blob: 0c64a63873355b7980858794bee3913119618aec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.src.refactoring.sort_members;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/strings.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
* Sorter for unit/class members.
class MemberSorter {
static List<_PriorityItem> _PRIORITY_ITEMS = [
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_VARIABLE, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_VARIABLE, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_ACCESSOR, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_ACCESSOR, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_FUNCTION, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_FUNCTION, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_FUNCTION_TYPE, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_FUNCTION_TYPE, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_CLASS, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.UNIT_CLASS, true),
new _PriorityItem(true, _MemberKind.CLASS_FIELD, false),
new _PriorityItem(true, _MemberKind.CLASS_ACCESSOR, false),
new _PriorityItem(true, _MemberKind.CLASS_ACCESSOR, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_FIELD, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_ACCESSOR, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_ACCESSOR, true),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_METHOD, false),
new _PriorityItem(false, _MemberKind.CLASS_METHOD, true),
new _PriorityItem(true, _MemberKind.CLASS_METHOD, false),
new _PriorityItem(true, _MemberKind.CLASS_METHOD, true)];
final String initialCode;
final CompilationUnit unit;
String code;
MemberSorter(this.initialCode, this.unit) {
this.code = initialCode;
* Return the EOL to use for [code].
String get endOfLine {
if (code.contains('\r\n')) {
return '\r\n';
} else {
return '\n';
* Return the [SourceEdit]s that sort [unit].
List<SourceEdit> sort() {
// Must sort unit directives last because it may insert newlines, which
// would confuse the offsets used by the other sort functions.
// prepare edits
List<SourceEdit> edits = <SourceEdit>[];
if (code != initialCode) {
int prefixLength = findCommonPrefix(initialCode, code);
int suffixLength = findCommonSuffix(initialCode, code);
String prefix = code.substring(0, prefixLength);
String suffix = code.substring(code.length - suffixLength, code.length);
int commonLength = findCommonOverlap(prefix, suffix);
suffixLength -= commonLength;
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit(
initialCode.length - suffixLength - prefixLength,
code.substring(prefixLength, code.length - suffixLength));
return edits;
void _sortAndReorderMembers(List<_MemberInfo> members) {
List<_MemberInfo> membersSorted = _getSortedMembers(members);
int size = membersSorted.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
_MemberInfo newInfo = membersSorted[size - 1 - i];
_MemberInfo oldInfo = members[size - 1 - i];
if (newInfo != oldInfo) {
String beforeCode = code.substring(0, oldInfo.offset);
String afterCode = code.substring(oldInfo.end);
code = beforeCode + newInfo.text + afterCode;
* Sorts all members of all [ClassDeclaration]s.
void _sortClassesMembers() {
for (CompilationUnitMember unitMember in unit.declarations) {
if (unitMember is ClassDeclaration) {
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = unitMember;
* Sorts all members of the given [ClassDeclaration].
void _sortClassMembers(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) {
List<_MemberInfo> members = <_MemberInfo>[];
for (ClassMember member in classDeclaration.members) {
_MemberKind kind = null;
bool isStatic = false;
String name = null;
if (member is ConstructorDeclaration) {
kind = _MemberKind.CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR;
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
if (nameNode == null) {
name = "";
} else {
name =;
if (member is FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = member;
List<VariableDeclaration> fields = fieldDeclaration.fields.variables;
if (!fields.isEmpty) {
kind = _MemberKind.CLASS_FIELD;
isStatic = fieldDeclaration.isStatic;
name = fields[0];
if (member is MethodDeclaration) {
MethodDeclaration method = member;
isStatic = method.isStatic;
name =;
if (method.isGetter) {
kind = _MemberKind.CLASS_ACCESSOR;
name += " getter";
} else if (method.isSetter) {
kind = _MemberKind.CLASS_ACCESSOR;
name += " setter";
} else {
kind = _MemberKind.CLASS_METHOD;
if (name != null) {
_PriorityItem item = new _PriorityItem.forName(isStatic, name, kind);
int offset = member.offset;
int length = member.length;
String text = code.substring(offset, offset + length);
members.add(new _MemberInfo(item, name, offset, length, text));
// do sort
* Sorts all [Directive]s.
void _sortUnitDirectives() {
List<_DirectiveInfo> directives = [];
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is! UriBasedDirective) {
UriBasedDirective uriDirective = directive as UriBasedDirective;
String uriContent = uriDirective.uri.stringValue;
_DirectivePriority kind = null;
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
if (uriContent.startsWith("dart:")) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.IMPORT_SDK;
} else if (uriContent.startsWith("package:")) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.IMPORT_PKG;
} else if (uriContent.contains('://')) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.IMPORT_OTHER;
} else {
kind = _DirectivePriority.IMPORT_REL;
if (directive is ExportDirective) {
if (uriContent.startsWith("dart:")) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.EXPORT_SDK;
} else if (uriContent.startsWith("package:")) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.EXPORT_PKG;
} else if (uriContent.contains('://')) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.EXPORT_OTHER;
} else {
kind = _DirectivePriority.EXPORT_REL;
if (directive is PartDirective) {
kind = _DirectivePriority.PART;
if (kind != null) {
int offset = directive.offset;
int length = directive.length;
String text = code.substring(offset, offset + length);
directives.add(new _DirectiveInfo(directive, kind, text));
// nothing to do
if (directives.isEmpty) {
int firstDirectiveOffset = directives[0].directive.offset;
int lastDirectiveEnd = directives[directives.length - 1].directive.end;
// do sort
// append directives with grouping
String directivesCode;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String endOfLine = this.endOfLine;
_DirectivePriority currentPriority = null;
for (_DirectiveInfo directive in directives) {
if (currentPriority != directive.priority) {
if (sb.length != 0) {
currentPriority = directive.priority;
directivesCode = sb.toString();
directivesCode = directivesCode.trimRight();
// prepare code
String beforeDirectives = code.substring(0, firstDirectiveOffset);
String afterDirectives = code.substring(lastDirectiveEnd);
code = beforeDirectives + directivesCode + afterDirectives;
* Sorts all [CompilationUnitMember]s.
void _sortUnitMembers() {
List<_MemberInfo> members = [];
for (CompilationUnitMember member in unit.declarations) {
_MemberKind kind = null;
String name = null;
if (member is ClassDeclaration) {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_CLASS;
name =;
if (member is ClassTypeAlias) {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_CLASS;
name =;
if (member is FunctionDeclaration) {
FunctionDeclaration function = member;
name =;
if (function.isGetter) {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_ACCESSOR;
name += " getter";
} else if (function.isSetter) {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_ACCESSOR;
name += " setter";
} else {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_FUNCTION;
if (member is FunctionTypeAlias) {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_FUNCTION_TYPE;
name =;
if (member is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
TopLevelVariableDeclaration variableDeclaration = member;
List<VariableDeclaration> variables =
if (!variables.isEmpty) {
kind = _MemberKind.UNIT_VARIABLE;
name = variables[0];
if (name != null) {
_PriorityItem item = new _PriorityItem.forName(false, name, kind);
int offset = member.offset;
int length = member.length;
String text = code.substring(offset, offset + length);
members.add(new _MemberInfo(item, name, offset, length, text));
// do sort
static int _getPriority(_PriorityItem item) {
for (int i = 0; i < _PRIORITY_ITEMS.length; i++) {
if (_PRIORITY_ITEMS[i] == item) {
return i;
return 0;
static List<_MemberInfo> _getSortedMembers(List<_MemberInfo> members) {
List<_MemberInfo> membersSorted = new List<_MemberInfo>.from(members);
membersSorted.sort((_MemberInfo o1, _MemberInfo o2) {
int priority1 = _getPriority(o1.item);
int priority2 = _getPriority(o2.item);
if (priority1 == priority2) {
// don't reorder class fields
if (o1.item.kind == _MemberKind.CLASS_FIELD) {
return o1.offset - o2.offset;
// sort all other members by name
String name1 =;
String name2 =;
return name1.compareTo(name2);
return priority1 - priority2;
return membersSorted;
class _DirectiveInfo implements Comparable<_DirectiveInfo> {
final Directive directive;
final _DirectivePriority priority;
final String text;
_DirectiveInfo(this.directive, this.priority, this.text);
int compareTo(_DirectiveInfo other) {
if (priority == other.priority) {
return text.compareTo(other.text);
return priority.ordinal - other.priority.ordinal;
String toString() => '(priority=$priority; text=$text)';
class _DirectivePriority {
static const IMPORT_SDK = const _DirectivePriority('IMPORT_SDK', 0);
static const IMPORT_PKG = const _DirectivePriority('IMPORT_PKG', 1);
static const IMPORT_OTHER = const _DirectivePriority('IMPORT_OTHER', 2);
static const IMPORT_REL = const _DirectivePriority('IMPORT_REL', 3);
static const EXPORT_SDK = const _DirectivePriority('EXPORT_SDK', 4);
static const EXPORT_PKG = const _DirectivePriority('EXPORT_PKG', 5);
static const EXPORT_OTHER = const _DirectivePriority('EXPORT_OTHER', 6);
static const EXPORT_REL = const _DirectivePriority('EXPORT_REL', 7);
static const PART = const _DirectivePriority('PART', 8);
final String name;
final int ordinal;
const _DirectivePriority(, this.ordinal);
String toString() => name;
class _MemberInfo {
final _PriorityItem item;
final String name;
final int offset;
final int length;
final int end;
final String text;
_MemberInfo(this.item,, int offset, int length, this.text)
: offset = offset,
length = length,
end = offset + length;
String toString() {
return '(priority=$item; name=$name; offset=$offset; length=$length)';
class _MemberKind {
static const UNIT_ACCESSOR = const _MemberKind('UNIT_ACCESSOR', 0);
static const UNIT_FUNCTION = const _MemberKind('UNIT_FUNCTION', 1);
static const UNIT_FUNCTION_TYPE = const _MemberKind('UNIT_FUNCTION_TYPE', 2);
static const UNIT_CLASS = const _MemberKind('UNIT_CLASS', 3);
static const UNIT_VARIABLE = const _MemberKind('UNIT_VARIABLE', 4);
static const CLASS_ACCESSOR = const _MemberKind('CLASS_ACCESSOR', 5);
static const CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR = const _MemberKind('CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR', 6);
static const CLASS_FIELD = const _MemberKind('CLASS_FIELD', 7);
static const CLASS_METHOD = const _MemberKind('CLASS_METHOD', 8);
final String name;
final int ordinal;
const _MemberKind(, this.ordinal);
String toString() => name;
class _PriorityItem {
final _MemberKind kind;
final bool isPrivate;
final bool isStatic;
_PriorityItem(this.isStatic, this.kind, this.isPrivate);
factory _PriorityItem.forName(bool isStatic, String name, _MemberKind kind) {
bool isPrivate = Identifier.isPrivateName(name);
return new _PriorityItem(isStatic, kind, isPrivate);
bool operator ==(Object obj) {
_PriorityItem other = obj as _PriorityItem;
if (kind == _MemberKind.CLASS_FIELD) {
return other.kind == kind && other.isStatic == isStatic;
return other.kind == kind &&
other.isPrivate == isPrivate &&
other.isStatic == isStatic;
String toString() => kind.toString();