blob: e542d49d2945624e2b259de679d8abb5409b6096 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library inferrer_visitor;
import 'dart:collection' show
import '../compiler.dart' show
import '../constants/constant_system.dart';
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../diagnostics/spannable.dart' show
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../resolution/operators.dart';
import '../resolution/semantic_visitor.dart';
import '../resolution/send_resolver.dart' show
import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart' show
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../types/types.dart' show
import '../types/constants.dart' show
import '../universe/universe.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import '../world.dart' show
* The interface [InferrerVisitor] will use when working on types.
abstract class TypeSystem<T> {
T get dynamicType;
T get nullType;
T get intType;
T get uint31Type;
T get uint32Type;
T get positiveIntType;
T get doubleType;
T get numType;
T get boolType;
T get functionType;
T get listType;
T get constListType;
T get fixedListType;
T get growableListType;
T get mapType;
T get constMapType;
T get stringType;
T get typeType;
T stringLiteralType(DartString value);
T nonNullSubtype(ClassElement type);
T nonNullSubclass(ClassElement type);
T nonNullExact(ClassElement type);
T nonNullEmpty();
bool isNull(T type);
TypeMask newTypedSelector(T receiver, TypeMask mask);
T allocateList(T type,
Node node,
Element enclosing,
[T elementType, int length]);
T allocateMap(T type, Node node, Element element, [List<T> keyType,
List<T> valueType]);
T allocateClosure(Node node, Element element);
* Returns the least upper bound between [firstType] and
* [secondType].
T computeLUB(T firstType, T secondType);
* Returns the intersection between [T] and [annotation].
* [isNullable] indicates whether the annotation implies a null
* type.
T narrowType(T type, DartType annotation, {bool isNullable: true});
* Returns a new type that unions [firstInput] and [secondInput].
T allocateDiamondPhi(T firstInput, T secondInput);
* Returns a new type for holding the potential types of [element].
* [inputType] is the first incoming type of the phi.
T allocatePhi(Node node, Local variable, T inputType);
* Returns a new type for holding the potential types of [element].
* [inputType] is the first incoming type of the phi. [allocateLoopPhi]
* only differs from [allocatePhi] in that it allows the underlying
* implementation of [TypeSystem] to differentiate Phi nodes due to loops
* from other merging uses.
T allocateLoopPhi(Node node, Local variable, T inputType);
* Simplies the phi representing [element] and of the type
* [phiType]. For example, if this phi has one incoming input, an
* implementation of this method could just return that incoming
* input type.
T simplifyPhi(Node node, Local variable, T phiType);
* Adds [newType] as an input of [phiType].
T addPhiInput(Local variable, T phiType, T newType);
* Returns `true` if `selector` should be updated to reflect the new
* `receiverType`.
bool selectorNeedsUpdate(T receiverType, TypeMask mask);
* Returns a new receiver type for this [selector] applied to
* [receiverType].
* The option [isConditional] is true when [selector] was seen in a
* conditional send (e.g. `a?.selector`), in which case the returned type may
* be null.
T refineReceiver(Selector selector,
TypeMask mask,
T receiverType,
bool isConditional);
* Returns the internal inferrer representation for [mask].
T getConcreteTypeFor(TypeMask mask);
* A variable scope holds types for variables. It has a link to a
* parent scope, but never changes the types in that parent. Instead,
* updates to locals of a parent scope are put in the current scope.
* The inferrer makes sure updates get merged into the parent scope,
* once the control flow block has been visited.
class VariableScope<T> {
Map<Local, T> variables;
/// The parent of this scope. Null for the root scope.
final VariableScope<T> parent;
/// The [Node] that created this scope.
final Node block;
VariableScope(this.block, [parent])
: this.variables = null,
this.parent = parent;
VariableScope.deepCopyOf(VariableScope<T> other)
: variables = other.variables == null
? null
: new Map<Local, T>.from(other.variables),
block = other.block,
parent = other.parent == null
? null
: new VariableScope<T>.deepCopyOf(other.parent);
VariableScope.topLevelCopyOf(VariableScope<T> other)
: variables = other.variables == null
? null
: new Map<Local, T>.from(other.variables),
block = other.block,
parent = other.parent;
T operator [](Local variable) {
T result;
if (variables == null || (result = variables[variable]) == null) {
return parent == null ? null : parent[variable];
return result;
void operator []=(Local variable, T mask) {
assert(mask != null);
if (variables == null) {
variables = new Map<Local, T>();
variables[variable] = mask;
void forEachOwnLocal(void f(Local variable, T type)) {
if (variables == null) return;
void forEachLocalUntilNode(Node node,
void f(Local variable, T type),
[Setlet<Local> seenLocals]) {
if (seenLocals == null) seenLocals = new Setlet<Local>();
if (variables != null) {
variables.forEach((variable, type) {
if (seenLocals.contains(variable)) return;
f(variable, type);
if (block == node) return;
if (parent != null) parent.forEachLocalUntilNode(node, f, seenLocals);
void forEachLocal(void f(Local variable, T type)) {
forEachLocalUntilNode(null, f);
bool updates(Local variable) {
if (variables == null) return false;
return variables.containsKey(variable);
String toString() {
String rest = parent == null ? "null" : parent.toString();
return '$variables $rest';
class FieldInitializationScope<T> {
final TypeSystem<T> types;
Map<Element, T> fields;
bool isThisExposed;
FieldInitializationScope(this.types) : isThisExposed = false;
FieldInitializationScope.internalFrom(FieldInitializationScope<T> other)
: types = other.types,
isThisExposed = other.isThisExposed;
factory FieldInitializationScope.from(FieldInitializationScope<T> other) {
if (other == null) return null;
return new FieldInitializationScope<T>.internalFrom(other);
void updateField(Element field, T type) {
if (isThisExposed) return;
if (fields == null) fields = new Map<Element, T>();
fields[field] = type;
T readField(Element field) {
return fields == null ? null : fields[field];
void forEach(void f(Element element, T type)) {
if (fields == null) return;
void mergeDiamondFlow(FieldInitializationScope<T> thenScope,
FieldInitializationScope<T> elseScope) {
// Quick bailout check. If [isThisExposed] is true, we know the
// code following won't do anything.
if (isThisExposed) return;
if (elseScope == null || elseScope.fields == null) {
elseScope = this;
thenScope.forEach((Element field, T type) {
T otherType = elseScope.readField(field);
if (otherType == null) return;
updateField(field, types.allocateDiamondPhi(type, otherType));
isThisExposed = thenScope.isThisExposed || elseScope.isThisExposed;
* Placeholder for inferred arguments types on sends.
class ArgumentsTypes<T> extends IterableMixin<T> {
final List<T> positional;
final Map<String, T> named;
ArgumentsTypes(this.positional, named)
: this.named = (named == null || named.isEmpty) ? const {} : named {
assert(this.positional.every((T type) => type != null));
assert(this.named.values.every((T type) => type != null));
ArgumentsTypes.empty() : positional = const [], named = const {};
int get length => positional.length + named.length;
Iterator<T> get iterator => new ArgumentsTypesIterator(this);
String toString() => "{ positional = $positional, named = $named }";
bool operator==(other) {
if (positional.length != other.positional.length) return false;
if (named.length != other.named.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < positional.length; i++) {
if (positional[i] != other.positional[i]) return false;
named.forEach((name, type) {
if (other.named[name] != type) return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('ArgumentsTypes.hashCode');
bool hasNoArguments() => positional.isEmpty && named.isEmpty;
bool hasOnePositionalArgumentThatMatches(bool f(T type)) {
return named.isEmpty && positional.length == 1 && f(positional[0]);
void forEach(void f(T type)) {
bool every(bool f(T type)) {
return positional.every(f) && named.values.every(f);
bool contains(T type) {
return positional.contains(type) || named.containsValue(type);
class ArgumentsTypesIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
final Iterator<T> positional;
final Iterator<T> named;
bool _iteratePositional = true;
ArgumentsTypesIterator(ArgumentsTypes<T> iteratee)
: positional = iteratee.positional.iterator,
named = iteratee.named.values.iterator;
Iterator<T> get _currentIterator => _iteratePositional ? positional : named;
T get current => _currentIterator.current;
bool moveNext() {
if (_iteratePositional && positional.moveNext()) {
return true;
_iteratePositional = false;
return named.moveNext();
abstract class MinimalInferrerEngine<T> {
* Returns the type of [element].
T typeOfElement(Element element);
* Records that [node] sets non-final field [element] to be of type
* [type].
void recordTypeOfNonFinalField(Node node, Element field, T type);
* Records that the captured variable [local] is read.
void recordCapturedLocalRead(Local local);
* Records that the variable [local] is being updated.
void recordLocalUpdate(Local local, T type);
* Placeholder for inferred types of local variables.
class LocalsHandler<T> {
final Compiler compiler;
final TypeSystem<T> types;
final MinimalInferrerEngine<T> inferrer;
final VariableScope<T> locals;
final Map<Local, Element> captured;
final Map<Local, Element> capturedAndBoxed;
final FieldInitializationScope<T> fieldScope;
LocalsHandler<T> tryBlock;
bool seenReturnOrThrow = false;
bool seenBreakOrContinue = false;
bool get aborts {
return seenReturnOrThrow || seenBreakOrContinue;
bool get inTryBlock => tryBlock != null;
Node block,
: locals = new VariableScope<T>(block),
captured = new Map<Local, Element>(),
capturedAndBoxed = new Map<Local, Element>(),
tryBlock = null;
LocalsHandler.from(LocalsHandler<T> other,
Node block,
{bool useOtherTryBlock: true})
: locals = new VariableScope<T>(block, other.locals),
fieldScope = new FieldInitializationScope<T>.from(other.fieldScope),
captured = other.captured,
capturedAndBoxed = other.capturedAndBoxed,
types = other.types,
inferrer = other.inferrer,
compiler = other.compiler {
tryBlock = useOtherTryBlock ? other.tryBlock : this;
LocalsHandler.deepCopyOf(LocalsHandler<T> other)
: locals = new VariableScope<T>.deepCopyOf(other.locals),
fieldScope = new FieldInitializationScope<T>.from(other.fieldScope),
captured = other.captured,
capturedAndBoxed = other.capturedAndBoxed,
tryBlock = other.tryBlock,
types = other.types,
inferrer = other.inferrer,
compiler = other.compiler;
LocalsHandler.topLevelCopyOf(LocalsHandler<T> other)
: locals = new VariableScope<T>.topLevelCopyOf(other.locals),
fieldScope = new FieldInitializationScope<T>.from(other.fieldScope),
captured = other.captured,
capturedAndBoxed = other.capturedAndBoxed,
tryBlock = other.tryBlock,
types = other.types,
inferrer = other.inferrer,
compiler = other.compiler;
T use(Local local) {
if (capturedAndBoxed.containsKey(local)) {
return inferrer.typeOfElement(capturedAndBoxed[local]);
} else {
if (captured.containsKey(local)) {
return locals[local];
void update(LocalElement local, T type, Node node) {
assert(type != null);
if (compiler.trustTypeAnnotations || compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
type = types.narrowType(type, local.type);
updateLocal() {
T currentType = locals[local];
SendSet send = node != null ? node.asSendSet() : null;
if (send != null && send.isIfNullAssignment && currentType != null) {
// If-null assignments may return either the new or the original value.
type = types.addPhiInput(
local, types.allocatePhi(locals.block, local, currentType), type);
locals[local] = type;
if (currentType != type) {
inferrer.recordLocalUpdate(local, type);
if (capturedAndBoxed.containsKey(local)) {
node, capturedAndBoxed[local], type);
} else if (inTryBlock) {
// We don't know if an assignment in a try block
// will be executed, so all assigments in that block are
// potential types after we have left it. We update the parent
// of the try block so that, at exit of the try block, we get
// the right phi for it.
T existing = tryBlock.locals.parent[local];
if (existing != null) {
T phiType = types.allocatePhi(tryBlock.locals.block, local, existing);
T inputType = types.addPhiInput(local, phiType, type);
tryBlock.locals.parent[local] = inputType;
// Update the current handler unconditionnally with the new
// type.
} else {
void setCaptured(Local local, Element field) {
captured[local] = field;
void setCapturedAndBoxed(Local local, Element field) {
capturedAndBoxed[local] = field;
void mergeDiamondFlow(LocalsHandler<T> thenBranch,
LocalsHandler<T> elseBranch) {
if (fieldScope != null && elseBranch != null) {
fieldScope.mergeDiamondFlow(thenBranch.fieldScope, elseBranch.fieldScope);
seenReturnOrThrow = thenBranch.seenReturnOrThrow
&& elseBranch != null
&& elseBranch.seenReturnOrThrow;
seenBreakOrContinue = thenBranch.seenBreakOrContinue
&& elseBranch != null
&& elseBranch.seenBreakOrContinue;
if (aborts) return;
void mergeOneBranch(LocalsHandler<T> other) {
other.locals.forEachOwnLocal((Local local, T type) {
T myType = locals[local];
if (myType == null) return; // Variable is only defined in [other].
if (type == myType) return;
locals[local] = types.allocateDiamondPhi(myType, type);
void inPlaceUpdateOneBranch(LocalsHandler<T> other) {
other.locals.forEachOwnLocal((Local local, T type) {
T myType = locals[local];
if (myType == null) return; // Variable is only defined in [other].
if (type == myType) return;
locals[local] = type;
if (thenBranch.aborts) {
if (elseBranch == null) return;
} else if (elseBranch == null) {
} else if (elseBranch.aborts) {
} else {
void mergeLocal(Local local) {
T myType = locals[local];
if (myType == null) return;
T elseType = elseBranch.locals[local];
T thenType = thenBranch.locals[local];
if (thenType == elseType) {
locals[local] = thenType;
} else {
locals[local] = types.allocateDiamondPhi(thenType, elseType);
thenBranch.locals.forEachOwnLocal((Local local, _) {
elseBranch.locals.forEachOwnLocal((Local local, _) {
// Discard locals we already processed when iterating over
// [thenBranch]'s locals.
if (!thenBranch.locals.updates(local)) mergeLocal(local);
* Merge all [LocalsHandler] in [handlers] into [:this:].
* If [keepOwnLocals] is true, the types of locals in this
* [LocalsHandler] are being used in the merge. [keepOwnLocals]
* should be true if this [LocalsHandler], the dominator of
* all [handlers], also direclty flows into the join point,
* that is the code after all [handlers]. For example, consider:
* [: switch (...) {
* case 1: ...; break;
* }
* :]
* The [LocalsHandler] at entry of the switch also flows into the
* exit of the switch, because there is no default case. So the
* types of locals at entry of the switch have to take part to the
* merge.
* The above situation is also true for labeled statements like
* [: L: {
* if (...) break;
* ...
* }
* :]
* where [:this:] is the [LocalsHandler] for the paths through the
* labeled statement that do not break out.
void mergeAfterBreaks(List<LocalsHandler<T>> handlers,
{bool keepOwnLocals: true}) {
Node level = locals.block;
Set<Local> seenLocals = new Setlet<Local>();
// If we want to keep the locals, we first merge [this] into itself to
// create the required Phi nodes.
if (keepOwnLocals && !seenReturnOrThrow) {
mergeHandler(this, seenLocals);
bool allBranchesAbort = true;
// Merge all other handlers.
for (LocalsHandler handler in handlers) {
allBranchesAbort = allBranchesAbort && handler.seenReturnOrThrow;
mergeHandler(handler, seenLocals);
// Clean up Phi nodes with single input.
locals.forEachLocal((Local variable, T type) {
if (!seenLocals.contains(variable)) return;
T newType = types.simplifyPhi(level, variable, type);
if (newType != type) {
locals[variable] = newType;
seenReturnOrThrow = allBranchesAbort &&
(!keepOwnLocals || seenReturnOrThrow);
* Merge [other] into this handler. Returns whether a local in this
* has changed. If [seen] is not null, we allocate new Phi nodes
* unless the local is already present in the set [seen]. This effectively
* overwrites the current type knowledge in this handler.
bool mergeHandler(LocalsHandler<T> other, [Set<Local> seen]) {
if (other.seenReturnOrThrow) return false;
bool changed = false;
other.locals.forEachLocalUntilNode(locals.block, (local, otherType) {
T myType = locals[local];
if (myType == null) return;
T newType;
if (seen != null && !seen.contains(local)) {
newType = types.allocatePhi(locals.block, local, otherType);
} else {
newType = types.addPhiInput(local, myType, otherType);
if (newType != myType) {
changed = true;
locals[local] = newType;
return changed;
* Merge all [LocalsHandler] in [handlers] into this handler.
* Returns whether a local in this handler has changed.
bool mergeAll(List<LocalsHandler<T>> handlers) {
bool changed = false;
handlers.forEach((other) {
changed = mergeHandler(other) || changed;
return changed;
void startLoop(Node loop) {
locals.forEachLocal((Local variable, T type) {
T newType = types.allocateLoopPhi(loop, variable, type);
if (newType != type) {
locals[variable] = newType;
void endLoop(Node loop) {
locals.forEachLocal((Local variable, T type) {
T newType = types.simplifyPhi(loop, variable, type);
if (newType != type) {
locals[variable] = newType;
void updateField(Element element, T type) {
fieldScope.updateField(element, type);
abstract class InferrerVisitor<T, E extends MinimalInferrerEngine<T>>
extends Visitor<T>
with SendResolverMixin,
SemanticSendResolvedMixin<T, dynamic>,
CompoundBulkMixin<T, dynamic>,
SetIfNullBulkMixin<T, dynamic>,
PrefixBulkMixin<T, dynamic>,
PostfixBulkMixin<T, dynamic>,
ErrorBulkMixin<T, dynamic>,
NewBulkMixin<T, dynamic>,
SetBulkMixin<T, dynamic>
implements SemanticSendVisitor<T, dynamic> {
final Compiler compiler;
final AstElement analyzedElement;
final TypeSystem<T> types;
final E inferrer;
final Map<JumpTarget, List<LocalsHandler<T>>> breaksFor =
new Map<JumpTarget, List<LocalsHandler<T>>>();
final Map<JumpTarget, List<LocalsHandler>> continuesFor =
new Map<JumpTarget, List<LocalsHandler<T>>>();
LocalsHandler<T> locals;
final List<T> cascadeReceiverStack = new List<T>();
final TreeElements elements;
bool accumulateIsChecks = false;
bool conditionIsSimple = false;
List<Send> isChecks;
int loopLevel = 0;
bool get inLoop => loopLevel > 0;
bool get isThisExposed {
return analyzedElement.isGenerativeConstructor
? locals.fieldScope.isThisExposed
: true;
void set isThisExposed(value) {
if (analyzedElement.isGenerativeConstructor) {
locals.fieldScope.isThisExposed = value;
InferrerVisitor(AstElement analyzedElement,
[LocalsHandler<T> handler])
: this.analyzedElement = analyzedElement,
this.locals = handler,
this.elements = analyzedElement.resolvedAst.elements {
if (handler != null) return;
Node node = analyzedElement.node;
FieldInitializationScope<T> fieldScope =
? new FieldInitializationScope<T>(types)
: null;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>(inferrer, types, compiler, node, fieldScope);
SemanticSendVisitor get sendVisitor => this;
T apply(Node node, _) => visit(node);
T handleSendSet(SendSet node);
T handleDynamicInvoke(Send node);
T visitAsyncForIn(AsyncForIn node);
T visitSyncForIn(SyncForIn node);
T visitReturn(Return node);
T visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node);
T bulkHandleSet(SendSet node, _) {
return handleSendSet(node);
T bulkHandleCompound(SendSet node, _) {
return handleSendSet(node);
T bulkHandleSetIfNull(SendSet node, _) {
return handleSendSet(node);
T bulkHandlePrefix(SendSet node, _) {
return handleSendSet(node);
T bulkHandlePostfix(SendSet node, _) {
return handleSendSet(node);
T bulkHandleError(Node node, ErroneousElement error, _) {
return types.dynamicType;
T visitAssert(Send node, Node expression, _) {
if (!compiler.enableUserAssertions) {
return types.nullType;
return handleAssert(node, expression);
/// Handle an enabled assertion of [expression].
T handleAssert(Send node, Node expression);
T visitNode(Node node) {
return node.visitChildren(this);
T visit(Node node) {
return node == null ? null : node.accept(this);
T visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
locals.update(elements[node], types.functionType, node);
return visit(node.function);
T visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
return types.stringLiteralType(node.dartString);
T visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
return types.stringType;
T visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
return types.stringType;
T visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return types.boolType;
T visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
ConstantSystem constantSystem = compiler.backend.constantSystem;
// The JavaScript backend may turn this literal into an integer at
// runtime.
return types.getConcreteTypeFor(
computeTypeMask(compiler, constantSystem.createDouble(node.value)));
T visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
ConstantSystem constantSystem = compiler.backend.constantSystem;
// The JavaScript backend may turn this literal into a double at
// runtime.
return types.getConcreteTypeFor(
computeTypeMask(compiler, constantSystem.createInt(node.value)));
T visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return node.isConst ? types.constListType : types.growableListType;
T visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
return node.isConst ? types.constMapType : types.mapType;
T visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return types.nullType;
T visitLiteralSymbol(LiteralSymbol node) {
// TODO(kasperl): We should be able to tell that the type of a literal
// symbol is always a non-null exact symbol implementation -- not just
// any non-null subtype of the symbol interface.
return types.nonNullSubtype(compiler.symbolClass);
void previsitDeferredAccess(Send node, PrefixElement prefix, _) {
// Deferred access does not affect inference.
T handleTypeLiteralGet() {
return types.typeType;
T handleTypeLiteralInvoke(NodeList arguments) {
return types.dynamicType;
T bulkHandleNode(Node node, String message, _) {
return internalError(node, message.replaceAll('#', '$node'));
T visitConstantGet(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
_) {
return bulkHandleNode(node, "Constant read `#` unhandled.", _);
T visitConstantInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return bulkHandleNode(node, "Constant invoke `#` unhandled.", _);
T visitClassTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralGet();
T visitClassTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralInvoke(arguments);
T visitTypedefTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralGet();
T visitTypedefTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralInvoke(arguments);
T visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralGet();
T visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralInvoke(arguments);
T visitDynamicTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralGet();
T visitDynamicTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return handleTypeLiteralInvoke(arguments);
bool isThisOrSuper(Node node) => node.isThis() || node.isSuper();
Element get outermostElement {
return analyzedElement.outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel.implementation;
T _thisType;
T get thisType {
if (_thisType != null) return _thisType;
ClassElement cls = outermostElement.enclosingClass;
ClassWorld classWorld =;
if (classWorld.isUsedAsMixin(cls)) {
return _thisType = types.nonNullSubtype(cls);
} else {
return _thisType = types.nonNullSubclass(cls);
T _superType;
T get superType {
if (_superType != null) return _superType;
return _superType = types.nonNullExact(
T visitThisGet(Identifier node, _) {
return thisType;
T visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
if (node.isThis()) {
return thisType;
} else if (node.isSuper()) {
return superType;
} else {
Element element = elements[node];
if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
LocalElement local = element;
return locals.use(local);
return null;
void potentiallyAddIsCheck(Send node) {
if (!accumulateIsChecks) return;
if (!Elements.isLocal(elements[node.receiver])) return;
void potentiallyAddNullCheck(Send node, Node receiver) {
if (!accumulateIsChecks) return;
if (!Elements.isLocal(elements[receiver])) return;
void updateIsChecks(List<Node> tests, {bool usePositive}) {
void narrow(Element element, DartType type, Node node) {
if (element is LocalElement) {
T existing = locals.use(element);
T newType = types.narrowType(existing, type, isNullable: false);
locals.update(element, newType, node);
if (tests == null) return;
for (Send node in tests) {
if (node.isTypeTest) {
if (node.isIsNotCheck) {
if (usePositive) continue;
} else {
if (!usePositive) continue;
DartType type = elements.getType(node.typeAnnotationFromIsCheckOrCast);
narrow(elements[node.receiver], type, node);
} else {
Element receiverElement = elements[node.receiver];
Element argumentElement = elements[node.arguments.first];
String operator = node.selector.asOperator().source;
if ((operator == '==' && usePositive)
|| (operator == '!=' && !usePositive)) {
// Type the elements as null.
if (Elements.isLocal(receiverElement)) {
locals.update(receiverElement, types.nullType, node);
if (Elements.isLocal(argumentElement)) {
locals.update(argumentElement, types.nullType, node);
} else {
// Narrow the elements to a non-null type.
DartType objectType = compiler.objectClass.rawType;
if (Elements.isLocal(receiverElement)) {
narrow(receiverElement, objectType, node);
if (Elements.isLocal(argumentElement)) {
narrow(argumentElement, objectType, node);
T visitIndex(Send node, Node receiver, Node index, _) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
T visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
Node receiver,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
_) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
T visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
Node receiver,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
_) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
T visitThisPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
_) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
T visitIfNull(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
T firstType = visit(left);
T secondType = visit(right);
return types.allocateDiamondPhi(firstType, secondType);
T visitLogicalAnd(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
conditionIsSimple = false;
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
List<Send> oldIsChecks = isChecks;
if (!accumulateIsChecks) {
accumulateIsChecks = true;
isChecks = <Send>[];
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(locals, node);
updateIsChecks(isChecks, usePositive: true);
LocalsHandler<T> narrowed;
if (oldAccumulateIsChecks) {
narrowed = new LocalsHandler<T>.topLevelCopyOf(locals);
} else {
accumulateIsChecks = false;
isChecks = oldIsChecks;
if (oldAccumulateIsChecks) {
bool invalidatedInRightHandSide (Send test) {
Element receiver = elements[test.receiver];
if (receiver is LocalElement) {
return narrowed.locals[receiver] != locals.locals[receiver];
return false;
saved.mergeDiamondFlow(locals, null);
locals = saved;
return types.boolType;
T visitLogicalOr(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
conditionIsSimple = false;
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
bool isSimple = handleCondition(left, tests);
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(locals, node);
if (isSimple) updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: false);
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = false;
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
saved.mergeDiamondFlow(locals, null);
locals = saved;
return types.boolType;
T visitNot(Send node, Node expression, _) {
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = false;
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
return types.boolType;
T visitIs(Send node, Node expression, DartType type, _) {
return types.boolType;
T visitIsNot(Send node, Node expression, DartType type, _) {
return types.boolType;
T visitAs(Send node, Node expression, DartType type, _) {
T receiverType = visit(expression);
return types.narrowType(receiverType, type);
T visitUnary(Send node, UnaryOperator operator, Node expression, _) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
T visitNotEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
return types.boolType;
T visitEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
T visitBinary(Send node, Node left, BinaryOperator operator, Node right, _) {
return handleDynamicInvoke(node);
// Because some nodes just visit their children, we may end up
// visiting a type annotation, that may contain a send in case of a
// prefixed type. Therefore we explicitly visit the type annotation
// to avoid confusing the [ResolvedVisitor].
visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {}
T visitConditional(Conditional node) {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
bool simpleCondition = handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(locals, node);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
T firstType = visit(node.thenExpression);
LocalsHandler<T> thenLocals = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(saved, node);
if (simpleCondition) updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: false);
T secondType = visit(node.elseExpression);
saved.mergeDiamondFlow(thenLocals, locals);
locals = saved;
T type = types.allocateDiamondPhi(firstType, secondType);
return type;
T visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) {
for (Link<Node> link = node.definitions.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
Node definition = link.head;
if (definition is Identifier) {
locals.update(elements[definition], types.nullType, node);
} else {
assert(definition.asSendSet() != null);
return null;
bool handleCondition(Node node, List<Send> tests) {
bool oldConditionIsSimple = conditionIsSimple;
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
List<Send> oldIsChecks = isChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = true;
conditionIsSimple = true;
isChecks = tests;
bool simpleCondition = conditionIsSimple;
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
isChecks = oldIsChecks;
conditionIsSimple = oldConditionIsSimple;
return simpleCondition;
T visitIf(If node) {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
bool simpleCondition = handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(locals, node);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
LocalsHandler<T> thenLocals = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(saved, node);
if (simpleCondition) updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: false);
saved.mergeDiamondFlow(thenLocals, locals);
locals = saved;
return null;
void setupBreaksAndContinues(JumpTarget element) {
if (element == null) return;
if (element.isContinueTarget) continuesFor[element] = <LocalsHandler>[];
if (element.isBreakTarget) breaksFor[element] = <LocalsHandler>[];
void clearBreaksAndContinues(JumpTarget element) {
List<LocalsHandler<T>> getBreaks(JumpTarget element) {
List<LocalsHandler<T>> list = <LocalsHandler<T>>[locals];
if (element == null) return list;
if (!element.isBreakTarget) return list;
return list..addAll(breaksFor[element]);
List<LocalsHandler<T>> getLoopBackEdges(JumpTarget element) {
List<LocalsHandler<T>> list = <LocalsHandler<T>>[locals];
if (element == null) return list;
if (!element.isContinueTarget) return list;
return list..addAll(continuesFor[element]);
T handleLoop(Node node, void logic()) {
bool changed = false;
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetDefinition(node);
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
do {
// Setup (and clear in case of multiple iterations of the loop)
// the lists of breaks and continues seen in the loop.
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(saved, node);
changed = saved.mergeAll(getLoopBackEdges(target));
} while (changed);
bool keepOwnLocals = node.asDoWhile() == null;
getBreaks(target), keepOwnLocals: keepOwnLocals);
locals = saved;
return null;
T visitWhile(While node) {
return handleLoop(node, () {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
T visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) {
return handleLoop(node, () {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
T visitFor(For node) {
return handleLoop(node, () {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
T visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(
locals, node, useOtherTryBlock: false);
saved.mergeDiamondFlow(locals, null);
locals = saved;
for (Node catchBlock in node.catchBlocks) {
saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(locals, catchBlock);
saved.mergeDiamondFlow(locals, null);
locals = saved;
return null;
T visitThrow(Throw node) {
locals.seenReturnOrThrow = true;
return types.nonNullEmpty();
T visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) {
Node exception = node.exception;
if (exception != null) {
DartType type = elements.getType(node.type);
T mask = type == null ||
type.treatAsDynamic ||
? types.dynamicType
: types.nonNullSubtype(type.element);
locals.update(elements[exception], mask, node);
Node trace = node.trace;
if (trace != null) {
locals.update(elements[trace], types.dynamicType, node);
return null;
T visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return visit(node.expression);
T visitBlock(Block node) {
if (node.statements != null) {
for (Node statement in node.statements) {
if (locals.aborts) break;
return null;
T visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Statement body = node.statement;
if (body is Loop
|| body is SwitchStatement
|| Elements.isUnusedLabel(node, elements)) {
// Loops and switches handle their own labels.
} else {
JumpTarget targetElement = elements.getTargetDefinition(body);
return null;
T visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetOf(node);
locals.seenBreakOrContinue = true;
// Do a deep-copy of the locals, because the code following the
// break will change them.
breaksFor[target].add(new LocalsHandler<T>.deepCopyOf(locals));
return null;
T visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetOf(node);
locals.seenBreakOrContinue = true;
// Do a deep-copy of the locals, because the code following the
// continue will change them.
continuesFor[target].add(new LocalsHandler<T>.deepCopyOf(locals));
return null;
internalError(Spannable node, String reason) {
compiler.internalError(node, reason);
T visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
if (Elements.switchStatementHasContinue(node, elements)) {
void forEachLabeledCase(void action(JumpTarget target)) {
for (SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
for (Node labelOrCase in switchCase.labelsAndCases) {
if (labelOrCase.asLabel() == null) continue;
LabelDefinition labelElement =
if (labelElement != null) {
forEachLabeledCase((JumpTarget target) {
// If the switch statement has a continue, we conservatively
// visit all cases and update [locals] until we have reached a
// fixed point.
bool changed;
do {
changed = false;
for (Node switchCase in node.cases) {
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(locals, switchCase);
changed = saved.mergeAll([locals]) || changed;
locals = saved;
} while (changed);
forEachLabeledCase((JumpTarget target) {
} else {
LocalsHandler<T> saved = locals;
List<LocalsHandler<T>> localsToMerge = <LocalsHandler<T>>[];
bool hasDefaultCase = false;
for (SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
if (switchCase.isDefaultCase) {
hasDefaultCase = true;
locals = new LocalsHandler<T>.from(saved, switchCase);
saved.mergeAfterBreaks(localsToMerge, keepOwnLocals: !hasDefaultCase);
locals = saved;
return null;
T visitCascadeReceiver(CascadeReceiver node) {
var type = visit(node.expression);
return type;
T visitCascade(Cascade node) {
// Ignore the result of the cascade send and return the type of the cascade
// receiver.
return cascadeReceiverStack.removeLast();