blob: 82946a46855965fc47dd6ca8af11074e785249d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.5
// All imports must be in all FFI patch files to not depend on the order
// the patches are applied.
import "dart:_internal" show patch;
import 'dart:typed_data' show TypedData;
const Map<Type, int> _knownSizes = {
Int8: 1,
Uint8: 1,
Int16: 2,
Uint16: 2,
Int32: 4,
Uint32: 4,
Int64: 8,
Uint64: 8,
Float: 4,
Double: 8,
final int _intPtrSize = [8, 4, 4][_abi()];
int sizeOf<T extends NativeType>() {
// This is not super fast, but it is faster than a runtime entry.
// Hot loops with elementAt().load() do not use this sizeOf, elementAt is
// optimized per NativeType statically to prevent use of sizeOf at runtime.
final int knownSize = _knownSizes[T];
if (knownSize != null) return knownSize;
if (T == IntPtr) return _intPtrSize;
if (T == Pointer) return _intPtrSize;
// For structs we fall back to a runtime entry.
return _sizeOf<T>();
int _sizeOf<T extends NativeType>() native "Ffi_sizeOf";
Pointer<T> _allocate<T extends NativeType>(int count) native "Ffi_allocate";
// Implemented in the method recognizer, bytecode interpreter uses runtime.
Pointer<T> _fromAddress<T extends NativeType>(int ptr) native "Ffi_fromAddress";
// The real implementation of this function (for interface calls) lives in
// BuildFfiAsFunctionCall in the Kernel frontend. No calls can actually reach
// this function.
DS _asFunctionInternal<DS extends Function, NS extends Function>(
Pointer<NativeFunction<NS>> ptr) native "Ffi_asFunctionInternal";
dynamic _asExternalTypedData(Pointer ptr, int count)
native "Ffi_asExternalTypedData";
// Returns a Function object for a native callback.
// Calls to [Pointer.fromFunction] are re-written by the FE into calls to this
// method + _pointerFromFunction. All three arguments must be constants.
// In AOT we evaluate calls to this function during precompilation and replace
// them with Constant instruction referencing the callback trampoline, to ensure
// that it will be precompiled.
// In all JIT modes we call a native runtime entry. We *cannot* use the IL
// implementation, since that would pull the callback trampoline into JIT
// snapshots. The callback trampolines can only be serialized into AOT snapshots
// because they embed the addresses of runtime routines in JIT mode.
Object _nativeCallbackFunction<NS extends Function>(Function target,
Object exceptionalReturn) native "Ffi_nativeCallbackFunction";
Pointer<NS> _pointerFromFunction<NS extends NativeFunction>(Object function)
native "Ffi_pointerFromFunction";
class Pointer<T extends NativeType> {
factory Pointer.allocate({int count: 1}) => _allocate<T>(count);
factory Pointer.fromAddress(int ptr) => _fromAddress(ptr);
// All static calls to this method are replaced by the FE into
// _nativeCallbackFunction + _pointerFromFunction.
// We still need to throw an error on a dynamic invocations, invocations
// through tearoffs or reflective calls.
static Pointer<NativeFunction<T>> fromFunction<T extends Function>(
@DartRepresentationOf("T") Function f,
[Object exceptionalReturn]) {
throw UnsupportedError(
"Pointer.fromFunction cannot be called dynamically.");
// TODO(sjindel): When NNBD is available, we should change `value` to be
// non-null.
// For statically known types, this is rewired.
void store(Object value) =>
throw UnsupportedError(" cannot be called dynamically.");
// For statically known types, this is rewired.
R load<R>() =>
throw UnsupportedError("Pointer.load cannot be called dynamically.");
// Implemented in the method recognizer, bytecode interpreter uses runtime.
int get address native "Ffi_address";
// For statically known types, this is rewired.
// (Method sizeOf is slow, see notes above.)
Pointer<T> elementAt(int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(address + sizeOf<T>() * index);
Pointer<T> _offsetBy(int offsetInBytes) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(address + offsetInBytes);
Pointer<U> cast<U extends NativeType>() => Pointer.fromAddress(address);
R asFunction<R extends Function>() {
throw UnsupportedError("Pointer.asFunction cannot be called dynamically.");
void free() native "Ffi_free";
TypedData asExternalTypedData({int count: 1}) =>
_asExternalTypedData(this, count);
/// Returns an integer encoding the ABI used for size and alignment
/// calculations. See pkg/vm/lib/transformations/ffi.dart.
int _abi()
native "Recognized method: method is directly interpreted by the bytecode interpreter or IR graph is built in the flow graph builder.";
// The following functions are implemented in the method recognizer, but the
// bytecode interpreter uses native entries.
// TODO(38172): Since these are not inlined (force optimize), they force
// allocating a Pointer with in elementAt/offsetBy. Allocating these pointers
// and GCing new spaces takes a lot of the benchmark time. The next speedup is
// getting rid of these allocations by inlining these functions.
// TODO(37773): Change _loadInt8 etc to take an index.
int _loadInt8(Pointer<Int8> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadInt8";
int _loadInt16(Pointer<Int16> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadInt16";
int _loadInt32(Pointer<Int32> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadInt32";
int _loadInt64(Pointer<Int64> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadInt64";
int _loadUint8(Pointer<Uint8> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadUint8";
int _loadUint16(Pointer<Uint16> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadUint16";
int _loadUint32(Pointer<Uint32> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadUint32";
int _loadUint64(Pointer<Uint64> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadUint64";
int _loadIntPtr(Pointer<IntPtr> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadIntPtr";
double _loadFloat(Pointer<Float> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadFloat";
double _loadDouble(Pointer<Double> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadDouble";
Pointer<S> _loadPointer<S extends NativeType>(
Pointer<Pointer<S>> pointer, int index) native "Ffi_loadPointer";
S _loadStruct<S extends Struct>(Pointer<S> pointer, int index)
native "Ffi_loadStruct";
void _storeInt8(Pointer<Int8> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeInt8";
void _storeInt16(Pointer<Int16> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeInt16";
void _storeInt32(Pointer<Int32> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeInt32";
void _storeInt64(Pointer<Int64> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeInt64";
void _storeUint8(Pointer<Uint8> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeUint8";
void _storeUint16(Pointer<Uint16> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeUint16";
void _storeUint32(Pointer<Uint32> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeUint32";
void _storeUint64(Pointer<Uint64> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeUint64";
void _storeIntPtr(Pointer<IntPtr> pointer, int index, int value)
native "Ffi_storeIntPtr";
void _storeFloat(Pointer<Float> pointer, int index, double value)
native "Ffi_storeFloat";
void _storeDouble(Pointer<Double> pointer, int index, double value)
native "Ffi_storeDouble";
void _storePointer<S extends NativeType>(Pointer<Pointer<S>> pointer, int index,
Pointer<S> value) native "Ffi_storePointer";
Pointer<Int8> _elementAtInt8(Pointer<Int8> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 1 * index);
Pointer<Int16> _elementAtInt16(Pointer<Int16> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 2 * index);
Pointer<Int32> _elementAtInt32(Pointer<Int32> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 4 * index);
Pointer<Int64> _elementAtInt64(Pointer<Int64> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 8 * index);
Pointer<Uint8> _elementAtUint8(Pointer<Uint8> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 1 * index);
Pointer<Uint16> _elementAtUint16(Pointer<Uint16> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 2 * index);
Pointer<Uint32> _elementAtUint32(Pointer<Uint32> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 4 * index);
Pointer<Uint64> _elementAtUint64(Pointer<Uint64> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 8 * index);
Pointer<IntPtr> _elementAtIntPtr(Pointer<IntPtr> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + _intPtrSize * index);
Pointer<Float> _elementAtFloat(Pointer<Float> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 4 * index);
Pointer<Double> _elementAtDouble(Pointer<Double> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + 8 * index);
Pointer<Pointer<S>> _elementAtPointer<S extends NativeType>(
Pointer<Pointer<S>> pointer, int index) =>
Pointer.fromAddress(pointer.address + _intPtrSize * index);
// The following code is generated, do not edit by hand.
// Code generated by `runtime/tools/ffi/sdk_lib_ffi_generator.dart`.
extension Int8Pointer on Pointer<Int8> {
int get value => _loadInt8(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeInt8(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadInt8(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeInt8(this, index, value);
extension Int16Pointer on Pointer<Int16> {
int get value => _loadInt16(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeInt16(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadInt16(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeInt16(this, index, value);
extension Int32Pointer on Pointer<Int32> {
int get value => _loadInt32(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeInt32(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadInt32(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeInt32(this, index, value);
extension Int64Pointer on Pointer<Int64> {
int get value => _loadInt64(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeInt64(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadInt64(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeInt64(this, index, value);
extension Uint8Pointer on Pointer<Uint8> {
int get value => _loadUint8(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeUint8(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadUint8(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeUint8(this, index, value);
extension Uint16Pointer on Pointer<Uint16> {
int get value => _loadUint16(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeUint16(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadUint16(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeUint16(this, index, value);
extension Uint32Pointer on Pointer<Uint32> {
int get value => _loadUint32(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeUint32(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadUint32(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeUint32(this, index, value);
extension Uint64Pointer on Pointer<Uint64> {
int get value => _loadUint64(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeUint64(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadUint64(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeUint64(this, index, value);
extension IntPtrPointer on Pointer<IntPtr> {
int get value => _loadIntPtr(this, 0);
set value(int value) => _storeIntPtr(this, 0, value);
int operator [](int index) => _loadIntPtr(this, index);
operator []=(int index, int value) => _storeIntPtr(this, index, value);
extension FloatPointer on Pointer<Float> {
double get value => _loadFloat(this, 0);
set value(double value) => _storeFloat(this, 0, value);
double operator [](int index) => _loadFloat(this, index);
operator []=(int index, double value) => _storeFloat(this, index, value);
extension DoublePointer on Pointer<Double> {
double get value => _loadDouble(this, 0);
set value(double value) => _storeDouble(this, 0, value);
double operator [](int index) => _loadDouble(this, index);
operator []=(int index, double value) => _storeDouble(this, index, value);
// End of generated code.
extension PointerPointer<T extends NativeType> on Pointer<Pointer<T>> {
Pointer<T> get value => _loadPointer(this, 0);
set value(Pointer<T> value) => _storePointer(this, 0, value);
Pointer<T> operator [](int index) => _loadPointer(this, index);
operator []=(int index, Pointer<T> value) =>
_storePointer(this, index, value);
extension StructPointer<T extends Struct> on Pointer<T> {
T get ref => _loadStruct(this, 0);
T operator [](int index) => _loadStruct(this, index);