blob: f437166e6e2d5d7b4073219bb92e24f95233b268 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.package_helpers;
import 'exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import 'generator.dart' show pubScript;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// Helper accessor to determine the full pathname of the root of the dart
/// checkout if we are running without the --sdk parameter specified. That
/// normally means we are running directly from source, and we expect to
/// find the root as the directory above 'pkg'. The only other time this
/// would happen is running a snapshot directly, rather than from the
/// dartdocgen script, where we look for the dart-sdk directory. If not
/// using the script and not in a normal directory structure, you'll need
/// to pass the --sdk parameter.
String get rootDirectory {
if (_rootDirectoryCache != null) return _rootDirectoryCache;
var scriptDir = path.absolute(path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath()));
var root = scriptDir;
var base = path.basename(root);
while (base != 'dart-sdk' && base != 'pkg') {
root = path.dirname(root);
base = path.basename(root);
if (root == base) {
// We have reached the root of the filesystem without finding anything.
throw new FileSystemException("Cannot find SDK directory starting from ",
_rootDirectoryCache = path.dirname(root);
return _rootDirectoryCache;
String _rootDirectoryCache;
/// Given a LibraryMirror that is a library, return the name of the directory
/// holding the package information for that library. If the library is not
/// part of a package, return null.
String getPackageDirectory(LibraryMirror mirror) {
var file = mirror.uri.toFilePath();
// Any file that's in a package will be in a directory of the form
// packagename/lib/.../filename.dart, so we know that a possible
// package directory is at least in the directory above the one containing
// [file]
var directoryAbove = path.dirname(path.dirname(file));
var possiblePackage = _packageDirectoryFor(directoryAbove);
// We only want components that are somewhere underneath the lib directory.
var subPath = path.relative(file, from: possiblePackage);
var subPathComponents = path.split(subPath);
if (subPathComponents.isNotEmpty && subPathComponents.first == 'lib') {
return possiblePackage;
} else {
return null;
Map _getPubspec(String directoryName) {
var pubspecName = path.join(directoryName, 'pubspec.yaml');
File pubspec = new File(pubspecName);
if (!pubspec.existsSync()) return {'name': ''};
var contents = pubspec.readAsStringSync();
return loadYaml(contents);
/// Read a pubspec and return the library name, given a directory
String packageNameFor(String directoryName) =>
/// Read a pubspec and return the library name, given a directory
String _packageVersionFor(String directoryName) {
var spec = _getPubspec(directoryName);
return '${spec['name']}-${spec['version']}';
/// Look in the pubspec.lock to determine what version of a package we are
/// documenting (null if not applicable).
String packageVersion(LibraryMirror mirror) {
if (mirror.uri.scheme == 'file') {
String packageDirectory = getPackageDirectory(mirror);
if (packageDirectory == null) return '';
if (packageDirectory.contains('.pub-cache')) {
return path.basename(packageDirectory);
String packageName = packageNameFor(packageDirectory);
return _packageVersionFor(packageDirectory);
} else if (mirror.uri.scheme == 'dart') {
// If this item is from the SDK, use what version of pub we're running to
// ascertain the SDK version.
var pubVersion = Process.runSync(pubScript, ['--version'],
runInShell: true);
if (pubVersion.exitCode != 0) {
return pubVersion.stdout.replaceAll('Pub ', '').trim();
return '';
String _packageVersionHelper(String packageDirectory, String packageName) {
var publockName = path.join(packageDirectory, 'pubspec.lock');
File publock = new File(publockName);
if (!publock.existsSync()) return '';
var contents = publock.readAsStringSync();
var spec = loadYaml(contents);
return spec['packages'][packageName];
/// Recursively walk up from directory name looking for a pubspec. Return
/// the directory that contains it, or null if none is found.
String _packageDirectoryFor(String directoryName) {
var dir = directoryName;
while (!_pubspecFor(dir).existsSync()) {
var newDir = path.dirname(dir);
if (newDir == dir) return null;
dir = newDir;
return dir;
File _pubspecFor(String directoryName) =>
new File(path.join(directoryName, 'pubspec.yaml'));