blob: 8d766246f629ba5296e5359baac0dcd86c9536f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_lib;
import 'test_lib_foo.dart';
import 'test_lib_bar.dart';
export 'test_lib_foo.dart';
export 'test_lib_bar.dart';
* Doc comment for class [A].
* Multiline Test
* Normal comment for class A.
class A {
int _someNumber;
A() {
_someNumber = 12;
* Test for linking to parameter [A]
void doThis(int A) {
// A trivial use of `B` and `C` to eliminate import warnings
B sampleMethod(C cInstance) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
int positionalDefaultValues([
int intConst = 42,
bool boolConst = true,
List listConst = const [true, 42, 'Shanna', null, 3.14, const []],
String stringConst = 'Shanna',
Map mapConst = const {'a':1, 2: true, 'c': const [1,null,true]},
Map emptyMap = const {},
int referencedConst = INT_CONST,
ConstClass constructedConstant1 = const ConstClass<int>(0, true),
ConstClass constructedConstant2 = const ConstClass(1, false, str: "str")]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
const int INT_CONST = 42;
class ConstClass<T> {
final bool boolField;
final int intField;
final String stringField;
const ConstClass(this.intField, this.boolField, {String str: 'default'})
: this.stringField = str;