blob: adf558da45719ba509e00fe55f70c68a9210b56f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dump_info;
import 'dart:convert'
show HtmlEscape, JsonEncoder, StringConversionSink, ChunkedConversionSink;
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'common/tasks.dart' show
import 'constants/values.dart' show ConstantValue;
import 'compiler.dart' show
import 'diagnostics/messages.dart' show
import 'diagnostics/spannable.dart' show
import 'elements/elements.dart';
import 'elements/visitor.dart';
import 'types/types.dart' show
import 'deferred_load.dart' show
import 'js_backend/js_backend.dart' show
import 'js_emitter/full_emitter/emitter.dart' as full show
import 'js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import 'universe/universe.dart' show
class ElementInfoCollector extends BaseElementVisitor<Info, dynamic> {
final Compiler compiler;
final AllInfo result = new AllInfo();
final Map<Element, Info> _elementToInfo = <Element, Info>{};
final Map<ConstantValue, Info> _constantToInfo = <ConstantValue, Info>{};
final Map<OutputUnit, OutputUnitInfo> _outputToInfo = {};
void run() {
compiler.dumpInfoTask._constantToNode.forEach((constant, node) {
// TODO(sigmund): add dependencies on other constants
var size = compiler.dumpInfoTask._nodeToSize[node];
var code = jsAst.prettyPrint(node, compiler).getText();
var info = new ConstantInfo(size: size, code: code);
_constantToInfo[constant] = info;
Info visit(Element e, [_]) => e.accept(this, null);
/// Whether to emit information about [element].
/// By default we emit information for any element that contributes to the
/// output size. Either becuase the it is a function being emitted or inlined,
/// or because it is an element that holds dependencies to other elements.
bool shouldKeep(Element element) {
return compiler.dumpInfoTask.selectorsFromElement.containsKey(element) ||
/// Visits [element] and produces it's corresponding info.
Info process(Element element) {
// TODO(sigmund): change the visit order to eliminate the need to check
// whether or not an element has been processed.
return _elementToInfo.putIfAbsent(element, () => visit(element));
Info visitElement(Element element, _) => null;
FunctionInfo visitConstructorBodyElement(ConstructorBodyElement e, _) {
return visitFunctionElement(e.constructor, _);
LibraryInfo visitLibraryElement(LibraryElement element, _) {
String libname = element.hasLibraryName ? element.libraryName : "<unnamed>";
int size = compiler.dumpInfoTask.sizeOf(element);
LibraryInfo info =
new LibraryInfo(libname, element.canonicalUri, null, size);
_elementToInfo[element] = info;
LibraryElement realElement = element.isPatched ? element.patch : element;
realElement.forEachLocalMember((Element member) {
Info child = this.process(member);
if (child is ClassInfo) {
child.parent = info;
} else if (child is FunctionInfo) {
child.parent = info;
} else if (child is FieldInfo) {
child.parent = info;
} else if (child is TypedefInfo) {
child.parent = info;
} else if (child != null) {
print('unexpected child of $info: $child ==> ${child.runtimeType}');
if (info.isEmpty && !shouldKeep(element)) return null;
return info;
TypedefInfo visitTypedefElement(TypedefElement element, _) {
if (element.alias == null) return null;
TypedefInfo info = new TypedefInfo(, '${element.alias}',
_elementToInfo[element] = info;
return info;
FieldInfo visitFieldElement(FieldElement element, _) {
TypeMask inferredType =
// If a field has an empty inferred type it is never used.
if (inferredType == null || inferredType.isEmpty) return null;
int size = compiler.dumpInfoTask.sizeOf(element);
String code = compiler.dumpInfoTask.codeOf(element);
if (code != null) size += code.length;
FieldInfo info = new FieldInfo(
// We use element.hashCode because it is globally unique and it is
// available while we are doing codegen.
coverageId: '${element.hashCode}',
type: '${element.type}',
inferredType: '$inferredType',
size: size,
code: code,
outputUnit: _unitInfoForElement(element),
isConst: element.isConst);
_elementToInfo[element] = info;
if (element.isConst) {
var value = compiler.backend.constantCompilerTask
if (value != null) {
info.initializer = _constantToInfo[value];
List<FunctionInfo> nestedClosures = <FunctionInfo>[];
for (Element closure in element.nestedClosures) {
Info child = this.process(closure);
if (child != null) {
ClassInfo parent = this.process(closure.enclosingElement);
if (parent != null) { = "${}.${}";
size += child.size;
info.closures = nestedClosures;
return info;
ClassInfo visitClassElement(ClassElement element, _) {
ClassInfo classInfo = new ClassInfo(
isAbstract: element.isAbstract,
outputUnit: _unitInfoForElement(element));
_elementToInfo[element] = classInfo;
int size = compiler.dumpInfoTask.sizeOf(element);
element.forEachLocalMember((Element member) {
Info info = this.process(member);
if (info == null) return;
if (info is FieldInfo) {
info.parent = classInfo;
} else {
assert(info is FunctionInfo);
info.parent = classInfo;
// Closures are placed in the library namespace, but we want to attribute
// them to a function, and by extension, this class. Process and add the
// sizes here.
if (member is MemberElement) {
for (Element closure in member.nestedClosures) {
FunctionInfo closureInfo = this.process(closure);
if (closureInfo == null) continue;
// TODO(sigmund): remove this legacy update on the name, represent the
// information explicitly in the info format.
// Look for the parent element of this closure might be the enclosing
// class or an enclosing function.
Element parent = closure.enclosingElement;
ClassInfo parentInfo = this.process(parent);
if (parentInfo != null) { = "${}.${}";
size += closureInfo.size;
classInfo.size = size;
// Omit element if it is not needed.
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
if (!backend.emitter.neededClasses.contains(element) &&
classInfo.fields.isEmpty &&
classInfo.functions.isEmpty) {
return null;
return classInfo;
FunctionInfo visitFunctionElement(FunctionElement element, _) {
int size = compiler.dumpInfoTask.sizeOf(element);
if (size == 0 && !shouldKeep(element)) return null;
String name =;
int kind = FunctionInfo.TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_KIND;
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement.isField ||
enclosingElement.isFunction ||
element.isClosure ||
enclosingElement.isConstructor) {
kind = FunctionInfo.CLOSURE_FUNCTION_KIND;
name = "<unnamed>";
} else if (element.isStatic) {
kind = FunctionInfo.TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_KIND;
} else if (enclosingElement.isClass) {
kind = FunctionInfo.METHOD_FUNCTION_KIND;
if (element.isConstructor) {
name = name == ""
? "${}"
: "${}.${}";
FunctionModifiers modifiers = new FunctionModifiers(
isStatic: element.isStatic,
isConst: element.isConst,
isFactory: element.isFactoryConstructor,
isExternal: element.isPatched);
String code = compiler.dumpInfoTask.codeOf(element);
List<ParameterInfo> parameters = <ParameterInfo>[];
if (element.hasFunctionSignature) {
FunctionSignature signature = element.functionSignature;
signature.forEachParameter((parameter) {
parameters.add(new ParameterInfo(,
String returnType = null;
// TODO(sigmund): why all these checks?
if (element.isInstanceMember &&
!element.isAbstract && {
returnType = '${element.type.returnType}';
String inferredReturnType =
String sideEffects = '${}';
int inlinedCount = compiler.dumpInfoTask.inlineCount[element];
if (inlinedCount == null) inlinedCount = 0;
FunctionInfo info = new FunctionInfo(
name: name,
// We use element.hashCode because it is globally unique and it is
// available while we are doing codegen.
coverageId: '${element.hashCode}',
modifiers: modifiers,
size: size,
returnType: returnType,
inferredReturnType: inferredReturnType,
parameters: parameters,
sideEffects: sideEffects,
inlinedCount: inlinedCount,
code: code,
type: element.type.toString(),
outputUnit: _unitInfoForElement(element));
_elementToInfo[element] = info;
List<FunctionInfo> nestedClosures = <FunctionInfo>[];
if (element is MemberElement) {
MemberElement member = element as MemberElement;
for (Element closure in member.nestedClosures) {
Info child = this.process(closure);
if (child != null) {
BasicInfo parent = this.process(closure.enclosingElement);
if (parent != null) { = "${}.${}";
child.parent = parent;
size += child.size;
info.closures = nestedClosures;
return info;
OutputUnitInfo _unitInfoForElement(Element element) {
OutputUnit outputUnit =
return _outputToInfo.putIfAbsent(outputUnit, () {
// Dump-info currently only works with the full emitter. If another
// emitter is used it will fail here.
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
full.Emitter emitter = backend.emitter.emitter;
OutputUnitInfo info = new OutputUnitInfo(, emitter.outputBuffers[outputUnit].length);
return info;
class Selection {
final Element selectedElement;
final TypeMask mask;
Selection(this.selectedElement, this.mask);
class DumpInfoTask extends CompilerTask {
DumpInfoTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
String get name => "Dump Info";
ElementInfoCollector infoCollector;
/// The size of the generated output.
int _programSize;
// A set of javascript AST nodes that we care about the size of.
// This set is automatically populated when registerElementAst()
// is called.
final Set<jsAst.Node> _tracking = new Set<jsAst.Node>();
// A mapping from Dart Elements to Javascript AST Nodes.
final Map<Element, List<jsAst.Node>> _elementToNodes =
<Element, List<jsAst.Node>>{};
final Map<ConstantValue, jsAst.Node> _constantToNode =
<ConstantValue, jsAst.Node>{};
// A mapping from Javascript AST Nodes to the size of their
// pretty-printed contents.
final Map<jsAst.Node, int> _nodeToSize = <jsAst.Node, int>{};
final Map<Element, Set<UniverseSelector>> selectorsFromElement = {};
final Map<Element, int> inlineCount = <Element, int>{};
// A mapping from an element to a list of elements that are
// inlined inside of it.
final Map<Element, List<Element>> inlineMap = <Element, List<Element>>{};
/// Register the size of the generated output.
void reportSize(int programSize) {
_programSize = programSize;
void registerInlined(Element element, Element inlinedFrom) {
inlineCount.putIfAbsent(element, () => 0);
inlineCount[element] += 1;
inlineMap.putIfAbsent(inlinedFrom, () => new List<Element>());
* Registers that a function uses a selector in the
* function body
void elementUsesSelector(Element element, UniverseSelector selector) {
if (compiler.dumpInfo) {
.putIfAbsent(element, () => new Set<UniverseSelector>())
final Map<Element, Set<Element>> _dependencies = {};
void registerDependency(Element source, Element target) {
_dependencies.putIfAbsent(source, () => new Set()).add(target);
* Returns an iterable of [Selection]s that are used by
* [element]. Each [Selection] contains an element that is
* used and the selector that selected the element.
Iterable<Selection> getRetaining(Element element) {
if (!selectorsFromElement.containsKey(element)) {
return const <Selection>[];
} else {
return selectorsFromElement[element].expand((UniverseSelector selector) {
.filter(selector.selector, selector.mask)
.map((element) {
return new Selection(element, selector.mask);
// Returns true if we care about tracking the size of
// this node.
bool isTracking(jsAst.Node code) {
if (compiler.dumpInfo) {
return _tracking.contains(code);
} else {
return false;
// Registers that a javascript AST node `code` was produced by the
// dart Element `element`.
void registerElementAst(Element element, jsAst.Node code) {
if (compiler.dumpInfo) {
.putIfAbsent(element, () => new List<jsAst.Node>())
void registerConstantAst(ConstantValue constant, jsAst.Node code) {
if (compiler.dumpInfo) {
assert(_constantToNode[constant] == null ||
_constantToNode[constant] == code);
_constantToNode[constant] = code;
// Records the size of a dart AST node after it has been
// pretty-printed into the output buffer.
void recordAstSize(jsAst.Node node, int size) {
if (isTracking(node)) {
//TODO: should I be incrementing here instead?
_nodeToSize[node] = size;
// Returns the size of the source code that
// was generated for an element. If no source
// code was produced, return 0.
int sizeOf(Element element) {
if (_elementToNodes.containsKey(element)) {
return _elementToNodes[element].map(sizeOfNode).fold(0, (a, b) => a + b);
} else {
return 0;
int sizeOfNode(jsAst.Node node) {
// TODO(sigmund): switch back to null aware operators (issue #24136)
var size = _nodeToSize[node];
return size == null ? 0 : size;
String codeOf(Element element) {
List<jsAst.Node> code = _elementToNodes[element];
if (code == null) return null;
// Concatenate rendered ASTs.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (jsAst.Node ast in code) {
sb.writeln(jsAst.prettyPrint(ast, compiler).getText());
return sb.toString();
void collectInfo() {
infoCollector = new ElementInfoCollector(compiler);
void dumpInfo() {
measure(() {
if (infoCollector == null) {
StringBuffer jsonBuffer = new StringBuffer();
compiler.outputProvider('', 'info.json')
void dumpInfoJson(StringSink buffer) {
JsonEncoder encoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// Recursively build links to function uses
Iterable<Element> functionElements =
infoCollector._elementToInfo.keys.where((k) => k is FunctionElement);
for (FunctionElement element in functionElements) {
FunctionInfo info = infoCollector._elementToInfo[element];
Iterable<Selection> uses = getRetaining(element);
// Don't bother recording an empty list of dependencies.
for (Selection selection in uses) {
// Don't register dart2js builtin functions that are not recorded.
Info useInfo = infoCollector._elementToInfo[selection.selectedElement];
if (useInfo == null) continue;
info.uses.add(new DependencyInfo(useInfo, '${selection.mask}'));
// Track dependencies that come from inlining.
for (Element element in inlineMap.keys) {
CodeInfo outerInfo = infoCollector._elementToInfo[element];
if (outerInfo == null) continue;
for (Element inlined in inlineMap[element]) {
Info inlinedInfo = infoCollector._elementToInfo[inlined];
if (inlinedInfo == null) continue;
outerInfo.uses.add(new DependencyInfo(inlinedInfo, 'inlined'));
AllInfo result = infoCollector.result;
for (Element element in _dependencies.keys) {
var a = infoCollector._elementToInfo[element];
if (a == null) continue;
result.dependencies[a] = _dependencies[element]
.map((o) => infoCollector._elementToInfo[o])
.where((o) => o != null)
result.deferredFiles = compiler.deferredLoadTask.computeDeferredMap();
result.program = new ProgramInfo(
size: _programSize,
dart2jsVersion: compiler.hasBuildId ? compiler.buildId : null,
compilationMoment: new,
compilationDuration: compiler.totalCompileTime.elapsed,
toJsonDuration: stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds,
dumpInfoDuration: this.timing,
noSuchMethodEnabled: compiler.backend.enabledNoSuchMethod,
minified: compiler.enableMinification);
ChunkedConversionSink<Object> sink = encoder.startChunkedConversion(
new StringConversionSink.fromStringSink(buffer));
compiler.reportInfo(NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, MessageKind.GENERIC, {
'text': "View the dumped .info.json file at "