blob: bf43c15d97f9b22796609ac317dec4c268a9b7f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* HTML elements and other resources for web-based applications that need to
* interact with the browser and the DOM (Document Object Model).
* This library includes DOM element types, CSS styling, local storage,
* media, speech, events, and more.
* To get started,
* check out the [Element] class, the base class for many of the HTML
* DOM types.
* ## Other resources
* * If you've never written a web app before, try our
* tutorials—[A Game of Darts](
* * To see some web-based Dart apps in action and to play with the code,
* download
* [Dart Editor](
* and run its built-in examples.
* * For even more examples, see
* [Dart HTML5 Samples](
* on Github.
library dart.dom.html;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol, deprecated;
import 'dart:html_common';
import 'dart:indexed_db';
import 'dart:indexed_db' show indexed_dbBlinkMap;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:js' as js;
import "dart:convert";
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:nativewrappers';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:web_gl' as gl;
import 'dart:web_gl' show web_glBlinkMap;
import 'dart:web_sql';
import 'dart:svg' as svg;
import 'dart:svg' show svgBlinkMap;
import 'dart:svg' show Matrix;
import 'dart:svg' show SvgSvgElement;
import 'dart:web_audio' as web_audio;
import 'dart:web_audio' show web_audioBlinkMap;
import 'dart:_blink' as _blink;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Auto-generated dart:html library.
// TODO(vsm): Remove this when we can do the proper checking in
// native code for custom elements.
// Not actually used, but imported since dart:html can generate these objects.
export 'dart:math' show Rectangle, Point;
// Issue 14721, order important for WrappedEvent.
Window _window;
* Top-level container for a web page, which is usually a browser tab or window.
* Each web page loaded in the browser has its own [Window], which is a
* container for the web page.
* If the web page has any `<iframe>` elements, then each `<iframe>` has its own
* [Window] object, which is accessible only to that `<iframe>`.
* See also:
* * [Window]( from MDN.
Window get window {
if (_window != null) {
return _window;
_window = _Utils.window();
return _window;
HtmlDocument _document;
* Root node for all content in a web page.
HtmlDocument get document {
if (_document != null) {
return _document;
_document = window.document;
return _document;
* Spawn a DOM isolate using the given URI in the same window.
* This isolate is not concurrent. It runs on the browser thread
* with full access to the DOM.
* Note: this API is still evolving and may move to dart:isolate.
Future<Isolate> spawnDomUri(Uri uri, List<String> args, message) {
// TODO(17738): Plumb arguments and return value through.
return _Utils.spawnDomUri(uri.toString());
// FIXME: Can we make this private?
final htmlBlinkMap = {
'_HistoryCrossFrame': () => _HistoryCrossFrame,
'_LocationCrossFrame': () => _LocationCrossFrame,
'_DOMWindowCrossFrame': () => _DOMWindowCrossFrame,
// FIXME: Move these to better locations.
'DateTime': () => DateTime,
'JsObject': () => js.JsObject,
'JsFunction': () => js.JsFunction,
'JsArray': () => js.JsArray,
'AbstractWorker': () => AbstractWorker,
'Animation': () => Animation,
'AnimationEffect': () => AnimationEffect,
'AnimationNode': () => AnimationNode,
'AnimationPlayer': () => AnimationPlayer,
'AnimationPlayerEvent': () => AnimationPlayerEvent,
'AnimationTimeline': () => AnimationTimeline,
'ApplicationCache': () => ApplicationCache,
'ApplicationCacheErrorEvent': () => ApplicationCacheErrorEvent,
'Attr': () => _Attr,
'AudioTrack': () => AudioTrack,
'AudioTrackList': () => AudioTrackList,
'AutocompleteErrorEvent': () => AutocompleteErrorEvent,
'BarProp': () => BarProp,
'BatteryManager': () => BatteryManager,
'BeforeUnloadEvent': () => BeforeUnloadEvent,
'Blob': () => Blob,
'CDATASection': () => CDataSection,
'CSS': () => Css,
'CSSCharsetRule': () => CssCharsetRule,
'CSSFontFaceRule': () => CssFontFaceRule,
'CSSImportRule': () => CssImportRule,
'CSSKeyframeRule': () => CssKeyframeRule,
'CSSKeyframesRule': () => CssKeyframesRule,
'CSSMediaRule': () => CssMediaRule,
'CSSPageRule': () => CssPageRule,
'CSSPrimitiveValue': () => _CSSPrimitiveValue,
'CSSRule': () => CssRule,
'CSSRuleList': () => _CssRuleList,
'CSSStyleDeclaration': () => CssStyleDeclaration,
'CSSStyleRule': () => CssStyleRule,
'CSSStyleSheet': () => CssStyleSheet,
'CSSSupportsRule': () => CssSupportsRule,
'CSSUnknownRule': () => _CSSUnknownRule,
'CSSValue': () => _CSSValue,
'CSSValueList': () => _CssValueList,
'CSSViewportRule': () => CssViewportRule,
'Cache': () => _Cache,
'CacheStorage': () => CacheStorage,
'Canvas2DContextAttributes': () => Canvas2DContextAttributes,
'CanvasGradient': () => CanvasGradient,
'CanvasPathMethods': () => _CanvasPathMethods,
'CanvasPattern': () => CanvasPattern,
'CanvasRenderingContext2D': () => CanvasRenderingContext2D,
'CharacterData': () => CharacterData,
'ChildNode': () => ChildNode,
'CircularRegion': () => CircularRegion,
'ClientRect': () => _ClientRect,
'ClientRectList': () => _ClientRectList,
'CloseEvent': () => CloseEvent,
'Comment': () => Comment,
'CompositionEvent': () => CompositionEvent,
'Console': () => Console,
'ConsoleBase': () => ConsoleBase,
'Coordinates': () => Coordinates,
'Counter': () => _Counter,
'Credential': () => Credential,
'CredentialsContainer': () => CredentialsContainer,
'Crypto': () => Crypto,
'CryptoKey': () => CryptoKey,
'CustomEvent': () => CustomEvent,
'DOMError': () => DomError,
'DOMException': () => DomException,
'DOMFileSystem': () => FileSystem,
'DOMFileSystemSync': () => _DOMFileSystemSync,
'DOMImplementation': () => DomImplementation,
'DOMMatrix': () => DomMatrix,
'DOMMatrixReadOnly': () => DomMatrixReadOnly,
'DOMParser': () => DomParser,
'DOMPoint': () => DomPoint,
'DOMPointReadOnly': () => DomPointReadOnly,
'DOMRect': () => _DomRect,
'DOMRectReadOnly': () => DomRectReadOnly,
'DOMSettableTokenList': () => DomSettableTokenList,
'DOMStringList': () => DomStringList,
'DOMStringMap': () => DomStringMap,
'DOMTokenList': () => DomTokenList,
'DataTransfer': () => DataTransfer,
'DataTransferItem': () => DataTransferItem,
'DataTransferItemList': () => DataTransferItemList,
'DatabaseSync': () => _DatabaseSync,
'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope': () => DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope,
'DeprecatedStorageInfo': () => DeprecatedStorageInfo,
'DeprecatedStorageQuota': () => DeprecatedStorageQuota,
'DeviceAcceleration': () => DeviceAcceleration,
'DeviceLightEvent': () => DeviceLightEvent,
'DeviceMotionEvent': () => DeviceMotionEvent,
'DeviceOrientationEvent': () => DeviceOrientationEvent,
'DeviceRotationRate': () => DeviceRotationRate,
'DirectoryEntry': () => DirectoryEntry,
'DirectoryEntrySync': () => _DirectoryEntrySync,
'DirectoryReader': () => DirectoryReader,
'DirectoryReaderSync': () => _DirectoryReaderSync,
'Document': () => Document,
'DocumentFragment': () => DocumentFragment,
'DocumentType': () => _DocumentType,
'Element': () => Element,
'Entry': () => Entry,
'EntrySync': () => _EntrySync,
'ErrorEvent': () => ErrorEvent,
'Event': () => Event,
'EventSource': () => EventSource,
'EventTarget': () => EventTarget,
'FederatedCredential': () => FederatedCredential,
'FetchBodyStream': () => FetchBodyStream,
'FetchEvent': () => FetchEvent,
'File': () => File,
'FileEntry': () => FileEntry,
'FileEntrySync': () => _FileEntrySync,
'FileError': () => FileError,
'FileList': () => FileList,
'FileReader': () => FileReader,
'FileReaderSync': () => _FileReaderSync,
'FileWriter': () => FileWriter,
'FileWriterSync': () => _FileWriterSync,
'FocusEvent': () => FocusEvent,
'FontFace': () => FontFace,
'FontFaceSet': () => FontFaceSet,
'FontFaceSetLoadEvent': () => FontFaceSetLoadEvent,
'FormData': () => FormData,
'Gamepad': () => Gamepad,
'GamepadButton': () => GamepadButton,
'GamepadEvent': () => GamepadEvent,
'GamepadList': () => _GamepadList,
'Geofencing': () => Geofencing,
'GeofencingRegion': () => GeofencingRegion,
'Geolocation': () => Geolocation,
'Geoposition': () => Geoposition,
'GlobalEventHandlers': () => GlobalEventHandlers,
'HTMLAllCollection': () => _HTMLAllCollection,
'HTMLAnchorElement': () => AnchorElement,
'HTMLAppletElement': () => _HTMLAppletElement,
'HTMLAreaElement': () => AreaElement,
'HTMLAudioElement': () => AudioElement,
'HTMLBRElement': () => BRElement,
'HTMLBaseElement': () => BaseElement,
'HTMLBodyElement': () => BodyElement,
'HTMLButtonElement': () => ButtonElement,
'HTMLCanvasElement': () => CanvasElement,
'HTMLCollection': () => HtmlCollection,
'HTMLContentElement': () => ContentElement,
'HTMLDListElement': () => DListElement,
'HTMLDataListElement': () => DataListElement,
'HTMLDetailsElement': () => DetailsElement,
'HTMLDialogElement': () => DialogElement,
'HTMLDirectoryElement': () => _HTMLDirectoryElement,
'HTMLDivElement': () => DivElement,
'HTMLDocument': () => HtmlDocument,
'HTMLElement': () => HtmlElement,
'HTMLEmbedElement': () => EmbedElement,
'HTMLFieldSetElement': () => FieldSetElement,
'HTMLFontElement': () => _HTMLFontElement,
'HTMLFormControlsCollection': () => HtmlFormControlsCollection,
'HTMLFormElement': () => FormElement,
'HTMLFrameElement': () => _HTMLFrameElement,
'HTMLFrameSetElement': () => _HTMLFrameSetElement,
'HTMLHRElement': () => HRElement,
'HTMLHeadElement': () => HeadElement,
'HTMLHeadingElement': () => HeadingElement,
'HTMLHtmlElement': () => HtmlHtmlElement,
'HTMLIFrameElement': () => IFrameElement,
'HTMLImageElement': () => ImageElement,
'HTMLInputElement': () => InputElement,
'HTMLKeygenElement': () => KeygenElement,
'HTMLLIElement': () => LIElement,
'HTMLLabelElement': () => LabelElement,
'HTMLLegendElement': () => LegendElement,
'HTMLLinkElement': () => LinkElement,
'HTMLMapElement': () => MapElement,
'HTMLMarqueeElement': () => _HTMLMarqueeElement,
'HTMLMediaElement': () => MediaElement,
'HTMLMenuElement': () => MenuElement,
'HTMLMenuItemElement': () => MenuItemElement,
'HTMLMetaElement': () => MetaElement,
'HTMLMeterElement': () => MeterElement,
'HTMLModElement': () => ModElement,
'HTMLOListElement': () => OListElement,
'HTMLObjectElement': () => ObjectElement,
'HTMLOptGroupElement': () => OptGroupElement,
'HTMLOptionElement': () => OptionElement,
'HTMLOptionsCollection': () => HtmlOptionsCollection,
'HTMLOutputElement': () => OutputElement,
'HTMLParagraphElement': () => ParagraphElement,
'HTMLParamElement': () => ParamElement,
'HTMLPictureElement': () => PictureElement,
'HTMLPreElement': () => PreElement,
'HTMLProgressElement': () => ProgressElement,
'HTMLQuoteElement': () => QuoteElement,
'HTMLScriptElement': () => ScriptElement,
'HTMLSelectElement': () => SelectElement,
'HTMLShadowElement': () => ShadowElement,
'HTMLSourceElement': () => SourceElement,
'HTMLSpanElement': () => SpanElement,
'HTMLStyleElement': () => StyleElement,
'HTMLTableCaptionElement': () => TableCaptionElement,
'HTMLTableCellElement': () => TableCellElement,
'HTMLTableColElement': () => TableColElement,
'HTMLTableElement': () => TableElement,
'HTMLTableRowElement': () => TableRowElement,
'HTMLTableSectionElement': () => TableSectionElement,
'HTMLTemplateElement': () => TemplateElement,
'HTMLTextAreaElement': () => TextAreaElement,
'HTMLTitleElement': () => TitleElement,
'HTMLTrackElement': () => TrackElement,
'HTMLUListElement': () => UListElement,
'HTMLUnknownElement': () => UnknownElement,
'HTMLVideoElement': () => VideoElement,
'HashChangeEvent': () => HashChangeEvent,
'Headers': () => Headers,
'History': () => History,
'ImageBitmap': () => ImageBitmap,
'ImageData': () => ImageData,
'InjectedScriptHost': () => InjectedScriptHost,
'InputMethodContext': () => InputMethodContext,
'InstallEvent': () => InstallEvent,
'InstallPhaseEvent': () => InstallPhaseEvent,
'KeyboardEvent': () => KeyboardEvent,
'LocalCredential': () => LocalCredential,
'Location': () => Location,
'MIDIAccess': () => MidiAccess,
'MIDIConnectionEvent': () => MidiConnectionEvent,
'MIDIInput': () => MidiInput,
'MIDIMessageEvent': () => MidiMessageEvent,
'MIDIOutput': () => MidiOutput,
'MIDIPort': () => MidiPort,
'MediaController': () => MediaController,
'MediaDeviceInfo': () => MediaDeviceInfo,
'MediaError': () => MediaError,
'MediaKeyError': () => MediaKeyError,
'MediaKeyEvent': () => MediaKeyEvent,
'MediaKeyMessageEvent': () => MediaKeyMessageEvent,
'MediaKeyNeededEvent': () => MediaKeyNeededEvent,
'MediaKeySession': () => MediaKeySession,
'MediaKeys': () => MediaKeys,
'MediaList': () => MediaList,
'MediaQueryList': () => MediaQueryList,
'MediaSource': () => MediaSource,
'MediaStream': () => MediaStream,
'MediaStreamEvent': () => MediaStreamEvent,
'MediaStreamTrack': () => MediaStreamTrack,
'MediaStreamTrackEvent': () => MediaStreamTrackEvent,
'MemoryInfo': () => MemoryInfo,
'MessageChannel': () => MessageChannel,
'MessageEvent': () => MessageEvent,
'MessagePort': () => MessagePort,
'Metadata': () => Metadata,
'MimeType': () => MimeType,
'MimeTypeArray': () => MimeTypeArray,
'MouseEvent': () => MouseEvent,
'MutationEvent': () => _MutationEvent,
'MutationObserver': () => MutationObserver,
'MutationRecord': () => MutationRecord,
'NamedNodeMap': () => _NamedNodeMap,
'Navigator': () => Navigator,
'NavigatorCPU': () => NavigatorCpu,
'NavigatorID': () => NavigatorID,
'NavigatorLanguage': () => NavigatorLanguage,
'NavigatorOnLine': () => NavigatorOnLine,
'NavigatorUserMediaError': () => NavigatorUserMediaError,
'NetworkInformation': () => NetworkInformation,
'Node': () => Node,
'NodeFilter': () => NodeFilter,
'NodeIterator': () => NodeIterator,
'NodeList': () => NodeList,
'Notation': () => _Notation,
'Notification': () => Notification,
'OverflowEvent': () => OverflowEvent,
'PagePopupController': () => _PagePopupController,
'PageTransitionEvent': () => PageTransitionEvent,
'ParentNode': () => ParentNode,
'Path2D': () => Path2D,
'Performance': () => Performance,
'PerformanceEntry': () => PerformanceEntry,
'PerformanceMark': () => PerformanceMark,
'PerformanceMeasure': () => PerformanceMeasure,
'PerformanceNavigation': () => PerformanceNavigation,
'PerformanceResourceTiming': () => PerformanceResourceTiming,
'PerformanceTiming': () => PerformanceTiming,
'Plugin': () => Plugin,
'PluginArray': () => PluginArray,
'PopStateEvent': () => PopStateEvent,
'PositionError': () => PositionError,
'ProcessingInstruction': () => ProcessingInstruction,
'ProgressEvent': () => ProgressEvent,
'PushEvent': () => PushEvent,
'PushManager': () => PushManager,
'PushRegistration': () => PushRegistration,
'RGBColor': () => _RGBColor,
'RTCDTMFSender': () => RtcDtmfSender,
'RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent': () => RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent,
'RTCDataChannel': () => RtcDataChannel,
'RTCDataChannelEvent': () => RtcDataChannelEvent,
'RTCIceCandidate': () => RtcIceCandidate,
'RTCIceCandidateEvent': () => RtcIceCandidateEvent,
'RTCPeerConnection': () => RtcPeerConnection,
'RTCSessionDescription': () => RtcSessionDescription,
'RTCStatsReport': () => RtcStatsReport,
'RTCStatsResponse': () => RtcStatsResponse,
'RadioNodeList': () => _RadioNodeList,
'Range': () => Range,
'ReadableStream': () => ReadableStream,
'Rect': () => _Rect,
'RelatedEvent': () => RelatedEvent,
'Request': () => _Request,
'ResourceProgressEvent': () => ResourceProgressEvent,
'Response': () => _Response,
'Screen': () => Screen,
'ScreenOrientation': () => ScreenOrientation,
'SecurityPolicyViolationEvent': () => SecurityPolicyViolationEvent,
'Selection': () => Selection,
'ServiceWorker': () => _ServiceWorker,
'ServiceWorkerClient': () => ServiceWorkerClient,
'ServiceWorkerClients': () => ServiceWorkerClients,
'ServiceWorkerContainer': () => ServiceWorkerContainer,
'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope': () => ServiceWorkerGlobalScope,
'ServiceWorkerRegistration': () => ServiceWorkerRegistration,
'ShadowRoot': () => ShadowRoot,
'SharedWorker': () => SharedWorker,
'SharedWorkerGlobalScope': () => SharedWorkerGlobalScope,
'SourceBuffer': () => SourceBuffer,
'SourceBufferList': () => SourceBufferList,
'SourceInfo': () => SourceInfo,
'SpeechGrammar': () => SpeechGrammar,
'SpeechGrammarList': () => SpeechGrammarList,
'SpeechRecognition': () => SpeechRecognition,
'SpeechRecognitionAlternative': () => SpeechRecognitionAlternative,
'SpeechRecognitionError': () => SpeechRecognitionError,
'SpeechRecognitionEvent': () => SpeechRecognitionEvent,
'SpeechRecognitionResult': () => SpeechRecognitionResult,
'SpeechRecognitionResultList': () => _SpeechRecognitionResultList,
'SpeechSynthesis': () => SpeechSynthesis,
'SpeechSynthesisEvent': () => SpeechSynthesisEvent,
'SpeechSynthesisUtterance': () => SpeechSynthesisUtterance,
'SpeechSynthesisVoice': () => SpeechSynthesisVoice,
'Storage': () => Storage,
'StorageEvent': () => StorageEvent,
'StorageInfo': () => StorageInfo,
'StorageQuota': () => StorageQuota,
'Stream': () => FileStream,
'StyleMedia': () => StyleMedia,
'StyleSheet': () => StyleSheet,
'StyleSheetList': () => _StyleSheetList,
'SubtleCrypto': () => _SubtleCrypto,
'Text': () => Text,
'TextEvent': () => TextEvent,
'TextMetrics': () => TextMetrics,
'TextTrack': () => TextTrack,
'TextTrackCue': () => TextTrackCue,
'TextTrackCueList': () => TextTrackCueList,
'TextTrackList': () => TextTrackList,
'TimeRanges': () => TimeRanges,
'Timing': () => Timing,
'Touch': () => Touch,
'TouchEvent': () => TouchEvent,
'TouchList': () => TouchList,
'TrackEvent': () => TrackEvent,
'TransitionEvent': () => TransitionEvent,
'TreeWalker': () => TreeWalker,
'UIEvent': () => UIEvent,
'URL': () => Url,
'URLUtils': () => UrlUtils,
'URLUtilsReadOnly': () => UrlUtilsReadOnly,
'VTTCue': () => VttCue,
'VTTRegion': () => VttRegion,
'VTTRegionList': () => VttRegionList,
'ValidityState': () => ValidityState,
'VideoPlaybackQuality': () => VideoPlaybackQuality,
'VideoTrack': () => VideoTrack,
'VideoTrackList': () => VideoTrackList,
'WebKitAnimationEvent': () => AnimationEvent,
'WebKitCSSFilterRule': () => CssFilterRule,
'WebKitCSSFilterValue': () => _WebKitCSSFilterValue,
'WebKitCSSMatrix': () => _WebKitCSSMatrix,
'WebKitCSSTransformValue': () => _WebKitCSSTransformValue,
'WebKitPoint': () => _DomPoint,
'WebSocket': () => WebSocket,
'WheelEvent': () => WheelEvent,
'Window': () => Window,
'WindowBase64': () => WindowBase64,
'WindowEventHandlers': () => WindowEventHandlers,
'WindowTimers': () => _WindowTimers,
'Worker': () => Worker,
'WorkerConsole': () => WorkerConsole,
'WorkerGlobalScope': () => WorkerGlobalScope,
'WorkerLocation': () => _WorkerLocation,
'WorkerNavigator': () => _WorkerNavigator,
'WorkerPerformance': () => WorkerPerformance,
'XMLDocument': () => XmlDocument,
'XMLHttpRequest': () => HttpRequest,
'XMLHttpRequestEventTarget': () => HttpRequestEventTarget,
'XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent': () => _XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent,
'XMLHttpRequestUpload': () => HttpRequestUpload,
'XMLSerializer': () => XmlSerializer,
'XPathEvaluator': () => XPathEvaluator,
'XPathExpression': () => XPathExpression,
'XPathNSResolver': () => XPathNSResolver,
'XPathResult': () => XPathResult,
'XSLTProcessor': () => XsltProcessor,
// TODO(leafp): We may want to move this elsewhere if html becomes
// a package to avoid dartium depending on pkg:html.
Type _getType(String key) {
var result;
// TODO(vsm): Add Cross Frame and JS types here as well.
// Check the html library.
result = _getHtmlType(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// Check the web gl library.
result = _getWebGlType(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// Check the indexed db library.
result = _getIndexDbType(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// Check the web audio library.
result = _getWebAudioType(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// Check the web sql library.
result = _getWebSqlType(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// Check the svg library.
result = _getSvgType(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
Type _getHtmlType(String key) {
if (htmlBlinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
return htmlBlinkMap[key]();
return null;
Type _getWebGlType(String key) {
if (web_glBlinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
return web_glBlinkMap[key]();
return null;
Type _getIndexDbType(String key) {
if (indexed_dbBlinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
return indexed_dbBlinkMap[key]();
return null;
Type _getWebAudioType(String key) {
if (web_audioBlinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
return web_audioBlinkMap[key]();
return null;
Type _getWebSqlType(String key) {
if (web_sqlBlinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
return web_sqlBlinkMap[key]();
return null;
Type _getSvgType(String key) {
if (svgBlinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
return svgBlinkMap[key]();
return null;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class AbstractWorker extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AbstractWorker._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [AbstractWorker].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ErrorEvent> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ErrorEvent>('error');
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [AbstractWorker].
Stream<ErrorEvent> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class AnchorElement extends HtmlElement implements UrlUtils {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnchorElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory AnchorElement({String href}) {
var e = document.createElement("a");
if (href != null) e.href = href;
return e;
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
AnchorElement.created() : super.created();
String get download => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.download_Getter_(this);
void set download(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.download_Setter_(this, value);
String get hreflang => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.hreflang_Getter_(this);
void set hreflang(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.hreflang_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get rel => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.rel_Getter_(this);
void set rel(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.rel_Setter_(this, value);
String get target => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.target_Getter_(this);
void set target(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.target_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
String get hash => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.hash_Getter_(this);
void set hash(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.hash_Setter_(this, value);
String get host => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.host_Getter_(this);
void set host(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.host_Setter_(this, value);
String get hostname => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.hostname_Getter_(this);
void set hostname(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.hostname_Setter_(this, value);
String get href => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.href_Getter_(this);
void set href(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.href_Setter_(this, value);
// WebKit only
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get origin => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.origin_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get password => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.password_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set password(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.password_Setter_(this, value);
String get pathname => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.pathname_Getter_(this);
void set pathname(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.pathname_Setter_(this, value);
String get port => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.port_Getter_(this);
void set port(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.port_Setter_(this, value);
String get protocol => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.protocol_Getter_(this);
void set protocol(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.protocol_Setter_(this, value);
String get search => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.search_Getter_(this);
void set search(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.search_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get username => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.username_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set username(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.username_Setter_(this, value);
String toString() => _blink.BlinkHTMLAnchorElement.instance.toString_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class Animation extends AnimationNode {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Animation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory Animation(Element target, List<Map> keyframes, [timingInput]) {
if ((keyframes is List<Map> || keyframes == null) && (target is Element || target == null) && timingInput == null) {
return _blink.BlinkAnimation.instance.constructorCallback_2_(target, keyframes);
if ((timingInput is num || timingInput == null) && (keyframes is List<Map> || keyframes == null) && (target is Element || target == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkAnimation.instance.constructorCallback_3_(target, keyframes, timingInput);
if ((timingInput is Map || timingInput == null) && (keyframes is List<Map> || keyframes == null) && (target is Element || target == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkAnimation.instance.constructorCallback_3_(target, keyframes, timingInput);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AnimationEffect extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnimationEffect._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class AnimationEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnimationEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get animationName => _blink.BlinkWebKitAnimationEvent.instance.animationName_Getter_(this);
double get elapsedTime => _blink.BlinkWebKitAnimationEvent.instance.elapsedTime_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AnimationNode extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnimationNode._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get activeDuration => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.activeDuration_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get currentIteration => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.currentIteration_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get duration => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.duration_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get endTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.endTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get localTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.localTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AnimationPlayer get player => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.player_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get startTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.startTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Timing get timing => _blink.BlinkAnimationNode.instance.timing_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AnimationPlayer extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnimationPlayer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get currentTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.currentTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set currentTime(num value) => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.currentTime_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get finished => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.finished_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get paused => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.paused_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get playbackRate => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.playbackRate_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set playbackRate(num value) => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.playbackRate_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AnimationNode get source => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.source_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set source(AnimationNode value) => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.source_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get startTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.startTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set startTime(num value) => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.startTime_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void cancel() => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.cancel_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void finish() => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.finish_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void pause() => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.pause_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void play() => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.play_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void reverse() => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayer.instance.reverse_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AnimationPlayerEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnimationPlayerEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get currentTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayerEvent.instance.currentTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get timelineTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationPlayerEvent.instance.timelineTime_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AnimationTimeline extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AnimationTimeline._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get currentTime => _blink.BlinkAnimationTimeline.instance.currentTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<AnimationPlayer> getAnimationPlayers() => _blink.BlinkAnimationTimeline.instance.getAnimationPlayers_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AnimationPlayer play(AnimationNode source) => _blink.BlinkAnimationTimeline.instance.play_Callback_1_(this, source);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* ApplicationCache is accessed via [Window.applicationCache].
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class ApplicationCache extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ApplicationCache._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `cached` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> cachedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('cached');
* Static factory designed to expose `checking` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> checkingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('checking');
* Static factory designed to expose `downloading` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> downloadingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('downloading');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `noupdate` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> noUpdateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('noupdate');
* Static factory designed to expose `obsolete` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> obsoleteEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('obsolete');
* Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> progressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('progress');
* Static factory designed to expose `updateready` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> updateReadyEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('updateready');
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
static const int CHECKING = 2;
static const int DOWNLOADING = 3;
static const int IDLE = 1;
static const int OBSOLETE = 5;
static const int UNCACHED = 0;
static const int UPDATEREADY = 4;
int get status => _blink.BlinkApplicationCache.instance.status_Getter_(this);
void abort() => _blink.BlinkApplicationCache.instance.abort_Callback_0_(this);
void swapCache() => _blink.BlinkApplicationCache.instance.swapCache_Callback_0_(this);
void update() => _blink.BlinkApplicationCache.instance.update_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `cached` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onCached => cachedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `checking` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onChecking => checkingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `downloading` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onDownloading => downloadingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `noupdate` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onNoUpdate => noUpdateEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `obsolete` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onObsolete => obsoleteEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onProgress => progressEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `updateready` events handled by this [ApplicationCache].
Stream<Event> get onUpdateReady => updateReadyEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ApplicationCacheErrorEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ApplicationCacheErrorEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get message => _blink.BlinkApplicationCacheErrorEvent.instance.message_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get reason => _blink.BlinkApplicationCacheErrorEvent.instance.reason_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get status => _blink.BlinkApplicationCacheErrorEvent.instance.status_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get url => _blink.BlinkApplicationCacheErrorEvent.instance.url_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* DOM Area Element, which links regions of an image map with a hyperlink.
* The element can also define an uninteractive region of the map.
* See also:
* * [<area>](
* on MDN.
class AreaElement extends HtmlElement implements UrlUtils {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AreaElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory AreaElement() => document.createElement("area");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
AreaElement.created() : super.created();
String get alt => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.alt_Getter_(this);
void set alt(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.alt_Setter_(this, value);
String get coords => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.coords_Getter_(this);
void set coords(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.coords_Setter_(this, value);
String get shape => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.shape_Getter_(this);
void set shape(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.shape_Setter_(this, value);
String get target => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.target_Getter_(this);
void set target(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.target_Setter_(this, value);
String get hash => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.hash_Getter_(this);
void set hash(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.hash_Setter_(this, value);
String get host => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.host_Getter_(this);
void set host(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.host_Setter_(this, value);
String get hostname => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.hostname_Getter_(this);
void set hostname(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.hostname_Setter_(this, value);
String get href => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.href_Getter_(this);
void set href(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.href_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get origin => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.origin_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get password => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.password_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set password(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.password_Setter_(this, value);
String get pathname => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.pathname_Getter_(this);
void set pathname(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.pathname_Setter_(this, value);
String get port => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.port_Getter_(this);
void set port(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.port_Setter_(this, value);
String get protocol => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.protocol_Getter_(this);
void set protocol(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.protocol_Setter_(this, value);
String get search => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.search_Getter_(this);
void set search(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.search_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get username => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.username_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set username(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.username_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String toString() => _blink.BlinkHTMLAreaElement.instance.toString_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class AudioElement extends MediaElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AudioElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory AudioElement([String src]) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLAudioElement.instance.constructorCallback_1_(src);
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
AudioElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AudioTrack extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AudioTrack._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get enabled => _blink.BlinkAudioTrack.instance.enabled_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set enabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkAudioTrack.instance.enabled_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkAudioTrack.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get kind => _blink.BlinkAudioTrack.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get label => _blink.BlinkAudioTrack.instance.label_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get language => _blink.BlinkAudioTrack.instance.language_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class AudioTrackList extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AudioTrackList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get length => _blink.BlinkAudioTrackList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AudioTrack __getter__(int index) => _blink.BlinkAudioTrackList.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AudioTrack getTrackById(String id) => _blink.BlinkAudioTrackList.instance.getTrackById_Callback_1_(this, id);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class AutocompleteErrorEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory AutocompleteErrorEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get reason => _blink.BlinkAutocompleteErrorEvent.instance.reason_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class BRElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory BRElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory BRElement() => document.createElement("br");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
BRElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // standard
class BarProp extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory BarProp._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get visible => _blink.BlinkBarProp.instance.visible_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class BaseElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory BaseElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory BaseElement() => document.createElement("base");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
BaseElement.created() : super.created();
String get href => _blink.BlinkHTMLBaseElement.instance.href_Getter_(this);
void set href(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLBaseElement.instance.href_Setter_(this, value);
String get target => _blink.BlinkHTMLBaseElement.instance.target_Getter_(this);
void set target(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLBaseElement.instance.target_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // stable
class BatteryManager extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory BatteryManager._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get charging => _blink.BlinkBatteryManager.instance.charging_Getter_(this);
double get chargingTime => _blink.BlinkBatteryManager.instance.chargingTime_Getter_(this);
double get dischargingTime => _blink.BlinkBatteryManager.instance.dischargingTime_Getter_(this);
double get level => _blink.BlinkBatteryManager.instance.level_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class BeforeUnloadEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory BeforeUnloadEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get returnValue => _blink.BlinkBeforeUnloadEvent.instance.returnValue_Getter_(this);
void set returnValue(String value) => _blink.BlinkBeforeUnloadEvent.instance.returnValue_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Blob extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Blob._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory Blob(List blobParts, [String type, String endings]) => _create(blobParts, type, endings);
static Blob _create(blobParts, type, endings) => _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.constructorCallback_3_(blobParts, type, endings);
int get size => _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.size_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.type_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void close() => _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
Blob slice([int start, int end, String contentType]) {
if (contentType != null) {
return _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.slice_Callback_3_(this, start, end, contentType);
if (end != null) {
return _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.slice_Callback_2_(this, start, end);
if (start != null) {
return _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.slice_Callback_1_(this, start);
return _blink.BlinkBlob.instance.slice_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class BodyElement extends HtmlElement implements WindowEventHandlers {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory BodyElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `blur` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> blurEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('blur');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `focus` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> focusEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('focus');
* Static factory designed to expose `hashchange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> hashChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('hashchange');
* Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('load');
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
* Static factory designed to expose `offline` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> offlineEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('offline');
* Static factory designed to expose `online` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> onlineEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('online');
* Static factory designed to expose `popstate` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent> popStateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>('popstate');
* Static factory designed to expose `resize` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resizeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('resize');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> scrollEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('scroll');
* Static factory designed to expose `storage` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent> storageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>('storage');
* Static factory designed to expose `unload` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> unloadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('unload');
factory BodyElement() => document.createElement("body");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
BodyElement.created() : super.created();
/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onBlur => blurEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onFocus => focusEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `hashchange` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onHashChange => hashChangeEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onLoad => loadEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `offline` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onOffline => offlineEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `online` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onOnline => onlineEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `popstate` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<PopStateEvent> get onPopState => popStateEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `resize` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onResize => resizeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onScroll => scrollEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `storage` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<StorageEvent> get onStorage => storageEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `unload` events handled by this [BodyElement].
ElementStream<Event> get onUnload => unloadEvent.forElement(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ButtonElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ButtonElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ButtonElement() => document.createElement("button");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ButtonElement.created() : super.created();
bool get autofocus => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.autofocus_Getter_(this);
void set autofocus(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.autofocus_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
String get formAction => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formAction_Getter_(this);
void set formAction(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formAction_Setter_(this, value);
String get formEnctype => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formEnctype_Getter_(this);
void set formEnctype(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formEnctype_Setter_(this, value);
String get formMethod => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formMethod_Getter_(this);
void set formMethod(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formMethod_Setter_(this, value);
bool get formNoValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formNoValidate_Getter_(this);
void set formNoValidate(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formNoValidate_Setter_(this, value);
String get formTarget => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formTarget_Getter_(this);
void set formTarget(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.formTarget_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLButtonElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
class CDataSection extends Text {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CDataSection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CacheStorage extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CacheStorage._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future create(String cacheName) => _blink.BlinkCacheStorage.instance.create_Callback_1_(this, cacheName);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future delete(String cacheName) => _blink.BlinkCacheStorage.instance.delete_Callback_1_(this, cacheName);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future get(String cacheName) => _blink.BlinkCacheStorage.instance.get_Callback_1_(this, cacheName);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future has(String cacheName) => _blink.BlinkCacheStorage.instance.has_Callback_1_(this, cacheName);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future keys() => _blink.BlinkCacheStorage.instance.keys_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Canvas2DContextAttributes extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Canvas2DContextAttributes._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get alpha => _blink.BlinkCanvas2DContextAttributes.instance.alpha_Getter_(this);
void set alpha(bool value) => _blink.BlinkCanvas2DContextAttributes.instance.alpha_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get storage => _blink.BlinkCanvas2DContextAttributes.instance.storage_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set storage(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvas2DContextAttributes.instance.storage_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class CanvasElement extends HtmlElement implements CanvasImageSource {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CanvasElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `webglcontextlost` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [CanvasElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<gl.ContextEvent> webGlContextLostEvent = const EventStreamProvider<gl.ContextEvent>('webglcontextlost');
* Static factory designed to expose `webglcontextrestored` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [CanvasElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<gl.ContextEvent> webGlContextRestoredEvent = const EventStreamProvider<gl.ContextEvent>('webglcontextrestored');
factory CanvasElement({int width, int height}) {
var e = document.createElement("canvas");
if (width != null) e.width = width;
if (height != null) e.height = height;
return e;
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
CanvasElement.created() : super.created();
/// The height of this canvas element in CSS pixels.
int get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLCanvasElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
/// The height of this canvas element in CSS pixels.
void set height(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCanvasElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
/// The width of this canvas element in CSS pixels.
int get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLCanvasElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
/// The width of this canvas element in CSS pixels.
void set width(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCanvasElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
Object getContext(String contextId, [Map attrs]) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCanvasElement.instance.getContext_Callback_2_(this, contextId, attrs);
String _toDataUrl(String type, [num quality]) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCanvasElement.instance.toDataURL_Callback_2_(this, type, quality);
/// Stream of `webglcontextlost` events handled by this [CanvasElement].
ElementStream<gl.ContextEvent> get onWebGlContextLost => webGlContextLostEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `webglcontextrestored` events handled by this [CanvasElement].
ElementStream<gl.ContextEvent> get onWebGlContextRestored => webGlContextRestoredEvent.forElement(this);
/** An API for drawing on this canvas. */
CanvasRenderingContext2D get context2D => getContext('2d');
* Returns a new Web GL context for this canvas.
* ## Other resources
* * [WebGL fundamentals]
* ( from
* HTML5Rocks.
* * [WebGL homepage] (
gl.RenderingContext getContext3d({alpha: true, depth: true, stencil: false,
antialias: true, premultipliedAlpha: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: false}) {
var options = {
'alpha': alpha,
'depth': depth,
'stencil': stencil,
'antialias': antialias,
'premultipliedAlpha': premultipliedAlpha,
'preserveDrawingBuffer': preserveDrawingBuffer,
var context = getContext('webgl', options);
if (context == null) {
context = getContext('experimental-webgl', options);
return context;
* Returns a data URI containing a representation of the image in the
* format specified by type (defaults to 'image/png').
* Data Uri format is as follow
* `data:[<MIME-type>][;charset=<encoding>][;base64],<data>`
* Optional parameter [quality] in the range of 0.0 and 1.0 can be used when
* requesting [type] 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp'. If [quality] is not passed
* the default value is used. Note: the default value varies by browser.
* If the height or width of this canvas element is 0, then 'data:' is
* returned, representing no data.
* If the type requested is not 'image/png', and the returned value is
* 'data:image/png', then the requested type is not supported.
* Example usage:
* CanvasElement canvas = new CanvasElement();
* var ctx = canvas.context2D
* ..fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)"
* ..fillRect(10, 10, 55, 50);
* var dataUrl = canvas.toDataUrl("image/jpeg", 0.95);
* // The Data Uri would look similar to
* // '
* // 9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='
* //Create a new image element from the data URI.
* var img = new ImageElement();
* img.src = dataUrl;
* document.body.children.add(img);
* See also:
* * [Data URI Scheme]( from Wikipedia.
* * [HTMLCanvasElement]( from MDN.
* * [toDataUrl]( from W3C.
String toDataUrl([String type = 'image/png', num quality]) =>
_toDataUrl(type, quality);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* An opaque canvas object representing a gradient.
* Created by calling [createLinearGradient] or [createRadialGradient] on a
* [CanvasRenderingContext2D] object.
* Example usage:
* var canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);
* var ctx = canvas.context2D;
* ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
* // Create radial gradient.
* CanvasGradient gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 600);
* gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000');
* gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
* // Assign gradients to fill.
* ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
* // Draw a rectangle with a gradient fill.
* ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
* document.body.children.add(canvas);
* See also:
* * [CanvasGradient]( from MDN.
* * [CanvasGradient]( from whatwg.
* * [CanvasGradient]( from W3C.
class CanvasGradient extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CanvasGradient._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Adds a color stop to this gradient at the offset.
* The [offset] can range between 0.0 and 1.0.
* See also:
* * [Multiple Color Stops]( from MDN.
void addColorStop(num offset, String color) => _blink.BlinkCanvasGradient.instance.addColorStop_Callback_2_(this, offset, color);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* An opaque object representing a pattern of image, canvas, or video.
* Created by calling [createPattern] on a [CanvasRenderingContext2D] object.
* Example usage:
* var canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);
* var ctx = canvas.context2D;
* var img = new ImageElement();
* // Image src needs to be loaded before pattern is applied.
* img.onLoad.listen((event) {
* // When the image is loaded, create a pattern
* // from the ImageElement.
* CanvasPattern pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat');
* ctx.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
* ctx.fillStyle = pattern;
* ctx.fill();
* });
* img.src = "images/foo.jpg";
* document.body.children.add(canvas);
* See also:
* * [CanvasPattern]( from MDN.
* * [CanvasPattern]( from whatwg.
* * [CanvasPattern]( from W3C.
class CanvasPattern extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CanvasPattern._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class CanvasRenderingContext {
CanvasElement get canvas;
class CanvasRenderingContext2D extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements CanvasRenderingContext {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CanvasRenderingContext2D._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
CanvasElement get canvas => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.canvas_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Matrix get currentTransform => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.currentTransform_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set currentTransform(Matrix value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.currentTransform_Setter_(this, value);
Object get fillStyle => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fillStyle_Getter_(this);
void set fillStyle(Object value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fillStyle_Setter_(this, value);
String get font => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.font_Getter_(this);
void set font(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.font_Setter_(this, value);
num get globalAlpha => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.globalAlpha_Getter_(this);
void set globalAlpha(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.globalAlpha_Setter_(this, value);
String get globalCompositeOperation => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.globalCompositeOperation_Getter_(this);
void set globalCompositeOperation(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.globalCompositeOperation_Setter_(this, value);
* Whether images and patterns on this canvas will be smoothed when this
* canvas is scaled.
* ## Other resources
* * [Image smoothing]
* (
* from WHATWG.
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get imageSmoothingEnabled => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.imageSmoothingEnabled_Getter_(this);
* Whether images and patterns on this canvas will be smoothed when this
* canvas is scaled.
* ## Other resources
* * [Image smoothing]
* (
* from WHATWG.
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set imageSmoothingEnabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.imageSmoothingEnabled_Setter_(this, value);
String get lineCap => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineCap_Getter_(this);
void set lineCap(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineCap_Setter_(this, value);
num get lineDashOffset => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineDashOffset_Getter_(this);
void set lineDashOffset(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineDashOffset_Setter_(this, value);
String get lineJoin => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineJoin_Getter_(this);
void set lineJoin(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineJoin_Setter_(this, value);
num get lineWidth => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineWidth_Getter_(this);
void set lineWidth(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineWidth_Setter_(this, value);
num get miterLimit => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.miterLimit_Getter_(this);
void set miterLimit(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.miterLimit_Setter_(this, value);
num get shadowBlur => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowBlur_Getter_(this);
void set shadowBlur(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowBlur_Setter_(this, value);
String get shadowColor => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowColor_Getter_(this);
void set shadowColor(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowColor_Setter_(this, value);
num get shadowOffsetX => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowOffsetX_Getter_(this);
void set shadowOffsetX(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowOffsetX_Setter_(this, value);
num get shadowOffsetY => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowOffsetY_Getter_(this);
void set shadowOffsetY(num value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.shadowOffsetY_Setter_(this, value);
Object get strokeStyle => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.strokeStyle_Getter_(this);
void set strokeStyle(Object value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.strokeStyle_Setter_(this, value);
String get textAlign => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.textAlign_Getter_(this);
void set textAlign(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.textAlign_Setter_(this, value);
String get textBaseline => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.textBaseline_Getter_(this);
void set textBaseline(String value) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.textBaseline_Setter_(this, value);
void addHitRegion([Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.addHitRegion_Callback_1_(this, options);
void beginPath() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.beginPath_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void clearHitRegions() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.clearHitRegions_Callback_0_(this);
void clearRect(num x, num y, num width, num height) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.clearRect_Callback_4_(this, x, y, width, height);
void clip([path_OR_winding, String winding]) {
if (path_OR_winding == null && winding == null) {
if ((path_OR_winding is String) && winding == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.clip_Callback_1_(this, path_OR_winding);
if ((path_OR_winding is Path2D) && winding == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.clip_Callback_1_(this, path_OR_winding);
if ((winding is String) && (path_OR_winding is Path2D)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.clip_Callback_2_(this, path_OR_winding, winding);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
ImageData createImageData(num sw, num sh) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createImageData_Callback_2_(this, sw, sh);
ImageData createImageDataFromImageData(ImageData imagedata) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createImageData_Callback_1_(this, imagedata);
CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createLinearGradient_Callback_4_(this, x0, y0, x1, y1);
CanvasPattern createPattern(canvas_OR_image, String repetitionType) {
if ((repetitionType is String || repetitionType == null) && (canvas_OR_image is CanvasElement)) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createPattern_Callback_2_(this, canvas_OR_image, repetitionType);
if ((repetitionType is String || repetitionType == null) && (canvas_OR_image is VideoElement)) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createPattern_Callback_2_(this, canvas_OR_image, repetitionType);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
CanvasPattern createPatternFromImage(ImageElement image, String repetitionType) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createPattern_Callback_2_(this, image, repetitionType);
CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(num x0, num y0, num r0, num x1, num y1, num r1) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.createRadialGradient_Callback_6_(this, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
void drawFocusIfNeeded(element_OR_path, [Element element]) {
if ((element_OR_path is Element) && element == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawFocusIfNeeded_Callback_1_(this, element_OR_path);
if ((element is Element) && (element_OR_path is Path2D)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawFocusIfNeeded_Callback_2_(this, element_OR_path, element);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void _drawImage(canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, num sx_OR_x, num sy_OR_y, [num sw_OR_width, num height_OR_sh, num dx, num dy, num dw, num dh]) {
if ((sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is ImageElement) && sw_OR_width == null && height_OR_sh == null && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_3_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y);
if ((height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is ImageElement) && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_5_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh);
if ((dh is num) && (dw is num) && (dy is num) && (dx is num) && (height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is ImageElement)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_9_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
if ((sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is CanvasElement) && sw_OR_width == null && height_OR_sh == null && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_3_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y);
if ((height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is CanvasElement) && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_5_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh);
if ((dh is num) && (dw is num) && (dy is num) && (dx is num) && (height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is CanvasElement)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_9_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
if ((sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is VideoElement) && sw_OR_width == null && height_OR_sh == null && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_3_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y);
if ((height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is VideoElement) && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_5_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh);
if ((dh is num) && (dw is num) && (dy is num) && (dx is num) && (height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is VideoElement)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_9_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
if ((sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is ImageBitmap) && sw_OR_width == null && height_OR_sh == null && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_3_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y);
if ((height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is ImageBitmap) && dx == null && dy == null && dw == null && dh == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_5_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh);
if ((dh is num) && (dw is num) && (dy is num) && (dx is num) && (height_OR_sh is num) && (sw_OR_width is num) && (sy_OR_y is num) && (sx_OR_x is num) && (canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video is ImageBitmap)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.drawImage_Callback_9_(this, canvas_OR_image_OR_imageBitmap_OR_video, sx_OR_x, sy_OR_y, sw_OR_width, height_OR_sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void fill([path_OR_winding, String winding]) {
if (path_OR_winding == null && winding == null) {
if ((path_OR_winding is String) && winding == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fill_Callback_1_(this, path_OR_winding);
if ((path_OR_winding is Path2D) && winding == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fill_Callback_1_(this, path_OR_winding);
if ((winding is String) && (path_OR_winding is Path2D)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fill_Callback_2_(this, path_OR_winding, winding);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void fillRect(num x, num y, num width, num height) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fillRect_Callback_4_(this, x, y, width, height);
void fillText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth]) {
if (maxWidth != null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fillText_Callback_4_(this, text, x, y, maxWidth);
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.fillText_Callback_3_(this, text, x, y);
Canvas2DContextAttributes getContextAttributes() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.getContextAttributes_Callback_0_(this);
ImageData getImageData(num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.getImageData_Callback_4_(this, sx, sy, sw, sh);
List<num> _getLineDash() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.getLineDash_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool isContextLost() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isContextLost_Callback_0_(this);
bool isPointInPath(path_OR_x, num x_OR_y, [winding_OR_y, String winding]) {
if ((x_OR_y is num) && (path_OR_x is num) && winding_OR_y == null && winding == null) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isPointInPath_Callback_2_(this, path_OR_x, x_OR_y);
if ((winding_OR_y is String) && (x_OR_y is num) && (path_OR_x is num) && winding == null) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isPointInPath_Callback_3_(this, path_OR_x, x_OR_y, winding_OR_y);
if ((winding_OR_y is num) && (x_OR_y is num) && (path_OR_x is Path2D) && winding == null) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isPointInPath_Callback_3_(this, path_OR_x, x_OR_y, winding_OR_y);
if ((winding is String) && (winding_OR_y is num) && (x_OR_y is num) && (path_OR_x is Path2D)) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isPointInPath_Callback_4_(this, path_OR_x, x_OR_y, winding_OR_y, winding);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
bool isPointInStroke(path_OR_x, num x_OR_y, [num y]) {
if ((x_OR_y is num) && (path_OR_x is num) && y == null) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isPointInStroke_Callback_2_(this, path_OR_x, x_OR_y);
if ((y is num) && (x_OR_y is num) && (path_OR_x is Path2D)) {
return _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.isPointInStroke_Callback_3_(this, path_OR_x, x_OR_y, y);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
TextMetrics measureText(String text) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.measureText_Callback_1_(this, text);
void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy, [num dirtyX, num dirtyY, num dirtyWidth, num dirtyHeight]) {
if ((dy is num) && (dx is num) && (imagedata is ImageData) && dirtyX == null && dirtyY == null && dirtyWidth == null && dirtyHeight == null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.putImageData_Callback_3_(this, imagedata, dx, dy);
if ((dirtyHeight is num) && (dirtyWidth is num) && (dirtyY is num) && (dirtyX is num) && (dy is num) && (dx is num) && (imagedata is ImageData)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.putImageData_Callback_7_(this, imagedata, dx, dy, dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
void removeHitRegion(String id) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.removeHitRegion_Callback_1_(this, id);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void resetTransform() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.resetTransform_Callback_0_(this);
void restore() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.restore_Callback_0_(this);
void rotate(num angle) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.rotate_Callback_1_(this, angle);
void save() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.save_Callback_0_(this);
void scale(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.scale_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void scrollPathIntoView([Path2D path]) {
if (path != null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.scrollPathIntoView_Callback_1_(this, path);
void setLineDash(List<num> dash) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.setLineDash_Callback_1_(this, dash);
void setTransform(num a, num b, num c, num d, num e, num f) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.setTransform_Callback_6_(this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
void stroke([Path2D path]) {
if (path == null) {
if ((path is Path2D)) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.stroke_Callback_1_(this, path);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void strokeRect(num x, num y, num width, num height) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.strokeRect_Callback_4_(this, x, y, width, height);
void strokeText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth]) {
if (maxWidth != null) {
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.strokeText_Callback_4_(this, text, x, y, maxWidth);
_blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.strokeText_Callback_3_(this, text, x, y);
void transform(num a, num b, num c, num d, num e, num f) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.transform_Callback_6_(this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
void translate(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.translate_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void _arc(num x, num y, num radius, num startAngle, num endAngle, bool anticlockwise) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.arc_Callback_6_(this, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
void arcTo(num x1, num y1, num x2, num y2, num radius) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.arcTo_Callback_5_(this, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius);
void bezierCurveTo(num cp1x, num cp1y, num cp2x, num cp2y, num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.bezierCurveTo_Callback_6_(this, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y);
void closePath() => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.closePath_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void ellipse(num x, num y, num radiusX, num radiusY, num rotation, num startAngle, num endAngle, bool anticlockwise) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.ellipse_Callback_8_(this, x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
void lineTo(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.lineTo_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void moveTo(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.moveTo_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void quadraticCurveTo(num cpx, num cpy, num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.quadraticCurveTo_Callback_4_(this, cpx, cpy, x, y);
void rect(num x, num y, num width, num height) => _blink.BlinkCanvasRenderingContext2D.instance.rect_Callback_4_(this, x, y, width, height);
* Sets the color used inside shapes.
* [r], [g], [b] are 0-255, [a] is 0-1.
void setFillColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]) {
this.fillStyle = 'rgba($r, $g, $b, $a)';
* Sets the color used inside shapes.
* [h] is in degrees, 0-360.
* [s], [l] are in percent, 0-100.
* [a] is 0-1.
void setFillColorHsl(int h, num s, num l, [num a = 1]) {
this.fillStyle = 'hsla($h, $s%, $l%, $a)';
* Sets the color used for stroking shapes.
* [r], [g], [b] are 0-255, [a] is 0-1.
void setStrokeColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]) {
this.strokeStyle = 'rgba($r, $g, $b, $a)';
* Sets the color used for stroking shapes.
* [h] is in degrees, 0-360.
* [s], [l] are in percent, 0-100.
* [a] is 0-1.
void setStrokeColorHsl(int h, num s, num l, [num a = 1]) {
this.strokeStyle = 'hsla($h, $s%, $l%, $a)';
void arc(num x, num y, num radius, num startAngle, num endAngle,
[bool anticlockwise = false]) {
// TODO(terry): This should not be needed:
_arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
* Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to an area of this canvas.
* The image will be drawn to an area of this canvas defined by
* [destRect]. [sourceRect] defines the region of the source image that is
* drawn.
* If [sourceRect] is not provided, then
* the entire rectangular image from [source] will be drawn to this context.
* If the image is larger than canvas
* will allow, the image will be clipped to fit the available space.
* CanvasElement canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);
* CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
* ImageElement img = document.query('img');
* img.width = 100;
* img.height = 100;
* // Scale the image to 20x20.
* ctx.drawImageToRect(img, new Rectangle(50, 50, 20, 20));
* VideoElement video = document.query('video');
* video.width = 100;
* video.height = 100;
* // Take the middle 20x20 pixels from the video and stretch them.
* ctx.drawImageToRect(video, new Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 100),
* sourceRect: new Rectangle(40, 40, 20, 20));
* // Draw the top 100x20 pixels from the otherCanvas.
* CanvasElement otherCanvas = document.query('canvas');
* ctx.drawImageToRect(otherCanvas, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 20),
* sourceRect: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 20));
* See also:
* * [CanvasImageSource] for more information on what data is retrieved
* from [source].
* * [drawImage](
* from the WHATWG.
void drawImageToRect(CanvasImageSource source, Rectangle destRect,
{Rectangle sourceRect}) {
if (sourceRect == null) {
} else {
* Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to this canvas.
* The entire image from [source] will be drawn to this context with its top
* left corner at the point ([destX], [destY]). If the image is
* larger than canvas will allow, the image will be clipped to fit the
* available space.
* CanvasElement canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);
* CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
* ImageElement img = document.query('img');
* ctx.drawImage(img, 100, 100);
* VideoElement video = document.query('video');
* ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0);
* CanvasElement otherCanvas = document.query('canvas');
* otherCanvas.width = 100;
* otherCanvas.height = 100;
* ctx.drawImage(otherCanvas, 590, 590); // will get clipped
* See also:
* * [CanvasImageSource] for more information on what data is retrieved
* from [source].
* * [drawImage](
* from the WHATWG.
void drawImage(CanvasImageSource source, num destX, num destY) {
_drawImage(source, destX, destY);
* Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to an area of this canvas.
* The image will be drawn to this context with its top left corner at the
* point ([destX], [destY]) and will be scaled to be [destWidth] wide and
* [destHeight] tall.
* If the image is larger than canvas
* will allow, the image will be clipped to fit the available space.
* CanvasElement canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);
* CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
* ImageElement img = document.query('img');
* img.width = 100;
* img.height = 100;
* // Scale the image to 300x50 at the point (20, 20)
* ctx.drawImageScaled(img, 20, 20, 300, 50);
* See also:
* * [CanvasImageSource] for more information on what data is retrieved
* from [source].
* * [drawImage](
* from the WHATWG.
void drawImageScaled(CanvasImageSource source,
num destX, num destY, num destWidth, num destHeight) {
_drawImage(source, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight);
* Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to an area of this canvas.
* The image is a region of [source] that is [sourceWidth] wide and
* [destHeight] tall with top left corner at ([sourceX], [sourceY]).
* The image will be drawn to this context with its top left corner at the
* point ([destX], [destY]) and will be scaled to be [destWidth] wide and
* [destHeight] tall.
* If the image is larger than canvas
* will allow, the image will be clipped to fit the available space.
* VideoElement video = document.query('video');
* video.width = 100;
* video.height = 100;
* // Take the middle 20x20 pixels from the video and stretch them.
* ctx.drawImageScaledFromSource(video, 40, 40, 20, 20, 50, 50, 100, 100);
* // Draw the top 100x20 pixels from the otherCanvas to this one.
* CanvasElement otherCanvas = document.query('canvas');
* ctx.drawImageScaledFromSource(otherCanvas, 0, 0, 100, 20, 0, 0, 100, 20);
* See also:
* * [CanvasImageSource] for more information on what data is retrieved
* from [source].
* * [drawImage](
* from the WHATWG.
void drawImageScaledFromSource(CanvasImageSource source,
num sourceX, num sourceY, num sourceWidth, num sourceHeight,
num destX, num destY, num destWidth, num destHeight) {
_drawImage(source, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight,
destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight);
// TODO(amouravski): Add Dartium native methods for drawImage once we figure
// out how to not break native bindings.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '11')
List<num> getLineDash() {
// TODO(14316): Firefox has this functionality with mozDash, but it's a bit
// different.
var result = _getLineDash();
if (result == null) {
result = [];
return result;
/** Deprecated always returns 1.0 */
double get backingStorePixelRatio => 1.0;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CharacterData extends Node implements ChildNode {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CharacterData._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get data => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.data_Getter_(this);
void set data(String value) => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.data_Setter_(this, value);
int get length => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.length_Getter_(this);
void appendData(String data) => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.appendData_Callback_1_(this, data);
void deleteData(int offset, int length) => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.deleteData_Callback_2_(this, offset, length);
void insertData(int offset, String data) => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.insertData_Callback_2_(this, offset, data);
void replaceData(int offset, int length, String data) => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.replaceData_Callback_3_(this, offset, length, data);
String substringData(int offset, int length) => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.substringData_Callback_2_(this, offset, length);
Element get nextElementSibling => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.nextElementSibling_Getter_(this);
Element get previousElementSibling => _blink.BlinkCharacterData.instance.previousElementSibling_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class ChildNode extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ChildNode._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get nextElementSibling;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get previousElementSibling;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void remove();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CircularRegion extends GeofencingRegion {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CircularRegion._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory CircularRegion(Map init) {
return _blink.BlinkCircularRegion.instance.constructorCallback_1_(init);
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const num MAX_RADIUS = 100.0;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const num MIN_RADIUS = 1.0;
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get latitude => _blink.BlinkCircularRegion.instance.latitude_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get longitude => _blink.BlinkCircularRegion.instance.longitude_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get radius => _blink.BlinkCircularRegion.instance.radius_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CloseEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CloseEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get code => _blink.BlinkCloseEvent.instance.code_Getter_(this);
String get reason => _blink.BlinkCloseEvent.instance.reason_Getter_(this);
bool get wasClean => _blink.BlinkCloseEvent.instance.wasClean_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Comment extends CharacterData {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Comment._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory Comment([String data]) {
if (data != null) {
return _blink.BlinkComment.instance.constructorCallback_1_(data);
return _blink.BlinkComment.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CompositionEvent extends UIEvent {
factory CompositionEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: false, bool cancelable: false, Window view,
String data}) {
if (view == null) {
view = window;
var e = document._createEvent("CompositionEvent");
e._initCompositionEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, data);
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CompositionEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get activeSegmentEnd => _blink.BlinkCompositionEvent.instance.activeSegmentEnd_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get activeSegmentStart => _blink.BlinkCompositionEvent.instance.activeSegmentStart_Getter_(this);
String get data => _blink.BlinkCompositionEvent.instance.data_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<int> getSegments() => _blink.BlinkCompositionEvent.instance.getSegments_Callback_0_(this);
void _initCompositionEvent(String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, Window viewArg, String dataArg) => _blink.BlinkCompositionEvent.instance.initCompositionEvent_Callback_5_(this, typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, dataArg);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Console extends ConsoleBase {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Console._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
MemoryInfo get memory => _blink.BlinkConsole.instance.memory_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ConsoleBase extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ConsoleBase._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
void assertCondition(bool condition, Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.assert_Callback_2_(this, condition, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void clear(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.clear_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void count(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.count_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void debug(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.debug_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void dir(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.dir_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void dirxml(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.dirxml_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void error(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.error_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void group(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.group_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void groupCollapsed(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.groupCollapsed_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void groupEnd() => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.groupEnd_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void info(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.info_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void log(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.log_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void markTimeline(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.markTimeline_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void profile(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.profile_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void profileEnd(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.profileEnd_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void table(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.table_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void time(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.time_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void timeEnd(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.timeEnd_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void timeStamp(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.timeStamp_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void timeline(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.timeline_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void timelineEnd(String title) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.timelineEnd_Callback_1_(this, title);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void trace(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.trace_Callback_1_(this, arg);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void warn(Object arg) => _blink.BlinkConsoleBase.instance.warn_Callback_1_(this, arg);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '26')
class ContentElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ContentElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ContentElement() => document.createElement("content");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ContentElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
String get select => _blink.BlinkHTMLContentElement.instance.select_Getter_(this);
void set select(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLContentElement.instance.select_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> getDistributedNodes() => _blink.BlinkHTMLContentElement.instance.getDistributedNodes_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Coordinates extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Coordinates._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get accuracy => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.accuracy_Getter_(this);
double get altitude => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.altitude_Getter_(this);
double get altitudeAccuracy => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.altitudeAccuracy_Getter_(this);
double get heading => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.heading_Getter_(this);
double get latitude => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.latitude_Getter_(this);
double get longitude => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.longitude_Getter_(this);
double get speed => _blink.BlinkCoordinates.instance.speed_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class Credential extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Credential._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get avatarUrl => _blink.BlinkCredential.instance.avatarURL_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkCredential.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get name => _blink.BlinkCredential.instance.name_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CredentialsContainer extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CredentialsContainer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Future notifyFailedSignIn([Credential credential]) {
if (credential != null) {
return _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.notifyFailedSignIn_Callback_1_(this, credential);
return _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.notifyFailedSignIn_Callback_0_(this);
Future notifySignedIn([Credential credential]) {
if (credential != null) {
return _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.notifySignedIn_Callback_1_(this, credential);
return _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.notifySignedIn_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future notifySignedOut() => _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.notifySignedOut_Callback_0_(this);
Future request([Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
return _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.request_Callback_1_(this, options);
return _blink.BlinkCredentialsContainer.instance.request_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Crypto extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Crypto._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
@Experimental() // untriaged
_SubtleCrypto get subtle => _blink.BlinkCrypto.instance.subtle_Getter_(this);
TypedData getRandomValues(TypedData array) => _blink.BlinkCrypto.instance.getRandomValues_Callback_1_(this, array);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CryptoKey extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CryptoKey._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Object get algorithm => _blink.BlinkCryptoKey.instance.algorithm_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get extractable => _blink.BlinkCryptoKey.instance.extractable_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get type => _blink.BlinkCryptoKey.instance.type_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<String> get usages => _blink.BlinkCryptoKey.instance.usages_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // None
class Css extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Css._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool supports(String property, String value) => _blink.BlinkCSS.instance.supports_Callback_2_(this, property, value);
bool supportsCondition(String conditionText) => _blink.BlinkCSS.instance.supports_Callback_1_(this, conditionText);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssCharsetRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssCharsetRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get encoding => _blink.BlinkCSSCharsetRule.instance.encoding_Getter_(this);
void set encoding(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSCharsetRule.instance.encoding_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssFilterRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssFilterRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkWebKitCSSFilterRule.instance.style_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssFontFaceRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssFontFaceRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkCSSFontFaceRule.instance.style_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssImportRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssImportRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get href => _blink.BlinkCSSImportRule.instance.href_Getter_(this);
MediaList get media => _blink.BlinkCSSImportRule.instance.media_Getter_(this);
CssStyleSheet get styleSheet => _blink.BlinkCSSImportRule.instance.styleSheet_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CssKeyframeRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssKeyframeRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get keyText => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframeRule.instance.keyText_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set keyText(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframeRule.instance.keyText_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframeRule.instance.style_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CssKeyframesRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssKeyframesRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<CssRule> get cssRules => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.cssRules_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get name => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.name_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
CssKeyframeRule __getter__(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void deleteRule(String key) => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.deleteRule_Callback_1_(this, key);
@Experimental() // untriaged
CssKeyframeRule findRule(String key) => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.findRule_Callback_1_(this, key);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void appendRule(String rule) => _blink.BlinkCSSKeyframesRule.instance.insertRule_Callback_1_(this, rule);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssMediaRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssMediaRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
List<CssRule> get cssRules => _blink.BlinkCSSMediaRule.instance.cssRules_Getter_(this);
MediaList get media => _blink.BlinkCSSMediaRule.instance.media_Getter_(this);
void deleteRule(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSMediaRule.instance.deleteRule_Callback_1_(this, index);
int insertRule(String rule, int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSMediaRule.instance.insertRule_Callback_2_(this, rule, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssPageRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssPageRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get selectorText => _blink.BlinkCSSPageRule.instance.selectorText_Getter_(this);
void set selectorText(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSPageRule.instance.selectorText_Setter_(this, value);
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkCSSPageRule.instance.style_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssRule extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int CHARSET_RULE = 2;
static const int FONT_FACE_RULE = 5;
static const int IMPORT_RULE = 3;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int KEYFRAMES_RULE = 7;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int KEYFRAME_RULE = 8;
static const int MEDIA_RULE = 4;
static const int PAGE_RULE = 6;
static const int STYLE_RULE = 1;
static const int SUPPORTS_RULE = 12;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int VIEWPORT_RULE = 15;
static const int WEBKIT_FILTER_RULE = 17;
static const int WEBKIT_KEYFRAMES_RULE = 7;
static const int WEBKIT_KEYFRAME_RULE = 8;
String get cssText => _blink.BlinkCSSRule.instance.cssText_Getter_(this);
void set cssText(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSRule.instance.cssText_Setter_(this, value);
CssRule get parentRule => _blink.BlinkCSSRule.instance.parentRule_Getter_(this);
CssStyleSheet get parentStyleSheet => _blink.BlinkCSSRule.instance.parentStyleSheet_Getter_(this);
int get type => _blink.BlinkCSSRule.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The template file was generated by scripts/
// Source of CSS properties:
class CssStyleDeclaration extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with
CssStyleDeclarationBase {
factory CssStyleDeclaration() => new CssStyleDeclaration.css('');
factory CssStyleDeclaration.css(String css) {
final style = new Element.tag('div').style;
style.cssText = css;
return style;
String getPropertyValue(String propertyName) {
var propValue = _getPropertyValueHelper(propertyName);
return propValue != null ? propValue : '';
String _getPropertyValueHelper(String propertyName) {
if (_supportsProperty(_camelCase(propertyName))) {
return _getPropertyValue(propertyName);
} else {
return _getPropertyValue(Device.cssPrefix + propertyName);
* Returns true if the provided *CSS* property name is supported on this
* element.
* Please note the property name camelCase, not-hyphens. This
* method returns true if the property is accessible via an unprefixed _or_
* prefixed property.
bool supportsProperty(String propertyName) {
return _supportsProperty(propertyName) ||
_supportsProperty(_camelCase(Device.cssPrefix + propertyName));
bool _supportsProperty(String propertyName) {
// You can't just check the value of a property, because there is no way
// to distinguish between property not being present in the browser and
// not having a value at all. (Ultimately we'll want the native method to
// return null if the property doesn't exist and empty string if it's
// defined but just doesn't have a value.
return _hasProperty(propertyName);
bool _hasProperty(String propertyName) =>
_blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.$__propertyQuery___Callback_1(this, propertyName);
void setProperty(String propertyName, String value, [String priority]) {
if (_supportsProperty(_camelCase(propertyName))) {
return _setPropertyHelper(propertyName, value, priority);
} else {
return _setPropertyHelper(Device.cssPrefix + propertyName, value,
static String _camelCase(String hyphenated) {
// The "ms" prefix is always lowercased.
return hyphenated.replaceFirst(new RegExp('^-ms-'), 'ms-').replaceAllMapped(
new RegExp('-([a-z]+)', caseSensitive: false),
(match) => match[0][1].toUpperCase() + match[0].substring(2));
void _setPropertyHelper(String propertyName, String value, [String priority]) {
if (priority == null) {
priority = '';
_setProperty(propertyName, value, priority);
* Checks to see if CSS Transitions are supported.
static bool get supportsTransitions => true;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssStyleDeclaration._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get cssText => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.cssText_Getter_(this);
void set cssText(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.cssText_Setter_(this, value);
int get length => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.length_Getter_(this);
CssRule get parentRule => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.parentRule_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Object __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool __propertyQuery__(String name) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.$__propertyQuery___Callback_1_(this, name);
void __setter__(String propertyName, String propertyValue) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, propertyName, propertyValue);
String getPropertyPriority(String propertyName) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.getPropertyPriority_Callback_1_(this, propertyName);
String _getPropertyValue(String propertyName) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.getPropertyValue_Callback_1_(this, propertyName);
String item(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
String removeProperty(String propertyName) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.removeProperty_Callback_1_(this, propertyName);
void _setProperty(String propertyName, String value, String priority) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleDeclaration.instance.setProperty_Callback_3_(this, propertyName, value, priority);
class _CssStyleDeclarationSet extends Object with CssStyleDeclarationBase {
final Iterable<Element> _elementIterable;
Iterable<CssStyleDeclaration> _elementCssStyleDeclarationSetIterable;
_CssStyleDeclarationSet(this._elementIterable) {
_elementCssStyleDeclarationSetIterable = new List.from(
_elementIterable).map((e) =>;
String getPropertyValue(String propertyName) =>
void setProperty(String propertyName, String value, [String priority]) {
_elementCssStyleDeclarationSetIterable.forEach((e) =>
e.setProperty(propertyName, value, priority));
// Important note: CssStyleDeclarationSet does NOT implement every method
// available in CssStyleDeclaration. Some of the methods don't make so much
// sense in terms of having a resonable value to return when you're
// considering a list of Elements. You will need to manually add any of the
// items in the MEMBERS set if you want that functionality.
abstract class CssStyleDeclarationBase {
String getPropertyValue(String propertyName);
void setProperty(String propertyName, String value, [String priority]);
/** Gets the value of "align-content" */
String get alignContent =>
/** Sets the value of "align-content" */
void set alignContent(String value) {
setProperty('align-content', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "align-items" */
String get alignItems =>
/** Sets the value of "align-items" */
void set alignItems(String value) {
setProperty('align-items', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "align-self" */
String get alignSelf =>
/** Sets the value of "align-self" */
void set alignSelf(String value) {
setProperty('align-self', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation" */
String get animation =>
/** Sets the value of "animation" */
void set animation(String value) {
setProperty('animation', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-delay" */
String get animationDelay =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-delay" */
void set animationDelay(String value) {
setProperty('animation-delay', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-direction" */
String get animationDirection =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-direction" */
void set animationDirection(String value) {
setProperty('animation-direction', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-duration" */
String get animationDuration =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-duration" */
void set animationDuration(String value) {
setProperty('animation-duration', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-fill-mode" */
String get animationFillMode =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-fill-mode" */
void set animationFillMode(String value) {
setProperty('animation-fill-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-iteration-count" */
String get animationIterationCount =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-iteration-count" */
void set animationIterationCount(String value) {
setProperty('animation-iteration-count', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-name" */
String get animationName =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-name" */
void set animationName(String value) {
setProperty('animation-name', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-play-state" */
String get animationPlayState =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-play-state" */
void set animationPlayState(String value) {
setProperty('animation-play-state', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "animation-timing-function" */
String get animationTimingFunction =>
/** Sets the value of "animation-timing-function" */
void set animationTimingFunction(String value) {
setProperty('animation-timing-function', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "app-region" */
String get appRegion =>
/** Sets the value of "app-region" */
void set appRegion(String value) {
setProperty('app-region', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "appearance" */
String get appearance =>
/** Sets the value of "appearance" */
void set appearance(String value) {
setProperty('appearance', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "aspect-ratio" */
String get aspectRatio =>
/** Sets the value of "aspect-ratio" */
void set aspectRatio(String value) {
setProperty('aspect-ratio', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "backface-visibility" */
String get backfaceVisibility =>
/** Sets the value of "backface-visibility" */
void set backfaceVisibility(String value) {
setProperty('backface-visibility', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background" */
String get background =>
/** Sets the value of "background" */
void set background(String value) {
setProperty('background', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-attachment" */
String get backgroundAttachment =>
/** Sets the value of "background-attachment" */
void set backgroundAttachment(String value) {
setProperty('background-attachment', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-blend-mode" */
String get backgroundBlendMode =>
/** Sets the value of "background-blend-mode" */
void set backgroundBlendMode(String value) {
setProperty('background-blend-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-clip" */
String get backgroundClip =>
/** Sets the value of "background-clip" */
void set backgroundClip(String value) {
setProperty('background-clip', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-color" */
String get backgroundColor =>
/** Sets the value of "background-color" */
void set backgroundColor(String value) {
setProperty('background-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-composite" */
String get backgroundComposite =>
/** Sets the value of "background-composite" */
void set backgroundComposite(String value) {
setProperty('background-composite', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-image" */
String get backgroundImage =>
/** Sets the value of "background-image" */
void set backgroundImage(String value) {
setProperty('background-image', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-origin" */
String get backgroundOrigin =>
/** Sets the value of "background-origin" */
void set backgroundOrigin(String value) {
setProperty('background-origin', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-position" */
String get backgroundPosition =>
/** Sets the value of "background-position" */
void set backgroundPosition(String value) {
setProperty('background-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-position-x" */
String get backgroundPositionX =>
/** Sets the value of "background-position-x" */
void set backgroundPositionX(String value) {
setProperty('background-position-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-position-y" */
String get backgroundPositionY =>
/** Sets the value of "background-position-y" */
void set backgroundPositionY(String value) {
setProperty('background-position-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-repeat" */
String get backgroundRepeat =>
/** Sets the value of "background-repeat" */
void set backgroundRepeat(String value) {
setProperty('background-repeat', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-repeat-x" */
String get backgroundRepeatX =>
/** Sets the value of "background-repeat-x" */
void set backgroundRepeatX(String value) {
setProperty('background-repeat-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-repeat-y" */
String get backgroundRepeatY =>
/** Sets the value of "background-repeat-y" */
void set backgroundRepeatY(String value) {
setProperty('background-repeat-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "background-size" */
String get backgroundSize =>
/** Sets the value of "background-size" */
void set backgroundSize(String value) {
setProperty('background-size', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border" */
String get border =>
/** Sets the value of "border" */
void set border(String value) {
setProperty('border', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-after" */
String get borderAfter =>
/** Sets the value of "border-after" */
void set borderAfter(String value) {
setProperty('border-after', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-after-color" */
String get borderAfterColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-after-color" */
void set borderAfterColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-after-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-after-style" */
String get borderAfterStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-after-style" */
void set borderAfterStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-after-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-after-width" */
String get borderAfterWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-after-width" */
void set borderAfterWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-after-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-before" */
String get borderBefore =>
/** Sets the value of "border-before" */
void set borderBefore(String value) {
setProperty('border-before', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-before-color" */
String get borderBeforeColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-before-color" */
void set borderBeforeColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-before-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-before-style" */
String get borderBeforeStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-before-style" */
void set borderBeforeStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-before-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-before-width" */
String get borderBeforeWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-before-width" */
void set borderBeforeWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-before-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-bottom" */
String get borderBottom =>
/** Sets the value of "border-bottom" */
void set borderBottom(String value) {
setProperty('border-bottom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-bottom-color" */
String get borderBottomColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-bottom-color" */
void set borderBottomColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-bottom-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-bottom-left-radius" */
String get borderBottomLeftRadius =>
/** Sets the value of "border-bottom-left-radius" */
void set borderBottomLeftRadius(String value) {
setProperty('border-bottom-left-radius', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-bottom-right-radius" */
String get borderBottomRightRadius =>
/** Sets the value of "border-bottom-right-radius" */
void set borderBottomRightRadius(String value) {
setProperty('border-bottom-right-radius', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-bottom-style" */
String get borderBottomStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-bottom-style" */
void set borderBottomStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-bottom-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-bottom-width" */
String get borderBottomWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-bottom-width" */
void set borderBottomWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-bottom-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-collapse" */
String get borderCollapse =>
/** Sets the value of "border-collapse" */
void set borderCollapse(String value) {
setProperty('border-collapse', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-color" */
String get borderColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-color" */
void set borderColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-end" */
String get borderEnd =>
/** Sets the value of "border-end" */
void set borderEnd(String value) {
setProperty('border-end', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-end-color" */
String get borderEndColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-end-color" */
void set borderEndColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-end-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-end-style" */
String get borderEndStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-end-style" */
void set borderEndStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-end-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-end-width" */
String get borderEndWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-end-width" */
void set borderEndWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-end-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-fit" */
String get borderFit =>
/** Sets the value of "border-fit" */
void set borderFit(String value) {
setProperty('border-fit', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-horizontal-spacing" */
String get borderHorizontalSpacing =>
/** Sets the value of "border-horizontal-spacing" */
void set borderHorizontalSpacing(String value) {
setProperty('border-horizontal-spacing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-image" */
String get borderImage =>
/** Sets the value of "border-image" */
void set borderImage(String value) {
setProperty('border-image', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-image-outset" */
String get borderImageOutset =>
/** Sets the value of "border-image-outset" */
void set borderImageOutset(String value) {
setProperty('border-image-outset', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-image-repeat" */
String get borderImageRepeat =>
/** Sets the value of "border-image-repeat" */
void set borderImageRepeat(String value) {
setProperty('border-image-repeat', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-image-slice" */
String get borderImageSlice =>
/** Sets the value of "border-image-slice" */
void set borderImageSlice(String value) {
setProperty('border-image-slice', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-image-source" */
String get borderImageSource =>
/** Sets the value of "border-image-source" */
void set borderImageSource(String value) {
setProperty('border-image-source', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-image-width" */
String get borderImageWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-image-width" */
void set borderImageWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-image-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-left" */
String get borderLeft =>
/** Sets the value of "border-left" */
void set borderLeft(String value) {
setProperty('border-left', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-left-color" */
String get borderLeftColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-left-color" */
void set borderLeftColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-left-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-left-style" */
String get borderLeftStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-left-style" */
void set borderLeftStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-left-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-left-width" */
String get borderLeftWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-left-width" */
void set borderLeftWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-left-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-radius" */
String get borderRadius =>
/** Sets the value of "border-radius" */
void set borderRadius(String value) {
setProperty('border-radius', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-right" */
String get borderRight =>
/** Sets the value of "border-right" */
void set borderRight(String value) {
setProperty('border-right', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-right-color" */
String get borderRightColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-right-color" */
void set borderRightColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-right-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-right-style" */
String get borderRightStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-right-style" */
void set borderRightStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-right-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-right-width" */
String get borderRightWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-right-width" */
void set borderRightWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-right-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-spacing" */
String get borderSpacing =>
/** Sets the value of "border-spacing" */
void set borderSpacing(String value) {
setProperty('border-spacing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-start" */
String get borderStart =>
/** Sets the value of "border-start" */
void set borderStart(String value) {
setProperty('border-start', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-start-color" */
String get borderStartColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-start-color" */
void set borderStartColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-start-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-start-style" */
String get borderStartStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-start-style" */
void set borderStartStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-start-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-start-width" */
String get borderStartWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-start-width" */
void set borderStartWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-start-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-style" */
String get borderStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-style" */
void set borderStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-top" */
String get borderTop =>
/** Sets the value of "border-top" */
void set borderTop(String value) {
setProperty('border-top', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-top-color" */
String get borderTopColor =>
/** Sets the value of "border-top-color" */
void set borderTopColor(String value) {
setProperty('border-top-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-top-left-radius" */
String get borderTopLeftRadius =>
/** Sets the value of "border-top-left-radius" */
void set borderTopLeftRadius(String value) {
setProperty('border-top-left-radius', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-top-right-radius" */
String get borderTopRightRadius =>
/** Sets the value of "border-top-right-radius" */
void set borderTopRightRadius(String value) {
setProperty('border-top-right-radius', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-top-style" */
String get borderTopStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "border-top-style" */
void set borderTopStyle(String value) {
setProperty('border-top-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-top-width" */
String get borderTopWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-top-width" */
void set borderTopWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-top-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-vertical-spacing" */
String get borderVerticalSpacing =>
/** Sets the value of "border-vertical-spacing" */
void set borderVerticalSpacing(String value) {
setProperty('border-vertical-spacing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "border-width" */
String get borderWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "border-width" */
void set borderWidth(String value) {
setProperty('border-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "bottom" */
String get bottom =>
/** Sets the value of "bottom" */
void set bottom(String value) {
setProperty('bottom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-align" */
String get boxAlign =>
/** Sets the value of "box-align" */
void set boxAlign(String value) {
setProperty('box-align', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-decoration-break" */
String get boxDecorationBreak =>
/** Sets the value of "box-decoration-break" */
void set boxDecorationBreak(String value) {
setProperty('box-decoration-break', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-direction" */
String get boxDirection =>
/** Sets the value of "box-direction" */
void set boxDirection(String value) {
setProperty('box-direction', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-flex" */
String get boxFlex =>
/** Sets the value of "box-flex" */
void set boxFlex(String value) {
setProperty('box-flex', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-flex-group" */
String get boxFlexGroup =>
/** Sets the value of "box-flex-group" */
void set boxFlexGroup(String value) {
setProperty('box-flex-group', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-lines" */
String get boxLines =>
/** Sets the value of "box-lines" */
void set boxLines(String value) {
setProperty('box-lines', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-ordinal-group" */
String get boxOrdinalGroup =>
/** Sets the value of "box-ordinal-group" */
void set boxOrdinalGroup(String value) {
setProperty('box-ordinal-group', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-orient" */
String get boxOrient =>
/** Sets the value of "box-orient" */
void set boxOrient(String value) {
setProperty('box-orient', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-pack" */
String get boxPack =>
/** Sets the value of "box-pack" */
void set boxPack(String value) {
setProperty('box-pack', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-reflect" */
String get boxReflect =>
/** Sets the value of "box-reflect" */
void set boxReflect(String value) {
setProperty('box-reflect', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-shadow" */
String get boxShadow =>
/** Sets the value of "box-shadow" */
void set boxShadow(String value) {
setProperty('box-shadow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "box-sizing" */
String get boxSizing =>
/** Sets the value of "box-sizing" */
void set boxSizing(String value) {
setProperty('box-sizing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "caption-side" */
String get captionSide =>
/** Sets the value of "caption-side" */
void set captionSide(String value) {
setProperty('caption-side', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "clear" */
String get clear =>
/** Sets the value of "clear" */
void set clear(String value) {
setProperty('clear', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "clip" */
String get clip =>
/** Sets the value of "clip" */
void set clip(String value) {
setProperty('clip', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "clip-path" */
String get clipPath =>
/** Sets the value of "clip-path" */
void set clipPath(String value) {
setProperty('clip-path', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "color" */
String get color =>
/** Sets the value of "color" */
void set color(String value) {
setProperty('color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-break-after" */
String get columnBreakAfter =>
/** Sets the value of "column-break-after" */
void set columnBreakAfter(String value) {
setProperty('column-break-after', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-break-before" */
String get columnBreakBefore =>
/** Sets the value of "column-break-before" */
void set columnBreakBefore(String value) {
setProperty('column-break-before', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-break-inside" */
String get columnBreakInside =>
/** Sets the value of "column-break-inside" */
void set columnBreakInside(String value) {
setProperty('column-break-inside', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-count" */
String get columnCount =>
/** Sets the value of "column-count" */
void set columnCount(String value) {
setProperty('column-count', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-fill" */
String get columnFill =>
/** Sets the value of "column-fill" */
void set columnFill(String value) {
setProperty('column-fill', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-gap" */
String get columnGap =>
/** Sets the value of "column-gap" */
void set columnGap(String value) {
setProperty('column-gap', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-rule" */
String get columnRule =>
/** Sets the value of "column-rule" */
void set columnRule(String value) {
setProperty('column-rule', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-rule-color" */
String get columnRuleColor =>
/** Sets the value of "column-rule-color" */
void set columnRuleColor(String value) {
setProperty('column-rule-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-rule-style" */
String get columnRuleStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "column-rule-style" */
void set columnRuleStyle(String value) {
setProperty('column-rule-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-rule-width" */
String get columnRuleWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "column-rule-width" */
void set columnRuleWidth(String value) {
setProperty('column-rule-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-span" */
String get columnSpan =>
/** Sets the value of "column-span" */
void set columnSpan(String value) {
setProperty('column-span', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "column-width" */
String get columnWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "column-width" */
void set columnWidth(String value) {
setProperty('column-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "columns" */
String get columns =>
/** Sets the value of "columns" */
void set columns(String value) {
setProperty('columns', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "content" */
String get content =>
/** Sets the value of "content" */
void set content(String value) {
setProperty('content', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "counter-increment" */
String get counterIncrement =>
/** Sets the value of "counter-increment" */
void set counterIncrement(String value) {
setProperty('counter-increment', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "counter-reset" */
String get counterReset =>
/** Sets the value of "counter-reset" */
void set counterReset(String value) {
setProperty('counter-reset', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "cursor" */
String get cursor =>
/** Sets the value of "cursor" */
void set cursor(String value) {
setProperty('cursor', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "direction" */
String get direction =>
/** Sets the value of "direction" */
void set direction(String value) {
setProperty('direction', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "display" */
String get display =>
/** Sets the value of "display" */
void set display(String value) {
setProperty('display', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "empty-cells" */
String get emptyCells =>
/** Sets the value of "empty-cells" */
void set emptyCells(String value) {
setProperty('empty-cells', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "filter" */
String get filter =>
/** Sets the value of "filter" */
void set filter(String value) {
setProperty('filter', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex" */
String get flex =>
/** Sets the value of "flex" */
void set flex(String value) {
setProperty('flex', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex-basis" */
String get flexBasis =>
/** Sets the value of "flex-basis" */
void set flexBasis(String value) {
setProperty('flex-basis', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex-direction" */
String get flexDirection =>
/** Sets the value of "flex-direction" */
void set flexDirection(String value) {
setProperty('flex-direction', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex-flow" */
String get flexFlow =>
/** Sets the value of "flex-flow" */
void set flexFlow(String value) {
setProperty('flex-flow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex-grow" */
String get flexGrow =>
/** Sets the value of "flex-grow" */
void set flexGrow(String value) {
setProperty('flex-grow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex-shrink" */
String get flexShrink =>
/** Sets the value of "flex-shrink" */
void set flexShrink(String value) {
setProperty('flex-shrink', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "flex-wrap" */
String get flexWrap =>
/** Sets the value of "flex-wrap" */
void set flexWrap(String value) {
setProperty('flex-wrap', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "float" */
String get float =>
/** Sets the value of "float" */
void set float(String value) {
setProperty('float', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font" */
String get font =>
/** Sets the value of "font" */
void set font(String value) {
setProperty('font', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-family" */
String get fontFamily =>
/** Sets the value of "font-family" */
void set fontFamily(String value) {
setProperty('font-family', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-feature-settings" */
String get fontFeatureSettings =>
/** Sets the value of "font-feature-settings" */
void set fontFeatureSettings(String value) {
setProperty('font-feature-settings', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-kerning" */
String get fontKerning =>
/** Sets the value of "font-kerning" */
void set fontKerning(String value) {
setProperty('font-kerning', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-size" */
String get fontSize =>
/** Sets the value of "font-size" */
void set fontSize(String value) {
setProperty('font-size', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-size-delta" */
String get fontSizeDelta =>
/** Sets the value of "font-size-delta" */
void set fontSizeDelta(String value) {
setProperty('font-size-delta', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-smoothing" */
String get fontSmoothing =>
/** Sets the value of "font-smoothing" */
void set fontSmoothing(String value) {
setProperty('font-smoothing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-stretch" */
String get fontStretch =>
/** Sets the value of "font-stretch" */
void set fontStretch(String value) {
setProperty('font-stretch', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-style" */
String get fontStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "font-style" */
void set fontStyle(String value) {
setProperty('font-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-variant" */
String get fontVariant =>
/** Sets the value of "font-variant" */
void set fontVariant(String value) {
setProperty('font-variant', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-variant-ligatures" */
String get fontVariantLigatures =>
/** Sets the value of "font-variant-ligatures" */
void set fontVariantLigatures(String value) {
setProperty('font-variant-ligatures', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "font-weight" */
String get fontWeight =>
/** Sets the value of "font-weight" */
void set fontWeight(String value) {
setProperty('font-weight', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid" */
String get grid =>
/** Sets the value of "grid" */
void set grid(String value) {
setProperty('grid', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-area" */
String get gridArea =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-area" */
void set gridArea(String value) {
setProperty('grid-area', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-auto-columns" */
String get gridAutoColumns =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-auto-columns" */
void set gridAutoColumns(String value) {
setProperty('grid-auto-columns', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-auto-flow" */
String get gridAutoFlow =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-auto-flow" */
void set gridAutoFlow(String value) {
setProperty('grid-auto-flow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-auto-rows" */
String get gridAutoRows =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-auto-rows" */
void set gridAutoRows(String value) {
setProperty('grid-auto-rows', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-column" */
String get gridColumn =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-column" */
void set gridColumn(String value) {
setProperty('grid-column', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-column-end" */
String get gridColumnEnd =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-column-end" */
void set gridColumnEnd(String value) {
setProperty('grid-column-end', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-column-start" */
String get gridColumnStart =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-column-start" */
void set gridColumnStart(String value) {
setProperty('grid-column-start', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-row" */
String get gridRow =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-row" */
void set gridRow(String value) {
setProperty('grid-row', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-row-end" */
String get gridRowEnd =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-row-end" */
void set gridRowEnd(String value) {
setProperty('grid-row-end', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-row-start" */
String get gridRowStart =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-row-start" */
void set gridRowStart(String value) {
setProperty('grid-row-start', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-template" */
String get gridTemplate =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-template" */
void set gridTemplate(String value) {
setProperty('grid-template', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-template-areas" */
String get gridTemplateAreas =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-template-areas" */
void set gridTemplateAreas(String value) {
setProperty('grid-template-areas', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-template-columns" */
String get gridTemplateColumns =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-template-columns" */
void set gridTemplateColumns(String value) {
setProperty('grid-template-columns', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "grid-template-rows" */
String get gridTemplateRows =>
/** Sets the value of "grid-template-rows" */
void set gridTemplateRows(String value) {
setProperty('grid-template-rows', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "height" */
String get height =>
/** Sets the value of "height" */
void set height(String value) {
setProperty('height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "highlight" */
String get highlight =>
/** Sets the value of "highlight" */
void set highlight(String value) {
setProperty('highlight', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "hyphenate-character" */
String get hyphenateCharacter =>
/** Sets the value of "hyphenate-character" */
void set hyphenateCharacter(String value) {
setProperty('hyphenate-character', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "image-rendering" */
String get imageRendering =>
/** Sets the value of "image-rendering" */
void set imageRendering(String value) {
setProperty('image-rendering', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "isolation" */
String get isolation =>
/** Sets the value of "isolation" */
void set isolation(String value) {
setProperty('isolation', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "justify-content" */
String get justifyContent =>
/** Sets the value of "justify-content" */
void set justifyContent(String value) {
setProperty('justify-content', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "justify-self" */
String get justifySelf =>
/** Sets the value of "justify-self" */
void set justifySelf(String value) {
setProperty('justify-self', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "left" */
String get left =>
/** Sets the value of "left" */
void set left(String value) {
setProperty('left', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "letter-spacing" */
String get letterSpacing =>
/** Sets the value of "letter-spacing" */
void set letterSpacing(String value) {
setProperty('letter-spacing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "line-box-contain" */
String get lineBoxContain =>
/** Sets the value of "line-box-contain" */
void set lineBoxContain(String value) {
setProperty('line-box-contain', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "line-break" */
String get lineBreak =>
/** Sets the value of "line-break" */
void set lineBreak(String value) {
setProperty('line-break', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "line-clamp" */
String get lineClamp =>
/** Sets the value of "line-clamp" */
void set lineClamp(String value) {
setProperty('line-clamp', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "line-height" */
String get lineHeight =>
/** Sets the value of "line-height" */
void set lineHeight(String value) {
setProperty('line-height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "list-style" */
String get listStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "list-style" */
void set listStyle(String value) {
setProperty('list-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "list-style-image" */
String get listStyleImage =>
/** Sets the value of "list-style-image" */
void set listStyleImage(String value) {
setProperty('list-style-image', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "list-style-position" */
String get listStylePosition =>
/** Sets the value of "list-style-position" */
void set listStylePosition(String value) {
setProperty('list-style-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "list-style-type" */
String get listStyleType =>
/** Sets the value of "list-style-type" */
void set listStyleType(String value) {
setProperty('list-style-type', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "locale" */
String get locale =>
/** Sets the value of "locale" */
void set locale(String value) {
setProperty('locale', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "logical-height" */
String get logicalHeight =>
/** Sets the value of "logical-height" */
void set logicalHeight(String value) {
setProperty('logical-height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "logical-width" */
String get logicalWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "logical-width" */
void set logicalWidth(String value) {
setProperty('logical-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin" */
String get margin =>
/** Sets the value of "margin" */
void set margin(String value) {
setProperty('margin', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-after" */
String get marginAfter =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-after" */
void set marginAfter(String value) {
setProperty('margin-after', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-after-collapse" */
String get marginAfterCollapse =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-after-collapse" */
void set marginAfterCollapse(String value) {
setProperty('margin-after-collapse', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-before" */
String get marginBefore =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-before" */
void set marginBefore(String value) {
setProperty('margin-before', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-before-collapse" */
String get marginBeforeCollapse =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-before-collapse" */
void set marginBeforeCollapse(String value) {
setProperty('margin-before-collapse', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-bottom" */
String get marginBottom =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-bottom" */
void set marginBottom(String value) {
setProperty('margin-bottom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-bottom-collapse" */
String get marginBottomCollapse =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-bottom-collapse" */
void set marginBottomCollapse(String value) {
setProperty('margin-bottom-collapse', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-collapse" */
String get marginCollapse =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-collapse" */
void set marginCollapse(String value) {
setProperty('margin-collapse', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-end" */
String get marginEnd =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-end" */
void set marginEnd(String value) {
setProperty('margin-end', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-left" */
String get marginLeft =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-left" */
void set marginLeft(String value) {
setProperty('margin-left', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-right" */
String get marginRight =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-right" */
void set marginRight(String value) {
setProperty('margin-right', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-start" */
String get marginStart =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-start" */
void set marginStart(String value) {
setProperty('margin-start', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-top" */
String get marginTop =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-top" */
void set marginTop(String value) {
setProperty('margin-top', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "margin-top-collapse" */
String get marginTopCollapse =>
/** Sets the value of "margin-top-collapse" */
void set marginTopCollapse(String value) {
setProperty('margin-top-collapse', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask" */
String get mask =>
/** Sets the value of "mask" */
void set mask(String value) {
setProperty('mask', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-box-image" */
String get maskBoxImage =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-box-image" */
void set maskBoxImage(String value) {
setProperty('mask-box-image', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-box-image-outset" */
String get maskBoxImageOutset =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-box-image-outset" */
void set maskBoxImageOutset(String value) {
setProperty('mask-box-image-outset', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-box-image-repeat" */
String get maskBoxImageRepeat =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-box-image-repeat" */
void set maskBoxImageRepeat(String value) {
setProperty('mask-box-image-repeat', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-box-image-slice" */
String get maskBoxImageSlice =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-box-image-slice" */
void set maskBoxImageSlice(String value) {
setProperty('mask-box-image-slice', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-box-image-source" */
String get maskBoxImageSource =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-box-image-source" */
void set maskBoxImageSource(String value) {
setProperty('mask-box-image-source', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-box-image-width" */
String get maskBoxImageWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-box-image-width" */
void set maskBoxImageWidth(String value) {
setProperty('mask-box-image-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-clip" */
String get maskClip =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-clip" */
void set maskClip(String value) {
setProperty('mask-clip', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-composite" */
String get maskComposite =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-composite" */
void set maskComposite(String value) {
setProperty('mask-composite', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-image" */
String get maskImage =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-image" */
void set maskImage(String value) {
setProperty('mask-image', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-origin" */
String get maskOrigin =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-origin" */
void set maskOrigin(String value) {
setProperty('mask-origin', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-position" */
String get maskPosition =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-position" */
void set maskPosition(String value) {
setProperty('mask-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-position-x" */
String get maskPositionX =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-position-x" */
void set maskPositionX(String value) {
setProperty('mask-position-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-position-y" */
String get maskPositionY =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-position-y" */
void set maskPositionY(String value) {
setProperty('mask-position-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-repeat" */
String get maskRepeat =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-repeat" */
void set maskRepeat(String value) {
setProperty('mask-repeat', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-repeat-x" */
String get maskRepeatX =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-repeat-x" */
void set maskRepeatX(String value) {
setProperty('mask-repeat-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-repeat-y" */
String get maskRepeatY =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-repeat-y" */
void set maskRepeatY(String value) {
setProperty('mask-repeat-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-size" */
String get maskSize =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-size" */
void set maskSize(String value) {
setProperty('mask-size', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mask-source-type" */
String get maskSourceType =>
/** Sets the value of "mask-source-type" */
void set maskSourceType(String value) {
setProperty('mask-source-type', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "max-height" */
String get maxHeight =>
/** Sets the value of "max-height" */
void set maxHeight(String value) {
setProperty('max-height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "max-logical-height" */
String get maxLogicalHeight =>
/** Sets the value of "max-logical-height" */
void set maxLogicalHeight(String value) {
setProperty('max-logical-height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "max-logical-width" */
String get maxLogicalWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "max-logical-width" */
void set maxLogicalWidth(String value) {
setProperty('max-logical-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "max-width" */
String get maxWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "max-width" */
void set maxWidth(String value) {
setProperty('max-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "max-zoom" */
String get maxZoom =>
/** Sets the value of "max-zoom" */
void set maxZoom(String value) {
setProperty('max-zoom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "min-height" */
String get minHeight =>
/** Sets the value of "min-height" */
void set minHeight(String value) {
setProperty('min-height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "min-logical-height" */
String get minLogicalHeight =>
/** Sets the value of "min-logical-height" */
void set minLogicalHeight(String value) {
setProperty('min-logical-height', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "min-logical-width" */
String get minLogicalWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "min-logical-width" */
void set minLogicalWidth(String value) {
setProperty('min-logical-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "min-width" */
String get minWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "min-width" */
void set minWidth(String value) {
setProperty('min-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "min-zoom" */
String get minZoom =>
/** Sets the value of "min-zoom" */
void set minZoom(String value) {
setProperty('min-zoom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "mix-blend-mode" */
String get mixBlendMode =>
/** Sets the value of "mix-blend-mode" */
void set mixBlendMode(String value) {
setProperty('mix-blend-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "object-fit" */
String get objectFit =>
/** Sets the value of "object-fit" */
void set objectFit(String value) {
setProperty('object-fit', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "object-position" */
String get objectPosition =>
/** Sets the value of "object-position" */
void set objectPosition(String value) {
setProperty('object-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "opacity" */
String get opacity =>
/** Sets the value of "opacity" */
void set opacity(String value) {
setProperty('opacity', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "order" */
String get order =>
/** Sets the value of "order" */
void set order(String value) {
setProperty('order', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "orientation" */
String get orientation =>
/** Sets the value of "orientation" */
void set orientation(String value) {
setProperty('orientation', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "orphans" */
String get orphans =>
/** Sets the value of "orphans" */
void set orphans(String value) {
setProperty('orphans', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "outline" */
String get outline =>
/** Sets the value of "outline" */
void set outline(String value) {
setProperty('outline', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "outline-color" */
String get outlineColor =>
/** Sets the value of "outline-color" */
void set outlineColor(String value) {
setProperty('outline-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "outline-offset" */
String get outlineOffset =>
/** Sets the value of "outline-offset" */
void set outlineOffset(String value) {
setProperty('outline-offset', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "outline-style" */
String get outlineStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "outline-style" */
void set outlineStyle(String value) {
setProperty('outline-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "outline-width" */
String get outlineWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "outline-width" */
void set outlineWidth(String value) {
setProperty('outline-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "overflow" */
String get overflow =>
/** Sets the value of "overflow" */
void set overflow(String value) {
setProperty('overflow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "overflow-wrap" */
String get overflowWrap =>
/** Sets the value of "overflow-wrap" */
void set overflowWrap(String value) {
setProperty('overflow-wrap', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "overflow-x" */
String get overflowX =>
/** Sets the value of "overflow-x" */
void set overflowX(String value) {
setProperty('overflow-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "overflow-y" */
String get overflowY =>
/** Sets the value of "overflow-y" */
void set overflowY(String value) {
setProperty('overflow-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding" */
String get padding =>
/** Sets the value of "padding" */
void set padding(String value) {
setProperty('padding', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-after" */
String get paddingAfter =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-after" */
void set paddingAfter(String value) {
setProperty('padding-after', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-before" */
String get paddingBefore =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-before" */
void set paddingBefore(String value) {
setProperty('padding-before', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-bottom" */
String get paddingBottom =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-bottom" */
void set paddingBottom(String value) {
setProperty('padding-bottom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-end" */
String get paddingEnd =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-end" */
void set paddingEnd(String value) {
setProperty('padding-end', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-left" */
String get paddingLeft =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-left" */
void set paddingLeft(String value) {
setProperty('padding-left', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-right" */
String get paddingRight =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-right" */
void set paddingRight(String value) {
setProperty('padding-right', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-start" */
String get paddingStart =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-start" */
void set paddingStart(String value) {
setProperty('padding-start', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "padding-top" */
String get paddingTop =>
/** Sets the value of "padding-top" */
void set paddingTop(String value) {
setProperty('padding-top', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "page" */
String get page =>
/** Sets the value of "page" */
void set page(String value) {
setProperty('page', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "page-break-after" */
String get pageBreakAfter =>
/** Sets the value of "page-break-after" */
void set pageBreakAfter(String value) {
setProperty('page-break-after', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "page-break-before" */
String get pageBreakBefore =>
/** Sets the value of "page-break-before" */
void set pageBreakBefore(String value) {
setProperty('page-break-before', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "page-break-inside" */
String get pageBreakInside =>
/** Sets the value of "page-break-inside" */
void set pageBreakInside(String value) {
setProperty('page-break-inside', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "perspective" */
String get perspective =>
/** Sets the value of "perspective" */
void set perspective(String value) {
setProperty('perspective', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "perspective-origin" */
String get perspectiveOrigin =>
/** Sets the value of "perspective-origin" */
void set perspectiveOrigin(String value) {
setProperty('perspective-origin', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "perspective-origin-x" */
String get perspectiveOriginX =>
/** Sets the value of "perspective-origin-x" */
void set perspectiveOriginX(String value) {
setProperty('perspective-origin-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "perspective-origin-y" */
String get perspectiveOriginY =>
/** Sets the value of "perspective-origin-y" */
void set perspectiveOriginY(String value) {
setProperty('perspective-origin-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "pointer-events" */
String get pointerEvents =>
/** Sets the value of "pointer-events" */
void set pointerEvents(String value) {
setProperty('pointer-events', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "position" */
String get position =>
/** Sets the value of "position" */
void set position(String value) {
setProperty('position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "print-color-adjust" */
String get printColorAdjust =>
/** Sets the value of "print-color-adjust" */
void set printColorAdjust(String value) {
setProperty('print-color-adjust', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "quotes" */
String get quotes =>
/** Sets the value of "quotes" */
void set quotes(String value) {
setProperty('quotes', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "resize" */
String get resize =>
/** Sets the value of "resize" */
void set resize(String value) {
setProperty('resize', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "right" */
String get right =>
/** Sets the value of "right" */
void set right(String value) {
setProperty('right', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "rtl-ordering" */
String get rtlOrdering =>
/** Sets the value of "rtl-ordering" */
void set rtlOrdering(String value) {
setProperty('rtl-ordering', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "ruby-position" */
String get rubyPosition =>
/** Sets the value of "ruby-position" */
void set rubyPosition(String value) {
setProperty('ruby-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "scroll-behavior" */
String get scrollBehavior =>
/** Sets the value of "scroll-behavior" */
void set scrollBehavior(String value) {
setProperty('scroll-behavior', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "shape-image-threshold" */
String get shapeImageThreshold =>
/** Sets the value of "shape-image-threshold" */
void set shapeImageThreshold(String value) {
setProperty('shape-image-threshold', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "shape-margin" */
String get shapeMargin =>
/** Sets the value of "shape-margin" */
void set shapeMargin(String value) {
setProperty('shape-margin', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "shape-outside" */
String get shapeOutside =>
/** Sets the value of "shape-outside" */
void set shapeOutside(String value) {
setProperty('shape-outside', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "size" */
String get size =>
/** Sets the value of "size" */
void set size(String value) {
setProperty('size', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "speak" */
String get speak =>
/** Sets the value of "speak" */
void set speak(String value) {
setProperty('speak', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "src" */
String get src =>
/** Sets the value of "src" */
void set src(String value) {
setProperty('src', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "tab-size" */
String get tabSize =>
/** Sets the value of "tab-size" */
void set tabSize(String value) {
setProperty('tab-size', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "table-layout" */
String get tableLayout =>
/** Sets the value of "table-layout" */
void set tableLayout(String value) {
setProperty('table-layout', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "tap-highlight-color" */
String get tapHighlightColor =>
/** Sets the value of "tap-highlight-color" */
void set tapHighlightColor(String value) {
setProperty('tap-highlight-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-align" */
String get textAlign =>
/** Sets the value of "text-align" */
void set textAlign(String value) {
setProperty('text-align', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-align-last" */
String get textAlignLast =>
/** Sets the value of "text-align-last" */
void set textAlignLast(String value) {
setProperty('text-align-last', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-combine" */
String get textCombine =>
/** Sets the value of "text-combine" */
void set textCombine(String value) {
setProperty('text-combine', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-decoration" */
String get textDecoration =>
/** Sets the value of "text-decoration" */
void set textDecoration(String value) {
setProperty('text-decoration', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-decoration-color" */
String get textDecorationColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-decoration-color" */
void set textDecorationColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-decoration-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-decoration-line" */
String get textDecorationLine =>
/** Sets the value of "text-decoration-line" */
void set textDecorationLine(String value) {
setProperty('text-decoration-line', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-decoration-style" */
String get textDecorationStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "text-decoration-style" */
void set textDecorationStyle(String value) {
setProperty('text-decoration-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-decorations-in-effect" */
String get textDecorationsInEffect =>
/** Sets the value of "text-decorations-in-effect" */
void set textDecorationsInEffect(String value) {
setProperty('text-decorations-in-effect', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-emphasis" */
String get textEmphasis =>
/** Sets the value of "text-emphasis" */
void set textEmphasis(String value) {
setProperty('text-emphasis', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-emphasis-color" */
String get textEmphasisColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-emphasis-color" */
void set textEmphasisColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-emphasis-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-emphasis-position" */
String get textEmphasisPosition =>
/** Sets the value of "text-emphasis-position" */
void set textEmphasisPosition(String value) {
setProperty('text-emphasis-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-emphasis-style" */
String get textEmphasisStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "text-emphasis-style" */
void set textEmphasisStyle(String value) {
setProperty('text-emphasis-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-fill-color" */
String get textFillColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-fill-color" */
void set textFillColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-fill-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-indent" */
String get textIndent =>
/** Sets the value of "text-indent" */
void set textIndent(String value) {
setProperty('text-indent', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-justify" */
String get textJustify =>
/** Sets the value of "text-justify" */
void set textJustify(String value) {
setProperty('text-justify', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-line-through-color" */
String get textLineThroughColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-line-through-color" */
void set textLineThroughColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-line-through-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-line-through-mode" */
String get textLineThroughMode =>
/** Sets the value of "text-line-through-mode" */
void set textLineThroughMode(String value) {
setProperty('text-line-through-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-line-through-style" */
String get textLineThroughStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "text-line-through-style" */
void set textLineThroughStyle(String value) {
setProperty('text-line-through-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-line-through-width" */
String get textLineThroughWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "text-line-through-width" */
void set textLineThroughWidth(String value) {
setProperty('text-line-through-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-orientation" */
String get textOrientation =>
/** Sets the value of "text-orientation" */
void set textOrientation(String value) {
setProperty('text-orientation', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-overflow" */
String get textOverflow =>
/** Sets the value of "text-overflow" */
void set textOverflow(String value) {
setProperty('text-overflow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-overline-color" */
String get textOverlineColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-overline-color" */
void set textOverlineColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-overline-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-overline-mode" */
String get textOverlineMode =>
/** Sets the value of "text-overline-mode" */
void set textOverlineMode(String value) {
setProperty('text-overline-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-overline-style" */
String get textOverlineStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "text-overline-style" */
void set textOverlineStyle(String value) {
setProperty('text-overline-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-overline-width" */
String get textOverlineWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "text-overline-width" */
void set textOverlineWidth(String value) {
setProperty('text-overline-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-rendering" */
String get textRendering =>
/** Sets the value of "text-rendering" */
void set textRendering(String value) {
setProperty('text-rendering', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-security" */
String get textSecurity =>
/** Sets the value of "text-security" */
void set textSecurity(String value) {
setProperty('text-security', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-shadow" */
String get textShadow =>
/** Sets the value of "text-shadow" */
void set textShadow(String value) {
setProperty('text-shadow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-stroke" */
String get textStroke =>
/** Sets the value of "text-stroke" */
void set textStroke(String value) {
setProperty('text-stroke', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-stroke-color" */
String get textStrokeColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-stroke-color" */
void set textStrokeColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-stroke-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-stroke-width" */
String get textStrokeWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "text-stroke-width" */
void set textStrokeWidth(String value) {
setProperty('text-stroke-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-transform" */
String get textTransform =>
/** Sets the value of "text-transform" */
void set textTransform(String value) {
setProperty('text-transform', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-underline-color" */
String get textUnderlineColor =>
/** Sets the value of "text-underline-color" */
void set textUnderlineColor(String value) {
setProperty('text-underline-color', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-underline-mode" */
String get textUnderlineMode =>
/** Sets the value of "text-underline-mode" */
void set textUnderlineMode(String value) {
setProperty('text-underline-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-underline-position" */
String get textUnderlinePosition =>
/** Sets the value of "text-underline-position" */
void set textUnderlinePosition(String value) {
setProperty('text-underline-position', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-underline-style" */
String get textUnderlineStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "text-underline-style" */
void set textUnderlineStyle(String value) {
setProperty('text-underline-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "text-underline-width" */
String get textUnderlineWidth =>
/** Sets the value of "text-underline-width" */
void set textUnderlineWidth(String value) {
setProperty('text-underline-width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "top" */
String get top =>
/** Sets the value of "top" */
void set top(String value) {
setProperty('top', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "touch-action" */
String get touchAction =>
/** Sets the value of "touch-action" */
void set touchAction(String value) {
setProperty('touch-action', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "touch-action-delay" */
String get touchActionDelay =>
/** Sets the value of "touch-action-delay" */
void set touchActionDelay(String value) {
setProperty('touch-action-delay', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transform" */
String get transform =>
/** Sets the value of "transform" */
void set transform(String value) {
setProperty('transform', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transform-origin" */
String get transformOrigin =>
/** Sets the value of "transform-origin" */
void set transformOrigin(String value) {
setProperty('transform-origin', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transform-origin-x" */
String get transformOriginX =>
/** Sets the value of "transform-origin-x" */
void set transformOriginX(String value) {
setProperty('transform-origin-x', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transform-origin-y" */
String get transformOriginY =>
/** Sets the value of "transform-origin-y" */
void set transformOriginY(String value) {
setProperty('transform-origin-y', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transform-origin-z" */
String get transformOriginZ =>
/** Sets the value of "transform-origin-z" */
void set transformOriginZ(String value) {
setProperty('transform-origin-z', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transform-style" */
String get transformStyle =>
/** Sets the value of "transform-style" */
void set transformStyle(String value) {
setProperty('transform-style', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transition" */@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
String get transition =>
/** Sets the value of "transition" */@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
void set transition(String value) {
setProperty('transition', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transition-delay" */
String get transitionDelay =>
/** Sets the value of "transition-delay" */
void set transitionDelay(String value) {
setProperty('transition-delay', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transition-duration" */
String get transitionDuration =>
/** Sets the value of "transition-duration" */
void set transitionDuration(String value) {
setProperty('transition-duration', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transition-property" */
String get transitionProperty =>
/** Sets the value of "transition-property" */
void set transitionProperty(String value) {
setProperty('transition-property', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "transition-timing-function" */
String get transitionTimingFunction =>
/** Sets the value of "transition-timing-function" */
void set transitionTimingFunction(String value) {
setProperty('transition-timing-function', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "unicode-bidi" */
String get unicodeBidi =>
/** Sets the value of "unicode-bidi" */
void set unicodeBidi(String value) {
setProperty('unicode-bidi', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "unicode-range" */
String get unicodeRange =>
/** Sets the value of "unicode-range" */
void set unicodeRange(String value) {
setProperty('unicode-range', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "user-drag" */
String get userDrag =>
/** Sets the value of "user-drag" */
void set userDrag(String value) {
setProperty('user-drag', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "user-modify" */
String get userModify =>
/** Sets the value of "user-modify" */
void set userModify(String value) {
setProperty('user-modify', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "user-select" */
String get userSelect =>
/** Sets the value of "user-select" */
void set userSelect(String value) {
setProperty('user-select', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "user-zoom" */
String get userZoom =>
/** Sets the value of "user-zoom" */
void set userZoom(String value) {
setProperty('user-zoom', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "vertical-align" */
String get verticalAlign =>
/** Sets the value of "vertical-align" */
void set verticalAlign(String value) {
setProperty('vertical-align', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "visibility" */
String get visibility =>
/** Sets the value of "visibility" */
void set visibility(String value) {
setProperty('visibility', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "white-space" */
String get whiteSpace =>
/** Sets the value of "white-space" */
void set whiteSpace(String value) {
setProperty('white-space', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "widows" */
String get widows =>
/** Sets the value of "widows" */
void set widows(String value) {
setProperty('widows', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "width" */
String get width =>
/** Sets the value of "width" */
void set width(String value) {
setProperty('width', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "will-change" */
String get willChange =>
/** Sets the value of "will-change" */
void set willChange(String value) {
setProperty('will-change', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "word-break" */
String get wordBreak =>
/** Sets the value of "word-break" */
void set wordBreak(String value) {
setProperty('word-break', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "word-spacing" */
String get wordSpacing =>
/** Sets the value of "word-spacing" */
void set wordSpacing(String value) {
setProperty('word-spacing', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "word-wrap" */
String get wordWrap =>
/** Sets the value of "word-wrap" */
void set wordWrap(String value) {
setProperty('word-wrap', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "wrap-flow" */
String get wrapFlow =>
/** Sets the value of "wrap-flow" */
void set wrapFlow(String value) {
setProperty('wrap-flow', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "wrap-through" */
String get wrapThrough =>
/** Sets the value of "wrap-through" */
void set wrapThrough(String value) {
setProperty('wrap-through', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "writing-mode" */
String get writingMode =>
/** Sets the value of "writing-mode" */
void set writingMode(String value) {
setProperty('writing-mode', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "z-index" */
String get zIndex =>
/** Sets the value of "z-index" */
void set zIndex(String value) {
setProperty('z-index', value, '');
/** Gets the value of "zoom" */
String get zoom =>
/** Sets the value of "zoom" */
void set zoom(String value) {
setProperty('zoom', value, '');
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssStyleRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssStyleRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get selectorText => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleRule.instance.selectorText_Getter_(this);
void set selectorText(String value) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleRule.instance.selectorText_Setter_(this, value);
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleRule.instance.style_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssStyleSheet extends StyleSheet {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssStyleSheet._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
List<CssRule> get cssRules => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.cssRules_Getter_(this);
CssRule get ownerRule => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.ownerRule_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
List<CssRule> get rules => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.rules_Getter_(this);
int addRule(String selector, String style, [int index]) {
if (index != null) {
return _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.addRule_Callback_3_(this, selector, style, index);
return _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.addRule_Callback_2_(this, selector, style);
void deleteRule(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.deleteRule_Callback_1_(this, index);
int insertRule(String rule, [int index]) {
if (index != null) {
return _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.insertRule_Callback_2_(this, rule, index);
return _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.insertRule_Callback_1_(this, rule);
@Experimental() // non-standard
void removeRule(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSStyleSheet.instance.removeRule_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CssSupportsRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssSupportsRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get conditionText => _blink.BlinkCSSSupportsRule.instance.conditionText_Getter_(this);
List<CssRule> get cssRules => _blink.BlinkCSSSupportsRule.instance.cssRules_Getter_(this);
void deleteRule(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSSupportsRule.instance.deleteRule_Callback_1_(this, index);
int insertRule(String rule, int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSSupportsRule.instance.insertRule_Callback_2_(this, rule, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class CssViewportRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CssViewportRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkCSSViewportRule.instance.style_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CustomEvent extends Event {
var _dartDetail;
factory CustomEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true, Object detail}) {
final CustomEvent e = document._createEvent('CustomEvent');
e._dartDetail = detail;
// Only try setting the detail if it's one of these types to avoid
// first-chance exceptions. Can expand this list in the future as needed.
if (detail is List || detail is Map || detail is String || detail is num) {
try {
e._initCustomEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, detail);
} catch(_) {
e._initCustomEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, null);
} else {
e._initCustomEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, null);
return e;
get detail {
if (_dartDetail != null) {
return _dartDetail;
return _detail;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory CustomEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Object get _detail => _blink.BlinkCustomEvent.instance.detail_Getter_(this);
void _initCustomEvent(String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, Object detailArg) => _blink.BlinkCustomEvent.instance.initCustomEvent_Callback_4_(this, typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, detailArg);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DListElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DListElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DListElement() => document.createElement("dl");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
DListElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class DataListElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DataListElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DataListElement() => document.createElement("datalist");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
DataListElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
List<Node> get options => _blink.BlinkHTMLDataListElement.instance.options_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DataTransfer extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DataTransfer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get dropEffect => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.dropEffect_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set dropEffect(String value) => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.dropEffect_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get effectAllowed => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.effectAllowed_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set effectAllowed(String value) => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.effectAllowed_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<File> get files => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.files_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
DataTransferItemList get items => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.items_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<String> get types => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.types_Getter_(this);
void clearData([String type]) {
if (type != null) {
_blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.clearData_Callback_1_(this, type);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String getData(String type) => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.getData_Callback_1_(this, type);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void setData(String type, String data) => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.setData_Callback_2_(this, type, data);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void setDragImage(Element image, int x, int y) => _blink.BlinkDataTransfer.instance.setDragImage_Callback_3_(this, image, x, y);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DataTransferItem extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DataTransferItem._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get kind => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItem.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItem.instance.type_Getter_(this);
Blob getAsFile() => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItem.instance.getAsFile_Callback_0_(this);
void _getAsString(_StringCallback callback) => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItem.instance.getAsString_Callback_1_(this, callback);
Future<String> getAsString() {
var completer = new Completer<String>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); });
return completer.future;
Entry getAsEntry() => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItem.instance.webkitGetAsEntry_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class DataTransferItemList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DataTransferItemList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
DataTransferItem __getter__(int index) => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index);
DataTransferItem add(data_OR_file, [String type]) {
if ((type is String) && (data_OR_file is String)) {
return _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.add_Callback_2_(this, data_OR_file, type);
if ((data_OR_file is File || data_OR_file == null) && type == null) {
return _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.add_Callback_1_(this, data_OR_file);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
DataTransferItem addData(String data, String type) => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.add_Callback_2_(this, data, type);
DataTransferItem addFile(File file) => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.add_Callback_1_(this, file);
void clear() => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.clear_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void remove(int index) => _blink.BlinkDataTransferItemList.instance.remove_Callback_1_(this, index);
DataTransferItem operator[] (int index) {
return __getter__(index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // deprecated
typedef void DatabaseCallback(database);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope extends WorkerGlobalScope {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
@Experimental() // untriaged
void postMessage(Object message, [List<MessagePort> transfer]) => _blink.BlinkDedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.instance.postMessage_Callback_2_(this, message, transfer);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DeprecatedStorageInfo extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeprecatedStorageInfo._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int PERSISTENT = 1;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int TEMPORARY = 0;
void queryUsageAndQuota(int storageType, [StorageUsageCallback usageCallback, StorageErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageInfo.instance.queryUsageAndQuota_Callback_3_(this, storageType, usageCallback, errorCallback);
if (usageCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageInfo.instance.queryUsageAndQuota_Callback_2_(this, storageType, usageCallback);
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageInfo.instance.queryUsageAndQuota_Callback_1_(this, storageType);
void requestQuota(int storageType, int newQuotaInBytes, [StorageQuotaCallback quotaCallback, StorageErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageInfo.instance.requestQuota_Callback_4_(this, storageType, newQuotaInBytes, quotaCallback, errorCallback);
if (quotaCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageInfo.instance.requestQuota_Callback_3_(this, storageType, newQuotaInBytes, quotaCallback);
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageInfo.instance.requestQuota_Callback_2_(this, storageType, newQuotaInBytes);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DeprecatedStorageQuota extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeprecatedStorageQuota._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
void queryUsageAndQuota(StorageUsageCallback usageCallback, [StorageErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageQuota.instance.queryUsageAndQuota_Callback_2_(this, usageCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageQuota.instance.queryUsageAndQuota_Callback_1_(this, usageCallback);
void requestQuota(int newQuotaInBytes, [StorageQuotaCallback quotaCallback, StorageErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageQuota.instance.requestQuota_Callback_3_(this, newQuotaInBytes, quotaCallback, errorCallback);
if (quotaCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageQuota.instance.requestQuota_Callback_2_(this, newQuotaInBytes, quotaCallback);
_blink.BlinkDeprecatedStorageQuota.instance.requestQuota_Callback_1_(this, newQuotaInBytes);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DetailsElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DetailsElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DetailsElement() => document.createElement("details");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
DetailsElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
bool get open => _blink.BlinkHTMLDetailsElement.instance.open_Getter_(this);
void set open(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLDetailsElement.instance.open_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DeviceAcceleration extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeviceAcceleration._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get x => _blink.BlinkDeviceAcceleration.instance.x_Getter_(this);
double get y => _blink.BlinkDeviceAcceleration.instance.y_Getter_(this);
double get z => _blink.BlinkDeviceAcceleration.instance.z_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DeviceLightEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeviceLightEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get value => _blink.BlinkDeviceLightEvent.instance.value_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DeviceMotionEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeviceMotionEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
DeviceAcceleration get acceleration => _blink.BlinkDeviceMotionEvent.instance.acceleration_Getter_(this);
DeviceAcceleration get accelerationIncludingGravity => _blink.BlinkDeviceMotionEvent.instance.accelerationIncludingGravity_Getter_(this);
double get interval => _blink.BlinkDeviceMotionEvent.instance.interval_Getter_(this);
DeviceRotationRate get rotationRate => _blink.BlinkDeviceMotionEvent.instance.rotationRate_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void initDeviceMotionEvent(String type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable, DeviceAcceleration acceleration, DeviceAcceleration accelerationIncludingGravity, DeviceRotationRate rotationRate, num interval) => _blink.BlinkDeviceMotionEvent.instance.initDeviceMotionEvent_Callback_7_(this, type, bubbles, cancelable, acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity, rotationRate, interval);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DeviceOrientationEvent extends Event {
factory DeviceOrientationEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true, num alpha: 0, num beta: 0,
num gamma: 0, bool absolute: false}) {
var e = document._createEvent("DeviceOrientationEvent");
e._initDeviceOrientationEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, alpha, beta,
gamma, absolute);
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeviceOrientationEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get absolute => _blink.BlinkDeviceOrientationEvent.instance.absolute_Getter_(this);
double get alpha => _blink.BlinkDeviceOrientationEvent.instance.alpha_Getter_(this);
double get beta => _blink.BlinkDeviceOrientationEvent.instance.beta_Getter_(this);
double get gamma => _blink.BlinkDeviceOrientationEvent.instance.gamma_Getter_(this);
void _initDeviceOrientationEvent(String type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable, num alpha, num beta, num gamma, bool absolute) => _blink.BlinkDeviceOrientationEvent.instance.initDeviceOrientationEvent_Callback_7_(this, type, bubbles, cancelable, alpha, beta, gamma, absolute);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DeviceRotationRate extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DeviceRotationRate._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get alpha => _blink.BlinkDeviceRotationRate.instance.alpha_Getter_(this);
double get beta => _blink.BlinkDeviceRotationRate.instance.beta_Getter_(this);
double get gamma => _blink.BlinkDeviceRotationRate.instance.gamma_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DialogElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DialogElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
DialogElement.created() : super.created();
bool get open => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.open_Getter_(this);
void set open(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.open_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get returnValue => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.returnValue_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set returnValue(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.returnValue_Setter_(this, value);
void close(String returnValue) => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.close_Callback_1_(this, returnValue);
void show() => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.show_Callback_0_(this);
void showModal() => _blink.BlinkHTMLDialogElement.instance.showModal_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class DirectoryEntry extends Entry {
* Create a new directory with the specified `path`. If `exclusive` is true,
* the returned Future will complete with an error if a directory already
* exists with the specified `path`.
Future<Entry> createDirectory(String path, {bool exclusive: false}) {
return _getDirectory(path, options:
{'create': true, 'exclusive': exclusive});
* Retrieve an already existing directory entry. The returned future will
* result in an error if a directory at `path` does not exist or if the item
* at `path` is not a directory.
Future<Entry> getDirectory(String path) {
return _getDirectory(path);
* Create a new file with the specified `path`. If `exclusive` is true,
* the returned Future will complete with an error if a file already
* exists at the specified `path`.
Future<Entry> createFile(String path, {bool exclusive: false}) {
return _getFile(path, options: {'create': true, 'exclusive': exclusive});
* Retrieve an already existing file entry. The returned future will
* result in an error if a file at `path` does not exist or if the item at
* `path` is not a file.
Future<Entry> getFile(String path) {
return _getFile(path);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DirectoryEntry._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
DirectoryReader createReader() => _blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.createReader_Callback_0_(this);
void __getDirectory(String path, {Map options, _EntryCallback successCallback, _ErrorCallback errorCallback}) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getDirectory_Callback_4_(this, path, options, successCallback, errorCallback);
if (successCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getDirectory_Callback_3_(this, path, options, successCallback);
if (options != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getDirectory_Callback_2_(this, path, options);
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getDirectory_Callback_1_(this, path);
Future<Entry> _getDirectory(String path, {Map options}) {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
__getDirectory(path, options : options,
successCallback : (value) { completer.complete(value); },
errorCallback : (error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void __getFile(String path, {Map options, _EntryCallback successCallback, _ErrorCallback errorCallback}) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getFile_Callback_4_(this, path, options, successCallback, errorCallback);
if (successCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getFile_Callback_3_(this, path, options, successCallback);
if (options != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getFile_Callback_2_(this, path, options);
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.getFile_Callback_1_(this, path);
Future<Entry> _getFile(String path, {Map options}) {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
__getFile(path, options : options,
successCallback : (value) { completer.complete(value); },
errorCallback : (error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _removeRecursively(VoidCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.removeRecursively_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkDirectoryEntry.instance.removeRecursively_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future removeRecursively() {
var completer = new Completer();
() { completer.complete(); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DirectoryReader extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DirectoryReader._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
void _readEntries(_EntriesCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkDirectoryReader.instance.readEntries_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkDirectoryReader.instance.readEntries_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future<List<Entry>> readEntries() {
var completer = new Completer<List<Entry>>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* A generic container for content on an HTML page;
* corresponds to the &lt;div&gt; tag.
* The [DivElement] is a generic container and does not have any semantic
* significance. It is functionally similar to [SpanElement].
* The [DivElement] is a block-level element, as opposed to [SpanElement],
* which is an inline-level element.
* Example usage:
* DivElement div = new DivElement();
* div.text = 'Here's my new DivElem
* document.body.elements.add(elem);
* See also:
* * [HTML <div> element]( from W3C.
* * [Block-level element]( from W3C.
* * [Inline-level element]( from W3C.
class DivElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DivElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DivElement() => document.createElement("div");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
DivElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The base class for all documents.
* Each web page loaded in the browser has its own [Document] object, which is
* typically an [HtmlDocument].
* If you aren't comfortable with DOM concepts, see the Dart tutorial
* [Target 2: Connect Dart & HTML](
class Document extends Node
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Document._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pointerLockChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pointerlockchange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pointerLockErrorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pointerlockerror');
* Static factory designed to expose `readystatechange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> readyStateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('readystatechange');
* Static factory designed to expose `securitypolicyviolation` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SecurityPolicyViolationEvent> securityPolicyViolationEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SecurityPolicyViolationEvent>('securitypolicyviolation');
* Static factory designed to expose `selectionchange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> selectionChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('selectionchange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get activeElement => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.activeElement_Getter_(this);
HtmlElement get _body => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.body_Getter_(this);
void set _body(HtmlElement value) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.body_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get contentType => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.contentType_Getter_(this);
String get cookie => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.cookie_Getter_(this);
void set cookie(String value) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.cookie_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ScriptElement get currentScript => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.currentScript_Getter_(this);
WindowBase get window => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.defaultView_Getter_(this);
Element get documentElement => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.documentElement_Getter_(this);
String get domain => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.domain_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
FontFaceSet get fonts => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.fonts_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get fullscreenElement => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.fullscreenElement_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get fullscreenEnabled => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.fullscreenEnabled_Getter_(this);
HeadElement get _head => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.head_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get hidden => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.hidden_Getter_(this);
DomImplementation get implementation => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.implementation_Getter_(this);
String get _lastModified => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.lastModified_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get pointerLockElement => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.pointerLockElement_Getter_(this);
String get _preferredStylesheetSet => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.preferredStylesheetSet_Getter_(this);
String get readyState => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
String get _referrer => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.referrer_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
SvgSvgElement get rootElement => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.rootElement_Getter_(this);
String get _selectedStylesheetSet => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.selectedStylesheetSet_Getter_(this);
void set _selectedStylesheetSet(String value) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.selectedStylesheetSet_Setter_(this, value);
List<StyleSheet> get _styleSheets => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.styleSheets_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AnimationTimeline get timeline => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.timeline_Getter_(this);
String get _title => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.title_Getter_(this);
void set _title(String value) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.title_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get visibilityState => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.visibilityState_Getter_(this);
Element get _webkitFullscreenElement => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.webkitFullscreenElement_Getter_(this);
bool get _webkitFullscreenEnabled => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.webkitFullscreenEnabled_Getter_(this);
bool get _webkitHidden => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.webkitHidden_Getter_(this);
String get _webkitVisibilityState => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.webkitVisibilityState_Getter_(this);
Node adoptNode(Node node) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.adoptNode_Callback_1_(this, node);
Range _caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.caretRangeFromPoint_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment() => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createDocumentFragment_Callback_0_(this);
Element _createElement(String localName_OR_tagName, [String typeExtension]) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createElement_Callback_2_(this, localName_OR_tagName, typeExtension);
Element createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, [String typeExtension]) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createElementNS_Callback_3_(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, typeExtension);
Event _createEvent(String eventType) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createEvent_Callback_1_(this, eventType);
NodeIterator _createNodeIterator(Node root, [int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter]) {
if (whatToShow != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createNodeIterator_Callback_3_(this, root, whatToShow, filter);
return _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createNodeIterator_Callback_1_(this, root);
Range createRange() => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createRange_Callback_0_(this);
Text _createTextNode(String data) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createTextNode_Callback_1_(this, data);
Touch _createTouch(Window window, EventTarget target, int identifier, num pageX, num pageY, num screenX, num screenY, num webkitRadiusX, num webkitRadiusY, num webkitRotationAngle, num webkitForce) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createTouch_Callback_11_(this, window, target, identifier, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, webkitRadiusX, webkitRadiusY, webkitRotationAngle, webkitForce);
TouchList _createTouchList(Touch touches) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createTouchList_Callback_1_(this, touches);
TreeWalker _createTreeWalker(Node root, [int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter]) {
if (whatToShow != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createTreeWalker_Callback_3_(this, root, whatToShow, filter);
return _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.createTreeWalker_Callback_1_(this, root);
Element _elementFromPoint(int x, int y) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.elementFromPoint_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
bool execCommand(String command, bool userInterface, String value) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.execCommand_Callback_3_(this, command, userInterface, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void exitFullscreen() => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.exitFullscreen_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void exitPointerLock() => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.exitPointerLock_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
Object _getCssCanvasContext(String contextId, String name, int width, int height) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.getCSSCanvasContext_Callback_4_(this, contextId, name, width, height);
Element getElementById(String elementId) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.getElementById_Callback_1_(this, elementId);
List<Node> getElementsByClassName(String classNames) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.getElementsByClassName_Callback_1_(this, classNames);
List<Node> getElementsByName(String elementName) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.getElementsByName_Callback_1_(this, elementName);
List<Node> getElementsByTagName(String localName) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.getElementsByTagName_Callback_1_(this, localName);
Node importNode(Node node, [bool deep]) {
if (deep != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.importNode_Callback_2_(this, node, deep);
return _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.importNode_Callback_1_(this, node);
bool queryCommandEnabled(String command) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.queryCommandEnabled_Callback_1_(this, command);
bool queryCommandIndeterm(String command) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.queryCommandIndeterm_Callback_1_(this, command);
bool queryCommandState(String command) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.queryCommandState_Callback_1_(this, command);
bool queryCommandSupported(String command) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.queryCommandSupported_Callback_1_(this, command);
String queryCommandValue(String command) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.queryCommandValue_Callback_1_(this, command);
void _webkitExitFullscreen() => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.webkitExitFullscreen_Callback_0_(this);
int get _childElementCount => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.childElementCount_Getter_(this);
List<Node> get _children => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.children_Getter_(this);
Element get _firstElementChild => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.firstElementChild_Getter_(this);
Element get _lastElementChild => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.lastElementChild_Getter_(this);
* Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the
* specified group of selectors.
* Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level
* [querySelector]
* method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to
* save typing a few characters.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var element1 = document.querySelector('.className');
* var element2 = document.querySelector('#id');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
Element querySelector(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.querySelector_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
List<Node> _querySelectorAll(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkDocument.instance.querySelectorAll_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onAbort => Element.abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `beforecopy` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onBeforeCopy => Element.beforeCopyEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `beforecut` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onBeforeCut => Element.beforeCutEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `beforepaste` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onBeforePaste => Element.beforePasteEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onBlur => Element.blurEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onCanPlay => Element.canPlayEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough => Element.canPlayThroughEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onChange => Element.changeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onClick => Element.clickEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => Element.contextMenuEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `copy` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onCopy => Element.copyEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `cut` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onCut => Element.cutEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onDoubleClick => Element.doubleClickEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `drag` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDrag => Element.dragEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragend` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => Element.dragEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragenter` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => Element.dragEnterEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragleave` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => Element.dragLeaveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragover` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver => Element.dragOverEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragstart` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart => Element.dragStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `drop` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDrop => Element.dropEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onDurationChange => Element.durationChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onEmptied => Element.emptiedEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onEnded => Element.endedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onError => Element.errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onFocus => Element.focusEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onInput => Element.inputEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onInvalid => Element.invalidEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => Element.keyPressEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => Element.keyUpEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onLoad => Element.loadEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onLoadedData => Element.loadedDataEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata => Element.loadedMetadataEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => Element.mouseDownEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Document].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => Element.mouseEnterEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Document].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => Element.mouseLeaveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => Element.mouseMoveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => Element.mouseOutEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => Element.mouseOverEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => Element.mouseUpEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => Element.mouseWheelEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `paste` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onPaste => Element.pasteEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPause => Element.pauseEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPlay => Element.playEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPlaying => Element.playingEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPointerLockChange => pointerLockChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPointerLockError => pointerLockErrorEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onRateChange => Element.rateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `readystatechange` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onReadyStateChange => readyStateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onReset => Element.resetEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onResize => Element.resizeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onScroll => Element.scrollEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onSearch => Element.searchEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `securitypolicyviolation` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<SecurityPolicyViolationEvent> get onSecurityPolicyViolation => securityPolicyViolationEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSeeked => Element.seekedEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSeeking => Element.seekingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onSelect => Element.selectEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `selectionchange` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onSelectionChange => selectionChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `selectstart` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onSelectStart => Element.selectStartEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onStalled => Element.stalledEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onSubmit => Element.submitEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSuspend => Element.suspendEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onTimeUpdate => Element.timeUpdateEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchCancel => Element.touchCancelEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnd => Element.touchEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchMove => Element.touchMoveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchStart => Element.touchStartEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onVolumeChange => Element.volumeChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onWaiting => Element.waitingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `fullscreenchange` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onFullscreenChange => Element.fullscreenChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `fullscreenerror` events handled by this [Document].
Stream<Event> get onFullscreenError => Element.fullscreenErrorEvent.forTarget(this);
* Finds all descendant elements of this document that match the specified
* group of selectors.
* Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level
* [querySelectorAll]
* method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to
* save typing a few characters.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var items = document.querySelectorAll('.itemClassName');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
ElementList<Element> querySelectorAll(String selectors) {
return new _FrozenElementList._wrap(_querySelectorAll(selectors));
* Alias for [querySelector]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
Element query(String relativeSelectors) => querySelector(relativeSelectors);
* Alias for [querySelectorAll]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
ElementList<Element> queryAll(String relativeSelectors) =>
/// Checks if [registerElement] is supported on the current platform.
bool get supportsRegisterElement {
return true;
/// *Deprecated*: use [supportsRegisterElement] instead.
bool get supportsRegister => supportsRegisterElement;
Element createElement(String tagName, [String typeExtension]) {
if (typeExtension != null) {
return _createElement(tagName, typeExtension);
} else {
// Fast-path for Dartium when typeExtension is not needed.
return _Utils.createElement(this, tagName);
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class DocumentFragment extends Node implements ParentNode {
factory DocumentFragment() => document.createDocumentFragment();
factory DocumentFragment.html(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
return document.body.createFragment(html,
validator: validator, treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
factory DocumentFragment.svg(String svgContent,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
return new svg.SvgSvgElement().createFragment(svgContent,
validator: validator, treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
HtmlCollection get _children => throw new UnimplementedError(
'Use _docChildren instead');
List<Element> _docChildren;
List<Element> get children {
if (_docChildren == null) {
_docChildren = new FilteredElementList(this);
return _docChildren;
void set children(List<Element> value) {
// Copy list first since we don't want liveness during iteration.
List copy = new List.from(value);
var children = this.children;
* Finds all descendant elements of this document fragment that match the
* specified group of selectors.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var items = document.querySelectorAll('.itemClassName');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
ElementList<Element> querySelectorAll(String selectors) =>
new _FrozenElementList._wrap(_querySelectorAll(selectors));
String get innerHtml {
final e = new Element.tag("div");
return e.innerHtml;
void set innerHtml(String value) {
void setInnerHtml(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
html, validator: validator, treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer));
* Adds the specified text as a text node after the last child of this
* document fragment.
void appendText(String text) {
this.append(new Text(text));
* Parses the specified text as HTML and adds the resulting node after the
* last child of this document fragment.
void appendHtml(String text) {
this.append(new DocumentFragment.html(text));
* Alias for [querySelector]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
Element query(String relativeSelectors) {
return querySelector(relativeSelectors);
* Alias for [querySelectorAll]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
ElementList<Element> queryAll(String relativeSelectors) {
return querySelectorAll(relativeSelectors);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DocumentFragment._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element getElementById(String elementId) => _blink.BlinkDocumentFragment.instance.getElementById_Callback_1_(this, elementId);
int get _childElementCount => _blink.BlinkDocumentFragment.instance.childElementCount_Getter_(this);
Element get _firstElementChild => _blink.BlinkDocumentFragment.instance.firstElementChild_Getter_(this);
Element get _lastElementChild => _blink.BlinkDocumentFragment.instance.lastElementChild_Getter_(this);
* Finds the first descendant element of this document fragment that matches
* the specified group of selectors.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var element1 = fragment.querySelector('.className');
* var element2 = fragment.querySelector('#id');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
Element querySelector(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkDocumentFragment.instance.querySelector_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
List<Node> _querySelectorAll(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkDocumentFragment.instance.querySelectorAll_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DomError extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DomError(String name, [String message]) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMError.instance.constructorCallback_2_(name, message);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get message => _blink.BlinkDOMError.instance.message_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkDOMError.instance.name_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class DomException extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
static const String INDEX_SIZE = 'IndexSizeError';
static const String HIERARCHY_REQUEST = 'HierarchyRequestError';
static const String WRONG_DOCUMENT = 'WrongDocumentError';
static const String INVALID_CHARACTER = 'InvalidCharacterError';
static const String NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED = 'NoModificationAllowedError';
static const String NOT_FOUND = 'NotFoundError';
static const String NOT_SUPPORTED = 'NotSupportedError';
static const String INVALID_STATE = 'InvalidStateError';
static const String SYNTAX = 'SyntaxError';
static const String INVALID_MODIFICATION = 'InvalidModificationError';
static const String NAMESPACE = 'NamespaceError';
static const String INVALID_ACCESS = 'InvalidAccessError';
static const String TYPE_MISMATCH = 'TypeMismatchError';
static const String SECURITY = 'SecurityError';
static const String NETWORK = 'NetworkError';
static const String ABORT = 'AbortError';
static const String URL_MISMATCH = 'URLMismatchError';
static const String QUOTA_EXCEEDED = 'QuotaExceededError';
static const String TIMEOUT = 'TimeoutError';
static const String INVALID_NODE_TYPE = 'InvalidNodeTypeError';
static const String DATA_CLONE = 'DataCloneError';
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomException._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get message => _blink.BlinkDOMException.instance.message_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkDOMException.instance.name_Getter_(this);
String toString() => _blink.BlinkDOMException.instance.toString_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DomImplementation extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomImplementation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
XmlDocument createDocument(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, _DocumentType doctype) => _blink.BlinkDOMImplementation.instance.createDocument_Callback_3_(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype);
_DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName, String publicId, String systemId) => _blink.BlinkDOMImplementation.instance.createDocumentType_Callback_3_(this, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId);
HtmlDocument createHtmlDocument(String title) => _blink.BlinkDOMImplementation.instance.createHTMLDocument_Callback_1_(this, title);
bool hasFeature(String feature, String version) => _blink.BlinkDOMImplementation.instance.hasFeature_Callback_2_(this, feature, version);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DomMatrix extends DomMatrixReadOnly {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomMatrix._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DomMatrix([DomMatrixReadOnly other]) {
if (other == null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
if ((other is DomMatrixReadOnly || other == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.constructorCallback_1_(other);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get a => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.a_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set a(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.a_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get b => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.b_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set b(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.b_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get c => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.c_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set c(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.c_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get d => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.d_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set d(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.d_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get e => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.e_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set e(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.e_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get f => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.f_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set f(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.f_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m11 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m11_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m11(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m11_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m12 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m12_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m12(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m12_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m13 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m13_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m13(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m13_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m14 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m14_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m14(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m14_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m21 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m21_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m21(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m21_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m22 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m22_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m22(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m22_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m23 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m23_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m23(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m23_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m24 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m24_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m24(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m24_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m31 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m31_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m31(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m31_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m32 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m32_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m32(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m32_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m33 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m33_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m33(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m33_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m34 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m34_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m34(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m34_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m41 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m41_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m41(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m41_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m42 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m42_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m42(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m42_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m43 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m43_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m43(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m43_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get m44 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m44_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set m44(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrix.instance.m44_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DomMatrixReadOnly extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomMatrixReadOnly._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get a => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.a_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get b => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.b_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get c => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.c_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get d => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.d_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get e => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.e_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get f => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.f_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get is2D => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.is2D_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get isIdentity => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.isIdentity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m11 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m11_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m12 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m12_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m13 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m13_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m14 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m14_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m21 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m21_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m22 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m22_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m23 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m23_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m24 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m24_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m31 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m31_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m32 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m32_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m33 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m33_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m34 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m34_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m41 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m41_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m42 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m42_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m43 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m43_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get m44 => _blink.BlinkDOMMatrixReadOnly.instance.m44_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DomParser extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomParser._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DomParser() {
return _blink.BlinkDOMParser.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
Document parseFromString(String str, String contentType) => _blink.BlinkDOMParser.instance.parseFromString_Callback_2_(this, str, contentType);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DomPoint extends DomPointReadOnly {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomPoint._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DomPoint([point_OR_x, num y, num z, num w]) {
if (point_OR_x == null && y == null && z == null && w == null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
if ((point_OR_x is Map || point_OR_x == null) && y == null && z == null && w == null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.constructorCallback_1_(point_OR_x);
if ((y is num || y == null) && (point_OR_x is num || point_OR_x == null) && z == null && w == null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.constructorCallback_2_(point_OR_x, y);
if ((z is num || z == null) && (y is num || y == null) && (point_OR_x is num || point_OR_x == null) && w == null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.constructorCallback_3_(point_OR_x, y, z);
if ((w is num || w == null) && (z is num || z == null) && (y is num || y == null) && (point_OR_x is num || point_OR_x == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.constructorCallback_4_(point_OR_x, y, z, w);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get w => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.w_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set w(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.w_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get x => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.x_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set x(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.x_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get y => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.y_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set y(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.y_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get z => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.z_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set z(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMPoint.instance.z_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DomPointReadOnly extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomPointReadOnly._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DomPointReadOnly(num x, num y, num z, num w) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMPointReadOnly.instance.constructorCallback_4_(x, y, z, w);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get w => _blink.BlinkDOMPointReadOnly.instance.w_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get x => _blink.BlinkDOMPointReadOnly.instance.x_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get y => _blink.BlinkDOMPointReadOnly.instance.y_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get z => _blink.BlinkDOMPointReadOnly.instance.z_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class DomRectReadOnly extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements Rectangle {
// NOTE! All code below should be common with RectangleBase.
String toString() {
return 'Rectangle ($left, $top) $width x $height';
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !Rectangle) return false;
return left == other.left && top == && width == other.width &&
height == other.height;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash4(left.hashCode, top.hashCode,
width.hashCode, height.hashCode);
* Computes the intersection of `this` and [other].
* The intersection of two axis-aligned rectangles, if any, is always another
* axis-aligned rectangle.
* Returns the intersection of this and `other`, or null if they don't
* intersect.
Rectangle intersection(Rectangle other) {
var x0 = max(left, other.left);
var x1 = min(left + width, other.left + other.width);
if (x0 <= x1) {
var y0 = max(top,;
var y1 = min(top + height, + other.height);
if (y0 <= y1) {
return new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
return null;
* Returns true if `this` intersects [other].
bool intersects(Rectangle<num> other) {
return (left <= other.left + other.width &&
other.left <= left + width &&
top <= + other.height && <= top + height);
* Returns a new rectangle which completely contains `this` and [other].
Rectangle boundingBox(Rectangle other) {
var right = max(this.left + this.width, other.left + other.width);
var bottom = max( + this.height, + other.height);
var left = min(this.left, other.left);
var top = min(,;
return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
* Tests whether `this` entirely contains [another].
bool containsRectangle(Rectangle<num> another) {
return left <= another.left &&
left + width >= another.left + another.width &&
top <= &&
top + height >= + another.height;
* Tests whether [another] is inside or along the edges of `this`.
bool containsPoint(Point<num> another) {
return another.x >= left &&
another.x <= left + width &&
another.y >= top &&
another.y <= top + height;
Point get topLeft => new Point(this.left,;
Point get topRight => new Point(this.left + this.width,;
Point get bottomRight => new Point(this.left + this.width, + this.height);
Point get bottomLeft => new Point(this.left, + this.height);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomRectReadOnly._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory DomRectReadOnly(num x, num y, num width, num height) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.constructorCallback_4_(x, y, width, height);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get bottom => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.bottom_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get height => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.height_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get left => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.left_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get right => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.right_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get top => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.top_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get width => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.width_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get x => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.x_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get y => _blink.BlinkDOMRectReadOnly.instance.y_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DomSettableTokenList extends DomTokenList {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomSettableTokenList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get value => _blink.BlinkDOMSettableTokenList.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkDOMSettableTokenList.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
String __getter__(int index) => _blink.BlinkDOMSettableTokenList.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DomStringList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<String>, ImmutableListMixin<String> implements List<String> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomStringList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkDOMStringList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
String operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkDOMStringList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
String _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkDOMStringList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, String value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<String> mixins.
// String is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
String get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
String get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
String get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
String elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<String> mixins.
bool contains(String string) => _blink.BlinkDOMStringList.instance.contains_Callback_1_(this, string);
String item(int index) => _blink.BlinkDOMStringList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class DomStringMap extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomStringMap._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool __delete__(index_OR_name) {
if ((index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMStringMap.instance.$__delete___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
if ((index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMStringMap.instance.$__delete___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
String __getter__(index_OR_name) {
if ((index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMStringMap.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
if ((index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMStringMap.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void __setter__(index_OR_name, String value) {
if ((value is String || value == null) && (index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
_blink.BlinkDOMStringMap.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index_OR_name, value);
if ((value is String || value == null) && (index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
_blink.BlinkDOMStringMap.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index_OR_name, value);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class DomTokenList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory DomTokenList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void add(String tokens) => _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.add_Callback_1_(this, tokens);
bool contains(String token) => _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.contains_Callback_1_(this, token);
String item(int index) => _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void remove(String tokens) => _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.remove_Callback_1_(this, tokens);
bool toggle(String token, [bool force]) {
if (force != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.toggle_Callback_2_(this, token, force);
return _blink.BlinkDOMTokenList.instance.toggle_Callback_1_(this, token);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _ChildrenElementList extends ListBase<Element>
implements NodeListWrapper {
// Raw Element.
final Element _element;
final HtmlCollection _childElements;
_ChildrenElementList._wrap(Element element)
: _childElements = element._children,
_element = element;
bool contains(Object element) => _childElements.contains(element);
bool get isEmpty {
return _element._firstElementChild == null;
int get length {
return _childElements.length;
Element operator [](int index) {
return _childElements[index];
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
_element._replaceChild(value, _childElements[index]);
void set length(int newLength) {
// TODO(jacobr): remove children when length is reduced.
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot resize element lists');
Element add(Element value) {
return value;
Iterator<Element> get iterator => toList().iterator;
void addAll(Iterable<Element> iterable) {
if (iterable is _ChildNodeListLazy) {
iterable = new List.from(iterable);
for (Element element in iterable) {
void sort([int compare(Element a, Element b)]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot sort element lists');
void shuffle([Random random]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot shuffle element lists');
void removeWhere(bool test(Element element)) {
_filter(test, false);
void retainWhere(bool test(Element element)) {
_filter(test, true);
void _filter(bool test(var element), bool retainMatching) {
var removed;
if (retainMatching) {
removed = _element.children.where((e) => !test(e));
} else {
removed = _element.children.where(test);
for (var e in removed) e.remove();
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Element> iterable,
[int skipCount = 0]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Element> iterable) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void fillRange(int start, int end, [Element fillValue]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
bool remove(Object object) {
if (object is Element) {
Element element = object;
if (identical(element.parentNode, _element)) {
return true;
return false;
void insert(int index, Element element) {
if (index < 0 || index > length) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length);
if (index == length) {
} else {
_element.insertBefore(element, this[index]);
void setAll(int index, Iterable<Element> iterable) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void clear() {
Element removeAt(int index) {
final result = this[index];
if (result != null) {
return result;
Element removeLast() {
final result = this.last;
if (result != null) {
return result;
Element get first {
Element result = _element._firstElementChild;
if (result == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return result;
Element get last {
Element result = _element._lastElementChild;
if (result == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return result;
Element get single {
if (length > 1) throw new StateError("More than one element");
return first;
List<Node> get rawList => _childElements;
* An immutable list containing HTML elements. This list contains some
* additional methods when compared to regular lists for ease of CSS
* manipulation on a group of elements.
abstract class ElementList<T extends Element> extends ListBase<T> {
* The union of all CSS classes applied to the elements in this list.
* This set makes it easy to add, remove or toggle (add if not present, remove
* if present) the classes applied to a collection of elements.
* htmlList.classes.add('selected');
* htmlList.classes.toggle('isOnline');
* htmlList.classes.remove('selected');
CssClassSet get classes;
/** Replace the classes with `value` for every element in this list. */
set classes(Iterable<String> value);
* Access the union of all [CssStyleDeclaration]s that are associated with an
* [ElementList].
* Grouping the style objects all together provides easy editing of specific
* properties of a collection of elements. Setting a specific property value
* will set that property in all [Element]s in the [ElementList]. Getting a
* specific property value will return the value of the property of the first
* element in the [ElementList].
CssStyleDeclarationBase get style;
* Access dimensions and position of the Elements in this list.
* Setting the height or width properties will set the height or width
* property for all elements in the list. This returns a rectangle with the
* dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Getting the height or width returns the height or width of the
* first Element in this list.
* Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not.
CssRect get contentEdge;
* Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding box
* in this list.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's `innerHeight` value for an element. This
* is also a rectangle equalling the dimensions of clientHeight and
* clientWidth.
CssRect get paddingEdge;
* Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding +
* border box in this list.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's `outerHeight` value for an element.
CssRect get borderEdge;
* Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding +
* border + margin box in this list.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's `outerHeight` value for an element.
CssRect get marginEdge;
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onAbort;
/// Stream of `beforecopy` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforeCopy;
/// Stream of `beforecut` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforeCut;
/// Stream of `beforepaste` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforePaste;
/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBlur;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlay;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough;
/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onChange;
/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onClick;
/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu;
/// Stream of `copy` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onCopy;
/// Stream of `cut` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onCut;
/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onDoubleClick;
* A stream of `drag` events fired when this element currently being dragged.
* A `drag` event is added to this stream as soon as the drag begins.
* A `drag` event is also added to this stream at intervals while the drag
* operation is still ongoing.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrag;
* A stream of `dragend` events fired when this element completes a drag
* operation.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd;
* A stream of `dragenter` events fired when a dragged object is first dragged
* over this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter;
* A stream of `dragleave` events fired when an object being dragged over this
* element leaves this element's target area.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave;
* A stream of `dragover` events fired when a dragged object is currently
* being dragged over this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver;
* A stream of `dragstart` events fired when this element starts being
* dragged.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart;
* A stream of `drop` events fired when a dragged object is dropped on this
* element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrop;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onDurationChange;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEmptied;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEnded;
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onError;
/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFocus;
/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onInput;
/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onInvalid;
/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown;
/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress;
/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp;
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onLoad;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedData;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata;
/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown;
/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter;
/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave;
/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove;
/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut;
/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver;
/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp;
/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // non-standard
ElementStream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel;
/// Stream of `paste` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onPaste;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPause;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlay;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlaying;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onRateChange;
/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onReset;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onResize;
/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onScroll;
/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSearch;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeked;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeking;
/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSelect;
/// Stream of `selectstart` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // nonstandard
ElementStream<Event> get onSelectStart;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onStalled;
/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSubmit;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSuspend;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onTimeUpdate;
/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchCancel;
/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnd;
/// Stream of `touchenter` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnter;
/// Stream of `touchleave` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchLeave;
/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchMove;
/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchStart;
/// Stream of `transitionend` events handled by this [Element].
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
ElementStream<TransitionEvent> get onTransitionEnd;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onVolumeChange;
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onWaiting;
/// Stream of `fullscreenchange` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFullscreenChange;
/// Stream of `fullscreenerror` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFullscreenError;
// Wrapper over an immutable NodeList to make it implement ElementList.
// Clients are {`Document`, `DocumentFragment`}.`querySelectorAll` which are
// declared to return `ElementList`. This provides all the static analysis
// benefit so there is no need for this class have a constrained type parameter.
class _FrozenElementList extends ListBase
implements ElementList, NodeListWrapper {
final List<Node> _nodeList;
int get length => _nodeList.length;
Element operator [](int index) => _nodeList[index];
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot modify list');
void set length(int newLength) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot modify list');
void sort([Comparator<Element> compare]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot sort list');
void shuffle([Random random]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot shuffle list');
Element get first => _nodeList.first;
Element get last => _nodeList.last;
Element get single => _nodeList.single;
CssClassSet get classes => new _MultiElementCssClassSet(this);
CssStyleDeclarationBase get style =>
new _CssStyleDeclarationSet(this);
void set classes(Iterable<String> value) {
// TODO(sra): This might be faster for Sets:
// new _MultiElementCssClassSet(this).writeClasses(value)
// as the code below converts the Iterable[value] to a string multiple
// times. Maybe compute the string and set className here.
_nodeList.forEach((e) => e.classes = value);
CssRect get contentEdge => new _ContentCssListRect(this);
CssRect get paddingEdge => this.first.paddingEdge;
CssRect get borderEdge => this.first.borderEdge;
CssRect get marginEdge => this.first.marginEdge;
List<Node> get rawList => _nodeList;
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onAbort => Element.abortEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `beforecopy` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforeCopy => Element.beforeCopyEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `beforecut` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforeCut => Element.beforeCutEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `beforepaste` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforePaste => Element.beforePasteEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBlur => Element.blurEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlay => Element.canPlayEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough => Element.canPlayThroughEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onChange => Element.changeEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onClick => Element.clickEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => Element.contextMenuEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `copy` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onCopy => Element.copyEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `cut` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onCut => Element.cutEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onDoubleClick => Element.doubleClickEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `drag` events fired when this element currently being dragged.
* A `drag` event is added to this stream as soon as the drag begins.
* A `drag` event is also added to this stream at intervals while the drag
* operation is still ongoing.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrag => Element.dragEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `dragend` events fired when this element completes a drag
* operation.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => Element.dragEndEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `dragenter` events fired when a dragged object is first dragged
* over this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => Element.dragEnterEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `dragleave` events fired when an object being dragged over this
* element leaves this element's target area.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => Element.dragLeaveEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `dragover` events fired when a dragged object is currently
* being dragged over this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver => Element.dragOverEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `dragstart` events fired when this element starts being
* dragged.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart => Element.dragStartEvent._forElementList(this);
* A stream of `drop` events fired when a dragged object is dropped on this
* element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrop => Element.dropEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onDurationChange => Element.durationChangeEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEmptied => Element.emptiedEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEnded => Element.endedEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onError => Element.errorEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFocus => Element.focusEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onInput => Element.inputEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onInvalid => Element.invalidEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => Element.keyDownEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => Element.keyPressEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => Element.keyUpEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onLoad => Element.loadEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedData => Element.loadedDataEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata => Element.loadedMetadataEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => Element.mouseDownEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => Element.mouseEnterEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => Element.mouseLeaveEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => Element.mouseMoveEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => Element.mouseOutEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => Element.mouseOverEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => Element.mouseUpEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // non-standard
ElementStream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => Element.mouseWheelEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `paste` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onPaste => Element.pasteEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPause => Element.pauseEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlay => Element.playEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlaying => Element.playingEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onRateChange => Element.rateChangeEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onReset => Element.resetEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onResize => Element.resizeEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onScroll => Element.scrollEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSearch => Element.searchEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeked => Element.seekedEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeking => Element.seekingEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSelect => Element.selectEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `selectstart` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // nonstandard
ElementStream<Event> get onSelectStart => Element.selectStartEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onStalled => Element.stalledEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSubmit => Element.submitEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSuspend => Element.suspendEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onTimeUpdate => Element.timeUpdateEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchCancel => Element.touchCancelEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnd => Element.touchEndEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `touchenter` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnter => Element.touchEnterEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `touchleave` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchLeave => Element.touchLeaveEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchMove => Element.touchMoveEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchStart => Element.touchStartEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `transitionend` events handled by this [Element].
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
ElementStream<TransitionEvent> get onTransitionEnd => Element.transitionEndEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onVolumeChange => Element.volumeChangeEvent._forElementList(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onWaiting => Element.waitingEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `fullscreenchange` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFullscreenChange => Element.fullscreenChangeEvent._forElementList(this);
/// Stream of `fullscreenerror` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFullscreenError => Element.fullscreenErrorEvent._forElementList(this);
* An abstract class, which all HTML elements extend.
abstract class Element extends Node implements GlobalEventHandlers, ParentNode, ChildNode {
* Creates an HTML element from a valid fragment of HTML.
* var element = new Element.html('<div class="foo">content</div>');
* The HTML fragment should contain only one single root element, any
* leading or trailing text nodes will be removed.
* The HTML fragment is parsed as if it occurred within the context of a
* `<body>` tag, this means that special elements such as `<caption>` which
* must be parsed within the scope of a `<table>` element will be dropped. Use
* [createFragment] to parse contextual HTML fragments.
* Unless a validator is provided this will perform the default validation
* and remove all scriptable elements and attributes.
* See also:
* * [NodeValidator]
factory Element.html(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
var fragment = document.body.createFragment(html, validator: validator,
treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
return fragment.nodes.where((e) => e is Element).single;
* Custom element creation constructor.
* This constructor is used by the DOM when a custom element has been
* created. It can only be invoked by subclasses of Element from
* that classes created constructor.
* class CustomElement extends Element {
* factory CustomElement() => new Element.tag('x-custom');
* CustomElement.created() : super.created() {
* // Perform any element initialization.
* }
* }
* document.registerElement('x-custom', CustomElement);
Element.created() : super._created() {
// Validate that this is a custom element & perform any additional
// initialization.
* Creates the HTML element specified by the tag name.
* This is similar to [Document.createElement].
* [tag] should be a valid HTML tag name. If [tag] is an unknown tag then
* this will create an [UnknownElement].
* var divElement = new Element.tag('div');
* print(divElement is DivElement); // 'true'
* var myElement = new Element.tag('unknownTag');
* print(myElement is UnknownElement); // 'true'
* For standard elements it is more preferable to use the type constructors:
* var element = new DivElement();
* See also:
* * [isTagSupported]
factory Element.tag(String tag, [String typeExtention]) =>
_ElementFactoryProvider.createElement_tag(tag, typeExtention);
/// Creates a new `<a>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('a')`.
factory Element.a() => new Element.tag('a');
/// Creates a new `<article>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('article')`.
factory Element.article() => new Element.tag('article');
/// Creates a new `<aside>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('aside')`.
factory Element.aside() => new Element.tag('aside');
/// Creates a new `<audio>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('audio')`.
factory => new Element.tag('audio');
/// Creates a new `<br>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('br')`.
factory => new Element.tag('br');
/// Creates a new `<canvas>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('canvas')`.
factory Element.canvas() => new Element.tag('canvas');
/// Creates a new `<div>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('div')`.
factory Element.div() => new Element.tag('div');
/// Creates a new `<footer>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('footer')`.
factory Element.footer() => new Element.tag('footer');
/// Creates a new `<header>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('header')`.
factory Element.header() => new Element.tag('header');
/// Creates a new `<hr>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('hr')`.
factory => new Element.tag('hr');
/// Creates a new `<iframe>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('iframe')`.
factory Element.iframe() => new Element.tag('iframe');
/// Creates a new `<img>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('img')`.
factory Element.img() => new Element.tag('img');
/// Creates a new `<li>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('li')`.
factory => new Element.tag('li');
/// Creates a new `<nav>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('nav')`.
factory Element.nav() => new Element.tag('nav');
/// Creates a new `<ol>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('ol')`.
factory Element.ol() => new Element.tag('ol');
/// Creates a new `<option>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('option')`.
factory Element.option() => new Element.tag('option');
/// Creates a new `<p>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('p')`.
factory Element.p() => new Element.tag('p');
/// Creates a new `<pre>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('pre')`.
factory Element.pre() => new Element.tag('pre');
/// Creates a new `<section>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('section')`.
factory Element.section() => new Element.tag('section');
/// Creates a new `<select>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('select')`.
factory => new Element.tag('select');
/// Creates a new `<span>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('span')`.
factory Element.span() => new Element.tag('span');
/// Creates a new `<svg>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('svg')`.
factory Element.svg() => new Element.tag('svg');
/// Creates a new `<table>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('table')`.
factory Element.table() => new Element.tag('table');
/// Creates a new `<td>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('td')`.
factory => new Element.tag('td');
/// Creates a new `<textarea>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('textarea')`.
factory Element.textarea() => new Element.tag('textarea');
/// Creates a new `<th>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('th')`.
factory => new Element.tag('th');
/// Creates a new `<tr>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('tr')`.
factory => new Element.tag('tr');
/// Creates a new `<ul>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('ul')`.
factory Element.ul() => new Element.tag('ul');
/// Creates a new `<video>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('video')`.
factory => new Element.tag('video');
* All attributes on this element.
* Any modifications to the attribute map will automatically be applied to
* this element.
* This only includes attributes which are not in a namespace
* (such as 'xlink:href'), additional attributes can be accessed via
* [getNamespacedAttributes].
Map<String, String> get attributes => new _ElementAttributeMap(this);
void set attributes(Map<String, String> value) {
Map<String, String> attributes = this.attributes;
for (String key in value.keys) {
attributes[key] = value[key];
* List of the direct children of this element.
* This collection can be used to add and remove elements from the document.
* var item = new DivElement();
* item.text = 'Something';
* document.body.children.add(item) // Item is now displayed on the page.
* for (var element in document.body.children) {
* = 'red'; // Turns every child of body red.
* }
List<Element> get children => new _ChildrenElementList._wrap(this);
void set children(List<Element> value) {
// Copy list first since we don't want liveness during iteration.
List copy = new List.from(value);
var children = this.children;
* Finds all descendent elements of this element that match the specified
* group of selectors.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var items = element.querySelectorAll('.itemClassName');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
ElementList<Element> querySelectorAll(String selectors) =>
new _FrozenElementList._wrap(_querySelectorAll(selectors));
* Alias for [querySelector]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
Element query(String relativeSelectors) => querySelector(relativeSelectors);
* Alias for [querySelectorAll]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
ElementList<Element> queryAll(String relativeSelectors) =>
* The set of CSS classes applied to this element.
* This set makes it easy to add, remove or toggle the classes applied to
* this element.
* element.classes.add('selected');
* element.classes.toggle('isOnline');
* element.classes.remove('selected');
CssClassSet get classes => new _ElementCssClassSet(this);
void set classes(Iterable<String> value) {
// TODO(sra): Do this without reading the classes in clear() and addAll(),
// or writing the classes in clear().
CssClassSet classSet = classes;
* Allows access to all custom data attributes (data-*) set on this element.
* The keys for the map must follow these rules:
* * The name must not begin with 'xml'.
* * The name cannot contain a semi-colon (';').
* * The name cannot contain any capital letters.
* Any keys from markup will be converted to camel-cased keys in the map.
* For example, HTML specified as:
* <div data-my-random-value='value'></div>
* Would be accessed in Dart as:
* var value = element.dataset['myRandomValue'];
* See also:
* * [Custom data attributes](
Map<String, String> get dataset =>
new _DataAttributeMap(attributes);
void set dataset(Map<String, String> value) {
final data = this.dataset;
for (String key in value.keys) {
data[key] = value[key];
* Gets a map for manipulating the attributes of a particular namespace.
* This is primarily useful for SVG attributes such as xref:link.
Map<String, String> getNamespacedAttributes(String namespace) {
return new _NamespacedAttributeMap(this, namespace);
* The set of all CSS values applied to this element, including inherited
* and default values.
* The computedStyle contains values that are inherited from other
* sources, such as parent elements or stylesheets. This differs from the
* [style] property, which contains only the values specified directly on this
* element.
* PseudoElement can be values such as `::after`, `::before`, `::marker`,
* `::line-marker`.
* See also:
* * [CSS Inheritance and Cascade](
* * [Pseudo-elements](
CssStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle([String pseudoElement]) {
if (pseudoElement == null) {
pseudoElement = '';
// TODO(jacobr): last param should be null, see b/5045788
return window._getComputedStyle(this, pseudoElement);
* Gets the position of this element relative to the client area of the page.
Rectangle get client => new Rectangle(clientLeft, clientTop, clientWidth,
* Gets the offset of this element relative to its offsetParent.
Rectangle get offset => new Rectangle(offsetLeft, offsetTop, offsetWidth,
* Adds the specified text after the last child of this element.
void appendText(String text) {
this.append(new Text(text));
* Parses the specified text as HTML and adds the resulting node after the
* last child of this element.
void appendHtml(String text) {
this.insertAdjacentHtml('beforeend', text);
* Checks to see if the tag name is supported by the current platform.
* The tag should be a valid HTML tag name.
static bool isTagSupported(String tag) {
var e = _ElementFactoryProvider.createElement_tag(tag, null);
return e is Element && !(e is UnknownElement);
* Called by the DOM when this element has been inserted into the live
* document.
* More information can be found in the
* [Custom Elements](
* draft specification.
void attached() {
// For the deprecation period, call the old callback.
* Called by the DOM when this element has been removed from the live
* document.
* More information can be found in the
* [Custom Elements](
* draft specification.
void detached() {
// For the deprecation period, call the old callback.
/** *Deprecated*: override [attached] instead. */
void enteredView() {}
/** *Deprecated*: override [detached] instead. */
void leftView() {}
* Called by the DOM whenever an attribute on this has been changed.
void attributeChanged(String name, String oldValue, String newValue) {}
// Hooks to support custom WebComponents.
Element _xtag;
* Experimental support for [web components][wc]. This field stores a
* reference to the component implementation. It was inspired by Mozilla's
* [x-tags][] project. Please note: in the future it may be possible to
* `extend Element` from your class, in which case this field will be
* deprecated.
* If xtag has not been set, it will simply return `this` [Element].
* [wc]:
* [x-tags]:
// Note: return type is `dynamic` for convenience to suppress warnings when
// members of the component are used. The actual type is a subtype of Element.
get xtag => _xtag != null ? _xtag : this;
void set xtag(Element value) {
_xtag = value;
String get localName => _localName;
* A URI that identifies the XML namespace of this element.
* `null` if no namespace URI is specified.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.namespaceURI]
* ( from W3C.
String get namespaceUri => _namespaceUri;
* The string representation of this element.
* This is equivalent to reading the [localName] property.
String toString() => localName;
* Scrolls this element into view.
* Only one of of the alignment options may be specified at a time.
* If no options are specified then this will attempt to scroll the minimum
* amount needed to bring the element into view.
* Note that alignCenter is currently only supported on WebKit platforms. If
* alignCenter is specified but not supported then this will fall back to
* alignTop.
* See also:
* * [scrollIntoView](
* * [scrollIntoViewIfNeeded](
void scrollIntoView([ScrollAlignment alignment]) {
var hasScrollIntoViewIfNeeded = true;
if (alignment == ScrollAlignment.TOP) {
} else if (alignment == ScrollAlignment.BOTTOM) {
} else if (hasScrollIntoViewIfNeeded) {
if (alignment == ScrollAlignment.CENTER) {
} else {
} else {
/** Checks if this element or any of its parents match the CSS selectors. */
bool matchesWithAncestors(String selectors) {
var elem = this;
do {
if (elem.matches(selectors)) return true;
elem = elem.parent;
} while(elem != null);
return false;
* Access this element's content position.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method _will_ perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get contentEdge => new _ContentCssRect(this);
* Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding box.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's
* [innerHeight]( value for an element.
* This is also a rectangle equalling the dimensions of clientHeight and
* clientWidth.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method _will_ perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get paddingEdge => new _PaddingCssRect(this);
* Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding +
* border box.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's
* [outerHeight]( value for an element.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method _will_ perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get borderEdge => new _BorderCssRect(this);
* Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding +
* border + margin box.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's
* [outerHeight]( value for an element.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method will perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get marginEdge => new _MarginCssRect(this);
* Provides the coordinates of the element relative to the top of the
* document.
* This method is the Dart equivalent to jQuery's
* [offset]( method.
Point get documentOffset => offsetTo(document.documentElement);
* Provides the offset of this element's [borderEdge] relative to the
* specified [parent].
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [position]( method. Unlike jQuery's
* position, however, [parent] can be any parent element of `this`,
* rather than only `this`'s immediate [offsetParent]. If the specified
* element is _not_ an offset parent or transitive offset parent to this
* element, an [ArgumentError] is thrown.
Point offsetTo(Element parent) {
return Element._offsetToHelper(this, parent);
static Point _offsetToHelper(Element current, Element parent) {
// We're hopping from _offsetParent_ to offsetParent (not just parent), so
// offsetParent, "tops out" at BODY. But people could conceivably pass in
// the document.documentElement and I want it to return an absolute offset,
// so we have the special case checking for HTML.
bool foundAsParent = identical(current, parent) || parent.tagName == 'HTML';
if (current == null || identical(current, parent)) {
if (foundAsParent) return new Point(0, 0);
throw new ArgumentError("Specified element is not a transitive offset "
"parent of this element.");
Element parentOffset = current.offsetParent;
Point p = Element._offsetToHelper(parentOffset, parent);
return new Point(p.x + current.offsetLeft, p.y + current.offsetTop);
static HtmlDocument _parseDocument;
static Range _parseRange;
static NodeValidatorBuilder _defaultValidator;
static _ValidatingTreeSanitizer _defaultSanitizer;
* Create a DocumentFragment from the HTML fragment and ensure that it follows
* the sanitization rules specified by the validator or treeSanitizer.
* If the default validation behavior is too restrictive then a new
* NodeValidator should be created, either extending or wrapping a default
* validator and overriding the validation APIs.
* The treeSanitizer is used to walk the generated node tree and sanitize it.
* A custom treeSanitizer can also be provided to perform special validation
* rules but since the API is more complex to implement this is discouraged.
* The returned tree is guaranteed to only contain nodes and attributes which
* are allowed by the provided validator.
* See also:
* * [NodeValidator]
* * [NodeTreeSanitizer]
DocumentFragment createFragment(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
if (treeSanitizer == null) {
if (validator == null) {
if (_defaultValidator == null) {
_defaultValidator = new NodeValidatorBuilder.common();
validator = _defaultValidator;
if (_defaultSanitizer == null) {
_defaultSanitizer = new _ValidatingTreeSanitizer(validator);
} else {
_defaultSanitizer.validator = validator;
treeSanitizer = _defaultSanitizer;
} else if (validator != null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'validator can only be passed if treeSanitizer is null');
if (_parseDocument == null) {
_parseDocument = document.implementation.createHtmlDocument('');
_parseRange = _parseDocument.createRange();
// Workaround for Chrome bug 229142- URIs are not resolved in new doc.
var base = _parseDocument.createElement('base');
base.href = document.baseUri;
var contextElement;
if (this is BodyElement) {
contextElement = _parseDocument.body;
} else {
contextElement = _parseDocument.createElement(tagName);
var fragment;
if (Range.supportsCreateContextualFragment) {
fragment = _parseRange.createContextualFragment(html);
} else {
contextElement._innerHtml = html;
fragment = _parseDocument.createDocumentFragment();
while (contextElement.firstChild != null) {
if (contextElement != _parseDocument.body) {
// Copy the fragment over to the main document (fix for 14184)
return fragment;
* Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element.
* This uses the default sanitization behavior to sanitize the HTML fragment,
* use [setInnerHtml] to override the default behavior.
void set innerHtml(String html) {
* Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element.
* This ensures that the generated content follows the sanitization rules
* specified by the validator or treeSanitizer.
* If the default validation behavior is too restrictive then a new
* NodeValidator should be created, either extending or wrapping a default
* validator and overriding the validation APIs.
* The treeSanitizer is used to walk the generated node tree and sanitize it.
* A custom treeSanitizer can also be provided to perform special validation
* rules but since the API is more complex to implement this is discouraged.
* The resulting tree is guaranteed to only contain nodes and attributes which
* are allowed by the provided validator.
* See also:
* * [NodeValidator]
* * [NodeTreeSanitizer]
void setInnerHtml(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
text = null;
html, validator: validator, treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer));
String get innerHtml => _innerHtml;
* This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be
* used when an explicit accessor is not available.
ElementEvents get on => new ElementEvents(this);
int get offsetHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.offsetHeight_Getter(this).round();
int get offsetLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.offsetLeft_Getter(this).round();
int get offsetTop => _blink.BlinkElement.offsetTop_Getter(this).round();
int get offsetWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.offsetWidth_Getter(this).round();
int get clientHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.clientHeight_Getter(this).round();
int get clientLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.clientLeft_Getter(this).round();
int get clientTop => _blink.BlinkElement.clientTop_Getter(this).round();
int get clientWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.clientWidth_Getter(this).round();
int get scrollHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.scrollHeight_Getter(this).round();
int get scrollLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.scrollLeft_Getter(this).round();
void set scrollLeft(int value) => _blink.BlinkElement.scrollLeft_Setter(this, value.round());
int get scrollTop => _blink.BlinkElement.scrollTop_Getter(this).round();
void set scrollTop(int value) => _blink.BlinkElement.scrollTop_Setter(this, value.round());
int get scrollWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.scrollWidth_Getter(this).round();
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Element._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
* Static factory designed to expose `beforecopy` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> beforeCopyEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('beforecopy');
* Static factory designed to expose `beforecut` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> beforeCutEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('beforecut');
* Static factory designed to expose `beforepaste` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> beforePasteEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('beforepaste');
* Static factory designed to expose `blur` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> blurEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('blur');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> canPlayEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('canplay');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> canPlayThroughEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('canplaythrough');
* Static factory designed to expose `change` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
* Static factory designed to expose `click` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> clickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('click');
* Static factory designed to expose `contextmenu` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> contextMenuEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('contextmenu');
* Static factory designed to expose `copy` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> copyEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('copy');
* Static factory designed to expose `cut` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> cutEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('cut');
* Static factory designed to expose `doubleclick` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> doubleClickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('dblclick');
* A stream of `drag` events fired when an element is currently being dragged.
* A `drag` event is added to this stream as soon as the drag begins.
* A `drag` event is also added to this stream at intervals while the drag
* operation is still ongoing.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('drag');
* A stream of `dragend` events fired when an element completes a drag
* operation.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragend');
* A stream of `dragenter` events fired when a dragged object is first dragged
* over an element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragenter');
* A stream of `dragleave` events fired when an object being dragged over an
* element leaves the element's target area.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragleave');
* A stream of `dragover` events fired when a dragged object is currently
* being dragged over an element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragOverEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragover');
* A stream of `dragstart` events for a dragged element whose drag has begun.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragstart');
* A stream of `drop` events fired when a dragged object is dropped on an
* element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dropEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('drop');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> durationChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('durationchange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> emptiedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('emptied');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> endedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ended');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `focus` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> focusEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('focus');
* Static factory designed to expose `input` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> inputEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('input');
* Static factory designed to expose `invalid` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> invalidEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('invalid');
* Static factory designed to expose `keydown` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyDownEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keydown');
* Static factory designed to expose `keypress` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyPressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keypress');
* Static factory designed to expose `keyup` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyUpEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keyup');
* Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('load');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadedDataEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadeddata');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadedMetadataEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadedmetadata');
* Static factory designed to expose `mousedown` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseDownEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mousedown');
* Static factory designed to expose `mouseenter` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseenter');
* Static factory designed to expose `mouseleave` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseleave');
* Static factory designed to expose `mousemove` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseMoveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mousemove');
* Static factory designed to expose `mouseout` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseOutEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseout');
* Static factory designed to expose `mouseover` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseOverEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseover');
* Static factory designed to expose `mouseup` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseUpEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseup');
@Experimental() // non-standard
static const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent> mouseWheelEvent = const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent>('mousewheel');
* Static factory designed to expose `paste` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pasteEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('paste');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pauseEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pause');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> playEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('play');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> playingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('playing');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> rateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ratechange');
* Static factory designed to expose `reset` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resetEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('reset');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resizeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('resize');
* Static factory designed to expose `scroll` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> scrollEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('scroll');
* Static factory designed to expose `search` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> searchEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('search');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> seekedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('seeked');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> seekingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('seeking');
* Static factory designed to expose `select` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> selectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('select');
* Static factory designed to expose `selectstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // nonstandard
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> selectStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('selectstart');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> stalledEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('stalled');
* Static factory designed to expose `submit` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> submitEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('submit');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> suspendEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('suspend');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> timeUpdateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('timeupdate');
* Static factory designed to expose `touchcancel` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent> touchCancelEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent>('touchcancel');
* Static factory designed to expose `touchend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent> touchEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent>('touchend');
* Static factory designed to expose `touchenter` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent> touchEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent>('touchenter');
* Static factory designed to expose `touchleave` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent> touchLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent>('touchleave');
* Static factory designed to expose `touchmove` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent> touchMoveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent>('touchmove');
* Static factory designed to expose `touchstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent> touchStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TouchEvent>('touchstart');
static const EventStreamProvider<TransitionEvent> transitionEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TransitionEvent>('transitionend');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> volumeChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('volumechange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> waitingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('waiting');
* Static factory designed to expose `fullscreenchange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> fullscreenChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('webkitfullscreenchange');
* Static factory designed to expose `fullscreenerror` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> fullscreenErrorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('webkitfullscreenerror');
String contentEditable;
String dir;
bool draggable;
bool hidden;
bool get isContentEditable;
String lang;
bool spellcheck;
int tabIndex;
String title;
bool translate;
String dropzone;
void click();
_NamedNodeMap get _attributes => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.attributes_Getter_(this);
String get className => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.className_Getter_(this);
void set className(String value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.className_Setter_(this, value);
int get _clientHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.clientHeight_Getter_(this);
int get _clientLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.clientLeft_Getter_(this);
int get _clientTop => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.clientTop_Getter_(this);
int get _clientWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.clientWidth_Getter_(this);
String get id => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.id_Getter_(this);
void set id(String value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.id_Setter_(this, value);
String get _innerHtml => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.innerHTML_Getter_(this);
void set _innerHtml(String value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.innerHTML_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get _localName => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.localName_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get _namespaceUri => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.namespaceURI_Getter_(this);
int get _offsetHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.offsetHeight_Getter_(this);
int get _offsetLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.offsetLeft_Getter_(this);
Element get offsetParent => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.offsetParent_Getter_(this);
int get _offsetTop => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.offsetTop_Getter_(this);
int get _offsetWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.offsetWidth_Getter_(this);
String get outerHtml => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.outerHTML_Getter_(this);
int get _scrollHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollHeight_Getter_(this);
int get _scrollLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollLeft_Getter_(this);
void set _scrollLeft(int value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollLeft_Setter_(this, value);
int get _scrollTop => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollTop_Getter_(this);
void set _scrollTop(int value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollTop_Setter_(this, value);
int get _scrollWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollWidth_Getter_(this);
ShadowRoot get shadowRoot => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.shadowRoot_Getter_(this);
CssStyleDeclaration get style => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.style_Getter_(this);
String get tagName => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.tagName_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
AnimationPlayer animate(Object effect, [Object timing]) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.animate_Callback_2_(this, effect, timing);
void blur() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.blur_Callback_0_(this);
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
ShadowRoot createShadowRoot() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.createShadowRoot_Callback_0_(this);
void focus() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.focus_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<AnimationPlayer> getAnimationPlayers() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getAnimationPlayers_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String getAttribute(String name) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getAttribute_Callback_1_(this, name);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getAttributeNS_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
* Returns the smallest bounding rectangle that encompasses this element's
* padding, scrollbar, and border.
* ## Other resources
* * [Element.getBoundingClientRect]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [The getBoundingClientRect() method]
* (
* from W3C.
Rectangle getBoundingClientRect() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getBoundingClientRect_Callback_0_(this);
* Returns a list of bounding rectangles for each box associated with this
* element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Element.getClientRects]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [The getClientRects() method]
* (
* from W3C.
List<Rectangle> getClientRects() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getClientRects_Callback_0_(this);
* Returns a list of shadow DOM insertion points to which this element is
* distributed.
* ## Other resources
* * [Shadow DOM specification]
* (
* from W3C.
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<Node> getDestinationInsertionPoints() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getDestinationInsertionPoints_Callback_0_(this);
* Returns a list of nodes with the given class name inside this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [getElementsByClassName]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [DOM specification]
* ( from W3C.
List<Node> getElementsByClassName(String classNames) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getElementsByClassName_Callback_1_(this, classNames);
List<Node> _getElementsByTagName(String name) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.getElementsByTagName_Callback_1_(this, name);
bool _hasAttribute(String name) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.hasAttribute_Callback_1_(this, name);
bool _hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.hasAttributeNS_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.insertAdjacentElement_Callback_2_(this, where, element);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String html) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.insertAdjacentHTML_Callback_2_(this, where, html);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.insertAdjacentText_Callback_2_(this, where, text);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool matches(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.matches_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
void _removeAttribute(String name) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.removeAttribute_Callback_1_(this, name);
void _removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.removeAttributeNS_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void requestFullscreen() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.requestFullscreen_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void requestPointerLock() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.requestPointerLock_Callback_0_(this);
void _scrollIntoView([bool alignWithTop]) {
if (alignWithTop != null) {
_blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollIntoView_Callback_1_(this, alignWithTop);
void _scrollIntoViewIfNeeded([bool centerIfNeeded]) {
if (centerIfNeeded != null) {
_blink.BlinkElement.instance.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded_Callback_1_(this, centerIfNeeded);
void setAttribute(String name, String value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.setAttribute_Callback_2_(this, name, value);
void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.setAttributeNS_Callback_3_(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value);
Element get nextElementSibling => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.nextElementSibling_Getter_(this);
Element get previousElementSibling => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.previousElementSibling_Getter_(this);
void remove() => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.remove_Callback_0_(this);
int get _childElementCount => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.childElementCount_Getter_(this);
List<Node> get _children => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.children_Getter_(this);
Element get _firstElementChild => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.firstElementChild_Getter_(this);
Element get _lastElementChild => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.lastElementChild_Getter_(this);
* Finds the first descendant element of this element that matches the
* specified group of selectors.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* // Gets the first descendant with the class 'classname'
* var element = element.querySelector('.className');
* // Gets the element with id 'id'
* var element = element.querySelector('#id');
* // Gets the first descendant [ImageElement]
* var img = element.querySelector('img');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
Element querySelector(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.querySelector_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
List<Node> _querySelectorAll(String selectors) => _blink.BlinkElement.instance.querySelectorAll_Callback_1_(this, selectors);
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `beforecopy` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforeCopy => beforeCopyEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `beforecut` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforeCut => beforeCutEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `beforepaste` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBeforePaste => beforePasteEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onBlur => blurEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlay => canPlayEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough => canPlayThroughEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onClick => clickEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => contextMenuEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `copy` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onCopy => copyEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `cut` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onCut => cutEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onDoubleClick => doubleClickEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `drag` events fired when this element currently being dragged.
* A `drag` event is added to this stream as soon as the drag begins.
* A `drag` event is also added to this stream at intervals while the drag
* operation is still ongoing.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrag => dragEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `dragend` events fired when this element completes a drag
* operation.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => dragEndEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `dragenter` events fired when a dragged object is first dragged
* over this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => dragEnterEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `dragleave` events fired when an object being dragged over this
* element leaves this element's target area.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => dragLeaveEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `dragover` events fired when a dragged object is currently
* being dragged over this element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver => dragOverEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `dragstart` events fired when this element starts being
* dragged.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart => dragStartEvent.forElement(this);
* A stream of `drop` events fired when a dragged object is dropped on this
* element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Drag and drop sample]
* (
* based on [the tutorial](
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Drag and drop specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrop => dropEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onDurationChange => durationChangeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEmptied => emptiedEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEnded => endedEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFocus => focusEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onInput => inputEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onInvalid => invalidEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => keyDownEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => keyPressEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => keyUpEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onLoad => loadEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedData => loadedDataEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata => loadedMetadataEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => mouseDownEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => mouseEnterEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => mouseLeaveEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => mouseMoveEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => mouseOutEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => mouseOverEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => mouseUpEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // non-standard
ElementStream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => mouseWheelEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `paste` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onPaste => pasteEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPause => pauseEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlay => playEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlaying => playingEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onRateChange => rateChangeEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onReset => resetEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onResize => resizeEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onScroll => scrollEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSearch => searchEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeked => seekedEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeking => seekingEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSelect => selectEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `selectstart` events handled by this [Element].
@Experimental() // nonstandard
ElementStream<Event> get onSelectStart => selectStartEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onStalled => stalledEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onSubmit => submitEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSuspend => suspendEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onTimeUpdate => timeUpdateEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchCancel => touchCancelEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnd => touchEndEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `touchenter` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnter => touchEnterEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `touchleave` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchLeave => touchLeaveEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchMove => touchMoveEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<TouchEvent> get onTouchStart => touchStartEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `transitionend` events handled by this [Element].
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
ElementStream<TransitionEvent> get onTransitionEnd => transitionEndEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onVolumeChange => volumeChangeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onWaiting => waitingEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `fullscreenchange` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFullscreenChange => fullscreenChangeEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `fullscreenerror` events handled by this [Element].
ElementStream<Event> get onFullscreenError => fullscreenErrorEvent.forElement(this);
class _ElementFactoryProvider {
static Element createElement_tag(String tag, String typeExtension) =>
document.createElement(tag, typeExtension);
* Options for Element.scrollIntoView.
class ScrollAlignment {
final _value;
const ScrollAlignment._internal(this._value);
toString() => 'ScrollAlignment.$_value';
/// Attempt to align the element to the top of the scrollable area.
static const TOP = const ScrollAlignment._internal('TOP');
/// Attempt to center the element in the scrollable area.
static const CENTER = const ScrollAlignment._internal('CENTER');
/// Attempt to align the element to the bottom of the scrollable area.
static const BOTTOM = const ScrollAlignment._internal('BOTTOM');
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class EmbedElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory EmbedElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory EmbedElement() => document.createElement("embed");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
EmbedElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
String get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
void set height(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
String get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
void set width(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
bool __getter__(index_OR_name) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
void __setter__(index_OR_name, Node value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLEmbedElement.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index_OR_name, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _EntriesCallback(List<Entry> entries);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Entry extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Entry._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
FileSystem get filesystem => _blink.BlinkEntry.instance.filesystem_Getter_(this);
String get fullPath => _blink.BlinkEntry.instance.fullPath_Getter_(this);
bool get isDirectory => _blink.BlinkEntry.instance.isDirectory_Getter_(this);
bool get isFile => _blink.BlinkEntry.instance.isFile_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkEntry.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void _copyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, {String name, _EntryCallback successCallback, _ErrorCallback errorCallback}) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.copyTo_Callback_4_(this, parent, name, successCallback, errorCallback);
if (successCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.copyTo_Callback_3_(this, parent, name, successCallback);
if (name != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.copyTo_Callback_2_(this, parent, name);
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.copyTo_Callback_1_(this, parent);
Future<Entry> copyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, {String name}) {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
_copyTo(parent, name : name,
successCallback : (value) { completer.complete(value); },
errorCallback : (error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _getMetadata(MetadataCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.getMetadata_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.getMetadata_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future<Metadata> getMetadata() {
var completer = new Completer<Metadata>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _getParent([_EntryCallback successCallback, _ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.getParent_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
if (successCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.getParent_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future<Entry> getParent() {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _moveTo(DirectoryEntry parent, {String name, _EntryCallback successCallback, _ErrorCallback errorCallback}) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.moveTo_Callback_4_(this, parent, name, successCallback, errorCallback);
if (successCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.moveTo_Callback_3_(this, parent, name, successCallback);
if (name != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.moveTo_Callback_2_(this, parent, name);
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.moveTo_Callback_1_(this, parent);
Future<Entry> moveTo(DirectoryEntry parent, {String name}) {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
_moveTo(parent, name : name,
successCallback : (value) { completer.complete(value); },
errorCallback : (error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _remove(VoidCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.remove_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkEntry.instance.remove_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future remove() {
var completer = new Completer();
() { completer.complete(); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
String toUrl() => _blink.BlinkEntry.instance.toURL_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _EntryCallback(Entry entry);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _ErrorCallback(FileError error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ErrorEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ErrorEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get colno => _blink.BlinkErrorEvent.instance.colno_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Object get error => _blink.BlinkErrorEvent.instance.error_Getter_(this);
String get filename => _blink.BlinkErrorEvent.instance.filename_Getter_(this);
int get lineno => _blink.BlinkErrorEvent.instance.lineno_Getter_(this);
String get message => _blink.BlinkErrorEvent.instance.message_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Event extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// In JS, canBubble and cancelable are technically required parameters to
// init*Event. In practice, though, if they aren't provided they simply
// default to false (since that's Boolean(undefined)).
// Contrary to JS, we default canBubble and cancelable to true, since that's
// what people want most of the time anyway.
factory Event(String type,
{bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true}) {
return new Event.eventType('Event', type, canBubble: canBubble,
cancelable: cancelable);
* Creates a new Event object of the specified type.
* This is analogous to document.createEvent.
* Normally events should be created via their constructors, if available.
* var e = new Event.type('MouseEvent', 'mousedown', true, true);
factory Event.eventType(String type, String name, {bool canBubble: true,
bool cancelable: true}) {
final Event e = document._createEvent(type);
e._initEvent(name, canBubble, cancelable);
return e;
/** The CSS selector involved with event delegation. */
String _selector;
* A pointer to the element whose CSS selector matched within which an event
* was fired. If this Event was not associated with any Event delegation,
* accessing this value will throw an [UnsupportedError].
Element get matchingTarget {
if (_selector == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot call matchingTarget if this Event did'
' not arise as a result of event delegation.');
var currentTarget = this.currentTarget;
var target =;
var matchedTarget;
do {
if (target.matches(_selector)) return target;
target = target.parent;
} while (target != null && target != currentTarget.parent);
throw new StateError('No selector matched for populating matchedTarget.');
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Event._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* This event is being handled by the event target.
* ## Other resources
* * [Target phase] (
* from W3C.
static const int AT_TARGET = 2;
* This event is bubbling up through the target's ancestors.
* ## Other resources
* * [Bubble phase] (
* from W3C.
static const int BUBBLING_PHASE = 3;
* This event is propagating through the target's ancestors, starting from the
* document.
* ## Other resources
* * [Bubble phase] (
* from W3C.
static const int CAPTURING_PHASE = 1;
bool get bubbles => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.bubbles_Getter_(this);
bool get cancelable => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.cancelable_Getter_(this);
* Access to the system's clipboard data during copy, cut, and paste events.
* ## Other resources
* * [clipboardData specification]
* ( from W3C.
// Part of copy/paste
@Experimental() // nonstandard
DataTransfer get clipboardData => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.clipboardData_Getter_(this);
EventTarget get currentTarget => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.currentTarget_Getter_(this);
bool get defaultPrevented => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.defaultPrevented_Getter_(this);
int get eventPhase => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.eventPhase_Getter_(this);
* This event's path, taking into account shadow DOM.
* ## Other resources
* * [Shadow DOM extensions to Event]
* ( from
* W3C.
List<Node> get path => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.path_Getter_(this);
EventTarget get target => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.target_Getter_(this);
int get timeStamp => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.timeStamp_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void _initEvent(String eventTypeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg) => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.initEvent_Callback_3_(this, eventTypeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg);
void preventDefault() => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.preventDefault_Callback_0_(this);
void stopImmediatePropagation() => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.stopImmediatePropagation_Callback_0_(this);
void stopPropagation() => _blink.BlinkEvent.instance.stopPropagation_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Experimental() // stable
class EventSource extends EventTarget {
factory EventSource(String title, {withCredentials: false}) {
var parsedOptions = {
'withCredentials': withCredentials,
return EventSource._factoryEventSource(title, parsedOptions);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory EventSource._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [EventSource].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [EventSource].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
* Static factory designed to expose `open` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [EventSource].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> openEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('open');
static EventSource _factoryEventSource(String url, [Map eventSourceInit]) {
if (eventSourceInit != null) {
return _blink.BlinkEventSource.instance.constructorCallback_2_(url, eventSourceInit);
return _blink.BlinkEventSource.instance.constructorCallback_1_(url);
static const int CLOSED = 2;
static const int CONNECTING = 0;
static const int OPEN = 1;
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkEventSource.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
String get url => _blink.BlinkEventSource.instance.url_Getter_(this);
bool get withCredentials => _blink.BlinkEventSource.instance.withCredentials_Getter_(this);
void close() => _blink.BlinkEventSource.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [EventSource].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [EventSource].
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `open` events handled by this [EventSource].
Stream<Event> get onOpen => openEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Base class that supports listening for and dispatching browser events.
* Normally events are accessed via the Stream getter:
* element.onMouseOver.listen((e) => print('Mouse over!'));
* To access bubbling events which are declared on one element, but may bubble
* up to another element type (common for MediaElement events):
* MediaElement.pauseEvent.forTarget(document.body).listen(...);
* To useCapture on events:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* Custom events can be declared as:
* class DataGenerator {
* static EventStreamProvider<Event> dataEvent =
* new EventStreamProvider('data');
* }
* Then listeners should access the event with:
* DataGenerator.dataEvent.forTarget(element).listen(...);
* Custom events can also be accessed as:
* element.on['some_event'].listen(...);
* This approach is generally discouraged as it loses the event typing and
* some DOM events may have multiple platform-dependent event names under the
* covers. By using the standard Stream getters you will get the platform
* specific event name automatically.
class Events {
/* Raw event target. */
final EventTarget _ptr;
Stream operator [](String type) {
return new _EventStream(_ptr, type, false);
class ElementEvents extends Events {
/* Raw event target. */
final Element _ptr;
static final webkitEvents = {
'animationend' : 'webkitAnimationEnd',
'animationiteration' : 'webkitAnimationIteration',
'animationstart' : 'webkitAnimationStart',
'fullscreenchange' : 'webkitfullscreenchange',
'fullscreenerror' : 'webkitfullscreenerror',
'keyadded' : 'webkitkeyadded',
'keyerror' : 'webkitkeyerror',
'keymessage' : 'webkitkeymessage',
'needkey' : 'webkitneedkey',
'pointerlockchange' : 'webkitpointerlockchange',
'pointerlockerror' : 'webkitpointerlockerror',
'resourcetimingbufferfull' : 'webkitresourcetimingbufferfull',
'transitionend': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'speechchange' : 'webkitSpeechChange'
ElementEvents(Element ptr) : this._ptr = ptr, super(ptr);
Stream operator [](String type) {
if (webkitEvents.keys.contains(type.toLowerCase())) {
if (Device.isWebKit) {
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl(
_ptr, webkitEvents[type.toLowerCase()], false);
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl(_ptr, type, false);
* Base class for all browser objects that support events.
* Use the [on] property to add, and remove events
* for compile-time type checks and a more concise API.
class EventTarget extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// Custom element created callback.
* This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be
* used when an explicit accessor is not available.
Events get on => new Events(this);
void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) {
// TODO(leafp): This check is avoid a bug in our dispatch code when
// listener is null. The browser treats this call as a no-op in this
// case, so it's fine to short-circuit it, but we should not have to.
if (listener != null) {
_addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) {
// TODO(leafp): This check is avoid a bug in our dispatch code when
// listener is null. The browser treats this call as a no-op in this
// case, so it's fine to short-circuit it, but we should not have to.
if (listener != null) {
_removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory EventTarget._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
void _addEventListener([String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture]) {
if (useCapture != null) {
_blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.addEventListener_Callback_3_(this, type, listener, useCapture);
if (listener != null) {
_blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.addEventListener_Callback_2_(this, type, listener);
if (type != null) {
_blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.addEventListener_Callback_1_(this, type);
bool dispatchEvent(Event event) => _blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.dispatchEvent_Callback_1_(this, event);
void _removeEventListener([String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture]) {
if (useCapture != null) {
_blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.removeEventListener_Callback_3_(this, type, listener, useCapture);
if (listener != null) {
_blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.removeEventListener_Callback_2_(this, type, listener);
if (type != null) {
_blink.BlinkEventTarget.instance.removeEventListener_Callback_1_(this, type);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FederatedCredential extends Credential {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FederatedCredential._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory FederatedCredential(String id, String name, String avatarURL, String federation) {
return _blink.BlinkFederatedCredential.instance.constructorCallback_4_(id, name, avatarURL, federation);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get federation => _blink.BlinkFederatedCredential.instance.federation_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FetchBodyStream extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FetchBodyStream._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future asArrayBuffer() => _blink.BlinkFetchBodyStream.instance.asArrayBuffer_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future asBlob() => _blink.BlinkFetchBodyStream.instance.asBlob_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future asJson() => _blink.BlinkFetchBodyStream.instance.asJSON_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future asText() => _blink.BlinkFetchBodyStream.instance.asText_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FetchEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FetchEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get isReload => _blink.BlinkFetchEvent.instance.isReload_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_Request get request => _blink.BlinkFetchEvent.instance.request_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void respondWith(Object value) => _blink.BlinkFetchEvent.instance.respondWith_Callback_1_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FieldSetElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FieldSetElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory FieldSetElement() => document.createElement("fieldset");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
FieldSetElement.created() : super.created();
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get elements => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.elements_Getter_(this);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFieldSetElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class File extends Blob {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory File._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get lastModified => _blink.BlinkFile.instance.lastModified_Getter_(this);
DateTime get lastModifiedDate => _blink.BlinkFile.instance.lastModifiedDate_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkFile.instance.name_Getter_(this);
String get relativePath => _blink.BlinkFile.instance.webkitRelativePath_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _FileCallback(File file);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FileEntry extends Entry {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileEntry._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
void _createWriter(_FileWriterCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkFileEntry.instance.createWriter_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkFileEntry.instance.createWriter_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future<FileWriter> createWriter() {
var completer = new Completer<FileWriter>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _file(_FileCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkFileEntry.instance.file_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkFileEntry.instance.file_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
Future<File> file() {
var completer = new Completer<File>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FileError extends DomError {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int ABORT_ERR = 3;
static const int ENCODING_ERR = 5;
static const int INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 9;
static const int INVALID_STATE_ERR = 7;
static const int NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
static const int NOT_READABLE_ERR = 4;
static const int NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 6;
static const int PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;
static const int QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 10;
static const int SECURITY_ERR = 2;
static const int SYNTAX_ERR = 8;
static const int TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 11;
int get code => _blink.BlinkFileError.instance.code_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FileList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<File>, ImmutableListMixin<File> implements List<File> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkFileList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
File operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkFileList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
File _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkFileList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, File value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<File> mixins.
// File is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
File get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
File get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
File get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
File elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<File> mixins.
File item(int index) => _blink.BlinkFileList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class FileReader extends EventTarget {
Object get result {
var res = _blink.BlinkFileReader.result_Getter(this);
if (res is ByteBuffer) {
return new Uint8List.view(res);
return res;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileReader._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('abort');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> loadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('load');
* Static factory designed to expose `loadend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> loadEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('loadend');
* Static factory designed to expose `loadstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> loadStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('loadstart');
* Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> progressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('progress');
factory FileReader() {
return _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
static const int DONE = 2;
static const int EMPTY = 0;
static const int LOADING = 1;
FileError get error => _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.error_Getter_(this);
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
Object get _result => _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.result_Getter_(this);
void abort() => _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.abort_Callback_0_(this);
void readAsArrayBuffer(Blob blob) => _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.readAsArrayBuffer_Callback_1_(this, blob);
void readAsDataUrl(Blob blob) => _blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.readAsDataURL_Callback_1_(this, blob);
void readAsText(Blob blob, [String encoding]) {
if (encoding != null) {
_blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.readAsText_Callback_2_(this, blob, encoding);
_blink.BlinkFileReader.instance.readAsText_Callback_1_(this, blob);
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [FileReader].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [FileReader].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [FileReader].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onLoad => loadEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `loadend` events handled by this [FileReader].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onLoadEnd => loadEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `loadstart` events handled by this [FileReader].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onLoadStart => loadStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [FileReader].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onProgress => progressEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FileStream extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileStream._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get type => _blink.BlinkStream.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FileSystem extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileSystem._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
String get name => _blink.BlinkDOMFileSystem.instance.name_Getter_(this);
DirectoryEntry get root => _blink.BlinkDOMFileSystem.instance.root_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _FileSystemCallback(FileSystem fileSystem);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FileWriter extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FileWriter._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('abort');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> progressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('progress');
* Static factory designed to expose `write` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> writeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('write');
* Static factory designed to expose `writeend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> writeEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('writeend');
* Static factory designed to expose `writestart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> writeStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('writestart');
static const int DONE = 2;
static const int INIT = 0;
static const int WRITING = 1;
FileError get error => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.error_Getter_(this);
int get length => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.length_Getter_(this);
int get position => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.position_Getter_(this);
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
void abort() => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.abort_Callback_0_(this);
void seek(int position) => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.seek_Callback_1_(this, position);
void truncate(int size) => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.truncate_Callback_1_(this, size);
void write(Blob data) => _blink.BlinkFileWriter.instance.write_Callback_1_(this, data);
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [FileWriter].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [FileWriter].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [FileWriter].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onProgress => progressEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `write` events handled by this [FileWriter].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onWrite => writeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `writeend` events handled by this [FileWriter].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onWriteEnd => writeEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `writestart` events handled by this [FileWriter].
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onWriteStart => writeStartEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _FileWriterCallback(FileWriter fileWriter);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FocusEvent extends UIEvent {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FocusEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
EventTarget get relatedTarget => _blink.BlinkFocusEvent.instance.relatedTarget_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FontFace extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FontFace._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory FontFace(String family, source, [Map descriptors]) {
if ((source is String || source == null) && (family is String || family == null) && descriptors == null) {
return _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.constructorCallback_2_(family, source);
if ((descriptors is Map || descriptors == null) && (source is String || source == null) && (family is String || family == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.constructorCallback_3_(family, source, descriptors);
if ((source is TypedData || source == null) && (family is String || family == null) && descriptors == null) {
return _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.constructorCallback_2_(family, source);
if ((descriptors is Map || descriptors == null) && (source is TypedData || source == null) && (family is String || family == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.constructorCallback_3_(family, source, descriptors);
if ((source is ByteBuffer || source == null) && (family is String || family == null) && descriptors == null) {
return _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.constructorCallback_2_(family, source);
if ((descriptors is Map || descriptors == null) && (source is ByteBuffer || source == null) && (family is String || family == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.constructorCallback_3_(family, source, descriptors);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get family => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.family_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set family(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.family_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get featureSettings => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.featureSettings_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set featureSettings(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.featureSettings_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future get loaded => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.loaded_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get status => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.status_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get stretch => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.stretch_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set stretch(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.stretch_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get style => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.style_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set style(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.style_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get unicodeRange => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.unicodeRange_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set unicodeRange(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.unicodeRange_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get variant => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.variant_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set variant(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.variant_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get weight => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.weight_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set weight(String value) => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.weight_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future load() => _blink.BlinkFontFace.instance.load_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FontFaceSet extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FontFaceSet._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get size => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.size_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get status => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.status_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void add(FontFace fontFace) => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.add_Callback_1_(this, fontFace);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool check(String font, String text) => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.check_Callback_2_(this, font, text);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void clear() => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.clear_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool delete(FontFace fontFace) => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.delete_Callback_1_(this, fontFace);
void forEach(FontFaceSetForEachCallback callback, [Object thisArg]) {
if (thisArg != null) {
_blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.forEach_Callback_2_(this, callback, thisArg);
_blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.forEach_Callback_1_(this, callback);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool has(FontFace fontFace) => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSet.instance.has_Callback_1_(this, fontFace);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
typedef void FontFaceSetForEachCallback(FontFace fontFace, FontFace fontFaceAgain, FontFaceSet set);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class FontFaceSetLoadEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FontFaceSetLoadEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<FontFace> get fontfaces => _blink.BlinkFontFaceSetLoadEvent.instance.fontfaces_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class FormData extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FormData._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory FormData([FormElement form]) => _create(form);
static FormData _create(form) => _blink.BlinkFormData.instance.constructorCallback_1_(form);
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
void append(String name, String value) => _blink.BlinkFormData.instance.append_Callback_2_(this, name, value);
void appendBlob(String name, Blob value, [String filename]) => _blink.BlinkFormData.instance.append_Callback_3_(this, name, value, filename);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class FormElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory FormElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory FormElement() => document.createElement("form");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
FormElement.created() : super.created();
String get acceptCharset => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.acceptCharset_Getter_(this);
void set acceptCharset(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.acceptCharset_Setter_(this, value);
String get action => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.action_Getter_(this);
void set action(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.action_Setter_(this, value);
String get autocomplete => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.autocomplete_Getter_(this);
void set autocomplete(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.autocomplete_Setter_(this, value);
String get encoding => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.encoding_Getter_(this);
void set encoding(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.encoding_Setter_(this, value);
String get enctype => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.enctype_Getter_(this);
void set enctype(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.enctype_Setter_(this, value);
int get length => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.length_Getter_(this);
String get method => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.method_Getter_(this);
void set method(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.method_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
bool get noValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.noValidate_Getter_(this);
void set noValidate(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.noValidate_Setter_(this, value);
String get target => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.target_Getter_(this);
void set target(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.target_Setter_(this, value);
Element __getter__(index_OR_name) {
if ((index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
if ((index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void requestAutocomplete(Map details) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.requestAutocomplete_Callback_1_(this, details);
void reset() => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.reset_Callback_0_(this);
void submit() => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormElement.instance.submit_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Gamepad extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Gamepad._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
List<num> get axes => _blink.BlinkGamepad.instance.axes_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get connected => _blink.BlinkGamepad.instance.connected_Getter_(this);
String get id => _blink.BlinkGamepad.instance.id_Getter_(this);
int get index => _blink.BlinkGamepad.instance.index_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get mapping => _blink.BlinkGamepad.instance.mapping_Getter_(this);
int get timestamp => _blink.BlinkGamepad.instance.timestamp_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class GamepadButton extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory GamepadButton._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get pressed => _blink.BlinkGamepadButton.instance.pressed_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get value => _blink.BlinkGamepadButton.instance.value_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class GamepadEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory GamepadEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Gamepad get gamepad => _blink.BlinkGamepadEvent.instance.gamepad_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class Geofencing extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Geofencing._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future getRegisteredRegions() => _blink.BlinkGeofencing.instance.getRegisteredRegions_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future registerRegion(GeofencingRegion region) => _blink.BlinkGeofencing.instance.registerRegion_Callback_1_(this, region);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future unregisterRegion(String regionId) => _blink.BlinkGeofencing.instance.unregisterRegion_Callback_1_(this, regionId);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class GeofencingRegion extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory GeofencingRegion._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkGeofencingRegion.instance.id_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Geolocation extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
Future<Geoposition> getCurrentPosition({bool enableHighAccuracy,
Duration timeout, Duration maximumAge}) {
var options = {};
if (enableHighAccuracy != null) {
options['enableHighAccuracy'] = enableHighAccuracy;
if (timeout != null) {
options['timeout'] = timeout.inMilliseconds;
if (maximumAge != null) {
options['maximumAge'] = maximumAge.inMilliseconds;
var completer = new Completer<Geoposition>();
try {
(position) {
(error) {
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
completer.completeError(e, stacktrace);
return completer.future;
Stream<Geoposition> watchPosition({bool enableHighAccuracy,
Duration timeout, Duration maximumAge}) {
var options = {};
if (enableHighAccuracy != null) {
options['enableHighAccuracy'] = enableHighAccuracy;
if (timeout != null) {
options['timeout'] = timeout.inMilliseconds;
if (maximumAge != null) {
options['maximumAge'] = maximumAge.inMilliseconds;
int watchId;
var controller;
controller = new StreamController<Geoposition>(sync: true,
onListen: () {
assert(watchId == null);
watchId = _watchPosition(
(position) {
(error) {
onCancel: () {
assert(watchId != null);
Geoposition _ensurePosition(domPosition) {
return domPosition;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Geolocation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
void _clearWatch(int watchID) => _blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.clearWatch_Callback_1_(this, watchID);
void _getCurrentPosition(_PositionCallback successCallback, [_PositionErrorCallback errorCallback, Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
_blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.getCurrentPosition_Callback_3_(this, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.getCurrentPosition_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.getCurrentPosition_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
int _watchPosition(_PositionCallback successCallback, [_PositionErrorCallback errorCallback, Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
return _blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.watchPosition_Callback_3_(this, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
if (errorCallback != null) {
return _blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.watchPosition_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, errorCallback);
return _blink.BlinkGeolocation.instance.watchPosition_Callback_1_(this, successCallback);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Geoposition extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Geoposition._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Coordinates get coords => _blink.BlinkGeoposition.instance.coords_Getter_(this);
int get timestamp => _blink.BlinkGeoposition.instance.timestamp_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class GlobalEventHandlers extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory GlobalEventHandlers._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> blurEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('blur');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> canPlayEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('canplay');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> canPlayThroughEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('canplaythrough');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> clickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('click');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> contextMenuEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('contextmenu');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> doubleClickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('dblclick');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('drag');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragend');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragenter');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragleave');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragOverEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragover');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragstart');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dropEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('drop');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> durationChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('durationchange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> emptiedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('emptied');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> endedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ended');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> focusEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('focus');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> inputEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('input');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> invalidEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('invalid');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyDownEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keydown');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyPressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keypress');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyUpEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keyup');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('load');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadedDataEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadeddata');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadedMetadataEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadedmetadata');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseDownEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mousedown');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseenter');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseleave');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseMoveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mousemove');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseOutEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseout');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseOverEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseover');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseUpEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseup');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent> mouseWheelEvent = const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent>('mousewheel');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pauseEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pause');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> playEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('play');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> playingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('playing');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> rateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ratechange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resetEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('reset');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resizeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('resize');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> scrollEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('scroll');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> seekedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('seeked');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> seekingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('seeking');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> selectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('select');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> stalledEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('stalled');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> submitEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('submit');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> suspendEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('suspend');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> timeUpdateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('timeupdate');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> volumeChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('volumechange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> waitingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('waiting');
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onBlur => blurEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onCanPlay => canPlayEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough => canPlayThroughEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onClick => clickEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => contextMenuEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onDoubleClick => doubleClickEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDrag => dragEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => dragEndEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => dragEnterEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => dragLeaveEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver => dragOverEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart => dragStartEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDrop => dropEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onDurationChange => durationChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onEmptied => emptiedEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onEnded => endedEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onFocus => focusEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onInput => inputEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onInvalid => invalidEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => keyDownEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => keyPressEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => keyUpEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onLoad => loadEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onLoadedData => loadedDataEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata => loadedMetadataEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => mouseDownEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => mouseEnterEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => mouseLeaveEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => mouseMoveEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => mouseOutEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => mouseOverEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => mouseUpEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => mouseWheelEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPause => pauseEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPlay => playEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onPlaying => playingEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onRateChange => rateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onReset => resetEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onResize => resizeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onScroll => scrollEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSeeked => seekedEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSeeking => seekingEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSelect => selectEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onStalled => stalledEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSubmit => submitEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onSuspend => suspendEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onTimeUpdate => timeUpdateEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onVolumeChange => volumeChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onWaiting => waitingEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* An `<hr>` tag.
class HRElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HRElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory HRElement() => document.createElement("hr");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
HRElement.created() : super.created();
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get color => _blink.BlinkHTMLHRElement.instance.color_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set color(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLHRElement.instance.color_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HashChangeEvent extends Event {
factory HashChangeEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true, String oldUrl,
String newUrl}) {
var event = document._createEvent("HashChangeEvent");
event._initHashChangeEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, oldUrl, newUrl);
return event;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HashChangeEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
String get newUrl => _blink.BlinkHashChangeEvent.instance.newURL_Getter_(this);
String get oldUrl => _blink.BlinkHashChangeEvent.instance.oldURL_Getter_(this);
void _initHashChangeEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, String oldURL, String newURL) => _blink.BlinkHashChangeEvent.instance.initHashChangeEvent_Callback_5_(this, type, canBubble, cancelable, oldURL, newURL);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HeadElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HeadElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory HeadElement() => document.createElement("head");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
HeadElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class Headers extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Headers._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory Headers([input]) {
if (input == null) {
return _blink.BlinkHeaders.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
if ((input is Headers || input == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkHeaders.instance.constructorCallback_1_(input);
if ((input is Map || input == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkHeaders.instance.constructorCallback_1_(input);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get size => _blink.BlinkHeaders.instance.size_Getter_(this);
void forEach(HeadersForEachCallback callback, [Object thisArg]) {
if (thisArg != null) {
_blink.BlinkHeaders.instance.forEach_Callback_2_(this, callback, thisArg);
_blink.BlinkHeaders.instance.forEach_Callback_1_(this, callback);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
typedef void HeadersForEachCallback(String value, String key, Headers map);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HeadingElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HeadingElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory HeadingElement.h1() => document.createElement("h1");
factory HeadingElement.h2() => document.createElement("h2");
factory HeadingElement.h3() => document.createElement("h3");
factory HeadingElement.h4() => document.createElement("h4");
factory HeadingElement.h5() => document.createElement("h5");
factory HeadingElement.h6() => document.createElement("h6");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
HeadingElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class History extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements HistoryBase {
* Checks if the State APIs are supported on the current platform.
* See also:
* * [pushState]
* * [replaceState]
* * [state]
static bool get supportsState => true;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory History._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.length_Getter_(this);
dynamic get state => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.state_Getter_(this);
void back() => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.back_Callback_0_(this);
void forward() => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.forward_Callback_0_(this);
void go(int distance) => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.go_Callback_1_(this, distance);
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
void pushState(Object data, String title, [String url]) => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.pushState_Callback_3_(this, data, title, url);
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
void replaceState(Object data, String title, [String url]) => _blink.BlinkHistory.instance.replaceState_Callback_3_(this, data, title, url);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HtmlCollection extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Node>, ImmutableListMixin<Node> implements List<Node> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HtmlCollection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkHTMLCollection.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Node operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkHTMLCollection.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Node _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCollection.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Node value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Node> mixins.
// Node is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Node get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Node get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Node get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Node elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Node> mixins.
Element item(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCollection.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Element namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkHTMLCollection.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HtmlDocument extends Document {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HtmlDocument._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
BodyElement get body => _body;
void set body(BodyElement value) {
_body = value;
Range caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y) {
return _caretRangeFromPoint(x, y);
Element elementFromPoint(int x, int y) {
return _elementFromPoint(x, y);
* Checks if the getCssCanvasContext API is supported on the current platform.
* See also:
* * [getCssCanvasContext]
static bool get supportsCssCanvasContext => true;
* Gets a CanvasRenderingContext which can be used as the CSS background of an
* element.
* CSS:
* background: -webkit-canvas(backgroundCanvas)
* Generate the canvas:
* var context = document.getCssCanvasContext('2d', 'backgroundCanvas',
* 100, 100);
* context.fillStyle = 'red';
* context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
* See also:
* * [supportsCssCanvasContext]
* * [CanvasElement.getContext]
CanvasRenderingContext getCssCanvasContext(String contextId, String name,
int width, int height) {
return _getCssCanvasContext(contextId, name, width, height);
HeadElement get head => _head;
String get lastModified => _lastModified;
String get preferredStylesheetSet => _preferredStylesheetSet;
String get referrer => _referrer;
String get selectedStylesheetSet => _selectedStylesheetSet;
void set selectedStylesheetSet(String value) {
_selectedStylesheetSet = value;
List<StyleSheet> get styleSheets => _styleSheets;
String get title => _title;
void set title(String value) {
_title = value;
* Returns page to standard layout.
* Has no effect if the page is not in fullscreen mode.
* ## Other resources
* * [Using the fullscreen API]
* ( from
* * [Fullscreen specification]
* ( from W3C.
void exitFullscreen() {
* Returns the element, if any, that is currently displayed in fullscreen.
* Returns null if there is currently no fullscreen element. You can use
* this to determine if the page is in fullscreen mode.
* myVideo = new VideoElement();
* if (document.fullscreenElement == null) {
* myVideo.requestFullscreen();
* print(document.fullscreenElement == myVideo); // true
* }
* ## Other resources
* * [Using the fullscreen API]
* ( from
* * [Fullscreen specification]
* ( from W3C.
Element get fullscreenElement => _webkitFullscreenElement;
* Returns true if this document can display elements in fullscreen mode.
* ## Other resources
* * [Using the fullscreen API]
* ( from
* * [Fullscreen specification]
* ( from W3C.
bool get fullscreenEnabled => _webkitFullscreenEnabled;
bool get hidden => _webkitHidden;
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
String get visibilityState => _webkitVisibilityState;
* Register a custom subclass of Element to be instantiatable by the DOM.
* This is necessary to allow the construction of any custom elements.
* The class being registered must either subclass HtmlElement or SvgElement.
* If they subclass these directly then they can be used as:
* class FooElement extends HtmlElement{
* void created() {
* print('FooElement created!');
* }
* }
* main() {
* document.registerElement('x-foo', FooElement);
* var myFoo = new Element.tag('x-foo');
* // prints 'FooElement created!' to the console.
* }
* The custom element can also be instantiated via HTML using the syntax
* `<x-foo></x-foo>`
* Other elements can be subclassed as well:
* class BarElement extends InputElement{
* void created() {
* print('BarElement created!');
* }
* }
* main() {
* document.registerElement('x-bar', BarElement);
* var myBar = new Element.tag('input', 'x-bar');
* // prints 'BarElement created!' to the console.
* }
* This custom element can also be instantiated via HTML using the syntax
* `<input is="x-bar"></input>`
void registerElement(String tag, Type customElementClass,
{String extendsTag}) {
_Utils.register(this, tag, customElementClass, extendsTag);
/** *Deprecated*: use [registerElement] instead. */
void register(String tag, Type customElementClass, {String extendsTag}) {
return registerElement(tag, customElementClass, extendsTag: extendsTag);
* Static factory designed to expose `visibilitychange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> visibilityChangeEvent =
const _CustomEventStreamProvider<Event>(
static String _determineVisibilityChangeEventType(EventTarget e) {
return 'webkitvisibilitychange';
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
Stream<Event> get onVisibilityChange =>
/// Creates an element upgrader which can be used to change the Dart wrapper
/// type for elements.
/// The type specified must be a subclass of HtmlElement, when an element is
/// upgraded then the created constructor will be invoked on that element.
/// If the type is not a direct subclass of HtmlElement then the extendsTag
/// parameter must be provided.
ElementUpgrader createElementUpgrader(Type type, {String extendsTag}) {
return new _VMElementUpgrader(this, type, extendsTag);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HtmlElement extends Element implements GlobalEventHandlers {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HtmlElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> blurEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('blur');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> canPlayEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('canplay');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> canPlayThroughEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('canplaythrough');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> clickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('click');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> contextMenuEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('contextmenu');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> doubleClickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('dblclick');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('drag');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragend');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragenter');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragleave');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragOverEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragover');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dragStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('dragstart');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> dropEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('drop');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> durationChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('durationchange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> emptiedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('emptied');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> endedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ended');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> focusEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('focus');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> inputEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('input');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> invalidEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('invalid');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyDownEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keydown');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyPressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keypress');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent> keyUpEvent = const EventStreamProvider<KeyboardEvent>('keyup');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('load');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadedDataEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadeddata');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadedMetadataEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadedmetadata');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseDownEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mousedown');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseEnterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseenter');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseLeaveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseleave');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseMoveEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mousemove');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseOutEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseout');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseOverEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseover');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent> mouseUpEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('mouseup');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent> mouseWheelEvent = const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent>('mousewheel');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pauseEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pause');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> playEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('play');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> playingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('playing');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> rateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ratechange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resetEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('reset');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resizeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('resize');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> scrollEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('scroll');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> seekedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('seeked');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> seekingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('seeking');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> selectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('select');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> stalledEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('stalled');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> submitEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('submit');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> suspendEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('suspend');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> timeUpdateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('timeupdate');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> volumeChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('volumechange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> waitingEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('waiting');
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
HtmlElement.created() : super.created();
String get contentEditable => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.contentEditable_Getter_(this);
void set contentEditable(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.contentEditable_Setter_(this, value);
String get dir => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.dir_Getter_(this);
void set dir(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.dir_Setter_(this, value);
bool get draggable => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.draggable_Getter_(this);
void set draggable(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.draggable_Setter_(this, value);
bool get hidden => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.hidden_Getter_(this);
void set hidden(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.hidden_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
InputMethodContext get inputMethodContext => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.inputMethodContext_Getter_(this);
bool get isContentEditable => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.isContentEditable_Getter_(this);
String get lang => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.lang_Getter_(this);
void set lang(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.lang_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
bool get spellcheck => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.spellcheck_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
void set spellcheck(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.spellcheck_Setter_(this, value);
int get tabIndex => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.tabIndex_Getter_(this);
void set tabIndex(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.tabIndex_Setter_(this, value);
String get title => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.title_Getter_(this);
void set title(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.title_Setter_(this, value);
bool get translate => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.translate_Getter_(this);
void set translate(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.translate_Setter_(this, value);
String get dropzone => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.webkitdropzone_Getter_(this);
void set dropzone(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.webkitdropzone_Setter_(this, value);
void click() => _blink.BlinkHTMLElement.instance.click_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onBlur => blurEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlay => canPlayEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough => canPlayThroughEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onClick => clickEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => contextMenuEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onDoubleClick => doubleClickEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrag => dragEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => dragEndEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => dragEnterEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => dragLeaveEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver => dragOverEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart => dragStartEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onDrop => dropEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onDurationChange => durationChangeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEmptied => emptiedEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onEnded => endedEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onFocus => focusEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onInput => inputEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onInvalid => invalidEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => keyDownEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => keyPressEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => keyUpEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoad => loadEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedData => loadedDataEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata => loadedMetadataEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => mouseDownEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => mouseEnterEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => mouseLeaveEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => mouseMoveEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => mouseOutEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => mouseOverEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => mouseUpEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => mouseWheelEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPause => pauseEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlay => playEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onPlaying => playingEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onRateChange => rateChangeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onReset => resetEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onResize => resizeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onScroll => scrollEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeked => seekedEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSeeking => seekingEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSelect => selectEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onStalled => stalledEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSubmit => submitEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onSuspend => suspendEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onTimeUpdate => timeUpdateEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onVolumeChange => volumeChangeEvent.forElement(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ElementStream<Event> get onWaiting => waitingEvent.forElement(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HtmlFormControlsCollection extends HtmlCollection {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HtmlFormControlsCollection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Object namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkHTMLFormControlsCollection.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HtmlHtmlElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HtmlHtmlElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory HtmlHtmlElement() => document.createElement("html");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
HtmlHtmlElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HtmlOptionsCollection extends HtmlCollection {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HtmlOptionsCollection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A client-side XHR request for getting data from a URL,
* formally known as XMLHttpRequest.
* HttpRequest can be used to obtain data from HTTP and FTP protocols,
* and is useful for AJAX-style page updates.
* The simplest way to get the contents of a text file, such as a
* JSON-formatted file, is with [getString].
* For example, the following code gets the contents of a JSON file
* and prints its length:
* var path = 'myData.json';
* HttpRequest.getString(path)
* .then((String fileContents) {
* print(fileContents.length);
* })
* .catchError((Error error) {
* print(error.toString());
* });
* ## Fetching data from other servers
* For security reasons, browsers impose restrictions on requests
* made by embedded apps.
* With the default behavior of this class,
* the code making the request must be served from the same origin
* (domain name, port, and application layer protocol)
* as the requested resource.
* In the example above, the myData.json file must be co-located with the
* app that uses it.
* You might be able to
* [get around this restriction](
* by using CORS headers or JSONP.
* ## Other resources
* * [Fetch Data Dynamically](,
* a tutorial from _A Game of Darts_,
* shows two different ways to use HttpRequest to get a JSON file.
* * [Get Input from a Form](,
* another tutorial from _A Game of Darts_,
* shows using HttpRequest with a custom server.
* * [Dart article on using HttpRequests](
* * [JS XMLHttpRequest](
* * [Using XMLHttpRequest](
class HttpRequest extends HttpRequestEventTarget {
* Creates a GET request for the specified [url].
* The server response must be a `text/` mime type for this request to
* succeed.
* This is similar to [request] but specialized for HTTP GET requests which
* return text content.
* To add query parameters, append them to the [url] following a `?`,
* joining each key to its value with `=` and separating key-value pairs with
* `&`.
* var name = Uri.encodeQueryComponent('John');
* var id = Uri.encodeQueryComponent('42');
* HttpRequest.getString('users.json?name=$name&id=$id')
* .then((HttpRequest resp) {
* // Do something with the response.
* });
* See also:
* * [request]
static Future<String> getString(String url,
{bool withCredentials, void onProgress(ProgressEvent e)}) {
return request(url, withCredentials: withCredentials,
onProgress: onProgress).then((HttpRequest xhr) => xhr.responseText);
* Makes a server POST request with the specified data encoded as form data.
* This is roughly the POST equivalent of getString. This method is similar
* to sending a FormData object with broader browser support but limited to
* String values.
* If [data] is supplied, the key/value pairs are URI encoded with
* [Uri.encodeQueryComponent] and converted into an HTTP query string.
* Unless otherwise specified, this method appends the following header:
* Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
* Here's an example of using this method:
* var data = { 'firstName' : 'John', 'lastName' : 'Doe' };
* HttpRequest.postFormData('/send', data).then((HttpRequest resp) {
* // Do something with the response.
* });
* See also:
* * [request]
static Future<HttpRequest> postFormData(String url, Map<String, String> data,
{bool withCredentials, String responseType,
Map<String, String> requestHeaders,
void onProgress(ProgressEvent e)}) {
var parts = [];
data.forEach((key, value) {
var formData = parts.join('&');
if (requestHeaders == null) {
requestHeaders = <String, String>{};
() => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
return request(url, method: 'POST', withCredentials: withCredentials,
responseType: responseType,
requestHeaders: requestHeaders, sendData: formData,
onProgress: onProgress);
* Creates and sends a URL request for the specified [url].
* By default `request` will perform an HTTP GET request, but a different
* method (`POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, etc) can be used by specifying the
* [method] parameter. (See also [HttpRequest.postFormData] for `POST`
* requests only.
* The Future is completed when the response is available.
* If specified, `sendData` will send data in the form of a [ByteBuffer],
* [Blob], [Document], [String], or [FormData] along with the HttpRequest.
* If specified, [responseType] sets the desired response format for the
* request. By default it is [String], but can also be 'arraybuffer', 'blob',
* 'document', 'json', or 'text'. See also [HttpRequest.responseType]
* for more information.
* The [withCredentials] parameter specified that credentials such as a cookie
* (already) set in the header or
* [authorization headers](
* should be specified for the request. Details to keep in mind when using
* credentials:
* * Using credentials is only useful for cross-origin requests.
* * The `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header of `url` cannot contain a wildcard (*).
* * The `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header of `url` must be set to true.
* * If `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` has not been set to true, only a subset of all the response headers will be returned when calling [getAllRequestHeaders].
* The following is equivalent to the [getString] sample above:
* var name = Uri.encodeQueryComponent('John');
* var id = Uri.encodeQueryComponent('42');
* HttpRequest.request('users.json?name=$name&id=$id')
* .then((HttpRequest resp) {
* // Do something with the response.
* });
* Here's an example of submitting an entire form with [FormData].
* var myForm = querySelector('form#myForm');
* var data = new FormData(myForm);
* HttpRequest.request('/submit', method: 'POST', sendData: data)
* .then((HttpRequest resp) {
* // Do something with the response.
* });
* Note that requests for file:// URIs are only supported by Chrome extensions
* with appropriate permissions in their manifest. Requests to file:// URIs
* will also never fail- the Future will always complete successfully, even
* when the file cannot be found.
* See also: [authorization headers](
static Future<HttpRequest> request(String url,
{String method, bool withCredentials, String responseType,
String mimeType, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, sendData,
void onProgress(ProgressEvent e)}) {
var completer = new Completer<HttpRequest>();
var xhr = new HttpRequest();
if (method == null) {
method = 'GET';
}, url, async: true);
if (withCredentials != null) {
xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials;
if (responseType != null) {
xhr.responseType = responseType;
if (mimeType != null) {
if (requestHeaders != null) {
requestHeaders.forEach((header, value) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value);
if (onProgress != null) {
xhr.onLoad.listen((e) {
// Note: file:// URIs have status of 0.
if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) ||
xhr.status == 0 || xhr.status == 304) {
} else {
if (sendData != null) {
} else {
return completer.future;
* Checks to see if the Progress event is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supportsProgressEvent {
return true;
* Checks to see if the current platform supports making cross origin
* requests.
* Note that even if cross origin requests are supported, they still may fail
* if the destination server does not support CORS requests.
static bool get supportsCrossOrigin {
return true;
* Checks to see if the LoadEnd event is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supportsLoadEndEvent {
return true;
* Checks to see if the overrideMimeType method is supported on the current
* platform.
static bool get supportsOverrideMimeType {
return true;
* Makes a cross-origin request to the specified URL.
* This API provides a subset of [request] which works on IE9. If IE9
* cross-origin support is not required then [request] should be used instead.
static Future<String> requestCrossOrigin(String url,
{String method, String sendData}) {
if (supportsCrossOrigin) {
return request(url, method: method, sendData: sendData).then((xhr) {
return xhr.responseText;
* Returns all response headers as a key-value map.
* Multiple values for the same header key can be combined into one,
* separated by a comma and a space.
* See:
Map<String, String> get responseHeaders {
// from Closure's
var headers = <String, String>{};
var headersString = this.getAllResponseHeaders();
if (headersString == null) {
return headers;
var headersList = headersString.split('\r\n');
for (var header in headersList) {
if (header.isEmpty) {
var splitIdx = header.indexOf(': ');
if (splitIdx == -1) {
var key = header.substring(0, splitIdx).toLowerCase();
var value = header.substring(splitIdx + 2);
if (headers.containsKey(key)) {
headers[key] = '${headers[key]}, $value';
} else {
headers[key] = value;
return headers;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HttpRequest._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `readystatechange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequest].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> readyStateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('readystatechange');
* General constructor for any type of request (GET, POST, etc).
* This call is used in conjunction with [open]:
* var request = new HttpRequest();
*'GET', '');
* request.onLoad.listen((event) => print(
* 'Request complete ${}'));
* request.send();
* is the (more verbose) equivalent of
* HttpRequest.getString('').then(
* (result) => print('Request complete: $result'));
factory HttpRequest() => _create();
static HttpRequest _create() => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
static const int DONE = 4;
static const int HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2;
static const int LOADING = 3;
static const int OPENED = 1;
static const int UNSENT = 0;
* Indicator of the current state of the request:
* <table>
* <tr>
* <td>Value</td>
* <td>State</td>
* <td>Meaning</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>0</td>
* <td>unsent</td>
* <td><code>open()</code> has not yet been called</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1</td>
* <td>opened</td>
* <td><code>send()</code> has not yet been called</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2</td>
* <td>headers received</td>
* <td><code>sent()</code> has been called; response headers and <code>status</code> are available</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>3</td> <td>loading</td> <td><code>responseText</code> holds some data</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>4</td> <td>done</td> <td>request is complete</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
* The data received as a reponse from the request.
* The data could be in the
* form of a [String], [ByteBuffer], [Document], [Blob], or json (also a
* [String]). `null` indicates request failure.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
Object get response => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.response_Getter_(this);
* The response in String form or empty String on failure.
String get responseText => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.responseText_Getter_(this);
* [String] telling the server the desired response format.
* Default is `String`.
* Other options are one of 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json',
* 'text'. Some newer browsers will throw NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if
* `responseType` is set while performing a synchronous request.
* See also: [MDN responseType](
String get responseType => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.responseType_Getter_(this);
* [String] telling the server the desired response format.
* Default is `String`.
* Other options are one of 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json',
* 'text'. Some newer browsers will throw NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if
* `responseType` is set while performing a synchronous request.
* See also: [MDN responseType](
void set responseType(String value) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.responseType_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get responseUrl => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.responseURL_Getter_(this);
* The request response, or null on failure.
* The response is processed as
* `text/xml` stream, unless responseType = 'document' and the request is
* synchronous.
Document get responseXml => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.responseXML_Getter_(this);
* The http result code from the request (200, 404, etc).
* See also: [Http Status Codes](
int get status => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.status_Getter_(this);
* The request response string (such as \"200 OK\").
* See also: [Http Status Codes](
String get statusText => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.statusText_Getter_(this);
* Length of time before a request is automatically terminated.
* When the time has passed, a [TimeoutEvent] is dispatched.
* If [timeout] is set to 0, then the request will not time out.
* ## Other resources
* * [XMLHttpRequest.timeout]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [The timeout attribute]
* (
* from W3C.
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get timeout => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.timeout_Getter_(this);
* Length of time before a request is automatically terminated.
* When the time has passed, a [TimeoutEvent] is dispatched.
* If [timeout] is set to 0, then the request will not time out.
* ## Other resources
* * [XMLHttpRequest.timeout]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [The timeout attribute]
* (
* from W3C.
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set timeout(int value) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.timeout_Setter_(this, value);
* [EventTarget] that can hold listeners to track the progress of the request.
* The events fired will be members of [HttpRequestUploadEvents].
HttpRequestUpload get upload => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.upload_Getter_(this);
* True if cross-site requests should use credentials such as cookies
* or authorization headers; false otherwise.
* This value is ignored for same-site requests.
bool get withCredentials => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.withCredentials_Getter_(this);
* True if cross-site requests should use credentials such as cookies
* or authorization headers; false otherwise.
* This value is ignored for same-site requests.
void set withCredentials(bool value) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.withCredentials_Setter_(this, value);
* Stop the current request.
* The request can only be stopped if readyState is `HEADERS_RECIEVED` or
* `LOADING`. If this method is not in the process of being sent, the method
* has no effect.
void abort() => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.abort_Callback_0_(this);
* Retrieve all the response headers from a request.
* `null` if no headers have been received. For multipart requests,
* `getAllResponseHeaders` will return the response headers for the current
* part of the request.
* See also [HTTP response headers](
* for a list of common response headers.
String getAllResponseHeaders() => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.getAllResponseHeaders_Callback_0_(this);
* Return the response header named `header`, or null if not found.
* See also [HTTP response headers](
* for a list of common response headers.
String getResponseHeader(String header) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.getResponseHeader_Callback_1_(this, header);
* Specify the desired `url`, and `method` to use in making the request.
* By default the request is done asyncronously, with no user or password
* authentication information. If `async` is false, the request will be send
* synchronously.
* Calling `open` again on a currently active request is equivalent to
* calling `abort`.
* Note: Most simple HTTP requests can be accomplished using the [getString],
* [request], [requestCrossOrigin], or [postFormData] methods. Use of this
* `open` method is intended only for more complext HTTP requests where
* finer-grained control is needed.
void open(String method, String url, {bool async, String user, String password}) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.open_Callback_5_(this, method, url, async, user, password);
* Specify a particular MIME type (such as `text/xml`) desired for the
* response.
* This value must be set before the request has been sent. See also the list
* of [common MIME types](
void overrideMimeType(String override) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.overrideMimeType_Callback_1_(this, override);
* Send the request with any given `data`.
* Note: Most simple HTTP requests can be accomplished using the [getString],
* [request], [requestCrossOrigin], or [postFormData] methods. Use of this
* `send` method is intended only for more complext HTTP requests where
* finer-grained control is needed.
* ## Other resources
* * [XMLHttpRequest.send]
* (
* from MDN.
void send([data]) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
* Sets the value of an HTTP requst header.
* This method should be called after the request is opened, but before
* the request is sent.
* Multiple calls with the same header will combine all their values into a
* single header.
* ## Other resources
* * [XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [The setRequestHeader() method]
* ( from
* W3C.
void setRequestHeader(String header, String value) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.setRequestHeader_Callback_2_(this, header, value);
/// Stream of `readystatechange` events handled by this [HttpRequest].
* Event listeners to be notified every time the [HttpRequest]
* object's `readyState` changes values.
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onReadyStateChange => readyStateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class HttpRequestEventTarget extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HttpRequestEventTarget._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('abort');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> loadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('load');
* Static factory designed to expose `loadend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> loadEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('loadend');
* Static factory designed to expose `loadstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> loadStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('loadstart');
* Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> progressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('progress');
* Static factory designed to expose `timeout` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [HttpRequestEventTarget].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent> timeoutEvent = const EventStreamProvider<ProgressEvent>('timeout');
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onLoad => loadEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `loadend` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onLoadEnd => loadEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `loadstart` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onLoadStart => loadStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onProgress => progressEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `timeout` events handled by this [HttpRequestEventTarget].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<ProgressEvent> get onTimeout => timeoutEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class HttpRequestUpload extends HttpRequestEventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory HttpRequestUpload._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class IFrameElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory IFrameElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory IFrameElement() => document.createElement("iframe");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
IFrameElement.created() : super.created();
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get allowFullscreen => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.allowFullscreen_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set allowFullscreen(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.allowFullscreen_Setter_(this, value);
WindowBase get contentWindow => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.contentWindow_Getter_(this);
String get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
void set height(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get sandbox => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.sandbox_Getter_(this);
void set sandbox(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.sandbox_Setter_(this, value);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
String get srcdoc => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.srcdoc_Getter_(this);
void set srcdoc(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.srcdoc_Setter_(this, value);
String get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
void set width(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLIFrameElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ImageBitmap extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ImageBitmap._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get height => _blink.BlinkImageBitmap.instance.height_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get width => _blink.BlinkImageBitmap.instance.width_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class ImageData extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
List<int> __data;
List<int> get data {
if (__data == null) {
__data = _data;
return __data;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ImageData._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ImageData(data_OR_width, int height_OR_width, [int height]) {
if ((height_OR_width is int || height_OR_width == null) && (data_OR_width is int || data_OR_width == null) && height == null) {
return _blink.BlinkImageData.instance.constructorCallback_2_(data_OR_width, height_OR_width);
if ((height is int || height == null) && (height_OR_width is int || height_OR_width == null) && (data_OR_width is Uint8ClampedList || data_OR_width == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkImageData.instance.constructorCallback_3_(data_OR_width, height_OR_width, height);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Uint8ClampedList get _data => _blink.BlinkImageData.instance.data_Getter_(this);
int get height => _blink.BlinkImageData.instance.height_Getter_(this);
int get width => _blink.BlinkImageData.instance.width_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class ImageElement extends HtmlElement implements CanvasImageSource {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ImageElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ImageElement({String src, int width, int height}) {
var e = document.createElement("img");
if (src != null) e.src = src;
if (width != null) e.width = width;
if (height != null) e.height = height;
return e;
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ImageElement.created() : super.created();
String get alt => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.alt_Getter_(this);
void set alt(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.alt_Setter_(this, value);
bool get complete => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.complete_Getter_(this);
String get crossOrigin => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.crossOrigin_Getter_(this);
void set crossOrigin(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.crossOrigin_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get currentSrc => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.currentSrc_Getter_(this);
int get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
void set height(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
bool get isMap => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.isMap_Getter_(this);
void set isMap(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.isMap_Setter_(this, value);
int get naturalHeight => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.naturalHeight_Getter_(this);
int get naturalWidth => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.naturalWidth_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get sizes => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.sizes_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set sizes(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.sizes_Setter_(this, value);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get srcset => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.srcset_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set srcset(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.srcset_Setter_(this, value);
String get useMap => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.useMap_Getter_(this);
void set useMap(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.useMap_Setter_(this, value);
int get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
void set width(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLImageElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class InjectedScriptHost extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory InjectedScriptHost._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
void inspect(Object objectId, Object hints) => _blink.BlinkInjectedScriptHost.instance.inspect_Callback_2_(this, objectId, hints);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class InputElement extends HtmlElement implements
ButtonInputElement {
factory InputElement({String type}) {
var e = document.createElement("input");
if (type != null) {
try {
// IE throws an exception for unknown types.
e.type = type;
} catch(_) {}
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory InputElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
InputElement.created() : super.created();
String get accept => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.accept_Getter_(this);
void set accept(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.accept_Setter_(this, value);
String get alt => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.alt_Getter_(this);
void set alt(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.alt_Setter_(this, value);
String get autocomplete => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.autocomplete_Getter_(this);
void set autocomplete(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.autocomplete_Setter_(this, value);
bool get autofocus => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.autofocus_Getter_(this);
void set autofocus(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.autofocus_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get capture => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.capture_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set capture(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.capture_Setter_(this, value);
bool get checked => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.checked_Getter_(this);
void set checked(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.checked_Setter_(this, value);
bool get defaultChecked => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.defaultChecked_Getter_(this);
void set defaultChecked(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.defaultChecked_Setter_(this, value);
String get defaultValue => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.defaultValue_Getter_(this);
void set defaultValue(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.defaultValue_Setter_(this, value);
String get dirName => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.dirName_Getter_(this);
void set dirName(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.dirName_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
List<File> get files => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.files_Getter_(this);
void set files(List<File> value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.files_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
String get formAction => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formAction_Getter_(this);
void set formAction(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formAction_Setter_(this, value);
String get formEnctype => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formEnctype_Getter_(this);
void set formEnctype(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formEnctype_Setter_(this, value);
String get formMethod => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formMethod_Getter_(this);
void set formMethod(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formMethod_Setter_(this, value);
bool get formNoValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formNoValidate_Getter_(this);
void set formNoValidate(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formNoValidate_Setter_(this, value);
String get formTarget => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formTarget_Getter_(this);
void set formTarget(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.formTarget_Setter_(this, value);
int get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
void set height(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
bool get incremental => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.incremental_Getter_(this);
void set incremental(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.incremental_Setter_(this, value);
bool get indeterminate => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.indeterminate_Getter_(this);
void set indeterminate(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.indeterminate_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get inputMode => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.inputMode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set inputMode(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.inputMode_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
HtmlElement get list => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.list_Getter_(this);
String get max => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.max_Getter_(this);
void set max(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.max_Setter_(this, value);
int get maxLength => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.maxLength_Getter_(this);
void set maxLength(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.maxLength_Setter_(this, value);
String get min => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.min_Getter_(this);
void set min(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.min_Setter_(this, value);
bool get multiple => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.multiple_Getter_(this);
void set multiple(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.multiple_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get pattern => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.pattern_Getter_(this);
void set pattern(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.pattern_Setter_(this, value);
String get placeholder => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.placeholder_Getter_(this);
void set placeholder(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.placeholder_Setter_(this, value);
bool get readOnly => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.readOnly_Getter_(this);
void set readOnly(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.readOnly_Setter_(this, value);
bool get required => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.required_Getter_(this);
void set required(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.required_Setter_(this, value);
String get selectionDirection => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.selectionDirection_Getter_(this);
void set selectionDirection(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.selectionDirection_Setter_(this, value);
int get selectionEnd => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.selectionEnd_Getter_(this);
void set selectionEnd(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.selectionEnd_Setter_(this, value);
int get selectionStart => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.selectionStart_Getter_(this);
void set selectionStart(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.selectionStart_Setter_(this, value);
int get size => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.size_Getter_(this);
void set size(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.size_Setter_(this, value);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
String get step => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.step_Getter_(this);
void set step(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.step_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
DateTime get valueAsDate => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.valueAsDate_Getter_(this);
void set valueAsDate(DateTime value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.valueAsDate_Setter_(this, value);
num get valueAsNumber => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.valueAsNumber_Getter_(this);
void set valueAsNumber(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.valueAsNumber_Setter_(this, value);
List<Entry> get entries => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.webkitEntries_Getter_(this);
bool get directory => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.webkitdirectory_Getter_(this);
void set directory(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.webkitdirectory_Setter_(this, value);
int get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
void set width(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void select() => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.select_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
void setRangeText(String replacement, {int start, int end, String selectionMode}) {
if ((replacement is String || replacement == null) && start == null && end == null && selectionMode == null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.setRangeText_Callback_1_(this, replacement);
if ((selectionMode is String || selectionMode == null) && (end is int || end == null) && (start is int || start == null) && (replacement is String || replacement == null)) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.setRangeText_Callback_4_(this, replacement, start, end, selectionMode);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void setSelectionRange(int start, int end, [String direction]) {
if (direction != null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.setSelectionRange_Callback_3_(this, start, end, direction);
_blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.setSelectionRange_Callback_2_(this, start, end);
void stepDown([int n]) {
if (n != null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.stepDown_Callback_1_(this, n);
void stepUp([int n]) {
if (n != null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLInputElement.instance.stepUp_Callback_1_(this, n);
// Interfaces representing the InputElement APIs which are supported
// for the various types of InputElement. From:
* Exposes the functionality common between all InputElement types.
abstract class InputElementBase implements Element {
bool autofocus;
bool disabled;
bool incremental;
bool indeterminate;
List<Node> get labels;
String name;
String get validationMessage;
ValidityState get validity;
String value;
bool get willValidate;
bool checkValidity();
void setCustomValidity(String error);
* Hidden input which is not intended to be seen or edited by the user.
abstract class HiddenInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory HiddenInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'hidden');
* Base interface for all inputs which involve text editing.
abstract class TextInputElementBase implements InputElementBase {
String autocomplete;
int maxLength;
String pattern;
String placeholder;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
int size;
void select();
String selectionDirection;
int selectionEnd;
int selectionStart;
void setSelectionRange(int start, int end, [String direction]);
* Similar to [TextInputElement], but on platforms where search is styled
* differently this will get the search style.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
abstract class SearchInputElement implements TextInputElementBase {
factory SearchInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'search');
String dirName;
Element get list;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'search')).type == 'search';
* A basic text input editor control.
abstract class TextInputElement implements TextInputElementBase {
factory TextInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'text');
String dirName;
Element get list;
* A control for editing an absolute URL.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
abstract class UrlInputElement implements TextInputElementBase {
factory UrlInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'url');
Element get list;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'url')).type == 'url';
* Represents a control for editing a telephone number.
* This provides a single line of text with minimal formatting help since
* there is a wide variety of telephone numbers.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
abstract class TelephoneInputElement implements TextInputElementBase {
factory TelephoneInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'tel');
Element get list;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'tel')).type == 'tel';
* An e-mail address or list of e-mail addresses.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
abstract class EmailInputElement implements TextInputElementBase {
factory EmailInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'email');
String autocomplete;
bool autofocus;
Element get list;
int maxLength;
bool multiple;
String pattern;
String placeholder;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
int size;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'email')).type == 'email';
* Text with no line breaks (sensitive information).
abstract class PasswordInputElement implements TextInputElementBase {
factory PasswordInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'password');
* Base interface for all input element types which involve ranges.
abstract class RangeInputElementBase implements InputElementBase {
Element get list;
String max;
String min;
String step;
num valueAsNumber;
void stepDown([int n]);
void stepUp([int n]);
* A date (year, month, day) with no time zone.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
abstract class DateInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory DateInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'date');
DateTime valueAsDate;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'date')).type == 'date';
* A date consisting of a year and a month with no time zone.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
abstract class MonthInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory MonthInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'month');
DateTime valueAsDate;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'month')).type == 'month';
* A date consisting of a week-year number and a week number with no time zone.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
abstract class WeekInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory WeekInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'week');
DateTime valueAsDate;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'week')).type == 'week';
* A time (hour, minute, seconds, fractional seconds) with no time zone.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
abstract class TimeInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory TimeInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'time');
DateTime valueAsDate;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'time')).type == 'time';
* A date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a
* second) with no time zone.
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
abstract class LocalDateTimeInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory LocalDateTimeInputElement() =>
new InputElement(type: 'datetime-local');
bool readOnly;
bool required;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'datetime-local')).type == 'datetime-local';
* A numeric editor control.
abstract class NumberInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory NumberInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'number');
String placeholder;
bool readOnly;
bool required;
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'number')).type == 'number';
* Similar to [NumberInputElement] but the browser may provide more optimal
* styling (such as a slider control).
* Use [supported] to check if this is supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
abstract class RangeInputElement implements RangeInputElementBase {
factory RangeInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'range');
/// Returns true if this input type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return (new InputElement(type: 'range')).type == 'range';
* A boolean editor control.
* Note that if [indeterminate] is set then this control is in a third
* indeterminate state.
abstract class CheckboxInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory CheckboxInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'checkbox');
bool checked;
bool required;
* A control that when used with other [ReadioButtonInputElement] controls
* forms a radio button group in which only one control can be checked at a
* time.
* Radio buttons are considered to be in the same radio button group if:
* * They are all of type 'radio'.
* * They all have either the same [FormElement] owner, or no owner.
* * Their name attributes contain the same name.
abstract class RadioButtonInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory RadioButtonInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'radio');
bool checked;
bool required;
* A control for picking files from the user's computer.
abstract class FileUploadInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory FileUploadInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'file');
String accept;
bool multiple;
bool required;
List<File> files;
* A button, which when clicked, submits the form.
abstract class SubmitButtonInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory SubmitButtonInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'submit');
String formAction;
String formEnctype;
String formMethod;
bool formNoValidate;
String formTarget;
* Either an image which the user can select a coordinate to or a form
* submit button.
abstract class ImageButtonInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory ImageButtonInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'image');
String alt;
String formAction;
String formEnctype;
String formMethod;
bool formNoValidate;
String formTarget;
int height;
String src;
int width;
* A button, which when clicked, resets the form.
abstract class ResetButtonInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory ResetButtonInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'reset');
* A button, with no default behavior.
abstract class ButtonInputElement implements InputElementBase {
factory ButtonInputElement() => new InputElement(type: 'button');
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class InputMethodContext extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory InputMethodContext._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get compositionEndOffset => _blink.BlinkInputMethodContext.instance.compositionEndOffset_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get compositionStartOffset => _blink.BlinkInputMethodContext.instance.compositionStartOffset_Getter_(this);
String get locale => _blink.BlinkInputMethodContext.instance.locale_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
HtmlElement get target => _blink.BlinkInputMethodContext.instance.target_Getter_(this);
void confirmComposition() => _blink.BlinkInputMethodContext.instance.confirmComposition_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class InstallEvent extends InstallPhaseEvent {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory InstallEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future reloadAll() => _blink.BlinkInstallEvent.instance.reloadAll_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void replace() => _blink.BlinkInstallEvent.instance.replace_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class InstallPhaseEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory InstallPhaseEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
void waitUntil(Object value) => _blink.BlinkInstallPhaseEvent.instance.waitUntil_Callback_1_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class KeyboardEvent extends UIEvent {
factory KeyboardEvent(String type,
{Window view, bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true,
int keyLocation: 1, bool ctrlKey: false,
bool altKey: false, bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false}) {
if (view == null) {
view = window;
final e = document._createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
e._initKeyboardEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, "",
keyLocation, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);
return e;
int get keyCode => _keyCode;
int get charCode => _charCode;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory KeyboardEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 0x01;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD = 0x03;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT = 0x02;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD = 0x00;
bool get altKey => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.altKey_Getter_(this);
bool get ctrlKey => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.ctrlKey_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
String get _keyIdentifier => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.keyIdentifier_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get keyLocation => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.keyLocation_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get location => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.location_Getter_(this);
bool get metaKey => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.metaKey_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get repeat => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.repeat_Getter_(this);
bool get shiftKey => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.shiftKey_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool getModifierState(String keyArgument) => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.getModifierState_Callback_1_(this, keyArgument);
void _initKeyboardEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, Window view, String keyIdentifier, int location, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey) => _blink.BlinkKeyboardEvent.instance.initKeyboardEvent_Callback_10_(this, type, canBubble, cancelable, view, keyIdentifier, location, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class KeygenElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory KeygenElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory KeygenElement() => document.createElement("keygen");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
KeygenElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
bool get autofocus => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.autofocus_Getter_(this);
void set autofocus(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.autofocus_Setter_(this, value);
String get challenge => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.challenge_Getter_(this);
void set challenge(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.challenge_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
String get keytype => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.keytype_Getter_(this);
void set keytype(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.keytype_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLKeygenElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class LIElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory LIElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory LIElement() => document.createElement("li");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
LIElement.created() : super.created();
int get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLLIElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLIElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class LabelElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory LabelElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory LabelElement() => document.createElement("label");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
LabelElement.created() : super.created();
HtmlElement get control => _blink.BlinkHTMLLabelElement.instance.control_Getter_(this);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLLabelElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
String get htmlFor => _blink.BlinkHTMLLabelElement.instance.htmlFor_Getter_(this);
void set htmlFor(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLabelElement.instance.htmlFor_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class LegendElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory LegendElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory LegendElement() => document.createElement("legend");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
LegendElement.created() : super.created();
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLLegendElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class LinkElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory LinkElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory LinkElement() => document.createElement("link");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
LinkElement.created() : super.created();
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get crossOrigin => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.crossOrigin_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set crossOrigin(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.crossOrigin_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
String get href => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.href_Getter_(this);
void set href(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.href_Setter_(this, value);
String get hreflang => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.hreflang_Getter_(this);
void set hreflang(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.hreflang_Setter_(this, value);
Document get import => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.import_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get media => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.media_Getter_(this);
void set media(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.media_Setter_(this, value);
String get rel => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.rel_Getter_(this);
void set rel(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.rel_Setter_(this, value);
StyleSheet get sheet => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.sheet_Getter_(this);
DomSettableTokenList get sizes => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.sizes_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLLinkElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
/// Checks if HTML imports are supported on the current platform.
bool get supportsImport {
return true;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class LocalCredential extends Credential {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory LocalCredential._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory LocalCredential(String id, String name, String avatarURL, String password) {
return _blink.BlinkLocalCredential.instance.constructorCallback_4_(id, name, avatarURL, password);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get password => _blink.BlinkLocalCredential.instance.password_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Location extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements LocationBase {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Location._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // nonstandard
List<String> get ancestorOrigins => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.ancestorOrigins_Getter_(this);
String get hash => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.hash_Getter_(this);
void set hash(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.hash_Setter_(this, value);
String get host => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.host_Getter_(this);
void set host(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.host_Setter_(this, value);
String get hostname => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.hostname_Getter_(this);
void set hostname(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.hostname_Setter_(this, value);
String get href => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.href_Getter_(this);
void set href(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.href_Setter_(this, value);
// Webkit Only
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get origin => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.origin_Getter_(this);
String get pathname => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.pathname_Getter_(this);
void set pathname(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.pathname_Setter_(this, value);
String get port => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.port_Getter_(this);
void set port(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.port_Setter_(this, value);
String get protocol => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.protocol_Getter_(this);
void set protocol(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.protocol_Setter_(this, value);
String get search => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.search_Getter_(this);
void set search(String value) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.search_Setter_(this, value);
void assign([String url]) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.assign_Callback_1_(this, url);
void reload() => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.reload_Callback_0_(this);
void replace(String url) => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.replace_Callback_1_(this, url);
String toString() => _blink.BlinkLocation.instance.toString_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void MidiErrorCallback(DomError error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
typedef void MidiSuccessCallback(MidiAccess access, bool sysex);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MapElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MapElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory MapElement() => document.createElement("map");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
MapElement.created() : super.created();
List<Node> get areas => _blink.BlinkHTMLMapElement.instance.areas_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLMapElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMapElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaController extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaController._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory MediaController() {
return _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
TimeRanges get buffered => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.buffered_Getter_(this);
num get currentTime => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.currentTime_Getter_(this);
void set currentTime(num value) => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.currentTime_Setter_(this, value);
num get defaultPlaybackRate => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.defaultPlaybackRate_Getter_(this);
void set defaultPlaybackRate(num value) => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.defaultPlaybackRate_Setter_(this, value);
double get duration => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.duration_Getter_(this);
bool get muted => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.muted_Getter_(this);
void set muted(bool value) => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.muted_Setter_(this, value);
bool get paused => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.paused_Getter_(this);
num get playbackRate => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.playbackRate_Getter_(this);
void set playbackRate(num value) => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.playbackRate_Setter_(this, value);
String get playbackState => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.playbackState_Getter_(this);
TimeRanges get played => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.played_Getter_(this);
TimeRanges get seekable => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.seekable_Getter_(this);
num get volume => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.volume_Getter_(this);
void set volume(num value) => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.volume_Setter_(this, value);
void pause() => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.pause_Callback_0_(this);
void play() => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.play_Callback_0_(this);
void unpause() => _blink.BlinkMediaController.instance.unpause_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class MediaDeviceInfo extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaDeviceInfo._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get deviceId => _blink.BlinkMediaDeviceInfo.instance.deviceId_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get groupId => _blink.BlinkMediaDeviceInfo.instance.groupId_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get kind => _blink.BlinkMediaDeviceInfo.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get label => _blink.BlinkMediaDeviceInfo.instance.label_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
typedef void MediaDeviceInfoCallback(List<MediaDeviceInfo> devices);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `keyadded` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent> keyAddedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent>('webkitkeyadded');
* Static factory designed to expose `keyerror` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent> keyErrorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent>('webkitkeyerror');
* Static factory designed to expose `keymessage` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent> keyMessageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent>('webkitkeymessage');
* Static factory designed to expose `needkey` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent> needKeyEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MediaKeyEvent>('webkitneedkey');
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
MediaElement.created() : super.created();
static const int HAVE_CURRENT_DATA = 2;
static const int HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4;
static const int HAVE_FUTURE_DATA = 3;
static const int HAVE_METADATA = 1;
static const int HAVE_NOTHING = 0;
static const int NETWORK_EMPTY = 0;
static const int NETWORK_IDLE = 1;
static const int NETWORK_LOADING = 2;
static const int NETWORK_NO_SOURCE = 3;
@Experimental() // untriaged
AudioTrackList get audioTracks => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.audioTracks_Getter_(this);
bool get autoplay => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.autoplay_Getter_(this);
void set autoplay(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.autoplay_Setter_(this, value);
TimeRanges get buffered => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.buffered_Getter_(this);
MediaController get controller => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.controller_Getter_(this);
void set controller(MediaController value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.controller_Setter_(this, value);
bool get controls => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.controls_Getter_(this);
void set controls(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.controls_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get crossOrigin => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.crossOrigin_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set crossOrigin(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.crossOrigin_Setter_(this, value);
String get currentSrc => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.currentSrc_Getter_(this);
num get currentTime => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.currentTime_Getter_(this);
void set currentTime(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.currentTime_Setter_(this, value);
bool get defaultMuted => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.defaultMuted_Getter_(this);
void set defaultMuted(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.defaultMuted_Setter_(this, value);
num get defaultPlaybackRate => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.defaultPlaybackRate_Getter_(this);
void set defaultPlaybackRate(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.defaultPlaybackRate_Setter_(this, value);
double get duration => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.duration_Getter_(this);
bool get ended => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.ended_Getter_(this);
MediaError get error => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.error_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
bool get loop => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.loop_Getter_(this);
void set loop(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.loop_Setter_(this, value);
String get mediaGroup => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.mediaGroup_Getter_(this);
void set mediaGroup(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.mediaGroup_Setter_(this, value);
MediaKeys get mediaKeys => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.mediaKeys_Getter_(this);
bool get muted => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.muted_Getter_(this);
void set muted(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.muted_Setter_(this, value);
int get networkState => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.networkState_Getter_(this);
bool get paused => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.paused_Getter_(this);
num get playbackRate => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.playbackRate_Getter_(this);
void set playbackRate(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.playbackRate_Setter_(this, value);
TimeRanges get played => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.played_Getter_(this);
String get preload => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.preload_Getter_(this);
void set preload(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.preload_Setter_(this, value);
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
TimeRanges get seekable => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.seekable_Getter_(this);
bool get seeking => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.seeking_Getter_(this);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
TextTrackList get textTracks => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.textTracks_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VideoTrackList get videoTracks => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.videoTracks_Getter_(this);
num get volume => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.volume_Getter_(this);
void set volume(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.volume_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get audioDecodedByteCount => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitAudioDecodedByteCount_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get videoDecodedByteCount => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitVideoDecodedByteCount_Getter_(this);
TextTrack addTextTrack(String kind, [String label, String language]) {
if (language != null) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.addTextTrack_Callback_3_(this, kind, label, language);
if (label != null) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.addTextTrack_Callback_2_(this, kind, label);
return _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.addTextTrack_Callback_1_(this, kind);
String canPlayType(String type, [String keySystem]) {
if (keySystem != null) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.canPlayType_Callback_2_(this, type, keySystem);
return _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.canPlayType_Callback_1_(this, type);
void load() => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.load_Callback_0_(this);
void pause() => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.pause_Callback_0_(this);
void play() => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.play_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void setMediaKeys(MediaKeys mediaKeys) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.setMediaKeys_Callback_1_(this, mediaKeys);
void addKey(String keySystem, Uint8List key, [Uint8List initData, String sessionId]) {
if (initData != null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitAddKey_Callback_4_(this, keySystem, key, initData, sessionId);
_blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitAddKey_Callback_2_(this, keySystem, key);
void cancelKeyRequest(String keySystem, String sessionId) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitCancelKeyRequest_Callback_2_(this, keySystem, sessionId);
void generateKeyRequest(String keySystem, [Uint8List initData]) {
if (initData != null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitGenerateKeyRequest_Callback_2_(this, keySystem, initData);
_blink.BlinkHTMLMediaElement.instance.webkitGenerateKeyRequest_Callback_1_(this, keySystem);
/// Stream of `keyadded` events handled by this [MediaElement].
ElementStream<MediaKeyEvent> get onKeyAdded => keyAddedEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `keyerror` events handled by this [MediaElement].
ElementStream<MediaKeyEvent> get onKeyError => keyErrorEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `keymessage` events handled by this [MediaElement].
ElementStream<MediaKeyEvent> get onKeyMessage => keyMessageEvent.forElement(this);
/// Stream of `needkey` events handled by this [MediaElement].
ElementStream<MediaKeyEvent> get onNeedKey => needKeyEvent.forElement(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaError extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1;
static const int MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3;
static const int MEDIA_ERR_ENCRYPTED = 5;
static const int MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2;
static const int MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4;
int get code => _blink.BlinkMediaError.instance.code_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaKeyError extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaKeyError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int MEDIA_KEYERR_CLIENT = 2;
static const int MEDIA_KEYERR_DOMAIN = 6;
static const int MEDIA_KEYERR_OUTPUT = 4;
static const int MEDIA_KEYERR_SERVICE = 3;
static const int MEDIA_KEYERR_UNKNOWN = 1;
int get code => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyError.instance.code_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
int get systemCode => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyError.instance.systemCode_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaKeyEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaKeyEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get defaultUrl => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.defaultURL_Getter_(this);
MediaKeyError get errorCode => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.errorCode_Getter_(this);
Uint8List get initData => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.initData_Getter_(this);
String get keySystem => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.keySystem_Getter_(this);
Uint8List get message => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.message_Getter_(this);
String get sessionId => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.sessionId_Getter_(this);
int get systemCode => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyEvent.instance.systemCode_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaKeyMessageEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaKeyMessageEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get destinationUrl => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyMessageEvent.instance.destinationURL_Getter_(this);
ByteBuffer get message => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyMessageEvent.instance.message_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaKeyNeededEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaKeyNeededEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get contentType => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyNeededEvent.instance.contentType_Getter_(this);
Uint8List get initData => _blink.BlinkMediaKeyNeededEvent.instance.initData_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaKeySession extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaKeySession._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future get closed => _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.closed_Getter_(this);
MediaKeyError get error => _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.error_Getter_(this);
String get keySystem => _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.keySystem_Getter_(this);
String get sessionId => _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.sessionId_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future release() => _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.release_Callback_0_(this);
Future _update(response) {
if ((response is TypedData)) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.update_Callback_1_(this, response);
if ((response is ByteBuffer)) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaKeySession.instance.update_Callback_1_(this, response);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaKeys extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaKeys._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get keySystem => _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.keySystem_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
static Future create(String keySystem) => _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.create_Callback_1_(keySystem);
Future _createSession(String initDataType, initData, [String sessionType]) {
if ((initData is TypedData) && (initDataType is String) && sessionType == null) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.createSession_Callback_2_(this, initDataType, initData);
if ((sessionType is String || sessionType == null) && (initData is TypedData) && (initDataType is String)) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.createSession_Callback_3_(this, initDataType, initData, sessionType);
if ((initData is ByteBuffer) && (initDataType is String) && sessionType == null) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.createSession_Callback_2_(this, initDataType, initData);
if ((sessionType is String || sessionType == null) && (initData is ByteBuffer) && (initDataType is String)) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.createSession_Callback_3_(this, initDataType, initData, sessionType);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
static bool isTypeSupported(String keySystem, String contentType) => _blink.BlinkMediaKeys.instance.isTypeSupported_Callback_2_(keySystem, contentType);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkMediaList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
String get mediaText => _blink.BlinkMediaList.instance.mediaText_Getter_(this);
void set mediaText(String value) => _blink.BlinkMediaList.instance.mediaText_Setter_(this, value);
void appendMedium(String newMedium) => _blink.BlinkMediaList.instance.appendMedium_Callback_1_(this, newMedium);
void deleteMedium(String oldMedium) => _blink.BlinkMediaList.instance.deleteMedium_Callback_1_(this, oldMedium);
String item(int index) => _blink.BlinkMediaList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaQueryList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaQueryList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get matches => _blink.BlinkMediaQueryList.instance.matches_Getter_(this);
String get media => _blink.BlinkMediaQueryList.instance.media_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaSource extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaSource._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory MediaSource() {
return _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
SourceBufferList get activeSourceBuffers => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.activeSourceBuffers_Getter_(this);
num get duration => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.duration_Getter_(this);
void set duration(num value) => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.duration_Setter_(this, value);
String get readyState => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
SourceBufferList get sourceBuffers => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.sourceBuffers_Getter_(this);
SourceBuffer addSourceBuffer(String type) => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.addSourceBuffer_Callback_1_(this, type);
void endOfStream([String error]) {
if (error != null) {
_blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.endOfStream_Callback_1_(this, error);
static bool isTypeSupported(String type) => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.isTypeSupported_Callback_1_(type);
void removeSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer buffer) => _blink.BlinkMediaSource.instance.removeSourceBuffer_Callback_1_(this, buffer);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class MediaStream extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaStream._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `addtrack` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStream].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> addTrackEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('addtrack');
* Static factory designed to expose `ended` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStream].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> endedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ended');
* Static factory designed to expose `removetrack` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStream].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> removeTrackEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('removetrack');
factory MediaStream([stream_OR_tracks]) {
if (stream_OR_tracks == null) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
if ((stream_OR_tracks is MediaStream || stream_OR_tracks == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.constructorCallback_1_(stream_OR_tracks);
if ((stream_OR_tracks is List<MediaStreamTrack> || stream_OR_tracks == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.constructorCallback_1_(stream_OR_tracks);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
bool get ended => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.ended_Getter_(this);
String get id => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get label => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.label_Getter_(this);
void addTrack(MediaStreamTrack track) => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.addTrack_Callback_1_(this, track);
@Experimental() // untriaged
MediaStream clone() => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.clone_Callback_0_(this);
List<MediaStreamTrack> getAudioTracks() => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.getAudioTracks_Callback_0_(this);
MediaStreamTrack getTrackById(String trackId) => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.getTrackById_Callback_1_(this, trackId);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<MediaStreamTrack> getTracks() => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.getTracks_Callback_0_(this);
List<MediaStreamTrack> getVideoTracks() => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.getVideoTracks_Callback_0_(this);
void removeTrack(MediaStreamTrack track) => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.removeTrack_Callback_1_(this, track);
void stop() => _blink.BlinkMediaStream.instance.stop_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `addtrack` events handled by this [MediaStream].
Stream<Event> get onAddTrack => addTrackEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `ended` events handled by this [MediaStream].
Stream<Event> get onEnded => endedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `removetrack` events handled by this [MediaStream].
Stream<Event> get onRemoveTrack => removeTrackEvent.forTarget(this);
* Checks if the MediaStream APIs are supported on the current platform.
* See also:
* * [Navigator.getUserMedia]
static bool get supported => true;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaStreamEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaStreamEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
MediaStream get stream => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamEvent.instance.stream_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaStreamTrack extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaStreamTrack._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `ended` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStreamTrack].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> endedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('ended');
* Static factory designed to expose `mute` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStreamTrack].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> muteEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('mute');
* Static factory designed to expose `unmute` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStreamTrack].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> unmuteEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('unmute');
bool get enabled => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.enabled_Getter_(this);
void set enabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.enabled_Setter_(this, value);
String get id => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.id_Getter_(this);
String get kind => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
String get label => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.label_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get muted => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.muted_Getter_(this);
String get readyState => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
MediaStreamTrack clone() => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.clone_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
static void _getSources(MediaStreamTrackSourcesCallback callback) => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.getSources_Callback_1_(callback);
static Future<List<SourceInfo>> getSources() {
var completer = new Completer<List<SourceInfo>>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); });
return completer.future;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void stop() => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrack.instance.stop_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `ended` events handled by this [MediaStreamTrack].
Stream<Event> get onEnded => endedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mute` events handled by this [MediaStreamTrack].
Stream<Event> get onMute => muteEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `unmute` events handled by this [MediaStreamTrack].
Stream<Event> get onUnmute => unmuteEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MediaStreamTrackEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MediaStreamTrackEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
MediaStreamTrack get track => _blink.BlinkMediaStreamTrackEvent.instance.track_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
typedef void MediaStreamTrackSourcesCallback(List<SourceInfo> sources);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // nonstandard
class MemoryInfo extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MemoryInfo._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get jsHeapSizeLimit => _blink.BlinkMemoryInfo.instance.jsHeapSizeLimit_Getter_(this);
int get totalJSHeapSize => _blink.BlinkMemoryInfo.instance.totalJSHeapSize_Getter_(this);
int get usedJSHeapSize => _blink.BlinkMemoryInfo.instance.usedJSHeapSize_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* An HTML <menu> element.
* A <menu> element represents an unordered list of menu commands.
* See also:
* * [Menu Element]( from MDN.
* * [Menu Element]( from the W3C.
class MenuElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MenuElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory MenuElement() => document.createElement("menu");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
MenuElement.created() : super.created();
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get label => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuElement.instance.label_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set label(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuElement.instance.label_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class MenuItemElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MenuItemElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
MenuItemElement.created() : super.created();
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get checked => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.checked_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set checked(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.checked_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get defaultValue => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.default_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set defaultValue(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.default_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get label => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.label_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set label(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.label_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMenuItemElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MessageChannel extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MessageChannel._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
MessagePort get port1 => _blink.BlinkMessageChannel.instance.port1_Getter_(this);
MessagePort get port2 => _blink.BlinkMessageChannel.instance.port2_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MessageEvent extends Event {
factory MessageEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: false, bool cancelable: false, Object data,
String origin, String lastEventId,
Window source, List messagePorts}) {
if (source == null) {
source = window;
var event = document._createEvent("MessageEvent");
event._initMessageEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, data, origin,
lastEventId, source, messagePorts);
return event;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MessageEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Object get data => _blink.BlinkMessageEvent.instance.data_Getter_(this);
String get lastEventId => _blink.BlinkMessageEvent.instance.lastEventId_Getter_(this);
String get origin => _blink.BlinkMessageEvent.instance.origin_Getter_(this);
EventTarget get source => _blink.BlinkMessageEvent.instance.source_Getter_(this);
void _initMessageEvent(String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, Object dataArg, String originArg, String lastEventIdArg, Window sourceArg, List<MessagePort> messagePorts) => _blink.BlinkMessageEvent.instance.initMessageEvent_Callback_8_(this, typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, dataArg, originArg, lastEventIdArg, sourceArg, messagePorts);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MessagePort extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MessagePort._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MessagePort].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
void close() => _blink.BlinkMessagePort.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
void postMessage(Object message, [List<MessagePort> transfer]) => _blink.BlinkMessagePort.instance.postMessage_Callback_2_(this, message, transfer);
void start() => _blink.BlinkMessagePort.instance.start_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [MessagePort].
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MetaElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MetaElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory MetaElement() => document.createElement("meta");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
MetaElement.created() : super.created();
String get content => _blink.BlinkHTMLMetaElement.instance.content_Getter_(this);
void set content(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMetaElement.instance.content_Setter_(this, value);
String get httpEquiv => _blink.BlinkHTMLMetaElement.instance.httpEquiv_Getter_(this);
void set httpEquiv(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMetaElement.instance.httpEquiv_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLMetaElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMetaElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Metadata extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Metadata._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
DateTime get modificationTime => _blink.BlinkMetadata.instance.modificationTime_Getter_(this);
int get size => _blink.BlinkMetadata.instance.size_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void MetadataCallback(Metadata metadata);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MeterElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MeterElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory MeterElement() => document.createElement("meter");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
MeterElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
num get high => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.high_Getter_(this);
void set high(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.high_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
num get low => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.low_Getter_(this);
void set low(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.low_Setter_(this, value);
num get max => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.max_Getter_(this);
void set max(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.max_Setter_(this, value);
num get min => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.min_Getter_(this);
void set min(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.min_Setter_(this, value);
num get optimum => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.optimum_Getter_(this);
void set optimum(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.optimum_Setter_(this, value);
num get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLMeterElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MidiAccess extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MidiAccess._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `connect` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiAccess].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MidiConnectionEvent> connectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MidiConnectionEvent>('connect');
* Static factory designed to expose `disconnect` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiAccess].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MidiConnectionEvent> disconnectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MidiConnectionEvent>('disconnect');
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get sysexEnabled => _blink.BlinkMIDIAccess.instance.sysexEnabled_Getter_(this);
List<MidiInput> inputs() => _blink.BlinkMIDIAccess.instance.inputs_Callback_0_(this);
List<MidiOutput> outputs() => _blink.BlinkMIDIAccess.instance.outputs_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `connect` events handled by this [MidiAccess].
Stream<MidiConnectionEvent> get onConnect => connectEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `disconnect` events handled by this [MidiAccess].
Stream<MidiConnectionEvent> get onDisconnect => disconnectEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MidiConnectionEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MidiConnectionEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
MidiPort get port => _blink.BlinkMIDIConnectionEvent.instance.port_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MidiInput extends MidiPort {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MidiInput._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `midimessage` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiInput].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MidiMessageEvent> midiMessageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MidiMessageEvent>('midimessage');
/// Stream of `midimessage` events handled by this [MidiInput].
Stream<MidiMessageEvent> get onMidiMessage => midiMessageEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MidiMessageEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MidiMessageEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Uint8List get data => _blink.BlinkMIDIMessageEvent.instance.data_Getter_(this);
double get receivedTime => _blink.BlinkMIDIMessageEvent.instance.receivedTime_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MidiOutput extends MidiPort {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MidiOutput._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
void send(Uint8List data, [num timestamp]) {
if (timestamp != null) {
_blink.BlinkMIDIOutput.instance.send_Callback_2_(this, data, timestamp);
_blink.BlinkMIDIOutput.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MidiPort extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MidiPort._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `disconnect` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiPort].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MidiConnectionEvent> disconnectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MidiConnectionEvent>('disconnect');
String get id => _blink.BlinkMIDIPort.instance.id_Getter_(this);
String get manufacturer => _blink.BlinkMIDIPort.instance.manufacturer_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkMIDIPort.instance.name_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkMIDIPort.instance.type_Getter_(this);
String get version => _blink.BlinkMIDIPort.instance.version_Getter_(this);
/// Stream of `disconnect` events handled by this [MidiPort].
Stream<MidiConnectionEvent> get onDisconnect => disconnectEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // non-standard
class MimeType extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MimeType._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get description => _blink.BlinkMimeType.instance.description_Getter_(this);
Plugin get enabledPlugin => _blink.BlinkMimeType.instance.enabledPlugin_Getter_(this);
String get suffixes => _blink.BlinkMimeType.instance.suffixes_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkMimeType.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // non-standard
class MimeTypeArray extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<MimeType>, ImmutableListMixin<MimeType> implements List<MimeType> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MimeTypeArray._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkMimeTypeArray.instance.length_Getter_(this);
MimeType operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkMimeTypeArray.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
MimeType _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkMimeTypeArray.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, MimeType value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<MimeType> mixins.
// MimeType is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
MimeType get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
MimeType get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
MimeType get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
MimeType elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<MimeType> mixins.
MimeType __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkMimeTypeArray.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
MimeType item(int index) => _blink.BlinkMimeTypeArray.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
MimeType namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkMimeTypeArray.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ModElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ModElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ModElement.created() : super.created();
String get cite => _blink.BlinkHTMLModElement.instance.cite_Getter_(this);
void set cite(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLModElement.instance.cite_Setter_(this, value);
String get dateTime => _blink.BlinkHTMLModElement.instance.dateTime_Getter_(this);
void set dateTime(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLModElement.instance.dateTime_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MouseEvent extends UIEvent {
factory MouseEvent(String type,
{Window view, int detail: 0, int screenX: 0, int screenY: 0,
int clientX: 0, int clientY: 0, int button: 0, bool canBubble: true,
bool cancelable: true, bool ctrlKey: false, bool altKey: false,
bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false, EventTarget relatedTarget}) {
if (view == null) {
view = window;
var event = document._createEvent('MouseEvent');
event._initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey,
button, relatedTarget);
return event;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MouseEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get altKey => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.altKey_Getter_(this);
int get button => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.button_Getter_(this);
int get _clientX => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.clientX_Getter_(this);
int get _clientY => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.clientY_Getter_(this);
bool get ctrlKey => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.ctrlKey_Getter_(this);
DataTransfer get dataTransfer => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.dataTransfer_Getter_(this);
* The nonstandard way to access the element that the mouse comes
* from in the case of a `mouseover` event.
* This member is deprecated and not cross-browser compatible; use
* relatedTarget to get the same information in the standard way.
Node get fromElement => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.fromElement_Getter_(this);
bool get metaKey => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.metaKey_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get _movementX => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.movementX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get _movementY => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.movementY_Getter_(this);
int get _offsetX => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.offsetX_Getter_(this);
int get _offsetY => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.offsetY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get region => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.region_Getter_(this);
EventTarget get relatedTarget => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.relatedTarget_Getter_(this);
int get _screenX => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.screenX_Getter_(this);
int get _screenY => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.screenY_Getter_(this);
bool get shiftKey => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.shiftKey_Getter_(this);
* The nonstandard way to access the element that the mouse goes
* to in the case of a `mouseout` event.
* This member is deprecated and not cross-browser compatible; use
* relatedTarget to get the same information in the standard way.
Node get toElement => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.toElement_Getter_(this);
int get _webkitMovementX => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.webkitMovementX_Getter_(this);
int get _webkitMovementY => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.webkitMovementY_Getter_(this);
void _initMouseEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, Window view, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, int button, EventTarget relatedTarget) => _blink.BlinkMouseEvent.instance.initMouseEvent_Callback_15_(this, type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);
int get clientX => client.x;
int get clientY => client.y;
int get offsetX => offset.x;
int get offsetY => offset.y;
int get movementX => movement.x;
int get movementY => movement.y;
int get screenX => screen.x;
int get screenY => screen.y;
Point get client => new Point(_clientX, _clientY);
Point get movement => new Point(_webkitMovementX, _webkitMovementY);
* The coordinates of the mouse pointer in target node coordinates.
* This value may vary between platforms if the target node moves
* after the event has fired or if the element has CSS transforms affecting
* it.
Point get offset => new Point(_offsetX, _offsetY);
Point get screen => new Point(_screenX, _screenY);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void MutationCallback(List<MutationRecord> mutations, MutationObserver observer);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class MutationObserver extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
factory MutationObserver._(MutationCallback callback) => _create(callback);
static MutationObserver _create(callback) => _blink.BlinkMutationObserver.instance.constructorCallback_1_(callback);
void disconnect() => _blink.BlinkMutationObserver.instance.disconnect_Callback_0_(this);
void _observe(Node target, Map options) => _blink.BlinkMutationObserver.instance.observe_Callback_2_(this, target, options);
List<MutationRecord> takeRecords() => _blink.BlinkMutationObserver.instance.takeRecords_Callback_0_(this);
* Checks to see if the mutation observer API is supported on the current
* platform.
static bool get supported {
return true;
* Observes the target for the specified changes.
* Some requirements for the optional parameters:
* * Either childList, attributes or characterData must be true.
* * If attributeOldValue is true then attributes must also be true.
* * If attributeFilter is specified then attributes must be true.
* * If characterDataOldValue is true then characterData must be true.
void observe(Node target,
{bool childList,
bool attributes,
bool characterData,
bool subtree,
bool attributeOldValue,
bool characterDataOldValue,
List<String> attributeFilter}) {
// Parse options into map of known type.
var parsedOptions = _createDict();
// Override options passed in the map with named optional arguments.
override(key, value) {
if (value != null) _add(parsedOptions, key, value);
override('childList', childList);
override('attributes', attributes);
override('characterData', characterData);
override('subtree', subtree);
override('attributeOldValue', attributeOldValue);
override('characterDataOldValue', characterDataOldValue);
if (attributeFilter != null) {
override('attributeFilter', _fixupList(attributeFilter));
_call(target, parsedOptions);
// TODO: Change to a set when const Sets are available.
static final _boolKeys =
const {'childList': true,
'attributes': true,
'characterData': true,
'subtree': true,
'attributeOldValue': true,
'characterDataOldValue': true };
static _createDict() => {};
static _add(m, String key, value) { m[key] = value; }
static _fixupList(list) => list;
void _call(Node target, options) {
_observe(target, options);
factory MutationObserver(MutationCallback callback) =>
new MutationObserver._(_wrapBinaryZone(callback));
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class MutationRecord extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory MutationRecord._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
List<Node> get addedNodes => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.addedNodes_Getter_(this);
String get attributeName => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.attributeName_Getter_(this);
String get attributeNamespace => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.attributeNamespace_Getter_(this);
Node get nextSibling => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.nextSibling_Getter_(this);
String get oldValue => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.oldValue_Getter_(this);
Node get previousSibling => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.previousSibling_Getter_(this);
List<Node> get removedNodes => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.removedNodes_Getter_(this);
Node get target => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.target_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkMutationRecord.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Navigator extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements NavigatorCpu, NavigatorLanguage, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorID {
* Gets a stream (video and or audio) from the local computer.
* Use [MediaStream.supported] to check if this is supported by the current
* platform. The arguments `audio` and `video` default to `false` (stream does
* not use audio or video, respectively).
* Simple example usage:
* window.navigator.getUserMedia(audio: true, video: true).then((stream) {
* var video = new VideoElement()
* ..autoplay = true
* ..src = Url.createObjectUrlFromStream(stream);
* document.body.append(video);
* });
* The user can also pass in Maps to the audio or video parameters to specify
* mandatory and optional constraints for the media stream. Not passing in a
* map, but passing in `true` will provide a MediaStream with audio or
* video capabilities, but without any additional constraints. The particular
* constraint names for audio and video are still in flux, but as of this
* writing, here is an example providing more constraints.
* window.navigator.getUserMedia(
* audio: true,
* video: {'mandatory':
* { 'minAspectRatio': 1.333, 'maxAspectRatio': 1.334 },
* 'optional':
* [{ 'minFrameRate': 60 },
* { 'maxWidth': 640 }]
* });
* See also:
* * [MediaStream.supported]
Future<MediaStream> getUserMedia({audio: false, video: false}) {
var completer = new Completer<MediaStream>();
var options = {
'audio': audio,
'video': video
(stream) {
(error) {
return completer.future;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Navigator._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
NetworkInformation get connection => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.connection_Getter_(this);
bool get cookieEnabled => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.cookieEnabled_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
CredentialsContainer get credentials => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.credentials_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // experimental
String get doNotTrack => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.doNotTrack_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Geofencing get geofencing => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.geofencing_Getter_(this);
Geolocation get geolocation => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.geolocation_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get maxTouchPoints => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.maxTouchPoints_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
MimeTypeArray get mimeTypes => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.mimeTypes_Getter_(this);
String get productSub => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.productSub_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
PushManager get push => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.push_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ServiceWorkerContainer get serviceWorker => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.serviceWorker_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
StorageQuota get storageQuota => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.storageQuota_Getter_(this);
String get vendor => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.vendor_Getter_(this);
String get vendorSub => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.vendorSub_Getter_(this);
DeprecatedStorageQuota get persistentStorage => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.webkitPersistentStorage_Getter_(this);
DeprecatedStorageQuota get temporaryStorage => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.webkitTemporaryStorage_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future getBattery() => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.getBattery_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<Gamepad> getGamepads() => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.getGamepads_Callback_0_(this);
void getStorageUpdates() => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.getStorageUpdates_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String isProtocolHandlerRegistered(String scheme, String url) => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.isProtocolHandlerRegistered_Callback_2_(this, scheme, url);
void registerProtocolHandler(String scheme, String url, String title) => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.registerProtocolHandler_Callback_3_(this, scheme, url, title);
bool sendBeacon(String url, data) {
if ((data is String || data == null) && (url is String || url == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.sendBeacon_Callback_2_(this, url, data);
if ((data is TypedData || data == null) && (url is String || url == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.sendBeacon_Callback_2_(this, url, data);
if ((data is FormData || data == null) && (url is String || url == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.sendBeacon_Callback_2_(this, url, data);
if ((data is Blob || data == null) && (url is String || url == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.sendBeacon_Callback_2_(this, url, data);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
void unregisterProtocolHandler(String scheme, String url) => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.unregisterProtocolHandler_Callback_2_(this, scheme, url);
void _getUserMedia(Map options, _NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback successCallback, _NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback errorCallback) => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.webkitGetUserMedia_Callback_3_(this, options, successCallback, errorCallback);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get hardwareConcurrency => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.hardwareConcurrency_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get appCodeName => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.appCodeName_Getter_(this);
String get appName => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.appName_Getter_(this);
String get appVersion => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.appVersion_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get dartEnabled => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.dartEnabled_Getter_(this);
String get platform => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.platform_Getter_(this);
String get product => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.product_Getter_(this);
String get userAgent => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.userAgent_Getter_(this);
String get language => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.language_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<String> get languages => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.languages_Getter_(this);
bool get onLine => _blink.BlinkNavigator.instance.onLine_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class NavigatorCpu extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NavigatorCpu._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get hardwareConcurrency;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class NavigatorID extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NavigatorID._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get appCodeName;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get appName;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get appVersion;
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get dartEnabled;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get platform;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get product;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get userAgent;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class NavigatorLanguage extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NavigatorLanguage._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get language;
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<String> get languages;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class NavigatorOnLine extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NavigatorOnLine._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get onLine;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class NavigatorUserMediaError extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NavigatorUserMediaError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get constraintName => _blink.BlinkNavigatorUserMediaError.instance.constraintName_Getter_(this);
String get message => _blink.BlinkNavigatorUserMediaError.instance.message_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkNavigatorUserMediaError.instance.name_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback(NavigatorUserMediaError error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback(MediaStream stream);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class NetworkInformation extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NetworkInformation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get type => _blink.BlinkNetworkInformation.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Lazy implementation of the child nodes of an element that does not request
* the actual child nodes of an element until strictly necessary greatly
* improving performance for the typical cases where it is not required.
class _ChildNodeListLazy extends ListBase<Node> implements NodeListWrapper {
final Node _this;
Node get first {
Node result = _this.firstChild;
if (result == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return result;
Node get last {
Node result = _this.lastChild;
if (result == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return result;
Node get single {
int l = this.length;
if (l == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
if (l > 1) throw new StateError("More than one element");
return _this.firstChild;
void add(Node value) {
void addAll(Iterable<Node> iterable) {
if (iterable is _ChildNodeListLazy) {
_ChildNodeListLazy otherList = iterable;
if (!identical(otherList._this, _this)) {
// Optimized route for copying between nodes.
for (var i = 0, len = otherList.length; i < len; ++i) {
for (Node node in iterable) {
void insert(int index, Node node) {
if (index < 0 || index > length) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length);
if (index == length) {
} else {
_this.insertBefore(node, this[index]);
void insertAll(int index, Iterable<Node> iterable) {
if (index == length) {
} else {
var item = this[index];
_this.insertAllBefore(iterable, item);
void setAll(int index, Iterable<Node> iterable) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot setAll on Node list");
Node removeLast() {
final result = last;
if (result != null) {
return result;
Node removeAt(int index) {
var result = this[index];
if (result != null) {
return result;
bool remove(Object object) {
if (object is! Node) return false;
Node node = object;
if (!identical(_this, node.parentNode)) return false;
return true;
void _filter(bool test(Node node), bool removeMatching) {
// This implementation of removeWhere/retainWhere is more efficient
// than the default in ListBase. Child nodes can be removed in constant
// time.
Node child = _this.firstChild;
while (child != null) {
Node nextChild = child.nextNode;
if (test(child) == removeMatching) {
child = nextChild;
void removeWhere(bool test(Node node)) {
_filter(test, true);
void retainWhere(bool test(Node node)) {
_filter(test, false);
void clear() {
void operator []=(int index, Node value) {
_this._replaceChild(value, this[index]);
Iterator<Node> get iterator => _this.childNodes.iterator;
// From List<Node>:
// TODO(jacobr): this could be implemented for child node lists.
// The exception we throw here is misleading.
void sort([Comparator<Node> compare]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot sort Node list");
void shuffle([Random random]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot shuffle Node list");
// FIXME: implement these.
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Node> iterable,
[int skipCount = 0]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot setRange on Node list");
void fillRange(int start, int end, [Node fill]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot fillRange on Node list");
// -- end List<Node> mixins.
// TODO(jacobr): benchmark whether this is more efficient or whether caching
// a local copy of childNodes is more efficient.
int get length => _this.childNodes.length;
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot set length on immutable List.");
Node operator[](int index) => _this.childNodes[index];
List<Node> get rawList => _this.childNodes;
class Node extends EventTarget {
// Custom element created callback.
Node._created() : super._created();
* A modifiable list of this node's children.
List<Node> get nodes {
return new _ChildNodeListLazy(this);
void set nodes(Iterable<Node> value) {
// Copy list first since we don't want liveness during iteration.
// TODO(jacobr): there is a better way to do this.
List copy = new List.from(value);
text = '';
for (Node node in copy) {
* Removes this node from the DOM.
void remove() {
// TODO(jacobr): should we throw an exception if parent is already null?
// TODO(vsm): Use the native remove when available.
if (this.parentNode != null) {
final Node parent = this.parentNode;
* Replaces this node with another node.
Node replaceWith(Node otherNode) {
try {
final Node parent = this.parentNode;
parent._replaceChild(otherNode, this);
} catch (e) {
return this;
* Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild.
* See also:
* * [insertBefore]
Node insertAllBefore(Iterable<Node> newNodes, Node refChild) {
if (newNodes is _ChildNodeListLazy) {
_ChildNodeListLazy otherList = newNodes;
if (identical(otherList._this, this)) {
throw new ArgumentError(newNodes);
// Optimized route for copying between nodes.
for (var i = 0, len = otherList.length; i < len; ++i) {
this.insertBefore(otherList._this.firstChild, refChild);
} else {
for (var node in newNodes) {
this.insertBefore(node, refChild);
void _clearChildren() {
while (firstChild != null) {
* Print out a String representation of this Node.
String toString() {
String value = nodeValue; // Fetch DOM Node property once.
return value == null ? super.toString() : value;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Node._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2;
static const int CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4;
static const int COMMENT_NODE = 8;
static const int DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11;
static const int DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;
static const int DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10;
static const int ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
static const int ENTITY_NODE = 6;
static const int ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5;
static const int NOTATION_NODE = 12;
static const int TEXT_NODE = 3;
String get baseUri => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.baseURI_Getter_(this);
* A list of this node's children.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.childNodes]
* (
* from MDN.
List<Node> get childNodes => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.childNodes_Getter_(this);
* The first child of this node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.firstChild]
* (
* from MDN.
Node get firstChild => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.firstChild_Getter_(this);
* The last child of this node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.lastChild]
* (
* from MDN.
Node get lastChild => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.lastChild_Getter_(this);
String get _localName => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.localName_Getter_(this);
String get _namespaceUri => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.namespaceURI_Getter_(this);
* The next sibling node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.nextSibling]
* (
* from MDN.
Node get nextNode => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.nextSibling_Getter_(this);
* The name of this node.
* This varies by this node's [nodeType].
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.nodeName]
* (
* from MDN. This page contains a table of [nodeName] values for each
* [nodeType].
String get nodeName => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.nodeName_Getter_(this);
* The type of node.
* This value is one of:
* * [ATTRIBUTE_NODE] if this node is an attribute.
* * [CDATA_SECTION_NODE] if this node is a [CDataSection].
* * [COMMENT_NODE] if this node is a [Comment].
* * [DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE] if this node is a [DocumentFragment].
* * [DOCUMENT_NODE] if this node is a [Document].
* * [DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE] if this node is a [DocumentType] node.
* * [ELEMENT_NODE] if this node is an [Element].
* * [ENTITY_NODE] if this node is an entity.
* * [ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE] if this node is an entity reference.
* * [NOTATION_NODE] if this node is a notation.
* * [PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE] if this node is a [ProcessingInstruction].
* * [TEXT_NODE] if this node is a [Text] node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.nodeType]
* ( from MDN.
int get nodeType => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.nodeType_Getter_(this);
* The value of this node.
* This varies by this type's [nodeType].
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.nodeValue]
* (
* from MDN. This page contains a table of [nodeValue] values for each
* [nodeType].
String get nodeValue => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.nodeValue_Getter_(this);
* The document this node belongs to.
* Returns null if this node does not belong to any document.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.ownerDocument]
* ( from
* MDN.
Document get ownerDocument => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.ownerDocument_Getter_(this);
* The parent element of this node.
* Returns null if this node either does not have a parent or its parent is
* not an element.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.parentElement]
* ( from
* W3C.
Element get parent => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.parentElement_Getter_(this);
* The parent node of this node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.parentNode]
* ( from
* MDN.
Node get parentNode => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.parentNode_Getter_(this);
* The previous sibling node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.previousSibling]
* (
* from MDN.
Node get previousNode => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.previousSibling_Getter_(this);
* All text within this node and its decendents.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.textContent]
* ( from
* MDN.
String get text => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.textContent_Getter_(this);
* All text within this node and its decendents.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.textContent]
* ( from
* MDN.
void set text(String value) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.textContent_Setter_(this, value);
* Adds a node to the end of the child [nodes] list of this node.
* If the node already exists in this document, it will be removed from its
* current parent node, then added to this node.
* This method is more efficient than `nodes.add`, and is the preferred
* way of appending a child node.
Node append(Node newChild) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.appendChild_Callback_1_(this, newChild);
* Returns a copy of this node.
* If [deep] is `true`, then all of this node's children and decendents are
* copied as well. If [deep] is `false`, then only this node is copied.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.cloneNode]
* ( from
* MDN.
Node clone(bool deep) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.cloneNode_Callback_1_(this, deep);
* Returns true if this node contains the specified node.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.contains]
* ( from MDN.
bool contains(Node other) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.contains_Callback_1_(this, other);
* Returns true if this node has any children.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.hasChildNodes]
* ( from
* MDN.
bool hasChildNodes() => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.hasChildNodes_Callback_0_(this);
* Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.insertBefore]
* ( from
* MDN.
Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.insertBefore_Callback_2_(this, newChild, refChild);
Node _removeChild(Node oldChild) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.removeChild_Callback_1_(this, oldChild);
Node _replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) => _blink.BlinkNode.instance.replaceChild_Callback_2_(this, newChild, oldChild);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class NodeFilter extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NodeFilter._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int FILTER_ACCEPT = 1;
static const int FILTER_REJECT = 2;
static const int FILTER_SKIP = 3;
static const int SHOW_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static const int SHOW_COMMENT = 0x00000080;
static const int SHOW_DOCUMENT = 0x00000100;
static const int SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 0x00000400;
static const int SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 0x00000200;
static const int SHOW_ELEMENT = 0x00000001;
static const int SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 0x00000040;
static const int SHOW_TEXT = 0x00000004;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class NodeIterator extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
factory NodeIterator(Node root, int whatToShow) {
return document._createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow, null);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NodeIterator._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get pointerBeforeReferenceNode => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.pointerBeforeReferenceNode_Getter_(this);
Node get referenceNode => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.referenceNode_Getter_(this);
Node get root => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.root_Getter_(this);
int get whatToShow => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.whatToShow_Getter_(this);
void detach() => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.detach_Callback_0_(this);
Node nextNode() => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.nextNode_Callback_0_(this);
Node previousNode() => _blink.BlinkNodeIterator.instance.previousNode_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class NodeList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Node>, ImmutableListMixin<Node> implements List<Node> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory NodeList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkNodeList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Node operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkNodeList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Node _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkNodeList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Node value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Node> mixins.
// Node is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Node get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Node get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Node get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Node elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Node> mixins.
Node _item(int index) => _blink.BlinkNodeList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Experimental() // experimental
class Notification extends EventTarget {
factory Notification(String title, {String titleDir: null, String body: null,
String bodyDir: null, String tag: null, String iconUrl: null}) {
var parsedOptions = {};
if (titleDir != null) parsedOptions['titleDir'] = titleDir;
if (body != null) parsedOptions['body'] = body;
if (bodyDir != null) parsedOptions['bodyDir'] = bodyDir;
if (tag != null) parsedOptions['tag'] = tag;
if (iconUrl != null) parsedOptions['iconUrl'] = iconUrl;
return Notification._factoryNotification(title, parsedOptions);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Notification._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `click` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> clickEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('click');
* Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> closeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('close');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `show` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> showEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('show');
static Notification _factoryNotification(String title, [Map options]) {
return _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.constructorCallback_2_(title, options);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get body => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.body_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
String get dir => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.dir_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get icon => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.icon_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get lang => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.lang_Getter_(this);
String get permission => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.permission_Getter_();
@Experimental() // nonstandard
String get tag => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.tag_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get title => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.title_Getter_(this);
void close() => _blink.BlinkNotification.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
static void _requestPermission([_NotificationPermissionCallback callback]) {
if (callback != null) {
static Future<String> requestPermission() {
var completer = new Completer<String>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); });
return completer.future;
/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Notification].
Stream<Event> get onClick => clickEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [Notification].
Stream<Event> get onClose => closeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Notification].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `show` events handled by this [Notification].
Stream<Event> get onShow => showEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _NotificationPermissionCallback(String permission);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class OListElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory OListElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory OListElement() => document.createElement("ol");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
OListElement.created() : super.created();
bool get reversed => _blink.BlinkHTMLOListElement.instance.reversed_Getter_(this);
void set reversed(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOListElement.instance.reversed_Setter_(this, value);
int get start => _blink.BlinkHTMLOListElement.instance.start_Getter_(this);
void set start(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOListElement.instance.start_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLOListElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOListElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ObjectElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ObjectElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ObjectElement() => document.createElement("object");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ObjectElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
String get data => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.data_Getter_(this);
void set data(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.data_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
String get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
void set height(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
String get useMap => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.useMap_Getter_(this);
void set useMap(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.useMap_Setter_(this, value);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
String get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
void set width(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
bool __getter__(index_OR_name) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
void __setter__(index_OR_name, Node value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index_OR_name, value);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLObjectElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class OptGroupElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory OptGroupElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory OptGroupElement() => document.createElement("optgroup");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
OptGroupElement.created() : super.created();
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptGroupElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptGroupElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
String get label => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptGroupElement.instance.label_Getter_(this);
void set label(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptGroupElement.instance.label_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class OptionElement extends HtmlElement {
factory OptionElement({String data: '', String value : '', bool selected: false}) {
return new OptionElement._(data, value, null, selected);
factory OptionElement._([String data, String value, bool defaultSelected, bool selected]) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.constructorCallback_4_(data, value, defaultSelected, selected);
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
OptionElement.created() : super.created();
bool get defaultSelected => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.defaultSelected_Getter_(this);
void set defaultSelected(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.defaultSelected_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
int get index => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.index_Getter_(this);
String get label => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.label_Getter_(this);
void set label(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.label_Setter_(this, value);
bool get selected => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.selected_Getter_(this);
void set selected(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.selected_Setter_(this, value);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOptionElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class OutputElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory OutputElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory OutputElement() => document.createElement("output");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
OutputElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
String get defaultValue => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.defaultValue_Getter_(this);
void set defaultValue(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.defaultValue_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
DomSettableTokenList get htmlFor => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.htmlFor_Getter_(this);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLOutputElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // nonstandard
class OverflowEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory OverflowEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int BOTH = 2;
static const int HORIZONTAL = 0;
static const int VERTICAL = 1;
bool get horizontalOverflow => _blink.BlinkOverflowEvent.instance.horizontalOverflow_Getter_(this);
int get orient => _blink.BlinkOverflowEvent.instance.orient_Getter_(this);
bool get verticalOverflow => _blink.BlinkOverflowEvent.instance.verticalOverflow_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PageTransitionEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PageTransitionEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get persisted => _blink.BlinkPageTransitionEvent.instance.persisted_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ParagraphElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ParagraphElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ParagraphElement() => document.createElement("p");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ParagraphElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ParamElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ParamElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ParamElement() => document.createElement("param");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ParamElement.created() : super.created();
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLParamElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLParamElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLParamElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLParamElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class ParentNode extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ParentNode._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get _childElementCount;
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<Node> get _children;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get _firstElementChild;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get _lastElementChild;
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element querySelector(String selectors);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<Node> _querySelectorAll(String selectors);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class Path2D extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements _CanvasPathMethods {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Path2D._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory Path2D([path_OR_text]) {
if (path_OR_text == null) {
return _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
if ((path_OR_text is Path2D || path_OR_text == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.constructorCallback_1_(path_OR_text);
if ((path_OR_text is String || path_OR_text == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.constructorCallback_1_(path_OR_text);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void addPath(Path2D path, [Matrix transform]) {
if (transform != null) {
_blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.addPath_Callback_2_(this, path, transform);
_blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.addPath_Callback_1_(this, path);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void arc(num x, num y, num radius, num startAngle, num endAngle, bool anticlockwise) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.arc_Callback_6_(this, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void arcTo(num x1, num y1, num x2, num y2, num radius) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.arcTo_Callback_5_(this, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void bezierCurveTo(num cp1x, num cp1y, num cp2x, num cp2y, num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.bezierCurveTo_Callback_6_(this, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void closePath() => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.closePath_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void ellipse(num x, num y, num radiusX, num radiusY, num rotation, num startAngle, num endAngle, bool anticlockwise) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.ellipse_Callback_8_(this, x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void lineTo(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.lineTo_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void moveTo(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.moveTo_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void quadraticCurveTo(num cpx, num cpy, num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.quadraticCurveTo_Callback_4_(this, cpx, cpy, x, y);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void rect(num x, num y, num width, num height) => _blink.BlinkPath2D.instance.rect_Callback_4_(this, x, y, width, height);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Performance extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Performance._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `resourcetimingbufferfull` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Performance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> resourceTimingBufferFullEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('webkitresourcetimingbufferfull');
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
@Experimental() // nonstandard
MemoryInfo get memory => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.memory_Getter_(this);
PerformanceNavigation get navigation => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.navigation_Getter_(this);
PerformanceTiming get timing => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.timing_Getter_(this);
void clearMarks(String markName) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.clearMarks_Callback_1_(this, markName);
void clearMeasures(String measureName) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.clearMeasures_Callback_1_(this, measureName);
List<PerformanceEntry> getEntries() => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.getEntries_Callback_0_(this);
List<PerformanceEntry> getEntriesByName(String name, String entryType) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.getEntriesByName_Callback_2_(this, name, entryType);
List<PerformanceEntry> getEntriesByType(String entryType) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.getEntriesByType_Callback_1_(this, entryType);
void mark(String markName) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.mark_Callback_1_(this, markName);
void measure(String measureName, String startMark, String endMark) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.measure_Callback_3_(this, measureName, startMark, endMark);
double now() => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.now_Callback_0_(this);
void clearResourceTimings() => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.webkitClearResourceTimings_Callback_0_(this);
void setResourceTimingBufferSize(int maxSize) => _blink.BlinkPerformance.instance.webkitSetResourceTimingBufferSize_Callback_1_(this, maxSize);
/// Stream of `resourcetimingbufferfull` events handled by this [Performance].
Stream<Event> get onResourceTimingBufferFull => resourceTimingBufferFullEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PerformanceEntry extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PerformanceEntry._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get duration => _blink.BlinkPerformanceEntry.instance.duration_Getter_(this);
String get entryType => _blink.BlinkPerformanceEntry.instance.entryType_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkPerformanceEntry.instance.name_Getter_(this);
double get startTime => _blink.BlinkPerformanceEntry.instance.startTime_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PerformanceMark extends PerformanceEntry {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PerformanceMark._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PerformanceMeasure extends PerformanceEntry {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PerformanceMeasure._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PerformanceNavigation extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PerformanceNavigation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int TYPE_BACK_FORWARD = 2;
static const int TYPE_NAVIGATE = 0;
static const int TYPE_RELOAD = 1;
static const int TYPE_RESERVED = 255;
int get redirectCount => _blink.BlinkPerformanceNavigation.instance.redirectCount_Getter_(this);
int get type => _blink.BlinkPerformanceNavigation.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PerformanceResourceTiming extends PerformanceEntry {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PerformanceResourceTiming._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get connectEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.connectEnd_Getter_(this);
double get connectStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.connectStart_Getter_(this);
double get domainLookupEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.domainLookupEnd_Getter_(this);
double get domainLookupStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.domainLookupStart_Getter_(this);
double get fetchStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.fetchStart_Getter_(this);
String get initiatorType => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.initiatorType_Getter_(this);
double get redirectEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.redirectEnd_Getter_(this);
double get redirectStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.redirectStart_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
double get requestStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.requestStart_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
double get responseEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.responseEnd_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
double get responseStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.responseStart_Getter_(this);
double get secureConnectionStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceResourceTiming.instance.secureConnectionStart_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PerformanceTiming extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PerformanceTiming._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get connectEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.connectEnd_Getter_(this);
int get connectStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.connectStart_Getter_(this);
int get domComplete => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domComplete_Getter_(this);
int get domContentLoadedEventEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domContentLoadedEventEnd_Getter_(this);
int get domContentLoadedEventStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domContentLoadedEventStart_Getter_(this);
int get domInteractive => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domInteractive_Getter_(this);
int get domLoading => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domLoading_Getter_(this);
int get domainLookupEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domainLookupEnd_Getter_(this);
int get domainLookupStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.domainLookupStart_Getter_(this);
int get fetchStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.fetchStart_Getter_(this);
int get loadEventEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.loadEventEnd_Getter_(this);
int get loadEventStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.loadEventStart_Getter_(this);
int get navigationStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.navigationStart_Getter_(this);
int get redirectEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.redirectEnd_Getter_(this);
int get redirectStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.redirectStart_Getter_(this);
int get requestStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.requestStart_Getter_(this);
int get responseEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.responseEnd_Getter_(this);
int get responseStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.responseStart_Getter_(this);
int get secureConnectionStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.secureConnectionStart_Getter_(this);
int get unloadEventEnd => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.unloadEventEnd_Getter_(this);
int get unloadEventStart => _blink.BlinkPerformanceTiming.instance.unloadEventStart_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class PictureElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PictureElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
PictureElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // non-standard
class Plugin extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Plugin._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get description => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.description_Getter_(this);
String get filename => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.filename_Getter_(this);
int get length => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.length_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.name_Getter_(this);
MimeType __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
MimeType item(int index) => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
MimeType namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkPlugin.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // non-standard
class PluginArray extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Plugin>, ImmutableListMixin<Plugin> implements List<Plugin> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PluginArray._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Plugin operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Plugin _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Plugin value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Plugin> mixins.
// Plugin is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Plugin get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Plugin get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Plugin get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Plugin elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Plugin> mixins.
Plugin __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
Plugin item(int index) => _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Plugin namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
void refresh(bool reload) => _blink.BlinkPluginArray.instance.refresh_Callback_1_(this, reload);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class PopStateEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PopStateEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Object get state => _blink.BlinkPopStateEvent.instance.state_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _PositionCallback(Geoposition position);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PositionError extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PositionError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;
static const int POSITION_UNAVAILABLE = 2;
static const int TIMEOUT = 3;
int get code => _blink.BlinkPositionError.instance.code_Getter_(this);
String get message => _blink.BlinkPositionError.instance.message_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _PositionErrorCallback(PositionError error);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class PreElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PreElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory PreElement() => document.createElement("pre");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
PreElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ProcessingInstruction extends CharacterData {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ProcessingInstruction._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // non-standard
StyleSheet get sheet => _blink.BlinkProcessingInstruction.instance.sheet_Getter_(this);
String get target => _blink.BlinkProcessingInstruction.instance.target_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class ProgressElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ProgressElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ProgressElement() => document.createElement("progress");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ProgressElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLProgressElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
num get max => _blink.BlinkHTMLProgressElement.instance.max_Getter_(this);
void set max(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLProgressElement.instance.max_Setter_(this, value);
double get position => _blink.BlinkHTMLProgressElement.instance.position_Getter_(this);
num get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLProgressElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(num value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLProgressElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ProgressEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ProgressEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get lengthComputable => _blink.BlinkProgressEvent.instance.lengthComputable_Getter_(this);
int get loaded => _blink.BlinkProgressEvent.instance.loaded_Getter_(this);
int get total => _blink.BlinkProgressEvent.instance.total_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class PushEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PushEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get data => _blink.BlinkPushEvent.instance.data_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class PushManager extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PushManager._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future register(String senderId) => _blink.BlinkPushManager.instance.register_Callback_1_(this, senderId);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class PushRegistration extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory PushRegistration._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get pushEndpoint => _blink.BlinkPushRegistration.instance.pushEndpoint_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get pushRegistrationId => _blink.BlinkPushRegistration.instance.pushRegistrationId_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class QuoteElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory QuoteElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory QuoteElement() => document.createElement("q");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
QuoteElement.created() : super.created();
String get cite => _blink.BlinkHTMLQuoteElement.instance.cite_Getter_(this);
void set cite(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLQuoteElement.instance.cite_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _RtcErrorCallback(String errorInformation);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _RtcSessionDescriptionCallback(RtcSessionDescription sdp);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void RtcStatsCallback(RtcStatsResponse response);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Range extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
factory Range() => document.createRange();
factory Range.fromPoint(Point point) =>
document._caretRangeFromPoint(point.x, point.y);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Range._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int END_TO_END = 2;
static const int END_TO_START = 3;
@Experimental() // nonstandard
static const int NODE_AFTER = 1;
@Experimental() // nonstandard
static const int NODE_BEFORE = 0;
@Experimental() // nonstandard
static const int NODE_BEFORE_AND_AFTER = 2;
@Experimental() // nonstandard
static const int NODE_INSIDE = 3;
static const int START_TO_END = 1;
static const int START_TO_START = 0;
bool get collapsed => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.collapsed_Getter_(this);
Node get commonAncestorContainer => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.commonAncestorContainer_Getter_(this);
Node get endContainer => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.endContainer_Getter_(this);
int get endOffset => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.endOffset_Getter_(this);
Node get startContainer => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.startContainer_Getter_(this);
int get startOffset => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.startOffset_Getter_(this);
DocumentFragment cloneContents() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.cloneContents_Callback_0_(this);
Range cloneRange() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.cloneRange_Callback_0_(this);
void collapse([bool toStart]) {
if (toStart != null) {
_blink.BlinkRange.instance.collapse_Callback_1_(this, toStart);
int comparePoint(Node refNode, int offset) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.comparePoint_Callback_2_(this, refNode, offset);
DocumentFragment createContextualFragment(String html) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.createContextualFragment_Callback_1_(this, html);
void deleteContents() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.deleteContents_Callback_0_(this);
void detach() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.detach_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
void expand(String unit) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.expand_Callback_1_(this, unit);
DocumentFragment extractContents() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.extractContents_Callback_0_(this);
Rectangle getBoundingClientRect() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.getBoundingClientRect_Callback_0_(this);
List<Rectangle> getClientRects() => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.getClientRects_Callback_0_(this);
void insertNode(Node newNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.insertNode_Callback_1_(this, newNode);
bool isPointInRange(Node refNode, int offset) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.isPointInRange_Callback_2_(this, refNode, offset);
void selectNode(Node refNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.selectNode_Callback_1_(this, refNode);
void selectNodeContents(Node refNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.selectNodeContents_Callback_1_(this, refNode);
void setEnd(Node refNode, int offset) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.setEnd_Callback_2_(this, refNode, offset);
void setEndAfter(Node refNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.setEndAfter_Callback_1_(this, refNode);
void setEndBefore(Node refNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.setEndBefore_Callback_1_(this, refNode);
void setStart(Node refNode, int offset) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.setStart_Callback_2_(this, refNode, offset);
void setStartAfter(Node refNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.setStartAfter_Callback_1_(this, refNode);
void setStartBefore(Node refNode) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.setStartBefore_Callback_1_(this, refNode);
void surroundContents(Node newParent) => _blink.BlinkRange.instance.surroundContents_Callback_1_(this, newParent);
* Checks if createContextualFragment is supported.
* See also:
* * [createContextualFragment]
static bool get supportsCreateContextualFragment => true;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ReadableStream extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ReadableStream._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class RelatedEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RelatedEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
EventTarget get relatedTarget => _blink.BlinkRelatedEvent.instance.relatedTarget_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void RequestAnimationFrameCallback(num highResTime);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // experimental
class ResourceProgressEvent extends ProgressEvent {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ResourceProgressEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get url => _blink.BlinkResourceProgressEvent.instance.url_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcDataChannel extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcDataChannel._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> closeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('close');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
* Static factory designed to expose `open` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> openEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('open');
String get binaryType => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.binaryType_Getter_(this);
void set binaryType(String value) => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.binaryType_Setter_(this, value);
int get bufferedAmount => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.bufferedAmount_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get id => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.id_Getter_(this);
String get label => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.label_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get maxRetransmitTime => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.maxRetransmitTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get maxRetransmits => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.maxRetransmits_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get negotiated => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.negotiated_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get ordered => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.ordered_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get protocol => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.protocol_Getter_(this);
String get readyState => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
bool get reliable => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.reliable_Getter_(this);
void close() => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
void send(data) {
if ((data is String || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
if ((data is Blob || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
if ((data is TypedData || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
if ((data is ByteBuffer || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void sendBlob(Blob data) => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
void sendByteBuffer(ByteBuffer data) => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
void sendString(String data) => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
void sendTypedData(TypedData data) => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannel.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel].
Stream<Event> get onClose => closeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel].
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `open` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel].
Stream<Event> get onOpen => openEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcDataChannelEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcDataChannelEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
RtcDataChannel get channel => _blink.BlinkRTCDataChannelEvent.instance.channel_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcDtmfSender extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcDtmfSender._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `tonechange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDtmfSender].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent> toneChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent>('tonechange');
bool get canInsertDtmf => _blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.canInsertDTMF_Getter_(this);
int get duration => _blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.duration_Getter_(this);
int get interToneGap => _blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.interToneGap_Getter_(this);
String get toneBuffer => _blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.toneBuffer_Getter_(this);
MediaStreamTrack get track => _blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.track_Getter_(this);
void insertDtmf(String tones, [int duration, int interToneGap]) {
if (interToneGap != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.insertDTMF_Callback_3_(this, tones, duration, interToneGap);
if (duration != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.insertDTMF_Callback_2_(this, tones, duration);
_blink.BlinkRTCDTMFSender.instance.insertDTMF_Callback_1_(this, tones);
/// Stream of `tonechange` events handled by this [RtcDtmfSender].
Stream<RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent> get onToneChange => toneChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get tone => _blink.BlinkRTCDTMFToneChangeEvent.instance.tone_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcIceCandidate extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcIceCandidate._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory RtcIceCandidate(Map dictionary) {
return _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.constructorCallback_1_(dictionary);
String get candidate => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.candidate_Getter_(this);
void set candidate(String value) => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.candidate_Setter_(this, value);
int get sdpMLineIndex => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.sdpMLineIndex_Getter_(this);
void set sdpMLineIndex(int value) => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.sdpMLineIndex_Setter_(this, value);
String get sdpMid => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.sdpMid_Getter_(this);
void set sdpMid(String value) => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidate.instance.sdpMid_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcIceCandidateEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcIceCandidateEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
RtcIceCandidate get candidate => _blink.BlinkRTCIceCandidateEvent.instance.candidate_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class RtcPeerConnection extends EventTarget {
* Checks if Real Time Communication (RTC) APIs are supported and enabled on
* the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
Future<RtcSessionDescription> createOffer([Map mediaConstraints]) {
var completer = new Completer<RtcSessionDescription>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); }, mediaConstraints);
return completer.future;
Future<RtcSessionDescription> createAnswer([Map mediaConstraints]) {
var completer = new Completer<RtcSessionDescription>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); }, mediaConstraints);
return completer.future;
Future<RtcStatsResponse> getStats(MediaStreamTrack selector) {
var completer = new Completer<RtcStatsResponse>();
_getStats((value) { completer.complete(value); }, selector);
return completer.future;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcPeerConnection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `addstream` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent> addStreamEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent>('addstream');
* Static factory designed to expose `datachannel` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<RtcDataChannelEvent> dataChannelEvent = const EventStreamProvider<RtcDataChannelEvent>('datachannel');
* Static factory designed to expose `icecandidate` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<RtcIceCandidateEvent> iceCandidateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<RtcIceCandidateEvent>('icecandidate');
* Static factory designed to expose `iceconnectionstatechange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> iceConnectionStateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('iceconnectionstatechange');
* Static factory designed to expose `negotiationneeded` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> negotiationNeededEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('negotiationneeded');
* Static factory designed to expose `removestream` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent> removeStreamEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent>('removestream');
* Static factory designed to expose `signalingstatechange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> signalingStateChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('signalingstatechange');
factory RtcPeerConnection(Map rtcConfiguration, [Map mediaConstraints]) {
if (mediaConstraints != null) {
return _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.constructorCallback_2_(rtcConfiguration, mediaConstraints);
return _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.constructorCallback_1_(rtcConfiguration);
String get iceConnectionState => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.iceConnectionState_Getter_(this);
String get iceGatheringState => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.iceGatheringState_Getter_(this);
RtcSessionDescription get localDescription => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.localDescription_Getter_(this);
RtcSessionDescription get remoteDescription => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.remoteDescription_Getter_(this);
String get signalingState => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.signalingState_Getter_(this);
void addIceCandidate(RtcIceCandidate candidate, VoidCallback successCallback, _RtcErrorCallback failureCallback) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.addIceCandidate_Callback_3_(this, candidate, successCallback, failureCallback);
void addStream(MediaStream stream, [Map mediaConstraints]) {
if (mediaConstraints != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.addStream_Callback_2_(this, stream, mediaConstraints);
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.addStream_Callback_1_(this, stream);
void close() => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
void _createAnswer(_RtcSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, [_RtcErrorCallback failureCallback, Map mediaConstraints]) {
if (mediaConstraints != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createAnswer_Callback_3_(this, successCallback, failureCallback, mediaConstraints);
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createAnswer_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, failureCallback);
RtcDtmfSender createDtmfSender(MediaStreamTrack track) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createDTMFSender_Callback_1_(this, track);
RtcDataChannel createDataChannel(String label, [Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
return _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createDataChannel_Callback_2_(this, label, options);
return _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createDataChannel_Callback_1_(this, label);
void _createOffer(_RtcSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, [_RtcErrorCallback failureCallback, Map rtcOfferOptions]) {
if (rtcOfferOptions != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createOffer_Callback_3_(this, successCallback, failureCallback, rtcOfferOptions);
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.createOffer_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, failureCallback);
List<MediaStream> getLocalStreams() => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.getLocalStreams_Callback_0_(this);
List<MediaStream> getRemoteStreams() => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.getRemoteStreams_Callback_0_(this);
void _getStats(RtcStatsCallback successCallback, MediaStreamTrack selector) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.getStats_Callback_2_(this, successCallback, selector);
MediaStream getStreamById(String streamId) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.getStreamById_Callback_1_(this, streamId);
void removeStream(MediaStream stream) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.removeStream_Callback_1_(this, stream);
void _setLocalDescription(RtcSessionDescription description, [VoidCallback successCallback, _RtcErrorCallback failureCallback]) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.setLocalDescription_Callback_3_(this, description, successCallback, failureCallback);
Future setLocalDescription(RtcSessionDescription description) {
var completer = new Completer();
() { completer.complete(); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _setRemoteDescription(RtcSessionDescription description, [VoidCallback successCallback, _RtcErrorCallback failureCallback]) => _blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.setRemoteDescription_Callback_3_(this, description, successCallback, failureCallback);
Future setRemoteDescription(RtcSessionDescription description) {
var completer = new Completer();
() { completer.complete(); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void updateIce([Map configuration, Map mediaConstraints]) {
if (mediaConstraints != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.updateIce_Callback_2_(this, configuration, mediaConstraints);
if (configuration != null) {
_blink.BlinkRTCPeerConnection.instance.updateIce_Callback_1_(this, configuration);
/// Stream of `addstream` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<MediaStreamEvent> get onAddStream => addStreamEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `datachannel` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<RtcDataChannelEvent> get onDataChannel => dataChannelEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `icecandidate` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<RtcIceCandidateEvent> get onIceCandidate => iceCandidateEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `iceconnectionstatechange` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<Event> get onIceConnectionStateChange => iceConnectionStateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `negotiationneeded` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<Event> get onNegotiationNeeded => negotiationNeededEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `removestream` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<MediaStreamEvent> get onRemoveStream => removeStreamEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `signalingstatechange` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection].
Stream<Event> get onSignalingStateChange => signalingStateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcSessionDescription extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcSessionDescription._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory RtcSessionDescription([Map descriptionInitDict]) {
if (descriptionInitDict != null) {
return _blink.BlinkRTCSessionDescription.instance.constructorCallback_1_(descriptionInitDict);
return _blink.BlinkRTCSessionDescription.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
String get sdp => _blink.BlinkRTCSessionDescription.instance.sdp_Getter_(this);
void set sdp(String value) => _blink.BlinkRTCSessionDescription.instance.sdp_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkRTCSessionDescription.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkRTCSessionDescription.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcStatsReport extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcStatsReport._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get id => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.id_Getter_(this);
RtcStatsReport get local => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.local_Getter_(this);
RtcStatsReport get remote => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.remote_Getter_(this);
DateTime get timestamp => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.timestamp_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.type_Getter_(this);
List<String> names() => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.names_Callback_0_(this);
String stat(String name) => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsReport.instance.stat_Callback_1_(this, name);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class RtcStatsResponse extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory RtcStatsResponse._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
RtcStatsReport __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsResponse.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
RtcStatsReport namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsResponse.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
List<RtcStatsReport> result() => _blink.BlinkRTCStatsResponse.instance.result_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Screen extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
Rectangle get available => new Rectangle(_availLeft, _availTop, _availWidth,
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Screen._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get _availHeight => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.availHeight_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get _availLeft => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.availLeft_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get _availTop => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.availTop_Getter_(this);
int get _availWidth => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.availWidth_Getter_(this);
int get colorDepth => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.colorDepth_Getter_(this);
int get height => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.height_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ScreenOrientation get orientation => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.orientation_Getter_(this);
int get pixelDepth => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.pixelDepth_Getter_(this);
int get width => _blink.BlinkScreen.instance.width_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ScreenOrientation extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ScreenOrientation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get angle => _blink.BlinkScreenOrientation.instance.angle_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get type => _blink.BlinkScreenOrientation.instance.type_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future lock(String orientation) => _blink.BlinkScreenOrientation.instance.lock_Callback_1_(this, orientation);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void unlock() => _blink.BlinkScreenOrientation.instance.unlock_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ScriptElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ScriptElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ScriptElement() => document.createElement("script");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ScriptElement.created() : super.created();
bool get async => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.async_Getter_(this);
void set async(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.async_Setter_(this, value);
String get charset => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.charset_Getter_(this);
void set charset(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.charset_Setter_(this, value);
String get crossOrigin => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.crossOrigin_Getter_(this);
void set crossOrigin(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.crossOrigin_Setter_(this, value);
bool get defer => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.defer_Getter_(this);
void set defer(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.defer_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get nonce => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.nonce_Getter_(this);
void set nonce(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.nonce_Setter_(this, value);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLScriptElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SecurityPolicyViolationEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SecurityPolicyViolationEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get blockedUri => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.blockedURI_Getter_(this);
int get columnNumber => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.columnNumber_Getter_(this);
String get documentUri => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.documentURI_Getter_(this);
String get effectiveDirective => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.effectiveDirective_Getter_(this);
int get lineNumber => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.lineNumber_Getter_(this);
String get originalPolicy => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.originalPolicy_Getter_(this);
String get referrer => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.referrer_Getter_(this);
String get sourceFile => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.sourceFile_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get statusCode => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.statusCode_Getter_(this);
String get violatedDirective => _blink.BlinkSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.instance.violatedDirective_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class SelectElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SelectElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory SelectElement() => document.createElement("select");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
SelectElement.created() : super.created();
bool get autofocus => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.autofocus_Getter_(this);
void set autofocus(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.autofocus_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
int get length => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.length_Getter_(this);
void set length(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.length_Setter_(this, value);
bool get multiple => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.multiple_Getter_(this);
void set multiple(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.multiple_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
bool get required => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.required_Getter_(this);
void set required(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.required_Setter_(this, value);
int get selectedIndex => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.selectedIndex_Getter_(this);
void set selectedIndex(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.selectedIndex_Setter_(this, value);
int get size => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.size_Getter_(this);
void set size(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.size_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
void __setter__(int index, OptionElement value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void add(HtmlElement element, int before) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.add_Callback_2_(this, element, before);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
Element item(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Element namedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.namedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSelectElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
// Override default options, since IE returns SelectElement itself and it
// does not operate as a List.
List<OptionElement> get options {
var options = this.querySelectorAll('option').where(
(e) => e is OptionElement).toList();
return new UnmodifiableListView(options);
List<OptionElement> get selectedOptions {
// IE does not change the selected flag for single-selection items.
if (this.multiple) {
var options = this.options.where((o) => o.selected).toList();
return new UnmodifiableListView(options);
} else {
return [this.options[this.selectedIndex]];
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Selection extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Selection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Node get anchorNode => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.anchorNode_Getter_(this);
int get anchorOffset => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.anchorOffset_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
Node get baseNode => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.baseNode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
int get baseOffset => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.baseOffset_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
Node get extentNode => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.extentNode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
int get extentOffset => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.extentOffset_Getter_(this);
Node get focusNode => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.focusNode_Getter_(this);
int get focusOffset => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.focusOffset_Getter_(this);
bool get isCollapsed => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.isCollapsed_Getter_(this);
int get rangeCount => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.rangeCount_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get type => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void addRange(Range range) => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.addRange_Callback_1_(this, range);
void collapse(Node node, [int offset]) {
if (offset != null) {
_blink.BlinkSelection.instance.collapse_Callback_2_(this, node, offset);
_blink.BlinkSelection.instance.collapse_Callback_1_(this, node);
void collapseToEnd() => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.collapseToEnd_Callback_0_(this);
void collapseToStart() => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.collapseToStart_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
bool containsNode(Node node, bool allowPartial) => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.containsNode_Callback_2_(this, node, allowPartial);
void deleteFromDocument() => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.deleteFromDocument_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
void empty() => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.empty_Callback_0_(this);
void extend(Node node, [int offset]) {
if (offset != null) {
_blink.BlinkSelection.instance.extend_Callback_2_(this, node, offset);
_blink.BlinkSelection.instance.extend_Callback_1_(this, node);
Range getRangeAt(int index) => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.getRangeAt_Callback_1_(this, index);
@Experimental() // non-standard
void modify(String alter, String direction, String granularity) => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.modify_Callback_3_(this, alter, direction, granularity);
void removeAllRanges() => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.removeAllRanges_Callback_0_(this);
void selectAllChildren(Node node) => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.selectAllChildren_Callback_1_(this, node);
@Experimental() // non-standard
void setBaseAndExtent(Node baseNode, int baseOffset, Node extentNode, int extentOffset) => _blink.BlinkSelection.instance.setBaseAndExtent_Callback_4_(this, baseNode, baseOffset, extentNode, extentOffset);
void setPosition(Node node, [int offset]) {
if (offset != null) {
_blink.BlinkSelection.instance.setPosition_Callback_2_(this, node, offset);
_blink.BlinkSelection.instance.setPosition_Callback_1_(this, node);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ServiceWorkerClient extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ServiceWorkerClient._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get id => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerClient.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void postMessage(/*SerializedScriptValue*/ message, [List<MessagePort> transfer]) => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerClient.instance.postMessage_Callback_2_(this, message, transfer);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ServiceWorkerClients extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ServiceWorkerClients._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future getServiced() => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerClients.instance.getServiced_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ServiceWorkerContainer extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ServiceWorkerContainer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get active => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.active_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get controller => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.controller_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get installing => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.installing_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future get ready => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.ready_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get waiting => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.waiting_Getter_(this);
Future register(String url, [Map options]) {
if (options != null) {
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.register_Callback_2_(this, url, options);
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.register_Callback_1_(this, url);
Future unregister([String scope]) {
if (scope != null) {
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.unregister_Callback_1_(this, scope);
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerContainer.instance.unregister_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ServiceWorkerGlobalScope extends WorkerGlobalScope {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ServiceWorkerGlobalScope._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
@Experimental() // untriaged
ServiceWorkerClients get clients => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.clients_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
CacheStorage get nativeCaches => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.nativeCaches_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get scope => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.scope_Getter_(this);
Future _fetch(request, [Map requestInitDict]) {
if ((request is String || request == null) && requestInitDict == null) {
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.fetch_Callback_1_(this, request);
if ((requestInitDict is Map || requestInitDict == null) && (request is String || request == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.fetch_Callback_2_(this, request, requestInitDict);
if ((request is _Request || request == null) && requestInitDict == null) {
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.fetch_Callback_1_(this, request);
if ((requestInitDict is Map || requestInitDict == null) && (request is _Request || request == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerGlobalScope.instance.fetch_Callback_2_(this, request, requestInitDict);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class ServiceWorkerRegistration extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ServiceWorkerRegistration._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get active => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerRegistration.instance.active_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get installing => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerRegistration.instance.installing_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get scope => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerRegistration.instance.scope_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_ServiceWorker get waiting => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerRegistration.instance.waiting_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future unregister() => _blink.BlinkServiceWorkerRegistration.instance.unregister_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '26')
class ShadowElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ShadowElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory ShadowElement() => document.createElement("shadow");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
ShadowElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<Node> getDistributedNodes() => _blink.BlinkHTMLShadowElement.instance.getDistributedNodes_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '26')
class ShadowRoot extends DocumentFragment {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ShadowRoot._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Element get activeElement => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.activeElement_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Element get host => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.host_Getter_(this);
String get innerHtml => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.innerHTML_Getter_(this);
void set innerHtml(String value) => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.innerHTML_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
ShadowRoot get olderShadowRoot => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.olderShadowRoot_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<StyleSheet> get styleSheets => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.styleSheets_Getter_(this);
Node clone(bool deep) => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.cloneNode_Callback_1_(this, deep);
Element elementFromPoint(int x, int y) => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.elementFromPoint_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
Element getElementById(String elementId) => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.getElementById_Callback_1_(this, elementId);
List<Node> getElementsByClassName(String className) => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.getElementsByClassName_Callback_1_(this, className);
List<Node> getElementsByTagName(String tagName) => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.getElementsByTagName_Callback_1_(this, tagName);
Selection getSelection() => _blink.BlinkShadowRoot.instance.getSelection_Callback_0_(this);
static final bool supported = true;
static bool _shadowRootDeprecationReported = false;
static void _shadowRootDeprecationReport() {
if (!_shadowRootDeprecationReported) {
ShadowRoot.resetStyleInheritance and ShadowRoot.applyAuthorStyles now deprecated in dart:html.
Please remove them from your code.
_shadowRootDeprecationReported = true;
bool get resetStyleInheritance {
// Default value from when it was specified.
return false;
void set resetStyleInheritance(bool value) {
bool get applyAuthorStyles {
// Default value from when it was specified.
return false;
void set applyAuthorStyles(bool value) {
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SharedWorker extends EventTarget implements AbstractWorker {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SharedWorker._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
factory SharedWorker(String scriptURL, [String name]) {
return _blink.BlinkSharedWorker.instance.constructorCallback_2_(scriptURL, name);
MessagePort get port => _blink.BlinkSharedWorker.instance.port_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get workerStart => _blink.BlinkSharedWorker.instance.workerStart_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class SharedWorkerGlobalScope extends WorkerGlobalScope {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SharedWorkerGlobalScope._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `connect` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SharedWorkerGlobalScope].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> connectEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('connect');
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get name => _blink.BlinkSharedWorkerGlobalScope.instance.name_Getter_(this);
/// Stream of `connect` events handled by this [SharedWorkerGlobalScope].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onConnect => connectEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SourceBuffer extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SourceBuffer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get appendWindowEnd => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendWindowEnd_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set appendWindowEnd(num value) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendWindowEnd_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get appendWindowStart => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendWindowStart_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set appendWindowStart(num value) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendWindowStart_Setter_(this, value);
TimeRanges get buffered => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.buffered_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get mode => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.mode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set mode(String value) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.mode_Setter_(this, value);
num get timestampOffset => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.timestampOffset_Getter_(this);
void set timestampOffset(num value) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.timestampOffset_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get updating => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.updating_Getter_(this);
void abort() => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.abort_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void appendBuffer(ByteBuffer data) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendBuffer_Callback_1_(this, data);
void appendStream(FileStream stream, [int maxSize]) {
if (maxSize != null) {
_blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendStream_Callback_2_(this, stream, maxSize);
_blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendStream_Callback_1_(this, stream);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void appendTypedData(TypedData data) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.appendBuffer_Callback_1_(this, data);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void remove(num start, num end) => _blink.BlinkSourceBuffer.instance.remove_Callback_2_(this, start, end);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SourceBufferList extends EventTarget with ListMixin<SourceBuffer>, ImmutableListMixin<SourceBuffer> implements List<SourceBuffer> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SourceBufferList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkSourceBufferList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
SourceBuffer operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkSourceBufferList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
SourceBuffer _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkSourceBufferList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, SourceBuffer value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<SourceBuffer> mixins.
// SourceBuffer is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
SourceBuffer get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
SourceBuffer get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
SourceBuffer get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
SourceBuffer elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<SourceBuffer> mixins.
SourceBuffer item(int index) => _blink.BlinkSourceBufferList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SourceElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SourceElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory SourceElement() => document.createElement("source");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
SourceElement.created() : super.created();
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get media => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.media_Getter_(this);
void set media(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.media_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get sizes => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.sizes_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set sizes(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.sizes_Setter_(this, value);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get srcset => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.srcset_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set srcset(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.srcset_Setter_(this, value);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLSourceElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class SourceInfo extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SourceInfo._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get facing => _blink.BlinkSourceInfo.instance.facing_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkSourceInfo.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get kind => _blink.BlinkSourceInfo.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get label => _blink.BlinkSourceInfo.instance.label_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpanElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpanElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory SpanElement() => document.createElement("span");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
SpanElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpeechGrammar extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechGrammar._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory SpeechGrammar() {
return _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammar.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
String get src => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammar.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammar.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
num get weight => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammar.instance.weight_Getter_(this);
void set weight(num value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammar.instance.weight_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpeechGrammarList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<SpeechGrammar>, ImmutableListMixin<SpeechGrammar> implements List<SpeechGrammar> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechGrammarList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory SpeechGrammarList() {
return _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
int get length => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
SpeechGrammar operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
SpeechGrammar _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, SpeechGrammar value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<SpeechGrammar> mixins.
// SpeechGrammar is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
SpeechGrammar get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
SpeechGrammar get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
SpeechGrammar get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
SpeechGrammar elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<SpeechGrammar> mixins.
void addFromString(String string, [num weight]) {
if (weight != null) {
_blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.addFromString_Callback_2_(this, string, weight);
_blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.addFromString_Callback_1_(this, string);
void addFromUri(String src, [num weight]) {
if (weight != null) {
_blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.addFromUri_Callback_2_(this, src, weight);
_blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.addFromUri_Callback_1_(this, src);
SpeechGrammar item(int index) => _blink.BlinkSpeechGrammarList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
class SpeechRecognition extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechRecognition._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `audioend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> audioEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('audioend');
* Static factory designed to expose `audiostart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> audioStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('audiostart');
* Static factory designed to expose `end` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> endEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('end');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechRecognitionError> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechRecognitionError>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `nomatch` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechRecognitionEvent> noMatchEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechRecognitionEvent>('nomatch');
* Static factory designed to expose `result` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechRecognitionEvent> resultEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechRecognitionEvent>('result');
* Static factory designed to expose `soundend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> soundEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('soundend');
* Static factory designed to expose `soundstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> soundStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('soundstart');
* Static factory designed to expose `speechend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> speechEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('speechend');
* Static factory designed to expose `speechstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> speechStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('speechstart');
* Static factory designed to expose `start` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> startEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('start');
factory SpeechRecognition() {
return _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
bool get continuous => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.continuous_Getter_(this);
void set continuous(bool value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.continuous_Setter_(this, value);
SpeechGrammarList get grammars => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.grammars_Getter_(this);
void set grammars(SpeechGrammarList value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.grammars_Setter_(this, value);
bool get interimResults => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.interimResults_Getter_(this);
void set interimResults(bool value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.interimResults_Setter_(this, value);
String get lang => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.lang_Getter_(this);
void set lang(String value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.lang_Setter_(this, value);
int get maxAlternatives => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.maxAlternatives_Getter_(this);
void set maxAlternatives(int value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.maxAlternatives_Setter_(this, value);
void abort() => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.abort_Callback_0_(this);
void start() => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.start_Callback_0_(this);
void stop() => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognition.instance.stop_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `audioend` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onAudioEnd => audioEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `audiostart` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onAudioStart => audioStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `end` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onEnd => endEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<SpeechRecognitionError> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `nomatch` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<SpeechRecognitionEvent> get onNoMatch => noMatchEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `result` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<SpeechRecognitionEvent> get onResult => resultEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `soundend` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onSoundEnd => soundEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `soundstart` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onSoundStart => soundStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `speechend` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onSpeechEnd => speechEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `speechstart` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onSpeechStart => speechStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `start` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition].
Stream<Event> get onStart => startEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
class SpeechRecognitionAlternative extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechRecognitionAlternative._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get confidence => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionAlternative.instance.confidence_Getter_(this);
String get transcript => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionAlternative.instance.transcript_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
class SpeechRecognitionError extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechRecognitionError._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get error => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionError.instance.error_Getter_(this);
String get message => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionError.instance.message_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
class SpeechRecognitionEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechRecognitionEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Document get emma => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionEvent.instance.emma_Getter_(this);
Document get interpretation => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionEvent.instance.interpretation_Getter_(this);
int get resultIndex => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionEvent.instance.resultIndex_Getter_(this);
List<SpeechRecognitionResult> get results => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionEvent.instance.results_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
class SpeechRecognitionResult extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechRecognitionResult._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get isFinal => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResult.instance.isFinal_Getter_(this);
int get length => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResult.instance.length_Getter_(this);
SpeechRecognitionAlternative item(int index) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResult.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpeechSynthesis extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechSynthesis._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get paused => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.paused_Getter_(this);
bool get pending => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.pending_Getter_(this);
bool get speaking => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.speaking_Getter_(this);
void cancel() => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.cancel_Callback_0_(this);
List<SpeechSynthesisVoice> getVoices() => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.getVoices_Callback_0_(this);
void pause() => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.pause_Callback_0_(this);
void resume() => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.resume_Callback_0_(this);
void speak(SpeechSynthesisUtterance utterance) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesis.instance.speak_Callback_1_(this, utterance);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpeechSynthesisEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechSynthesisEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get charIndex => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisEvent.instance.charIndex_Getter_(this);
double get elapsedTime => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisEvent.instance.elapsedTime_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisEvent.instance.name_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpeechSynthesisUtterance extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechSynthesisUtterance._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `boundary` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent> boundaryEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent>('boundary');
* Static factory designed to expose `end` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent> endEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent>('end');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `mark` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent> markEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent>('mark');
* Static factory designed to expose `pause` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pauseEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pause');
* Static factory designed to expose `resume` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent> resumeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent>('resume');
* Static factory designed to expose `start` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent> startEvent = const EventStreamProvider<SpeechSynthesisEvent>('start');
factory SpeechSynthesisUtterance([String text]) {
return _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.constructorCallback_1_(text);
String get lang => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.lang_Getter_(this);
void set lang(String value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.lang_Setter_(this, value);
num get pitch => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.pitch_Getter_(this);
void set pitch(num value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.pitch_Setter_(this, value);
num get rate => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.rate_Getter_(this);
void set rate(num value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.rate_Setter_(this, value);
String get text => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.text_Getter_(this);
void set text(String value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.text_Setter_(this, value);
SpeechSynthesisVoice get voice => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.voice_Getter_(this);
void set voice(SpeechSynthesisVoice value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.voice_Setter_(this, value);
num get volume => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.volume_Getter_(this);
void set volume(num value) => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisUtterance.instance.volume_Setter_(this, value);
/// Stream of `boundary` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<SpeechSynthesisEvent> get onBoundary => boundaryEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `end` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<SpeechSynthesisEvent> get onEnd => endEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mark` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<SpeechSynthesisEvent> get onMark => markEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `pause` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<Event> get onPause => pauseEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `resume` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<SpeechSynthesisEvent> get onResume => resumeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `start` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].
Stream<SpeechSynthesisEvent> get onStart => startEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class SpeechSynthesisVoice extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory SpeechSynthesisVoice._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get defaultValue => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisVoice.instance.default_Getter_(this);
String get lang => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisVoice.instance.lang_Getter_(this);
bool get localService => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisVoice.instance.localService_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisVoice.instance.name_Getter_(this);
String get voiceUri => _blink.BlinkSpeechSynthesisVoice.instance.voiceURI_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The type used by the
* [Window.localStorage] and [Window.sessionStorage] properties.
* Storage is implemented as a Map&lt;String, String>.
* To store and get values, use Dart's built-in map syntax:
* window.localStorage['key1'] = 'val1';
* window.localStorage['key2'] = 'val2';
* window.localStorage['key3'] = 'val3';
* assert(window.localStorage['key3'] == 'val3');
* You can use [Map]( APIs
* such as containsValue(), clear(), and length:
* assert(window.localStorage.containsValue('does not exist') == false);
* window.localStorage.clear();
* assert(window.localStorage.length == 0);
* For more examples of using this API, see
* [localstorage_test.dart](
* For details on using the Map API, see the
* [Maps](
* section of the library tour.
class Storage extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2
implements Map<String, String> {
void addAll(Map<String, String> other) {
other.forEach((k, v) { this[k] = v; });
// TODO(nweiz): update this when maps support lazy iteration
bool containsValue(String value) => values.any((e) => e == value);
bool containsKey(String key) => _getItem(key) != null;
String operator [](String key) => _getItem(key);
void operator []=(String key, String value) { _setItem(key, value); }
String putIfAbsent(String key, String ifAbsent()) {
if (!containsKey(key)) this[key] = ifAbsent();
return this[key];
String remove(String key) {
final value = this[key];
return value;
void clear() => _clear();
void forEach(void f(String key, String value)) {
for (var i = 0; true; i++) {
final key = _key(i);
if (key == null) return;
f(key, this[key]);
Iterable<String> get keys {
final keys = [];
forEach((k, v) => keys.add(k));
return keys;
Iterable<String> get values {
final values = [];
forEach((k, v) => values.add(v));
return values;
int get length => _length;
bool get isEmpty => _key(0) == null;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Storage._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get _length => _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.length_Getter_(this);
bool __delete__(index_OR_name) {
if ((index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.$__delete___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
if ((index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.$__delete___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
String __getter__(index_OR_name) {
if ((index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
if ((index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void __setter__(index_OR_name, String value) {
if ((value is String || value == null) && (index_OR_name is int || index_OR_name == null)) {
_blink.BlinkStorage.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index_OR_name, value);
if ((value is String || value == null) && (index_OR_name is String || index_OR_name == null)) {
_blink.BlinkStorage.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, index_OR_name, value);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void _clear() => _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.clear_Callback_0_(this);
String _getItem(String key) => _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.getItem_Callback_1_(this, key);
String _key(int index) => _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.key_Callback_1_(this, index);
void _removeItem(String key) => _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.removeItem_Callback_1_(this, key);
void _setItem(String key, String data) => _blink.BlinkStorage.instance.setItem_Callback_2_(this, key, data);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void StorageErrorCallback(DomError error);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class StorageEvent extends Event {
factory StorageEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: false, bool cancelable: false, String key, String oldValue,
String newValue, String url, Storage storageArea}) {
var e = document._createEvent("StorageEvent");
e._initStorageEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, key, oldValue,
newValue, url, storageArea);
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory StorageEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get key => _blink.BlinkStorageEvent.instance.key_Getter_(this);
String get newValue => _blink.BlinkStorageEvent.instance.newValue_Getter_(this);
String get oldValue => _blink.BlinkStorageEvent.instance.oldValue_Getter_(this);
Storage get storageArea => _blink.BlinkStorageEvent.instance.storageArea_Getter_(this);
String get url => _blink.BlinkStorageEvent.instance.url_Getter_(this);
void _initStorageEvent(String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, String keyArg, String oldValueArg, String newValueArg, String urlArg, Storage storageAreaArg) => _blink.BlinkStorageEvent.instance.initStorageEvent_Callback_8_(this, typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, keyArg, oldValueArg, newValueArg, urlArg, storageAreaArg);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class StorageInfo extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory StorageInfo._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get quota => _blink.BlinkStorageInfo.instance.quota_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get usage => _blink.BlinkStorageInfo.instance.usage_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class StorageQuota extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory StorageQuota._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<String> get supportedTypes => _blink.BlinkStorageQuota.instance.supportedTypes_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future queryInfo(String type) => _blink.BlinkStorageQuota.instance.queryInfo_Callback_1_(this, type);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Future requestPersistentQuota(int newQuota) => _blink.BlinkStorageQuota.instance.requestPersistentQuota_Callback_1_(this, newQuota);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void StorageQuotaCallback(int grantedQuotaInBytes);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void StorageUsageCallback(int currentUsageInBytes, int currentQuotaInBytes);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void _StringCallback(String data);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class StyleElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory StyleElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory StyleElement() => document.createElement("style");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
StyleElement.created() : super.created();
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
String get media => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.media_Getter_(this);
void set media(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.media_Setter_(this, value);
StyleSheet get sheet => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.sheet_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
void set type(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLStyleElement.instance.type_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // nonstandard
class StyleMedia extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory StyleMedia._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get type => _blink.BlinkStyleMedia.instance.type_Getter_(this);
bool matchMedium(String mediaquery) => _blink.BlinkStyleMedia.instance.matchMedium_Callback_1_(this, mediaquery);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class StyleSheet extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory StyleSheet._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
String get href => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.href_Getter_(this);
MediaList get media => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.media_Getter_(this);
Node get ownerNode => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.ownerNode_Getter_(this);
StyleSheet get parentStyleSheet => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.parentStyleSheet_Getter_(this);
String get title => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.title_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkStyleSheet.instance.type_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TableCaptionElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TableCaptionElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TableCaptionElement() => document.createElement("caption");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TableCaptionElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TableCellElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TableCellElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TableCellElement() => document.createElement("td");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TableCellElement.created() : super.created();
int get cellIndex => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.cellIndex_Getter_(this);
int get colSpan => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.colSpan_Getter_(this);
void set colSpan(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.colSpan_Setter_(this, value);
String get headers => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.headers_Getter_(this);
void set headers(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.headers_Setter_(this, value);
int get rowSpan => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.rowSpan_Getter_(this);
void set rowSpan(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableCellElement.instance.rowSpan_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TableColElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TableColElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TableColElement() => document.createElement("col");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TableColElement.created() : super.created();
int get span => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableColElement.instance.span_Getter_(this);
void set span(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableColElement.instance.span_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class TableElement extends HtmlElement {
List<TableSectionElement> get tBodies =>
new _WrappedList<TableSectionElement>(_tBodies);
List<TableRowElement> get rows =>
new _WrappedList<TableRowElement>(_rows);
TableRowElement addRow() {
return insertRow(-1);
TableCaptionElement createCaption() => _createCaption();
TableSectionElement createTBody() => _createTBody();
TableSectionElement createTFoot() => _createTFoot();
TableSectionElement createTHead() => _createTHead();
TableRowElement insertRow(int index) => _insertRow(index);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TableElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TableElement() => document.createElement("table");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TableElement.created() : super.created();
TableCaptionElement get caption => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.caption_Getter_(this);
void set caption(TableCaptionElement value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.caption_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get _rows => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.rows_Getter_(this);
List<Node> get _tBodies => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.tBodies_Getter_(this);
TableSectionElement get tFoot => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.tFoot_Getter_(this);
void set tFoot(TableSectionElement value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.tFoot_Setter_(this, value);
TableSectionElement get tHead => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.tHead_Getter_(this);
void set tHead(TableSectionElement value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.tHead_Setter_(this, value);
HtmlElement _createCaption() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.createCaption_Callback_0_(this);
HtmlElement _createTBody() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.createTBody_Callback_0_(this);
HtmlElement _createTFoot() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.createTFoot_Callback_0_(this);
HtmlElement _createTHead() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.createTHead_Callback_0_(this);
void deleteCaption() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.deleteCaption_Callback_0_(this);
void deleteRow(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.deleteRow_Callback_1_(this, index);
void deleteTFoot() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.deleteTFoot_Callback_0_(this);
void deleteTHead() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.deleteTHead_Callback_0_(this);
HtmlElement _insertRow([int index]) {
if (index != null) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.insertRow_Callback_1_(this, index);
return _blink.BlinkHTMLTableElement.instance.insertRow_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class TableRowElement extends HtmlElement {
List<TableCellElement> get cells =>
new _WrappedList<TableCellElement>(_cells);
TableCellElement addCell() {
return insertCell(-1);
TableCellElement insertCell(int index) => _insertCell(index);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TableRowElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TableRowElement() => document.createElement("tr");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TableRowElement.created() : super.created();
List<Node> get _cells => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableRowElement.instance.cells_Getter_(this);
int get rowIndex => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableRowElement.instance.rowIndex_Getter_(this);
int get sectionRowIndex => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableRowElement.instance.sectionRowIndex_Getter_(this);
void deleteCell(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableRowElement.instance.deleteCell_Callback_1_(this, index);
HtmlElement _insertCell([int index]) {
if (index != null) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLTableRowElement.instance.insertCell_Callback_1_(this, index);
return _blink.BlinkHTMLTableRowElement.instance.insertCell_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class TableSectionElement extends HtmlElement {
List<TableRowElement> get rows =>
new _WrappedList<TableRowElement>(_rows);
TableRowElement addRow() {
return insertRow(-1);
TableRowElement insertRow(int index) => _insertRow(index);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TableSectionElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TableSectionElement.created() : super.created();
List<Node> get _rows => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableSectionElement.instance.rows_Getter_(this);
void deleteRow(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTableSectionElement.instance.deleteRow_Callback_1_(this, index);
HtmlElement _insertRow([int index]) {
if (index != null) {
return _blink.BlinkHTMLTableSectionElement.instance.insertRow_Callback_1_(this, index);
return _blink.BlinkHTMLTableSectionElement.instance.insertRow_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TemplateElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TemplateElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TemplateElement() => document.createElement("template");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TemplateElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
DocumentFragment get content => _blink.BlinkHTMLTemplateElement.instance.content_Getter_(this);
* An override to place the contents into content rather than as child nodes.
* See also:
* * <>
void setInnerHtml(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
text = null;
var fragment = createFragment(
html, validator: validator, treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Text extends CharacterData {
factory Text(String data) => document._createTextNode(data);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Text._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get wholeText => _blink.BlinkText.instance.wholeText_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
List<Node> getDestinationInsertionPoints() => _blink.BlinkText.instance.getDestinationInsertionPoints_Callback_0_(this);
Text splitText(int offset) => _blink.BlinkText.instance.splitText_Callback_1_(this, offset);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextAreaElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextAreaElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TextAreaElement() => document.createElement("textarea");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TextAreaElement.created() : super.created();
bool get autofocus => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.autofocus_Getter_(this);
void set autofocus(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.autofocus_Setter_(this, value);
int get cols => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.cols_Getter_(this);
void set cols(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.cols_Setter_(this, value);
String get defaultValue => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.defaultValue_Getter_(this);
void set defaultValue(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.defaultValue_Setter_(this, value);
String get dirName => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.dirName_Getter_(this);
void set dirName(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.dirName_Setter_(this, value);
bool get disabled => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.disabled_Getter_(this);
void set disabled(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.disabled_Setter_(this, value);
FormElement get form => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.form_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get inputMode => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.inputMode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set inputMode(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.inputMode_Setter_(this, value);
List<Node> get labels => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.labels_Getter_(this);
int get maxLength => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.maxLength_Getter_(this);
void set maxLength(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.maxLength_Setter_(this, value);
String get name => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.name_Getter_(this);
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
String get placeholder => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.placeholder_Getter_(this);
void set placeholder(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.placeholder_Setter_(this, value);
bool get readOnly => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.readOnly_Getter_(this);
void set readOnly(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.readOnly_Setter_(this, value);
bool get required => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.required_Getter_(this);
void set required(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.required_Setter_(this, value);
int get rows => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.rows_Getter_(this);
void set rows(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.rows_Setter_(this, value);
String get selectionDirection => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.selectionDirection_Getter_(this);
void set selectionDirection(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.selectionDirection_Setter_(this, value);
int get selectionEnd => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.selectionEnd_Getter_(this);
void set selectionEnd(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.selectionEnd_Setter_(this, value);
int get selectionStart => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.selectionStart_Getter_(this);
void set selectionStart(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.selectionStart_Setter_(this, value);
int get textLength => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.textLength_Getter_(this);
String get type => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.type_Getter_(this);
String get validationMessage => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.validationMessage_Getter_(this);
ValidityState get validity => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.validity_Getter_(this);
String get value => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
bool get willValidate => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.willValidate_Getter_(this);
String get wrap => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.wrap_Getter_(this);
void set wrap(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.wrap_Setter_(this, value);
bool checkValidity() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.checkValidity_Callback_0_(this);
void select() => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.select_Callback_0_(this);
void setCustomValidity(String error) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.setCustomValidity_Callback_1_(this, error);
void setRangeText(String replacement, {int start, int end, String selectionMode}) {
if ((replacement is String || replacement == null) && start == null && end == null && selectionMode == null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.setRangeText_Callback_1_(this, replacement);
if ((selectionMode is String || selectionMode == null) && (end is int || end == null) && (start is int || start == null) && (replacement is String || replacement == null)) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.setRangeText_Callback_4_(this, replacement, start, end, selectionMode);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void setSelectionRange(int start, int end, [String direction]) {
if (direction != null) {
_blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.setSelectionRange_Callback_3_(this, start, end, direction);
_blink.BlinkHTMLTextAreaElement.instance.setSelectionRange_Callback_2_(this, start, end);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextEvent extends UIEvent {
factory TextEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: false, bool cancelable: false, Window view, String data}) {
if (view == null) {
view = window;
var e = document._createEvent("TextEvent");
e._initTextEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, data);
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String get data => _blink.BlinkTextEvent.instance.data_Getter_(this);
void _initTextEvent(String typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, Window viewArg, String dataArg) => _blink.BlinkTextEvent.instance.initTextEvent_Callback_5_(this, typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, dataArg);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextMetrics extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextMetrics._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get actualBoundingBoxAscent => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.actualBoundingBoxAscent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get actualBoundingBoxDescent => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.actualBoundingBoxDescent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get actualBoundingBoxLeft => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.actualBoundingBoxLeft_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get actualBoundingBoxRight => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.actualBoundingBoxRight_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get alphabeticBaseline => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.alphabeticBaseline_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get emHeightAscent => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.emHeightAscent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get emHeightDescent => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.emHeightDescent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get fontBoundingBoxAscent => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.fontBoundingBoxAscent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get fontBoundingBoxDescent => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.fontBoundingBoxDescent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get hangingBaseline => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.hangingBaseline_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get ideographicBaseline => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.ideographicBaseline_Getter_(this);
double get width => _blink.BlinkTextMetrics.instance.width_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextTrack extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextTrack._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `cuechange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrack].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> cueChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('cuechange');
TextTrackCueList get activeCues => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.activeCues_Getter_(this);
TextTrackCueList get cues => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.cues_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.id_Getter_(this);
String get kind => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
String get label => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.label_Getter_(this);
String get language => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.language_Getter_(this);
String get mode => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.mode_Getter_(this);
void set mode(String value) => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.mode_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VttRegionList get regions => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.regions_Getter_(this);
void addCue(TextTrackCue cue) => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.addCue_Callback_1_(this, cue);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void addRegion(VttRegion region) => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.addRegion_Callback_1_(this, region);
void removeCue(TextTrackCue cue) => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.removeCue_Callback_1_(this, cue);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void removeRegion(VttRegion region) => _blink.BlinkTextTrack.instance.removeRegion_Callback_1_(this, region);
/// Stream of `cuechange` events handled by this [TextTrack].
Stream<Event> get onCueChange => cueChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextTrackCue extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextTrackCue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `enter` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrackCue].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> enterEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('enter');
* Static factory designed to expose `exit` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrackCue].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> exitEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('exit');
num get endTime => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.endTime_Getter_(this);
void set endTime(num value) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.endTime_Setter_(this, value);
String get id => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.id_Getter_(this);
void set id(String value) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.id_Setter_(this, value);
bool get pauseOnExit => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.pauseOnExit_Getter_(this);
void set pauseOnExit(bool value) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.pauseOnExit_Setter_(this, value);
num get startTime => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.startTime_Getter_(this);
void set startTime(num value) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.startTime_Setter_(this, value);
TextTrack get track => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCue.instance.track_Getter_(this);
/// Stream of `enter` events handled by this [TextTrackCue].
Stream<Event> get onEnter => enterEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `exit` events handled by this [TextTrackCue].
Stream<Event> get onExit => exitEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextTrackCueList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<TextTrackCue>, ImmutableListMixin<TextTrackCue> implements List<TextTrackCue> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextTrackCueList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCueList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
TextTrackCue operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkTextTrackCueList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
TextTrackCue _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCueList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, TextTrackCue value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<TextTrackCue> mixins.
// TextTrackCue is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
TextTrackCue get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
TextTrackCue get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
TextTrackCue get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
TextTrackCue elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<TextTrackCue> mixins.
TextTrackCue getCueById(String id) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCueList.instance.getCueById_Callback_1_(this, id);
TextTrackCue item(int index) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackCueList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TextTrackList extends EventTarget with ListMixin<TextTrack>, ImmutableListMixin<TextTrack> implements List<TextTrack> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TextTrackList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `addtrack` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrackList].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TrackEvent> addTrackEvent = const EventStreamProvider<TrackEvent>('addtrack');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
int get length => _blink.BlinkTextTrackList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
TextTrack operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkTextTrackList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
TextTrack _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, TextTrack value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<TextTrack> mixins.
// TextTrack is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
TextTrack get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
TextTrack get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
TextTrack get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
TextTrack elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<TextTrack> mixins.
@Experimental() // untriaged
TextTrack getTrackById(String id) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackList.instance.getTrackById_Callback_1_(this, id);
TextTrack item(int index) => _blink.BlinkTextTrackList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
/// Stream of `addtrack` events handled by this [TextTrackList].
Stream<TrackEvent> get onAddTrack => addTrackEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TimeRanges extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TimeRanges._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkTimeRanges.instance.length_Getter_(this);
double end(int index) => _blink.BlinkTimeRanges.instance.end_Callback_1_(this, index);
double start(int index) => _blink.BlinkTimeRanges.instance.start_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void TimeoutHandler();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class Timing extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Timing._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get delay => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.delay_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set delay(num value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.delay_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get direction => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.direction_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set direction(String value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.direction_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get easing => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.easing_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set easing(String value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.easing_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get endDelay => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.endDelay_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set endDelay(num value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.endDelay_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get fill => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.fill_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set fill(String value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.fill_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get iterationStart => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.iterationStart_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set iterationStart(num value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.iterationStart_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get iterations => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.iterations_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set iterations(num value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.iterations_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get playbackRate => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.playbackRate_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set playbackRate(num value) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.playbackRate_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Object __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void __setter__(String name, num duration) => _blink.BlinkTiming.instance.$__setter___Callback_2_(this, name, duration);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TitleElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TitleElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TitleElement() => document.createElement("title");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TitleElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Touch extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Touch._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get _clientX => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.clientX_Getter_(this);
double get _clientY => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.clientY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get force => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.force_Getter_(this);
int get identifier => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.identifier_Getter_(this);
double get _pageX => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.pageX_Getter_(this);
double get _pageY => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.pageY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get _radiusX => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.radiusX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get _radiusY => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.radiusY_Getter_(this);
double get _screenX => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.screenX_Getter_(this);
double get _screenY => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.screenY_Getter_(this);
EventTarget get target => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.target_Getter_(this);
double get rotationAngle => _blink.BlinkTouch.instance.webkitRotationAngle_Getter_(this);
// As of Chrome 37, these all changed from long to double. This code
// preserves backwards compatability for the time being.
int get __clientX => _blink.BlinkTouch.clientX_Getter(this).round();
int get __clientY => _blink.BlinkTouch.clientY_Getter(this).round();
int get __screenX => _blink.BlinkTouch.screenX_Getter(this).round();
int get __screenY => _blink.BlinkTouch.screenY_Getter(this).round();
int get __pageX => _blink.BlinkTouch.pageX_Getter(this).round();
int get __pageY => _blink.BlinkTouch.pageY_Getter(this).round();
int get __radiusX => _blink.BlinkTouch.radiusX_Getter(this).round();
int get __radiusY => _blink.BlinkTouch.radiusY_Getter(this).round();
Point get client => new Point(__clientX, __clientY);
Point get page => new Point(__pageX, __pageY);
Point get screen => new Point(__screenX, __screenY);
int get radiusX => __radiusX;
int get radiusY => __radiusY;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TouchEvent extends UIEvent {
factory TouchEvent(TouchList touches, TouchList targetTouches,
TouchList changedTouches, String type,
{Window view, int screenX: 0, int screenY: 0, int clientX: 0,
int clientY: 0, bool ctrlKey: false, bool altKey: false,
bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false}) {
if (view == null) {
view = window;
var e = document._createEvent("TouchEvent");
e._initTouchEvent(touches, targetTouches, changedTouches, type, view,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TouchEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get altKey => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.altKey_Getter_(this);
TouchList get changedTouches => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.changedTouches_Getter_(this);
bool get ctrlKey => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.ctrlKey_Getter_(this);
bool get metaKey => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.metaKey_Getter_(this);
bool get shiftKey => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.shiftKey_Getter_(this);
TouchList get targetTouches => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.targetTouches_Getter_(this);
TouchList get touches => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.touches_Getter_(this);
void _initTouchEvent(TouchList touches, TouchList targetTouches, TouchList changedTouches, String type, Window view, int unused1, int unused2, int unused3, int unused4, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey) => _blink.BlinkTouchEvent.instance.initTouchEvent_Callback_13_(this, touches, targetTouches, changedTouches, type, view, unused1, unused2, unused3, unused4, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);
* Checks if touch events supported on the current platform.
* Note that touch events are only supported if the user is using a touch
* device.
static bool get supported => Device.isEventTypeSupported('TouchEvent');
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TouchList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Touch>, ImmutableListMixin<Touch> implements List<Touch> {
/// NB: This constructor likely does not work as you might expect it to! This
/// constructor will simply fail (returning null) if you are not on a device
/// with touch enabled. See
// TODO(5760): createTouchList now uses varargs.
factory TouchList() => null;//document._createTouchList();
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TouchList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
int get length => _blink.BlinkTouchList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Touch operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkTouchList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Touch _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkTouchList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Touch value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Touch> mixins.
// Touch is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Touch get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Touch get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Touch get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Touch elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Touch> mixins.
Touch item(int index) => _blink.BlinkTouchList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class TrackElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TrackElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory TrackElement() => document.createElement("track");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
TrackElement.created() : super.created();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
static const int ERROR = 3;
static const int LOADED = 2;
static const int LOADING = 1;
static const int NONE = 0;
bool get defaultValue => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.default_Getter_(this);
void set defaultValue(bool value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.default_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get integrity => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.integrity_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set integrity(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.integrity_Setter_(this, value);
String get kind => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
void set kind(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.kind_Setter_(this, value);
String get label => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.label_Getter_(this);
void set label(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.label_Setter_(this, value);
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
String get src => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.src_Getter_(this);
void set src(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.src_Setter_(this, value);
String get srclang => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.srclang_Getter_(this);
void set srclang(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.srclang_Setter_(this, value);
TextTrack get track => _blink.BlinkHTMLTrackElement.instance.track_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TrackEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TrackEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Object get track => _blink.BlinkTrackEvent.instance.track_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class TransitionEvent extends Event {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TransitionEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get elapsedTime => _blink.BlinkTransitionEvent.instance.elapsedTime_Getter_(this);
String get propertyName => _blink.BlinkTransitionEvent.instance.propertyName_Getter_(this);
String get pseudoElement => _blink.BlinkTransitionEvent.instance.pseudoElement_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class TreeWalker extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
factory TreeWalker(Node root, int whatToShow) {
return document._createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, null);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory TreeWalker._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Node get currentNode => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.currentNode_Getter_(this);
void set currentNode(Node value) => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.currentNode_Setter_(this, value);
NodeFilter get filter => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.filter_Getter_(this);
Node get root => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.root_Getter_(this);
int get whatToShow => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.whatToShow_Getter_(this);
Node firstChild() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.firstChild_Callback_0_(this);
Node lastChild() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.lastChild_Callback_0_(this);
Node nextNode() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.nextNode_Callback_0_(this);
Node nextSibling() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.nextSibling_Callback_0_(this);
Node parentNode() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.parentNode_Callback_0_(this);
Node previousNode() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.previousNode_Callback_0_(this);
Node previousSibling() => _blink.BlinkTreeWalker.instance.previousSibling_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class UIEvent extends Event {
// In JS, canBubble and cancelable are technically required parameters to
// init*Event. In practice, though, if they aren't provided they simply
// default to false (since that's Boolean(undefined)).
// Contrary to JS, we default canBubble and cancelable to true, since that's
// what people want most of the time anyway.
factory UIEvent(String type,
{Window view, int detail: 0, bool canBubble: true,
bool cancelable: true}) {
if (view == null) {
view = window;
final e = document._createEvent("UIEvent");
e._initUIEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail);
return e;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory UIEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get _charCode => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.charCode_Getter_(this);
int get detail => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.detail_Getter_(this);
int get _keyCode => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.keyCode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get _layerX => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.layerX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get _layerY => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.layerY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get _pageX => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.pageX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // nonstandard
int get _pageY => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.pageY_Getter_(this);
WindowBase get view => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.view_Getter_(this);
int get which => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.which_Getter_(this);
void _initUIEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, Window view, int detail) => _blink.BlinkUIEvent.instance.initUIEvent_Callback_5_(this, type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail);
Point get layer => new Point(_layerX, _layerY);
Point get page => new Point(_pageX, _pageY);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class UListElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory UListElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory UListElement() => document.createElement("ul");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
UListElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class UnknownElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory UnknownElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
UnknownElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Url extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements UrlUtils {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Url._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static String createObjectUrl(blob_OR_source_OR_stream) {
if ((blob_OR_source_OR_stream is Blob || blob_OR_source_OR_stream == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkURL.instance.createObjectURL_Callback_1_(blob_OR_source_OR_stream);
if ((blob_OR_source_OR_stream is MediaSource)) {
return _blink.BlinkURL.instance.createObjectURL_Callback_1_(blob_OR_source_OR_stream);
if ((blob_OR_source_OR_stream is MediaStream)) {
return _blink.BlinkURL.instance.createObjectURL_Callback_1_(blob_OR_source_OR_stream);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
static String createObjectUrlFromBlob(Blob blob) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.createObjectURL_Callback_1_(blob);
static String createObjectUrlFromSource(MediaSource source) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.createObjectURL_Callback_1_(source);
static String createObjectUrlFromStream(MediaStream stream) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.createObjectURL_Callback_1_(stream);
static void revokeObjectUrl(String url) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.revokeObjectURL_Callback_1_(url);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get hash => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.hash_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set hash(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.hash_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get host => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.host_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set host(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.host_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get hostname => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.hostname_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set hostname(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.hostname_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get href => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.href_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set href(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.href_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get origin => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.origin_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get password => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.password_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set password(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.password_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get pathname => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.pathname_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set pathname(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.pathname_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get port => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.port_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set port(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.port_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get protocol => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.protocol_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set protocol(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.protocol_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get search => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.search_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set search(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.search_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get username => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.username_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set username(String value) => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.username_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String toString() => _blink.BlinkURL.instance.toString_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class UrlUtils extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory UrlUtils._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get hash;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set hash(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get host;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set host(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get hostname;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set hostname(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get href;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set href(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get origin;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get password;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set password(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get pathname;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set pathname(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get port;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set port(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get protocol;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set protocol(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get search;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set search(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get username;
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set username(String value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String toString();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class UrlUtilsReadOnly extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory UrlUtilsReadOnly._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get hash;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get host;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get hostname;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get href;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get origin;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get pathname;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get port;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get protocol;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get search;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String toString();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class ValidityState extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory ValidityState._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
bool get badInput => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.badInput_Getter_(this);
bool get customError => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.customError_Getter_(this);
bool get patternMismatch => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.patternMismatch_Getter_(this);
bool get rangeOverflow => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.rangeOverflow_Getter_(this);
bool get rangeUnderflow => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.rangeUnderflow_Getter_(this);
bool get stepMismatch => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.stepMismatch_Getter_(this);
bool get tooLong => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.tooLong_Getter_(this);
bool get typeMismatch => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.typeMismatch_Getter_(this);
bool get valid => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.valid_Getter_(this);
bool get valueMissing => _blink.BlinkValidityState.instance.valueMissing_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class VideoElement extends MediaElement implements CanvasImageSource {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VideoElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory VideoElement() => document.createElement("video");
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
VideoElement.created() : super.created();
int get height => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.height_Getter_(this);
void set height(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
String get poster => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.poster_Getter_(this);
void set poster(String value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.poster_Setter_(this, value);
int get videoHeight => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.videoHeight_Getter_(this);
int get videoWidth => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.videoWidth_Getter_(this);
int get decodedFrameCount => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.webkitDecodedFrameCount_Getter_(this);
int get droppedFrameCount => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.webkitDroppedFrameCount_Getter_(this);
int get width => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.width_Getter_(this);
void set width(int value) => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VideoPlaybackQuality getVideoPlaybackQuality() => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.getVideoPlaybackQuality_Callback_0_(this);
void enterFullscreen() => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.webkitEnterFullscreen_Callback_0_(this);
void exitFullscreen() => _blink.BlinkHTMLVideoElement.instance.webkitExitFullscreen_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class VideoPlaybackQuality extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VideoPlaybackQuality._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get corruptedVideoFrames => _blink.BlinkVideoPlaybackQuality.instance.corruptedVideoFrames_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get creationTime => _blink.BlinkVideoPlaybackQuality.instance.creationTime_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get droppedVideoFrames => _blink.BlinkVideoPlaybackQuality.instance.droppedVideoFrames_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get totalVideoFrames => _blink.BlinkVideoPlaybackQuality.instance.totalVideoFrames_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class VideoTrack extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VideoTrack._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkVideoTrack.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get kind => _blink.BlinkVideoTrack.instance.kind_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get label => _blink.BlinkVideoTrack.instance.label_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get language => _blink.BlinkVideoTrack.instance.language_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get selected => _blink.BlinkVideoTrack.instance.selected_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set selected(bool value) => _blink.BlinkVideoTrack.instance.selected_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class VideoTrackList extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VideoTrackList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> changeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('change');
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get length => _blink.BlinkVideoTrackList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get selectedIndex => _blink.BlinkVideoTrackList.instance.selectedIndex_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VideoTrack __getter__(int index) => _blink.BlinkVideoTrackList.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VideoTrack getTrackById(String id) => _blink.BlinkVideoTrackList.instance.getTrackById_Callback_1_(this, id);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onChange => changeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
typedef void VoidCallback();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class VttCue extends TextTrackCue {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VttCue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory VttCue(num startTime, num endTime, String text) {
return _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.constructorCallback_3_(startTime, endTime, text);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get align => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.align_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set align(String value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.align_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get line => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.line_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set line(int value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.line_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get position => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.position_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set position(int value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.position_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get regionId => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.regionId_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set regionId(String value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.regionId_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get size => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.size_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set size(int value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.size_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get snapToLines => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.snapToLines_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set snapToLines(bool value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.snapToLines_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get text => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.text_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set text(String value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.text_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get vertical => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.vertical_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set vertical(String value) => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.vertical_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
DocumentFragment getCueAsHtml() => _blink.BlinkVTTCue.instance.getCueAsHTML_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class VttRegion extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VttRegion._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory VttRegion() {
return _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get height => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.height_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set height(int value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get id => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.id_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set id(String value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.id_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get regionAnchorX => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.regionAnchorX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set regionAnchorX(num value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.regionAnchorX_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get regionAnchorY => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.regionAnchorY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set regionAnchorY(num value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.regionAnchorY_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get scroll => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.scroll_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set scroll(String value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.scroll_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
TextTrack get track => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.track_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get viewportAnchorX => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.viewportAnchorX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set viewportAnchorX(num value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.viewportAnchorX_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get viewportAnchorY => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.viewportAnchorY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set viewportAnchorY(num value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.viewportAnchorY_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get width => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.width_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set width(num value) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegion.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class VttRegionList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory VttRegionList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get length => _blink.BlinkVTTRegionList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VttRegion getRegionById(String id) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegionList.instance.getRegionById_Callback_1_(this, id);
@Experimental() // untriaged
VttRegion item(int index) => _blink.BlinkVTTRegionList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
* Use the WebSocket interface to connect to a WebSocket,
* and to send and receive data on that WebSocket.
* To use a WebSocket in your web app, first create a WebSocket object,
* passing the WebSocket URL as an argument to the constructor.
* var webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://');
* To send data on the WebSocket, use the [send] method.
* if (webSocket != null && webSocket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {
* webSocket.send(data);
* } else {
* print('WebSocket not connected, message $data not sent');
* }
* To receive data on the WebSocket, register a listener for message events.
* webSocket.onMessage.listen((MessageEvent e) {
* receivedData(;
* });
* The message event handler receives a [MessageEvent] object
* as its sole argument.
* You can also define open, close, and error handlers,
* as specified by [WebSocketEvents].
* For more information, see the
* [WebSockets](
* section of the library tour and
* [Introducing WebSockets](,
* an tutorial.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class WebSocket extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WebSocket._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<CloseEvent> closeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<CloseEvent>('close');
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
* Static factory designed to expose `open` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> openEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('open');
factory WebSocket(String url, [protocol_OR_protocols]) {
if ((url is String || url == null) && protocol_OR_protocols == null) {
return _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.constructorCallback_1_(url);
if ((protocol_OR_protocols is String || protocol_OR_protocols == null) && (url is String || url == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.constructorCallback_2_(url, protocol_OR_protocols);
if ((protocol_OR_protocols is List<String> || protocol_OR_protocols == null) && (url is String || url == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.constructorCallback_2_(url, protocol_OR_protocols);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
static const int CLOSED = 3;
static const int CLOSING = 2;
static const int CONNECTING = 0;
static const int OPEN = 1;
String get binaryType => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.binaryType_Getter_(this);
void set binaryType(String value) => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.binaryType_Setter_(this, value);
int get bufferedAmount => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.bufferedAmount_Getter_(this);
String get extensions => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.extensions_Getter_(this);
String get protocol => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.protocol_Getter_(this);
int get readyState => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.readyState_Getter_(this);
String get url => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.url_Getter_(this);
void close([int code, String reason]) {
if (reason != null) {
_blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.close_Callback_2_(this, code, reason);
if (code != null) {
_blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.close_Callback_1_(this, code);
void send(data) {
if ((data is String || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
if ((data is Blob || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
if ((data is TypedData || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
if ((data is ByteBuffer || data == null)) {
_blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void sendBlob(Blob data) => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
void sendByteBuffer(ByteBuffer data) => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
void sendString(String data) => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
void sendTypedData(TypedData data) => _blink.BlinkWebSocket.instance.send_Callback_1_(this, data);
/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [WebSocket].
Stream<CloseEvent> get onClose => closeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [WebSocket].
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [WebSocket].
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `open` events handled by this [WebSocket].
Stream<Event> get onOpen => openEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class WheelEvent extends MouseEvent {
factory WheelEvent(String type,
{Window view, int deltaX: 0, int deltaY: 0,
int detail: 0, int screenX: 0, int screenY: 0, int clientX: 0,
int clientY: 0, int button: 0, bool canBubble: true,
bool cancelable: true, bool ctrlKey: false, bool altKey: false,
bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false, EventTarget relatedTarget}) {
var options = {
'view': view,
'deltaX': deltaX,
'deltaY': deltaY,
'detail': detail,
'screenX': screenX,
'screenY': screenY,
'clientX': clientX,
'clientY': clientY,
'button': button,
'bubbles': canBubble,
'cancelable': cancelable,
'ctrlKey': ctrlKey,
'altKey': altKey,
'shiftKey': shiftKey,
'metaKey': metaKey,
'relatedTarget': relatedTarget,
return _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.constructorCallback_2(type, options);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WheelEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int DOM_DELTA_LINE = 0x01;
static const int DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 0x02;
static const int DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0x00;
int get deltaMode => _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.instance.deltaMode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get _deltaX => _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.instance.deltaX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get _deltaY => _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.instance.deltaY_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double get deltaZ => _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.instance.deltaZ_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
int get wheelDeltaX => _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.instance.wheelDeltaX_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // non-standard
int get wheelDeltaY => _blink.BlinkWheelEvent.instance.wheelDeltaY_Getter_(this);
* The amount that is expected to scroll horizontally, in units determined by
* [deltaMode].
* See also:
* * [WheelEvent.deltaX]( from the W3C.
num get deltaX => _deltaX;
* The amount that is expected to scroll vertically, in units determined by
* [deltaMode].
* See also:
* * [WheelEvent.deltaY]( from the W3C.
num get deltaY => _deltaY;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Top-level container for the current browser tab or window.
* In a web browser, each window has a [Window] object, but within the context
* of a script, this object represents only the current window.
* Each other window, tab, and iframe has its own [Window] object.
* Each window contains a [Document] object, which contains all of the window's
* content.
* Use the top-level `window` object to access the current window.
* For example:
* // Draw a scene when the window repaints.
* drawScene(num delta) {...}
* window.animationFrame.then(drawScene);.
* // Write to the console.
* window.console.log('Jinkies!');
* window.console.error('Jeepers!');
* **Note:** This class represents only the current window, while [WindowBase]
* is a representation of any window, including other tabs, windows, and frames.
* ## See also
* * [WindowBase]
* ## Other resources
* * [DOM Window]( from MDN.
* * [Window]( from the W3C.
class Window extends EventTarget implements WindowEventHandlers, WindowBase, GlobalEventHandlers, _WindowTimers, WindowBase64 {
* Returns a Future that completes just before the window is about to
* repaint so the user can draw an animation frame.
* If you need to later cancel this animation, use [requestAnimationFrame]
* instead.
* The [Future] completes to a timestamp that represents a floating
* point value of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the page
* started to load (which is also the timestamp at this call to
* animationFrame).
* Note: The code that runs when the future completes should call
* [animationFrame] again for the animation to continue.
Future<num> get animationFrame {
var completer = new Completer<num>.sync();
requestAnimationFrame((time) {
return completer.future;
* Called to draw an animation frame and then request the window to repaint
* after [callback] has finished (creating the animation).
* Use this method only if you need to later call [cancelAnimationFrame]. If
* not, the preferred Dart idiom is to set animation frames by calling
* [animationFrame], which returns a Future.
* Returns a non-zero valued integer to represent the request id for this
* request. This value only needs to be saved if you intend to call
* [cancelAnimationFrame] so you can specify the particular animation to
* cancel.
* Note: The supplied [callback] needs to call [requestAnimationFrame] again
* for the animation to continue.
int requestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback) {
return _requestAnimationFrame(_wrapZone(callback));
* Access a sandboxed file system of the specified `size`. If `persistent` is
* true, the application will request permission from the user to create
* lasting storage. This storage cannot be freed without the user's
* permission. Returns a [Future] whose value stores a reference to the
* sandboxed file system for use. Because the file system is sandboxed,
* applications cannot access file systems created in other web pages.
Future<FileSystem> requestFileSystem(int size, {bool persistent: false}) {
return _requestFileSystem(persistent? 1 : 0, size);
* convertPointFromNodeToPage and convertPointFromPageToNode are removed.
* see
static bool get supportsPointConversions => _DomPoint.supported;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Window._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `contentloaded` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> contentLoadedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('DOMContentLoaded');
* Static factory designed to expose `devicemotion` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<DeviceMotionEvent> deviceMotionEvent = const EventStreamProvider<DeviceMotionEvent>('devicemotion');
* Static factory designed to expose `deviceorientation` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<DeviceOrientationEvent> deviceOrientationEvent = const EventStreamProvider<DeviceOrientationEvent>('deviceorientation');
* Static factory designed to expose `hashchange` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> hashChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('hashchange');
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> loadStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadstart');
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
* Static factory designed to expose `offline` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> offlineEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('offline');
* Static factory designed to expose `online` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> onlineEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('online');
* Static factory designed to expose `pagehide` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pageHideEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pagehide');
* Static factory designed to expose `pageshow` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> pageShowEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pageshow');
* Static factory designed to expose `popstate` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent> popStateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>('popstate');
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> progressEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('progress');
* Static factory designed to expose `storage` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent> storageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>('storage');
* Static factory designed to expose `unload` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> unloadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('unload');
* Static factory designed to expose `animationend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent> animationEndEvent = const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationEnd');
* Static factory designed to expose `animationiteration` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent> animationIterationEvent = const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationIteration');
* Static factory designed to expose `animationstart` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent> animationStartEvent = const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationStart');
* Indicates that file system data cannot be cleared unless given user
* permission.
* ## Other resources
* * [Exploring the FileSystem APIs]
* ( from HTML5Rocks.
* * [File API]
* ( from W3C.
static const int PERSISTENT = 1;
* Indicates that file system data can be cleared at any time.
* ## Other resources
* * [Exploring the FileSystem APIs]
* ( from HTML5Rocks.
* * [File API]
* ( from W3C.
static const int TEMPORARY = 0;
* Entrypoint for CSS-related functions.
* ## Other resources
* * [The CSS interface]( from W3C.
Css get css => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.CSS_Getter_(this);
* The application cache for this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [A beginner's guide to using the application cache]
* ( from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Application cache API]
* (
* from WHATWG.
ApplicationCache get applicationCache => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.applicationCache_Getter_(this);
bool get closed => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.closed_Getter_(this);
Console get console => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.console_Getter_(this);
* Entrypoint for the browser's cryptographic functions.
* ## Other resources
* * [Web cryptography API]( from W3C.
Crypto get crypto => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.crypto_Getter_(this);
/// *Deprecated*.
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get defaultStatus => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.defaultStatus_Getter_(this);
/// *Deprecated*.
@Experimental() // non-standard
void set defaultStatus(String value) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.defaultStatus_Setter_(this, value);
/// *Deprecated*.
@Experimental() // non-standard
String get defaultstatus => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.defaultstatus_Getter_(this);
/// *Deprecated*.
@Experimental() // non-standard
void set defaultstatus(String value) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.defaultstatus_Setter_(this, value);
* The ratio between physical pixels and logical CSS pixels.
* ## Other resources
* * [devicePixelRatio]
* ( from
* quirksmode.
* * [More about devicePixelRatio]
* ( from
* quirksmode.
@Experimental() // non-standard
double get devicePixelRatio => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.devicePixelRatio_Getter_(this);
Document get document => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.document_Getter_(this);
* The current session history for this window's newest document.
* ## Other resources
* * [Loading web pages]
* (
* from WHATWG.
History get history => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.history_Getter_(this);
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
IdbFactory get indexedDB => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.indexedDB_Getter_(this);
* The height of the viewport including scrollbars.
* ## Other resources
* * [innerHeight]
* ( from
int get innerHeight => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.innerHeight_Getter_(this);
* The width of the viewport including scrollbars.
* ## Other resources
* * [innerWidth]
* ( from
int get innerWidth => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.innerWidth_Getter_(this);
* Storage for this window that persists across sessions.
* ## Other resources
* * [DOM storage guide]
* ( from
* MDN.
* * [The past, present & future of local storage for web applications]
* ( from Dive Into HTML5.
* * [Local storage specification]
* ( from W3C.
Storage get localStorage => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.localStorage_Getter_(this);
Location get location => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.location_Getter_(this);
* This window's location bar, which displays the URL.
* ## Other resources
* * [Browser interface elements]
* (
* from WHATWG.
BarProp get locationbar => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.locationbar_Getter_(this);
* This window's menu bar, which displays menu commands.
* ## Other resources
* * [Browser interface elements]
* (
* from WHATWG.
BarProp get menubar => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.menubar_Getter_(this);
* The name of this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window name]
* ( from
String get name => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.name_Getter_(this);
* The name of this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window name]
* ( from
void set name(String value) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.name_Setter_(this, value);
* The user agent accessing this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [The navigator object]
* (
* from WHATWG.
Navigator get navigator => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.navigator_Getter_(this);
* Whether objects are drawn offscreen before being displayed.
* ## Other resources
* * [offscreenBuffering]
* ( from
@Experimental() // non-standard
bool get offscreenBuffering => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.offscreenBuffering_Getter_(this);
WindowBase get opener => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.opener_Getter_(this);
void set opener(Window value) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.opener_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get orientation => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.orientation_Getter_(this);
* The height of this window including all user interface elements.
* ## Other resources
* * [outerHeight]
* ( from
int get outerHeight => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.outerHeight_Getter_(this);
* The width of the window including all user interface elements.
* ## Other resources
* * [outerWidth]
* ( from
int get outerWidth => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.outerWidth_Getter_(this);
* The distance this window has been scrolled horizontally.
* This attribute is an alias for [scrollX].
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
* * [scrollX and pageXOffset]
* ( from MDN.
double get _pageXOffset => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.pageXOffset_Getter_(this);
* The distance this window has been scrolled vertically.
* This attribute is an alias for [scrollY].
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
* * [scrollY and pageYOffset]
* ( from MDN.
double get _pageYOffset => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.pageYOffset_Getter_(this);
WindowBase get parent => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.parent_Getter_(this);
* Timing and navigation data for this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Measuring page load speed with navigation timeing]
* ( from
* HTML5Rocks.
* * [Navigation timing specification]
* ( from W3C.
Performance get performance => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.performance_Getter_(this);
* Information about the screen displaying this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
Screen get screen => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.screen_Getter_(this);
* The distance from the left side of the screen to the left side of this
* window.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
int get screenLeft => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.screenLeft_Getter_(this);
* The distance from the top of the screen to the top of this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
int get screenTop => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.screenTop_Getter_(this);
* The distance from the left side of the screen to the mouse pointer.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
int get screenX => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.screenX_Getter_(this);
* The distance from the top of the screen to the mouse pointer.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface specification]
* ( from W3C.
int get screenY => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.screenY_Getter_(this);
double get _scrollX => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollX_Getter_(this);
double get _scrollY => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollY_Getter_(this);
* This window's scroll bars.
* ## Other resources
* * [Browser interface elements]
* (
* from WHATWG.
BarProp get scrollbars => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollbars_Getter_(this);
* The current window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.self]
* ( from MDN.
WindowBase get self => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.self_Getter_(this);
* Storage for this window that is cleared when this session ends.
* ## Other resources
* * [DOM storage guide]
* ( from
* MDN.
* * [The past, present & future of local storage for web applications]
* ( from Dive Into HTML5.
* * [Local storage specification]
* ( from W3C.
Storage get sessionStorage => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.sessionStorage_Getter_(this);
* Access to speech synthesis in the browser.
* ## Other resources
* * [Web speech specification]
* (
* from W3C.
SpeechSynthesis get speechSynthesis => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.speechSynthesis_Getter_(this);
/// *Deprecated*.
String get status => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.status_Getter_(this);
/// *Deprecated*.
void set status(String value) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.status_Setter_(this, value);
* This window's status bar.
* ## Other resources
* * [Browser interface elements]
* (
* from WHATWG.
BarProp get statusbar => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.statusbar_Getter_(this);
* Access to CSS media queries.
* ## Other resources
* * [StyleMedia class reference]
* (
* from Safari Developer Library.
@Experimental() // nonstandard
StyleMedia get styleMedia => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.styleMedia_Getter_(this);
* This window's tool bar.
* ## Other resources
* * [Browser interface elements]
* (
* from WHATWG.
BarProp get toolbar => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.toolbar_Getter_(this);
WindowBase get top => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.top_Getter_(this);
* The current window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.window]
* ( from MDN.
WindowBase get window => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.window_Getter_(this);
WindowBase __getter__(index_OR_name) {
if ((index_OR_name is int)) {
return _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
if ((index_OR_name is String)) {
return _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, index_OR_name);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
void alert([String message]) {
if (message != null) {
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.alert_Callback_1_(this, message);
void cancelAnimationFrame(int id) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.cancelAnimationFrame_Callback_1_(this, id);
void close() => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
bool confirm([String message]) {
if (message != null) {
return _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.confirm_Callback_1_(this, message);
return _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.confirm_Callback_0_(this);
* Finds text in this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.find]
* ( from MDN.
@Experimental() // non-standard
bool find(String string, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.find_Callback_7_(this, string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog);
CssStyleDeclaration _getComputedStyle(Element element, String pseudoElement) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.getComputedStyle_Callback_2_(this, element, pseudoElement);
* Returns all CSS rules that apply to the element's pseudo-element.
@Experimental() // non-standard
List<CssRule> getMatchedCssRules(Element element, String pseudoElement) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.getMatchedCSSRules_Callback_2_(this, element, pseudoElement);
* Returns the currently selected text.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.getSelection]
* (
* from MDN.
Selection getSelection() => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.getSelection_Callback_0_(this);
* Returns a list of media queries for the given query string.
* ## Other resources
* * [Testing media queries]
* (
* from MDN.
* * [The MediaQueryList specification]
* ( from W3C.
MediaQueryList matchMedia(String query) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.matchMedia_Callback_1_(this, query);
* Moves this window.
* x and y can be negative.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.moveBy]
* ( from MDN.
* * [Window.moveBy]
* ( from W3C.
void moveBy(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.moveBy_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void _moveTo(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.moveTo_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
WindowBase open(String url, String name, [String options]) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.open_Callback_3_(this, url, name, options);
SqlDatabase openDatabase(String name, String version, String displayName, int estimatedSize, [DatabaseCallback creationCallback]) {
if (creationCallback != null) {
return _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.openDatabase_Callback_5_(this, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize, creationCallback);
return _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.openDatabase_Callback_4_(this, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize);
void postMessage(/*SerializedScriptValue*/ message, String targetOrigin, [List<MessagePort> transfer]) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.postMessage_Callback_3_(this, message, targetOrigin, transfer);
* Opens the print dialog for this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.print]
* ( from MDN.
void print() => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.print_Callback_0_(this);
int _requestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.requestAnimationFrame_Callback_1_(this, callback);
* Resizes this window by an offset.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window resizeBy] (
* from
void resizeBy(num x, num y) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.resizeBy_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
* Resizes this window to a specific width and height.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window resizeTo] (
* from
void resizeTo(num width, num height) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.resizeTo_Callback_2_(this, width, height);
void scroll(int x, int y, [Map scrollOptions]) {
if (scrollOptions != null) {
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scroll_Callback_3_(this, x, y, scrollOptions);
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scroll_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void scrollBy(int x, int y, [Map scrollOptions]) {
if (scrollOptions != null) {
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollBy_Callback_3_(this, x, y, scrollOptions);
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollBy_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
void scrollTo(int x, int y, [Map scrollOptions]) {
if (scrollOptions != null) {
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollTo_Callback_3_(this, x, y, scrollOptions);
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollTo_Callback_2_(this, x, y);
* Opens a new page as a modal dialog.
* ## Other resources
* * [Dialogs implemented using separate documents]
* (
* from W3C.
Object showModalDialog(String url, [Object dialogArgs, String featureArgs]) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.showModalDialog_Callback_3_(this, url, dialogArgs, featureArgs);
* Stops the window from loading.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Window object]
* (
* from W3C.
void stop() => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.stop_Callback_0_(this);
void __requestFileSystem(int type, int size, _FileSystemCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.webkitRequestFileSystem_Callback_4_(this, type, size, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.webkitRequestFileSystem_Callback_3_(this, type, size, successCallback);
Future<FileSystem> _requestFileSystem(int type, int size) {
var completer = new Completer<FileSystem>();
__requestFileSystem(type, size,
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
void _resolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String url, _EntryCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL_Callback_3_(this, url, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkWindow.instance.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL_Callback_2_(this, url, successCallback);
Future<Entry> resolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String url) {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
String atob(String string) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.atob_Callback_1_(this, string);
String btoa(String string) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.btoa_Callback_1_(this, string);
void _clearInterval(int handle) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.clearInterval_Callback_1_(this, handle);
void _clearTimeout(int handle) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.clearTimeout_Callback_1_(this, handle);
int _setInterval(Object handler, int timeout) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.setInterval_Callback_2_(this, handler, timeout);
int _setTimeout(Object handler, int timeout) => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.setTimeout_Callback_2_(this, handler, timeout);
/// Stream of `contentloaded` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onContentLoaded => contentLoadedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onAbort => Element.abortEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onBlur => Element.blurEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onCanPlay => Element.canPlayEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onCanPlayThrough => Element.canPlayThroughEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onChange => Element.changeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onClick => Element.clickEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onContextMenu => Element.contextMenuEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onDoubleClick => Element.doubleClickEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `devicemotion` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<DeviceMotionEvent> get onDeviceMotion => deviceMotionEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `deviceorientation` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<DeviceOrientationEvent> get onDeviceOrientation => deviceOrientationEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `drag` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDrag => Element.dragEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragend` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnd => Element.dragEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragenter` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragEnter => Element.dragEnterEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragleave` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragLeave => Element.dragLeaveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragover` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragOver => Element.dragOverEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `dragstart` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDragStart => Element.dragStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `drop` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onDrop => Element.dropEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onDurationChange => Element.durationChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onEmptied => Element.emptiedEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onEnded => Element.endedEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onError => Element.errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onFocus => Element.focusEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `hashchange` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onHashChange => hashChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onInput => Element.inputEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onInvalid => Element.invalidEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyDown => Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyPress => Element.keyPressEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<KeyboardEvent> get onKeyUp => Element.keyUpEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onLoad => Element.loadEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onLoadedData => Element.loadedDataEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onLoadedMetadata => Element.loadedMetadataEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onLoadStart => loadStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseDown => Element.mouseDownEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Window].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseEnter => Element.mouseEnterEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Window].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseLeave => Element.mouseLeaveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseMove => Element.mouseMoveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOut => Element.mouseOutEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseOver => Element.mouseOverEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<MouseEvent> get onMouseUp => Element.mouseUpEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<WheelEvent> get onMouseWheel => Element.mouseWheelEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `offline` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onOffline => offlineEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `online` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onOnline => onlineEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `pagehide` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onPageHide => pageHideEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `pageshow` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onPageShow => pageShowEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onPause => Element.pauseEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onPlay => Element.playEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onPlaying => Element.playingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `popstate` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<PopStateEvent> get onPopState => popStateEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onProgress => progressEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onRateChange => Element.rateChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onReset => Element.resetEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `resize` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onResize => Element.resizeEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onScroll => Element.scrollEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onSearch => Element.searchEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onSeeked => Element.seekedEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onSeeking => Element.seekingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onSelect => Element.selectEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onStalled => Element.stalledEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `storage` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<StorageEvent> get onStorage => storageEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onSubmit => Element.submitEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onSuspend => Element.suspendEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onTimeUpdate => Element.timeUpdateEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchCancel => Element.touchCancelEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchEnd => Element.touchEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchMove => Element.touchMoveEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<TouchEvent> get onTouchStart => Element.touchStartEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `transitionend` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<TransitionEvent> get onTransitionEnd => Element.transitionEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `unload` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onUnload => unloadEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onVolumeChange => Element.volumeChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onWaiting => Element.waitingEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `animationend` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<AnimationEvent> get onAnimationEnd => animationEndEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `animationiteration` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<AnimationEvent> get onAnimationIteration => animationIterationEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `animationstart` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<AnimationEvent> get onAnimationStart => animationStartEvent.forTarget(this);
* Static factory designed to expose `beforeunload` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<BeforeUnloadEvent> beforeUnloadEvent =
const _BeforeUnloadEventStreamProvider('beforeunload');
/// Stream of `beforeunload` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onBeforeUnload => beforeUnloadEvent.forTarget(this);
* Moves this window to a specific position.
* x and y can be negative.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.moveTo]
* ( from MDN.
* * [Window.moveTo]
* ( from W3C.
void moveTo(Point p) {
_moveTo(p.x, p.y);
int get pageXOffset => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.pageXOffset_Getter_(this).round();
int get pageYOffset => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.pageYOffset_Getter_(this).round();
int get scrollX => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollX_Getter_(this).round();
int get scrollY => _blink.BlinkWindow.instance.scrollY_Getter_(this).round();
class _BeforeUnloadEventStreamProvider implements
EventStreamProvider<BeforeUnloadEvent> {
final String _eventType;
const _BeforeUnloadEventStreamProvider(this._eventType);
Stream<BeforeUnloadEvent> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
var stream = new _EventStream(e, _eventType, useCapture);
return stream;
String getEventType(EventTarget target) {
return _eventType;
ElementStream<BeforeUnloadEvent> forElement(Element e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl(e, _eventType, useCapture);
ElementStream<BeforeUnloadEvent> _forElementList(ElementList e,
{bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementListEventStreamImpl(e, _eventType, useCapture);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class WindowBase64 extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WindowBase64._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String atob(String string);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String btoa(String string);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class WindowEventHandlers extends EventTarget {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WindowEventHandlers._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> hashChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('hashchange');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> offlineEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('offline');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> onlineEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('online');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent> popStateEvent = const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>('popstate');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent> storageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>('storage');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> unloadEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('unload');
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onHashChange => hashChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onOffline => offlineEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onOnline => onlineEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<PopStateEvent> get onPopState => popStateEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<StorageEvent> get onStorage => storageEvent.forTarget(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onUnload => unloadEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
@Experimental() // stable
class Worker extends EventTarget implements AbstractWorker {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory Worker._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Worker].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
* Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Worker].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent> messageEvent = const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message');
factory Worker(String scriptUrl) {
return _blink.BlinkWorker.instance.constructorCallback_1_(scriptUrl);
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
void postMessage(/*SerializedScriptValue*/ message, [List<MessagePort> transfer]) => _blink.BlinkWorker.instance.postMessage_Callback_2_(this, message, transfer);
void terminate() => _blink.BlinkWorker.instance.terminate_Callback_0_(this);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Worker].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [Worker].
Stream<MessageEvent> get onMessage => messageEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class WorkerConsole extends ConsoleBase {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WorkerConsole._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class WorkerGlobalScope extends EventTarget implements _WindowTimers, WindowBase64 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WorkerGlobalScope._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WorkerGlobalScope].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int PERSISTENT = 1;
@Experimental() // untriaged
static const int TEMPORARY = 0;
@Experimental() // untriaged
WorkerConsole get console => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.console_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Crypto get crypto => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.crypto_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
IdbFactory get indexedDB => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.indexedDB_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_WorkerLocation get location => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.location_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_WorkerNavigator get navigator => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.navigator_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
WorkerPerformance get performance => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.performance_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
WorkerGlobalScope get self => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.self_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void close() => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.close_Callback_0_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void importScripts(String urls) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.importScripts_Callback_1_(this, urls);
SqlDatabase openDatabase(String name, String version, String displayName, int estimatedSize, [DatabaseCallback creationCallback]) {
if (creationCallback != null) {
return _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.openDatabase_Callback_5_(this, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize, creationCallback);
return _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.openDatabase_Callback_4_(this, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize);
_DatabaseSync openDatabaseSync(String name, String version, String displayName, int estimatedSize, [DatabaseCallback creationCallback]) {
if (creationCallback != null) {
return _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.openDatabaseSync_Callback_5_(this, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize, creationCallback);
return _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.openDatabaseSync_Callback_4_(this, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize);
void _webkitRequestFileSystem(int type, int size, [_FileSystemCallback successCallback, _ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitRequestFileSystem_Callback_4_(this, type, size, successCallback, errorCallback);
if (successCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitRequestFileSystem_Callback_3_(this, type, size, successCallback);
_blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitRequestFileSystem_Callback_2_(this, type, size);
Future<FileSystem> webkitRequestFileSystem(int type, int size) {
var completer = new Completer<FileSystem>();
_webkitRequestFileSystem(type, size,
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
@Experimental() // untriaged
_DOMFileSystemSync requestFileSystemSync(int type, int size) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitRequestFileSystemSync_Callback_2_(this, type, size);
@Experimental() // untriaged
_EntrySync resolveLocalFileSystemSyncUrl(String url) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL_Callback_1_(this, url);
void _webkitResolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String url, _EntryCallback successCallback, [_ErrorCallback errorCallback]) {
if (errorCallback != null) {
_blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL_Callback_3_(this, url, successCallback, errorCallback);
_blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL_Callback_2_(this, url, successCallback);
Future<Entry> webkitResolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String url) {
var completer = new Completer<Entry>();
(value) { completer.complete(value); },
(error) { completer.completeError(error); });
return completer.future;
@Experimental() // untriaged
String atob(String string) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.atob_Callback_1_(this, string);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String btoa(String string) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.btoa_Callback_1_(this, string);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void _clearInterval(int handle) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.clearInterval_Callback_1_(this, handle);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void _clearTimeout(int handle) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.clearTimeout_Callback_1_(this, handle);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int _setInterval(Object handler, int timeout) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.setInterval_Callback_2_(this, handler, timeout);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int _setTimeout(Object handler, int timeout) => _blink.BlinkWorkerGlobalScope.instance.setTimeout_Callback_2_(this, handler, timeout);
/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [WorkerGlobalScope].
@Experimental() // untriaged
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class WorkerPerformance extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory WorkerPerformance._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
MemoryInfo get memory => _blink.BlinkWorkerPerformance.instance.memory_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
double now() => _blink.BlinkWorkerPerformance.instance.now_Callback_0_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // experimental
class XPathEvaluator extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XPathEvaluator._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory XPathEvaluator() {
return _blink.BlinkXPathEvaluator.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
XPathExpression createExpression(String expression, XPathNSResolver resolver) => _blink.BlinkXPathEvaluator.instance.createExpression_Callback_2_(this, expression, resolver);
XPathNSResolver createNSResolver(Node nodeResolver) => _blink.BlinkXPathEvaluator.instance.createNSResolver_Callback_1_(this, nodeResolver);
XPathResult evaluate(String expression, Node contextNode, XPathNSResolver resolver, int type, XPathResult inResult) => _blink.BlinkXPathEvaluator.instance.evaluate_Callback_5_(this, expression, contextNode, resolver, type, inResult);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // experimental
class XPathExpression extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XPathExpression._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
XPathResult evaluate(Node contextNode, int type, XPathResult inResult) => _blink.BlinkXPathExpression.instance.evaluate_Callback_3_(this, contextNode, type, inResult);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // experimental
class XPathNSResolver extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XPathNSResolver._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
String lookupNamespaceUri(String prefix) => _blink.BlinkXPathNSResolver.instance.lookupNamespaceURI_Callback_1_(this, prefix);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // experimental
class XPathResult extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XPathResult._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
static const int ANY_TYPE = 0;
static const int ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 8;
static const int BOOLEAN_TYPE = 3;
static const int FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9;
static const int NUMBER_TYPE = 1;
static const int ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 5;
static const int ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 7;
static const int STRING_TYPE = 2;
static const int UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 4;
static const int UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 6;
bool get booleanValue => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.booleanValue_Getter_(this);
bool get invalidIteratorState => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.invalidIteratorState_Getter_(this);
double get numberValue => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.numberValue_Getter_(this);
int get resultType => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.resultType_Getter_(this);
Node get singleNodeValue => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.singleNodeValue_Getter_(this);
int get snapshotLength => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.snapshotLength_Getter_(this);
String get stringValue => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.stringValue_Getter_(this);
Node iterateNext() => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.iterateNext_Callback_0_(this);
Node snapshotItem(int index) => _blink.BlinkXPathResult.instance.snapshotItem_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class XmlDocument extends Document {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XmlDocument._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // stable
class XmlSerializer extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XmlSerializer._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory XmlSerializer() {
return _blink.BlinkXMLSerializer.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
String serializeToString(Node node) => _blink.BlinkXMLSerializer.instance.serializeToString_Callback_1_(this, node);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // nonstandard
class XsltProcessor extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory XsltProcessor._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory XsltProcessor() {
return _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
void clearParameters() => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.clearParameters_Callback_0_(this);
String getParameter(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.getParameter_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
void importStylesheet(Node stylesheet) => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.importStylesheet_Callback_1_(this, stylesheet);
void removeParameter(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.removeParameter_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
void reset() => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.reset_Callback_0_(this);
void setParameter(String namespaceURI, String localName, String value) => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.setParameter_Callback_3_(this, namespaceURI, localName, value);
Document transformToDocument(Node source) => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.transformToDocument_Callback_1_(this, source);
DocumentFragment transformToFragment(Node source, Document docVal) => _blink.BlinkXSLTProcessor.instance.transformToFragment_Callback_2_(this, source, docVal);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class _Attr extends Node {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Attr._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get _localName => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.localName_Getter_(this);
String get name => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.name_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get _namespaceUri => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.namespaceURI_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get nodeValue => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.nodeValue_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get text => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.textContent_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set text(String value) => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.textContent_Setter_(this, value);
String get value => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.value_Getter_(this);
void set value(String value) => _blink.BlinkAttr.instance.value_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _CSSPrimitiveValue extends _CSSValue {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _CSSPrimitiveValue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _CSSUnknownRule extends CssRule {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _CSSUnknownRule._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _CSSValue extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _CSSValue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class _Cache extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Cache._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class _CanvasPathMethods extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _CanvasPathMethods._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _ClientRect extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements Rectangle {
// NOTE! All code below should be common with RectangleBase.
String toString() {
return 'Rectangle ($left, $top) $width x $height';
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !Rectangle) return false;
return left == other.left && top == && width == other.width &&
height == other.height;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash4(left.hashCode, top.hashCode,
width.hashCode, height.hashCode);
* Computes the intersection of `this` and [other].
* The intersection of two axis-aligned rectangles, if any, is always another
* axis-aligned rectangle.
* Returns the intersection of this and `other`, or null if they don't
* intersect.
Rectangle intersection(Rectangle other) {
var x0 = max(left, other.left);
var x1 = min(left + width, other.left + other.width);
if (x0 <= x1) {
var y0 = max(top,;
var y1 = min(top + height, + other.height);
if (y0 <= y1) {
return new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
return null;
* Returns true if `this` intersects [other].
bool intersects(Rectangle<num> other) {
return (left <= other.left + other.width &&
other.left <= left + width &&
top <= + other.height && <= top + height);
* Returns a new rectangle which completely contains `this` and [other].
Rectangle boundingBox(Rectangle other) {
var right = max(this.left + this.width, other.left + other.width);
var bottom = max( + this.height, + other.height);
var left = min(this.left, other.left);
var top = min(,;
return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
* Tests whether `this` entirely contains [another].
bool containsRectangle(Rectangle<num> another) {
return left <= another.left &&
left + width >= another.left + another.width &&
top <= &&
top + height >= + another.height;
* Tests whether [another] is inside or along the edges of `this`.
bool containsPoint(Point<num> another) {
return another.x >= left &&
another.x <= left + width &&
another.y >= top &&
another.y <= top + height;
Point get topLeft => new Point(this.left,;
Point get topRight => new Point(this.left + this.width,;
Point get bottomRight => new Point(this.left + this.width, + this.height);
Point get bottomLeft => new Point(this.left, + this.height);
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _ClientRect._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
double get bottom => _blink.BlinkClientRect.instance.bottom_Getter_(this);
double get height => _blink.BlinkClientRect.instance.height_Getter_(this);
double get left => _blink.BlinkClientRect.instance.left_Getter_(this);
double get right => _blink.BlinkClientRect.instance.right_Getter_(this);
double get top => _blink.BlinkClientRect.instance.top_Getter_(this);
double get width => _blink.BlinkClientRect.instance.width_Getter_(this);
* This is the [Jenkins hash function][1] but using masking to keep
* values in SMI range.
* [1]:
* Use:
* Hash each value with the hash of the previous value, then get the final
* hash by calling finish.
* var hash = 0;
* for (var value in values) {
* hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, value.hashCode);
* }
* hash = JenkinsSmiHash.finish(hash);
class _JenkinsSmiHash {
// TODO(11617): This class should be optimized and standardized elsewhere.
static int combine(int hash, int value) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
return hash ^ (hash >> 6);
static int finish(int hash) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
static int hash2(a, b) => finish(combine(combine(0, a), b));
static int hash4(a, b, c, d) =>
finish(combine(combine(combine(combine(0, a), b), c), d));
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class _ClientRectList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Rectangle>, ImmutableListMixin<Rectangle> implements List<Rectangle> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _ClientRectList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkClientRectList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Rectangle operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkClientRectList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Rectangle _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkClientRectList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Rectangle value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Rectangle> mixins.
// Rectangle is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Rectangle get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Rectangle get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Rectangle get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Rectangle elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Rectangle> mixins.
Rectangle item(int index) => _blink.BlinkClientRectList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _Counter extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Counter._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class _CssRuleList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<CssRule>, ImmutableListMixin<CssRule> implements List<CssRule> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _CssRuleList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkCSSRuleList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
CssRule operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkCSSRuleList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
CssRule _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSRuleList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, CssRule value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<CssRule> mixins.
// CssRule is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
CssRule get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
CssRule get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
CssRule get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
CssRule elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<CssRule> mixins.
CssRule item(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSRuleList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
class _CssValueList extends _CSSValue with ListMixin<_CSSValue>, ImmutableListMixin<_CSSValue> implements List<_CSSValue> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _CssValueList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkCSSValueList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
_CSSValue operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkCSSValueList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
_CSSValue _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSValueList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, _CSSValue value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<_CSSValue> mixins.
// _CSSValue is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
_CSSValue get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
_CSSValue get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
_CSSValue get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
_CSSValue elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<_CSSValue> mixins.
_CSSValue item(int index) => _blink.BlinkCSSValueList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _DOMFileSystemSync extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DOMFileSystemSync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _DatabaseSync extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DatabaseSync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _DirectoryEntrySync extends _EntrySync {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DirectoryEntrySync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _DirectoryReaderSync extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DirectoryReaderSync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // stable
abstract class _DocumentType extends Node implements ChildNode {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DocumentType._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // non-standard
class _DomPoint extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DomPoint._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory _DomPoint(num x, num y) => _create(x, y);
static _DomPoint _create(x, y) => _blink.BlinkWebKitPoint.instance.constructorCallback_2_(x, y);
/// Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported => true;
num get x => _blink.BlinkWebKitPoint.instance.x_Getter_(this);
void set x(num value) => _blink.BlinkWebKitPoint.instance.x_Setter_(this, value);
num get y => _blink.BlinkWebKitPoint.instance.y_Getter_(this);
void set y(num value) => _blink.BlinkWebKitPoint.instance.y_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class _DomRect extends DomRectReadOnly {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _DomRect._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory _DomRect([num x, num y, num width, num height]) {
if (height != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.constructorCallback_4_(x, y, width, height);
if (width != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.constructorCallback_3_(x, y, width);
if (y != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.constructorCallback_2_(x, y);
if (x != null) {
return _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.constructorCallback_1_(x);
return _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get height => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.height_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set height(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.height_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get width => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.width_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set width(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.width_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get x => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.x_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set x(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.x_Setter_(this, value);
@Experimental() // untriaged
num get y => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.y_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void set y(num value) => _blink.BlinkDOMRect.instance.y_Setter_(this, value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _EntrySync extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _EntrySync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _FileEntrySync extends _EntrySync {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _FileEntrySync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _FileReaderSync extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _FileReaderSync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory _FileReaderSync() {
return _blink.BlinkFileReaderSync.instance.constructorCallback_0_();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _FileWriterSync extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _FileWriterSync._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class _GamepadList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Gamepad>, ImmutableListMixin<Gamepad> implements List<Gamepad> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _GamepadList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkGamepadList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Gamepad operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkGamepadList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Gamepad _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkGamepadList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Gamepad value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Gamepad> mixins.
// Gamepad is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Gamepad get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Gamepad get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Gamepad get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Gamepad elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Gamepad> mixins.
Gamepad item(int index) => _blink.BlinkGamepadList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLAllCollection extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLAllCollection._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
Element _item(int index) => _blink.BlinkHTMLAllCollection.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLAppletElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLAppletElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
_HTMLAppletElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLDirectoryElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLDirectoryElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
_HTMLDirectoryElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLFontElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLFontElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
_HTMLFontElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLFrameElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLFrameElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
_HTMLFrameElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLFrameSetElement extends HtmlElement implements WindowEventHandlers {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLFrameSetElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
_HTMLFrameSetElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _HTMLMarqueeElement extends HtmlElement {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _HTMLMarqueeElement._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
* Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created.
* This can only be called by subclasses from their created constructor.
_HTMLMarqueeElement.created() : super.created();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class _MutationEvent extends Event {
factory _MutationEvent(String type,
{bool canBubble: false, bool cancelable: false, Node relatedNode,
String prevValue, String newValue, String attrName, int attrChange: 0}) {
var event = document._createEvent('MutationEvent');
event._initMutationEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, relatedNode,
prevValue, newValue, attrName, attrChange);
return event;
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _MutationEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
class _NamedNodeMap extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<Node>, ImmutableListMixin<Node> implements List<Node> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _NamedNodeMap._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.length_Getter_(this);
Node operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Node _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, Node value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<Node> mixins.
// Node is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
Node get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Node get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
Node get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
Node elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<Node> mixins.
Node __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
Node getNamedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.getNamedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
Node getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.getNamedItemNS_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
Node item(int index) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
Node removeNamedItem(String name) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.removeNamedItem_Callback_1_(this, name);
Node removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.removeNamedItemNS_Callback_2_(this, namespaceURI, localName);
Node setNamedItem(Node node) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.setNamedItem_Callback_1_(this, node);
Node setNamedItemNS(Node node) => _blink.BlinkNamedNodeMap.instance.setNamedItemNS_Callback_1_(this, node);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _Notation extends Node {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Notation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // nonstandard
abstract class _PagePopupController extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _PagePopupController._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _RGBColor extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _RGBColor._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class _RadioNodeList extends NodeList {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _RadioNodeList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _Rect extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Rect._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
class _Request extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Request._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory _Request(input, [Map requestInitDict]) {
if ((input is String || input == null) && requestInitDict == null) {
return _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.constructorCallback_1_(input);
if ((requestInitDict is Map || requestInitDict == null) && (input is String || input == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.constructorCallback_2_(input, requestInitDict);
if ((input is _Request || input == null) && requestInitDict == null) {
return _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.constructorCallback_1_(input);
if ((requestInitDict is Map || requestInitDict == null) && (input is _Request || input == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.constructorCallback_2_(input, requestInitDict);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get credentials => _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.credentials_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
Headers get headers => _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.headers_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get mode => _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.mode_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get referrer => _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.referrer_Getter_(this);
@Experimental() // untriaged
String get url => _blink.BlinkRequest.instance.url_Getter_(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class _Response extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _Response._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory _Response(body, [Map responseInitDict]) {
if ((body is String || body == null) && responseInitDict == null) {
return _blink.BlinkResponse.instance.constructorCallback_1_(body);
if ((responseInitDict is Map || responseInitDict == null) && (body is String || body == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkResponse.instance.constructorCallback_2_(body, responseInitDict);
if ((body is Blob || body == null) && responseInitDict == null) {
return _blink.BlinkResponse.instance.constructorCallback_1_(body);
if ((responseInitDict is Map || responseInitDict == null) && (body is Blob || body == null)) {
return _blink.BlinkResponse.instance.constructorCallback_2_(body, responseInitDict);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class _ServiceWorker extends EventTarget implements AbstractWorker {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _ServiceWorker._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class _SpeechRecognitionResultList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<SpeechRecognitionResult>, ImmutableListMixin<SpeechRecognitionResult> implements List<SpeechRecognitionResult> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _SpeechRecognitionResultList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResultList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
SpeechRecognitionResult operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResultList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
SpeechRecognitionResult _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResultList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, SpeechRecognitionResult value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<SpeechRecognitionResult> mixins.
// SpeechRecognitionResult is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
SpeechRecognitionResult get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
SpeechRecognitionResult get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
SpeechRecognitionResult get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
SpeechRecognitionResult elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<SpeechRecognitionResult> mixins.
SpeechRecognitionResult item(int index) => _blink.BlinkSpeechRecognitionResultList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class _StyleSheetList extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 with ListMixin<StyleSheet>, ImmutableListMixin<StyleSheet> implements List<StyleSheet> {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _StyleSheetList._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
int get length => _blink.BlinkStyleSheetList.instance.length_Getter_(this);
StyleSheet operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new RangeError.index(index, this);
return _blink.BlinkStyleSheetList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
StyleSheet _nativeIndexedGetter(int index) => _blink.BlinkStyleSheetList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
void operator[]=(int index, StyleSheet value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.");
// -- start List<StyleSheet> mixins.
// StyleSheet is the element type.
void set length(int value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot resize immutable List.");
StyleSheet get first {
if (this.length > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
throw new StateError("No elements");
StyleSheet get last {
int len = this.length;
if (len > 0) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(len - 1);
throw new StateError("No elements");
StyleSheet get single {
int len = this.length;
if (len == 1) {
return _nativeIndexedGetter(0);
if (len == 0) throw new StateError("No elements");
throw new StateError("More than one element");
StyleSheet elementAt(int index) => this[index];
// -- end List<StyleSheet> mixins.
CssStyleSheet __getter__(String name) => _blink.BlinkStyleSheetList.instance.$__getter___Callback_1_(this, name);
StyleSheet item(int index) => _blink.BlinkStyleSheetList.instance.item_Callback_1_(this, index);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class _SubtleCrypto extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _SubtleCrypto._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _WebKitCSSFilterValue extends _CssValueList {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _WebKitCSSFilterValue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _WebKitCSSMatrix extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _WebKitCSSMatrix._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
factory _WebKitCSSMatrix([String cssValue]) {
return _blink.BlinkWebKitCSSMatrix.instance.constructorCallback_1_(cssValue);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // deprecated
abstract class _WebKitCSSTransformValue extends _CssValueList {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _WebKitCSSTransformValue._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // untriaged
abstract class _WindowTimers extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _WindowTimers._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
@Experimental() // untriaged
void _clearInterval(int handle);
@Experimental() // untriaged
void _clearTimeout(int handle);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int _setInterval(Object handler, int timeout);
@Experimental() // untriaged
int _setTimeout(Object handler, int timeout);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _WorkerLocation extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements UrlUtilsReadOnly {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _WorkerLocation._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
abstract class _WorkerNavigator extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements NavigatorCpu, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorID {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _WorkerNavigator._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@Experimental() // nonstandard
abstract class _XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent extends ProgressEvent {
// To suppress missing implicit constructor warnings.
factory _XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent._() { throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported"); }
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class _AttributeMap implements Map<String, String> {
final Element _element;
void addAll(Map<String, String> other) {
other.forEach((k, v) { this[k] = v; });
bool containsValue(String value) {
for (var v in this.values) {
if (value == v) {
return true;
return false;
String putIfAbsent(String key, String ifAbsent()) {
if (!containsKey(key)) {
this[key] = ifAbsent();
return this[key];
void clear() {
for (var key in keys) {
void forEach(void f(String key, String value)) {
for (var key in keys) {
var value = this[key];
f(key, value);
Iterable<String> get keys {
// TODO: generate a lazy collection instead.
var attributes = _element._attributes;
var keys = new List<String>();
for (int i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (_matches(attributes[i])) {
return keys;
Iterable<String> get values {
// TODO: generate a lazy collection instead.
var attributes = _element._attributes;
var values = new List<String>();
for (int i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (_matches(attributes[i])) {
return values;
* Returns true if there is no {key, value} pair in the map.
bool get isEmpty {
return length == 0;
* Returns true if there is at least one {key, value} pair in the map.
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
* Checks to see if the node should be included in this map.
bool _matches(Node node);
* Wrapper to expose [Element.attributes] as a typed map.
class _ElementAttributeMap extends _AttributeMap {
_ElementAttributeMap(Element element): super(element);
bool containsKey(String key) {
return _element._hasAttribute(key);
String operator [](String key) {
return _element.getAttribute(key);
void operator []=(String key, String value) {
_element.setAttribute(key, value);
String remove(String key) {
String value = _element.getAttribute(key);
return value;
* The number of {key, value} pairs in the map.
int get length {
return keys.length;
bool _matches(Node node) => node._namespaceUri == null;
* Wrapper to expose namespaced attributes as a typed map.
class _NamespacedAttributeMap extends _AttributeMap {
final String _namespace;
_NamespacedAttributeMap(Element element, this._namespace): super(element);
bool containsKey(String key) {
return _element._hasAttributeNS(_namespace, key);
String operator [](String key) {
return _element.getAttributeNS(_namespace, key);
void operator []=(String key, String value) {
_element.setAttributeNS(_namespace, key, value);
String remove(String key) {
String value = this[key];
_element._removeAttributeNS(_namespace, key);
return value;
* The number of {key, value} pairs in the map.
int get length {
return keys.length;
bool _matches(Node node) => node._namespaceUri == _namespace;
* Provides a Map abstraction on top of data-* attributes, similar to the
* dataSet in the old DOM.
class _DataAttributeMap implements Map<String, String> {
final Map<String, String> _attributes;
// interface Map
void addAll(Map<String, String> other) {
other.forEach((k, v) { this[k] = v; });
// TODO: Use lazy iterator when it is available on Map.
bool containsValue(String value) => values.any((v) => v == value);
bool containsKey(String key) => _attributes.containsKey(_attr(key));
String operator [](String key) => _attributes[_attr(key)];
void operator []=(String key, String value) {
_attributes[_attr(key)] = value;
String putIfAbsent(String key, String ifAbsent()) =>
_attributes.putIfAbsent(_attr(key), ifAbsent);
String remove(String key) => _attributes.remove(_attr(key));
void clear() {
// Needs to operate on a snapshot since we are mutating the collection.
for (String key in keys) {
void forEach(void f(String key, String value)) {
_attributes.forEach((String key, String value) {
if (_matches(key)) {
f(_strip(key), value);
Iterable<String> get keys {
final keys = new List<String>();
_attributes.forEach((String key, String value) {
if (_matches(key)) {
return keys;
Iterable<String> get values {
final values = new List<String>();
_attributes.forEach((String key, String value) {
if (_matches(key)) {
return values;
int get length => keys.length;
// TODO: Use lazy iterator when it is available on Map.
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
// Helpers.
String _attr(String key) => 'data-${_toHyphenedName(key)}';
bool _matches(String key) => key.startsWith('data-');
String _strip(String key) => _toCamelCase(key.substring(5));
* Converts a string name with hyphens into an identifier, by removing hyphens
* and capitalizing the following letter. Optionally [startUppercase] to
* captialize the first letter.
String _toCamelCase(String hyphenedName, {bool startUppercase: false}) {
var segments = hyphenedName.split('-');
int start = startUppercase ? 0 : 1;
for (int i = start; i < segments.length; i++) {
var segment = segments[i];
if (segment.length > 0) {
// Character between 'a'..'z' mapped to 'A'..'Z'
segments[i] = '${segment[0].toUpperCase()}${segment.substring(1)}';
return segments.join('');
/** Reverse of [toCamelCase]. */
String _toHyphenedName(String word) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
var lower = word[i].toLowerCase();
if (word[i] != lower && i > 0) sb.write('-');
return sb.toString();
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* An object that can be drawn to a 2D canvas rendering context.
* The image drawn to the canvas depends on the type of this object:
* * If this object is an [ImageElement], then this element's image is
* drawn to the canvas. If this element is an animated image, then this
* element's poster frame is drawn. If this element has no poster frame, then
* the first frame of animation is drawn.
* * If this object is a [VideoElement], then the frame at this element's current
* playback position is drawn to the canvas.
* * If this object is a [CanvasElement], then this element's bitmap is drawn to
* the canvas.
* **Note:** Currently all versions of Internet Explorer do not support
* drawing a video element to a canvas. You may also encounter problems drawing
* a video to a canvas in Firefox if the source of the video is a data URL.
* ## See also
* * [CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage]
* * [CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImageToRect]
* * [CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImageScaled]
* * [CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImageScaledFromSource]
* ## Other resources
* * [Image sources for 2D rendering contexts]
* (
* from WHATWG.
* * [Drawing images]
* (
* from WHATWG.
abstract class CanvasImageSource {}
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Top-level container for a browser tab or window.
* In a web browser, a [WindowBase] object represents any browser window. This
* object contains the window's state and its relation to other
* windows, such as which window opened this window.
* **Note:** This class represents any window, while [Window] is
* used to access the properties and content of the current window or tab.
* ## See also
* * [Window]
* ## Other resources
* * [DOM Window]( from MDN.
* * [Window]( from the W3C.
abstract class WindowBase implements EventTarget {
// Fields.
* The current location of this window.
* Location currentLocation = window.location;
* print(currentLocation.href); // ''
LocationBase get location;
* The current session history for this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Session history and navigation specification]
* (
* from WHATWG.
HistoryBase get history;
* Indicates whether this window has been closed.
* print(window.closed); // 'false'
* window.close();
* print(window.closed); // 'true'
bool get closed;
* A reference to the window that opened this one.
* Window thisWindow = window;
* WindowBase otherWindow ='', 'foo');
* print(otherWindow.opener == thisWindow); // 'true'
WindowBase get opener;
* A reference to the parent of this window.
* If this [WindowBase] has no parent, [parent] will return a reference to
* the [WindowBase] itself.
* IFrameElement myIFrame = new IFrameElement();
* window.document.body.elements.add(myIFrame);
* print(myIframe.contentWindow.parent == window) // 'true'
* print(window.parent == window) // 'true'
WindowBase get parent;
* A reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy.
* If this [WindowBase] is the topmost [WindowBase], [top] will return a
* reference to the [WindowBase] itself.
* // Add an IFrame to the current window.
* IFrameElement myIFrame = new IFrameElement();
* window.document.body.elements.add(myIFrame);
* // Add an IFrame inside of the other IFrame.
* IFrameElement innerIFrame = new IFrameElement();
* myIFrame.elements.add(innerIFrame);
* print( == window) // 'true'
* print( == window) // 'true'
* print( == window) // 'true'
WindowBase get top;
// Methods.
* Closes the window.
* This method should only succeed if the [WindowBase] object is
* **script-closeable** and the window calling [close] is allowed to navigate
* the window.
* A window is script-closeable if it is either a window
* that was opened by another window, or if it is a window with only one
* document in its history.
* A window might not be allowed to navigate, and therefore close, another
* window due to browser security features.
* var other ='', 'foo');
* // Closes other window, as it is script-closeable.
* other.close();
* print(other.closed()); // 'true'
* window.location('', 'foo');
* // Does not close this window, as the history has changed.
* window.close();
* print(window.closed()); // 'false'
* See also:
* * [Window close discussion]( from the W3C
void close();
* Sends a cross-origin message.
* ## Other resources
* * [window.postMessage]
* ( from
* MDN.
* * [Cross-document messaging]
* (
* from WHATWG.
void postMessage(var message, String targetOrigin, [List messagePorts]);
abstract class LocationBase {
void set href(String val);
abstract class HistoryBase {
void back();
void forward();
void go(int distance);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** A Set that stores the CSS class names for an element. */
abstract class CssClassSet implements Set<String> {
* Adds the class [value] to the element if it is not on it, removes it if it
* is.
* If [shouldAdd] is true, then we always add that [value] to the element. If
* [shouldAdd] is false then we always remove [value] from the element.
bool toggle(String value, [bool shouldAdd]);
* Returns [:true:] if classes cannot be added or removed from this
* [:CssClassSet:].
bool get frozen;
* Determine if this element contains the class [value].
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [hasClass](
bool contains(String value);
* Add the class [value] to element.
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [addClass](
* If this corresponds to one element. Returns true if [value] was added to
* the set, otherwise false.
* If this corresponds to many elements, null is always returned.
bool add(String value);
* Remove the class [value] from element, and return true on successful
* removal.
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [removeClass](
bool remove(Object value);
* Add all classes specified in [iterable] to element.
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [addClass](
void addAll(Iterable<String> iterable);
* Remove all classes specified in [iterable] from element.
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [removeClass](
void removeAll(Iterable<String> iterable);
* Toggles all classes specified in [iterable] on element.
* Iterate through [iterable]'s items, and add it if it is not on it, or
* remove it if it is. This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [toggleClass](
* If [shouldAdd] is true, then we always add all the classes in [iterable]
* element. If [shouldAdd] is false then we always remove all the classes in
* [iterable] from the element.
void toggleAll(Iterable<String> iterable, [bool shouldAdd]);
* A set (union) of the CSS classes that are present in a set of elements.
* Implemented separately from _ElementCssClassSet for performance.
class _MultiElementCssClassSet extends CssClassSetImpl {
final Iterable<Element> _elementIterable;
Iterable<_ElementCssClassSet> _elementCssClassSetIterable;
_MultiElementCssClassSet(this._elementIterable) {
_elementCssClassSetIterable = new List.from(_elementIterable).map(
(e) => new _ElementCssClassSet(e));
Set<String> readClasses() {
var s = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
(_ElementCssClassSet e) => s.addAll(e.readClasses()));
return s;
void writeClasses(Set<String> s) {
var classes = s.join(' ');
for (Element e in _elementIterable) {
e.className = classes;
* Helper method used to modify the set of css classes on this element.
* f - callback with:
* s - a Set of all the css class name currently on this element.
* After f returns, the modified set is written to the
* className property of this element.
modify( f(Set<String> s)) {
_elementCssClassSetIterable.forEach((_ElementCssClassSet e) => e.modify(f));
* Adds the class [value] to the element if it is not on it, removes it if it
* is.
bool toggle(String value, [bool shouldAdd]) =>
(bool changed, _ElementCssClassSet e) =>
e.toggle(value, shouldAdd) || changed);
* Remove the class [value] from element, and return true on successful
* removal.
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [removeClass](
bool remove(Object value) => _elementCssClassSetIterable.fold(false,
(bool changed, _ElementCssClassSet e) => e.remove(value) || changed);
class _ElementCssClassSet extends CssClassSetImpl {
final Element _element;
Set<String> readClasses() {
var s = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
var classname = _element.className;
for (String name in classname.split(' ')) {
String trimmed = name.trim();
if (!trimmed.isEmpty) {
return s;
void writeClasses(Set<String> s) {
_element.className = s.join(' ');
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A rectangle representing all the content of the element in the
* [box model](
class _ContentCssRect extends CssRect {
_ContentCssRect(element) : super(element);
num get height => _element.offsetHeight +
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(_HEIGHT, _CONTENT);
num get width => _element.offsetWidth +
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(_WIDTH, _CONTENT);
* Set the height to `newHeight`.
* newHeight can be either a [num] representing the height in pixels or a
* [Dimension] object. Values of newHeight that are less than zero are
* converted to effectively setting the height to 0. This is equivalent to the
* `height` function in jQuery and the calculated `height` CSS value,
* converted to a num in pixels.
void set height(newHeight) {
if (newHeight is Dimension) {
if (newHeight.value < 0) newHeight = new Dimension.px(0); = newHeight.toString();
} else {
if (newHeight < 0) newHeight = 0; = '${newHeight}px';
* Set the current computed width in pixels of this element.
* newWidth can be either a [num] representing the width in pixels or a
* [Dimension] object. This is equivalent to the `width` function in jQuery
* and the calculated
* `width` CSS value, converted to a dimensionless num in pixels.
void set width(newWidth) {
if (newWidth is Dimension) {
if (newWidth.value < 0) newWidth = new Dimension.px(0); = newWidth.toString();
} else {
if (newWidth < 0) newWidth = 0; = '${newWidth}px';
num get left => _element.getBoundingClientRect().left -
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(['left'], _CONTENT);
num get top => _element.getBoundingClientRect().top -
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(['top'], _CONTENT);
* A list of element content rectangles in the
* [box model](
class _ContentCssListRect extends _ContentCssRect {
List<Element> _elementList;
_ContentCssListRect(elementList) : super(elementList.first) {
_elementList = elementList;
* Set the height to `newHeight`.
* Values of newHeight that are less than zero are converted to effectively
* setting the height to 0. This is equivalent to the `height`
* function in jQuery and the calculated `height` CSS value, converted to a
* num in pixels.
void set height(newHeight) {
_elementList.forEach((e) => e.contentEdge.height = newHeight);
* Set the current computed width in pixels of this element.
* This is equivalent to the `width` function in jQuery and the calculated
* `width` CSS value, converted to a dimensionless num in pixels.
void set width(newWidth) {
_elementList.forEach((e) => e.contentEdge.width = newWidth);
* A rectangle representing the dimensions of the space occupied by the
* element's content + padding in the
* [box model](
class _PaddingCssRect extends CssRect {
_PaddingCssRect(element) : super(element);
num get height => _element.offsetHeight +
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(_HEIGHT, _PADDING);
num get width => _element.offsetWidth +
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(_WIDTH, _PADDING);
num get left => _element.getBoundingClientRect().left -
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(['left'], _PADDING);
num get top => _element.getBoundingClientRect().top -
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(['top'], _PADDING);
* A rectangle representing the dimensions of the space occupied by the
* element's content + padding + border in the
* [box model](
class _BorderCssRect extends CssRect {
_BorderCssRect(element) : super(element);
num get height => _element.offsetHeight;
num get width => _element.offsetWidth;
num get left => _element.getBoundingClientRect().left;
num get top => _element.getBoundingClientRect().top;
* A rectangle representing the dimensions of the space occupied by the
* element's content + padding + border + margin in the
* [box model](
class _MarginCssRect extends CssRect {
_MarginCssRect(element) : super(element);
num get height => _element.offsetHeight +
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(_HEIGHT, _MARGIN);
num get width =>
_element.offsetWidth + _addOrSubtractToBoxModel(_WIDTH, _MARGIN);
num get left => _element.getBoundingClientRect().left -
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(['left'], _MARGIN);
num get top => _element.getBoundingClientRect().top -
_addOrSubtractToBoxModel(['top'], _MARGIN);
* A class for representing CSS dimensions.
* In contrast to the more general purpose [Rectangle] class, this class's
* values are mutable, so one can change the height of an element
* programmatically.
* _Important_ _note_: use of these methods will perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of these properties _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
abstract class CssRect extends MutableRectangle<num> {
Element _element;
CssRect(this._element) : super(0, 0, 0, 0);
num get left;
num get top;
* The height of this rectangle.
* This is equivalent to the `height` function in jQuery and the calculated
* `height` CSS value, converted to a dimensionless num in pixels. Unlike
* [getBoundingClientRect], `height` will return the same numerical width if
* the element is hidden or not.
num get height;
* The width of this rectangle.
* This is equivalent to the `width` function in jQuery and the calculated
* `width` CSS value, converted to a dimensionless num in pixels. Unlike
* [getBoundingClientRect], `width` will return the same numerical width if
* the element is hidden or not.
num get width;
* Set the height to `newHeight`.
* newHeight can be either a [num] representing the height in pixels or a
* [Dimension] object. Values of newHeight that are less than zero are
* converted to effectively setting the height to 0. This is equivalent to the
* `height` function in jQuery and the calculated `height` CSS value,
* converted to a num in pixels.
* Note that only the content height can actually be set via this method.
void set height(newHeight) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Can only set height for content rect.");
* Set the current computed width in pixels of this element.
* newWidth can be either a [num] representing the width in pixels or a
* [Dimension] object. This is equivalent to the `width` function in jQuery
* and the calculated
* `width` CSS value, converted to a dimensionless num in pixels.
* Note that only the content width can be set via this method.
void set width(newWidth) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Can only set width for content rect.");
* Return a value that is used to modify the initial height or width
* measurement of an element. Depending on the value (ideally an enum) passed
* to augmentingMeasurement, we may need to add or subtract margin, padding,
* or border values, depending on the measurement we're trying to obtain.
num _addOrSubtractToBoxModel(List<String> dimensions,
String augmentingMeasurement) {
// getComputedStyle always returns pixel values (hence, computed), so we're
// always dealing with pixels in this method.
var styles = _element.getComputedStyle();
var val = 0;
for (String measurement in dimensions) {
// The border-box and default box model both exclude margin in the regular
// height/width calculation, so add it if we want it for this measurement.
if (augmentingMeasurement == _MARGIN) {
val += new Dimension.css(styles.getPropertyValue(
// The border-box includes padding and border, so remove it if we want
// just the content itself.
if (augmentingMeasurement == _CONTENT) {
val -= new Dimension.css(
// At this point, we don't wan't to augment with border or margin,
// so remove border.
if (augmentingMeasurement != _MARGIN) {
val -= new Dimension.css(styles.getPropertyValue(
return val;
final _HEIGHT = ['top', 'bottom'];
final _WIDTH = ['right', 'left'];
final _CONTENT = 'content';
final _PADDING = 'padding';
final _MARGIN = 'margin';
* Class representing a
* [length measurement](
* in CSS.
class Dimension {
num _value;
String _unit;
/** Set this CSS Dimension to a percentage `value`. */
Dimension.percent(this._value) : _unit = '%';
/** Set this CSS Dimension to a pixel `value`. */
Dimension.px(this._value) : _unit = 'px';
/** Set this CSS Dimension to a pica `value`. */
Dimension.pc(this._value) : _unit = 'pc';
/** Set this CSS Dimension to a point `value`. */ : _unit = 'pt';
/** Set this CSS Dimension to an inch `value`. */
Dimension.inch(this._value) : _unit = 'in';
/** Set this CSS Dimension to a centimeter `value`. */ : _unit = 'cm';
/** Set this CSS Dimension to a millimeter `value`. */ : _unit = 'mm';
* Set this CSS Dimension to the specified number of ems.
* 1em is equal to the current font size. (So 2ems is equal to double the font
* size). This is useful for producing website layouts that scale nicely with
* the user's desired font size.
Dimension.em(this._value) : _unit = 'em';
* Set this CSS Dimension to the specified number of x-heights.
* One ex is equal to the the x-height of a font's baseline to its mean line,
* generally the height of the letter "x" in the font, which is usually about
* half the font-size.
Dimension.ex(this._value) : _unit = 'ex';
* Construct a Dimension object from the valid, simple CSS string `cssValue`
* that represents a distance measurement.
* This constructor is intended as a convenience method for working with
* simplistic CSS length measurements. Non-numeric values such as `auto` or
* `inherit` or invalid CSS will cause this constructor to throw a
* FormatError.
Dimension.css(String cssValue) {
if (cssValue == '') cssValue = '0px';
if (cssValue.endsWith('%')) {
_unit = '%';
} else {
_unit = cssValue.substring(cssValue.length - 2);
if (cssValue.contains('.')) {
_value = double.parse(cssValue.substring(0,
cssValue.length - _unit.length));
} else {
_value = int.parse(cssValue.substring(0, cssValue.length - _unit.length));
/** Print out the CSS String representation of this value. */
String toString() {
return '${_value}${_unit}';
/** Return a unitless, numerical value of this CSS value. */
num get value => this._value;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
typedef EventListener(Event event);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A factory to expose DOM events as Streams.
class EventStreamProvider<T extends Event> {
final String _eventType;
const EventStreamProvider(this._eventType);
* Gets a [Stream] for this event type, on the specified target.
* This will always return a broadcast stream so multiple listeners can be
* used simultaneously.
* This may be used to capture DOM events:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* // Alternate method:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(element).capture(...);
* Or for listening to an event which will bubble through the DOM tree:
* MediaElement.pauseEvent.forTarget(document.body).listen(...);
* See also:
* [addEventListener](
Stream<T> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false}) =>
new _EventStream(e, _eventType, useCapture);
* Gets an [ElementEventStream] for this event type, on the specified element.
* This will always return a broadcast stream so multiple listeners can be
* used simultaneously.
* This may be used to capture DOM events:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forElement(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* // Alternate method:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forElement(element).capture(...);
* Or for listening to an event which will bubble through the DOM tree:
* MediaElement.pauseEvent.forElement(document.body).listen(...);
* See also:
* [addEventListener](
ElementStream<T> forElement(Element e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl(e, _eventType, useCapture);
* Gets an [ElementEventStream] for this event type, on the list of elements.
* This will always return a broadcast stream so multiple listeners can be
* used simultaneously.
* This may be used to capture DOM events:
* Element.keyDownEvent._forElementList(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* See also:
* [addEventListener](
ElementStream<T> _forElementList(ElementList e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementListEventStreamImpl(e, _eventType, useCapture);
* Gets the type of the event which this would listen for on the specified
* event target.
* The target is necessary because some browsers may use different event names
* for the same purpose and the target allows differentiating browser support.
String getEventType(EventTarget target) {
return _eventType;
/** A specialized Stream available to [Element]s to enable event delegation. */
abstract class ElementStream<T extends Event> implements Stream<T> {
* Return a stream that only fires when the particular event fires for
* elements matching the specified CSS selector.
* This is the Dart equivalent to jQuery's
* [delegate](
Stream<T> matches(String selector);
* Adds a capturing subscription to this stream.
* If the target of the event is a descendant of the element from which this
* stream derives then [onData] is called before the event propagates down to
* the target. This is the opposite of bubbling behavior, where the event
* is first processed for the event target and then bubbles upward.
* ## Other resources
* * [Event Capture]
* (
* from the W3C DOM Events specification.
StreamSubscription<T> capture(void onData(T event));
* Adapter for exposing DOM events as Dart streams.
class _EventStream<T extends Event> extends Stream<T> {
final EventTarget _target;
final String _eventType;
final bool _useCapture;
_EventStream(this._target, this._eventType, this._useCapture);
// DOM events are inherently multi-subscribers.
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription subscription),
void onCancel(StreamSubscription subscription)})
=> this;
bool get isBroadcast => true;
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return new _EventStreamSubscription<T>(
this._target, this._eventType, onData, this._useCapture);
* Adapter for exposing DOM Element events as streams, while also allowing
* event delegation.
class _ElementEventStreamImpl<T extends Event> extends _EventStream<T>
implements ElementStream<T> {
_ElementEventStreamImpl(target, eventType, useCapture) :
super(target, eventType, useCapture);
Stream<T> matches(String selector) => this.where(
(event) => {
e._selector = selector;
return e;
StreamSubscription<T> capture(void onData(T event)) =>
new _EventStreamSubscription<T>(
this._target, this._eventType, onData, true);
* Adapter for exposing events on a collection of DOM Elements as streams,
* while also allowing event delegation.
class _ElementListEventStreamImpl<T extends Event> extends Stream<T>
implements ElementStream<T> {
final Iterable<Element> _targetList;
final bool _useCapture;
final String _eventType;
this._targetList, this._eventType, this._useCapture);
Stream<T> matches(String selector) => this.where(
(event) => {
e._selector = selector;
return e;
// Delegate all regular Stream behavior to a wrapped Stream.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
var pool = new _StreamPool.broadcast();
for (var target in _targetList) {
pool.add(new _EventStream(target, _eventType, _useCapture));
return, onError: onError, onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
StreamSubscription<T> capture(void onData(T event)) {
var pool = new _StreamPool.broadcast();
for (var target in _targetList) {
pool.add(new _EventStream(target, _eventType, true));
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription subscription),
void onCancel(StreamSubscription subscription)})
=> this;
bool get isBroadcast => true;
class _EventStreamSubscription<T extends Event> extends StreamSubscription<T> {
int _pauseCount = 0;
EventTarget _target;
final String _eventType;
var _onData;
final bool _useCapture;
_EventStreamSubscription(this._target, this._eventType, onData,
this._useCapture) : _onData = _wrapZone(onData) {
Future cancel() {
if (_canceled) return null;
// Clear out the target to indicate this is complete.
_target = null;
_onData = null;
return null;
bool get _canceled => _target == null;
void onData(void handleData(T event)) {
if (_canceled) {
throw new StateError("Subscription has been canceled.");
// Remove current event listener.
_onData = _wrapZone(handleData);
/// Has no effect.
void onError(Function handleError) {}
/// Has no effect.
void onDone(void handleDone()) {}
void pause([Future resumeSignal]) {
if (_canceled) return;
if (resumeSignal != null) {
bool get isPaused => _pauseCount > 0;
void resume() {
if (_canceled || !isPaused) return;
void _tryResume() {
if (_onData != null && !isPaused) {
_target.addEventListener(_eventType, _onData, _useCapture);
void _unlisten() {
if (_onData != null) {
_target.removeEventListener(_eventType, _onData, _useCapture);
Future asFuture([var futureValue]) {
// We just need a future that will never succeed or fail.
Completer completer = new Completer();
return completer.future;
* A stream of custom events, which enables the user to "fire" (add) their own
* custom events to a stream.
abstract class CustomStream<T extends Event> implements Stream<T> {
* Add the following custom event to the stream for dispatching to interested
* listeners.
void add(T event);
class _CustomEventStreamImpl<T extends Event> extends Stream<T>
implements CustomStream<T> {
StreamController<T> _streamController;
/** The type of event this stream is providing (e.g. "keydown"). */
String _type;
_CustomEventStreamImpl(String type) {
_type = type;
_streamController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
// Delegate all regular Stream behavior to our wrapped Stream.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return, onError: onError,
onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription subscription),
void onCancel(StreamSubscription subscription)})
bool get isBroadcast => true;
void add(T event) {
if (event.type == _type) _streamController.add(event);
class _CustomKeyEventStreamImpl extends _CustomEventStreamImpl<KeyEvent>
implements CustomStream<KeyEvent> {
_CustomKeyEventStreamImpl(String type) : super(type);
void add(KeyEvent event) {
if (event.type == _type) {
* A pool of streams whose events are unified and emitted through a central
* stream.
// TODO (efortuna): Remove this when Issue 12218 is addressed.
class _StreamPool<T> {
StreamController<T> _controller;
/// Subscriptions to the streams that make up the pool.
var _subscriptions = new Map<Stream<T>, StreamSubscription<T>>();
* Creates a new stream pool where [stream] can be listened to more than
* once.
* Any events from buffered streams in the pool will be emitted immediately,
* regardless of whether [stream] has any subscribers.
_StreamPool.broadcast() {
_controller = new StreamController<T>.broadcast(sync: true,
onCancel: close);
* The stream through which all events from streams in the pool are emitted.
Stream<T> get stream =>;
* Adds [stream] as a member of this pool.
* Any events from [stream] will be emitted through []. If
* [stream] is sync, they'll be emitted synchronously; if [stream] is async,
* they'll be emitted asynchronously.
void add(Stream<T> stream) {
if (_subscriptions.containsKey(stream)) return;
_subscriptions[stream] = stream.listen(_controller.add,
onError: _controller.addError,
onDone: () => remove(stream));
/** Removes [stream] as a member of this pool. */
void remove(Stream<T> stream) {
var subscription = _subscriptions.remove(stream);
if (subscription != null) subscription.cancel();
/** Removes all streams from this pool and closes [stream]. */
void close() {
for (var subscription in _subscriptions.values) {
* A factory to expose DOM events as streams, where the DOM event name has to
* be determined on the fly (for example, mouse wheel events).
class _CustomEventStreamProvider<T extends Event>
implements EventStreamProvider<T> {
final _eventTypeGetter;
const _CustomEventStreamProvider(this._eventTypeGetter);
Stream<T> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _EventStream(e, _eventTypeGetter(e), useCapture);
ElementStream<T> forElement(Element e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl(e, _eventTypeGetter(e), useCapture);
ElementStream<T> _forElementList(ElementList e,
{bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementListEventStreamImpl(e, _eventTypeGetter(e), useCapture);
String getEventType(EventTarget target) {
return _eventTypeGetter(target);
String get _eventType =>
throw new UnsupportedError('Access type through getEventType method.');
// DO NOT EDIT- this file is generated from running tool/
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A Dart DOM validator generated from Caja whitelists.
* This contains a whitelist of known HTML tagNames and attributes and will only
* accept known good values.
* See also:
* * <>
class _Html5NodeValidator implements NodeValidator {
static final Set<String> _allowedElements = new Set.from([
static const _standardAttributes = const <String>[
static const _uriAttributes = const <String>[
final UriPolicy uriPolicy;
static final Map<String, Function> _attributeValidators = {};
* All known URI attributes will be validated against the UriPolicy, if
* [uriPolicy] is null then a default UriPolicy will be used.
_Html5NodeValidator({UriPolicy uriPolicy})
:uriPolicy = uriPolicy != null ? uriPolicy : new UriPolicy() {
if (_attributeValidators.isEmpty) {
for (var attr in _standardAttributes) {
_attributeValidators[attr] = _standardAttributeValidator;
for (var attr in _uriAttributes) {
_attributeValidators[attr] = _uriAttributeValidator;
bool allowsElement(Element element) {
return _allowedElements.contains(element.tagName);
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
var tagName = element.tagName;
var validator = _attributeValidators['$tagName::$attributeName'];
if (validator == null) {
validator = _attributeValidators['*::$attributeName'];
if (validator == null) {
return false;
return validator(element, attributeName, value, this);
static bool _standardAttributeValidator(Element element, String attributeName,
String value, _Html5NodeValidator context) {
return true;
static bool _uriAttributeValidator(Element element, String attributeName,
String value, _Html5NodeValidator context) {
return context.uriPolicy.allowsUri(value);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class ImmutableListMixin<E> implements List<E> {
// From Iterable<$E>:
Iterator<E> get iterator {
// Note: NodeLists are not fixed size. And most probably length shouldn't
// be cached in both iterator _and_ forEach method. For now caching it
// for consistency.
return new FixedSizeListIterator<E>(this);
// From Collection<E>:
void add(E value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to immutable List.");
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to immutable List.");
// From List<E>:
void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot sort immutable List.");
void shuffle([Random random]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot shuffle immutable List.");
void insert(int index, E element) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to immutable List.");
void insertAll(int index, Iterable<E> iterable) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add to immutable List.");
void setAll(int index, Iterable<E> iterable) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an immutable List.");
E removeAt(int pos) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from immutable List.");
E removeLast() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from immutable List.");
bool remove(Object object) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from immutable List.");
void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from immutable List.");
void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot remove from immutable List.");
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot setRange on immutable List.");
void removeRange(int start, int end) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot removeRange on immutable List.");
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an immutable List.");
void fillRange(int start, int end, [E fillValue]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an immutable List.");
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Defines the keycode values for keys that are returned by
* KeyboardEvent.keyCode.
* Important note: There is substantial divergence in how different browsers
* handle keycodes and their variants in different locales/keyboard layouts. We
* provide these constants to help make code processing keys more readable.
abstract class KeyCode {
// These constant names were borrowed from Closure's Keycode enumeration
// class.
static const int WIN_KEY_FF_LINUX = 0;
static const int MAC_ENTER = 3;
static const int BACKSPACE = 8;
static const int TAB = 9;
/** NUM_CENTER is also NUMLOCK for FF and Safari on Mac. */
static const int NUM_CENTER = 12;
static const int ENTER = 13;
static const int SHIFT = 16;
static const int CTRL = 17;
static const int ALT = 18;
static const int PAUSE = 19;
static const int CAPS_LOCK = 20;
static const int ESC = 27;
static const int SPACE = 32;
static const int PAGE_UP = 33;
static const int PAGE_DOWN = 34;
static const int END = 35;
static const int HOME = 36;
static const int LEFT = 37;
static const int UP = 38;
static const int RIGHT = 39;
static const int DOWN = 40;
static const int NUM_NORTH_EAST = 33;
static const int NUM_SOUTH_EAST = 34;
static const int NUM_SOUTH_WEST = 35;
static const int NUM_NORTH_WEST = 36;
static const int NUM_WEST = 37;
static const int NUM_NORTH = 38;
static const int NUM_EAST = 39;
static const int NUM_SOUTH = 40;
static const int PRINT_SCREEN = 44;
static const int INSERT = 45;
static const int NUM_INSERT = 45;
static const int DELETE = 46;
static const int NUM_DELETE = 46;
static const int ZERO = 48;
static const int ONE = 49;
static const int TWO = 50;
static const int THREE = 51;
static const int FOUR = 52;
static const int FIVE = 53;
static const int SIX = 54;
static const int SEVEN = 55;
static const int EIGHT = 56;
static const int NINE = 57;
static const int FF_SEMICOLON = 59;
static const int FF_EQUALS = 61;
* CAUTION: The question mark is for US-keyboard layouts. It varies
* for other locales and keyboard layouts.
static const int QUESTION_MARK = 63;
static const int A = 65;
static const int B = 66;
static const int C = 67;
static const int D = 68;
static const int E = 69;
static const int F = 70;
static const int G = 71;
static const int H = 72;
static const int I = 73;
static const int J = 74;
static const int K = 75;
static const int L = 76;
static const int M = 77;
static const int N = 78;
static const int O = 79;
static const int P = 80;
static const int Q = 81;
static const int R = 82;
static const int S = 83;
static const int T = 84;
static const int U = 85;
static const int V = 86;
static const int W = 87;
static const int X = 88;
static const int Y = 89;
static const int Z = 90;
static const int META = 91;
static const int WIN_KEY_LEFT = 91;
static const int WIN_KEY_RIGHT = 92;
static const int CONTEXT_MENU = 93;
static const int NUM_ZERO = 96;
static const int NUM_ONE = 97;
static const int NUM_TWO = 98;
static const int NUM_THREE = 99;
static const int NUM_FOUR = 100;
static const int NUM_FIVE = 101;
static const int NUM_SIX = 102;
static const int NUM_SEVEN = 103;
static const int NUM_EIGHT = 104;
static const int NUM_NINE = 105;
static const int NUM_MULTIPLY = 106;
static const int NUM_PLUS = 107;
static const int NUM_MINUS = 109;
static const int NUM_PERIOD = 110;
static const int NUM_DIVISION = 111;
static const int F1 = 112;
static const int F2 = 113;
static const int F3 = 114;
static const int F4 = 115;
static const int F5 = 116;
static const int F6 = 117;
static const int F7 = 118;
static const int F8 = 119;
static const int F9 = 120;
static const int F10 = 121;
static const int F11 = 122;
static const int F12 = 123;
static const int NUMLOCK = 144;
static const int SCROLL_LOCK = 145;
// OS-specific media keys like volume controls and browser controls.
static const int FIRST_MEDIA_KEY = 166;
static const int LAST_MEDIA_KEY = 183;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int SEMICOLON = 186;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int DASH = 189;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int EQUALS = 187;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int COMMA = 188;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int PERIOD = 190;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int SLASH = 191;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int APOSTROPHE = 192;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int TILDE = 192;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int SINGLE_QUOTE = 222;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = 219;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int BACKSLASH = 220;
* CAUTION: This constant requires localization for other locales and keyboard
* layouts.
static const int CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET = 221;
static const int WIN_KEY = 224;
static const int MAC_FF_META = 224;
static const int WIN_IME = 229;
/** A sentinel value if the keycode could not be determined. */
static const int UNKNOWN = -1;
* Returns true if the keyCode produces a (US keyboard) character.
* Note: This does not (yet) cover characters on non-US keyboards (Russian,
* Hebrew, etc.).
static bool isCharacterKey(int keyCode) {
if ((keyCode >= ZERO && keyCode <= NINE) ||
(keyCode >= NUM_ZERO && keyCode <= NUM_MULTIPLY) ||
(keyCode >= A && keyCode <= Z)) {
return true;
// Safari sends zero key code for non-latin characters.
if (Device.isWebKit && keyCode == 0) {
return true;
return (keyCode == SPACE || keyCode == QUESTION_MARK || keyCode == NUM_PLUS
|| keyCode == NUM_MINUS || keyCode == NUM_PERIOD ||
keyCode == NUM_DIVISION || keyCode == SEMICOLON ||
keyCode == FF_SEMICOLON || keyCode == DASH || keyCode == EQUALS ||
keyCode == FF_EQUALS || keyCode == COMMA || keyCode == PERIOD ||
keyCode == SLASH || keyCode == APOSTROPHE || keyCode == SINGLE_QUOTE ||
keyCode == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET || keyCode == BACKSLASH ||
* Experimental helper function for converting keyCodes to keyNames for the
* keyIdentifier attribute still used in browsers not updated with current
* spec. This is an imperfect conversion! It will need to be refined, but
* hopefully it can just completely go away once all the browsers update to
* follow the DOM3 spec.
static String _convertKeyCodeToKeyName(int keyCode) {
switch(keyCode) {
case KeyCode.ALT: return _KeyName.ALT;
case KeyCode.BACKSPACE: return _KeyName.BACKSPACE;
case KeyCode.CAPS_LOCK: return _KeyName.CAPS_LOCK;
case KeyCode.CTRL: return _KeyName.CONTROL;
case KeyCode.DELETE: return _KeyName.DEL;
case KeyCode.DOWN: return _KeyName.DOWN;
case KeyCode.END: return _KeyName.END;
case KeyCode.ENTER: return _KeyName.ENTER;
case KeyCode.ESC: return _KeyName.ESC;
case KeyCode.F1: return _KeyName.F1;
case KeyCode.F2: return _KeyName.F2;
case KeyCode.F3: return _KeyName.F3;
case KeyCode.F4: return _KeyName.F4;
case KeyCode.F5: return _KeyName.F5;
case KeyCode.F6: return _KeyName.F6;
case KeyCode.F7: return _KeyName.F7;
case KeyCode.F8: return _KeyName.F8;
case KeyCode.F9: return _KeyName.F9;
case KeyCode.F10: return _KeyName.F10;
case KeyCode.F11: return _KeyName.F11;
case KeyCode.F12: return _KeyName.F12;
case KeyCode.HOME: return _KeyName.HOME;
case KeyCode.INSERT: return _KeyName.INSERT;
case KeyCode.LEFT: return _KeyName.LEFT;
case KeyCode.META: return _KeyName.META;
case KeyCode.NUMLOCK: return _KeyName.NUM_LOCK;
case KeyCode.PAGE_DOWN: return _KeyName.PAGE_DOWN;
case KeyCode.PAGE_UP: return _KeyName.PAGE_UP;
case KeyCode.PAUSE: return _KeyName.PAUSE;
case KeyCode.PRINT_SCREEN: return _KeyName.PRINT_SCREEN;
case KeyCode.RIGHT: return _KeyName.RIGHT;
case KeyCode.SCROLL_LOCK: return _KeyName.SCROLL;
case KeyCode.SHIFT: return _KeyName.SHIFT;
case KeyCode.SPACE: return _KeyName.SPACEBAR;
case KeyCode.TAB: return _KeyName.TAB;
case KeyCode.UP: return _KeyName.UP;
case KeyCode.WIN_IME:
case KeyCode.WIN_KEY:
case KeyCode.WIN_KEY_LEFT:
case KeyCode.WIN_KEY_RIGHT:
return _KeyName.WIN;
default: return _KeyName.UNIDENTIFIED;
return _KeyName.UNIDENTIFIED;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Defines the standard key locations returned by
* KeyboardEvent.getKeyLocation.
abstract class KeyLocation {
* The event key is not distinguished as the left or right version
* of the key, and did not originate from the numeric keypad (or did not
* originate with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad).
static const int STANDARD = 0;
* The event key is in the left key location.
static const int LEFT = 1;
* The event key is in the right key location.
static const int RIGHT = 2;
* The event key originated on the numeric keypad or with a virtual key
* corresponding to the numeric keypad.
static const int NUMPAD = 3;
* The event key originated on a mobile device, either on a physical
* keypad or a virtual keyboard.
static const int MOBILE = 4;
* The event key originated on a game controller or a joystick on a mobile
* device.
static const int JOYSTICK = 5;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Defines the standard keyboard identifier names for keys that are returned
* by KeyboardEvent.getKeyboardIdentifier when the key does not have a direct
* unicode mapping.
abstract class _KeyName {
/** The Accept (Commit, OK) key */
static const String ACCEPT = "Accept";
/** The Add key */
static const String ADD = "Add";
/** The Again key */
static const String AGAIN = "Again";
/** The All Candidates key */
static const String ALL_CANDIDATES = "AllCandidates";
/** The Alphanumeric key */
static const String ALPHANUMERIC = "Alphanumeric";
/** The Alt (Menu) key */
static const String ALT = "Alt";
/** The Alt-Graph key */
static const String ALT_GRAPH = "AltGraph";
/** The Application key */
static const String APPS = "Apps";
/** The ATTN key */
static const String ATTN = "Attn";
/** The Browser Back key */
static const String BROWSER_BACK = "BrowserBack";
/** The Browser Favorites key */
static const String BROWSER_FAVORTIES = "BrowserFavorites";
/** The Browser Forward key */
static const String BROWSER_FORWARD = "BrowserForward";
/** The Browser Home key */
static const String BROWSER_NAME = "BrowserHome";
/** The Browser Refresh key */
static const String BROWSER_REFRESH = "BrowserRefresh";
/** The Browser Search key */
static const String BROWSER_SEARCH = "BrowserSearch";
/** The Browser Stop key */
static const String BROWSER_STOP = "BrowserStop";
/** The Camera key */
static const String CAMERA = "Camera";
/** The Caps Lock (Capital) key */
static const String CAPS_LOCK = "CapsLock";
/** The Clear key */
static const String CLEAR = "Clear";
/** The Code Input key */
static const String CODE_INPUT = "CodeInput";
/** The Compose key */
static const String COMPOSE = "Compose";
/** The Control (Ctrl) key */
static const String CONTROL = "Control";
/** The Crsel key */
static const String CRSEL = "Crsel";
/** The Convert key */
static const String CONVERT = "Convert";
/** The Copy key */
static const String COPY = "Copy";
/** The Cut key */
static const String CUT = "Cut";
/** The Decimal key */
static const String DECIMAL = "Decimal";
/** The Divide key */
static const String DIVIDE = "Divide";
/** The Down Arrow key */
static const String DOWN = "Down";
/** The diagonal Down-Left Arrow key */
static const String DOWN_LEFT = "DownLeft";
/** The diagonal Down-Right Arrow key */
static const String DOWN_RIGHT = "DownRight";
/** The Eject key */
static const String EJECT = "Eject";
/** The End key */
static const String END = "End";
* The Enter key. Note: This key value must also be used for the Return
* (Macintosh numpad) key
static const String ENTER = "Enter";
/** The Erase EOF key */
static const String ERASE_EOF= "EraseEof";
/** The Execute key */
static const String EXECUTE = "Execute";
/** The Exsel key */
static const String EXSEL = "Exsel";
/** The Function switch key */
static const String FN = "Fn";
/** The F1 key */
static const String F1 = "F1";
/** The F2 key */
static const String F2 = "F2";
/** The F3 key */
static const String F3 = "F3";
/** The F4 key */
static const String F4 = "F4";
/** The F5 key */
static const String F5 = "F5";
/** The F6 key */
static const String F6 = "F6";
/** The F7 key */
static const String F7 = "F7";
/** The F8 key */
static const String F8 = "F8";
/** The F9 key */
static const String F9 = "F9";
/** The F10 key */
static const String F10 = "F10";
/** The F11 key */
static const String F11 = "F11";
/** The F12 key */
static const String F12 = "F12";
/** The F13 key */
static const String F13 = "F13";
/** The F14 key */
static const String F14 = "F14";
/** The F15 key */
static const String F15 = "F15";
/** The F16 key */
static const String F16 = "F16";
/** The F17 key */
static const String F17 = "F17";
/** The F18 key */
static const String F18 = "F18";
/** The F19 key */
static const String F19 = "F19";
/** The F20 key */
static const String F20 = "F20";
/** The F21 key */
static const String F21 = "F21";
/** The F22 key */
static const String F22 = "F22";
/** The F23 key */
static const String F23 = "F23";
/** The F24 key */
static const String F24 = "F24";
/** The Final Mode (Final) key used on some asian keyboards */
static const String FINAL_MODE = "FinalMode";
/** The Find key */
static const String FIND = "Find";
/** The Full-Width Characters key */
static const String FULL_WIDTH = "FullWidth";
/** The Half-Width Characters key */
static const String HALF_WIDTH = "HalfWidth";
/** The Hangul (Korean characters) Mode key */
static const String HANGUL_MODE = "HangulMode";
/** The Hanja (Korean characters) Mode key */
static const String HANJA_MODE = "HanjaMode";
/** The Help key */
static const String HELP = "Help";
/** The Hiragana (Japanese Kana characters) key */
static const String HIRAGANA = "Hiragana";
/** The Home key */
static const String HOME = "Home";
/** The Insert (Ins) key */
static const String INSERT = "Insert";
/** The Japanese-Hiragana key */
static const String JAPANESE_HIRAGANA = "JapaneseHiragana";
/** The Japanese-Katakana key */
static const String JAPANESE_KATAKANA = "JapaneseKatakana";
/** The Japanese-Romaji key */
static const String JAPANESE_ROMAJI = "JapaneseRomaji";
/** The Junja Mode key */
static const String JUNJA_MODE = "JunjaMode";
/** The Kana Mode (Kana Lock) key */
static const String KANA_MODE = "KanaMode";
* The Kanji (Japanese name for ideographic characters of Chinese origin)
* Mode key
static const String KANJI_MODE = "KanjiMode";
/** The Katakana (Japanese Kana characters) key */
static const String KATAKANA = "Katakana";
/** The Start Application One key */
static const String LAUNCH_APPLICATION_1 = "LaunchApplication1";
/** The Start Application Two key */
static const String LAUNCH_APPLICATION_2 = "LaunchApplication2";
/** The Start Mail key */
static const String LAUNCH_MAIL = "LaunchMail";
/** The Left Arrow key */
static const String LEFT = "Left";
/** The Menu key */
static const String MENU = "Menu";
* The Meta key. Note: This key value shall be also used for the Apple
* Command key
static const String META = "Meta";
/** The Media Next Track key */
static const String MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK = "MediaNextTrack";
/** The Media Play Pause key */
static const String MEDIA_PAUSE_PLAY = "MediaPlayPause";
/** The Media Previous Track key */
static const String MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK = "MediaPreviousTrack";
/** The Media Stop key */
static const String MEDIA_STOP = "MediaStop";
/** The Mode Change key */
static const String MODE_CHANGE = "ModeChange";
/** The Next Candidate function key */
static const String NEXT_CANDIDATE = "NextCandidate";
/** The Nonconvert (Don't Convert) key */
static const String NON_CONVERT = "Nonconvert";
/** The Number Lock key */
static const String NUM_LOCK = "NumLock";
/** The Page Down (Next) key */
static const String PAGE_DOWN = "PageDown";
/** The Page Up key */
static const String PAGE_UP = "PageUp";
/** The Paste key */
static const String PASTE = "Paste";
/** The Pause key */
static const String PAUSE = "Pause";
/** The Play key */
static const String PLAY = "Play";
* The Power key. Note: Some devices may not expose this key to the
* operating environment
static const String POWER = "Power";
/** The Previous Candidate function key */
static const String PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE = "PreviousCandidate";
/** The Print Screen (PrintScrn, SnapShot) key */
static const String PRINT_SCREEN = "PrintScreen";
/** The Process key */
static const String PROCESS = "Process";
/** The Props key */
static const String PROPS = "Props";
/** The Right Arrow key */
static const String RIGHT = "Right";
/** The Roman Characters function key */
static const String ROMAN_CHARACTERS = "RomanCharacters";
/** The Scroll Lock key */
static const String SCROLL = "Scroll";
/** The Select key */
static const String SELECT = "Select";
/** The Select Media key */
static const String SELECT_MEDIA = "SelectMedia";
/** The Separator key */
static const String SEPARATOR = "Separator";
/** The Shift key */
static const String SHIFT = "Shift";
/** The Soft1 key */
static const String SOFT_1 = "Soft1";
/** The Soft2 key */
static const String SOFT_2 = "Soft2";
/** The Soft3 key */
static const String SOFT_3 = "Soft3";
/** The Soft4 key */
static const String SOFT_4 = "Soft4";
/** The Stop key */
static const String STOP = "Stop";
/** The Subtract key */
static const String SUBTRACT = "Subtract";
/** The Symbol Lock key */
static const String SYMBOL_LOCK = "SymbolLock";
/** The Up Arrow key */
static const String UP = "Up";
/** The diagonal Up-Left Arrow key */
static const String UP_LEFT = "UpLeft";
/** The diagonal Up-Right Arrow key */
static const String UP_RIGHT = "UpRight";
/** The Undo key */
static const String UNDO = "Undo";
/** The Volume Down key */
static const String VOLUME_DOWN = "VolumeDown";
/** The Volume Mute key */
static const String VOLUMN_MUTE = "VolumeMute";
/** The Volume Up key */
static const String VOLUMN_UP = "VolumeUp";
/** The Windows Logo key */
static const String WIN = "Win";
/** The Zoom key */
static const String ZOOM = "Zoom";
* The Backspace (Back) key. Note: This key value shall be also used for the
* key labeled 'delete' MacOS keyboards when not modified by the 'Fn' key
static const String BACKSPACE = "Backspace";
/** The Horizontal Tabulation (Tab) key */
static const String TAB = "Tab";
/** The Cancel key */
static const String CANCEL = "Cancel";
/** The Escape (Esc) key */
static const String ESC = "Esc";
/** The Space (Spacebar) key: */
static const String SPACEBAR = "Spacebar";
* The Delete (Del) Key. Note: This key value shall be also used for the key
* labeled 'delete' MacOS keyboards when modified by the 'Fn' key
static const String DEL = "Del";
/** The Combining Grave Accent (Greek Varia, Dead Grave) key */
static const String DEAD_GRAVE = "DeadGrave";
* The Combining Acute Accent (Stress Mark, Greek Oxia, Tonos, Dead Eacute)
* key
static const String DEAD_EACUTE = "DeadEacute";
/** The Combining Circumflex Accent (Hat, Dead Circumflex) key */
static const String DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX = "DeadCircumflex";
/** The Combining Tilde (Dead Tilde) key */
static const String DEAD_TILDE = "DeadTilde";
/** The Combining Macron (Long, Dead Macron) key */
static const String DEAD_MACRON = "DeadMacron";
/** The Combining Breve (Short, Dead Breve) key */
static const String DEAD_BREVE = "DeadBreve";
/** The Combining Dot Above (Derivative, Dead Above Dot) key */
static const String DEAD_ABOVE_DOT = "DeadAboveDot";
* The Combining Diaeresis (Double Dot Abode, Umlaut, Greek Dialytika,
* Double Derivative, Dead Diaeresis) key
static const String DEAD_UMLAUT = "DeadUmlaut";
/** The Combining Ring Above (Dead Above Ring) key */
static const String DEAD_ABOVE_RING = "DeadAboveRing";
/** The Combining Double Acute Accent (Dead Doubleacute) key */
static const String DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE = "DeadDoubleacute";
/** The Combining Caron (Hacek, V Above, Dead Caron) key */
static const String DEAD_CARON = "DeadCaron";
/** The Combining Cedilla (Dead Cedilla) key */
static const String DEAD_CEDILLA = "DeadCedilla";
/** The Combining Ogonek (Nasal Hook, Dead Ogonek) key */
static const String DEAD_OGONEK = "DeadOgonek";
* The Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni (Greek Non-Spacing Iota Below, Iota
* Subscript, Dead Iota) key
static const String DEAD_IOTA = "DeadIota";
* The Combining Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark (Dead Voiced Sound) key
static const String DEAD_VOICED_SOUND = "DeadVoicedSound";
* The Combining Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark (Dead Semivoiced
* Sound) key
static const String DEC_SEMIVOICED_SOUND= "DeadSemivoicedSound";
* Key value used when an implementation is unable to identify another key
* value, due to either hardware, platform, or software constraints
static const String UNIDENTIFIED = "Unidentified";
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Internal class that does the actual calculations to determine keyCode and
* charCode for keydown, keypress, and keyup events for all browsers.
class _KeyboardEventHandler extends EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> {
// This code inspired by Closure's KeyHandling library.
* The set of keys that have been pressed down without seeing their
* corresponding keyup event.
final List<KeyboardEvent> _keyDownList = <KeyboardEvent>[];
/** The type of KeyEvent we are tracking (keyup, keydown, keypress). */
final String _type;
/** The element we are watching for events to happen on. */
final EventTarget _target;
// The distance to shift from upper case alphabet Roman letters to lower case.
static final int _ROMAN_ALPHABET_OFFSET = "a".codeUnits[0] - "A".codeUnits[0];
/** Custom Stream (Controller) to produce KeyEvents for the stream. */
_CustomKeyEventStreamImpl _stream;
static const _EVENT_TYPE = 'KeyEvent';
* An enumeration of key identifiers currently part of the W3C draft for DOM3
* and their mappings to keyCodes.
static const Map<String, int> _keyIdentifier = const {
'Up': KeyCode.UP,
'Down': KeyCode.DOWN,
'Left': KeyCode.LEFT,
'Right': KeyCode.RIGHT,
'Enter': KeyCode.ENTER,
'F1': KeyCode.F1,
'F2': KeyCode.F2,
'F3': KeyCode.F3,
'F4': KeyCode.F4,
'F5': KeyCode.F5,
'F6': KeyCode.F6,
'F7': KeyCode.F7,
'F8': KeyCode.F8,
'F9': KeyCode.F9,
'F10': KeyCode.F10,
'F11': KeyCode.F11,
'F12': KeyCode.F12,
'U+007F': KeyCode.DELETE,
'Home': KeyCode.HOME,
'End': KeyCode.END,
'PageUp': KeyCode.PAGE_UP,
'PageDown': KeyCode.PAGE_DOWN,
'Insert': KeyCode.INSERT
/** Return a stream for KeyEvents for the specified target. */
// Note: this actually functions like a factory constructor.
CustomStream<KeyEvent> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
var handler = new _KeyboardEventHandler.initializeAllEventListeners(
_type, e);
return handler._stream;
* General constructor, performs basic initialization for our improved
* KeyboardEvent controller.
_KeyboardEventHandler(this._type): super(_EVENT_TYPE),
_stream = new _CustomKeyEventStreamImpl('event'), _target = null;
* Hook up all event listeners under the covers so we can estimate keycodes
* and charcodes when they are not provided.
_KeyboardEventHandler.initializeAllEventListeners(this._type, this._target) :
super(_EVENT_TYPE) {
Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(_target, useCapture: true).listen(
Element.keyPressEvent.forTarget(_target, useCapture: true).listen(
Element.keyUpEvent.forTarget(_target, useCapture: true).listen(
_stream = new _CustomKeyEventStreamImpl(_type);
/** Determine if caps lock is one of the currently depressed keys. */
bool get _capsLockOn =>
_keyDownList.any((var element) => element.keyCode == KeyCode.CAPS_LOCK);
* Given the previously recorded keydown key codes, see if we can determine
* the keycode of this keypress [event]. (Generally browsers only provide
* charCode information for keypress events, but with a little
* reverse-engineering, we can also determine the keyCode.) Returns
* KeyCode.UNKNOWN if the keycode could not be determined.
int _determineKeyCodeForKeypress(KeyboardEvent event) {
// Note: This function is a work in progress. We'll expand this function
// once we get more information about other keyboards.
for (var prevEvent in _keyDownList) {
if (prevEvent._shadowCharCode == event.charCode) {
return prevEvent.keyCode;
if ((event.shiftKey || _capsLockOn) && event.charCode >= "A".codeUnits[0]
&& event.charCode <= "Z".codeUnits[0] && event.charCode +
_ROMAN_ALPHABET_OFFSET == prevEvent._shadowCharCode) {
return prevEvent.keyCode;
return KeyCode.UNKNOWN;
* Given the charater code returned from a keyDown [event], try to ascertain
* and return the corresponding charCode for the character that was pressed.
* This information is not shown to the user, but used to help polyfill
* keypress events.
int _findCharCodeKeyDown(KeyboardEvent event) {
if (event.keyLocation == 3) { // Numpad keys.
switch (event.keyCode) {
case KeyCode.NUM_ZERO:
// Even though this function returns _charCodes_, for some cases the
// KeyCode == the charCode we want, in which case we use the keycode
// constant for readability.
return KeyCode.ZERO;
case KeyCode.NUM_ONE:
return KeyCode.ONE;
case KeyCode.NUM_TWO:
return KeyCode.TWO;
case KeyCode.NUM_THREE:
return KeyCode.THREE;
case KeyCode.NUM_FOUR:
return KeyCode.FOUR;
case KeyCode.NUM_FIVE:
return KeyCode.FIVE;
case KeyCode.NUM_SIX:
return KeyCode.SIX;
case KeyCode.NUM_SEVEN:
return KeyCode.SEVEN;
case KeyCode.NUM_EIGHT:
return KeyCode.EIGHT;
case KeyCode.NUM_NINE:
return KeyCode.NINE;
case KeyCode.NUM_MULTIPLY:
return 42; // Char code for *
case KeyCode.NUM_PLUS:
return 43; // +
case KeyCode.NUM_MINUS:
return 45; // -
case KeyCode.NUM_PERIOD:
return 46; // .
case KeyCode.NUM_DIVISION:
return 47; // /
} else if (event.keyCode >= 65 && event.keyCode <= 90) {
// Set the "char code" for key down as the lower case letter. Again, this
// will not show up for the user, but will be helpful in estimating
// keyCode locations and other information during the keyPress event.
return event.keyCode + _ROMAN_ALPHABET_OFFSET;
switch(event.keyCode) {
case KeyCode.SEMICOLON:
return KeyCode.FF_SEMICOLON;
case KeyCode.EQUALS:
return KeyCode.FF_EQUALS;
case KeyCode.COMMA:
return 44; // Ascii value for ,
case KeyCode.DASH:
return 45; // -
case KeyCode.PERIOD:
return 46; // .
case KeyCode.SLASH:
return 47; // /
case KeyCode.APOSTROPHE:
return 96; // `
return 91; // [
case KeyCode.BACKSLASH:
return 92; // \
return 93; // ]
case KeyCode.SINGLE_QUOTE:
return 39; // '
return event.keyCode;
* Returns true if the key fires a keypress event in the current browser.
bool _firesKeyPressEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (!Device.isIE && !Device.isWebKit) {
return true;
if (Device.userAgent.contains('Mac') && event.altKey) {
return KeyCode.isCharacterKey(event.keyCode);
// Alt but not AltGr which is represented as Alt+Ctrl.
if (event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
return false;
// Saves Ctrl or Alt + key for IE and WebKit, which won't fire keypress.
if (!event.shiftKey &&
(_keyDownList.last.keyCode == KeyCode.CTRL ||
_keyDownList.last.keyCode == KeyCode.ALT ||
Device.userAgent.contains('Mac') &&
_keyDownList.last.keyCode == KeyCode.META)) {
return false;
// Some keys with Ctrl/Shift do not issue keypress in WebKit.
if (Device.isWebKit && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && (
event.keyCode == KeyCode.BACKSLASH ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.TILDE ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.SEMICOLON || event.keyCode == KeyCode.DASH ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.EQUALS || event.keyCode == KeyCode.COMMA ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.PERIOD || event.keyCode == KeyCode.SLASH ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.APOSTROPHE ||
event.keyCode == KeyCode.SINGLE_QUOTE)) {
return false;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case KeyCode.ENTER:
// IE9 does not fire keypress on ENTER.
return !Device.isIE;
case KeyCode.ESC:
return !Device.isWebKit;
return KeyCode.isCharacterKey(event.keyCode);
* Normalize the keycodes to the IE KeyCodes (this is what Chrome, IE, and
* Opera all use).
int _normalizeKeyCodes(KeyboardEvent event) {
// Note: This may change once we get input about non-US keyboards.
if (Device.isFirefox) {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case KeyCode.FF_EQUALS:
return KeyCode.EQUALS;
case KeyCode.FF_SEMICOLON:
return KeyCode.SEMICOLON;
case KeyCode.MAC_FF_META:
return KeyCode.META;
case KeyCode.WIN_KEY_FF_LINUX:
return KeyCode.WIN_KEY;
return event.keyCode;
/** Handle keydown events. */
void processKeyDown(KeyboardEvent e) {
// Ctrl-Tab and Alt-Tab can cause the focus to be moved to another window
// before we've caught a key-up event. If the last-key was one of these
// we reset the state.
if (_keyDownList.length > 0 &&
(_keyDownList.last.keyCode == KeyCode.CTRL && !e.ctrlKey ||
_keyDownList.last.keyCode == KeyCode.ALT && !e.altKey ||
Device.userAgent.contains('Mac') &&
_keyDownList.last.keyCode == KeyCode.META && !e.metaKey)) {
var event = new KeyEvent.wrap(e);
event._shadowKeyCode = _normalizeKeyCodes(event);
// Technically a "keydown" event doesn't have a charCode. This is
// calculated nonetheless to provide us with more information in giving
// as much information as possible on keypress about keycode and also
// charCode.
event._shadowCharCode = _findCharCodeKeyDown(event);
if (_keyDownList.length > 0 && event.keyCode != _keyDownList.last.keyCode &&
!_firesKeyPressEvent(event)) {
// Some browsers have quirks not firing keypress events where all other
// browsers do. This makes them more consistent.
/** Handle keypress events. */
void processKeyPress(KeyboardEvent event) {
var e = new KeyEvent.wrap(event);
// IE reports the character code in the keyCode field for keypress events.
// There are two exceptions however, Enter and Escape.
if (Device.isIE) {
if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER || e.keyCode == KeyCode.ESC) {
e._shadowCharCode = 0;
} else {
e._shadowCharCode = e.keyCode;
} else if (Device.isOpera) {
// Opera reports the character code in the keyCode field.
e._shadowCharCode = KeyCode.isCharacterKey(e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : 0;
// Now we guestimate about what the keycode is that was actually
// pressed, given previous keydown information.
e._shadowKeyCode = _determineKeyCodeForKeypress(e);
// Correct the key value for certain browser-specific quirks.
if (e._shadowKeyIdentifier != null &&
_keyIdentifier.containsKey(e._shadowKeyIdentifier)) {
// This is needed for Safari Windows because it currently doesn't give a
// keyCode/which for non printable keys.
e._shadowKeyCode = _keyIdentifier[e._shadowKeyIdentifier];
e._shadowAltKey = _keyDownList.any((var element) => element.altKey);
/** Handle keyup events. */
void processKeyUp(KeyboardEvent event) {
var e = new KeyEvent.wrap(event);
KeyboardEvent toRemove = null;
for (var key in _keyDownList) {
if (key.keyCode == e.keyCode) {
toRemove = key;
if (toRemove != null) {
_keyDownList.removeWhere((element) => element == toRemove);
} else if (_keyDownList.length > 0) {
// This happens when we've reached some international keyboard case we
// haven't accounted for or we haven't correctly eliminated all browser
// inconsistencies. Filing bugs on when this is reached is welcome!
* Records KeyboardEvents that occur on a particular element, and provides a
* stream of outgoing KeyEvents with cross-browser consistent keyCode and
* charCode values despite the fact that a multitude of browsers that have
* varying keyboard default behavior.
* Example usage:
* KeyboardEventStream.onKeyDown(document.body).listen(
* keydownHandlerTest);
* This class is very much a work in progress, and we'd love to get information
* on how we can make this class work with as many international keyboards as
* possible. Bugs welcome!
class KeyboardEventStream {
/** Named constructor to produce a stream for onKeyPress events. */
static CustomStream<KeyEvent> onKeyPress(EventTarget target) =>
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keypress').forTarget(target);
/** Named constructor to produce a stream for onKeyUp events. */
static CustomStream<KeyEvent> onKeyUp(EventTarget target) =>
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keyup').forTarget(target);
/** Named constructor to produce a stream for onKeyDown events. */
static CustomStream<KeyEvent> onKeyDown(EventTarget target) =>
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keydown').forTarget(target);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Class which helps construct standard node validation policies.
* By default this will not accept anything, but the 'allow*' functions can be
* used to expand what types of elements or attributes are allowed.
* All allow functions are additive- elements will be accepted if they are
* accepted by any specific rule.
* It is important to remember that sanitization is not just intended to prevent
* cross-site scripting attacks, but also to prevent information from being
* displayed in unexpected ways. For example something displaying basic
* formatted text may not expect `<video>` tags to appear. In this case an
* empty NodeValidatorBuilder with just [allowTextElements] might be
* appropriate.
class NodeValidatorBuilder implements NodeValidator {
final List<NodeValidator> _validators = <NodeValidator>[];
NodeValidatorBuilder() {
* Creates a new NodeValidatorBuilder which accepts common constructs.
* By default this will accept HTML5 elements and attributes with the default
* [UriPolicy] and templating elements.
* Notable syntax which is filtered:
* * Only known-good HTML5 elements and attributes are allowed.
* * All URLs must be same-origin, use [allowNavigation] and [allowImages] to
* specify additional URI policies.
* * Inline-styles are not allowed.
* * Custom element tags are disallowed, use [allowCustomElement].
* * Custom tags extensions are disallowed, use [allowTagExtension].
* * SVG Elements are not allowed, use [allowSvg].
* For scenarios where the HTML should only contain formatted text
* [allowTextElements] is more appropriate.
* Use [allowSvg] to allow SVG elements.
NodeValidatorBuilder.common() {
* Allows navigation elements- Form and Anchor tags, along with common
* attributes.
* The UriPolicy can be used to restrict the locations the navigation elements
* are allowed to direct to. By default this will use the default [UriPolicy].
void allowNavigation([UriPolicy uriPolicy]) {
if (uriPolicy == null) {
uriPolicy = new UriPolicy();
add(new _SimpleNodeValidator.allowNavigation(uriPolicy));
* Allows image elements.
* The UriPolicy can be used to restrict the locations the images may be
* loaded from. By default this will use the default [UriPolicy].
void allowImages([UriPolicy uriPolicy]) {
if (uriPolicy == null) {
uriPolicy = new UriPolicy();
add(new _SimpleNodeValidator.allowImages(uriPolicy));
* Allow basic text elements.
* This allows a subset of HTML5 elements, specifically just these tags and
* no attributes.
* * B
* * BR
* * EM
* * H1
* * H2
* * H3
* * H4
* * H5
* * H6
* * HR
* * I
* * LI
* * OL
* * P
* * SPAN
* * UL
void allowTextElements() {
add(new _SimpleNodeValidator.allowTextElements());
* Allow inline styles on elements.
* If [tagName] is not specified then this allows inline styles on all
* elements. Otherwise tagName limits the styles to the specified elements.
void allowInlineStyles({String tagName}) {
if (tagName == null) {
tagName = '*';
} else {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
add(new _SimpleNodeValidator(null, allowedAttributes: ['$tagName::style']));
* Allow common safe HTML5 elements and attributes.
* This list is based off of the Caja whitelists at:
* Common things which are not allowed are script elements, style attributes
* and any script handlers.
void allowHtml5({UriPolicy uriPolicy}) {
add(new _Html5NodeValidator(uriPolicy: uriPolicy));
* Allow SVG elements and attributes except for known bad ones.
void allowSvg() {
add(new _SvgNodeValidator());
* Allow custom elements with the specified tag name and specified attributes.
* This will allow the elements as custom tags (such as <x-foo></x-foo>),
* but will not allow tag extensions. Use [allowTagExtension] to allow
* tag extensions.
void allowCustomElement(String tagName,
{UriPolicy uriPolicy,
Iterable<String> attributes,
Iterable<String> uriAttributes}) {
var tagNameUpper = tagName.toUpperCase();
var attrs;
if (attributes != null) {
attrs = => '$tagNameUpper::${name.toLowerCase()}');
var uriAttrs;
if (uriAttributes != null) {
uriAttrs = => '$tagNameUpper::${name.toLowerCase()}');
if (uriPolicy == null) {
uriPolicy = new UriPolicy();
add(new _CustomElementNodeValidator(
* Allow custom tag extensions with the specified type name and specified
* attributes.
* This will allow tag extensions (such as <div is="x-foo"></div>),
* but will not allow custom tags. Use [allowCustomElement] to allow
* custom tags.
void allowTagExtension(String tagName, String baseName,
{UriPolicy uriPolicy,
Iterable<String> attributes,
Iterable<String> uriAttributes}) {
var baseNameUpper = baseName.toUpperCase();
var tagNameUpper = tagName.toUpperCase();
var attrs;
if (attributes != null) {
attrs = => '$baseNameUpper::${name.toLowerCase()}');
var uriAttrs;
if (uriAttributes != null) {
uriAttrs = => '$baseNameUpper::${name.toLowerCase()}');
if (uriPolicy == null) {
uriPolicy = new UriPolicy();
add(new _CustomElementNodeValidator(
[tagNameUpper, baseNameUpper],
void allowElement(String tagName, {UriPolicy uriPolicy,
Iterable<String> attributes,
Iterable<String> uriAttributes}) {
allowCustomElement(tagName, uriPolicy: uriPolicy,
attributes: attributes,
uriAttributes: uriAttributes);
* Allow templating elements (such as <template> and template-related
* attributes.
* This still requires other validators to allow regular attributes to be
* bound (such as [allowHtml5]).
void allowTemplating() {
add(new _TemplatingNodeValidator());
* Add an additional validator to the current list of validators.
* Elements and attributes will be accepted if they are accepted by any
* validators.
void add(NodeValidator validator) {
bool allowsElement(Element element) {
return _validators.any((v) => v.allowsElement(element));
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
return _validators.any(
(v) => v.allowsAttribute(element, attributeName, value));
class _SimpleNodeValidator implements NodeValidator {
final Set<String> allowedElements;
final Set<String> allowedAttributes;
final Set<String> allowedUriAttributes;
final UriPolicy uriPolicy;
factory _SimpleNodeValidator.allowNavigation(UriPolicy uriPolicy) {
return new _SimpleNodeValidator(uriPolicy,
allowedElements: [
allowedAttributes: [
allowedUriAttributes: [
factory _SimpleNodeValidator.allowImages(UriPolicy uriPolicy) {
return new _SimpleNodeValidator(uriPolicy,
allowedElements: [
allowedAttributes: [
allowedUriAttributes: [
factory _SimpleNodeValidator.allowTextElements() {
return new _SimpleNodeValidator(null,
allowedElements: [
* Elements must be uppercased tag names. For example `'IMG'`.
* Attributes must be uppercased tag name followed by :: followed by
* lowercase attribute name. For example `'IMG:src'`.
{Iterable<String> allowedElements, Iterable<String> allowedAttributes,
Iterable<String> allowedUriAttributes}):
this.allowedElements = allowedElements != null ?
new Set.from(allowedElements) : new Set(),
this.allowedAttributes = allowedAttributes != null ?
new Set.from(allowedAttributes) : new Set(),
this.allowedUriAttributes = allowedUriAttributes != null ?
new Set.from(allowedUriAttributes) : new Set();
bool allowsElement(Element element) {
return allowedElements.contains(element.tagName);
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
var tagName = element.tagName;
if (allowedUriAttributes.contains('$tagName::$attributeName')) {
return uriPolicy.allowsUri(value);
} else if (allowedUriAttributes.contains('*::$attributeName')) {
return uriPolicy.allowsUri(value);
} else if (allowedAttributes.contains('$tagName::$attributeName')) {
return true;
} else if (allowedAttributes.contains('*::$attributeName')) {
return true;
} else if (allowedAttributes.contains('$tagName::*')) {
return true;
} else if (allowedAttributes.contains('*::*')) {
return true;
return false;
class _CustomElementNodeValidator extends _SimpleNodeValidator {
final bool allowTypeExtension;
final bool allowCustomTag;
_CustomElementNodeValidator(UriPolicy uriPolicy,
Iterable<String> allowedElements,
Iterable<String> allowedAttributes,
Iterable<String> allowedUriAttributes,
bool allowTypeExtension,
bool allowCustomTag):
allowedElements: allowedElements,
allowedAttributes: allowedAttributes,
allowedUriAttributes: allowedUriAttributes),
this.allowTypeExtension = allowTypeExtension == true,
this.allowCustomTag = allowCustomTag == true;
bool allowsElement(Element element) {
if (allowTypeExtension) {
var isAttr = element.attributes['is'];
if (isAttr != null) {
return allowedElements.contains(isAttr.toUpperCase()) &&
return allowCustomTag && allowedElements.contains(element.tagName);
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
if (allowsElement(element)) {
if (allowTypeExtension && attributeName == 'is' &&
allowedElements.contains(value.toUpperCase())) {
return true;
return super.allowsAttribute(element, attributeName, value);
return false;
class _TemplatingNodeValidator extends _SimpleNodeValidator {
static const _TEMPLATE_ATTRS =
const <String>['bind', 'if', 'ref', 'repeat', 'syntax'];
final Set<String> _templateAttrs;
allowedElements: [
allowedAttributes: => 'TEMPLATE::$attr')),
_templateAttrs = new Set<String>.from(_TEMPLATE_ATTRS) {
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
if (super.allowsAttribute(element, attributeName, value)) {
return true;
if (attributeName == 'template' && value == "") {
return true;
if (element.attributes['template'] == "" ) {
return _templateAttrs.contains(attributeName);
return false;
class _SvgNodeValidator implements NodeValidator {
bool allowsElement(Element element) {
if (element is svg.ScriptElement) {
return false;
if (element is svg.SvgElement) {
return true;
return false;
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
if (attributeName == 'is' || attributeName.startsWith('on')) {
return false;
return allowsElement(element);
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Contains the set of standard values returned by HTMLDocument.getReadyState.
abstract class ReadyState {
* Indicates the document is still loading and parsing.
static const String LOADING = "loading";
* Indicates the document is finished parsing but is still loading
* subresources.
static const String INTERACTIVE = "interactive";
* Indicates the document and all subresources have been loaded.
static const String COMPLETE = "complete";
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Interface used to validate that only accepted elements and attributes are
* allowed while parsing HTML strings into DOM nodes.
* In general, customization of validation behavior should be done via the
* [NodeValidatorBuilder] class to mitigate the chances of incorrectly
* implementing validation rules.
abstract class NodeValidator {
* Construct a default NodeValidator which only accepts whitelisted HTML5
* elements and attributes.
* If a uriPolicy is not specified then the default uriPolicy will be used.
factory NodeValidator({UriPolicy uriPolicy}) =>
new _Html5NodeValidator(uriPolicy: uriPolicy);
factory NodeValidator.throws(NodeValidator base) =>
new _ThrowsNodeValidator(base);
* Returns true if the tagName is an accepted type.
bool allowsElement(Element element);
* Returns true if the attribute is allowed.
* The attributeName parameter will always be in lowercase.
* See [allowsElement] for format of tagName.
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value);
* Performs sanitization of a node tree after construction to ensure that it
* does not contain any disallowed elements or attributes.
* In general custom implementations of this class should not be necessary and
* all validation customization should be done in custom NodeValidators, but
* custom implementations of this class can be created to perform more complex
* tree sanitization.
abstract class NodeTreeSanitizer {
* Constructs a default tree sanitizer which will remove all elements and
* attributes which are not allowed by the provided validator.
factory NodeTreeSanitizer(NodeValidator validator) =>
new _ValidatingTreeSanitizer(validator);
* Called with the root of the tree which is to be sanitized.
* This method needs to walk the entire tree and either remove elements and
* attributes which are not recognized as safe or throw an exception which
* will mark the entire tree as unsafe.
void sanitizeTree(Node node);
* Defines the policy for what types of uris are allowed for particular
* attribute values.
* This can be used to provide custom rules such as allowing all http:// URIs
* for image attributes but only same-origin URIs for anchor tags.
abstract class UriPolicy {
* Constructs the default UriPolicy which is to only allow Uris to the same
* origin as the application was launched from.
* This will block all ftp: mailto: URIs. It will also block accessing
* if the app is running from
factory UriPolicy() => new _SameOriginUriPolicy();
* Checks if the uri is allowed on the specified attribute.
* The uri provided may or may not be a relative path.
bool allowsUri(String uri);
* Allows URIs to the same origin as the current application was loaded from
* (such as
class _SameOriginUriPolicy implements UriPolicy {
final AnchorElement _hiddenAnchor = new AnchorElement();
final Location _loc = window.location;
bool allowsUri(String uri) {
_hiddenAnchor.href = uri;
// IE leaves an empty hostname for same-origin URIs.
return (_hiddenAnchor.hostname == _loc.hostname &&
_hiddenAnchor.port == _loc.port &&
_hiddenAnchor.protocol == _loc.protocol) ||
(_hiddenAnchor.hostname == '' &&
_hiddenAnchor.port == '' &&
_hiddenAnchor.protocol == ':');
class _ThrowsNodeValidator implements NodeValidator {
final NodeValidator validator;
_ThrowsNodeValidator(this.validator) {}
bool allowsElement(Element element) {
if (!validator.allowsElement(element)) {
throw new ArgumentError(element.tagName);
return true;
bool allowsAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, String value) {
if (!validator.allowsAttribute(element, attributeName, value)) {
throw new ArgumentError('${element.tagName}[$attributeName="$value"]');
* Standard tree sanitizer which validates a node tree against the provided
* validator and removes any nodes or attributes which are not allowed.
class _ValidatingTreeSanitizer implements NodeTreeSanitizer {
NodeValidator validator;
_ValidatingTreeSanitizer(this.validator) {}
void sanitizeTree(Node node) {
void walk(Node node) {
var child = node.lastChild;
while (child != null) {
// Child may be removed during the walk.
var nextChild = child.previousNode;
child = nextChild;
void sanitizeNode(Node node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
Element element = node;
var attrs = element.attributes;
if (!validator.allowsElement(element)) {
'Removing disallowed element <${element.tagName}>');
var isAttr = attrs['is'];
if (isAttr != null) {
if (!validator.allowsAttribute(element, 'is', isAttr)) {
window.console.warn('Removing disallowed type extension '
'<${element.tagName} is="$isAttr">');
// TODO(blois): Need to be able to get all attributes, irrespective of
var keys = attrs.keys.toList();
for (var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var name = keys[i];
if (!validator.allowsAttribute(element, name.toLowerCase(),
attrs[name])) {
window.console.warn('Removing disallowed attribute '
'<${element.tagName} $name="${attrs[name]}">');
if (element is TemplateElement) {
TemplateElement template = element;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A list which just wraps another list, for either intercepting list calls or
* retyping the list (for example, from List<A> to List<B> where B extends A).
class _WrappedList<E extends Node> extends ListBase<E>
implements NodeListWrapper {
final List _list;
// Iterable APIs
Iterator<E> get iterator => new _WrappedIterator(_list.iterator);
int get length => _list.length;
// Collection APIs
void add(E element) { _list.add(element); }
bool remove(Object element) => _list.remove(element);
void clear() { _list.clear(); }
// List APIs
E operator [](int index) => _list[index];
void operator []=(int index, E value) { _list[index] = value; }
void set length(int newLength) { _list.length = newLength; }
void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) { _list.sort(compare); }
int indexOf(Object element, [int start = 0]) => _list.indexOf(element, start);
int lastIndexOf(Object element, [int start]) => _list.lastIndexOf(element, start);
void insert(int index, E element) => _list.insert(index, element);
E removeAt(int index) => _list.removeAt(index);
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) {
_list.setRange(start, end, iterable, skipCount);
void removeRange(int start, int end) { _list.removeRange(start, end); }
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable) {
_list.replaceRange(start, end, iterable);
void fillRange(int start, int end, [E fillValue]) {
_list.fillRange(start, end, fillValue);
List<Node> get rawList => _list;
* Iterator wrapper for _WrappedList.
class _WrappedIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
Iterator _iterator;
bool moveNext() {
return _iterator.moveNext();
E get current => _iterator.current;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _HttpRequestUtils {
// Helper for factory HttpRequest.get
static HttpRequest get(String url,
onComplete(HttpRequest request),
bool withCredentials) {
final request = new HttpRequest();'GET', url, async: true);
request.withCredentials = withCredentials;
request.onReadyStateChange.listen((e) {
if (request.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE) {
return request;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Iterator for arrays with fixed size.
class FixedSizeListIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
final List<T> _array;
final int _length; // Cache array length for faster access.
int _position;
T _current;
FixedSizeListIterator(List<T> array)
: _array = array,
_position = -1,
_length = array.length;
bool moveNext() {
int nextPosition = _position + 1;
if (nextPosition < _length) {
_current = _array[nextPosition];
_position = nextPosition;
return true;
_current = null;
_position = _length;
return false;
T get current => _current;
// Iterator for arrays with variable size.
class _VariableSizeListIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
final List<T> _array;
int _position;
T _current;
_VariableSizeListIterator(List<T> array)
: _array = array,
_position = -1;
bool moveNext() {
int nextPosition = _position + 1;
if (nextPosition < _array.length) {
_current = _array[nextPosition];
_position = nextPosition;
return true;
_current = null;
_position = _array.length;
return false;
T get current => _current;
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Dartium ElementUpgrader implementation.
class _VMElementUpgrader implements ElementUpgrader {
final Type _type;
final Type _nativeType;
_VMElementUpgrader(Document document, Type type, String extendsTag) :
_type = type,
_nativeType = _validateCustomType(type).reflectedType {
if (extendsTag == null) {
if (_nativeType != HtmlElement) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Class must provide extendsTag if base '
'native class is not HtmlElement');
} else {
if (document.createElement(extendsTag).runtimeType != _nativeType) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'extendsTag does not match base native class');
Element upgrade(Element element) {
if (element.runtimeType != _nativeType) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Element is incorrect type');
return _Utils.changeElementWrapper(element, _type);
/// Validates that the custom type is properly formed-
/// * Is a user-defined class.
/// * Has a created constructor with zero args.
/// * Derives from an Element subclass.
/// Then returns the native base class.
ClassMirror _validateCustomType(Type type) {
ClassMirror cls = reflectClass(type);
if (_isBuiltinType(cls)) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Invalid custom element from '
'${(cls.owner as LibraryMirror).uri}.');
var className = MirrorSystem.getName(cls.simpleName);
if (cls.isAbstract) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Invalid custom element '
'class $className is abstract.');
var createdConstructor = cls.declarations[new Symbol('$className.created')];
if (createdConstructor == null ||
createdConstructor is! MethodMirror ||
!createdConstructor.isConstructor) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Class is missing constructor $className.created');
if (createdConstructor.parameters.length > 0) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Constructor $className.created must take zero arguments');
Symbol objectName = reflectClass(Object).qualifiedName;
bool isRoot(ClassMirror cls) =>
cls == null || cls.qualifiedName == objectName;
Symbol elementName = reflectClass(HtmlElement).qualifiedName;
bool isElement(ClassMirror cls) =>
cls != null && cls.qualifiedName == elementName;
ClassMirror superClass = cls.superclass;
ClassMirror nativeClass = _isBuiltinType(superClass) ? superClass : null;
while(!isRoot(superClass) && !isElement(superClass)) {
superClass = superClass.superclass;
if (nativeClass == null && _isBuiltinType(superClass)) {
nativeClass = superClass;
return nativeClass;
bool _isBuiltinType(ClassMirror cls) {
// TODO(vsm): Find a less hackish way to do this.
LibraryMirror lib = cls.owner;
String libName = lib.uri.toString();
return libName.startsWith('dart:');
* A custom KeyboardEvent that attempts to eliminate cross-browser
* inconsistencies, and also provide both keyCode and charCode information
* for all key events (when such information can be determined).
* KeyEvent tries to provide a higher level, more polished keyboard event
* information on top of the "raw" [KeyboardEvent].
* The mechanics of using KeyEvents is a little different from the underlying
* [KeyboardEvent]. To use KeyEvents, you need to create a stream and then add
* KeyEvents to the stream, rather than using the [EventTarget.dispatchEvent].
* Here's an example usage:
* // Initialize a stream for the KeyEvents:
* var stream = KeyEvent.keyPressEvent.forTarget(document.body);
* // Start listening to the stream of KeyEvents.
* stream.listen((keyEvent) =>
* window.console.log('KeyPress event detected ${keyEvent.charCode}'));
* ...
* // Add a new KeyEvent of someone pressing the 'A' key to the stream so
* // listeners can know a KeyEvent happened.
* stream.add(new KeyEvent('keypress', keyCode: 65, charCode: 97));
* This class is very much a work in progress, and we'd love to get information
* on how we can make this class work with as many international keyboards as
* possible. Bugs welcome!
class KeyEvent extends _WrappedEvent implements KeyboardEvent {
/** The parent KeyboardEvent that this KeyEvent is wrapping and "fixing". */
KeyboardEvent _parent;
/** The "fixed" value of whether the alt key is being pressed. */
bool _shadowAltKey;
/** Caculated value of what the estimated charCode is for this event. */
int _shadowCharCode;
/** Caculated value of what the estimated keyCode is for this event. */
int _shadowKeyCode;
/** Caculated value of what the estimated keyCode is for this event. */
int get keyCode => _shadowKeyCode;
/** Caculated value of what the estimated charCode is for this event. */
int get charCode => this.type == 'keypress' ? _shadowCharCode : 0;
/** Caculated value of whether the alt key is pressed is for this event. */
bool get altKey => _shadowAltKey;
/** Caculated value of what the estimated keyCode is for this event. */
int get which => keyCode;
/** Accessor to the underlying keyCode value is the parent event. */
int get _realKeyCode => _parent.keyCode;
/** Accessor to the underlying charCode value is the parent event. */
int get _realCharCode => _parent.charCode;
/** Accessor to the underlying altKey value is the parent event. */
bool get _realAltKey => _parent.altKey;
/** Shadows on top of the parent's currentTarget. */
EventTarget _currentTarget;
/** Construct a KeyEvent with [parent] as the event we're emulating. */
KeyEvent.wrap(KeyboardEvent parent): super(parent) {
_parent = parent;
_shadowAltKey = _realAltKey;
_shadowCharCode = _realCharCode;
_shadowKeyCode = _realKeyCode;
_currentTarget = _parent.currentTarget == null? window :
/** Programmatically create a new KeyEvent (and KeyboardEvent). */
factory KeyEvent(String type,
{Window view, bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true, int keyCode: 0,
int charCode: 0, int keyLocation: 1, bool ctrlKey: false,
bool altKey: false, bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false,
EventTarget currentTarget}) {
var parent = new KeyboardEvent(type, view: view, canBubble: canBubble,
cancelable: cancelable, keyLocation: keyLocation, ctrlKey: ctrlKey,
altKey: altKey, shiftKey: shiftKey, metaKey: metaKey);
var keyEvent = new KeyEvent.wrap(parent);
keyEvent._shadowAltKey = altKey;
keyEvent._shadowCharCode = charCode;
keyEvent._shadowKeyCode = keyCode;
keyEvent._currentTarget = currentTarget == null ? window : currentTarget;
return keyEvent;
/** Accessor to provide a stream of KeyEvents on the desired target. */
static EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> keyDownEvent =
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keydown');
/** Accessor to provide a stream of KeyEvents on the desired target. */
static EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> keyUpEvent =
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keyup');
/** Accessor to provide a stream of KeyEvents on the desired target. */
static EventStreamProvider<KeyEvent> keyPressEvent =
new _KeyboardEventHandler('keypress');
/** The currently registered target for this event. */
EventTarget get currentTarget => _currentTarget;
/** Accessor to the clipboardData available for this event. */
DataTransfer get clipboardData => _parent.clipboardData;
/** True if the ctrl key is pressed during this event. */
bool get ctrlKey => _parent.ctrlKey;
int get detail => _parent.detail;
* Accessor to the part of the keyboard that the key was pressed from (one of
* KeyLocation.STANDARD, KeyLocation.RIGHT, KeyLocation.LEFT,
* KeyLocation.NUMPAD, KeyLocation.MOBILE, KeyLocation.JOYSTICK).
int get keyLocation => _parent.keyLocation;
Point get layer => _parent.layer;
/** True if the Meta (or Mac command) key is pressed during this event. */
bool get metaKey => _parent.metaKey;
Point get page =>;
/** True if the shift key was pressed during this event. */
bool get shiftKey => _parent.shiftKey;
Window get view => _parent.view;
void _initUIEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable,
Window view, int detail) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot initialize a UI Event from a KeyEvent.");
String get _shadowKeyIdentifier => _parent._keyIdentifier;
int get _charCode => charCode;
int get _keyCode => keyCode;
String get _keyIdentifier {
throw new UnsupportedError("keyIdentifier is unsupported.");
void _initKeyboardEvent(String type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable,
Window view, String keyIdentifier, int keyLocation, bool ctrlKey,
bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot initialize a KeyboardEvent from a KeyEvent.");
int get _layerX => throw new UnsupportedError('Not applicable to KeyEvent');
int get _layerY => throw new UnsupportedError('Not applicable to KeyEvent');
int get _pageX => throw new UnsupportedError('Not applicable to KeyEvent');
int get _pageY => throw new UnsupportedError('Not applicable to KeyEvent');
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool getModifierState(String keyArgument) => throw new UnimplementedError();
@Experimental() // untriaged
int get location => throw new UnimplementedError();
@Experimental() // untriaged
bool get repeat => throw new UnimplementedError();
dynamic get _get_view => throw new UnimplementedError();
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Platform {
* Returns true if dart:typed_data types are supported on this
* browser. If false, using these types will generate a runtime
* error.
static final supportsTypedData = true;
* Returns true if SIMD types in dart:typed_data types are supported
* on this browser. If false, using these types will generate a runtime
* error.
static final supportsSimd = true;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Helper class to implement custom events which wrap DOM events.
class _WrappedEvent implements Event {
final Event wrapped;
/** The CSS selector involved with event delegation. */
String _selector;
bool get bubbles => wrapped.bubbles;
bool get cancelable => wrapped.cancelable;
DataTransfer get clipboardData => wrapped.clipboardData;
EventTarget get currentTarget => wrapped.currentTarget;
bool get defaultPrevented => wrapped.defaultPrevented;
int get eventPhase => wrapped.eventPhase;
EventTarget get target =>;
int get timeStamp => wrapped.timeStamp;
String get type => wrapped.type;
void _initEvent(String eventTypeArg, bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Cannot initialize this Event.');
void preventDefault() {
void stopImmediatePropagation() {
void stopPropagation() {
* A pointer to the element whose CSS selector matched within which an event
* was fired. If this Event was not associated with any Event delegation,
* accessing this value will throw an [UnsupportedError].
Element get matchingTarget {
if (_selector == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot call matchingTarget if this Event did'
' not arise as a result of event delegation.');
var currentTarget = this.currentTarget;
var target =;
var matchedTarget;
do {
if (target.matches(_selector)) return target;
target = target.parent;
} while (target != null && target != currentTarget.parent);
throw new StateError('No selector matched for populating matchedTarget.');
* This event's path, taking into account shadow DOM.
* ## Other resources
* * [Shadow DOM extensions to Event]
* ( from
* W3C.
List<Node> get path => wrapped.path;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
_wrapZone(callback(arg)) {
// For performance reasons avoid wrapping if we are in the root zone.
if (Zone.current == Zone.ROOT) return callback;
if (callback == null) return null;
return Zone.current.bindUnaryCallback(callback, runGuarded: true);
_wrapBinaryZone(callback(arg1, arg2)) {
if (Zone.current == Zone.ROOT) return callback;
if (callback == null) return null;
return Zone.current.bindBinaryCallback(callback, runGuarded: true);
* Alias for [querySelector]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
Element query(String relativeSelectors) => document.query(relativeSelectors);
* Alias for [querySelectorAll]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
ElementList<Element> queryAll(String relativeSelectors) => document.queryAll(relativeSelectors);
* Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the
* specified group of selectors.
* Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level
* [querySelector]
* method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to
* save typing a few characters.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var element1 = document.querySelector('.className');
* var element2 = document.querySelector('#id');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
Element querySelector(String selectors) => document.querySelector(selectors);
* Finds all descendant elements of this document that match the specified
* group of selectors.
* Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level
* [querySelectorAll]
* method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to
* save typing a few characters.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var items = document.querySelectorAll('.itemClassName');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
ElementList<Element> querySelectorAll(String selectors) => document.querySelectorAll(selectors);
/// A utility for changing the Dart wrapper type for elements.
abstract class ElementUpgrader {
/// Upgrade the specified element to be of the Dart type this was created for.
/// After upgrading the element passed in is invalid and the returned value
/// should be used instead.
Element upgrade(Element element);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _Property {
_Property( :
_hasValue = false,
writable = false,
isMethod = false,
isOwn = true,
wasThrown = false;
bool get hasValue => _hasValue;
get value => _value;
set value(v) {
_value = v;
_hasValue = true;
final String name;
Function setter;
Function getter;
var _value;
bool _hasValue;
bool writable;
bool isMethod;
bool isOwn;
bool wasThrown;
class _ConsoleVariables {
Map<String, Object> _data = new Map<String, Object>();
* Forward member accesses to the backing JavaScript object.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
String member = MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName);
if (invocation.isGetter) {
return _data[member];
} else if (invocation.isSetter) {
member = member.substring(0, member.length - 1);
_data[member] = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
} else {
return Function.apply(_data[member], invocation.positionalArguments,
void clear() => _data.clear();
* List all variables currently defined.
List variables() => _data.keys.toList();
void setVariable(String name, value) {
_data[name] = value;
* Base class for invocation trampolines used to closurize methods, getters
* and setters.
abstract class _Trampoline implements Function {
final ObjectMirror _receiver;
final MethodMirror _methodMirror;
final Symbol _selector;
_Trampoline(this._receiver, this._methodMirror, this._selector);
class _MethodTrampoline extends _Trampoline {
_MethodTrampoline(ObjectMirror receiver, MethodMirror methodMirror,
Symbol selector) :
super(receiver, methodMirror, selector);
noSuchMethod(Invocation msg) {
if (msg.memberName != #call) return super.noSuchMethod(msg);
return _receiver.invoke(_selector,
* Invocation trampoline class used to closurize getters.
class _GetterTrampoline extends _Trampoline {
_GetterTrampoline(ObjectMirror receiver, MethodMirror methodMirror,
Symbol selector) :
super(receiver, methodMirror, selector);
call() => _receiver.getField(_selector).reflectee;
* Invocation trampoline class used to closurize setters.
class _SetterTrampoline extends _Trampoline {
_SetterTrampoline(ObjectMirror receiver, MethodMirror methodMirror,
Symbol selector) :
super(receiver, methodMirror, selector);
call(value) {
_receiver.setField(_selector, value);
class _Utils {
static double dateTimeToDouble(DateTime dateTime) =>
static DateTime doubleToDateTime(double dateTime) {
try {
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(dateTime.toInt());
} catch(_) {
// TODO(antonnm): treat exceptions properly in bindings and
// find out how to treat NaNs.
return null;
static List convertToList(List list) {
// FIXME: [possible optimization]: do not copy the array if Dart_IsArray is fine w/ it.
final length = list.length;
List result = new List(length);
result.setRange(0, length, list);
return result;
static List convertMapToList(Map map) {
List result = [];
map.forEach((k, v) => result.addAll([k, v]));
return result;
static int convertCanvasElementGetContextMap(Map map) {
int result = 0;
if (map['alpha'] == true) result |= 0x01;
if (map['depth'] == true) result |= 0x02;
if (map['stencil'] == true) result |= 0x4;
if (map['antialias'] == true) result |= 0x08;
if (map['premultipliedAlpha'] == true) result |= 0x10;
if (map['preserveDrawingBuffer'] == true) result |= 0x20;
return result;
static void populateMap(Map result, List list) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) {
result[list[i]] = list[i + 1];
static bool isMap(obj) => obj is Map;
static List toListIfIterable(obj) => obj is Iterable ? obj.toList() : null;
static Map createMap() => {};
static parseJson(String jsonSource) => const JsonDecoder().convert(jsonSource);
static makeUnimplementedError(String fileName, int lineNo) {
return new UnsupportedError('[info: $fileName:$lineNo]');
static bool isTypeSubclassOf(Type type, Type other) {
if (type == other) {
return true;
var superclass = reflectClass(type).superclass;
if (superclass != null) {
return isTypeSubclassOf(superclass.reflectedType, other);
return false;
static Element getAndValidateNativeType(Type type, String tagName) {
var element = new Element.tag(tagName);
if (!isTypeSubclassOf(type, element.runtimeType)) {
return null;
return element;
static window() => _blink.Blink_Utils.window();
static forwardingPrint(String message) => _blink.Blink_Utils.forwardingPrint(message);
// TODO(vsm): Make this API compatible with spawnUri. It should also
// return a Future<Isolate>.
static spawnDomUri(String uri) => _blink.Blink_Utils.spawnDomUri(uri);
// The following methods were added for debugger integration to make working
// with the Dart C mirrors API simpler.
// TODO(jacobr): consider moving them to a separate library.
// If Dart supported dynamic code injection, we would only inject this code
// when the debugger is invoked.
* Strips the private secret prefix from member names of the form
* someName@hash.
static String stripMemberName(String name) {
int endIndex = name.indexOf('@');
return endIndex > 0 ? name.substring(0, endIndex) : name;
* Takes a list containing variable names and corresponding values and
* returns a map from normalized names to values. Variable names are assumed
* to have list offsets 2*n values at offset 2*n+1. This method is required
* because Dart_GetLocalVariables returns a list instead of an object that
* can be queried to lookup names and values.
static Map<String, dynamic> createLocalVariablesMap(List localVariables) {
var map = {};
for (int i = 0; i < localVariables.length; i+=2) {
map[stripMemberName(localVariables[i])] = localVariables[i+1];
return map;
static _ConsoleVariables _consoleTempVariables = new _ConsoleVariables();
* Takes an [expression] and a list of [local] variable and returns an
* expression for a closure with a body matching the original expression
* where locals are passed in as arguments. Returns a list containing the
* String expression for the closure and the list of arguments that should
* be passed to it. The expression should then be evaluated using
* Dart_EvaluateExpr which will generate a closure that should be invoked
* with the list of arguments passed to this method.
* For example:
* <code>
* _consoleTempVariables = {'a' : someValue, 'b': someOtherValue}
* wrapExpressionAsClosure("foo + bar + a", ["bar", 40, "foo", 2], true)
* </code>
* will return:
* <code>
* ["""(final $consoleVariables, final bar, final foo, final a, final b) =>
* (foo + bar + a
* )""",
* [_consoleTempVariables, 40, 2, someValue, someOtherValue]]
* </code>
static List wrapExpressionAsClosure(String expression, List locals,
bool includeCommandLineAPI) {
var args = {};
var sb = new StringBuffer("(");
addArg(arg, value) {
arg = stripMemberName(arg);
if (args.containsKey(arg)) return;
// We ignore arguments with the name 'this' rather than throwing an
// exception because Dart_GetLocalVariables includes 'this' and it
// is more convenient to filter it out here than from C++ code.
// 'this' needs to be handled by calling Dart_EvaluateExpr with
// 'this' as the target rather than by passing it as an argument.
if (arg == 'this') return;
if (args.isNotEmpty) {
sb.write(", ");
sb.write("final $arg");
args[arg] = value;
if (includeCommandLineAPI) {
addArg("\$consoleVariables", _consoleTempVariables);
// FIXME: use a real Dart tokenizer. The following regular expressions
// only allow setting variables at the immediate start of the expression
// to limit the number of edge cases we have to handle.
// Match expressions that start with "var x"
final _VARIABLE_DECLARATION = new RegExp("^(\\s*)var\\s+(\\w+)");
// Match expressions that start with "someExistingConsoleVar ="
final _SET_VARIABLE = new RegExp("^(\\s*)(\\w+)(\\s*=)");
// Match trailing semicolons.
final _ENDING_SEMICOLONS = new RegExp("(;\\s*)*\$");
expression = expression.replaceAllMapped(_VARIABLE_DECLARATION,
(match) {
var variableName = match[2];
// Set the console variable if it isn't already set.
if (!_consoleTempVariables._data.containsKey(variableName)) {
_consoleTempVariables._data[variableName] = null;
return "${match[1]}\$consoleVariables.${variableName}";
expression = expression.replaceAllMapped(_SET_VARIABLE,
(match) {
var variableName = match[2];
// Only rewrite if the name matches an existing console variable.
if (_consoleTempVariables._data.containsKey(variableName)) {
return "${match[1]}\$consoleVariables.${variableName}${match[3]}";
} else {
return match[0];
// We only allow dart expressions not Dart statements. Silently remove
// trailing semicolons the user might have added by accident to reduce the
// number of spurious compile errors.
expression = expression.replaceFirst(_ENDING_SEMICOLONS, "");
if (locals != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i+= 2) {
addArg(locals[i], locals[i+1]);
// Inject all the already defined console variables.
// TODO(jacobr): remove the parentheses around the expresson once
// is fixed. Currently we wrap expression in parentheses
// to ensure only valid Dart expressions are allowed. Otherwise the DartVM
// quietly ignores trailing Dart statements resulting in user confusion
// when part of an invalid expression they entered is ignored.
sb..write(') => (\n$expression\n)');
return [sb.toString(), args.values.toList(growable: false)];
static String _getShortSymbolName(Symbol symbol,
DeclarationMirror declaration) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(symbol);
if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
if (declaration.isSetter && name[name.length-1] == "=") {
return name.substring(0, name.length-1);
if (declaration.isConstructor) {
return name.substring(name.indexOf('.') + 1);
return name;
* Returns a list of completions to use if the receiver is o.
static List<String> getCompletions(o) {
MirrorSystem system = currentMirrorSystem();
var completions = new Set<String>();
addAll(Map<Symbol, dynamic> map, bool isStatic) {
map.forEach((symbol, mirror) {
if (mirror.isStatic == isStatic && !mirror.isPrivate) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(symbol);
if (mirror is MethodMirror && mirror.isSetter)
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
addForClass(ClassMirror mirror, bool isStatic) {
if (mirror == null)
addAll(mirror.declarations, isStatic);
if (mirror.superclass != null)
addForClass(mirror.superclass, isStatic);
for (var interface in mirror.superinterfaces) {
addForClass(interface, isStatic);
if (o is Type) {
addForClass(reflectClass(o), true);
} else {
addForClass(reflect(o).type, false);
return completions.toList(growable: false);
* Adds all candidate String completitions from [declarations] to [output]
* filtering based on [staticContext] and [includePrivate].
static void _getCompletionsHelper(ClassMirror classMirror,
bool staticContext, LibraryMirror libraryMirror, Set<String> output) {
bool includePrivate = libraryMirror == classMirror.owner;
classMirror.declarations.forEach((symbol, declaration) {
if (!includePrivate && declaration.isPrivate) return;
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
if (staticContext != declaration.isStatic) return;
} else if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
if (declaration.isOperator) return;
if (declaration.isConstructor) {
if (!staticContext) return;
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.constructorName);
if (name.isNotEmpty) output.add(name);
if (staticContext != declaration.isStatic) return;
} else if (declaration is TypeMirror) {
output.add(_getShortSymbolName(symbol, declaration));
if (!staticContext) {
for (var interface in classMirror.superinterfaces) {
_getCompletionsHelper(interface, staticContext,
libraryMirror, output);
if (classMirror.superclass != null) {
_getCompletionsHelper(classMirror.superclass, staticContext,
libraryMirror, output);
static void _getLibraryCompletionsHelper(
LibraryMirror library, bool includePrivate, Set<String> output) {
library.declarations.forEach((symbol, declaration) {
if (!includePrivate && declaration.isPrivate) return;
output.add(_getShortSymbolName(symbol, declaration));
static LibraryMirror getLibraryMirror(String url) =>
* Get code completions for [o] only showing privates from [libraryUrl].
static List<String> getObjectCompletions(o, String libraryUrl) {
var classMirror;
bool staticContext;
if (o is Type) {
classMirror = reflectClass(o);
staticContext = true;
} else {
classMirror = reflect(o).type;
staticContext = false;
var names = new Set<String>();
getClassCompletions(classMirror, names, staticContext, libraryUrl);
return names.toList()..sort();
static void getClassCompletions(ClassMirror classMirror, Set<String> names,
bool staticContext, String libraryUrl) {
LibraryMirror libraryMirror = getLibraryMirror(libraryUrl);
_getCompletionsHelper(classMirror, staticContext, libraryMirror, names);
static List<String> getLibraryCompletions(String url) {
var names = new Set<String>();
_getLibraryCompletionsHelper(getLibraryMirror(url), true, names);
return names.toList();
* Get valid code completitions from within a library and all libraries
* imported by that library.
static List<String> getLibraryCompletionsIncludingImports(String url) {
var names = new Set<String>();
var libraryMirror = getLibraryMirror(url);
_getLibraryCompletionsHelper(libraryMirror, true, names);
for (var dependency in libraryMirror.libraryDependencies) {
if (dependency.isImport) {
if (dependency.prefix == null) {
_getLibraryCompletionsHelper(dependency.targetLibrary, false, names);
} else {
return names.toList();
static final SIDE_EFFECT_FREE_LIBRARIES = new Set<String>()
static LibraryMirror _getLibrary(MethodMirror methodMirror) {
var owner = methodMirror.owner;
if (owner is ClassMirror) {
return owner;
} else if (owner is LibraryMirror) {
return owner;
return null;
* For parity with the JavaScript debugger, we treat some getters as if
* they are fields so that users can see their values immediately.
* This matches JavaScript's behavior for getters on DOM objects.
* In the future we should consider adding an annotation to tag getters
* in user libraries as side effect free.
static bool _isSideEffectFreeGetter(MethodMirror methodMirror,
LibraryMirror libraryMirror) {
// This matches JavaScript behavior. We should consider displaying
// getters for all dart platform libraries rather than just the DOM
// libraries.
return libraryMirror.uri.scheme == 'dart' &&
* Whether we should treat a property as a field for the purposes of the
* debugger.
static bool treatPropertyAsField(MethodMirror methodMirror,
LibraryMirror libraryMirror) {
return (methodMirror.isGetter || methodMirror.isSetter) &&
(methodMirror.isSynthetic ||
// TODO(jacobr): generate more concise function descriptions instead of
// dumping the entire function source.
static String describeFunction(function) {
if (function is _Trampoline) return function._methodMirror.source;
try {
var mirror = reflect(function);
return mirror.function.source;
} catch (e) {
return function.toString();
static List getInvocationTrampolineDetails(_Trampoline method) {
var loc = method._methodMirror.location;
return [loc.line, loc.column, loc.sourceUri.toString(),
static List getLibraryProperties(String libraryUrl, bool ownProperties,
bool accessorPropertiesOnly) {
var properties = new Map<String, _Property>();
var libraryMirror = getLibraryMirror(libraryUrl);
_addInstanceMirrors(libraryMirror, libraryMirror,
ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, false, false,
if (!accessorPropertiesOnly) {
// We need to add class properties for all classes in the library.
libraryMirror.declarations.forEach((symbol, declarationMirror) {
if (declarationMirror is ClassMirror) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(symbol);
if (declarationMirror.hasReflectedType
&& !properties.containsKey(name)) {
properties[name] = new _Property(name)
..value = declarationMirror.reflectedType;
return packageProperties(properties);
static List getObjectProperties(o, bool ownProperties,
bool accessorPropertiesOnly) {
var properties = new Map<String, _Property>();
var names = new Set<String>();
var objectMirror = reflect(o);
var classMirror = objectMirror.type;
_addInstanceMirrors(objectMirror, classMirror.owner,
ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, false, true,
return packageProperties(properties);
static List getObjectClassProperties(o, bool ownProperties,
bool accessorPropertiesOnly) {
var properties = new Map<String, _Property>();
var objectMirror = reflect(o);
var classMirror = objectMirror.type;
_addInstanceMirrors(objectMirror, classMirror.owner,
ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, true, false,
_addStatics(classMirror, properties, accessorPropertiesOnly);
return packageProperties(properties);
static List getClassProperties(Type t, bool ownProperties,
bool accessorPropertiesOnly) {
var properties = new Map<String, _Property>();
var classMirror = reflectClass(t);
_addStatics(classMirror, properties, accessorPropertiesOnly);
return packageProperties(properties);
static void _addStatics(ClassMirror classMirror,
Map<String, _Property> properties,
bool accessorPropertiesOnly) {
var libraryMirror = classMirror.owner;
classMirror.declarations.forEach((symbol, declaration) {
var name = _getShortSymbolName(symbol, declaration);
if (name.isEmpty) return;
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly) return;
if (!declaration.isStatic) return;
properties.putIfAbsent(name, () => new _Property(name))
..value = classMirror.getField(symbol).reflectee
..writable = !declaration.isFinal && !declaration.isConst;
} else if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
MethodMirror methodMirror = declaration;
// FIXMEDART: should we display constructors?
if (methodMirror.isConstructor) return;
if (!methodMirror.isStatic) return;
if (accessorPropertiesOnly) {
if (methodMirror.isRegularMethod ||
treatPropertyAsField(methodMirror, libraryMirror)) {
} else if (!methodMirror.isRegularMethod &&
!treatPropertyAsField(methodMirror, libraryMirror)) {
var property = properties.putIfAbsent(name, () => new _Property(name));
_fillMethodMirrorProperty(libraryMirror, classMirror, methodMirror,
symbol, accessorPropertiesOnly, property);
static void _fillMethodMirrorProperty(LibraryMirror libraryMirror,
methodOwner, MethodMirror methodMirror, Symbol symbol,
bool accessorPropertiesOnly, _Property property) {
if (methodMirror.isRegularMethod) {
..value = new _MethodTrampoline(methodOwner, methodMirror, symbol)
..isMethod = true;
} else if (methodMirror.isGetter) {
if (treatPropertyAsField(methodMirror, libraryMirror)) {
try {
property.value = methodOwner.getField(symbol).reflectee;
} catch (e) {
..wasThrown = true
..value = e;
} else if (accessorPropertiesOnly) {
property.getter = new _GetterTrampoline(methodOwner,
methodMirror, symbol);
} else if (methodMirror.isSetter) {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly &&
!treatPropertyAsField(methodMirror, libraryMirror)) {
property.setter = new _SetterTrampoline(methodOwner,
methodMirror, MirrorSystem.getSymbol(, libraryMirror));
property.writable = true;
* Helper method that handles collecting up properties from classes
* or libraries using the filters [ownProperties], [accessorPropertiesOnly],
* [hideFields], and [hideMethods] to determine which properties are
* collected. [accessorPropertiesOnly] specifies whether all properties
* should be returned or just accessors. [hideFields] specifies whether
* fields should be hidden. hideMethods specifies whether methods should be
* shown or hidden. [ownProperties] is not currently used but is part of the
* Blink devtools API for enumerating properties.
static void _addInstanceMirrors(
ObjectMirror objectMirror,
LibraryMirror libraryMirror,
Map<Symbol, Mirror> declarations,
bool ownProperties, bool accessorPropertiesOnly,
bool hideFields, bool hideMethods,
Map<String, _Property> properties) {
declarations.forEach((symbol, declaration) {
if (declaration is TypedefMirror || declaration is ClassMirror) return;
var name = _getShortSymbolName(symbol, declaration);
if (name.isEmpty) return;
bool isField = declaration is VariableMirror ||
(declaration is MethodMirror &&
treatPropertyAsField(declaration, libraryMirror));
if ((isField && hideFields) || (hideMethods && !isField)) return;
if (accessorPropertiesOnly) {
if (declaration is VariableMirror || declaration.isRegularMethod ||
isField) {
} else if (declaration is MethodMirror &&
(declaration.isGetter || declaration.isSetter) &&
!treatPropertyAsField(declaration, libraryMirror)) {
var property = properties.putIfAbsent(name, () => new _Property(name));
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
..value = objectMirror.getField(symbol).reflectee
..writable = !declaration.isFinal && !declaration.isConst;
_fillMethodMirrorProperty(libraryMirror, objectMirror, declaration,
symbol, accessorPropertiesOnly, property);
* Flatten down the properties data structure into a List that is easy to
* access from native code.
static List packageProperties(Map<String, _Property> properties) {
var ret = [];
for (var property in properties.values) {
return ret;
* Get a property, returning null if the property does not exist.
* For private property names, we attempt to resolve the property in the
* context of each library that the property name could be associated with.
static getObjectPropertySafe(o, String propertyName) {
var objectMirror = reflect(o);
var classMirror = objectMirror.type;
if (propertyName.startsWith("_")) {
var attemptedLibraries = new Set<LibraryMirror>();
while (classMirror != null) {
LibraryMirror library = classMirror.owner;
if (!attemptedLibraries.contains(library)) {
try {
return objectMirror.getField(
MirrorSystem.getSymbol(propertyName, library)).reflectee;
} catch (e) { }
classMirror = classMirror.superclass;
return null;
try {
return objectMirror.getField(
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Helper to wrap the inspect method on InjectedScriptHost to provide the
* inspect method required for the
static List consoleApi(host) {
return [
(o) {
host.inspect(o, null);
return o;
// FIXME: add copy method.
static List getMapKeyList(Map map) => map.keys.toList();
static bool isNoSuchMethodError(obj) => obj is NoSuchMethodError;
static void register(Document document, String tag, Type type,
String extendsTagName) {
var nativeClass = _validateCustomType(type);
if (extendsTagName == null) {
if (nativeClass.reflectedType != HtmlElement) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Class must provide extendsTag if base '
'native class is not HTMLElement');
_register(document, tag, type, extendsTagName);
static void _register(Document document, String tag, Type customType,
String extendsTagName) => _blink.Blink_Utils.register(document, tag, customType, extendsTagName);
static Element createElement(Document document, String tagName) =>
_blink.Blink_Utils.createElement(document, tagName);
static void initializeCustomElement(HtmlElement element) =>
static Element changeElementWrapper(HtmlElement element, Type type) =>
_blink.Blink_Utils.changeElementWrapper(element, type);
class _DOMWindowCrossFrame extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements
WindowBase {
// Fields.
HistoryBase get history => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.get_history(this);
LocationBase get location => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.get_location(this);
bool get closed => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.get_closed(this);
WindowBase get opener => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.get_opener(this);
WindowBase get parent => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.get_parent(this);
WindowBase get top => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.get_top(this);
// Methods.
void close() => _blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.close(this);
void postMessage(/*SerializedScriptValue*/ message, String targetOrigin, [List messagePorts]) =>
_blink.Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame.postMessage(this, message, targetOrigin, messagePorts);
// Implementation support.
String get typeName => "Window";
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this method.
Events get on => throw new UnsupportedError(
'You can only attach EventListeners to your own window.');
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this method.
void _addEventListener([String type, EventListener listener, bool useCapture])
=> throw new UnsupportedError(
'You can only attach EventListeners to your own window.');
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this method.
void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture])
=> throw new UnsupportedError(
'You can only attach EventListeners to your own window.');
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this method.
bool dispatchEvent(Event event) => throw new UnsupportedError(
'You can only attach EventListeners to your own window.');
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this method.
void _removeEventListener([String type, EventListener listener,
bool useCapture]) => throw new UnsupportedError(
'You can only attach EventListeners to your own window.');
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this method.
void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener,
[bool useCapture]) => throw new UnsupportedError(
'You can only attach EventListeners to your own window.');
class _HistoryCrossFrame extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements HistoryBase {
// Methods.
void back() => _blink.Blink_HistoryCrossFrame.back(this);
void forward() => _blink.Blink_HistoryCrossFrame.forward(this);
void go(int distance) => _blink.Blink_HistoryCrossFrame.go(this, distance);
// Implementation support.
String get typeName => "History";
class _LocationCrossFrame extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements LocationBase {
// Fields.
void set href(String h) => _blink.Blink_LocationCrossFrame.set_href(this, h);
// Implementation support.
String get typeName => "Location";
class _DOMStringMap extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 implements Map<String, String> {
bool containsValue(String value) => Maps.containsValue(this, value);
bool containsKey(String key) => _blink.Blink_DOMStringMap.containsKey(this, key);
String operator [](String key) => _blink.Blink_DOMStringMap.item(this, key);
void operator []=(String key, String value) => _blink.Blink_DOMStringMap.setItem(this, key, value);
String putIfAbsent(String key, String ifAbsent()) => Maps.putIfAbsent(this, key, ifAbsent);
String remove(String key) => _blink.Blink_DOMStringMap.remove(this, key);
void clear() => Maps.clear(this);
void forEach(void f(String key, String value)) => Maps.forEach(this, f);
Iterable<String> get keys => _blink.Blink_DOMStringMap.get_keys(this);
Iterable<String> get values => Maps.getValues(this);
int get length => Maps.length(this);
bool get isEmpty => Maps.isEmpty(this);
bool get isNotEmpty => Maps.isNotEmpty(this);
void addAll(Map<String, String> other) {
other.forEach((key, value) => this[key] = value);
final _printClosure = (s) => window.console.log(s);
final _pureIsolatePrintClosure = (s) {
throw new UnimplementedError("Printing from a background isolate "
"is not supported in the browser");
final _forwardingPrintClosure = _Utils.forwardingPrint;
final _uriBaseClosure = () => Uri.parse(window.location.href);
final _pureIsolateUriBaseClosure = () {
throw new UnimplementedError("Uri.base on a background isolate "
"is not supported in the browser");
class _Timer implements Timer {
static const int _STATE_TIMEOUT = 0;
static const int _STATE_INTERVAL = 1;
int _state;
_Timer(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer), bool repeating) {
if (repeating) {
_state = (window._setInterval(() {
}, milliSeconds) << 1) | _STATE_INTERVAL;
} else {
_state = (window._setTimeout(() {
_state = null;
}, milliSeconds) << 1) | _STATE_TIMEOUT;
void cancel() {
if (_state == null) return;
int id = _state >> 1;
if ((_state & 1) == _STATE_TIMEOUT) {
} else {
_state = null;
bool get isActive => _state != null;
get _timerFactoryClosure =>
(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer), bool repeating) {
return new _Timer(milliSeconds, callback, repeating);
get _pureIsolateTimerFactoryClosure =>
((int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer time), bool repeating) =>
throw new UnimplementedError("Timers on background isolates "
"are not supported in the browser"));
class _ScheduleImmediateHelper {
MutationObserver _observer;
final DivElement _div = new DivElement();
Function _callback;
_ScheduleImmediateHelper() {
// Run in the root-zone as the DOM callback would otherwise execute in the
// current zone. {
// Mutation events get fired as soon as the current event stack is unwound
// so we just make a dummy event and listen for that.
_observer = new MutationObserver(_handleMutation);
_observer.observe(_div, attributes: true);
void _schedule(callback) {
if (_callback != null) {
throw new StateError(
'Only one immediate callback can be scheduled at once');
_callback = callback;
// Toggle it to trigger the mutation event.
_div.hidden = !_div.hidden;
_handleMutation(List<MutationRecord> mutations, MutationObserver observer) {
var tmp = _callback;
_callback = null;
final _ScheduleImmediateHelper _scheduleImmediateHelper =
new _ScheduleImmediateHelper();
get _scheduleImmediateClosure => (void callback()) {
get _pureIsolateScheduleImmediateClosure => ((void callback()) =>
throw new UnimplementedError("scheduleMicrotask in background isolates "
"are not supported in the browser"));
void _initializeCustomElement(Element e) {
// Class for unsupported native browser 'DOM' objects.
class _UnsupportedBrowserObject extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {