blob: a3182791dc285c6182fea6b83224b135a3336050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
* Assigns JavaScript identifiers to Dart variables, class-names and members.
class MinifyNamer extends Namer {
MinifyNamer(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler) {
String get isolateName => 'I';
String get isolatePropertiesName => 'p';
bool get shouldMinify => true;
final String getterPrefix = 'g';
final String setterPrefix = 's';
final String callPrefix = ''; // this will create function names $<n>
static const ALPHABET_CHARACTERS = 52; // a-zA-Z.
static const ALPHANUMERIC_CHARACTERS = 62; // a-zA-Z0-9.
// You can pass an invalid identifier to this and unlike its non-minifying
// counterpart it will never return the proposedName as the new fresh name.
String getFreshName(String proposedName,
Set<String> usedNames,
Map<String, String> suggestedNames,
{bool ensureSafe: true}) {
var freshName;
var suggestion = suggestedNames[proposedName];
if (suggestion != null && !usedNames.contains(suggestion)) {
freshName = suggestion;
} else {
freshName = _getUnusedName(proposedName, usedNames);
return freshName;
String getClosureVariableName(String name, int id) {
return new String.fromCharCodes([_letterNumber(id)]);
return "${getMappedInstanceName('closure')}_$id";
void reserveBackendNames() {
// From issue 7554. These should not be used on objects (as instance
// variables) because they clash with names from the DOM.
const reservedNativeProperties = const <String>[
'Q', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'r', 'x', 'y', 'z',
// 2-letter:
'ch', 'cx', 'cy', 'db', 'dx', 'dy', 'fr', 'fx', 'fy', 'go', 'id', 'k1',
'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'r1', 'r2', 'rx', 'ry', 'x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2',
// 3-letter:
'add', 'all', 'alt', 'arc', 'CCW', 'cmp', 'dir', 'end', 'get', 'in1',
'in2', 'INT', 'key', 'log', 'low', 'm11', 'm12', 'm13', 'm14', 'm21',
'm22', 'm23', 'm24', 'm31', 'm32', 'm33', 'm34', 'm41', 'm42', 'm43',
'm44', 'max', 'min', 'now', 'ONE', 'put', 'red', 'rel', 'rev', 'RGB',
'sdp', 'set', 'src', 'tag', 'top', 'uid', 'uri', 'url', 'URL',
// 4-letter:
'abbr', 'atob', 'Attr', 'axes', 'axis', 'back', 'BACK', 'beta', 'bias',
'Blob', 'blue', 'blur', 'BLUR', 'body', 'BOOL', 'BOTH', 'btoa', 'BYTE',
'cite', 'clip', 'code', 'cols', 'cues', 'data', 'DECR', 'DONE', 'face',
'file', 'File', 'fill', 'find', 'font', 'form', 'gain', 'hash', 'head',
'high', 'hint', 'host', 'href', 'HRTF', 'IDLE', 'INCR', 'info', 'INIT',
'isId', 'item', 'KEEP', 'kind', 'knee', 'lang', 'left', 'LESS', 'line',
'link', 'list', 'load', 'loop', 'mode', 'name', 'Node', 'None', 'NONE',
'only', 'open', 'OPEN', 'ping', 'play', 'port', 'rect', 'Rect', 'refX',
'refY', 'RGBA', 'root', 'rows', 'save', 'seed', 'seek', 'self', 'send',
'show', 'SINE', 'size', 'span', 'stat', 'step', 'stop', 'tags', 'text',
'Text', 'time', 'type', 'view', 'warn', 'wrap', 'ZERO'];
for (var name in reservedNativeProperties) {
if (name.length < 2) {
instanceNameMap[name] = name;
// Getter and setter names are autogenerated by prepending 'g' and 's' to
// field names. Therefore there are some field names we don't want to
// use. It is implicit in the next line that the banned prefix is
// only one character.
if (_hasBannedPrefix(name)) usedInstanceNames.add(name.substring(1));
// These popular names are present in most programs and deserve
// single character minified names. We could determine the popular names
// individually per program, but that would mean that the output of the
// minifier was less stable from version to version of the program being
// minified.
const <String>[
r'$add', r'add$1', r'$and', r'codeUnitAt$1', r'$or',
r'current', r'$shr', r'$eq', r'$ne',
r'getPrototypeOf', r'hasOwnProperty', r'$index', r'$indexSet',
r'$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior', r'$xor',
r'iterator', r'length', r'$lt', r'$gt', r'$le', r'$ge',
r'moveNext$0', r'node', r'on', r'$negate', r'push', r'self',
r'start', r'target', r'$shl', r'value', r'width', r'style',
r'noSuchMethod$1', r'$mul', r'$div', r'$sub', r'$not', r'$mod',
const <String>[
r'Object', 'wrapException', r'$eq', r'S', r'ioore',
r'UnsupportedError$', r'length', r'$sub',
r'getInterceptor$JSArrayJSString', r'$add',
r'$gt', r'$ge', r'$lt', r'$le', r'add', r'getInterceptor$JSNumber',
r'iterator', r'$index', r'iae', r'getInterceptor$JSArray',
r'ArgumentError$', r'BoundClosure', r'StateError$',
r'getInterceptor', r'max', r'$mul', r'List_List', r'Map_Map',
r'getInterceptor$JSString', r'$div', r'$indexSet',
r'List_List$from', r'Set_Set$from', r'toString', r'toInt', r'min',
r'StringBuffer_StringBuffer', r'contains1', r'WhereIterable$',
r'RangeError$value', r'JSString', r'JSNumber',
r'JSArray', r'createInvocationMirror'
void _populateSuggestedNames(Map<String, String> suggestionMap,
Set<String> used,
List<String> suggestions) {
int c = $a - 1;
String letter;
for (String name in suggestions) {
do {
assert(c != $Z);
c = (c == $z) ? $A : c + 1;
letter = new String.fromCharCodes([c]);
} while (used.contains(letter));
assert(suggestionMap[name] == null);
suggestionMap[name] = letter;
// This gets a minified name based on a hash of the proposed name. This
// is slightly less efficient than just getting the next name in a series,
// but it means that small changes in the input program will give smallish
// changes in the output, which can be useful for diffing etc.
String _getUnusedName(String proposedName, Set<String> usedNames) {
int hash = _calculateHash(proposedName);
// Avoid very small hashes that won't try many names.
hash = hash < 1000 ? hash * 314159 : hash; // Yes, it's prime.
// Try other n-character names based on the hash. We try one to three
// character identifiers. For each length we try around 10 different names
// in a predictable order determined by the proposed name. This is in order
// to make the renamer stable: small changes in the input should nornally
// result in relatively small changes in the output.
for (var n = 2; n <= 3; n++) {
int h = hash;
while (h > 10) {
var codes = <int>[_letterNumber(h)];
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
final candidate = new String.fromCharCodes(codes);
if (!usedNames.contains(candidate) &&
!jsReserved.contains(candidate) &&
!_hasBannedPrefix(candidate)) {
return candidate;
// Try again with a slightly different hash. After around 10 turns
// around this loop h is zero and we try a longer name.
h ~/= 7;
// If we can't find a hash based name in the three-letter space, then base
// the name on a letter and a counter.
var startLetter = new String.fromCharCodes([_letterNumber(hash)]);
var i = 0;
while (usedNames.contains("$startLetter$i")) {
// We don't need to check for banned prefix because the name is in the form
// xnnn, where nnn is a number. There can be no getter or setter called
// gnnn since that would imply a numeric field name.
return "$startLetter$i";
/// Instance members starting with g and s are reserved for getters and
/// setters.
bool _hasBannedPrefix(String name) {
int code = name.codeUnitAt(0);
return code == $g || code == $s;
int _calculateHash(String name) {
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
h += name.codeUnitAt(i);
h &= 0xffffffff;
h += h << 10;
h &= 0xffffffff;
h ^= h >> 6;
h &= 0xffffffff;
return h;
int _letterNumber(int x) {
if (x < 26) return $a + x;
return $A + x - 26;
int _alphaNumericNumber(int x) {
if (x < 26) return $a + x;
if (x < 52) return $A + x - 26;
return $0 + x - 52;