blob: 9002d50fb33bc51a778f998db3d4809bcfd64572 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h" // Needed here to get TARGET_ARCH_ARM.
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/constants_arm.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/instructions.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
CallPattern::CallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: object_pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(code.GetObjectPool())),
ic_data_(ICData::Handle()) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uword*>(end_) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
ic_data_load_end_ =
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(end_ - Instr::kInstrSize,
ASSERT(reg == LR);
int CallPattern::LengthInBytes() {
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
return 5 * Instr::kInstrSize;
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
return 3 * Instr::kInstrSize;
NativeCallPattern::NativeCallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: object_pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(code.GetObjectPool())),
target_address_pool_index_(-1) {
// Last instruction: blx lr.
ASSERT(*(reinterpret_cast<uword*>(end_) - 1) == 0xe12fff3e);
Register reg;
uword native_function_load_end =
InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(end_ - Instr::kInstrSize,
ASSERT(reg == LR);
ASSERT(reg == R5);
uword NativeCallPattern::target() const {
return object_pool_.RawValueAt(target_address_pool_index_);
void NativeCallPattern::set_target(uword target_address) const {
object_pool_.SetRawValueAt(target_address_pool_index_, target_address);
// No need to flush the instruction cache, since the code is not modified.
NativeFunction NativeCallPattern::native_function() const {
return reinterpret_cast<NativeFunction>(
void NativeCallPattern::set_native_function(NativeFunction func) const {
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the load
// sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns a pointer to
// the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register being loaded
// and the loaded object in the output parameters 'reg' and 'obj'
// respectively.
uword InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadObject(uword end,
const ObjectPool& object_pool,
Register* reg,
Object* obj) {
uword start = 0;
Instr* instr = Instr::At(end - Instr::kInstrSize);
if ((instr->InstructionBits() & 0xfff00000) == 0xe5900000) {
// ldr reg, [reg, #+offset]
intptr_t index = 0;
start = DecodeLoadWordFromPool(end, reg, &index);
*obj = object_pool.ObjectAt(index);
} else {
intptr_t value = 0;
start = DecodeLoadWordImmediate(end, reg, &value);
*obj = reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(value);
return start;
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the load
// sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns a pointer to
// the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register being loaded
// and the loaded immediate value in the output parameters 'reg' and 'value'
// respectively.
uword InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordImmediate(uword end,
Register* reg,
intptr_t* value) {
uword start = end - Instr::kInstrSize;
int32_t instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
intptr_t imm = 0;
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe3800000); // orr rd, rd, byte0
imm |= (instr & 0x000000ff);
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe3800c00); // orr rd, rd, (byte1 rot 12)
imm |= (instr & 0x000000ff);
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00f00) == 0xe3800800); // orr rd, rd, (byte2 rot 8)
imm |= (instr & 0x000000ff);
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
ASSERT((instr & 0xffff0f00) == 0xe3a00400); // mov rd, (byte3 rot 4)
imm |= (instr & 0x000000ff);
*reg = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0x0000f000) >> 12);
*value = imm;
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
if ((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe3400000) { // movt reg, #imm_hi
imm |= (instr & 0xf0000) << 12;
imm |= (instr & 0xfff) << 16;
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe3000000); // movw reg, #imm_lo
imm |= (instr & 0xf0000) >> 4;
imm |= instr & 0xfff;
*reg = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0xf000) >> 12);
*value = imm;
return start;
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the load
// sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns a pointer to
// the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register being loaded
// and the index in the pool being read from in the output parameters 'reg'
// and 'index' respectively.
uword InstructionPattern::DecodeLoadWordFromPool(uword end,
Register* reg,
intptr_t* index) {
uword start = end - Instr::kInstrSize;
int32_t instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
intptr_t offset = 0;
if ((instr & 0xffff0000) == 0xe59a0000) { // ldr reg, [pp, #+offset]
offset = instr & 0xfff;
*reg = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0xf000) >> 12);
} else {
ASSERT((instr & 0xfff00000) == 0xe5900000); // ldr reg, [reg, #+offset]
offset = instr & 0xfff;
start -= Instr::kInstrSize;
instr = Instr::At(start)->InstructionBits();
if ((instr & 0xffff0000) == 0xe28a0000) { // add reg, pp, operand
const intptr_t rot = (instr & 0xf00) >> 7;
const intptr_t imm8 = instr & 0xff;
offset += (imm8 >> rot) | (imm8 << (32 - rot));
*reg = static_cast<Register>((instr & 0xf000) >> 12);
} else {
ASSERT((instr & 0xffff0000) == 0xe08a0000); // add reg, pp, reg
end = DecodeLoadWordImmediate(end, reg, &offset);
*index = ObjectPool::IndexFromOffset(offset);
return start;
RawICData* CallPattern::IcData() {
if (ic_data_.IsNull()) {
Register reg;
ASSERT(reg == R5);
return ic_data_.raw();
uword CallPattern::TargetAddress() const {
return object_pool_.RawValueAt(target_address_pool_index_);
void CallPattern::SetTargetAddress(uword target_address) const {
object_pool_.SetRawValueAt(target_address_pool_index_, target_address);
// No need to flush the instruction cache, since the code is not modified.
void CallPattern::InsertAt(uword pc, uword target_address) {
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
const uint32_t byte0 = (target_address & 0x000000ff);
const uint32_t byte1 = (target_address & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
const uint32_t byte2 = (target_address & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
const uint32_t byte3 = (target_address & 0xff000000) >> 24;
const uword mov_ip = 0xe3a0c400 | byte3; // mov ip, (byte3 rot 4)
const uword or1_ip = 0xe38cc800 | byte2; // orr ip, ip, (byte2 rot 8)
const uword or2_ip = 0xe38ccc00 | byte1; // orr ip, ip, (byte1 rot 12)
const uword or3_ip = 0xe38cc000 | byte0; // orr ip, ip, byte0
const uword blx_ip = 0xe12fff3c;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = mov_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = or1_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (2 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = or2_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (3 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = or3_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (4 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = blx_ip;
ASSERT(LengthInBytes() == 5 * Instr::kInstrSize);
CPU::FlushICache(pc, LengthInBytes());
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
const uint16_t target_lo = target_address & 0xffff;
const uint16_t target_hi = target_address >> 16;
const uword movw_ip =
0xe300c000 | ((target_lo >> 12) << 16) | (target_lo & 0xfff);
const uword movt_ip =
0xe340c000 | ((target_hi >> 12) << 16) | (target_hi & 0xfff);
const uword blx_ip = 0xe12fff3c;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = movw_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = movt_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc + (2 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = blx_ip;
ASSERT(LengthInBytes() == 3 * Instr::kInstrSize);
CPU::FlushICache(pc, LengthInBytes());
JumpPattern::JumpPattern(uword pc, const Code& code) : pc_(pc) { }
int JumpPattern::pattern_length_in_bytes() {
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
return 5 * Instr::kInstrSize;
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
return 3 * Instr::kInstrSize;
bool JumpPattern::IsValid() const {
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
Instr* mov_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* or1_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* or2_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (2 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* or3_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (3 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* bx_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (4 * Instr::kInstrSize));
return ((mov_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xffffff00) == 0xe3a0c400) &&
((or1_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xffffff00) == 0xe38cc800) &&
((or2_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xffffff00) == 0xe38ccc00) &&
((or3_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xffffff00) == 0xe38cc000) &&
((bx_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xffffffff) == 0xe12fff1c);
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
Instr* movw_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize)); // target_lo
Instr* movt_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize)); // target_hi
Instr* bx_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (2 * Instr::kInstrSize));
return (movw_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xfff0f000) == 0xe300c000 &&
(movt_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xfff0f000) == 0xe340c000 &&
(bx_ip->InstructionBits() & 0xffffffff) == 0xe12fff1c;
uword JumpPattern::TargetAddress() const {
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
Instr* mov_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* or1_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* or2_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (2 * Instr::kInstrSize));
Instr* or3_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (3 * Instr::kInstrSize));
uword imm = 0;
imm |= or3_ip->Immed8Field();
imm |= or2_ip->Immed8Field() << 8;
imm |= or1_ip->Immed8Field() << 16;
imm |= mov_ip->Immed8Field() << 24;
return imm;
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
Instr* movw_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize)); // target_lo
Instr* movt_ip = Instr::At(pc_ + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize)); // target_hi
uint16_t target_lo = movw_ip->MovwField();
uint16_t target_hi = movt_ip->MovwField();
return (target_hi << 16) | target_lo;
void JumpPattern::SetTargetAddress(uword target_address) const {
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
const uint32_t byte0 = (target_address & 0x000000ff);
const uint32_t byte1 = (target_address & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
const uint32_t byte2 = (target_address & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
const uint32_t byte3 = (target_address & 0xff000000) >> 24;
const uword mov_ip = 0xe3a0c400 | byte3; // mov ip, (byte3 rot 4)
const uword or1_ip = 0xe38cc800 | byte2; // orr ip, ip, (byte2 rot 8)
const uword or2_ip = 0xe38ccc00 | byte1; // orr ip, ip, (byte1 rot 12)
const uword or3_ip = 0xe38cc000 | byte0; // orr ip, ip, byte0
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc_ + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = mov_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc_ + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = or1_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc_ + (2 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = or2_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc_ + (3 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = or3_ip;
CPU::FlushICache(pc_, 4 * Instr::kInstrSize);
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
const uint16_t target_lo = target_address & 0xffff;
const uint16_t target_hi = target_address >> 16;
const uword movw_ip =
0xe300c000 | ((target_lo >> 12) << 16) | (target_lo & 0xfff);
const uword movt_ip =
0xe340c000 | ((target_hi >> 12) << 16) | (target_hi & 0xfff);
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc_ + (0 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = movw_ip;
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(pc_ + (1 * Instr::kInstrSize)) = movt_ip;
CPU::FlushICache(pc_, 2 * Instr::kInstrSize);
ReturnPattern::ReturnPattern(uword pc)
: pc_(pc) {
bool ReturnPattern::IsValid() const {
Instr* bx_lr = Instr::At(pc_);
const int32_t B4 = 1 << 4;
const int32_t B21 = 1 << 21;
const int32_t B24 = 1 << 24;
int32_t instruction = (static_cast<int32_t>(AL) << kConditionShift) |
B24 | B21 | (0xfff << 8) | B4 |
(static_cast<int32_t>(LR) << kRmShift);
const ARMVersion version = TargetCPUFeatures::arm_version();
if ((version == ARMv5TE) || (version == ARMv6)) {
return bx_lr->InstructionBits() == instruction;
} else {
ASSERT(version == ARMv7);
return bx_lr->InstructionBits() == instruction;
return false;
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined TARGET_ARCH_ARM