blob: d1695605c0f45f8ef2d1dae94a07df16f1bd8376 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.task.html;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' hide AnalysisTask;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/plugin/engine_plugin.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/html.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/model.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
* The Dart scripts that are embedded in an HTML file.
final ListResultDescriptor<DartScript> DART_SCRIPTS =
new ListResultDescriptor<DartScript>('DART_SCRIPTS', DartScript.EMPTY_LIST);
* The errors found while parsing an HTML file.
final ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError> HTML_DOCUMENT_ERRORS =
new ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError>(
* A Dart script that is embedded in an HTML file.
class DartScript implements Source {
* An empty list of scripts.
static final List<DartScript> EMPTY_LIST = <DartScript>[];
* The source containing this script.
final Source source;
* The fragments that comprise this content of the script.
final List<ScriptFragment> fragments;
* Initialize a newly created script in the given [source] that is composed of
* given [fragments].
DartScript(this.source, this.fragments);
TimestampedData<String> get contents =>
new TimestampedData(modificationStamp, fragments[0].content);
String get encoding => source.encoding;
String get fullName => source.fullName;
bool get isInSystemLibrary => source.isInSystemLibrary;
int get modificationStamp => source.modificationStamp;
String get shortName => source.shortName;
Uri get uri => throw new StateError('uri not supported for scripts');
UriKind get uriKind =>
throw new StateError('uriKind not supported for scripts');
bool exists() => source.exists();
Uri resolveRelativeUri(Uri relativeUri) =>
throw new StateError('resolveRelativeUri not supported for scripts');
* A task that looks for Dart scripts in an HTML file and computes both the Dart
* libraries that are referenced by those scripts and the embedded Dart scripts.
class DartScriptsTask extends SourceBasedAnalysisTask {
* The name of the [HTML_DOCUMENT] input.
static const String DOCUMENT_INPUT = 'DOCUMENT';
* The task descriptor describing this kind of task.
static final TaskDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = new TaskDescriptor(
DartScriptsTask(InternalAnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target)
: super(context, target);
TaskDescriptor get descriptor => DESCRIPTOR;
void internalPerform() {
// Prepare inputs.
Source source = target.source;
Document document = getRequiredInput(DOCUMENT_INPUT);
// Process the script tags.
List<Source> libraries = <Source>[];
List<DartScript> inlineScripts = <DartScript>[];
List<Element> scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (Element script in scripts) {
LinkedHashMap<dynamic, String> attributes = script.attributes;
if (attributes['type'] == 'application/dart') {
String src = attributes['src'];
if (src == null) {
if (script.hasContent()) {
List<ScriptFragment> fragments = <ScriptFragment>[];
for (Node node in script.nodes) {
if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
FileLocation start = node.sourceSpan.start;
fragments.add(new ScriptFragment(start.offset, start.line,
start.column, (node as Text).data));
inlineScripts.add(new DartScript(source, fragments));
} else if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(src)) {
Source source = context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(target.source, src);
if (source != null) {
// Record outputs.
libraries.isEmpty ? Source.EMPTY_LIST : libraries;
outputs[DART_SCRIPTS] =
inlineScripts.isEmpty ? DartScript.EMPTY_LIST : inlineScripts;
* Return a map from the names of the inputs of this kind of task to the task
* input descriptors describing those inputs for a task with the
* given [target].
static Map<String, TaskInput> buildInputs(Source target) {
return <String, TaskInput>{DOCUMENT_INPUT: HTML_DOCUMENT.of(target)};
* Create a [DartScriptsTask] based on the given [target] in the given
* [context].
static DartScriptsTask createTask(
AnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target) {
return new DartScriptsTask(context, target);
* A task that merges all of the errors for a single source into a single list
* of errors.
class HtmlErrorsTask extends SourceBasedAnalysisTask {
* The suffix to add to the names of contributed error results.
static const String INPUT_SUFFIX = '_input';
* The name of the input that is a list of errors from each of the embedded
* Dart scripts.
static const String DART_ERRORS_INPUT = 'DART_ERRORS';
* The task descriptor describing this kind of task.
static final TaskDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = new TaskDescriptor('HtmlErrorsTask',
createTask, buildInputs, <ResultDescriptor>[HTML_ERRORS]);
HtmlErrorsTask(InternalAnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target)
: super(context, target);
TaskDescriptor get descriptor => DESCRIPTOR;
void internalPerform() {
EnginePlugin enginePlugin = AnalysisEngine.instance.enginePlugin;
// Prepare inputs.
List<List<AnalysisError>> dartErrors = getRequiredInput(DART_ERRORS_INPUT);
List<List<AnalysisError>> htmlErrors = <List<AnalysisError>>[];
for (ResultDescriptor result in enginePlugin.htmlErrors) {
String inputName = + INPUT_SUFFIX;
// Compute the error list.
List<List<AnalysisError>> errorLists = <List<AnalysisError>>[];
// Record outputs.
outputs[HTML_ERRORS] = AnalysisError.mergeLists(errorLists);
* Return a map from the names of the inputs of this kind of task to the task
* input descriptors describing those inputs for a task with the
* given [target].
static Map<String, TaskInput> buildInputs(Source target) {
EnginePlugin enginePlugin = AnalysisEngine.instance.enginePlugin;
Map<String, TaskInput> inputs = <String, TaskInput>{
for (ResultDescriptor result in enginePlugin.htmlErrors) {
String inputName = + INPUT_SUFFIX;
inputs[inputName] = result.of(target);
return inputs;
* Create an [HtmlErrorsTask] based on the given [target] in the given
* [context].
static HtmlErrorsTask createTask(
AnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target) {
return new HtmlErrorsTask(context, target);
* A task that scans the content of a file, producing a set of Dart tokens.
class ParseHtmlTask extends SourceBasedAnalysisTask {
* The name of the input whose value is the content of the file.
* The task descriptor describing this kind of task.
static final TaskDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = new TaskDescriptor(
* Initialize a newly created task to access the content of the source
* associated with the given [target] in the given [context].
ParseHtmlTask(InternalAnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target)
: super(context, target);
TaskDescriptor get descriptor => DESCRIPTOR;
void internalPerform() {
String content = getRequiredInput(CONTENT_INPUT_NAME);
if (context.getModificationStamp(target.source) < 0) {
String message = 'Content could not be read';
if (context is InternalAnalysisContext) {
CacheEntry entry =
(context as InternalAnalysisContext).getCacheEntry(target);
CaughtException exception = entry.exception;
if (exception != null) {
message = exception.toString();
outputs[HTML_DOCUMENT] = new Document();
outputs[HTML_DOCUMENT_ERRORS] = <AnalysisError>[
new AnalysisError(
target.source, 0, 0, ScannerErrorCode.UNABLE_GET_CONTENT, [message])
} else {
HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(content, generateSpans: true);
parser.compatMode = 'quirks';
Document document = parser.parse();
List<ParseError> parseErrors = parser.errors;
List<AnalysisError> errors = <AnalysisError>[];
for (ParseError parseError in parseErrors) {
SourceSpan span = parseError.span;
errors.add(new AnalysisError(target.source, span.start.offset,
span.length, HtmlErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, [parseError.message]));
outputs[HTML_DOCUMENT] = document;
outputs[HTML_DOCUMENT_ERRORS] = errors;
* Return a map from the names of the inputs of this kind of task to the task
* input descriptors describing those inputs for a task with the given
* [source].
static Map<String, TaskInput> buildInputs(Source source) {
return <String, TaskInput>{CONTENT_INPUT_NAME: CONTENT.of(source)};
* Create a [ParseHtmlTask] based on the given [target] in the given [context].
static ParseHtmlTask createTask(
AnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target) {
return new ParseHtmlTask(context, target);
* A fragment of a [DartScript].
class ScriptFragment {
* The offset of the first character of the fragment, relative to the start of
* the containing source.
final int offset;
* The line number of the line containing the first character of the fragment.
final int line;
* The column number of the line containing the first character of the
* fragment.
final int column;
* The content of the fragment.
final String content;
* Initialize a newly created script fragment to have the given [offset] and
* [content].
ScriptFragment(this.offset, this.line, this.column, this.content);