blob: 7af87501643d19b461e288e2620d4a2a93e7c91c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.backend_api;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import '../compiler.dart' show
import '../compile_time_constants.dart' show
import '../constants/constant_system.dart' show
import '../constants/values.dart' show
import '../dart_types.dart' show
import '../diagnostics/spannable.dart' show
import '../elements/elements.dart' show
import '../enqueue.dart' show
import '../io/code_output.dart' show
import '../io/source_information.dart' show
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' as js_backend show
import '../library_loader.dart' show
import '../native/native.dart' as native show
import '../patch_parser.dart' show
import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart' show
import 'codegen.dart' show
import 'registry.dart' show
import 'resolution.dart' show
import 'tasks.dart' show
import 'work.dart' show
abstract class Backend {
final Compiler compiler;
/// Returns true if the backend supports reflection.
bool get supportsReflection;
/// The [ConstantSystem] used to interpret compile-time constants for this
/// backend.
ConstantSystem get constantSystem;
/// The constant environment for the backend interpretation of compile-time
/// constants.
BackendConstantEnvironment get constants;
/// The compiler task responsible for the compilation of constants for both
/// the frontend and the backend.
ConstantCompilerTask get constantCompilerTask;
/// Backend callback methods for the resolution phase.
ResolutionCallbacks get resolutionCallbacks;
/// The strategy used for collecting and emitting source information.
SourceInformationStrategy get sourceInformationStrategy {
return const SourceInformationStrategy();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the JavaScriptBackend.
String get patchVersion => null;
/// Set of classes that need to be considered for reflection although not
/// otherwise visible during resolution.
Iterable<ClassElement> classesRequiredForReflection = const [];
// Given a [FunctionElement], return a buffer with the code generated for it
// or null if no code was generated.
CodeBuffer codeOf(Element element) => null;
void initializeHelperClasses() {}
void enqueueHelpers(ResolutionEnqueuer world, Registry registry);
WorldImpact codegen(CodegenWorkItem work);
// The backend determines the native resolution enqueuer, with a no-op
// default, so tools like dart2dart can ignore the native classes.
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeResolutionEnqueuer(world) {
return new native.NativeEnqueuer();
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeCodegenEnqueuer(world) {
return new native.NativeEnqueuer();
/// Generates the output and returns the total size of the generated code.
int assembleProgram();
List<CompilerTask> get tasks;
void onResolutionComplete() {}
void onTypeInferenceComplete() {}
ItemCompilationContext createItemCompilationContext() {
return new ItemCompilationContext();
bool classNeedsRti(ClassElement cls);
bool methodNeedsRti(FunctionElement function);
/// Enable compilation of code with compile time errors. Returns `true` if
/// supported by the backend.
bool enableCodegenWithErrorsIfSupported(Spannable node);
/// Enable deferred loading. Returns `true` if the backend supports deferred
/// loading.
bool enableDeferredLoadingIfSupported(Spannable node, Registry registry);
/// Called during codegen when [constant] has been used.
void registerCompileTimeConstant(ConstantValue constant, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution when a constant value for [metadata] on
/// [annotatedElement] has been evaluated.
void registerMetadataConstant(MetadataAnnotation metadata,
Element annotatedElement,
Registry registry) {}
/// Called to notify to the backend that a class is being instantiated.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this. It's only called once for each [cls] and
// only with [Compiler.globalDependencies] as [registry].
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
/// Called to notify to the backend that an interface type has been
/// instantiated.
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Register an is check to the backend.
void registerIsCheckForCodegen(DartType type,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
/// Register a runtime type variable bound tests between [typeArgument] and
/// [bound].
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(DartType typeArgument,
DartType bound) {}
/// Returns `true` if [element] represent the assert function.
bool isAssertMethod(Element element) => false;
* Call this to register that an instantiated generic class has a call
* method.
void registerCallMethodWithFreeTypeVariables(
Element callMethod,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
* Call this to register that a getter exists for a function on an
* instantiated generic class.
void registerClosureWithFreeTypeVariables(
Element closure,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
/// Call this to register that a member has been closurized.
void registerBoundClosure(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
/// Call this to register that a static function has been closurized.
void registerGetOfStaticFunction(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
* Call this to register that the [:runtimeType:] property has been accessed.
void registerRuntimeType(Enqueuer enqueuer, Registry registry) {}
/// Call this to register a `noSuchMethod` implementation.
void registerNoSuchMethod(FunctionElement noSuchMethodElement) {}
/// Call this method to enable support for `noSuchMethod`.
void enableNoSuchMethod(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
/// Returns whether or not `noSuchMethod` support has been enabled.
bool get enabledNoSuchMethod => false;
/// Call this method to enable support for isolates.
void enableIsolateSupport(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
void registerRequiredType(DartType type, Element enclosingElement) {}
void registerConstSymbol(String name, Registry registry) {}
void registerNewSymbol(Registry registry) {}
bool isNullImplementation(ClassElement cls) {
return cls == compiler.nullClass;
ClassElement get intImplementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement get doubleImplementation => compiler.doubleClass;
ClassElement get numImplementation => compiler.numClass;
ClassElement get stringImplementation => compiler.stringClass;
ClassElement get listImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get growableListImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get fixedListImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get constListImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get mapImplementation => compiler.mapClass;
ClassElement get constMapImplementation => compiler.mapClass;
ClassElement get functionImplementation => compiler.functionClass;
ClassElement get typeImplementation => compiler.typeClass;
ClassElement get boolImplementation => compiler.boolClass;
ClassElement get nullImplementation => compiler.nullClass;
ClassElement get uint32Implementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement get uint31Implementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement get positiveIntImplementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement defaultSuperclass(ClassElement element) => compiler.objectClass;
bool isInterceptorClass(ClassElement element) => false;
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a foreign element, that is, that the
/// backend has specialized handling for the element.
bool isForeign(Element element) => false;
/// Processes [element] for resolution and returns the [FunctionElement] that
/// defines the implementation of [element].
FunctionElement resolveExternalFunction(FunctionElement element) => element;
/// Returns `true` if [library] is a backend specific library whose members
/// have special treatment, such as being allowed to extends blacklisted
/// classes or member being eagerly resolved.
bool isBackendLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when patching is only done by the
// JavaScript backend.
Uri canonicalUri = library.canonicalUri;
if (canonicalUri == js_backend.JavaScriptBackend.DART_JS_HELPER ||
canonicalUri == js_backend.JavaScriptBackend.DART_INTERCEPTORS) {
return true;
return false;
void registerStaticUse(Element element, Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
/// This method is called immediately after the [LibraryElement] [library] has
/// been created.
void onLibraryCreated(LibraryElement library) {}
/// This method is called immediately after the [library] and its parts have
/// been scanned.
Future onLibraryScanned(LibraryElement library, LibraryLoader loader) {
if (library.canUseNative) {
library.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.isClass) {
checkNativeAnnotation(compiler, element);
return new Future.value();
/// This method is called when all new libraries loaded through
/// [LibraryLoader.loadLibrary] has been loaded and their imports/exports
/// have been computed.
Future onLibrariesLoaded(LoadedLibraries loadedLibraries) {
return new Future.value();
/// Called by [MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask] after it has merged all @MirrorsUsed
/// annotations. The arguments corresponds to the unions of the corresponding
/// fields of the annotations.
void registerMirrorUsage(Set<String> symbols,
Set<Element> targets,
Set<Element> metaTargets) {}
/// Returns true if this element needs reflection information at runtime.
bool isAccessibleByReflection(Element element) => true;
/// Returns true if this element is covered by a mirrorsUsed annotation.
/// Note that it might still be ok to tree shake the element away if no
/// reflection is used in the program (and thus [isTreeShakingDisabled] is
/// still false). Therefore _do not_ use this predicate to decide inclusion
/// in the tree, use [requiredByMirrorSystem] instead.
bool referencedFromMirrorSystem(Element element, [recursive]) => false;
/// Returns true if this element has to be enqueued due to
/// mirror usage. Might be a subset of [referencedFromMirrorSystem] if
/// normal tree shaking is still active ([isTreeShakingDisabled] is false).
bool requiredByMirrorSystem(Element element) => false;
/// Returns true if global optimizations such as type inferencing
/// can apply to this element. One category of elements that do not
/// apply is runtime helpers that the backend calls, but the
/// optimizations don't see those calls.
bool canBeUsedForGlobalOptimizations(Element element) => true;
/// Called when [enqueuer]'s queue is empty, but before it is closed.
/// This is used, for example, by the JS backend to enqueue additional
/// elements needed for reflection. [recentClasses] is a collection of
/// all classes seen for the first time by the [enqueuer] since the last call
/// to [onQueueEmpty].
/// A return value of [:true:] indicates that [recentClasses] has been
/// processed and its elements do not need to be seen in the next round. When
/// [:false:] is returned, [onQueueEmpty] will be called again once the
/// resolution queue has drained and [recentClasses] will be a superset of the
/// current value.
/// There is no guarantee that a class is only present once in
/// [recentClasses], but every class seen by the [enqueuer] will be present in
/// [recentClasses] at least once.
bool onQueueEmpty(Enqueuer enqueuer, Iterable<ClassElement> recentClasses) {
return true;
/// Called after the queue is closed. [onQueueEmpty] may be called multiple
/// times, but [onQueueClosed] is only called once.
void onQueueClosed() {}
/// Called when the compiler starts running the codegen enqueuer.
void onCodegenStart() {}
/// Called after [element] has been resolved.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change [TreeElements] to [Registry] or a dependency
// node. [elements] is currently unused by the implementation.
void onElementResolved(Element element, TreeElements elements) {}
// Does this element belong in the output
bool shouldOutput(Element element) => true;
FunctionElement helperForBadMain() => null;
FunctionElement helperForMissingMain() => null;
FunctionElement helperForMainArity() => null;
void forgetElement(Element element) {}
void registerMainHasArguments(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
void registerAsyncMarker(FunctionElement element,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}