blob: 4f2b76d434d0dc422c88cee2240adca12e9572e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _interceptors;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:_collection-dev';
import 'dart:_js_helper' show allMatchesInStringUnchecked,
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
part 'js_array.dart';
part 'js_number.dart';
part 'js_string.dart';
* Get the interceptor for [object]. Called by the compiler when it needs
* to emit a call to an intercepted method, that is a method that is
* defined in an interceptor class.
getInterceptor(object) {
// This is a magic method: the compiler does specialization of it
// depending on the uses of intercepted methods and instantiated
// primitive types.
* The name of the property used on native classes and `Object.prototype` to get
* the interceptor for a native class instance. The value is initialized on
* isolate startup to ensure no two Dart programs in the same page use the same
* property.
var dispatchPropertyName = null;
getDispatchProperty(object) {
// This is a magic method: the compiler replaces it with a runtime generated
// function
// function(object){return object._zzyzx;}
// where `_zzyzx` is replaced with the actual [dispatchPropertyName].
// The CSP compliant version replaces this function with one of a few
// pre-compiled accessors, unless the pre-compiled versions are all in use,
// when it falls back on this code.
return JS('', '#[#]', object, dispatchPropertyName);
setDispatchProperty(object, value) {
defineProperty(object, dispatchPropertyName, value);
makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, extension) {
// Dispatch records are stored in the prototype chain, and in some cases, on
// instances.
// The record layout and field usage is designed to minimize the number of
// operations on the common paths.
// [interceptor] is the interceptor - a holder of methods for the object,
// i.e. the prototype of the interceptor class.
// [proto] is usually the prototype, used to check that the dispatch record
// matches the object and is not the dispatch record of a superclass. Other
// values:
// - `false` for leaf classes that need no check.
// - `true` for Dart classes where the object is its own interceptor (unused)
// - a function used to continue matching.
// [extension] is used for irregular cases.
// proto interceptor extension action
// ----- ----------- --------- ------
// false I use interceptor I
// true - use object
// P I if object's prototype is P, use I
// F - P if object's prototype is P, call F
return JS('', '{i: #, p: #, e: #}', interceptor, proto, extension);
dispatchRecordInterceptor(record) => JS('', '#.i', record);
dispatchRecordProto(record) => JS('', '#.p', record);
dispatchRecordExtension(record) => JS('', '#.e', record);
* Returns the interceptor for a native class instance. Used by
* [getInterceptor].
getNativeInterceptor(object) {
var record = getDispatchProperty(object);
if (record != null) {
var proto = dispatchRecordProto(record);
if (false == proto) return dispatchRecordInterceptor(record);
if (true == proto) return object;
var objectProto = JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', object);
if (JS('bool', '# === #', proto, objectProto)) {
return dispatchRecordInterceptor(record);
var extension = dispatchRecordExtension(record);
if (JS('bool', '# === #', extension, objectProto)) {
// The extension handler will do any required patching. A typical use
// case is where one native class represents two Dart classes. The
// extension method will inspect the native object instance to determine
// its class and patch the instance. Needed to fix
return JS('', '(#)(#, #)', proto, object, record);
record = lookupDispatchRecord(object);
setDispatchProperty(JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', object), record);
return getNativeInterceptor(object);
* Initializes the [getDispatchProperty] function and [dispatchPropertyName]
* variable. Each isolate running in a web page needs a different
* [dispatchPropertyName], so if a given dispatch property name is in use by
* some other program loaded into the web page, another name is chosen.
* The non-CSP version is called like this:
* initializeDispatchProperty(
* function(x){$.getDispatchProperty=x},
* '_f4$Dxv7S',
* $.Interceptor);
* The [getDispatchProperty] function is generated from the chosen name of the
* property.
* The CSP version can't create functions via `new Function(...)`, so it is
* given a fixed set of functions to choose from. If all the property names in
* the fixed set of functions are in use, it falls back on the definition of
* [getDispatchProperty] above.
* initializeDispatchPropertyCSP(
* function(x){$.getDispatchProperty=x},
* [function(a){return a._f4$Dxv7S},
* function(a){return a._Q2zpL9iY}],
* $.Interceptor);
void initializeDispatchProperty(
setGetDispatchPropertyFn, rootProperty, jsObjectInterceptor) {
// We must be extremely careful to avoid any language feature that needs an
// interceptor. Avoid type annotations since they might generate type checks.
var objectProto = JS('=Object', 'Object.prototype');
for (var i = 0; ; i = JS('int', '# + 1', i)) {
var property = rootProperty;
if (JS('bool', '# > 0', i)) {
property = JS('String', '# + "_" + #', rootProperty, i);
if (JS('bool', 'typeof #[#] === "undefined"', objectProto, property)) {
dispatchPropertyName = property;
var getter = JS('', 'new Function("a", "return a." + #)', property);
JS('void', '#(#)', setGetDispatchPropertyFn, getter);
makeDispatchRecord(jsObjectInterceptor, objectProto, null));
void initializeDispatchPropertyCSP(
setGetDispatchPropertyFn, getterFunctions, jsObjectInterceptor) {
// We must be extremely careful to avoid any language feature that needs an
// interceptor. Avoid type annotations since they might generate type checks.
var objectProto = JS('=Object', 'Object.prototype');
var property = null;
var getter = null;
var rootProperty = null;
for (var i = 0; ; i = JS('int', '# + 1', i)) {
if (JS('bool', '# < #.length', i, getterFunctions)) {
getter = JS('', '#[#]', getterFunctions, i);
var fnText = JS('String', '"" + #', getter);
property =
JS('String', '#.match(#)[1]', fnText, JS('', r'/\.([^;}]*)/'));
rootProperty = property;
} else {
getter = null;
property = JS('String', '# + "_" + #', rootProperty, i);
if (JS('bool', 'typeof #[#] === "undefined"', objectProto, property)) {
dispatchPropertyName = property;
if (!identical(getter, null)) {
JS('void', '#(#)', setGetDispatchPropertyFn, getter);
makeDispatchRecord(jsObjectInterceptor, objectProto, null));
* If [JSInvocationMirror._invokeOn] is being used, this variable
* contains a JavaScript array with the names of methods that are
* intercepted.
var interceptedNames;
* The base interceptor class.
* The code `` is compiled to `getInterceptor(r).foo$1(r, a)`. The
* value returned by [getInterceptor] holds the methods separately from the
* state of the instance. The compiler converts the methods on an interceptor
* to take the Dart `this` argument as an explicit `receiver` argument. The
* JavaScript `this` parameter is bound to the interceptor.
* In order to have uniform call sites, if a method is defined on an
* interceptor, methods of that name on plain unintercepted classes also use the
* interceptor calling convention. The plain classes are _self-interceptors_,
* and for them, `getInterceptor(r)` returns `r`. Methods on plain
* unintercepted classes have a redundant `receiver` argument and should ignore
* it in favour of `this`.
* In the case of mixins, a method may be placed on both an intercepted class
* and an unintercepted class. In this case, the method must use the `receiver`
* parameter.
* There are various optimizations of the general call pattern.
* When the interceptor can be statically determined, it can be used directly:
*$1(r, a)
* If there are only a few classes, [getInterceptor] can be specialized with a
* more efficient dispatch:
* getInterceptor$specialized(r).foo$1(r, a)
* If it can be determined that the receiver is an unintercepted class, it can
* be called directly:
*$1(r, a)
* If, further, it is known that the call site cannot call a foo that is
* mixed-in to a native class, then it is known that the explicit receiver is
* ignored, and space-saving dummy value can be passed instead:
*$1(0, a)
* This class defines implementations of *all* methods on [Object] so no
* interceptor inherits an implementation from [Object]. This enables the
* implementations on Object to ignore the explicit receiver argument, which
* allows dummy receiver optimization.
abstract class Interceptor {
const Interceptor();
bool operator ==(other) => identical(this, other);
int get hashCode => Primitives.objectHashCode(this);
String toString() => Primitives.objectToString(this);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this,
Type get runtimeType => getRuntimeType(this);
* The interceptor class for tear-off static methods. Unlike
* tear-off instance methods, tear-off static methods are just the JS
* function, and methods inherited from Object must therefore be
* intercepted.
class JSFunction extends Interceptor implements Function {
const JSFunction();
String toString() => 'Closure';
* The interceptor class for [bool].
class JSBool extends Interceptor implements bool {
const JSBool();
// Note: if you change this, also change the function [S].
String toString() => JS('String', r'String(#)', this);
// The values here are SMIs, co-prime and differ about half of the bit
// positions, including the low bit, so they are different mod 2^k.
int get hashCode => this ? (2 * 3 * 23 * 3761) : (269 * 811);
Type get runtimeType => bool;
* The interceptor class for [Null].
* This class defines implementations for *all* methods on [Object] since the
* the methods on Object assume the receiver is non-null. This means that
* JSNull will always be in the interceptor set for methods defined on Object.
class JSNull extends Interceptor implements Null {
const JSNull();
bool operator ==(other) => identical(null, other);
// Note: if you change this, also change the function [S].
String toString() => 'null';
int get hashCode => 0;
Type get runtimeType => Null;
* The supertype for JSString and JSArray. Used by the backend as to
* have a type mask that contains the objects that we can use the
* native JS [] operator and length on.
abstract class JSIndexable {
int get length;
operator[](int index);
* The supertype for JSMutableArray and
* JavaScriptIndexingBehavior. Used by the backend to have a type mask
* that contains the objects we can use the JS []= operator on.
abstract class JSMutableIndexable extends JSIndexable {
operator[]=(int index, var value);