blob: 43a18e553991b2d686a4fb0294cdeb227d6b5f91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// DO NOT EDIT - unless you are editing documentation as per:
// Auto-generated dart:svg library.
* A client-side key-value store with support for indexes.
* Many browsers support IndexedDB—a web standard for
* an indexed database.
* By storing data on the client in an IndexedDB,
* a web app gets some advantages, such as faster performance and persistence.
* To find out which browsers support IndexedDB,
* refer to [Can I Use?](
* In IndexedDB, each record is identified by a unique index or key,
* making data retrieval speedy.
* You can store structured data,
* such as images, arrays, and maps using IndexedDB.
* The standard does not specify size limits for individual data items
* or for the database itself, but browsers may impose storage limits.
* ## Using indexed_db
* The classes in this library provide an interface
* to the browser's IndexedDB, if it has one.
* To use this library in your code:
* import 'dart:indexed_db';
* A web app can determine if the browser supports
* IndexedDB with [IdbFactory.supported]:
* if (IdbFactory.supported)
* // Use indexeddb.
* else
* // Find an alternative.
* Access to the browser's IndexedDB is provided by the app's top-level
* [Window] object, which your code can refer to with `window.indexedDB`.
* So, for example,
* here's how to use window.indexedDB to open a database:
* Future open() {
* return'myIndexedDB',
* version: 1,
* onUpgradeNeeded: _initializeDatabase)
* .then(_loadFromDB);
* }
* void _initializeDatabase(VersionChangeEvent e) {
* ...
* }
* Future _loadFromDB(Database db) {
* ...
* }
* All data in an IndexedDB is stored within an [ObjectStore].
* To manipulate the database use [Transaction]s.
* ## Other resources
* Other options for client-side data storage include:
* * [Window.localStorage]—a
* basic mechanism that stores data as a [Map],
* and where both the keys and the values are strings.
* * [dart:web_sql]—a database that can be queried with SQL.
* For a tutorial about using the indexed_db library with Dart,
* check out
* [Use IndexedDB](
* [IndexedDB reference](
* provides wiki-style docs about indexedDB
library dart.dom.indexed_db;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:html_common';
import 'dart:_native_typed_data';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:_js_helper' show Creates, Returns, JSName, Native, Null;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show Interceptor, JSExtendableArray;
class _KeyRangeFactoryProvider {
static KeyRange createKeyRange_only(/*Key*/ value) =>
_only(_class(), _translateKey(value));
static KeyRange createKeyRange_lowerBound(
/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
_lowerBound(_class(), _translateKey(bound), open);
static KeyRange createKeyRange_upperBound(
/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
_upperBound(_class(), _translateKey(bound), open);
static KeyRange createKeyRange_bound(/*Key*/ lower, /*Key*/ upper,
[bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) =>
_bound(_class(), _translateKey(lower), _translateKey(upper),
lowerOpen, upperOpen);
static var _cachedClass;
static _class() {
if (_cachedClass != null) return _cachedClass;
return _cachedClass = _uncachedClass();
static _uncachedClass() =>
'''window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.mozIDBKeyRange ||
window.msIDBKeyRange || window.IDBKeyRange''');
static _translateKey(idbkey) => idbkey; // TODO: fixme.
static KeyRange _only(cls, value) =>
JS('KeyRange', '#.only(#)', cls, value);
static KeyRange _lowerBound(cls, bound, open) =>
JS('KeyRange', '#.lowerBound(#, #)', cls, bound, open);
static KeyRange _upperBound(cls, bound, open) =>
JS('KeyRange', '#.upperBound(#, #)', cls, bound, open);
static KeyRange _bound(cls, lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen) =>
JS('KeyRange', '#.bound(#, #, #, #)',
cls, lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen);
// Conversions for IDBKey.
// Per
// "A value is said to be a valid key if it is one of the following types: Array
// JavaScript objects [ECMA-262], DOMString [WEBIDL], Date [ECMA-262] or float
// [WEBIDL]. However Arrays are only valid keys if every item in the array is
// defined and is a valid key (i.e. sparse arrays can not be valid keys) and if
// the Array doesn't directly or indirectly contain itself. Any non-numeric
// properties are ignored, and thus does not affect whether the Array is a valid
// key. Additionally, if the value is of type float, it is only a valid key if
// it is not NaN, and if the value is of type Date it is only a valid key if its
// [[PrimitiveValue]] internal property, as defined by [ECMA-262], is not NaN."
// What is required is to ensure that an Lists in the key are actually
// JavaScript arrays, and any Dates are JavaScript Dates.
* Converts a native IDBKey into a Dart object.
* May return the original input. May mutate the original input (but will be
* idempotent if mutation occurs). It is assumed that this conversion happens
* on native IDBKeys on all paths that return IDBKeys from native DOM calls.
* If necessary, JavaScript Dates are converted into Dart Dates.
_convertNativeToDart_IDBKey(nativeKey) {
containsDate(object) {
if (isJavaScriptDate(object)) return true;
if (object is List) {
for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
if (containsDate(object[i])) return true;
return false; // number, string.
if (containsDate(nativeKey)) {
throw new UnimplementedError('Key containing DateTime');
// TODO: Cache conversion somewhere?
return nativeKey;
* Converts a Dart object into a valid IDBKey.
* May return the original input. Does not mutate input.
* If necessary, [dartKey] may be copied to ensure all lists are converted into
* JavaScript Arrays and Dart Dates into JavaScript Dates.
_convertDartToNative_IDBKey(dartKey) {
// TODO: Implement.
return dartKey;
/// May modify original. If so, action is idempotent.
_convertNativeToDart_IDBAny(object) {
return convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, mustCopy: false);
// TODO(sra): Add DateTime.
const String _idbKey = 'JSExtendableArray|=Object|num|String';
const _annotation_Creates_IDBKey = const Creates(_idbKey);
const _annotation_Returns_IDBKey = const Returns(_idbKey);