blob: 98431808ac57263c77ae9e10844c1e1d878a0e9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library related_types;
import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/core_types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/dart_types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/filenames.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/semantic_visitor.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/universe/universe.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
import 'memory_compiler.dart';
main(List<String> arguments) async {
if (arguments.isNotEmpty) {
Uri entryPoint = Uri.base.resolve(nativeToUriPath(arguments.last));
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
entryPoint: entryPoint,
options: [Flags.analyzeOnly, '--categories=Client,Server']);
if (result.isSuccess) {
} else {
print('Usage dart related_types.dart <entry-point>');
/// Check all loaded libraries in [compiler] for unrelated types.
void checkRelatedTypes(Compiler compiler) {
for (LibraryElement library in compiler.libraryLoader.libraries) {
checkLibraryElement(compiler, library);
/// Check [library] for unrelated types.
void checkLibraryElement(Compiler compiler, LibraryElement library) {
library.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.isClass) {
ClassElement cls = element;
cls.forEachLocalMember((MemberElement member) {
checkMemberElement(compiler, member);
} else if (!element.isTypedef) {
checkMemberElement(compiler, element);
/// Check [member] for unrelated types.
void checkMemberElement(Compiler compiler, MemberElement member) {
if (!compiler.enqueuer.resolution.hasBeenResolved(member)) return;
ResolvedAst resolvedAst = member.resolvedAst;
RelatedTypesChecker relatedTypesChecker =
new RelatedTypesChecker(compiler, resolvedAst);
if (resolvedAst.node != null) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(member.implementation, () {
class RelatedTypesChecker extends TraversalVisitor<DartType, dynamic> {
final Compiler compiler;
final ResolvedAst resolvedAst;
RelatedTypesChecker(this.compiler, ResolvedAst resolvedAst)
: this.resolvedAst = resolvedAst,
ClassWorld get world =>;
CoreTypes get coreTypes => compiler.coreTypes;
InterfaceType get thisType => resolvedAst.element.enclosingClass.thisType;
/// Returns `true` if there exists no common subtype of [left] and [right].
bool hasEmptyIntersection(DartType left, DartType right) {
if (left == right) return false;
if (left == null || right == null) return false;
ClassElement leftClass = const ClassFinder().findClass(left);
ClassElement rightClass = const ClassFinder().findClass(right);
if (leftClass != null && rightClass != null) {
return !world.haveAnyCommonSubtypes(leftClass, rightClass);
return false;
/// Checks that there exists a common subtype of [left] and [right] or report
/// a hint otherwise.
void checkRelated(Node node, DartType left, DartType right) {
if (hasEmptyIntersection(left, right)) {
node, MessageKind.NO_COMMON_SUBTYPES, {'left': left, 'right': right});
/// Check weakly typed collection methods, like `Map.containsKey`,
/// `Map.containsValue` and `Iterable.contains`.
void checkDynamicInvoke(
Node node,
DartType receiverType,
List<DartType> argumentTypes,
Selector selector) {
if ( == 'containsKey' &&
selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
InterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
if (mapType != null) {
DartType keyType = findMapKeyType(mapType);
checkRelated(node, keyType, argumentTypes.first);
} else if ( == 'containsValue' &&
selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
InterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
if (mapType != null) {
DartType valueType = findMapValueType(mapType);
checkRelated(node, valueType, argumentTypes.first);
} else if ( == 'contains' &&
selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
InterfaceType iterableType = findIterableType(receiverType);
if (iterableType != null) {
DartType elementType = findIterableElementType(iterableType);
checkRelated(node, elementType, argumentTypes.first);
} else if ( == 'remove' &&
selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
InterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
if (mapType != null) {
DartType keyType = findMapKeyType(mapType);
checkRelated(node, keyType, argumentTypes.first);
InterfaceType listType = findListType(receiverType);
if (listType != null) {
DartType valueType = findListElementType(listType);
checkRelated(node, valueType, argumentTypes.first);
/// Return the interface type implemented by [type] or `null` if no interface
/// type is implied by [type].
InterfaceType findInterfaceType(DartType type) {
return Types.computeInterfaceType(compiler, type);
/// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements [cls], if any.
InterfaceType findClassType(DartType receiver, ClassElement cls) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = findInterfaceType(receiver);
if (interfaceType == null) return null;
InterfaceType mapType = interfaceType.asInstanceOf(cls);
if (mapType == null) return null;
return mapType;
/// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements `Iterable`, if any.
InterfaceType findIterableType(DartType receiver) {
return findClassType(receiver, compiler.iterableClass);
/// Returns the element type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
/// `Iterable`, if any.
DartType findIterableElementType(InterfaceType iterableType) {
if (iterableType == null) return null;
return iterableType.typeArguments[0];
/// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements `Map`, if any.
InterfaceType findMapType(DartType receiver) {
return findClassType(receiver, compiler.mapClass);
/// Returns the key type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
/// `Map`, if any.
DartType findMapKeyType(InterfaceType mapType) {
if (mapType == null) return null;
return mapType.typeArguments[0];
/// Returns the value type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
/// `Map`, if any.
DartType findMapValueType(InterfaceType mapType) {
if (mapType == null) return null;
return mapType.typeArguments[1];
/// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements `List`, if any.
InterfaceType findListType(DartType receiver) {
return findClassType(receiver, compiler.listClass);
/// Returns the element type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
/// `List`, if any.
DartType findListElementType(InterfaceType listType) {
if (listType == null) return null;
return listType.typeArguments[0];
/// Returns the implied return type of [type] or `dynamic` if no return type
/// is implied.
DartType findReturnType(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type.returnType;
return const DynamicType();
/// Visits [arguments] and returns the list of their corresponding types.
List<DartType> findArgumentTypes(NodeList arguments) {
List<DartType> argumentTypes = <DartType>[];
for (Node argument in arguments) {
return argumentTypes;
/// Finds the [MemberSignature] of the [name] property on [type], if any.
MemberSignature lookupInterfaceMember(DartType type, Name name) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = findInterfaceType(type);
if (interfaceType == null) return null;
return interfaceType.lookupInterfaceMember(name);
/// Returns the type of an access of the [name] property on [type], or
/// `dynamic` if no property was found.
DartType lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(DartType type, Name name) {
MemberSignature member = lookupInterfaceMember(type, name);
if (member == null) return const DynamicType();
return member.type;
/// Returns the function type of the [name] property on [type], or
/// `dynamic` if no property was found.
FunctionType lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(DartType type, Name name) {
MemberSignature member = lookupInterfaceMember(type, name);
if (member == null) return null;
return member.functionType;
DartType apply(Node node, [_]) {
DartType type = node.accept(this);
if (type == null) {
type = const DynamicType();
return type;
DartType visitEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
DartType leftType = apply(left);
DartType rightType = apply(right);
checkRelated(node, leftType, rightType);
return coreTypes.boolType;
DartType visitNotEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
DartType leftType = apply(left);
DartType rightType = apply(right);
checkRelated(node, leftType, rightType);
return coreTypes.boolType;
DartType visitIndex(Send node, Node receiver, Node index, _) {
DartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
DartType indexType = apply(index);
InterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
DartType keyType = findMapKeyType(mapType);
DartType valueType = findMapValueType(mapType);
checkRelated(index, keyType, indexType);
return valueType;
DartType visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return coreTypes.intType;
DartType visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
return coreTypes.stringType;
DartType visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return coreTypes.boolType;
DartType visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
return elements.getType(node);
DartType visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return elements.getType(node);
DartType visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return elements.getType(node);
DartType visitLocalVariableGet(Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, _) {
return variable.type;
DartType visitLocalFunctionGet(Send node, LocalFunctionElement function, _) {
return function.type;
DartType visitParameterGet(Send node, ParameterElement parameter, _) {
return parameter.type;
DartType visitThisPropertyGet(Send node, Name name, _) {
return lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(thisType, name);
DartType visitDynamicPropertyGet(Send node, Node receiver, Name name, _) {
DartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
return lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(receiverType, name);
DartType visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyGet(
Send node, Node receiver, Name name, _) {
DartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
return lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(receiverType, name);
DartType visitStaticFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
return field.type;
DartType visitTopLevelFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
return field.type;
DartType visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
Node receiver,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector, _) {
DartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
List<DartType> argumentTypes = findArgumentTypes(arguments);
FunctionType methodType = lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(
receiverType, selector.memberName);
checkDynamicInvoke(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, selector);
return findReturnType(methodType);
DartType visitThisPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector, _) {
DartType receiverType = thisType;
List<DartType> argumentTypes = findArgumentTypes(arguments);
FunctionType methodType = lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(
receiverType, selector.memberName);
checkDynamicInvoke(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, selector);
return findReturnType(methodType);
DartType visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
Node receiver,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector, _) {
DartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
List<DartType> argumentTypes = findArgumentTypes(arguments);
FunctionType methodType = lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(
receiverType, selector.memberName);
checkDynamicInvoke(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, selector);
return findReturnType(methodType);
DartType visitTopLevelFunctionInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return findReturnType(function.type);
DartType visitStaticFunctionInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return findReturnType(function.type);
/// Computes the [ClassElement] implied by a type.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle type variables, function types and typedefs.
class ClassFinder extends BaseDartTypeVisitor<ClassElement, dynamic> {
const ClassFinder();
ClassElement findClass(DartType type) => type.accept(this, null);
ClassElement visitType(DartType type, _) => null;
ClassElement visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type, _) {
return type.element;