blob: a78d590f344a6403c06ab3b52cb26763f5fc0579 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.task.strong_mode;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
* Set the type of the sole parameter of the given [element] to the given [type].
void setParameterType(PropertyAccessorElement element, DartType type) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElementImpl) {
ParameterElement parameter = _getParameter(element);
if (parameter is ParameterElementImpl) {
// Update the type of the parameter.
parameter.type = type;
// Update the type of the setter to reflect the new parameter type.
FunctionType functionType = element.type;
if (functionType is FunctionTypeImpl) {
element.type =
new FunctionTypeImpl(element, functionType.prunedTypedefs);
} else {
} else {
} else {
throw new StateError('element is an instance of ${element.runtimeType}');
* Set the return type of the given [element] to the given [type].
void setReturnType(ExecutableElement element, DartType type) {
if (element is ExecutableElementImpl) {
// Update the return type of the element, which is stored in two places:
// directly in the element and indirectly in the type of the element.
element.returnType = type;
FunctionType functionType = element.type;
if (functionType is FunctionTypeImpl) {
element.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(element, functionType.prunedTypedefs);
} else {
} else {
* Return the element for the single parameter of the given [setter], or `null`
* if the executable element is not a setter or does not have a single
* parameter.
ParameterElement _getParameter(ExecutableElement setter) {
if (setter is PropertyAccessorElement && setter.isSetter) {
List<ParameterElement> parameters = setter.parameters;
if (parameters.length == 1) {
return parameters[0];
return null;
* A function that returns `true` if the given [variable] passes the filter.
typedef bool VariableFilter(VariableElement element);
* An object used to infer the type of instance fields and the return types of
* instance methods within a single compilation unit.
class InstanceMemberInferrer {
* The type provider used to look up types.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
* The type system used to compute the least upper bound of types.
TypeSystem typeSystem;
* The inheritance manager used to find overridden method.
InheritanceManager inheritanceManager;
* The classes that have been visited while attempting to infer the types of
* instance members of some base class.
HashSet<ClassElementImpl> elementsBeingInferred =
new HashSet<ClassElementImpl>();
* Initialize a newly create inferrer.
InstanceMemberInferrer(this.typeProvider) {
typeSystem = new TypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
* Infer type information for all of the instance members in the given
* compilation [unit].
void inferCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement unit) {
inheritanceManager = new InheritanceManager(unit.library);
unit.types.forEach((ClassElement classElement) {
try {
} on _CycleException {
// This is a short circuit return to prevent types that inherit from
// types containing a circular reference from being inferred.
* Compute the best type for the [parameter] at the given [index] that must be
* compatible with the types of the corresponding parameters of the given
* [overriddenMethods].
* At the moment, this method will only return a type other than 'dynamic' if
* the types of all of the parameters are the same. In the future we might
* want to be smarter about it, such as by returning the least upper bound of
* the parameter types.
DartType _computeParameterType(ParameterElement parameter, int index,
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenMethods) {
DartType parameterType = null;
int length = overriddenMethods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
DartType type = _getTypeOfCorrespondingParameter(
parameter, index, overriddenMethods[i]);
if (parameterType == null) {
parameterType = type;
} else if (parameterType != type) {
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
return parameterType == null ? typeProvider.dynamicType : parameterType;
* Compute the best return type for a method that must be compatible with the
* return types of each of the given [overriddenMethods].
* At the moment, this method will only return a type other than 'dynamic' if
* the return types of all of the methods are the same. In the future we might
* want to be smarter about it.
DartType _computeReturnType(List<ExecutableElement> overriddenMethods) {
DartType returnType = null;
int length = overriddenMethods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
DartType type = _getReturnType(overriddenMethods[i]);
if (returnType == null) {
returnType = type;
} else if (returnType != type) {
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
return returnType == null ? typeProvider.dynamicType : returnType;
DartType _getReturnType(ExecutableElement element) {
DartType returnType = element.returnType;
if (returnType == null) {
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
return returnType;
* Given a [method], return the type of the parameter in the method that
* corresponds to the given [parameter]. If the parameter is positional, then
* it appears at the given [index] in its enclosing element's list of
* parameters.
DartType _getTypeOfCorrespondingParameter(
ParameterElement parameter, int index, ExecutableElement method) {
// Find the corresponding parameter.
List<ParameterElement> methodParameters = method.parameters;
ParameterElement matchingParameter = null;
if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
// If we're looking for a named parameter, only a named parameter with
// the same name will be matched.
matchingParameter = methodParameters.lastWhere(
(ParameterElement methodParameter) =>
methodParameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED && ==,
orElse: () => null);
} else {
// If we're looking for a positional parameter we ignore the difference
// between required and optional parameters.
if (index < methodParameters.length) {
matchingParameter = methodParameters[index];
if (matchingParameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
matchingParameter = null;
// Then return the type of the parameter.
return matchingParameter == null
? typeProvider.dynamicType
: matchingParameter.type;
* If the given [accessorElement] represents a non-synthetic instance getter
* for which no return type was provided, infer the return type of the getter.
void _inferAccessor(PropertyAccessorElement accessorElement) {
if (!accessorElement.isSynthetic &&
accessorElement.isGetter &&
!accessorElement.isStatic &&
accessorElement.hasImplicitReturnType) {
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenGetters = inheritanceManager
if (overriddenGetters.isNotEmpty && _onlyGetters(overriddenGetters)) {
DartType newType = _computeReturnType(overriddenGetters);
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenSetters = inheritanceManager
accessorElement.enclosingElement, + '=');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = (accessorElement.enclosingElement
as ClassElement).getSetter(;
if (setter != null) {
if (!_isCompatible(newType, overriddenSetters)) {
newType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
setReturnType(accessorElement, newType);
(accessorElement.variable as FieldElementImpl).type = newType;
* Infer type information for all of the instance members in the given
* [classElement].
void _inferClass(ClassElement classElement) {
if (classElement is ClassElementImpl) {
if (classElement.hasBeenInferred) {
if (!elementsBeingInferred.add(classElement)) {
// We have found a circularity in the class hierarchy. For now we just
// stop trying to infer any type information for any classes that
// inherit from any class in the cycle. We could potentially limit the
// algorithm to only not inferring types in the classes in the cycle,
// but it isn't clear that the results would be significantly better.
throw new _CycleException();
try {
// Ensure that all of instance members in the supertypes have had types
// inferred for them.
// Then infer the types for the members.
classElement.hasBeenInferred = true;
} finally {
* If the given [fieldElement] represents a non-synthetic instance field for
* which no type was provided, infer the type of the field.
void _inferField(FieldElement fieldElement) {
if (!fieldElement.isSynthetic &&
!fieldElement.isStatic &&
fieldElement.hasImplicitType) {
// First look for overridden getters with the same name as the field.
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenGetters = inheritanceManager
DartType newType = null;
if (overriddenGetters.isNotEmpty && _onlyGetters(overriddenGetters)) {
newType = _computeReturnType(overriddenGetters);
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenSetters = inheritanceManager
fieldElement.enclosingElement, + '=');
if (!_isCompatible(newType, overriddenSetters)) {
newType = null;
// Then, if none was found, infer the type from the initialization
// expression.
if (newType == null) {
if (fieldElement.initializer != null &&
(fieldElement.isFinal || overriddenGetters.isEmpty)) {
newType = fieldElement.initializer.returnType;
if (newType == null || newType.isBottom) {
newType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
(fieldElement as FieldElementImpl).type = newType;
setReturnType(fieldElement.getter, newType);
if (!fieldElement.isFinal && !fieldElement.isConst) {
setParameterType(fieldElement.setter, newType);
* If the given [methodElement] represents a non-synthetic instance method
* for which no return type was provided, infer the return type of the method.
void _inferMethod(MethodElement methodElement) {
if (methodElement.isSynthetic || methodElement.isStatic) {
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenMethods = null;
// Infer the return type.
if (methodElement.hasImplicitReturnType) {
overriddenMethods = inheritanceManager.lookupOverrides(
if (overriddenMethods.isEmpty || !_onlyMethods(overriddenMethods)) {
MethodElementImpl element = methodElement as MethodElementImpl;
setReturnType(element, _computeReturnType(overriddenMethods));
// Infer the parameter types.
List<ParameterElement> parameters = methodElement.parameters;
int length = parameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
ParameterElement parameter = parameters[i];
if (parameter is ParameterElementImpl && parameter.hasImplicitType) {
if (overriddenMethods == null) {
overriddenMethods = inheritanceManager.lookupOverrides(
if (overriddenMethods.isEmpty || !_onlyMethods(overriddenMethods)) {
parameter.type = _computeParameterType(parameter, i, overriddenMethods);
* Infer type information for all of the instance members in the given
* interface [type].
void _inferType(InterfaceType type) {
if (type != null) {
ClassElement element = type.element;
if (element != null) {
* Return `true` if the given [type] is compatible with the argument types of
* all of the given [setters].
bool _isCompatible(DartType type, List<ExecutableElement> setters) {
for (ExecutableElement setter in setters) {
ParameterElement parameter = _getParameter(setter);
if (parameter != null && !typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(parameter.type, type)) {
return false;
return true;
* Return `true` if the list of [elements] contains only getters.
bool _onlyGetters(List<ExecutableElement> elements) {
for (ExecutableElement element in elements) {
if (!(element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isGetter)) {
return false;
return true;
* Return `true` if the list of [elements] contains only methods.
bool _onlyMethods(List<ExecutableElement> elements) {
for (ExecutableElement element in elements) {
if (element is! MethodElement) {
return false;
return true;
* A visitor that will gather all of the variables referenced within a given
* AST structure. The collection can be restricted to contain only those
* variables that pass a specified filter.
class VariableGatherer extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
* The filter used to limit which variables are gathered, or `null` if no
* filtering is to be performed.
final VariableFilter filter;
* The variables that were found.
final Set<VariableElement> results = new HashSet<VariableElement>();
* Initialize a newly created gatherer to gather all of the variables that
* pass the given [filter] (or all variables if no filter is provided).
VariableGatherer([this.filter = null]);
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (!node.inDeclarationContext()) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isSynthetic) {
element = (element as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
if (element is VariableElement && (filter == null || filter(element))) {
* A class of exception that is not used anywhere else.
class _CycleException implements Exception {}