blob: 4f372c38ce4dac32196b16edb0869fbf66e035cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Analysis to determine how to generate code for `LookupMap`s.
library compiler.src.js_backend.lookup_map_analysis;
import '../common/registry.dart' show Registry;
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
import '../constants/values.dart' show
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType;
import '../elements/elements.dart' show
import '../enqueue.dart' show Enqueuer;
import 'js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DynamicType, InterfaceType;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
/// An analysis and optimization to remove unused entries from a `LookupMap`.
/// `LookupMaps` are defined in `package:lookup_map/lookup_map.dart`. They are
/// simple maps that contain constant expressions as keys, and that only support
/// the lookup operation.
/// This analysis and optimization will tree-shake the contents of the maps by
/// looking at the program and finding which keys are clearly unused. Not all
/// constants can be approximated statically, so this optimization is limited to
/// the following keys:
/// * Const expressions that can only be created via const constructors. This
/// excludes primitives, strings, and any const type that overrides the ==
/// operator.
/// * Type literals.
/// Type literals are more complex than const expressions because they can be
/// created in multiple ways. We can approximate the possible set of keys if we
/// follow these rules:
/// * Include all type-literals used explicitly in the code (excluding
/// obviously the uses that can be removed from LookupMaps)
/// * Include every reflectable type-literal if a mirror API is used to create
/// types (e.g. ClassMirror.reflectedType).
/// * Include all allocated types if the program contains `e.runtimeType`
/// expressions.
/// * Include all generic-type arguments, if the program uses type
/// variables in expressions such as `class A<T> { Type get extract => T }`.
// TODO(sigmund): add support for const expressions, currently this
// implementation only supports Type literals. To support const expressions we
// need to change some of the invariants below (e.g. we can no longer use the
// ClassElement of a type to refer to keys we need to discover).
// TODO(sigmund): detect uses of mirrors
class LookupMapAnalysis {
/// Reference to [JavaScriptBackend] to be able to enqueue work when we
/// discover that a key in a map is potentially used.
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
/// The resolved [VariableElement] associated with the top-level `_version`.
VariableElement lookupMapVersionVariable;
/// The resolved [LibraryElement] associated with
/// `package:lookup_map/lookup_map.dart`.
LibraryElement lookupMapLibrary;
/// The resolved [ClassElement] associated with `LookupMap`.
ClassElement typeLookupMapClass;
/// The resolved [FieldElement] for `LookupMap._entries`.
FieldElement entriesField;
/// The resolved [FieldElement] for `LookupMap._key`.
FieldElement keyField;
/// The resolved [FieldElement] for `LookupMap._value`.
FieldElement valueField;
/// Constant instances of `LookupMap` and information about them tracked by
/// this analysis.
final Map<ConstantValue, _LookupMapInfo> _lookupMaps = {};
/// Keys that we have discovered to be in use in the program.
final _inUse = new Set<ConstantValue>();
/// Internal helper to memoize the mapping between class elements and their
/// corresponding type constants.
final _typeConstants = <ClassElement, TypeConstantValue>{};
/// Internal helper to memoize which classes (ignoring Type) override equals.
/// Const keys of these types will not be tree-shaken because we can't
/// statically guarantee that the program doesn't produce an equivalent key at
/// runtime. Technically if we limit lookup-maps to check for identical keys,
/// we could allow const instances of these types. However, we internally use
/// a hash map within lookup-maps today, so we need this restriction.
final _typesWithEquals = <ClassElement, bool>{};
/// Pending work to do if we discover that a new key is in use. For each key
/// that we haven't seen, we record the list of lookup-maps that contain an
/// entry with that key.
final _pending = <ConstantValue, List<_LookupMapInfo>>{};
/// Whether the backend is currently processing the codegen queue.
bool _inCodegen = false;
/// Whether this analysis and optimization is enabled.
bool get _isEnabled {
// `lookupMap==off` kept here to make it easy to test disabling this feature
if (const String.fromEnvironment('lookupMap') == 'off') return false;
return typeLookupMapClass != null;
/// Initializes this analysis by providing the resolved library. This is
/// invoked during resolution when the `lookup_map` library is discovered.
void init(LibraryElement library) {
lookupMapLibrary = library;
// We will enable the lookupMapAnalysis as long as we get a known version of
// the lookup_map package. We otherwise produce a warning.
lookupMapVersionVariable = library.implementation.findLocal('_version');
if (lookupMapVersionVariable == null) {
} else {
/// Checks if the version of lookup_map is valid, and if so, enable this
/// analysis during codegen.
void onCodegenStart() {
_inCodegen = true;
if (lookupMapVersionVariable == null) return;
// At this point, the lookupMapVersionVariable should be resolved and it's
// constant value should be available.
StringConstantValue value =
if (value == null) {
// TODO(sigmund): add proper version resolution using the pub_semver package
// when we introduce the next version.
Version version;
try {
version = new Version.parse(value.primitiveValue.slowToString());
} catch (e) {}
if (version == null || !_validLookupMapVersionConstraint.allows(version)) {
ClassElement cls = lookupMapLibrary.findLocal('LookupMap');
entriesField = cls.lookupMember('_entries');
keyField = cls.lookupMember('_key');
valueField = cls.lookupMember('_value');
// TODO(sigmund): Maybe inline nested maps to make the output code smaller?
typeLookupMapClass = cls;
/// Whether [constant] is an instance of a `LookupMap`.
bool isLookupMap(ConstantValue constant) =>
_isEnabled &&
constant is ConstructedConstantValue &&
/// Registers an instance of a lookup-map with the analysis.
void registerLookupMapReference(ConstantValue lookupMap) {
if (!_isEnabled || !_inCodegen) return;
() => new _LookupMapInfo(lookupMap, this).._updateUsed());
/// Whether [key] is a constant value whose type overrides equals.
bool _overridesEquals(ConstantValue key) {
if (key is ConstructedConstantValue) {
ClassElement element = key.type.element;
return _typesWithEquals.putIfAbsent(element, () =>
element.lookupMember('==').enclosingClass !=
return false;
/// Whether we need to preserve [key]. This is true for keys that are not
/// candidates for tree-shaking in the first place (primitives and non-type
/// const values overriding equals) and keys that we have seen in the program.
bool _shouldKeep(ConstantValue key) =>
key.isPrimitive || _inUse.contains(key) || _overridesEquals(key);
void _addClassUse(ClassElement cls) {
ConstantValue key = _typeConstants.putIfAbsent(cls,
() => backend.constantSystem.createType(backend.compiler, cls.rawType));
/// Record that [key] is used and update every lookup map that contains it.
void _addUse(ConstantValue key) {
if (_inUse.add(key)) {
_pending[key]?.forEach((info) => info._markUsed(key));
/// If [key] is a type, cache it in [_typeConstants].
_registerTypeKey(ConstantValue key) {
if (key is TypeConstantValue) {
ClassElement cls = key.representedType.element;
if (cls == null || !cls.isClass) {
// TODO(sigmund): report error?
_typeConstants[cls] = key;
/// Callback from the enqueuer, invoked when [element] is instantiated.
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement element) {
if (!_isEnabled || !_inCodegen) return;
// TODO(sigmund): only add if .runtimeType is ever used
/// Callback from the enqueuer, invoked when [type] is instantiated.
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type, Registry registry) {
if (!_isEnabled || !_inCodegen) return;
// TODO(sigmund): only add if .runtimeType is ever used
// TODO(sigmund): only do this when type-argument expressions are used?
_addGenerics(type, registry);
/// Records generic type arguments in [type], in case they are retrieved and
/// returned using a type-argument expression.
void _addGenerics(InterfaceType type, Registry registry) {
if (!type.isGeneric) return;
for (var arg in type.typeArguments) {
if (arg is InterfaceType) {
// Note: this call was needed to generate correct code for
// type_lookup_map/generic_type_test
// TODO(sigmund): can we get rid of this?
backend.typeImplementation.rawType, registry);
_addGenerics(arg, registry);
/// Callback from the codegen enqueuer, invoked when a constant (which is
/// possibly a const key or a type literal) is used in the program.
void registerTypeConstant(ClassElement element) {
if (!_isEnabled || !_inCodegen) return;
void registerConstantKey(ConstantValue constant) {
if (!_isEnabled || !_inCodegen) return;
if (constant.isPrimitive || _overridesEquals(constant)) return;
/// Callback from the backend, invoked when reaching the end of the enqueuing
/// process, but before emitting the code. At this moment we have discovered
/// all types used in the program and we can tree-shake anything that is
/// unused.
void onQueueClosed() {
if (!_isEnabled || !_inCodegen) return;
_lookupMaps.values.forEach((info) {
assert (!info.emitted);
info.emitted = true;
// When --verbose is passed, we show the total number and set of keys that
// were tree-shaken from lookup maps.
Compiler compiler = backend.compiler;
if (compiler.verbose) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
for (var info in _lookupMaps.values) {
for (var key in info.unusedEntries.keys) {
if (count != 0) sb.write(',');
compiler.log(count == 0
? 'lookup-map: nothing was tree-shaken'
: 'lookup-map: found $count unused keys ($sb)');
// Release resources.
/// Internal information about the entries on a lookup-map.
class _LookupMapInfo {
/// The original reference to the constant value.
/// This reference will be mutated in place to remove it's entries when the
/// map is first seen during codegen, and to restore them (or a subset of
/// them) when we have finished discovering which entries are used. This has
/// the side-effect that `orignal.getDependencies()` will be empty during
/// most of codegen until we are ready to emit the constants. However,
/// restoring the entries before emitting code lets us keep the emitter logic
/// agnostic of this optimization.
final ConstructedConstantValue original;
/// Reference to the lookup map analysis to be able to refer to data shared
/// accross infos.
final LookupMapAnalysis analysis;
/// Whether we have already emitted this constant.
bool emitted = false;
/// Whether the `LookupMap` constant was built using the `LookupMap.pair`
/// constructor.
bool singlePair;
/// Entries in the lookup map whose keys have not been seen in the rest of the
/// program.
Map<ConstantValue, ConstantValue> unusedEntries =
<ConstantValue, ConstantValue> {};
/// Entries that have been used, and thus will be part of the generated code.
Map<ConstantValue, ConstantValue> usedEntries =
<ConstantValue, ConstantValue> {};
/// Creates and initializes the information containing all keys of the
/// original map marked as unused.
_LookupMapInfo(this.original, this.analysis) {
ConstantValue key = original.fields[analysis.keyField];
singlePair = !key.isNull;
if (singlePair) {
unusedEntries[key] = original.fields[analysis.valueField];
// Note: we modify the constant in-place, see comment in [original].
original.fields[analysis.keyField] = new NullConstantValue();
original.fields[analysis.valueField] = new NullConstantValue();
} else {
ListConstantValue list = original.fields[analysis.entriesField];
List<ConstantValue> keyValuePairs = list.entries;
for (int i = 0; i < keyValuePairs.length; i += 2) {
ConstantValue key = keyValuePairs[i];
unusedEntries[key] = keyValuePairs[i + 1];
// Note: we modify the constant in-place, see comment in [original].
original.fields[analysis.entriesField] =
new ListConstantValue(list.type, []);
/// Check every key in unusedEntries and mark it as used if the analysis has
/// already discovered them. This is meant to be called once to finalize
/// initialization after constructing an instance of this class. Afterwards,
/// we call [_markUsed] on each individual key as it gets discovered.
void _updateUsed() {
// Note: we call toList because `_markUsed` modifies the map.
for (ConstantValue key in unusedEntries.keys.toList()) {
if (analysis._shouldKeep(key)) {
} else {
analysis._pending.putIfAbsent(key, () => []).add(this);
/// Marks that [key] has been seen, and thus, the corresponding entry in this
/// map should be considered reachable.
_markUsed(ConstantValue key) {
ConstantValue constant = unusedEntries.remove(key);
usedEntries[key] = constant;
addForEmission: false);
/// Restores [original] to contain all of the entries marked as possibly used.
void _prepareForEmission() {
ListConstantValue originalEntries = original.fields[analysis.entriesField];
DartType listType = originalEntries.type;
List<ConstantValue> keyValuePairs = <ConstantValue>[];
usedEntries.forEach((key, value) {
// Note: we are restoring the entries here, see comment in [original].
if (singlePair) {
assert (keyValuePairs.length == 0 || keyValuePairs.length == 2);
if (keyValuePairs.length == 2) {
original.fields[analysis.keyField] = keyValuePairs[0];
original.fields[analysis.valueField] = keyValuePairs[1];
} else {
original.fields[analysis.entriesField] =
new ListConstantValue(listType, keyValuePairs);
final _validLookupMapVersionConstraint =
new VersionConstraint.parse('^0.0.1');