blob: 5268be3de5802c9ac6661b5efecaf035f545d677 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library universe;
import 'dart:collection';
import '../common/names.dart' show
import '../compiler.dart' show
import '../diagnostics/invariant.dart' show
import '../diagnostics/spannable.dart' show
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../types/types.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import '../world.dart' show
part 'call_structure.dart';
part 'function_set.dart';
part 'selector.dart';
part 'side_effects.dart';
class UniverseSelector {
final Selector selector;
final ReceiverMask mask;
UniverseSelector(this.selector, this.mask);
bool appliesUnnamed(Element element, ClassWorld world) {
return selector.appliesUnnamed(element, world) &&
(mask == null || mask.canHit(element, selector, world));
String toString() => '$selector,$mask';
/// A potential receiver for a dynamic call site.
abstract class ReceiverMask {
/// Returns whether [element] is a potential target when being
/// invoked on this receiver mask. [selector] is used to ensure library
/// privacy is taken into account.
bool canHit(Element element, Selector selector, ClassWorld classWorld);
/// A set of potential receivers for the dynamic call sites of the same
/// selector.
/// For instance for these calls
/// new A().foo(a, b);
/// new B().foo(0, 42);
/// the receiver mask set for dynamic calls to 'foo' with to positional
/// arguments will contain receiver masks abstracting `new A()` and `new B()`.
abstract class ReceiverMaskSet {
/// Returns `true` if [selector] applies to any of the potential receivers
/// in this set given the closed [world].
bool applies(Element element, Selector selector, ClassWorld world);
/// Returns `true` if any potential receivers in this set given the closed
/// [world] have no implementation matching [selector].
/// For instance for this code snippet
/// class A {}
/// class B { foo() {} }
/// m(b) => (b ? new A() : new B()).foo();
/// the potential receiver `new A()` have no implementation of `foo` and thus
/// needs to handle the call though its `noSuchMethod` handler.
bool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(Selector selector, ClassWorld world);
/// A mutable [ReceiverMaskSet] used in [Universe].
abstract class UniverseReceiverMaskSet extends ReceiverMaskSet {
/// Adds [mask] to this set of potential receivers. Return `true` if the
/// set expanded due to the new mask.
bool addReceiverMask(ReceiverMask mask);
/// Strategy for computing potential receivers of dynamic call sites.
abstract class ReceiverMaskStrategy {
/// Create a [UniverseReceiverMaskSet] to represent the potential receiver for
/// a dynamic call site with [selector].
UniverseReceiverMaskSet createReceiverMaskSet(Selector selector);
class Universe {
/// The set of all directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a
/// generative constructor that has been called directly and not only through
/// a super-call.
/// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
// TODO(johnniwinther): [_directlyInstantiatedClasses] and
// [_instantiatedTypes] sets should be merged.
final Set<ClassElement> _directlyInstantiatedClasses =
new Set<ClassElement>();
/// The set of all directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the
/// directly instantiated classes.
/// See [_directlyInstantiatedClasses].
final Set<DartType> _instantiatedTypes = new Set<DartType>();
/// The set of all instantiated classes, either directly, as superclasses or
/// as supertypes.
/// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
final Set<ClassElement> _allInstantiatedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
/// The set of all referenced static fields.
/// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
final Set<FieldElement> allReferencedStaticFields = new Set<FieldElement>();
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
final Set<FunctionElement> staticFunctionsNeedingGetter =
new Set<FunctionElement>();
final Set<FunctionElement> methodsNeedingSuperGetter =
new Set<FunctionElement>();
final Map<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>> _invokedNames =
<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>>{};
final Map<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>> _invokedGetters =
<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>>{};
final Map<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>> _invokedSetters =
<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>>{};
* Fields accessed. Currently only the codegen knows this
* information. The resolver is too conservative when seeing a
* getter and only registers an invoked getter.
final Set<Element> fieldGetters = new Set<Element>();
* Fields set. See comment in [fieldGetters].
final Set<Element> fieldSetters = new Set<Element>();
final Set<DartType> isChecks = new Set<DartType>();
* Set of (live) [:call:] methods whose signatures reference type variables.
* A live [:call:] method is one whose enclosing class has been instantiated.
final Set<Element> callMethodsWithFreeTypeVariables = new Set<Element>();
* Set of (live) local functions (closures) whose signatures reference type
* variables.
* A live function is one whose enclosing member function has been enqueued.
final Set<Element> closuresWithFreeTypeVariables = new Set<Element>();
* Set of all closures in the program. Used by the mirror tracking system
* to find all live closure instances.
final Set<LocalFunctionElement> allClosures = new Set<LocalFunctionElement>();
* Set of methods in instantiated classes that are potentially
* closurized.
final Set<Element> closurizedMembers = new Set<Element>();
final ReceiverMaskStrategy receiverMaskStrategy;
/// All directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a generative
/// constructor that has been called directly and not only through a
/// super-call.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
Iterable<ClassElement> get directlyInstantiatedClasses {
return _directlyInstantiatedClasses;
/// All instantiated classes, either directly, as superclasses or as
/// supertypes.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
Iterable<ClassElement> get allInstantiatedClasses {
return _allInstantiatedClasses;
/// All directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the directly
/// instantiated classes.
/// See [directlyInstantiatedClasses].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
Iterable<DartType> get instantiatedTypes => _instantiatedTypes;
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is considered to be instantiated, either directly,
/// through subclasses or through subtypes. The latter case only contains
/// spurious information from instatiations through factory constructors and
/// mixins.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
bool isInstantiated(ClassElement cls) {
return _allInstantiatedClasses.contains(cls);
/// Register [type] as (directly) instantiated.
/// If [byMirrors] is `true`, the instantiation is through mirrors.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Fully enforce the separation between exact, through
// subclass and through subtype instantiated types/classes.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support unknown type arguments for generic types.
void registerTypeInstantiation(InterfaceType type,
{bool byMirrors: false}) {
ClassElement cls = type.element;
if (!cls.isAbstract
// We can't use the closed-world assumption with native abstract
// classes; a native abstract class may have non-abstract subclasses
// not declared to the program. Instances of these classes are
// indistinguishable from the abstract class.
|| cls.isNative
// Likewise, if this registration comes from the mirror system,
// all bets are off.
// TODO(herhut): Track classes required by mirrors seperately.
|| byMirrors) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Replace this by separate more specific mappings.
if (!_allInstantiatedClasses.add(cls)) return;
cls.allSupertypes.forEach((InterfaceType supertype) {
bool _hasMatchingSelector(Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> selectors,
Element member,
World world) {
if (selectors == null) return false;
for (Selector selector in selectors.keys) {
if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member, world)) {
ReceiverMaskSet masks = selectors[selector];
if (masks.applies(member, selector, world)) {
return true;
return false;
bool hasInvocation(Element member, World world) {
return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedNames[], member, world);
bool hasInvokedGetter(Element member, World world) {
return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedGetters[], member, world);
bool hasInvokedSetter(Element member, World world) {
return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedSetters[], member, world);
bool registerInvocation(UniverseSelector selector) {
return _registerNewSelector(selector, _invokedNames);
bool registerInvokedGetter(UniverseSelector selector) {
return _registerNewSelector(selector, _invokedGetters);
bool registerInvokedSetter(UniverseSelector selector) {
return _registerNewSelector(selector, _invokedSetters);
bool _registerNewSelector(
UniverseSelector universeSelector,
Map<String, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>> selectorMap) {
Selector selector = universeSelector.selector;
String name =;
ReceiverMask mask = universeSelector.mask;
Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> selectors = selectorMap.putIfAbsent(
name, () => new Maplet<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet>());
UniverseReceiverMaskSet masks = selectors.putIfAbsent(
selector, () => receiverMaskStrategy.createReceiverMaskSet(selector));
return masks.addReceiverMask(mask);
Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> _asUnmodifiable(
Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> map) {
if (map == null) return null;
return new UnmodifiableMapView(map);
Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> invocationsByName(String name) {
return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedNames[name]);
Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> getterInvocationsByName(String name) {
return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedGetters[name]);
Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> setterInvocationsByName(String name) {
return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedSetters[name]);
void forEachInvokedName(
f(String name, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> selectors)) {
void forEachInvokedGetter(
f(String name, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> selectors)) {
void forEachInvokedSetter(
f(String name, Map<Selector, ReceiverMaskSet> selectors)) {
DartType registerIsCheck(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
type = type.unalias(compiler);
// Even in checked mode, type annotations for return type and argument
// types do not imply type checks, so there should never be a check
// against the type variable of a typedef.
return type;
void registerStaticFieldUse(FieldElement staticField) {
assert(Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(staticField) && staticField.isField);
void forgetElement(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
if (element is ClassElement) {
element, element.thisType.isRaw,
message: 'Generic classes not supported (${element.thisType}).'));
// TODO(ahe): Replace this method with something that is O(1), for example,
// by using a map.
List<LocalFunctionElement> slowDirectlyNestedClosures(Element element) {
// Return new list to guard against concurrent modifications.
return new List<LocalFunctionElement>.from(
allClosures.where((LocalFunctionElement closure) {
return closure.executableContext == element;