blob: 3ba46e898290f598ebca2f8fa5191392562f1925 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.physical_file_system;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
var _isFile = new isInstanceOf<File>();
var _isFolder = new isInstanceOf<Folder>();
var _isFileSystemException = new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>();
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
group('PhysicalResourceProvider', () {
io.Directory tempDirectory;
String tempPath;
setUp(() {
tempDirectory = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('test_resource');
tempPath = tempDirectory.absolute.path;
tearDown(() {
tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
group('Watch', () {
Future delayed(computation()) {
// Give the tests 1 second to detect the changes. While it may only
// take up to a few hundred ms, a whole second gives a good margin
// for when running tests.
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1), computation);
watchingFolder(String path, test(List<WatchEvent> changesReceived)) {
// Delay before we start watching the folder. This is necessary
// because on MacOS, file modifications that occur just before we
// start watching are sometimes misclassified as happening just after
// we start watching.
return delayed(() {
Folder folder = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
var changesReceived = <WatchEvent>[];
var subscription = folder.changes.listen(changesReceived.add);
// Delay running the rest of the test to allow folder.changes to
// take a snapshot of the current directory state. Otherwise it
// won't be able to reliably distinguish new files from modified
// ones.
return delayed(() => test(changesReceived)).whenComplete(() {
test('create file', () => watchingFolder(tempPath, (changesReceived) {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(0));
var path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
new io.File(path).writeAsStringSync('contents');
return delayed(() {
// There should be an "add" event indicating that the file was added.
// Depending on how long it took to write the contents, it may be
// followed by "modify" events.
expect(changesReceived, isNotEmpty);
expect(changesReceived[0].type, equals(ChangeType.ADD));
expect(changesReceived[0].path, equals(path));
for (int i = 1; i < changesReceived.length; i++) {
expect(changesReceived[i].type, equals(ChangeType.MODIFY));
expect(changesReceived[i].path, equals(path));
test('modify file', () {
var path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var file = new io.File(path);
file.writeAsStringSync('contents 1');
return watchingFolder(tempPath, (changesReceived) {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(0));
file.writeAsStringSync('contents 2');
return delayed(() {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(1));
expect(changesReceived[0].type, equals(ChangeType.MODIFY));
expect(changesReceived[0].path, equals(path));
test('modify file in subdir', () {
var subdirPath = join(tempPath, 'foo');
new io.Directory(subdirPath).createSync();
var path = join(tempPath, 'bar');
var file = new io.File(path);
file.writeAsStringSync('contents 1');
return watchingFolder(tempPath, (changesReceived) {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(0));
file.writeAsStringSync('contents 2');
return delayed(() {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(1));
expect(changesReceived[0].type, equals(ChangeType.MODIFY));
expect(changesReceived[0].path, equals(path));
test('delete file', () {
var path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var file = new io.File(path);
file.writeAsStringSync('contents 1');
return watchingFolder(tempPath, (changesReceived) {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(0));
return delayed(() {
expect(changesReceived, hasLength(1));
expect(changesReceived[0].type, equals(ChangeType.REMOVE));
expect(changesReceived[0].path, equals(path));
group('getStateLocation', () {
test('uniqueness', () {
PhysicalResourceProvider provider = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE;
String idOne = 'one';
Folder folderOne = provider.getStateLocation(idOne);
expect(folderOne, isNotNull);
String idTwo = 'two';
Folder folderTwo = provider.getStateLocation(idTwo);
expect(folderTwo, isNotNull);
expect(folderTwo, isNot(equals(folderOne)));
expect(provider.getStateLocation(idOne), equals(folderOne));
group('File', () {
String path;
File file;
setUp(() {
path = join(tempPath, 'file.txt');
file = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
test('createSource', () {
new io.File(path).writeAsStringSync('contents');
Source source = file.createSource();
expect(source.uriKind, UriKind.FILE_URI);
expect(source.exists(), isTrue);
expect(, 'contents');
group('exists', () {
test('false', () {
expect(file.exists, isFalse);
test('true', () {
new io.File(path).writeAsStringSync('contents');
expect(file.exists, isTrue);
test('fullName', () {
expect(file.path, path);
test('hashCode', () {
new io.File(path).writeAsStringSync('contents');
File file2 = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(file.hashCode, equals(file2.hashCode));
test('equality: same path', () {
new io.File(path).writeAsStringSync('contents');
File file2 = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(file == file2, isTrue);
test('equality: different paths', () {
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'file2.txt');
File file2 = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path2);
expect(file == file2, isFalse);
test('isOrContains', () {
File file = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(file.isOrContains(path), isTrue);
expect(file.isOrContains('foo'), isFalse);
group('modificationStamp', () {
test('exists', () {
new io.File(path).writeAsStringSync('contents');
File file = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(file.modificationStamp, isNonNegative);
test('does not exist', () {
File file = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(() {
}, throwsA(_isFileSystemException));
test('shortName', () {
expect(file.shortName, 'file.txt');
test('toString', () {
expect(file.toString(), path);
test('parent', () {
Resource parent = file.parent;
expect(parent, new isInstanceOf<Folder>());
expect(parent.path, equals(tempPath));
group('Folder', () {
String path;
Folder folder;
setUp(() {
path = join(tempPath, 'folder');
new io.Directory(path).createSync();
folder = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
test('hashCode', () {
Folder folder2 = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(folder.hashCode, equals(folder2.hashCode));
test('equality: same path', () {
Folder folder2 = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path);
expect(folder == folder2, isTrue);
test('equality: different paths', () {
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'folder2');
new io.Directory(path2).createSync();
Folder folder2 = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(path2);
expect(folder == folder2, isFalse);
test('contains', () {
expect(folder.contains(join(path, 'aaa.txt')), isTrue);
expect(folder.contains(join(path, 'aaa', 'bbb.txt')), isTrue);
expect(folder.contains(join(tempPath, 'baz.txt')), isFalse);
expect(folder.contains(path), isFalse);
test('isOrContains', () {
expect(folder.isOrContains(path), isTrue);
expect(folder.isOrContains(join(path, 'aaa.txt')), isTrue);
expect(folder.isOrContains(join(path, 'aaa', 'bbb.txt')), isTrue);
expect(folder.isOrContains(join(tempPath, 'baz.txt')), isFalse);
group('getChild', () {
test('does not exist', () {
var child = folder.getChild('no-such-resource');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isFalse);
test('file', () {
new io.File(join(path, 'myFile')).createSync();
var child = folder.getChild('myFile');
expect(child, _isFile);
expect(child.exists, isTrue);
test('folder', () {
new io.Directory(join(path, 'myFolder')).createSync();
var child = folder.getChild('myFolder');
expect(child, _isFolder);
expect(child.exists, isTrue);
test('getChildren', () {
// create 2 files and 1 folder
new io.File(join(path, 'a.txt')).createSync();
new io.Directory(join(path, 'bFolder')).createSync();
new io.File(join(path, 'c.txt')).createSync();
// prepare 3 children
List<Resource> children = folder.getChildren();
expect(children, hasLength(3));
children.sort((a, b) => a.shortName.compareTo(b.shortName));
// check that each child exists
children.forEach((child) {
expect(child.exists, true);
// check names
expect(children[0].shortName, 'a.txt');
expect(children[1].shortName, 'bFolder');
expect(children[2].shortName, 'c.txt');
// check types
expect(children[0], _isFile);
expect(children[1], _isFolder);
expect(children[2], _isFile);
test('parent', () {
Resource parent = folder.parent;
expect(parent, new isInstanceOf<Folder>());
expect(parent.path, equals(tempPath));
// Since the OS is in control of where tempPath is, we don't know how
// far it should be from the root. So just verify that each call to
// parent results in a a folder with a shorter path, and that we
// reach the root eventually.
while (true) {
Resource grandParent = parent.parent;
if (grandParent == null) {
expect(grandParent, new isInstanceOf<Folder>());
expect(grandParent.path.length, lessThan(parent.path.length));
parent = grandParent;
test('canonicalizePath', () {
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'folder2');
String path3 = join(tempPath, 'folder3');
expect(folder.canonicalizePath('baz'), equals(join(path, 'baz')));
expect(folder.canonicalizePath(path2), equals(path2));
expect(folder.canonicalizePath(join('..', 'folder2')), equals(path2));
folder.canonicalizePath(join(path2, '..', 'folder3')),
folder.canonicalizePath(join('.', 'baz')),
equals(join(path, 'baz')));
folder.canonicalizePath(join(path2, '.', 'baz')),
equals(join(path2, 'baz')));