blob: 5f8dedd36783087462b216921ff5359afc8b719a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of universe;
// TODO(kasperl): This actually holds getters and setters just fine
// too and stricly they aren't functions. Maybe this needs a better
// name -- something like ElementSet seems a bit too generic.
class FunctionSet {
final Compiler compiler;
final Map<String, FunctionSetNode> nodes =
new Map<String, FunctionSetNode>();
ClassWorld get classWorld =>;
FunctionSetNode newNode(String name)
=> new FunctionSetNode(name);
void add(Element element) {
String name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes.putIfAbsent(name, () => newNode(name));
void remove(Element element) {
String name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes[name];
if (node != null) {
bool contains(Element element) {
String name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes[name];
return (node != null)
? node.contains(element)
: false;
/// Returns an object that allows iterating over all the functions
/// that may be invoked with the given [selector].
Iterable<Element> filter(Selector selector, TypeMask mask) {
return query(selector, mask).functions;
/// Returns the mask for the potential receivers of a dynamic call to
/// [selector] on [mask].
/// This will reduce the set of classes in [mask] to a [TypeMask] of the set
/// of classes that actually implement the selected member or implement the
/// handling 'noSuchMethod' where the selected member is unimplemented.
TypeMask receiverType(Selector selector, TypeMask mask) {
return query(selector, mask).computeMask(classWorld);
SelectorMask _createSelectorMask(
Selector selector, TypeMask mask, ClassWorld classWorld) {
return mask != null
? new SelectorMask(selector, mask)
: new SelectorMask(selector,
new TypeMask.subclass(classWorld.objectClass, classWorld));
/// Returns the set of functions that can be the target of a call to
/// [selector] on a receiver of type [mask] including 'noSuchMethod' methods
/// where applicable.
FunctionSetQuery query(Selector selector, TypeMask mask) {
String name =;
SelectorMask selectorMask = _createSelectorMask(selector, mask, classWorld);
SelectorMask noSuchMethodMask =
new SelectorMask(Selectors.noSuchMethod_, selectorMask.mask);
FunctionSetNode node = nodes[name];
FunctionSetNode noSuchMethods = nodes[Identifiers.noSuchMethod_];
if (node != null) {
return node.query(
selectorMask, classWorld, noSuchMethods, noSuchMethodMask);
// If there is no method that matches [selector] we know we can
// only hit [:noSuchMethod:].
if (noSuchMethods == null) {
return const EmptyFunctionSetQuery();
return noSuchMethods.query(noSuchMethodMask, classWorld);
void forEach(Function action) {
nodes.forEach((String name, FunctionSetNode node) {
/// A selector/mask pair representing the dynamic invocation of [selector] on
/// a receiver of type [mask].
class SelectorMask {
final Selector selector;
final TypeMask mask;
final int hashCode;
SelectorMask(Selector selector, TypeMask mask)
: this.selector = selector,
this.mask = mask,
this.hashCode =
Hashing.mixHashCodeBits(selector.hashCode, mask.hashCode) {
assert(mask != null);
String get name =>;
bool applies(Element element, ClassWorld classWorld) {
if (!selector.appliesUnnamed(element, classWorld)) return false;
return mask.canHit(element, selector, classWorld);
bool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(ClassWorld classWorld) {
return mask.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(selector, classWorld);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return selector == other.selector && mask == other.mask;
String toString() => '($selector,$mask)';
/// A node in the [FunctionSet] caching all [FunctionSetQuery] object for
/// selectors with the same [name].
class FunctionSetNode {
final String name;
final Map<SelectorMask, FunctionSetQuery> cache =
<SelectorMask, FunctionSetQuery>{};
// Initially, we keep the elements in a list because it is more
// compact than a hash set. Once we get enough elements, we change
// the representation to be a set to get faster contains checks.
static const int MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_LIST = 8;
var elements = <Element>[];
bool isList = true;
void add(Element element) {
assert( == name);
// We try to avoid clearing the cache unless we have to. For that
// reason we keep the explicit contains check even though the add
// method ends up doing the work again (for sets).
if (!elements.contains(element)) {
if (isList && elements.length >= MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_LIST) {
elements = elements.toSet();
isList = false;
if (!cache.isEmpty) cache.clear();
void remove(Element element) {
assert( == name);
if (isList) {
List list = elements;
int index = list.indexOf(element);
if (index < 0) return;
Element last = list.removeLast();
if (index != list.length) {
list[index] = last;
if (!cache.isEmpty) cache.clear();
} else {
Set set = elements;
if (set.remove(element)) {
// To avoid wobbling between the two representations, we do
// not transition back to the list representation even if we
// end up with few enough elements at this point.
if (!cache.isEmpty) cache.clear();
bool contains(Element element) {
assert( == name);
return elements.contains(element);
void forEach(Function action) {
/// Returns the set of functions that can be the target of [selectorMask]
/// including no such method handling where applicable.
FunctionSetQuery query(SelectorMask selectorMask,
ClassWorld classWorld,
[FunctionSetNode noSuchMethods,
SelectorMask noSuchMethodMask]) {
assert( == name);
FunctionSetQuery result = cache[selectorMask];
if (result != null) return result;
Setlet<Element> functions;
for (Element element in elements) {
if (selectorMask.applies(element, classWorld)) {
if (functions == null) {
// Defer the allocation of the functions set until we are
// sure we need it. This allows us to return immutable empty
// lists when the filtering produced no results.
functions = new Setlet<Element>();
// If we cannot ensure a method will be found at runtime, we also
// add [noSuchMethod] implementations that apply to [mask] as
// potential targets.
if (noSuchMethods != null &&
selectorMask.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(classWorld)) {
FunctionSetQuery noSuchMethodQuery =
noSuchMethods.query(noSuchMethodMask, classWorld);
if (!noSuchMethodQuery.functions.isEmpty) {
if (functions == null) {
functions = new Setlet<Element>.from(noSuchMethodQuery.functions);
} else {
cache[selectorMask] = result = (functions != null)
? new FullFunctionSetQuery(functions)
: const EmptyFunctionSetQuery();
return result;
/// A set of functions that are the potential targets of all call sites sharing
/// the same receiver mask and selector.
abstract class FunctionSetQuery {
const FunctionSetQuery();
/// Compute the type of all potential receivers of this function set.
TypeMask computeMask(ClassWorld classWorld);
/// Returns all potential targets of this function set.
Iterable<Element> get functions;
class EmptyFunctionSetQuery implements FunctionSetQuery {
const EmptyFunctionSetQuery();
TypeMask computeMask(ClassWorld classWorld) => const TypeMask.nonNullEmpty();
Iterable<Element> get functions => const <Element>[];
class FullFunctionSetQuery implements FunctionSetQuery {
final Iterable<Element> functions;
TypeMask _mask;
TypeMask computeMask(ClassWorld classWorld) {
if (_mask != null) return _mask;
return _mask = new TypeMask.unionOf(functions
.expand((element) {
ClassElement cls = element.enclosingClass;
return [cls]..addAll(classWorld.mixinUsesOf(cls));
.map((cls) {
if (classWorld.backend.isNullImplementation(cls)) {
return const TypeMask.empty();
} else {
return new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(cls.declaration, classWorld);