blob: 2adf931162d80de7e7e4b86f3420fb8a2e382937 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Listener used in combination with `TopLevelParser` to extract the URIs of
/// import, part, and export directives.
library front_end.src.fasta.source.directive_listener;
import '../fasta_codes.dart' show FastaMessage, codeExpectedBlockToSkip;
import '../parser/listener.dart';
import '../quote.dart';
import '../scanner/token.dart';
/// Listener that records the URIs from imports, exports, and part directives.
/// This is normally used in combination with the `TopLevelParser`, which skips
/// over the body of declarations like classes and function that are irrelevant
/// for directives. Note that on correct programs directives cannot occur after
/// any top-level declaration, but we recommend to continue parsing the entire
/// file in order to gracefully handle input errors.
class DirectiveListener extends Listener {
/// Collects URIs that occur on any import directive.
final Set<String> imports = new Set<String>();
/// Collects URIs that occur on any export directive.
final Set<String> exports = new Set<String>();
/// Collects URIs that occur on any part directive.
final Set<String> parts = new Set<String>();
/// Set when entering the context of a directive, null when the parser is not
/// looking at a directive.
Set<String> _current = null;
bool get _inDirective => _current != null;
beginImport(_) {
_current = imports;
beginExport(_) {
_current = exports;
beginPart(_) {
_current = parts;
endExport(export, semicolon) {
_current = null;
endImport(import, deferred, asKeyword, semicolon) {
_current = null;
endPart(part, semicolon) {
_current = null;
void beginLiteralString(Token token) {
if (_inDirective) {
Token handleUnrecoverableError(Token token, FastaMessage message) {
if (message.code == codeExpectedBlockToSkip) {
Token recover = handleNativeClause(token);
if (recover != null) return recover;
return super.handleUnrecoverableError(token, message);
/// Defines how native clauses are handled. By default, they are not handled
/// and an error is thrown;
Token handleNativeClause(Token token) => null;