blob: 3fed5c391a443d4f9ca6872cb519cae5c4153786 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.resolution.tree_elements;
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../diagnostics/invariant.dart' show
import '../diagnostics/spannable.dart' show
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../types/types.dart' show
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import '../universe/universe.dart' show
import 'secret_tree_element.dart' show getTreeElement, setTreeElement;
import 'send_structure.dart';
abstract class TreeElements {
AnalyzableElement get analyzedElement;
Iterable<Node> get superUses;
/// Iterables of the dependencies that this [TreeElement] records of
/// [analyzedElement].
Iterable<Element> get allElements;
/// The set of types that this TreeElement depends on.
/// This includes instantiated types, types in is-checks and as-expressions
/// and in checked mode the types of all type-annotations.
Iterable<DartType> get requiredTypes;
void forEachConstantNode(f(Node n, ConstantExpression c));
/// A set of additional dependencies. See [registerDependency] below.
Iterable<Element> get otherDependencies;
Element operator[](Node node);
SendStructure getSendStructure(Send send);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Investigate whether [Node] could be a [Send].
Selector getSelector(Node node);
Selector getGetterSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node);
Selector getOperatorSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node);
DartType getType(Node node);
TypeMask getTypeMask(Node node);
TypeMask getGetterTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node);
TypeMask getOperatorTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node);
void setTypeMask(Node node, TypeMask mask);
void setGetterTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, TypeMask mask);
void setOperatorTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, TypeMask mask);
/// Returns the for-in loop variable for [node].
Element getForInVariable(ForIn node);
Selector getIteratorSelector(ForIn node);
Selector getMoveNextSelector(ForIn node);
Selector getCurrentSelector(ForIn node);
TypeMask getIteratorTypeMask(ForIn node);
TypeMask getMoveNextTypeMask(ForIn node);
TypeMask getCurrentTypeMask(ForIn node);
void setIteratorTypeMask(ForIn node, TypeMask mask);
void setMoveNextTypeMask(ForIn node, TypeMask mask);
void setCurrentTypeMask(ForIn node, TypeMask mask);
void setConstant(Node node, ConstantExpression constant);
ConstantExpression getConstant(Node node);
bool isAssert(Send send);
/// Returns the [FunctionElement] defined by [node].
FunctionElement getFunctionDefinition(FunctionExpression node);
/// Returns target constructor for the redirecting factory body [node].
ConstructorElement getRedirectingTargetConstructor(
RedirectingFactoryBody node);
* Returns [:true:] if [node] is a type literal.
* Resolution marks this by setting the type on the node to be the
* type that the literal refers to.
bool isTypeLiteral(Send node);
/// Returns the type that the type literal [node] refers to.
DartType getTypeLiteralType(Send node);
/// Register additional dependencies required by [analyzedElement].
/// For example, elements that are used by a backend.
void registerDependency(Element element);
/// Register a dependency on [type].
void addRequiredType(DartType type);
/// Returns a list of nodes that potentially mutate [element] anywhere in its
/// scope.
List<Node> getPotentialMutations(VariableElement element);
/// Returns a list of nodes that potentially mutate [element] in [node].
List<Node> getPotentialMutationsIn(Node node, VariableElement element);
/// Returns a list of nodes that potentially mutate [element] in a closure.
List<Node> getPotentialMutationsInClosure(VariableElement element);
/// Returns a list of nodes that access [element] within a closure in [node].
List<Node> getAccessesByClosureIn(Node node, VariableElement element);
/// Returns the jump target defined by [node].
JumpTarget getTargetDefinition(Node node);
/// Returns the jump target of the [node].
JumpTarget getTargetOf(GotoStatement node);
/// Returns the label defined by [node].
LabelDefinition getLabelDefinition(Label node);
/// Returns the label that [node] targets.
LabelDefinition getTargetLabel(GotoStatement node);
/// `true` if the [analyzedElement]'s source code contains a [TryStatement].
bool get containsTryStatement;
class TreeElementMapping extends TreeElements {
final AnalyzableElement analyzedElement;
Map<Spannable, Selector> _selectors;
Map<Spannable, TypeMask> _typeMasks;
Map<Node, DartType> _types;
Setlet<Node> _superUses;
Setlet<Element> _otherDependencies;
Map<Node, ConstantExpression> _constants;
Map<VariableElement, List<Node>> _potentiallyMutated;
Map<Node, Map<VariableElement, List<Node>>> _potentiallyMutatedIn;
Map<VariableElement, List<Node>> _potentiallyMutatedInClosure;
Map<Node, Map<VariableElement, List<Node>>> _accessedByClosureIn;
Setlet<Element> _elements;
Setlet<Send> _asserts;
Maplet<Send, SendStructure> _sendStructureMap;
Setlet<DartType> _requiredTypes;
bool containsTryStatement = false;
/// Map from nodes to the targets they define.
Map<Node, JumpTarget> _definedTargets;
/// Map from goto statements to their targets.
Map<GotoStatement, JumpTarget> _usedTargets;
/// Map from labels to their label definition.
Map<Label, LabelDefinition> _definedLabels;
/// Map from labeled goto statements to the labels they target.
Map<GotoStatement, LabelDefinition> _targetLabels;
final int hashCode = ++_hashCodeCounter;
static int _hashCodeCounter = 0;
operator []=(Node node, Element element) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Simplify this invariant to use only declarations in
// [TreeElements].
assert(invariant(node, () {
if (!element.isErroneous && analyzedElement != null && element.isPatch) {
return analyzedElement.implementationLibrary.isPatch;
return true;
// TODO(ahe): Investigate why the invariant below doesn't hold.
// assert(invariant(node,
// getTreeElement(node) == element ||
// getTreeElement(node) == null,
// message: '${getTreeElement(node)}; $element'));
if (_elements == null) {
_elements = new Setlet<Element>();
setTreeElement(node, element);
operator [](Node node) => getTreeElement(node);
SendStructure getSendStructure(Send send) {
if (_sendStructureMap == null) return null;
return _sendStructureMap[send];
void setSendStructure(Send send, SendStructure sendStructure) {
if (_sendStructureMap == null) {
_sendStructureMap = new Maplet<Send, SendStructure>();
_sendStructureMap[send] = sendStructure;
void setType(Node node, DartType type) {
if (_types == null) {
_types = new Maplet<Node, DartType>();
_types[node] = type;
DartType getType(Node node) => _types != null ? _types[node] : null;
void addRequiredType(DartType type) {
if (_requiredTypes == null) _requiredTypes = new Setlet<DartType>();
Iterable<DartType> get requiredTypes {
if (_requiredTypes == null) {
return const <DartType>[];
} else {
return _requiredTypes;
Iterable<Node> get superUses {
return _superUses != null ? _superUses : const <Node>[];
void addSuperUse(Node node) {
if (_superUses == null) {
_superUses = new Setlet<Node>();
Selector _getSelector(Spannable node) {
return _selectors != null ? _selectors[node] : null;
void _setSelector(Spannable node, Selector selector) {
if (_selectors == null) {
_selectors = new Maplet<Spannable, Selector>();
_selectors[node] = selector;
void setSelector(Node node, Selector selector) {
_setSelector(node, selector);
Selector getSelector(Node node) => _getSelector(node);
int getSelectorCount() => _selectors == null ? 0 : _selectors.length;
void setGetterSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, Selector selector) {
_setSelector(node.selector, selector);
Selector getGetterSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node) {
return _getSelector(node.selector);
void setOperatorSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, Selector selector) {
_setSelector(node.assignmentOperator, selector);
Selector getOperatorSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node) {
return _getSelector(node.assignmentOperator);
// The following methods set selectors on the "for in" node. Since
// we're using three selectors, we need to use children of the node,
// and we arbitrarily choose which ones.
void setIteratorSelector(ForIn node, Selector selector) {
_setSelector(node, selector);
Selector getIteratorSelector(ForIn node) {
return _getSelector(node);
void setMoveNextSelector(ForIn node, Selector selector) {
_setSelector(node.forToken, selector);
Selector getMoveNextSelector(ForIn node) {
return _getSelector(node.forToken);
void setCurrentSelector(ForIn node, Selector selector) {
_setSelector(node.inToken, selector);
Selector getCurrentSelector(ForIn node) {
return _getSelector(node.inToken);
Element getForInVariable(ForIn node) {
return this[node];
void setConstant(Node node, ConstantExpression constant) {
if (_constants == null) {
_constants = new Maplet<Node, ConstantExpression>();
_constants[node] = constant;
ConstantExpression getConstant(Node node) {
return _constants != null ? _constants[node] : null;
bool isTypeLiteral(Send node) {
return getType(node) != null;
DartType getTypeLiteralType(Send node) {
return getType(node);
void registerDependency(Element element) {
if (element == null) return;
if (_otherDependencies == null) {
_otherDependencies = new Setlet<Element>();
Iterable<Element> get otherDependencies {
return _otherDependencies != null ? _otherDependencies : const <Element>[];
List<Node> getPotentialMutations(VariableElement element) {
if (_potentiallyMutated == null) return const <Node>[];
List<Node> mutations = _potentiallyMutated[element];
if (mutations == null) return const <Node>[];
return mutations;
void registerPotentialMutation(VariableElement element, Node mutationNode) {
if (_potentiallyMutated == null) {
_potentiallyMutated = new Maplet<VariableElement, List<Node>>();
_potentiallyMutated.putIfAbsent(element, () => <Node>[]).add(mutationNode);
List<Node> getPotentialMutationsIn(Node node, VariableElement element) {
if (_potentiallyMutatedIn == null) return const <Node>[];
Map<VariableElement, List<Node>> mutationsIn = _potentiallyMutatedIn[node];
if (mutationsIn == null) return const <Node>[];
List<Node> mutations = mutationsIn[element];
if (mutations == null) return const <Node>[];
return mutations;
void registerPotentialMutationIn(Node contextNode, VariableElement element,
Node mutationNode) {
if (_potentiallyMutatedIn == null) {
_potentiallyMutatedIn =
new Maplet<Node, Map<VariableElement, List<Node>>>();
Map<VariableElement, List<Node>> mutationMap =
() => new Maplet<VariableElement, List<Node>>());
mutationMap.putIfAbsent(element, () => <Node>[]).add(mutationNode);
List<Node> getPotentialMutationsInClosure(VariableElement element) {
if (_potentiallyMutatedInClosure == null) return const <Node>[];
List<Node> mutations = _potentiallyMutatedInClosure[element];
if (mutations == null) return const <Node>[];
return mutations;
void registerPotentialMutationInClosure(VariableElement element,
Node mutationNode) {
if (_potentiallyMutatedInClosure == null) {
_potentiallyMutatedInClosure = new Maplet<VariableElement, List<Node>>();
element, () => <Node>[]).add(mutationNode);
List<Node> getAccessesByClosureIn(Node node, VariableElement element) {
if (_accessedByClosureIn == null) return const <Node>[];
Map<VariableElement, List<Node>> accessesIn = _accessedByClosureIn[node];
if (accessesIn == null) return const <Node>[];
List<Node> accesses = accessesIn[element];
if (accesses == null) return const <Node>[];
return accesses;
void setAccessedByClosureIn(Node contextNode, VariableElement element,
Node accessNode) {
if (_accessedByClosureIn == null) {
_accessedByClosureIn = new Map<Node, Map<VariableElement, List<Node>>>();
Map<VariableElement, List<Node>> accessMap =
() => new Maplet<VariableElement, List<Node>>());
accessMap.putIfAbsent(element, () => <Node>[]).add(accessNode);
String toString() => 'TreeElementMapping($analyzedElement)';
Iterable<Element> get allElements {
return _elements != null ? _elements : const <Element>[];
void forEachConstantNode(f(Node n, ConstantExpression c)) {
if (_constants != null) {
void setAssert(Send node) {
if (_asserts == null) {
_asserts = new Setlet<Send>();
bool isAssert(Send node) {
return _asserts != null && _asserts.contains(node);
FunctionElement getFunctionDefinition(FunctionExpression node) {
return this[node];
ConstructorElement getRedirectingTargetConstructor(
RedirectingFactoryBody node) {
return this[node];
void defineTarget(Node node, JumpTarget target) {
if (_definedTargets == null) {
_definedTargets = new Maplet<Node, JumpTarget>();
_definedTargets[node] = target;
void undefineTarget(Node node) {
if (_definedTargets != null) {
if (_definedTargets.isEmpty) {
_definedTargets = null;
JumpTarget getTargetDefinition(Node node) {
return _definedTargets != null ? _definedTargets[node] : null;
void registerTargetOf(GotoStatement node, JumpTarget target) {
if (_usedTargets == null) {
_usedTargets = new Maplet<GotoStatement, JumpTarget>();
_usedTargets[node] = target;
JumpTarget getTargetOf(GotoStatement node) {
return _usedTargets != null ? _usedTargets[node] : null;
void defineLabel(Label label, LabelDefinition target) {
if (_definedLabels == null) {
_definedLabels = new Maplet<Label, LabelDefinition>();
_definedLabels[label] = target;
void undefineLabel(Label label) {
if (_definedLabels != null) {
if (_definedLabels.isEmpty) {
_definedLabels = null;
LabelDefinition getLabelDefinition(Label label) {
return _definedLabels != null ? _definedLabels[label] : null;
void registerTargetLabel(GotoStatement node, LabelDefinition label) {
assert( != null);
if (_targetLabels == null) {
_targetLabels = new Maplet<GotoStatement, LabelDefinition>();
_targetLabels[node] = label;
LabelDefinition getTargetLabel(GotoStatement node) {
assert( != null);
return _targetLabels != null ? _targetLabels[node] : null;
TypeMask _getTypeMask(Spannable node) {
return _typeMasks != null ? _typeMasks[node] : null;
void _setTypeMask(Spannable node, TypeMask mask) {
if (_typeMasks == null) {
_typeMasks = new Maplet<Spannable, TypeMask>();
_typeMasks[node] = mask;
void setTypeMask(Node node, TypeMask mask) {
_setTypeMask(node, mask);
TypeMask getTypeMask(Node node) => _getTypeMask(node);
void setGetterTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, TypeMask mask) {
_setTypeMask(node.selector, mask);
TypeMask getGetterTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node) {
return _getTypeMask(node.selector);
void setOperatorTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, TypeMask mask) {
_setTypeMask(node.assignmentOperator, mask);
TypeMask getOperatorTypeMaskInComplexSendSet(SendSet node) {
return _getTypeMask(node.assignmentOperator);
// The following methods set selectors on the "for in" node. Since
// we're using three selectors, we need to use children of the node,
// and we arbitrarily choose which ones.
void setIteratorTypeMask(ForIn node, TypeMask mask) {
_setTypeMask(node, mask);
TypeMask getIteratorTypeMask(ForIn node) {
return _getTypeMask(node);
void setMoveNextTypeMask(ForIn node, TypeMask mask) {
_setTypeMask(node.forToken, mask);
TypeMask getMoveNextTypeMask(ForIn node) {
return _getTypeMask(node.forToken);
void setCurrentTypeMask(ForIn node, TypeMask mask) {
_setTypeMask(node.inToken, mask);
TypeMask getCurrentTypeMask(ForIn node) {
return _getTypeMask(node.inToken);