blob: 070aa60e3af92ac32273b4835f916bb51cb125ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.ir_nodes;
import 'dart:collection';
import '../constants/values.dart' as values;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, InterfaceType, TypeVariableType;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart' show SourceInformation;
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import '../universe/universe.dart' show Selector;
import 'builtin_operator.dart';
export 'builtin_operator.dart';
// These imports are only used for the JavaScript specific nodes. If we want to
// support more than one native backend, we should probably create better
// abstractions for native code and its type and effect system.
import '../js/js.dart' as js show Template;
import '../native/native.dart' as native show NativeBehavior;
abstract class Node {
/// A pointer to the parent node. Is null until set by optimization passes.
Node parent;
/// Workaround for a slow Object.hashCode in the VM.
static int _usedHashCodes = 0;
final int hashCode = ++_usedHashCodes;
accept(Visitor visitor);
/// Expressions can be evaluated, and may diverge, throw, and/or have
/// side-effects.
/// Evaluation continues by stepping into a sub-expression, invoking a
/// continuation, or throwing an exception.
/// Expressions do not a return value. Expressions that produce values should
/// invoke a [Continuation] with the result as argument. Alternatively, values
/// that can be obtained without side-effects, divergence, or throwing
/// exceptions can be built using a [LetPrim].
/// All subclasses implement exactly one of [CallExpression],
/// [InteriorExpression], or [TailExpression].
abstract class Expression extends Node {
InteriorNode get parent; // Only InteriorNodes may contain expressions.
Expression plug(Expression expr) => throw 'impossible';
/// The next expression in the basic block.
/// For [InteriorExpression]s this is the body, for [CallExpressions] it is
/// the body of the continuation, and for [TailExpressions] it is `null`.
Expression get next;
/// Represents a node with a child node, which can be accessed through the
/// `body` member. A typical usage is when removing a node from the CPS graph:
/// Node child = node.body;
/// InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
/// child.parent = parent;
/// parent.body = child;
abstract class InteriorNode extends Node {
Expression get body;
void set body(Expression body);
/// An expression that creates new bindings and continues evaluation in
/// a subexpression.
/// The interior expressions are [LetPrim], [LetCont], [LetHandler], and
/// [LetMutable].
abstract class InteriorExpression extends Expression implements InteriorNode {
Expression get next => body;
/// An expression that passes a continuation to a call.
abstract class CallExpression extends Expression {
Reference<Continuation> get continuation;
Expression get next => continuation.definition.body;
/// An expression without a continuation or a subexpression body.
/// These break straight-line control flow and can be throught of as ending a
/// basic block.
abstract class TailExpression extends Expression {
Expression get next => null;
/// The base class of things that variables can refer to: primitives,
/// continuations, function and continuation parameters, etc.
abstract class Definition<T extends Definition<T>> extends Node {
// The head of a linked-list of occurrences, in no particular order.
Reference<T> firstRef;
bool get hasAtMostOneUse => firstRef == null || == null;
bool get hasExactlyOneUse => firstRef != null && == null;
bool get hasNoUses => firstRef == null;
bool get hasAtLeastOneUse => firstRef != null;
bool get hasMultipleUses => !hasAtMostOneUse;
void substituteFor(Definition<T> other) {
if (other == this) return;
if (other.hasNoUses) return;
Reference<T> previous, current = other.firstRef;
do {
current.definition = this;
previous = current;
current =;
} while (current != null); = firstRef;
if (firstRef != null) firstRef.previous = previous;
firstRef = other.firstRef;
other.firstRef = null;
class EffectiveUseIterator extends Iterator<Reference<Primitive>> {
Reference<Primitive> current;
Reference<Primitive> next;
final List<Refinement> stack = <Refinement>[];
EffectiveUseIterator(Primitive prim) : next = prim.firstRef;
bool moveNext() {
Reference<Primitive> ref = next;
while (true) {
if (ref == null) {
if (stack.isNotEmpty) {
ref = stack.removeLast().firstRef;
} else {
current = null;
return false;
} else if (ref.parent is Refinement) {
ref =;
} else {
current = ref;
next =;
return true;
class EffectiveUseIterable extends IterableBase<Reference<Primitive>> {
Primitive primitive;
EffectiveUseIterator get iterator => new EffectiveUseIterator(primitive);
/// A named value.
/// The identity of the [Primitive] object is the name of the value.
/// The subclass describes how to compute the value.
/// All primitives except [Parameter] must be bound by a [LetPrim].
abstract class Primitive extends Variable<Primitive> {
/// The [VariableElement] or [ParameterElement] from which the primitive
/// binding originated.
Entity hint;
/// Use the given element as a hint for naming this primitive.
/// Has no effect if this primitive already has a non-null [element].
void useElementAsHint(Entity hint) {
if (this.hint == null) {
this.hint = hint;
/// True if the primitive can be removed, assuming it has no uses
/// (this getter does not check if there are any uses).
/// False must be returned for primitives that may throw, diverge, or have
/// observable side-effects.
bool get isSafeForElimination;
/// True if time-of-evaluation is irrelevant for the given primitive,
/// assuming its inputs are the same values.
bool get isSafeForReordering;
/// The source information associated with this primitive.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Require source information for all primitives.
SourceInformation get sourceInformation => null;
/// If this is a [Refinement] node, returns the value being refined.
Primitive get effectiveDefinition => this;
/// True if the two primitives are (refinements of) the same value.
bool sameValue(Primitive other) {
return effectiveDefinition == other.effectiveDefinition;
/// Iterates all non-refinement uses of the primitive and all uses of
/// a [Refinement] of this primitive (transitively).
/// Notes regarding concurrent modification:
/// - The current reference may safely be unlinked.
/// - Yet unvisited references may not be unlinked.
/// - References to this primitive created during iteration will not be seen.
/// - References to a refinement of this primitive may not be created during
/// iteration.
EffectiveUseIterable get effectiveUses => new EffectiveUseIterable(this);
bool get hasMultipleEffectiveUses {
Iterator it = effectiveUses.iterator;
return it.moveNext() && it.moveNext();
bool get hasNoEffectiveUses {
return effectiveUses.isEmpty;
/// Operands to invocations and primitives are always variables. They point to
/// their definition and are doubly-linked into a list of occurrences.
class Reference<T extends Definition<T>> {
T definition;
Reference<T> previous;
Reference<T> next;
/// A pointer to the parent node. Is null until set by optimization passes.
Node parent;
Reference(this.definition) {
next = definition.firstRef;
if (next != null) next.previous = this;
definition.firstRef = this;
/// Unlinks this reference from the list of occurrences.
void unlink() {
if (previous == null) {
assert(definition.firstRef == this);
definition.firstRef = next;
} else { = next;
if (next != null) next.previous = previous;
/// Changes the definition referenced by this object and updates
/// the reference chains accordingly.
void changeTo(Definition<T> newDefinition) {
previous = null;
definition = newDefinition;
next = definition.firstRef;
if (next != null) next.previous = this;
definition.firstRef = this;
/// Evaluates a primitive and binds it to variable: `let val x = V in E`.
/// The bound value is in scope in the body.
/// During one-pass construction a LetPrim with an empty body is used to
/// represent the one-hole context `let val x = V in []`.
class LetPrim extends InteriorExpression {
Primitive primitive;
Expression body;
LetPrim(this.primitive, [this.body = null]);
Expression plug(Expression expr) {
assert(body == null);
return body = expr;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLetPrim(this);
/// Binding continuations.
/// let cont k0(v0 ...) = E0
/// k1(v1 ...) = E1
/// ...
/// in E
/// The bound continuations are in scope in the body and the continuation
/// parameters are in scope in the respective continuation bodies.
/// During one-pass construction a LetCont whose first continuation has an empty
/// body is used to represent the one-hole context
/// `let cont ... k(v) = [] ... in E`.
class LetCont extends InteriorExpression {
List<Continuation> continuations;
Expression body;
LetCont(Continuation continuation, this.body)
: continuations = <Continuation>[continuation];
LetCont.two(Continuation first, Continuation second, this.body)
: continuations = <Continuation>[first, second];
LetCont.many(this.continuations, this.body);
Expression plug(Expression expr) {
assert(continuations != null &&
continuations.isNotEmpty &&
continuations.first.body == null);
return continuations.first.body = expr;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLetCont(this);
// Binding an exception handler.
// let handler h(v0, v1) = E0 in E1
// The handler is a two-argument (exception, stack trace) continuation which
// is implicitly the error continuation of all the code in its body E1.
// [LetHandler] differs from a [LetCont] binding in that it (1) has the
// runtime semantics of pushing/popping a handler from the dynamic exception
// handler stack and (2) it does not have any explicit invocations.
class LetHandler extends InteriorExpression {
Continuation handler;
Expression body;
LetHandler(this.handler, this.body);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLetHandler(this);
/// Binding mutable variables.
/// let mutable v = P in E
/// [MutableVariable]s can be seen as ref cells that are not first-class
/// values. They are therefore not [Primitive]s and not bound by [LetPrim]
/// to prevent unrestricted use of references to them. During one-pass
/// construction, a [LetMutable] with an empty body is use to represent the
/// one-hole context 'let mutable v = P in []'.
class LetMutable extends InteriorExpression {
final MutableVariable variable;
final Reference<Primitive> value;
Expression body;
LetMutable(this.variable, Primitive value)
: this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
Expression plug(Expression expr) {
return body = expr;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLetMutable(this);
/// Invoke a static function.
/// All optional arguments declared by [target] are passed in explicitly, and
/// occur at the end of [arguments] list, in normalized order.
/// Discussion:
/// All information in the [selector] is technically redundant; it will likely
/// be removed.
class InvokeStatic extends CallExpression {
final FunctionElement target;
final Selector selector;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
List<Primitive> args,
Continuation cont,
: arguments = _referenceList(args),
continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(cont);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this);
/// Invoke a method on an object.
/// This includes getters, setters, operators, and index getter/setters.
/// Tearing off a method is treated like a getter invocation (getters and
/// tear-offs cannot be distinguished at compile-time).
/// The [selector] records the names of named arguments. The value of named
/// arguments occur at the end of the [arguments] list, in normalized order.
class InvokeMethod extends CallExpression {
Reference<Primitive> receiver;
Selector selector;
TypeMask mask;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
/// If true, the [receiver] is intercepted and the actual receiver is in
/// the first argument. Otherwise, the [receiver] is the actual receiver.
/// This flag is always false for non-intercepted selectors, but it may also
/// be false for intercepted selectors after dummy receiver optimization
/// (in this case the first argument is a dummy value).
/// It is always false before the unsugaring pass, where interceptors have
/// not yet been introduced.
bool receiverIsIntercepted = false;
/// If true, it is known that the receiver cannot be `null`.
bool receiverIsNotNull = false;
InvokeMethod(Primitive receiver,
List<Primitive> arguments,
Continuation continuation,
: this.receiver = new Reference<Primitive>(receiver),
this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments),
this.continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(continuation);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this);
/// Invoke [target] on [receiver], bypassing dispatch and override semantics.
/// That is, if [receiver] is an instance of a class that overrides [target]
/// with a different implementation, the overriding implementation is bypassed
/// and [target]'s implementation is invoked.
/// As with [InvokeMethod], this can be used to invoke a method, operator,
/// getter, setter, or index getter/setter.
/// If it is known that [target] does not use its receiver argument, then
/// [receiver] may refer to a null constant primitive. This happens for direct
/// invocations to intercepted methods, where the effective receiver is instead
/// passed as a formal parameter.
/// TODO(sra): Review. A direct call to a method that is mixed into a native
/// class will still require an explicit argument.
/// All optional arguments declared by [target] are passed in explicitly, and
/// occur at the end of [arguments] list, in normalized order.
class InvokeMethodDirectly extends CallExpression {
Reference<Primitive> receiver;
final FunctionElement target;
final Selector selector;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
InvokeMethodDirectly(Primitive receiver,,
List<Primitive> arguments,
Continuation continuation,
: this.receiver = new Reference<Primitive>(receiver),
this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments),
this.continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(continuation);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethodDirectly(this);
/// Non-const call to a constructor.
/// The [target] may be a generative constructor (forwarding or normal)
/// or a non-redirecting factory.
/// All optional arguments declared by [target] are passed in explicitly, and
/// occur in the [arguments] list, in normalized order.
/// Last in the [arguments] list, after the mandatory and optional arguments,
/// the internal representation of each type argument occurs, unless it could
/// be determined at build-time that the constructed class has no need for its
/// runtime type information.
/// Note that [InvokeConstructor] does it itself allocate an object.
/// The invoked constructor will do that using [CreateInstance].
class InvokeConstructor extends CallExpression {
final DartType dartType;
final ConstructorElement target;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
final Selector selector;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
List<Primitive> args,
Continuation cont,
: arguments = _referenceList(args),
continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(cont);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this);
/// An alias for [value] in a context where the value is known to satisfy
/// [type].
/// Refinement nodes are inserted before the type propagator pass and removed
/// afterwards, so as not to complicate passes that don't reason about types,
/// but need to reason about value references being identical (i.e. referring
/// to the same primitive).
class Refinement extends Primitive {
Reference<Primitive> value;
final TypeMask refineType;
Refinement(Primitive value, this.refineType)
: value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitRefinement(this);
Primitive get effectiveDefinition => value.definition.effectiveDefinition;
/// An "is" type test.
/// Returns `true` if [value] is an instance of [type].
/// [type] must not be the [Object], `dynamic` or [Null] types (though it might
/// be a type variable containing one of these types). This design is chosen
/// to simplify code generation for type tests.
class TypeTest extends Primitive {
Reference<Primitive> value;
final DartType dartType;
/// If [type] is an [InterfaceType], this holds the internal representation of
/// the type arguments to [type]. Since these may reference type variables
/// from the enclosing class, they are not constant.
/// If [type] is a [TypeVariableType], this is a singleton list with
/// the internal representation of the type held in that type variable.
/// If [type] is a [FunctionType], this is a singleton list with the
/// internal representation of that type,
/// Otherwise the list is empty.
final List<Reference<Primitive>> typeArguments;
TypeTest(Primitive value,
List<Primitive> typeArguments)
: this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value),
this.typeArguments = _referenceList(typeArguments);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeTest(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// An "as" type cast.
/// If [value] is `null` or is an instance of [type], [continuation] is invoked
/// with [value] as argument. Otherwise, a [CastError] is thrown.
/// Discussion:
/// The parameter to [continuation] is redundant since it will always equal
/// [value], which is typically in scope in the continuation. However, it might
/// simplify type propagation, since a better type can be computed for the
/// continuation parameter without needing flow-sensitive analysis.
class TypeCast extends CallExpression {
Reference<Primitive> value;
final DartType dartType;
/// See the corresponding field on [TypeTest].
final List<Reference<Primitive>> typeArguments;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
TypeCast(Primitive value,
List<Primitive> typeArguments,
Continuation cont)
: this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value),
this.typeArguments = _referenceList(typeArguments),
this.continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(cont);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeCast(this);
/// Apply a built-in operator.
/// It must be known that the arguments have the proper types.
class ApplyBuiltinOperator extends Primitive {
BuiltinOperator operator;
List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
List<Primitive> arguments,
: this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitApplyBuiltinOperator(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Apply a built-in method.
/// It must be known that the arguments have the proper types.
class ApplyBuiltinMethod extends Primitive {
BuiltinMethod method;
Reference<Primitive> receiver;
List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
bool receiverIsNotNull;
Primitive receiver,
List<Primitive> arguments,
{this.receiverIsNotNull: false})
: this.receiver = new Reference<Primitive>(receiver),
this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitApplyBuiltinMethod(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => false;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
/// Throw a value.
/// Throw is an expression, i.e., it always occurs in tail position with
/// respect to a body or expression.
class Throw extends TailExpression {
Reference<Primitive> value;
Throw(Primitive value) : value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitThrow(this);
/// Rethrow
/// Rethrow can only occur inside a continuation bound by [LetHandler]. It
/// implicitly throws the exception parameter of the enclosing handler with
/// the same stack trace as the enclosing handler.
class Rethrow extends TailExpression {
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitRethrow(this);
/// An expression that is known to be unreachable.
/// This can be placed as the body of a call continuation, when the caller is
/// known never to invoke it, e.g. because the calling expression always throws.
class Unreachable extends TailExpression {
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitUnreachable(this);
/// Gets the value from a [MutableVariable].
/// [MutableVariable]s can be seen as ref cells that are not first-class
/// values. A [LetPrim] with a [GetMutable] can then be seen as:
/// let prim p = ![variable] in [body]
class GetMutable extends Primitive {
final Reference<MutableVariable> variable;
GetMutable(MutableVariable variable)
: this.variable = new Reference<MutableVariable>(variable);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetMutable(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
/// Assign a [MutableVariable].
/// [MutableVariable]s can be seen as ref cells that are not first-class
/// values. This can be seen as a dereferencing assignment:
/// { [variable] := [value]; [body] }
class SetMutable extends Primitive {
final Reference<MutableVariable> variable;
final Reference<Primitive> value;
SetMutable(MutableVariable variable, Primitive value)
: this.variable = new Reference<MutableVariable>(variable),
this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSetMutable(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => false;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
/// Invoke a continuation in tail position.
class InvokeContinuation extends TailExpression {
Reference<Continuation> continuation;
List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
// An invocation of a continuation is recursive if it occurs in the body of
// the continuation itself.
bool isRecursive;
/// True if this invocation escapes from the body of a [LetHandler]
/// (i.e. a try block). Notably, such an invocation cannot be inlined.
bool isEscapingTry;
InvokeContinuation(Continuation cont, List<Primitive> args,
{this.isRecursive: false,
this.isEscapingTry: false,
: continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(cont),
arguments = _referenceList(args) {
assert(cont.parameters == null || cont.parameters.length == args.length);
if (isRecursive) cont.isRecursive = true;
/// A continuation invocation whose target and arguments will be filled
/// in later.
/// Used as a placeholder for a jump whose target is not yet created
/// (e.g., in the translation of break and continue).
InvokeContinuation.uninitialized({this.isRecursive: false,
this.isEscapingTry: false})
: continuation = null,
arguments = null,
sourceInformation = null;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeContinuation(this);
/// Choose between a pair of continuations based on a condition value.
/// The two continuations must not declare any parameters.
class Branch extends TailExpression {
final Reference<Primitive> condition;
final Reference<Continuation> trueContinuation;
final Reference<Continuation> falseContinuation;
/// If true, only the value `true` satisfies the condition. Otherwise, any
/// truthy value satisfies the check.
/// Non-strict checks are preferable when the condition is known to be a
/// boolean.
bool isStrictCheck;
Branch.strict(Primitive condition,
Continuation trueCont,
Continuation falseCont)
: this.condition = new Reference<Primitive>(condition),
trueContinuation = new Reference<Continuation>(trueCont),
falseContinuation = new Reference<Continuation>(falseCont),
isStrictCheck = true;
Branch.loose(Primitive condition,
Continuation trueCont,
Continuation falseCont)
: this.condition = new Reference<Primitive>(condition),
trueContinuation = new Reference<Continuation>(trueCont),
falseContinuation = new Reference<Continuation>(falseCont),
this.isStrictCheck = false;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitBranch(this);
/// Directly assigns to a field on a given object.
class SetField extends Primitive {
final Reference<Primitive> object;
FieldElement field;
final Reference<Primitive> value;
SetField(Primitive object, this.field, Primitive value)
: this.object = new Reference<Primitive>(object),
this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSetField(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => false;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
/// Directly reads from a field on a given object.
/// The [object] must either be `null` or an object that has [field].
class GetField extends Primitive {
final Reference<Primitive> object;
FieldElement field;
/// True if the object is known not to be null.
// TODO(asgerf): This is a placeholder until we agree on how to track
// side effects.
bool objectIsNotNull = false;
GetField(Primitive object, this.field)
: this.object = new Reference<Primitive>(object);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetField(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => objectIsNotNull;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
toString() => 'GetField($field)';
/// Get the length of a string or native list.
class GetLength extends Primitive {
final Reference<Primitive> object;
/// True if the object is known not to be null.
bool objectIsNotNull = false;
GetLength(Primitive object) : this.object = new Reference<Primitive>(object);
bool get isSafeForElimination => objectIsNotNull;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitGetLength(this);
/// Read an entry from a string or native list.
/// [object] must be null or a native list or a string, and [index] must be
/// an integer.
class GetIndex extends Primitive {
final Reference<Primitive> object;
final Reference<Primitive> index;
/// True if the object is known not to be null.
bool objectIsNotNull = false;
GetIndex(Primitive object, Primitive index)
: this.object = new Reference<Primitive>(object),
this.index = new Reference<Primitive>(index);
bool get isSafeForElimination => objectIsNotNull;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitGetIndex(this);
/// Set an entry on a native list.
/// [object] must be null or a native list, and [index] must be an integer.
/// The primitive itself has no value and may not be referenced.
class SetIndex extends Primitive {
final Reference<Primitive> object;
final Reference<Primitive> index;
final Reference<Primitive> value;
SetIndex(Primitive object, Primitive index, Primitive value)
: this.object = new Reference<Primitive>(object),
this.index = new Reference<Primitive>(index),
this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
bool get isSafeForElimination => false;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitSetIndex(this);
/// Reads the value of a static field or tears off a static method.
/// Note that lazily initialized fields should be read using GetLazyStatic.
class GetStatic extends Primitive {
/// Can be [FieldElement] or [FunctionElement].
final Element element;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
GetStatic(this.element, [this.sourceInformation]);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetStatic(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination {
return true;
bool get isSafeForReordering {
return element is FunctionElement || element.isFinal;
/// Sets the value of a static field.
class SetStatic extends Primitive {
final FieldElement element;
final Reference<Primitive> value;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
SetStatic(this.element, Primitive value, [this.sourceInformation])
: this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSetStatic(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => false;
bool get isSafeForReordering => false;
/// Reads the value of a lazily initialized static field.
/// If the field has not yet been initialized, its initializer is evaluated
/// and assigned to the field.
/// [continuation] is then invoked with the value of the field as argument.
class GetLazyStatic extends CallExpression {
final FieldElement element;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
Continuation continuation,
: continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(continuation);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetLazyStatic(this);
/// Creates an object for holding boxed variables captured by a closure.
class CreateBox extends Primitive {
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateBox(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Creates an instance of a class and initializes its fields and runtime type
/// information.
class CreateInstance extends Primitive {
final ClassElement classElement;
/// Initial values for the fields on the class.
/// The order corresponds to the order of fields on the class.
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
/// The runtime type information structure which contains the type arguments.
/// May be `null` to indicate that no type information is needed because the
/// compiler determined that the type information for instances of this class
/// is not needed at runtime.
final List<Reference<Primitive>> typeInformation;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
CreateInstance(this.classElement, List<Primitive> arguments,
List<Primitive> typeInformation,
: this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments),
this.typeInformation = _referenceList(typeInformation);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateInstance(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
toString() => 'CreateInstance($classElement)';
class Interceptor extends Primitive {
final Reference<Primitive> input;
final Set<ClassElement> interceptedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
/// If non-null, all uses of this the interceptor call are guaranteed to
/// see this value.
/// The interceptor call is not immediately replaced by the constant, because
/// that might prevent the interceptor from being shared.
/// The precise input type is not known when sharing interceptors, because
/// refinement nodes have been removed by then. So this field carries the
/// known constant until we know if it should be shared or replaced by
/// the constant.
values.InterceptorConstantValue constantValue;
Interceptor(Primitive input, this.sourceInformation)
: this.input = new Reference<Primitive>(input);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterceptor(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Create an instance of [Invocation] for use in a call to `noSuchMethod`.
class CreateInvocationMirror extends Primitive {
final Selector selector;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
CreateInvocationMirror(this.selector, List<Primitive> arguments)
: this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateInvocationMirror(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
class ForeignCode extends CallExpression {
final js.Template codeTemplate;
final TypeMask type;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
final native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior;
final FunctionElement dependency;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
ForeignCode(this.codeTemplate, this.type, List<Primitive> arguments,
this.nativeBehavior, Continuation continuation, {this.dependency})
: this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments),
this.continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(continuation);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitForeignCode(this);
class Constant extends Primitive {
final values.ConstantValue value;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
Constant(this.value, {this.sourceInformation}) {
assert(value != null);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
class LiteralList extends Primitive {
/// The List type being created; this is not the type argument.
final InterfaceType dartType;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> values;
LiteralList(this.dartType, List<Primitive> values)
: this.values = _referenceList(values);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
class LiteralMapEntry {
final Reference<Primitive> key;
final Reference<Primitive> value;
LiteralMapEntry(Primitive key, Primitive value)
: this.key = new Reference<Primitive>(key),
this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
class LiteralMap extends Primitive {
final InterfaceType dartType;
final List<LiteralMapEntry> entries;
LiteralMap(this.dartType, this.entries);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMap(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Currently unused.
/// Nested functions (from Dart code) are translated to classes by closure
/// conversion, hence they are instantiated with [CreateInstance].
/// We keep this around for now because it might come in handy when we
/// handle async/await in the CPS IR.
/// Instantiates a nested function. [MutableVariable]s are in scope in the
/// inner function, but primitives are not shared across function boundaries.
class CreateFunction extends Primitive {
final FunctionDefinition definition;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateFunction(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
class Parameter extends Primitive {
Parameter(Entity hint) {
super.hint = hint;
// In addition to a parent pointer to the containing Continuation or
// FunctionDefinition, parameters have an index into the list of parameters
// bound by the parent. This gives constant-time access to the continuation
// from the parent.
int parentIndex;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitParameter(this);
String toString() => 'Parameter(${hint == null ? null :})';
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Continuations are normally bound by 'let cont'. A continuation with one
/// parameter and no body is used to represent a function's return continuation.
/// The return continuation is bound by the function, not by 'let cont'.
class Continuation extends Definition<Continuation> implements InteriorNode {
final List<Parameter> parameters;
Expression body = null;
// In addition to a parent pointer to the containing LetCont, continuations
// have an index into the list of continuations bound by the LetCont. This
// gives constant-time access to the continuation from the parent.
int parent_index;
// A continuation is recursive if it has any recursive invocations.
bool isRecursive;
bool get isReturnContinuation => body == null;
Continuation(this.parameters, {this.isRecursive: false});
: parameters = <Parameter>[new Parameter(null)],
isRecursive = false;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinuation(this);
/// Common interface for [Primitive] and [MutableVariable].
abstract class Variable<T extends Variable<T>> extends Definition<T> {
/// Type of value held in the variable.
/// Is `null` until initialized by type propagation.
TypeMask type;
/// Identifies a mutable variable.
class MutableVariable extends Variable<MutableVariable> {
Entity hint;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitMutableVariable(this);
/// A function definition, consisting of parameters and a body.
/// There is an explicit parameter for the `this` argument, and a return
/// continuation to invoke when returning from the function.
class FunctionDefinition extends InteriorNode {
final ExecutableElement element;
final Parameter thisParameter;
final List<Parameter> parameters;
final Continuation returnContinuation;
Expression body;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionDefinition(this);
/// Converts the internal representation of a type to a Dart object of type
/// [Type].
class ReifyRuntimeType extends Primitive {
/// Reference to the internal representation of a type (as produced, for
/// example, by [ReadTypeVariable]).
final Reference<Primitive> value;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
ReifyRuntimeType(Primitive value, this.sourceInformation)
: this.value = new Reference<Primitive>(value);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitReifyRuntimeType(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Read the value the type variable [variable] from the target object.
/// The resulting value is an internal representation (and not neccessarily a
/// Dart object), and must be reified by [ReifyRuntimeType], if it should be
/// used as a Dart value.
class ReadTypeVariable extends Primitive {
final TypeVariableType variable;
final Reference<Primitive> target;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
ReadTypeVariable(this.variable, Primitive target, this.sourceInformation)
: = new Reference<Primitive>(target);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitReadTypeVariable(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
/// Representation of a closed type (that is, a type without type variables).
/// The resulting value is constructed from [dartType] by replacing the type
/// variables with consecutive values from [arguments], in the order generated
/// by [DartType.forEachTypeVariable]. The type variables in [dartType] are
/// treated as 'holes' in the term, which means that it must be ensured at
/// construction, that duplicate occurences of a type variable in [dartType]
/// are assigned the same value.
class TypeExpression extends Primitive {
final DartType dartType;
final List<Reference<Primitive>> arguments;
[List<Primitive> arguments = const <Primitive>[]])
: this.arguments = _referenceList(arguments);
accept(Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitTypeExpression(this);
bool get isSafeForElimination => true;
bool get isSafeForReordering => true;
class Await extends CallExpression {
final Reference<Primitive> input;
final Reference<Continuation> continuation;
Await(Primitive input, Continuation continuation)
: this.input = new Reference<Primitive>(input),
this.continuation = new Reference<Continuation>(continuation);
accept(Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitAwait(this);
List<Reference<Primitive>> _referenceList(Iterable<Primitive> definitions) {
return => new Reference<Primitive>(e)).toList();
abstract class Visitor<T> {
const Visitor();
T visit(Node node);
// Concrete classes.
T visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node);
// Expressions.
T visitLetPrim(LetPrim node);
T visitLetCont(LetCont node);
T visitLetHandler(LetHandler node);
T visitLetMutable(LetMutable node);
T visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node);
T visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node);
T visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node);
T visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node);
T visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node);
T visitThrow(Throw node);
T visitRethrow(Rethrow node);
T visitBranch(Branch node);
T visitTypeCast(TypeCast node);
T visitSetMutable(SetMutable node);
T visitSetStatic(SetStatic node);
T visitGetLazyStatic(GetLazyStatic node);
T visitSetField(SetField node);
T visitUnreachable(Unreachable node);
T visitAwait(Await node);
// Definitions.
T visitLiteralList(LiteralList node);
T visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node);
T visitConstant(Constant node);
T visitCreateFunction(CreateFunction node);
T visitGetMutable(GetMutable node);
T visitParameter(Parameter node);
T visitContinuation(Continuation node);
T visitMutableVariable(MutableVariable node);
T visitGetStatic(GetStatic node);
T visitInterceptor(Interceptor node);
T visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node);
T visitGetField(GetField node);
T visitCreateBox(CreateBox node);
T visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node);
T visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node);
T visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node);
T visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node);
T visitTypeTest(TypeTest node);
T visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node);
T visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node);
T visitGetLength(GetLength node);
T visitGetIndex(GetIndex node);
T visitSetIndex(SetIndex node);
T visitRefinement(Refinement node);
// Support for literal foreign code.
T visitForeignCode(ForeignCode node);
/// Visits all non-recursive children of a CPS term, i.e. anything
/// not of type [Expression] or [Continuation].
/// The `process*` methods are called in pre-order for every node visited.
/// These can be overridden without disrupting the visitor traversal.
class LeafVisitor implements Visitor {
const LeafVisitor();
visit(Node node) => node.accept(this);
processReference(Reference ref) {}
processFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {}
visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
if (node.thisParameter != null) visit(node.thisParameter);
// Expressions.
processLetPrim(LetPrim node) {}
visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
processLetCont(LetCont node) {}
visitLetCont(LetCont node) {
processLetHandler(LetHandler node) {}
visitLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
processLetMutable(LetMutable node) {}
visitLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
processInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {}
visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
processInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {}
visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
processInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {}
visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
processInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {}
visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
processInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {}
visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
processThrow(Throw node) {}
visitThrow(Throw node) {
processRethrow(Rethrow node) {}
visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {
processBranch(Branch node) {}
visitBranch(Branch node) {
processTypeCast(TypeCast node) {}
visitTypeCast(TypeCast node) {
processTypeTest(TypeTest node) {}
visitTypeTest(TypeTest node) {
processSetMutable(SetMutable node) {}
visitSetMutable(SetMutable node) {
processGetLazyStatic(GetLazyStatic node) {}
visitGetLazyStatic(GetLazyStatic node) {
processLiteralList(LiteralList node) {}
visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
processLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {}
visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
for (LiteralMapEntry entry in node.entries) {
processConstant(Constant node) {}
visitConstant(Constant node) {
processCreateFunction(CreateFunction node) {}
visitCreateFunction(CreateFunction node) {
processMutableVariable(node) {}
visitMutableVariable(MutableVariable node) {
processGetMutable(GetMutable node) {}
visitGetMutable(GetMutable node) {
processParameter(Parameter node) {}
visitParameter(Parameter node) {
processContinuation(Continuation node) {}
visitContinuation(Continuation node) {
processInterceptor(Interceptor node) {}
visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
processCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {}
visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
processSetField(SetField node) {}
visitSetField(SetField node) {
processGetField(GetField node) {}
visitGetField(GetField node) {
processGetStatic(GetStatic node) {}
visitGetStatic(GetStatic node) {
processSetStatic(SetStatic node) {}
visitSetStatic(SetStatic node) {
processCreateBox(CreateBox node) {}
visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) {
processReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) {}
visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) {
processReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) {}
visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) {
processTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) {}
visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) {
processCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node) {}
visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node) {
processApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {}
visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
processApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {}
visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {
processForeignCode(ForeignCode node) {}
visitForeignCode(ForeignCode node) {
if (node.continuation != null) {
processUnreachable(Unreachable node) {}
visitUnreachable(Unreachable node) {
processAwait(Await node) {}
visitAwait(Await node) {
processGetLength(GetLength node) {}
visitGetLength(GetLength node) {
processGetIndex(GetIndex node) {}
visitGetIndex(GetIndex node) {
processSetIndex(SetIndex node) {}
visitSetIndex(SetIndex node) {
processRefinement(Refinement node) {}
visitRefinement(Refinement node) {
typedef void StackAction();
/// Calls `process*` for all nodes in a tree.
/// For simple usage, only override the `process*` methods.
/// To avoid deep recursion, this class uses an "action stack" containing
/// callbacks to be invoked after the processing of some term has finished.
/// To avoid excessive overhead from the action stack, basic blocks of
/// interior nodes are iterated in a loop without using the action stack.
/// The iteration order can be controlled by overriding the `traverse*`
/// methods for [LetCont], [LetPrim], [LetMutable], [LetHandler] and
/// [Continuation].
/// The `traverse*` methods return the expression to visit next, and may
/// push other subterms onto the stack using [push] or [pushAction] to visit
/// them later. Actions pushed onto the stack will be executed after the body
/// has been processed (and the stack actions it pushed have been executed).
/// By default, the `traverse` methods visit all non-recursive subterms,
/// push all bound continuations on the stack, and return the body of the term.
/// Subclasses should not override the `visit` methods for the nodes that have
/// a `traverse` method.
class RecursiveVisitor extends LeafVisitor {
List<StackAction> _stack = <StackAction>[];
void pushAction(StackAction callback) {
void push(Continuation cont) {
_stack.add(() {
if (cont.isReturnContinuation) {
} else {
visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
if (node.thisParameter != null) visit(node.thisParameter);
visitContinuation(Continuation cont) {
if (cont.isReturnContinuation) {
} else {
visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) => _trampoline(node);
visitLetCont(LetCont node) => _trampoline(node);
visitLetHandler(LetHandler node) => _trampoline(node);
visitLetMutable(LetMutable node) => _trampoline(node);
Expression traverseContinuation(Continuation cont) {
return cont.body;
Expression traverseLetCont(LetCont node) {
return node.body;
Expression traverseLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
return node.body;
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
return node.body;
Expression traverseLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
return node.body;
void _trampoline(Expression node) {
int initialHeight = _stack.length;
while (_stack.length > initialHeight) {
StackAction callback = _stack.removeLast();
_processBlock(Expression node) {
while (node is InteriorExpression) {
if (node is LetCont) {
node = traverseLetCont(node);
} else if (node is LetHandler) {
node = traverseLetHandler(node);
} else if (node is LetPrim) {
node = traverseLetPrim(node);
} else {
node = traverseLetMutable(node);
/// Visit a just-deleted subterm and unlink all [Reference]s in it.
class RemovalVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
processReference(Reference reference) {
static void remove(Node node) {
(new RemovalVisitor()).visit(node);