blob: 94032394db6a88ff997f1f060d4614d50ee02fad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.models.library;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as markdown;
import '../exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import '../exports/mirrors_util.dart' as dart2js_util;
import '../library_helpers.dart';
import '../package_helpers.dart';
import 'class.dart';
import 'dummy_mirror.dart';
import 'indexable.dart';
import 'method.dart';
import 'model_helpers.dart';
import 'typedef.dart';
import 'variable.dart';
/// A class containing contents of a Dart library.
class Library extends Indexable {
final Map<String, Class> classes = {};
final Map<String, Typedef> typedefs = {};
final Map<String, Class> errors = {};
/// Top-level variables in the library.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Top-level functions in the library.
Map<String, Method> functions;
String packageName = '';
bool _hasBeenCheckedForPackage = false;
String packageIntro;
Indexable get owner => const _LibraryOwner();
Library get owningLibrary => this;
/// Returns the [Library] for the given [mirror] if it has already been
/// created, else creates it.
factory Library(LibraryMirror mirror) {
var library = getDocgenObject(mirror);
if (library is DummyMirror) {
library = new Library._(mirror);
return library;
Library._(LibraryMirror libraryMirror) : super(libraryMirror) {
var exported = calcExportedItems(libraryMirror, {});
var exportedClasses = addAll(exported['classes'],
exportedClasses.forEach((String mirrorName, TypeMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is TypedefMirror) {
// This is actually a Dart2jsTypedefMirror, and it does define value,
// but we don't have visibility to that type.
if (includePrivateMembers || !mirror.isPrivate) {
typedefs[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = new Typedef(mirror, this);
} else if (mirror is ClassMirror) {
var clazz = new Class(mirror, this);
if (clazz.isError()) {
errors[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = clazz;
} else {
classes[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = clazz;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
'${dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)} - no class type match. ');
this.functions = createMethods(addAll(exported['methods'],
(mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror)).values, this);
this.variables = createVariables(addAll(exported['variables'],
dart2js_util.variablesOf(libraryMirror.declarations)).values, this);
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) {
var lookupFunc = determineLookupFunc(name);
var libraryScope = lookupFunc(mirror, name);
if (libraryScope != null) {
var result = getDocgenObject(libraryScope, this);
if (result is DummyMirror) return packagePrefix + result.docName;
return result.packagePrefix + result.docName;
return super.findElementInScope(name);
String getMdnComment() => '';
/// For a library's [mirror], determine the name of the package (if any) we
/// believe it came from (because of its file URI).
/// If no package could be determined, we return an empty string.
void updateLibraryPackage(LibraryMirror mirror) {
if (mirror == null) return;
if (_hasBeenCheckedForPackage) return;
_hasBeenCheckedForPackage = true;
if (mirror.uri.scheme != 'file') return;
packageName = getPackageName(mirror);
// Associate the package readme with all the libraries. This is a bit
// wasteful, but easier than trying to figure out which partial match
// is best.
packageIntro = _packageIntro(getPackageDirectory(mirror));
String _packageIntro(packageDir) {
if (packageDir == null) return null;
var dir = new Directory(packageDir);
var files = dir.listSync();
var readmes = files.where((FileSystemEntity each) => (each is File &&
each.path.substring(packageDir.length + 1, each.path.length)
if (readmes.isEmpty) return '';
// If there are multiples, pick the shortest name.
readmes.sort((a, b) => a.path.length.compareTo(b.path.length));
var readme = readmes.first;
var linkResolver = (name) => globalFixReference(name);
var contents = markdown.markdownToHtml(readme
.readAsStringSync(), linkResolver: linkResolver,
inlineSyntaxes: MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
return contents;
String get packagePrefix => packageName == null || packageName.isEmpty ?
'' : '$packageName/';
Map get previewMap {
var map = {'packageName': packageName};
if (packageIntro != null) {
map['packageIntro'] = packageIntro;
var version = packageVersion(mirror);
if (version != '' && version != null) map['version'] = version;
return map;
String get name => docName;
String get docName => getLibraryDocName(mirror);
/// Generates a map describing the [Library] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'variables': recurseMap(variables),
'functions': expandMethodMap(functions),
'classes': {
'class': classes.values.where((c) => c.isVisible)
.map((e) => e.previewMap).toList(),
'typedef': recurseMap(typedefs),
'error': errors.values.where((e) => e.isVisible)
.map((e) => e.previewMap).toList()
'packageName': packageName,
'packageIntro': packageIntro
String get typeName => 'library';
bool isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is LibraryMirror;
/// Dummy implementation of Indexable to represent the owner of a Library.
class _LibraryOwner implements Indexable {
const _LibraryOwner();
String get docName => '';
bool get isPrivate => false;
Indexable get owner => null;
// This is a known incomplete implementation of Indexable
// overriding noSuchMethod to remove static warnings
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnimplementedError(invocation.memberName.toString());