blob: 587a193cf09727008064967a033bf5a5c7bfcd50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/dependency/library_builder.dart'
hide buildLibrary;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/dependency/node.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
final dartCoreUri = Uri.parse('dart:core');
class ExpressionReferenceCollectorTest extends _Base {
test_adjacentStrings() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
'foo' '$x' 'bar';
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_asExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x as Y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['Y', 'x']);
test_assignmentExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x = y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_assignmentExpression_compound() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
operator+(_) {}
class B extends A {}
B x, y;
test() {
x += y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', '+')]);
test_assignmentExpression_nullAware() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x ??= y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_awaitExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() async {
await x;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_binaryExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
operator+(_) {}
class B extends A {}
B x, y;
test() {
x + y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', '+')]);
test_binaryExpression_int() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
int operator+(_) {}
A x;
test() {
x + 1 + 2;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: [
], expectedMembers: [
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', '+'),
_ExpectedClassMember(dartCoreUri, 'int', '+'),
test_binaryExpression_sort() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
operator*(_) {}
class B {
operator+(_) {}
A a;
B b;
test() {
(b + 1) + a * 2;
unprefixed: ['a', 'b'],
expectedMembers: [
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', '*'),
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', '+'),
test_binaryExpression_unique() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
A operator+(_) => null;
A x;
test() {
x + 1 + 2 + 3;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', '+')]);
test_binaryExpression_unresolvedOperator() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
A x, y;
test() {
x + y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', '+')]);
test_binaryExpression_unresolvedTarget() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x + y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_booleanLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_cascadeExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
A x;
test() {
x = z;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: [
], expectedMembers: [
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'bar'),
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'foo'),
// TODO(scheglov) should be `bar=`
test_conditionalExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x ? y : z;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y', 'z']);
test_doubleLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_functionExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
<T extends A, U extends T>(B b, C c, T t, U u) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'x']);
test_functionExpressionInvocation() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
(x)<T>(y, z);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['T', 'x', 'y', 'z']);
test_indexExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitNew_named() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
test() {
new A<T>.named(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'named')]);
test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitNew_unnamed() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
test() {
new A<T>(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', '')]);
test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitNew_unresolvedClass() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
new A<T>.named(x);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x']);
test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitNew_named() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
test() {
A<T>.named(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'named')]);
test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitNew_unnamed() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
test() {
A<T>(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x', 'y'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', '')]);
test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitNew_unresolvedClass_named() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
A<T>.named(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x', 'y']);
test_integerLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_isExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x is Y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['Y', 'x']);
test_listLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
<A>[x, y];
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'x', 'y']);
test_mapLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
<A, B>{x: y, v: w};
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y']);
test_methodInvocation_instance_withoutTarget_function() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void foo(a, {b}) {}
test() {
foo(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['foo', 'x', 'y']);
test_methodInvocation_instance_withoutTarget_method() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class C {
void foo(a, {b}) {}
test() {
foo(x, b: y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.METHOD,
memberOf: 'C', unprefixed: ['foo', 'x', 'y']);
test_methodInvocation_instance_withTarget() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
A x;
test() {<T>(y, b: z);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['T', 'x', 'y', 'z'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'foo')]);
test_methodInvocation_instance_withTarget_super() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
void foo(a, b) {}
class B extends A {
test() {, y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.METHOD,
memberOf: 'B', unprefixed: ['x', 'y'], superPrefixed: ['foo']);
test_methodInvocation_static_withTarget() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
test() {<T>(x);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'T', 'x'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'foo')]);
test_nullLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_parenthesizedExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_postfixExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
class B extend A {}
B x, y;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: [
], expectedMembers: [
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', '+'),
_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', '-')
test_postfixExpression_unresolvedTarget() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_prefixedIdentifier_importPrefix() async {
newFile(b, content: 'var b = 0;');
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
import 'b.dart' as pb;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, prefixed: {
'pb': ['b']
test_prefixedIdentifier_importPrefix_unresolvedIdentifier() async {
newFile(b, content: '');
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
import 'b.dart' as pb;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, prefixed: {
'pb': ['b']
test_prefixedIdentifier_interfaceProperty() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
int get y => 0;
class B extends A {}
B x;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', 'y')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_static() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['B'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', 'x')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_unresolvedPrefix() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_prefixExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {
operator-() {}
class B extend A {}
B x;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', 'unary-')]);
test_prefixExpression_unresolvedOperator() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
A x;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'A', 'unary-')]);
test_prefixExpression_unresolvedTarget() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_propertyAccess() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
B x;
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x'],
expectedMembers: [_ExpectedClassMember(aUri, 'B', 'foo')]);
test_propertyAccess_super() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class C {
test() {;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.METHOD,
memberOf: 'C', superPrefixed: ['foo']);
test_setLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
<A>{x, y, z};
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'x', 'y', 'z']);
test_simpleIdentifier() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_simpleIdentifier_sort() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
d; c; a; b; e;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']);
test_simpleIdentifier_synthetic() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x +;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_simpleIdentifier_unique() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
x; x; y; x; y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_simpleStringLiteral() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_stringInterpolation() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
'$x ${y}';
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_thisExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
class C {
test() {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.METHOD, memberOf: 'C');
test_throwExpression() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
throw x;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
class ReferenceCollectorTest extends _Base {
test_unit_function_api_parameter_named_simple_interface() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void test({A a, B b}) {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B']);
test_unit_function_api_parameter_positional_simple_interface() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void test([A a, B b]) {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B']);
test_unit_function_api_parameter_required_functionTyped() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void test(A a(B b, C c)) {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C']);
test_unit_function_api_parameter_required_simple_function() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void test(A Function(B) a) {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B']);
test_unit_function_api_parameter_required_simple_interface() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void test(A a, B b) {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_absent() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_dynamic() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
dynamic test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_function() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
A Function<T, U extends B>(T t, C c, D<T> d, E e) test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_function_nested() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
A Function<T>(B Function<U>(U, C, T) f, D) test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_function_parameter_named() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
A Function({B, C}) test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_function_parameter_positional() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
A Function([B, C]) test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_function_shadow_typeParameters() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
A Function<T extends U, U>(B) test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['A', 'B']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_interface_argument() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
A<B, C<D>> test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_interface_prefixed() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
import 'b.dart' as pb;
import 'c.dart' as pc;
A<pb.B2, pc.C2, pb.B1, pc.C1, pc.C3> test() {}
unprefixed: ['A'],
prefixed: {
'pb': ['B1', 'B2'],
'pc': ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']
test_unit_function_api_returnType_interface_simple() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
int test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['int']);
test_unit_function_api_returnType_void() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
void test() {}
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_unit_variable_api_hasType() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
int test = x;
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.GETTER, unprefixed: ['int']);
test_unit_variable_api_hasType_const() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
const int test = x;
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.GETTER, unprefixed: ['int', 'x']);
test_unit_variable_api_hasType_final() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
final int test = x;
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.GETTER, unprefixed: ['int']);
test_unit_variable_api_noType() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
var test = x;
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.GETTER, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_unit_variable_api_noType_final() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
final test = x;
_assertApi(library, 'test', NodeKind.GETTER, unprefixed: ['x']);
class StatementReferenceCollectorTest extends _Base {
test_assertStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
assert(x, y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_block_localScope() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_breakStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
while (true) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_continueStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
while (true) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_doStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
do {
} while (y);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_emptyStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
while (true);
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION);
test_forEachStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
for (A a in x) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'x', 'y']);
test_forEachStatement_body_singleStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
for (var a in x) a;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_forEachStatement_iterableAsLoopVariable() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
for (A x in x) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'x', 'y']);
test_forEachStatement_loopIdentifier() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
for (x in y) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y', 'z']);
test_forStatement_initialization() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
for (x; y; z) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y', 'z', 'z2']);
test_forStatement_variables() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
for (A a = x, b = y, c = a; z; a, b, z2) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'z2', 'z3']);
test_functionDeclarationStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
A foo(B b) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'x']);
test_ifStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
if (x) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_ifStatement_else() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
if (x) {
} else {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION,
unprefixed: ['x', 'y', 'z']);
test_labeledStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
label: x;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_returnStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
return x;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
test_tryStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
try {
var local1 = 1;
} finally {
var local2 = 2;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_variableDeclarationStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
var a = x, b = y;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_whileStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() {
while (x) {
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x', 'y']);
test_yieldStatement() async {
var library = await buildTestLibrary(a, r'''
test() sync* {
yield x;
_assertImpl(library, 'test', NodeKind.FUNCTION, unprefixed: ['x']);
class _Base extends BaseDependencyTest {
void _assertApi(Library library, String name, NodeKind kind,
{List<String> unprefixed: const [],
Map<String, List<String>> prefixed: const {},
List<String> superPrefixed: const [],
List<_ExpectedClassMember> expectedMembers: const []}) {
var node = getNode(library, name: name, kind: kind);
unprefixed: unprefixed,
prefixed: prefixed,
superPrefixed: superPrefixed,
expectedMembers: expectedMembers,
void _assertDependencies(Dependencies dependencies,
{List<String> unprefixed: const [],
Map<String, List<String>> prefixed: const {},
List<String> superPrefixed: const [],
List<_ExpectedClassMember> expectedMembers: const []}) {
expect(dependencies.unprefixedReferencedNames, unprefixed);
expect(dependencies.importPrefixes, prefixed.keys);
expect(dependencies.importPrefixedReferencedNames, prefixed.values);
expect(dependencies.superReferencedNames, superPrefixed);
var actualMembers = dependencies.classMemberReferences;
if (actualMembers.length != expectedMembers.length) {
fail('Expected: $expectedMembers\nActual: $actualMembers');
expect(actualMembers, hasLength(expectedMembers.length));
for (var i = 0; i < actualMembers.length; i++) {
var actualMember = actualMembers[i];
var expectedMember = expectedMembers[i];
if ( != expectedMember.targetUri || != expectedMember.targetName || != {
fail('Expected: $expectedMember\nActual: $actualMember');
void _assertImpl(Library library, String name, NodeKind kind,
{String memberOf,
List<String> unprefixed: const [],
Map<String, List<String>> prefixed: const {},
List<String> superPrefixed: const [],
List<_ExpectedClassMember> expectedMembers: const []}) {
var node = getNode(library, name: name, kind: kind, memberOf: memberOf);
unprefixed: unprefixed,
prefixed: prefixed,
superPrefixed: superPrefixed,
expectedMembers: expectedMembers,
class _ExpectedClassMember {
final Uri targetUri;
final String targetName;
final String name;
String toString() {
return '($targetUri, $targetName, $name)';