blob: 34ef7b6f9cbd1badbc108b2c0e175abdee21eda8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:56:62: Error: A value of type 'List<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// - 'List' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'int'.
// int lhs30 = /*@error=InvalidAssignment*/ /*@typeArgs=int*/ [...spread];
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:58:62: Error: A value of type 'Set<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// - 'Set' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'int'.
// int set30 = /*@error=InvalidAssignment*/ /*@typeArgs=int*/ {...spread, 42};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:61:5: Error: A value of type 'Map<String, int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// - 'Map' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'int'.
// {...mapSpread, "baz": 42};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:64:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
// notSpreadInt];
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:67:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
// notSpreadInt};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:70:43: Error: Unexpected type 'int' of a map spread entry. Expected 'dynamic' or a Map.
// /*@error=SpreadMapEntryTypeMismatch*/ notSpreadInt};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:73:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int Function()' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
// notSpreadFunction];
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:76:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int Function()' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
// notSpreadFunction};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:79:43: Error: Unexpected type 'int Function()' of a map spread entry. Expected 'dynamic' or a Map.
// /*@error=SpreadMapEntryTypeMismatch*/ notSpreadFunction};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:82:5: Error: Can't assign spread elements of type 'int' to collection elements of type 'String'.
// spread];
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:84:73: Error: Can't assign spread elements of type 'int' to collection elements of type 'String'.
// Set<String> set60 = <String>{... /*@error=SpreadElementTypeMismatch*/ spread};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:87:53: Error: Can't assign spread entry keys of type 'String' to map entry keys of type 'int'.
// /*@error=SpreadMapEntryElementKeyTypeMismatch*/ mapSpread};
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:90:55: Error: Can't assign spread entry values of type 'int' to map entry values of type 'String'.
// /*@error=SpreadMapEntryElementValueTypeMismatch*/ mapSpread};
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:collection" as col;
static method foo() dynamic {
core::List<core::int> spread = <core::int>[1, 2, 3];
core::Map<core::String, core::int> mapSpread = <core::String, core::int>{"foo": 4, "bar": 2};
core::int notSpreadInt = 42;
() core::int notSpreadFunction = null;
core::List<dynamic> lhs10 = block {
final core::List<dynamic> #t1 = <dynamic>[];
for (final dynamic #t2 in <dynamic>[])
} =>#t1;
core::Set<dynamic> set10 = block {
final core::Set<dynamic> #t3 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<dynamic>();
for (final dynamic #t4 in <dynamic>[])
} =>#t3;
core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> map10 = block {
final core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> #t5 = <dynamic, dynamic>{};
for (final core::MapEntry<dynamic, dynamic> #t6 in <dynamic, dynamic>{})
#t5.{core::Map::[]=}(#t6.{core::MapEntry::key}, #t6.{core::MapEntry::value});
} =>#t5;
core::List<core::int> lhs20 = block {
final core::List<core::int> #t7 = <core::int>[];
for (final core::int #t8 in spread)
} =>#t7;
core::Set<core::int> set20 = block {
final core::Set<core::int> #t9 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<core::int>();
for (final core::int #t10 in spread)
} =>#t9;
core::Map<core::String, core::int> map20 = block {
final core::Map<core::String, core::int> #t11 = <core::String, core::int>{};
for (final core::MapEntry<core::String, core::int> #t12 in mapSpread)
#t11.{core::Map::[]=}(#t12.{core::MapEntry::key}, #t12.{core::MapEntry::value});
#t11.{core::Map::[]=}("baz", 42);
} =>#t11;
core::List<dynamic> lhs21 = block {
final core::List<dynamic> #t13 = <dynamic>[];
for (final dynamic #t14 in (spread as dynamic) as{TypeError} core::Iterable<dynamic>)
} =>#t13;
core::Set<dynamic> set21 = block {
final core::Set<dynamic> #t15 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<dynamic>();
for (final dynamic #t16 in (spread as dynamic) as{TypeError} core::Iterable<dynamic>)
} =>#t15;
core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> map21 = block {
final core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> #t17 = <dynamic, dynamic>{};
for (final core::MapEntry<dynamic, dynamic> #t18 in (spread as dynamic) as{TypeError} core::Map<dynamic, dynamic>)
#t17.{core::Map::[]=}(#t18.{core::MapEntry::key}, #t18.{core::MapEntry::value});
#t17.{core::Map::[]=}("baz", 42);
} =>#t17;
core::List<core::int> lhs22 = block {
final core::List<core::int> #t19 = <core::int>[];
for (final core::int #t20 in <core::int>[])
} =>#t19;
core::Set<core::int> set22 = block {
final core::Set<core::int> #t21 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<core::int>();
for (final core::int #t22 in <core::int>[])
} =>#t21;
core::Map<core::String, core::int> map22 = block {
final core::Map<core::String, core::int> #t23 = <core::String, core::int>{};
for (final core::MapEntry<core::String, core::int> #t24 in <core::String, core::int>{})
#t23.{core::Map::[]=}(#t24.{core::MapEntry::key}, #t24.{core::MapEntry::value});
} =>#t23;
core::List<core::List<core::int>> lhs23 = block {
final core::List<core::List<core::int>> #t25 = <core::List<core::int>>[];
for (final core::List<core::int> #t26 in <core::List<core::int>>[<core::int>[]])
} =>#t25;
core::Set<core::List<core::int>> set23 = block {
final core::Set<core::List<core::int>> #t27 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<core::List<core::int>>();
for (final core::List<core::int> #t28 in <core::List<core::int>>[<core::int>[]])
} =>#t27;
core::Map<core::String, core::List<core::int>> map23 = block {
final core::Map<core::String, core::List<core::int>> #t29 = <core::String, core::List<core::int>>{};
for (final core::MapEntry<core::String, core::List<core::int>> #t30 in <core::String, core::List<core::int>>{"baz": <core::int>[]})
#t29.{core::Map::[]=}(#t30.{core::MapEntry::key}, #t30.{core::MapEntry::value});
} =>#t29;
core::int lhs30 = let final<BottomType> #t31 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:56:62: Error: A value of type 'List<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
- 'List' is from 'dart:core'.
Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'int'.
int lhs30 = /*@error=InvalidAssignment*/ /*@typeArgs=int*/ [...spread];
^" in ( block {
final core::List<core::int> #t32 = <core::int>[];
for (final core::int #t33 in spread)
} =>#t32) as{TypeError} core::int;
core::int set30 = let final<BottomType> #t34 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:58:62: Error: A value of type 'Set<int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
- 'Set' is from 'dart:core'.
Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'int'.
int set30 = /*@error=InvalidAssignment*/ /*@typeArgs=int*/ {...spread, 42};
^" in ( block {
final core::Set<core::int> #t35 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<core::int>();
for (final core::int #t36 in spread)
} =>#t35) as{TypeError} core::int;
core::int map30 = let final<BottomType> #t37 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:61:5: Error: A value of type 'Map<String, int>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
- 'Map' is from 'dart:core'.
Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'int'.
{...mapSpread, \"baz\": 42};
^" in ( block {
final core::Map<core::String, core::int> #t38 = <core::String, core::int>{};
for (final core::MapEntry<core::String, core::int> #t39 in mapSpread)
#t38.{core::Map::[]=}(#t39.{core::MapEntry::key}, #t39.{core::MapEntry::value});
#t38.{core::Map::[]=}("baz", 42);
} =>#t38) as{TypeError} core::int;
core::List<dynamic> lhs40 = <dynamic>[invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:64:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
core::Set<dynamic> set40 = let final core::Set<dynamic> #t40 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<dynamic>() in let final core::bool #t41 = #t40.{core::Set::add}(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:67:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
^") in #t40;
core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> map40 = <dynamic, dynamic>{invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:70:43: Error: Unexpected type 'int' of a map spread entry. Expected 'dynamic' or a Map.
/*@error=SpreadMapEntryTypeMismatch*/ notSpreadInt};
^": null};
core::List<dynamic> lhs50 = <dynamic>[invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:73:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int Function()' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
core::Set<dynamic> set50 = let final core::Set<dynamic> #t42 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<dynamic>() in let final core::bool #t43 = #t42.{core::Set::add}(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:76:5: Error: Unexpected type 'int Function()' of a spread. Expected 'dynamic' or an Iterable.
^") in #t42;
core::Map<dynamic, dynamic> map50 = <dynamic, dynamic>{invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:79:43: Error: Unexpected type 'int Function()' of a map spread entry. Expected 'dynamic' or a Map.
/*@error=SpreadMapEntryTypeMismatch*/ notSpreadFunction};
^": null};
core::List<core::String> lhs60 = <core::String>[invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:82:5: Error: Can't assign spread elements of type 'int' to collection elements of type 'String'.
core::Set<core::String> set60 = let final core::Set<core::String> #t44 = col::LinkedHashSet::•<core::String>() in let final core::bool #t45 = #t44.{core::Set::add}(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:84:73: Error: Can't assign spread elements of type 'int' to collection elements of type 'String'.
Set<String> set60 = <String>{... /*@error=SpreadElementTypeMismatch*/ spread};
^") in #t44;
core::Map<core::int, core::int> map60 = <core::int, core::int>{invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:87:53: Error: Can't assign spread entry keys of type 'String' to map entry keys of type 'int'.
/*@error=SpreadMapEntryElementKeyTypeMismatch*/ mapSpread};
^": null};
core::Map<core::String, core::String> map61 = <core::String, core::String>{null: invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/spread_collection_inference.dart:90:55: Error: Can't assign spread entry values of type 'int' to map entry values of type 'String'.
/*@error=SpreadMapEntryElementValueTypeMismatch*/ mapSpread};
static method main() → dynamic {}