file, and the
// bounds should have been assigned.
SourceLibraryBuilder parentLibrary = parent;
return result;
DartType buildThisType(LibraryBuilder library) {
if (thisType != null) {
if (identical(thisType, cyclicTypeAliasMarker)) {
charOffset, noLength, fileUri);
return const InvalidType();
return thisType;
// It is a compile-time error for an alias (typedef) to refer to itself. We
// detect cycles by detecting recursive calls to this method using an
// instance of InvalidType that isn't identical to `const InvalidType()`.
thisType = cyclicTypeAliasMarker;
TypeBuilder type = this.type;
if (type != null) {
DartType builtType =, thisTypedefType(typedef, library));
if (builtType != null) {
if (typeVariables != null) {
for (TypeVariableBuilder tv in typeVariables) {
// Follow bound in order to find all cycles
return thisType = builtType;
} else {
return thisType = const InvalidType();
return thisType = const InvalidType();
/// [arguments] have already been built.
DartType buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(LibraryBuilder library,
Nullability nullability, List<DartType> arguments) {
DartType thisType = buildThisType(library);
if (const DynamicType() == thisType) return thisType;
DartType result = thisType.withNullability(nullability);
if (typedef.typeParameters.isEmpty && arguments == null) return result;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typedef.typeParameters.length; i++) {
substitution[typedef.typeParameters[i]] = arguments[i];
return substitute(result, substitution);
List<DartType> buildTypeArguments(
LibraryBuilder library, List<TypeBuilder> arguments,
[bool notInstanceContext]) {
if (arguments == null && typeVariables == null) {
return <DartType>[];
if (arguments == null && typeVariables != null) {
List<DartType> result =
new List<DartType>.filled(typeVariables.length, null, growable: true);
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
result[i] = typeVariables[i];
if (library is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
return result;
if (arguments != null && arguments.length != typeVariablesCount) {
// That should be caught and reported as a compile-time error earlier.
return unhandled(
// arguments.length == typeVariables.length
List<DartType> result =
new List<DartType>.filled(arguments.length, null, growable: true);
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
result[i] = arguments[i].build(library);
return result;
/// If [arguments] are null, the default types for the variables are used.
int get typeVariablesCount => typeVariables?.length ?? 0;
/// Returns `true` if this typedef is an alias of the `Null` type.
bool get isNullAlias {
TypeDeclarationBuilder typeDeclarationBuilder = type.declaration;
return typeDeclarationBuilder is ClassBuilder &&
DartType buildType(LibraryBuilder library,
NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder, List<TypeBuilder> arguments,
[bool notInstanceContext]) {
DartType thisType = buildThisType(library);
if (thisType is InvalidType) return thisType;
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove the following comment when FutureOr has its own
// encoding and isn't represented as an InterfaceType.
// The following won't work if the right-hand side of the typedef is a
// FutureOr.
Nullability rhsNullability = thisType.nullability;
if (typedef.typeParameters.isEmpty && arguments == null) {
Nullability nullability = isNullAlias
? Nullability.nullable
return thisType
.withNullability(uniteNullabilities(rhsNullability, nullability));
// Otherwise, substitute.
return buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(
buildTypeArguments(library, arguments));
/// Returns the [TypeDeclarationBuilder] for the aliased type.
/// That is, it recursively looks up `type.declaration` and returns the first
/// one which is not a `TypeAliasBuilder`, or the last one if none exist.
TypeDeclarationBuilder get unaliasDeclaration {
Set<TypeDeclarationBuilder> builders = {this};
TypeDeclarationBuilder current = this;
while (current is TypeAliasBuilder) {
TypeAliasBuilder currentAliasBuilder = current;
TypeDeclarationBuilder next = currentAliasBuilder.type?.declaration;
if (next != null) {
current = next;
} else {
return this;
if (builders.contains(current)) return this;
return current;
final InvalidType cyclicTypeAliasMarker = new InvalidType();