blob: e6f0ad3f9cb1a7487dad2997f80ce5b4ddf75c91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:wasm';
// Signature of the inner function of a `sync*` function. It takes the state
// object and a pending exception to be thrown (only for `yield*`).
// The function returns `true` if it is suspended by a `yield` or `yield*`, or
// `false` if it reaches the end of the function or a `return` statement.
typedef _ResumeFun
= WasmFunction<bool Function(_SuspendState, Object?, StackTrace?)>;
// The CFG target index of the entry point to the `sync*` body.
const int _initialTargetIndex = 0;
// The execution state of a `sync*` function body.
class _SuspendState {
// The inner function.
final _ResumeFun _resume;
// Parent state to transition to when this body completes. This will be
// present when the `sync*` iterable was consumed by a `yield*`.
final _SuspendState? _parent;
// The iterator that this state belongs to. All states in the parent chain
// belong to the same iterator.
_SyncStarIterator? _iterator;
// Context containing the local variables of the function.
WasmStructRef? _context;
// CFG target index for the next resumption.
WasmI32 _targetIndex;
_SuspendState(_SyncStarIterable iterable, _SuspendState? parent)
: _resume = iterable._resume,
_parent = parent,
_context = iterable._context,
_targetIndex = WasmI32.fromInt(_initialTargetIndex);
/// An [Iterable] returned from a `sync*` function.
class _SyncStarIterable<T> extends Iterable<T> {
// Context capturing the arguments to the `sync*` function and/or further
// context when the `sync*` function is a lambda.
WasmStructRef? _context;
// The inner function.
_ResumeFun _resume;
external _SyncStarIterable();
Iterator<T> get iterator {
return _SyncStarIterator<T>(this);
/// An [Iterator] for a `sync*` function.
class _SyncStarIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
// The resume function sets either [_current] (for `yield`) or
// [_yieldStarIterable] (for `yield*`).
T? _current;
Iterable<T>? _yieldStarIterable;
// Current iterator for a `yield*` if the iterable given to the `yield*` is
// not a `_YieldStarIterable`.
Iterator<T>? _yieldStarIterator;
// Current state.
_SuspendState _state;
T get current => _current as T;
_SyncStarIterator(_SyncStarIterable iterable)
: _state = _SuspendState(iterable, null) {
_state._iterator = this;
bool _handleSyncStarMethodCompletion() {
if (_state._parent != null) {
_state = _state._parent!;
return true;
_current = null;
return false;
bool moveNext() {
Object? pendingException;
StackTrace? pendingStackTrace;
while (true) {
// First delegate to an active nested iterator (if any).
final iterator = _yieldStarIterator;
if (iterator != null) {
try {
if (iterator.moveNext()) {
_current = iterator.current;
return true;
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
pendingException = exception;
pendingStackTrace = stackTrace;
_yieldStarIterator = null;
try {
// Resume current sync* method in order to move to the next value.
final bool hasMore =, pendingException, pendingStackTrace);
pendingException = null;
pendingStackTrace = null;
if (!hasMore) {
if (_handleSyncStarMethodCompletion()) {
return false;
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
pendingException = exception;
pendingStackTrace = stackTrace;
if (_handleSyncStarMethodCompletion()) {
// Case: yield* some_iterator.
final iterable = _yieldStarIterable;
if (iterable != null) {
if (iterable is _SyncStarIterable<T>) {
// We got a recursive yield* of sync* function. Instead of creating
// a new iterator we replace our current _state (remembering the
// current _state for later resumption).
_state = _SuspendState(iterable, _state).._iterator = this;
} else {
_yieldStarIterator = iterable.iterator;
_yieldStarIterable = null;
_current = null;
// Fetch the next item.
// Inner function has set [_current].
return true;