blob: abf3627ff4852396e2821659d0883a29bf8a5de8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of tree_ir.optimization;
/// Rewrites logical expressions to be more compact in the Tree IR.
/// In this class an expression is said to occur in "boolean context" if
/// its result is immediately applied to boolean conversion.
/// We apply the following two rules to [If] statements (see [visitIf]).
/// if (E) {} else S ==> if (!E) S else {} (else can be omitted)
/// if (!E) S1 else S2 ==> if (E) S2 else S1 (unless previous rule applied)
/// De Morgan's Laws are used to rewrite negations of logical operators so
/// negations are closer to the root:
/// !x && !y --> !(x || y)
/// This is to enable other rewrites, such as branch swapping in an if. In some
/// contexts, the rule is reversed because we do not expect to apply a rewrite
/// rule to the result. For example:
/// z = !(x || y) ==> z = !x && !y;
/// Conditionals with boolean constant operands occur frequently in the input.
/// They can often the re-written to logical operators, for instance:
/// if (x ? y : false) S1 else S2
/// ==>
/// if (x && y) S1 else S2
/// Conditionals are tricky to rewrite when they occur out of boolean context.
/// Here we must apply more conservative rules, such as:
/// x ? true : false ==> !!x
/// If an operand is known to be a boolean, we can introduce a logical operator:
/// x ? y : false ==> x && y (if y is known to be a boolean)
/// The following sequence of rewrites demonstrates the merit of these rules:
/// x ? (y ? true : false) : false
/// x ? !!y : false (double negation introduced by [toBoolean])
/// x && !!y (!!y validated by [isBooleanValued])
/// x && y (double negation removed by [putInBooleanContext])
class LogicalRewriter extends Visitor<Statement, Expression> with PassMixin {
/// Statement to be executed next by natural fallthrough. Although fallthrough
/// is not introduced in this phase, we need to reason about fallthrough when
/// evaluating the benefit of swapping the branches of an [If].
Statement fallthrough;
void rewriteExecutableDefinition(ExecutableDefinition root) {
root.body = visitStatement(root.body);
void rewriteConstructorDefinition(ConstructorDefinition root) {
if (root.isAbstract) return;
List<Initializer> initializers = root.initializers;
for (int i = 0; i < initializers.length; ++i) {
initializers[i] = visitExpression(initializers[i]);
root.body = visitStatement(root.body);
Expression visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) {
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
return node;
visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) {
List<Statement> arguments = node.arguments;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
arguments[i] = visitStatement(arguments[i]);
return node;
Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Statement savedFallthrough = fallthrough;
fallthrough =;
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
fallthrough = savedFallthrough; = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitAssign(Assign node) {
node.definition = visitExpression(node.definition); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitReturn(Return node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
Statement visitBreak(Break node) {
return node;
Statement visitContinue(Continue node) {
return node;
bool isFallthroughBreak(Statement node) {
return node is Break && == fallthrough;
Statement visitIf(If node) {
// If one of the branches is empty (i.e. just a fallthrough), then that
// branch should preferrably be the 'else' so we won't have to print it.
// In other words, we wish to perform this rewrite:
// if (E) {} else {S}
// ==>
// if (!E) {S}
// In the tree language, empty statements do not exist yet, so we must check
// if one branch contains a break that can be eliminated by fallthrough.
// Swap branches if then is a fallthrough break.
if (isFallthroughBreak(node.thenStatement)) {
node.condition = new Not(node.condition);
Statement tmp = node.thenStatement;
node.thenStatement = node.elseStatement;
node.elseStatement = tmp;
// Can the else part be eliminated?
// (Either due to the above swap or if the break was already there).
bool emptyElse = isFallthroughBreak(node.elseStatement);
node.condition = makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: !emptyElse);
node.thenStatement = visitStatement(node.thenStatement);
node.elseStatement = visitStatement(node.elseStatement);
// If neither branch is empty, eliminate a negation in the condition
// if (!E) S1 else S2
// ==>
// if (E) S2 else S1
if (!emptyElse && node.condition is Not) {
node.condition = (node.condition as Not).operand;
Statement tmp = node.thenStatement;
node.thenStatement = node.elseStatement;
node.elseStatement = tmp;
return node;
Statement visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) {
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
return node;
Statement visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node) {
node.condition = makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: false);
node.body = visitStatement(node.body); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
node.expression = visitExpression(node.expression); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Expression visitVariable(Variable node) {
return node;
Expression visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
return node;
Expression visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
Expression visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
Expression visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
return node;
Expression visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) {
return node;
Expression visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return node;
Expression visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) {
entry.key = visitExpression(entry.key);
entry.value = visitExpression(entry.value);
return node;
Expression visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
Expression visitConstant(Constant node) {
return node;
Expression visitThis(This node) {
return node;
Expression visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node) {
return node;
Expression visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
new LogicalRewriter().rewrite(node.definition);
return node;
Statement visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
new LogicalRewriter().rewrite(node.definition); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Expression visitNot(Not node) {
return toBoolean(makeCondition(node.operand, false, liftNots: false));
Expression visitConditional(Conditional node) {
// node.condition will be visited after the then and else parts, because its
// polarity depends on what rewrite we use.
node.thenExpression = visitExpression(node.thenExpression);
node.elseExpression = visitExpression(node.elseExpression);
// In the following, we must take care not to eliminate or introduce a
// boolean conversion.
// x ? true : false --> !!x
if (isTrue(node.thenExpression) && isFalse(node.elseExpression)) {
return toBoolean(makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: false));
// x ? false : true --> !x
if (isFalse(node.thenExpression) && isTrue(node.elseExpression)) {
return toBoolean(makeCondition(node.condition, false, liftNots: false));
// x ? y : false ==> x && y (if y is known to be a boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.thenExpression) && isFalse(node.elseExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.and(
makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots:false),
// x ? y : true ==> !x || y (if y is known to be a boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.thenExpression) && isTrue(node.elseExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.or(
makeCondition(node.condition, false, liftNots: false),
// x ? true : y ==> x || y (if y if known to be boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.elseExpression) && isTrue(node.thenExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.or(
makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: false),
// x ? false : y ==> !x && y (if y is known to be a boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.elseExpression) && isFalse(node.thenExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.and(
makeCondition(node.condition, false, liftNots: false),
node.condition = makeCondition(node.condition, true);
// !x ? y : z ==> x ? z : y
if (node.condition is Not) {
node.condition = (node.condition as Not).operand;
Expression tmp = node.thenExpression;
node.thenExpression = node.elseExpression;
node.elseExpression = tmp;
return node;
Expression visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) {
node.left = makeCondition(node.left, true);
node.right = makeCondition(node.right, true);
return node;
Statement visitSetField(SetField node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
node.value = visitExpression(node.value); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Expression visitGetField(GetField node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
return node;
Expression visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) {
return node;
Expression visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
return node;
/// True if the given expression is known to evaluate to a boolean.
/// This will not recursively traverse [Conditional] expressions, but if
/// applied to the result of [visitExpression] conditionals will have been
/// rewritten anyway.
bool isBooleanValued(Expression e) {
return isTrue(e) || isFalse(e) || e is Not || e is LogicalOperator;
/// Rewrite an expression that was originally processed in a non-boolean
/// context.
Expression putInBooleanContext(Expression e) {
if (e is Not && e.operand is Not) {
return (e.operand as Not).operand;
} else {
return e;
/// Forces a boolean conversion of the given expression.
Expression toBoolean(Expression e) {
if (isBooleanValued(e))
return e;
return new Not(new Not(e));
/// Creates an equivalent boolean expression. The expression must occur in a
/// context where its result is immediately subject to boolean conversion.
/// If [polarity] if false, the negated condition will be created instead.
/// If [liftNots] is true (default) then Not expressions will be lifted toward
/// the root the condition so they can be eliminated by the caller.
Expression makeCondition(Expression e, bool polarity, {bool liftNots:true}) {
if (e is Not) {
// !!E ==> E
return makeCondition(e.operand, !polarity, liftNots: liftNots);
if (e is LogicalOperator) {
// If polarity=false, then apply the rewrite !(x && y) ==> !x || !y
e.left = makeCondition(e.left, polarity);
e.right = makeCondition(e.right, polarity);
if (!polarity) {
e.isAnd = !e.isAnd;
// !x && !y ==> !(x || y) (only if lifting nots)
if (e.left is Not && e.right is Not && liftNots) {
e.left = (e.left as Not).operand;
e.right = (e.right as Not).operand;
e.isAnd = !e.isAnd;
return new Not(e);
return e;
if (e is Conditional) {
// Handle polarity by: !(x ? y : z) ==> x ? !y : !z
// Rewrite individual branches now. The condition will be rewritten
// when we know what polarity to use (depends on which rewrite is used).
e.thenExpression = makeCondition(e.thenExpression, polarity);
e.elseExpression = makeCondition(e.elseExpression, polarity);
// x ? true : false ==> x
if (isTrue(e.thenExpression) && isFalse(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeCondition(e.condition, true, liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? false : true ==> !x
if (isFalse(e.thenExpression) && isTrue(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeCondition(e.condition, false, liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? true : y ==> x || y
if (isTrue(e.thenExpression)) {
return makeOr(makeCondition(e.condition, true),
liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? false : y ==> !x && y
if (isFalse(e.thenExpression)) {
return makeAnd(makeCondition(e.condition, false),
liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? y : true ==> !x || y
if (isTrue(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeOr(makeCondition(e.condition, false),
liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? y : false ==> x && y
if (isFalse(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeAnd(makeCondition(e.condition, true),
liftNots: liftNots);
e.condition = makeCondition(e.condition, true);
// !x ? y : z ==> x ? z : y
if (e.condition is Not) {
e.condition = (e.condition as Not).operand;
Expression tmp = e.thenExpression;
e.thenExpression = e.elseExpression;
e.elseExpression = tmp;
// x ? !y : !z ==> !(x ? y : z) (only if lifting nots)
if (e.thenExpression is Not && e.elseExpression is Not && liftNots) {
e.thenExpression = (e.thenExpression as Not).operand;
e.elseExpression = (e.elseExpression as Not).operand;
return new Not(e);
return e;
if (e is Constant && e.value.isBool) {
// !true ==> false
if (!polarity) {
values.BoolConstantValue value = e.value;
return new Constant.primitive(value.negate());
return e;
e = visitExpression(e);
return polarity ? e : new Not(e);
bool isTrue(Expression e) {
return e is Constant && e.value.isTrue;
bool isFalse(Expression e) {
return e is Constant && e.value.isFalse;
Expression makeAnd(Expression e1, Expression e2, {bool liftNots: true}) {
if (e1 is Not && e2 is Not && liftNots) {
return new Not(new LogicalOperator.or(e1.operand, e2.operand));
} else {
return new LogicalOperator.and(e1, e2);
Expression makeOr(Expression e1, Expression e2, {bool liftNots: true}) {
if (e1 is Not && e2 is Not && liftNots) {
return new Not(new LogicalOperator.and(e1.operand, e2.operand));
} else {
return new LogicalOperator.or(e1, e2);
/// Destructively updates each entry of [l] with the result of visiting it.
void _rewriteList(List<Expression> l) {
for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
l[i] = visitExpression(l[i]);