blob: a5d88a525a7e1724d29a20f60c88a3065286e858 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/search/element_references.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/element_locator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
/// Returns the container for [element] that should be used in Call Hierarchy.
/// Returns `null` if none of [elements] are valid containers.
/// This is used to construct (and group calls by) a [CallHierarchyItem] that
/// contains calls and also locate their containers for additional labelling.
Element? _getContainer(Element element) {
const containerKinds = {
return element.thisOrAncestorMatching(
(ancestor) => containerKinds.contains(ancestor.kind));
/// Gets a user-friendly display name for [element].
String _getDisplayName(Element element) {
return element is CompilationUnitElement
? element.source.shortName
: element is PropertyAccessorElement
? element.isGetter
? 'get ${element.displayName}'
: 'set ${element.displayName}'
: element.displayName;
/// A [CallHierarchyItem] and a set of ranges that call to or from it.
class CallHierarchyCalls {
final CallHierarchyItem item;
final List<SourceRange> ranges;
CallHierarchyCalls(this.item, [List<SourceRange>? ranges])
: ranges = ranges ?? [];
/// An item that can appear in a Call Hierarchy.
/// Items are the containers that can contain calls to other items. This
/// includes not only functions and methods, but classes (because they can call
/// functions in class field initializers) and files (because they can call
/// functions in top level variable initializers).
/// Implicit constructors are represented using the location of their classes
/// (since do not themselves have a range) but a [kind] of
/// [CallHierarchyKind.constructor].
class CallHierarchyItem {
/// The kind of this item in the Call Hierarchy.
/// This may be used to select an icon to show in the Call Hierarchy tree.
final CallHierarchyKind kind;
/// The user-visible name for this item in the Call Hierarchy.
final String displayName;
/// The user-visible name for the container of this item in the Call
/// Hierarchy.
/// `null` if this item does not have a named container.
late final String? containerName;
/// The file that contains the declaration of this item.
final String file;
/// The range of the name at the declaration of this item.
final SourceRange nameRange;
/// The range of the code for the declaration of this item.
final SourceRange codeRange;
required this.displayName,
required this.containerName,
required this.kind,
required this.file,
required this.nameRange,
required this.codeRange,
CallHierarchyItem.forElement(Element element)
: displayName = _getDisplayName(element),
nameRange = _nameRangeForElement(element),
codeRange = _codeRangeForElement(element),
file = element.source!.fullName,
kind = CallHierarchyKind.forElement(element) {
final enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
final container =
enclosingElement != null ? _getContainer(enclosingElement) : null;
containerName = container != null ? _getDisplayName(container) : null;
/// Returns the [SourceRange] of the code for [element].
static SourceRange _codeRangeForElement(Element element) {
// For synthetic items (like implicit constructors), use the nonSynthetic
// element for the location.
final elementImpl = element.nonSynthetic as ElementImpl;
// Non-synthetic elements should always have code locations.
return SourceRange(elementImpl.codeOffset!, elementImpl.codeLength!);
/// Returns the [SourceRange] of the name for [element].
static SourceRange _nameRangeForElement(Element element) {
// For synthetic items (like implicit constructors), use the nonSynthetic
// element for the location.
element = element.nonSynthetic;
// Compilation units will return -1 for nameOffset which is not valid, so
//use 0:0.
return element.nameOffset == -1
? SourceRange(0, 0)
: SourceRange(element.nameOffset, element.nameLength);
/// Kinds of [CallHierarchyItem] that can make calls to other
/// [CallHierarchyItem]s.
enum CallHierarchyKind {
static const _elementMapping = {
ElementKind.CLASS: class_,
ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT: file,
ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR: constructor,
ElementKind.EXTENSION: extension,
ElementKind.FUNCTION: function,
ElementKind.GETTER: property,
ElementKind.METHOD: method,
ElementKind.SETTER: property,
static CallHierarchyKind forElement(Element element) =>
_elementMapping[element.kind] ?? unknown;
/// A computer for Call Hierarchies.
/// Call Hierarchies are computed lazily and roughly follow the LSP model, which
/// is:
/// 1. Client calls `findTarget(int offset)` to locate a starting point for
/// navigation. The starting point is always based on the declaration of
/// the executable code even if invoked at a call site.
/// 2. Client passes the returned target into `findIncomingCalls()` or
/// `findOutgoingCalls()` to find relevant calls in to/out of that item.
/// The result will contain a set of other items, along with the ranges
/// of the calls in or out.
/// It is expected that clients will call the methods above at different times
/// (as the user expands items in a tree). It is up to the caller to handle
/// cases where a target may no longer be valid (due to file modifications) that
/// may result in inconsistent results.
class DartCallHierarchyComputer {
final ResolvedUnitResult _result;
/// Finds incoming calls to [target], returning the elements that call them
/// and ranges of those calls within.
/// Returns an empty list if [target] is not valid, including if source code
/// has changed and its offset is no longer correct.
Future<List<CallHierarchyCalls>> findIncomingCalls(
CallHierarchyItem target,
SearchEngine searchEngine,
) async {
assert(target.file == _result.path);
final node = _findTargetNode(target.nameRange.offset);
var element = _getElementOfNode(node);
if (element == null || !_isMatchingElement(element, target)) {
return [];
// Implicit constructors are handled using the Class element and a kind of
// `constructor`, because we need to locate them using an `offset`, which
// implicit constructors do not have.
// Here, we map them back to the synthetic constructor element.
final isImplicitConstructor = element is InterfaceElement &&
target.kind == CallHierarchyKind.constructor;
if (isImplicitConstructor) {
element = element.unnamedConstructor;
// We only find incoming calls to executable elements.
if (element is! ExecutableElement) {
return [];
final computer = ElementReferencesComputer(searchEngine);
final references = await computer.compute(element, false);
// Group results by their container, since we only want to return a single
// entry for a body, with a set of ranges within.
final resultsByContainer = <Element, CallHierarchyCalls>{};
// We may need to fetch parsed results for the other files, reuse them
// across calls.
final parsedUnits = <String, SomeParsedUnitResult?>{};
for (final reference in references) {
final container = _getContainer(reference.element);
if (container == null) {
// Create an item for a container the first time we see it.
final containerCalls = resultsByContainer.putIfAbsent(
() => CallHierarchyCalls(CallHierarchyItem.forElement(container)),
// Add this match to the containers results.
final range = _rangeForSearchMatch(reference, parsedUnits);
return resultsByContainer.values.toList();
/// Finds outgoing calls from [target], returning the elements that are called
/// and the ranges that call them.
/// Returns an empty list if [target] is not valid, including if source code
/// has changed and its offset is no longer correct.
Future<List<CallHierarchyCalls>> findOutgoingCalls(
CallHierarchyItem target,
) async {
assert(target.file == _result.path);
final node = _findTargetNode(target.nameRange.offset);
final element = _getElementOfNode(node);
if (node == null ||
element == null ||
!_isMatchingElement(element, target)) {
return [];
// Don't look for outbound calls in things that aren't functions.
if (!(node is FunctionDeclaration ||
node is ConstructorDeclaration ||
node is MethodDeclaration)) {
return [];
final referenceNodes = <AstNode>{};
node.accept(_OutboundCallVisitor(node, referenceNodes.add));
// Group results by their target, since we only want to return a single
// entry for each target, with a set of ranges that call it.
final resultsByTarget = <Element, CallHierarchyCalls>{};
for (final referenceNode in referenceNodes) {
final target = _getElementOfNode(referenceNode);
if (target == null) {
// Create an item for a target the first time we see it.
final calls = resultsByTarget.putIfAbsent(
() => CallHierarchyCalls(CallHierarchyItem.forElement(target)),
// Add this call to the targets results.
final range = _rangeForNode(referenceNode);
return resultsByTarget.values.toList();
/// Finds a target for starting call hierarchy navigation at [offset].
/// If [offset] is an invocation, returns information about the [Element] it
/// refers to.
CallHierarchyItem? findTarget(int offset) {
final node = _findTargetNode(offset);
final element = _getElementOfNode(node);
// We only return targets that are executable elements.
return element is ExecutableElement
? CallHierarchyItem.forElement(element)
: null;
/// Finds a target node for call hierarchy navigation at [offset].
AstNode? _findTargetNode(int offset) {
var node = NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(_result.unit);
if (node is SimpleIdentifier &&
node.parent != null &&
node.parent is! VariableDeclaration &&
node.parent is! AssignmentExpression) {
node = node.parent;
// For consistency with other places, we only treat the type name as the
// constructor for unnamed constructor (since we use the constructors name
// as the target).
if (node is NamedType) {
final parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorName) {
final name =;
if (name != null && offset < name.offset) {
return null;
} else if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
final name =;
if (name != null && offset < name.offset) {
return null;
return node;
/// Return the [Element] of the given [node], or `null` if [node] is `null`,
/// does not have an element, or the element is not a valid target for call
/// hierarchy.
Element? _getElementOfNode(AstNode? node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
final parent = node.parent;
// ElementLocator returns the class for default constructor calls and null
// for constructor names.
if (node is NamedType && parent is ConstructorName) {
return parent.staticElement;
} else if (node is ConstructorName) {
return node.staticElement;
} else if (node is PropertyAccess) {
node = node.propertyName;
final element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
// Don't consider synthetic getter/setter for a field to be executable
// since they don't contain any executable code.
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isSynthetic) {
return null;
return element;
/// Checks whether [element] is a match for [target].
/// This is used to ensure calls are only returned for the expected target
/// if source code has changed since the earlier request that provided
/// [target] to the client.
bool _isMatchingElement(Element element, CallHierarchyItem target) {
return _getDisplayName(element) == target.displayName;
/// Returns the [SourceRange] to use for [node].
/// The returned range covers only the name of the target and does not include
/// the argument list.
SourceRange _rangeForNode(AstNode node) {
if (node is MethodInvocation) {
return SourceRange(
} else if (node is InstanceCreationExpression) {
return SourceRange(
} else if (node is PropertyAccess) {
return SourceRange(
return SourceRange(node.offset, node.length);
/// Returns the [SourceRange] for [match].
/// Usually this is the range returned from the search index, but sometimes it
/// will be adjusted to reflect the source range that should be highlighted
/// for this call. For example, an unnamed constructor may be given a range
/// covering the type name (whereas the index has a zero-width range after the
/// type name).
SourceRange _rangeForSearchMatch(
SearchMatch match,
Map<String, SomeParsedUnitResult?> parsedUnits,
) {
var offset = match.sourceRange.offset;
var length = match.sourceRange.length;
final file = match.file;
final result = parsedUnits.putIfAbsent(
() => _result.session.getParsedUnit(file),
if (result is ParsedUnitResult) {
final node = NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(result.unit);
if (node != null && !node.isSynthetic) {
final parent = node.parent;
// Handle named constructors which have their `.` included in the
// search index range, but we just want to highlight the name.
if (node is SimpleIdentifier && parent is MethodInvocation) {
offset = parent.methodName.offset;
length = parent.methodName.length;
} else if (length == 0) {
// If the search index length was 0, prefer the nodes range.
offset = node.offset;
length = node.length;
return SourceRange(offset, length);
/// Collects outbound calls from a node.
class _OutboundCallVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor<void> {
final AstNode root;
final void Function(AstNode) collect;
_OutboundCallVisitor(this.root, this.collect);
void visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
collect( ?? node);
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
// Only descend into function declarations if they are the target/root
// function.
if (node == root) {
void visitFunctionReference(FunctionReference node) {
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
// Don't collect prefixed identifiers that are just type names. We only
// want invocations and tear-offs.
if (node.parent is! NamedType) {
void visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.staticElement is FunctionElement && !node.inDeclarationContext()) {