blob: 8b306a6c7ef3e8dafb06f13efd2829e532de62ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/builder/ast_factory.dart';
/// A library to help transform compounds and null-aware accessors into
/// let expressions.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart' show offsetForToken;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/fasta_accessors.dart'
show BuilderHelper;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide MethodInvocation;
final Name indexGetName = new Name("[]");
final Name indexSetName = new Name("[]=");
/// An [Accessor] represents a subexpression for which we can't yet build a
/// kernel [Expression] because we don't yet know the context in which it is
/// used.
/// Once the context is known, an [Accessor] can be converted into an
/// [Expression] by calling a "build" method.
/// For example, when building a kernel representation for `a[x] = b`, after
/// parsing `a[x]` but before parsing `= b`, we don't yet know whether to
/// generate an invocation of `operator[]` or `operator[]=`, so we generate an
/// [Accessor] object. Later, after `= b` is parsed, [buildAssignment] will be
/// called.
abstract class Accessor {
final BuilderHelper helper;
final Token token;
// [builtBinary] and [builtGetter] capture the inner nodes. Used by
// dart2js+rasta for determining how subexpressions map to legacy dart2js Ast
// nodes. This will be removed once dart2js type analysis (aka inference) is
// reimplemented on kernel.
Expression builtBinary;
Expression builtGetter;
Accessor(this.helper, this.token);
/// Builds an [Expression] representing a read from the accessor.
Expression buildSimpleRead() {
return _finish(_makeSimpleRead());
/// Builds an [Expression] representing an assignment with the accessor on
/// the LHS and [value] on the RHS.
/// The returned expression evaluates to the assigned value, unless
/// [voidContext] is true, in which case it may evaluate to anything.
Expression buildAssignment(Expression value, {bool voidContext: false}) {
return _finish(_makeSimpleWrite(value, voidContext));
/// Returns an [Expression] representing a null-aware assignment (`??=`) with
/// the accessor on the LHS and [value] on the RHS.
/// The returned expression evaluates to the assigned value, unless
/// [voidContext] is true, in which case it may evaluate to anything.
/// [type] is the static type of the RHS.
Expression buildNullAwareAssignment(Expression value, DartType type,
{bool voidContext: false}) {
if (voidContext) {
return _finish(new ConditionalExpression(
buildIsNull(helper.astFactory, _makeRead()),
_makeWrite(value, false),
new NullLiteral(),
var tmp = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(_makeRead());
return _finish(makeLet(
new ConditionalExpression(
buildIsNull(helper.astFactory, new VariableGet(tmp)),
_makeWrite(value, false),
new VariableGet(tmp),
/// Returns an [Expression] representing a compound assignment (e.g. `+=`)
/// with the accessor on the LHS and [value] on the RHS.
Expression buildCompoundAssignment(Name binaryOperator, Expression value,
{int offset: TreeNode.noOffset,
bool voidContext: false,
Procedure interfaceTarget}) {
return _finish(_makeWrite(
builtBinary = makeBinary(helper.astFactory, _makeRead(), binaryOperator,
interfaceTarget, value,
offset: offset),
/// Returns an [Expression] representing a pre-increment or pre-decrement
/// of the accessor.
Expression buildPrefixIncrement(Name binaryOperator,
{int offset: TreeNode.noOffset,
bool voidContext: false,
Procedure interfaceTarget}) {
return buildCompoundAssignment(binaryOperator, new IntLiteral(1),
offset: offset,
voidContext: voidContext,
interfaceTarget: interfaceTarget);
/// Returns an [Expression] representing a post-increment or post-decrement
/// of the accessor.
Expression buildPostfixIncrement(Name binaryOperator,
{int offset: TreeNode.noOffset,
bool voidContext: false,
Procedure interfaceTarget}) {
if (voidContext) {
return buildPrefixIncrement(binaryOperator,
offset: offset, voidContext: true, interfaceTarget: interfaceTarget);
var value = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(_makeRead());
valueAccess() => new VariableGet(value);
var dummy = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(_makeWrite(
builtBinary = makeBinary(helper.astFactory, valueAccess(),
binaryOperator, interfaceTarget, new IntLiteral(1),
offset: offset),
return _finish(makeLet(value, makeLet(dummy, valueAccess())));
Expression _makeSimpleRead() => _makeRead();
Expression _makeSimpleWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
return _makeWrite(value, voidContext);
Expression _makeRead();
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext);
Expression _finish(Expression body) => body;
/// Returns an [Expression] representing a compile-time error.
/// At runtime, an exception will be thrown.
makeInvalidRead() => new InvalidExpression();
/// Returns an [Expression] representing a compile-time error wrapping
/// [value].
/// At runtime, [value] will be evaluated before throwing an exception.
makeInvalidWrite(Expression value) => wrapInvalid(value);
abstract class VariableAccessor extends Accessor {
VariableDeclaration variable;
DartType promotedType;
BuilderHelper helper, this.variable, this.promotedType, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeRead() {
var fact = helper.typePromoter
.getFactForAccess(variable, helper.functionNestingLevel);
var scope = helper.typePromoter.currentScope;
return helper.astFactory.variableGet(variable, fact, scope, token);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
helper.typePromoter.mutateVariable(variable, helper.functionNestingLevel);
return variable.isFinal || variable.isConst
? makeInvalidWrite(value)
: new VariableSet(variable, value)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
class PropertyAccessor extends Accessor {
VariableDeclaration _receiverVariable;
Expression receiver;
Name name;
Member getter, setter;
static Accessor make(BuilderHelper helper, Expression receiver, Name name,
Member getter, Member setter,
{Token token}) {
if (receiver is ThisExpression) {
return new ThisPropertyAccessor(helper, name, getter, setter, token);
} else {
return new PropertyAccessor.internal(
helper, receiver, name, getter, setter, token);
PropertyAccessor.internal(BuilderHelper helper, this.receiver,,
this.getter, this.setter, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeSimpleRead() =>
helper.astFactory.propertyGet(receiver, name, getter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeSimpleWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
return helper.astFactory.propertySet(receiver, name, value, setter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
receiverAccess() {
_receiverVariable ??= new VariableDeclaration.forValue(receiver);
return new VariableGet(_receiverVariable)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeRead() => builtGetter = helper.astFactory
.propertyGet(receiverAccess(), name, getter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
return helper.astFactory.propertySet(receiverAccess(), name, value, setter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _finish(Expression body) => makeLet(_receiverVariable, body);
/// Special case of [PropertyAccessor] to avoid creating an indirect access to
/// 'this'.
class ThisPropertyAccessor extends Accessor {
Name name;
Member getter, setter;
BuilderHelper helper,, this.getter, this.setter, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeRead() => builtGetter = helper.astFactory
.propertyGet(new ThisExpression(), name, getter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
return helper.astFactory
.propertySet(new ThisExpression(), name, value, setter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
class NullAwarePropertyAccessor extends Accessor {
VariableDeclaration receiver;
Name name;
Member getter, setter;
DartType type;
NullAwarePropertyAccessor(BuilderHelper helper, Expression receiver,, this.getter, this.setter, this.type, Token token)
: this.receiver = makeOrReuseVariable(receiver),
super(helper, token);
receiverAccess() => new VariableGet(receiver);
Expression _makeRead() => builtGetter =
helper.astFactory.propertyGet(receiverAccess(), name, getter);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
return helper.astFactory.propertySet(receiverAccess(), name, value, setter);
Expression _finish(Expression body) => makeLet(
new ConditionalExpression(
buildIsNull(helper.astFactory, receiverAccess()),
new NullLiteral(),
class SuperPropertyAccessor extends Accessor {
Name name;
Member getter, setter;
BuilderHelper helper,, this.getter, this.setter, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeRead() {
if (getter == null) return makeInvalidRead();
// TODO(ahe): Use [DirectPropertyGet] when possible.
return builtGetter = new SuperPropertyGet(name, getter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (setter == null) return makeInvalidWrite(value);
// TODO(ahe): Use [DirectPropertySet] when possible.
return new SuperPropertySet(name, value, setter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
class IndexAccessor extends Accessor {
Expression receiver;
Expression index;
VariableDeclaration receiverVariable;
VariableDeclaration indexVariable;
Procedure getter, setter;
static Accessor make(BuilderHelper helper, Expression receiver,
Expression index, Procedure getter, Procedure setter,
{Token token}) {
if (receiver is ThisExpression) {
return new ThisIndexAccessor(helper, index, getter, setter, token);
} else {
return new IndexAccessor.internal(
helper, receiver, index, getter, setter, token);
IndexAccessor.internal(BuilderHelper helper, this.receiver, this.index,
this.getter, this.setter, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeSimpleRead() => helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(
receiver, indexGetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[index]), getter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeSimpleWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (!voidContext) return _makeWriteAndReturn(value);
return helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(receiver, indexSetName,
new Arguments(<Expression>[index, value]), setter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
receiverAccess() {
// We cannot reuse the receiver if it is a variable since it might be
// reassigned in the index expression.
receiverVariable ??= new VariableDeclaration.forValue(receiver);
return new VariableGet(receiverVariable)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
indexAccess() {
indexVariable ??= new VariableDeclaration.forValue(index);
return new VariableGet(indexVariable)..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeRead() {
return builtGetter = helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(receiverAccess(),
indexGetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[indexAccess()]), getter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (!voidContext) return _makeWriteAndReturn(value);
return helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(receiverAccess(), indexSetName,
new Arguments(<Expression>[indexAccess(), value]), setter)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
// TODO(dmitryas): remove this method after the "[]=" operator of the Context
// class is made to return a value.
_makeWriteAndReturn(Expression value) {
// The call to []= does not return the value like direct-style assignments
// do. We need to bind the value in a let.
var valueVariable = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(value);
var dummy = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(helper.astFactory
new Arguments(
<Expression>[indexAccess(), new VariableGet(valueVariable)]),
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token));
return makeLet(
valueVariable, makeLet(dummy, new VariableGet(valueVariable)));
Expression _finish(Expression body) {
return makeLet(receiverVariable, makeLet(indexVariable, body));
/// Special case of [IndexAccessor] to avoid creating an indirect access to
/// 'this'.
class ThisIndexAccessor extends Accessor {
Expression index;
VariableDeclaration indexVariable;
Procedure getter, setter;
BuilderHelper helper, this.index, this.getter, this.setter, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeSimpleRead() {
return helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(new ThisExpression(),
indexGetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[index]), getter);
Expression _makeSimpleWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (!voidContext) return _makeWriteAndReturn(value);
return helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(new ThisExpression(),
indexSetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[index, value]), setter);
indexAccess() {
indexVariable ??= new VariableDeclaration.forValue(index);
return new VariableGet(indexVariable);
Expression _makeRead() => builtGetter = helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(
new ThisExpression(),
new Arguments(<Expression>[indexAccess()]),
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (!voidContext) return _makeWriteAndReturn(value);
return helper.astFactory.methodInvocation(
new ThisExpression(),
new Arguments(<Expression>[indexAccess(), value]),
_makeWriteAndReturn(Expression value) {
var valueVariable = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(value);
var dummy = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(helper.astFactory
new ThisExpression(),
new Arguments(
<Expression>[indexAccess(), new VariableGet(valueVariable)]),
return makeLet(
valueVariable, makeLet(dummy, new VariableGet(valueVariable)));
Expression _finish(Expression body) => makeLet(indexVariable, body);
class SuperIndexAccessor extends Accessor {
Expression index;
VariableDeclaration indexVariable;
Member getter, setter;
BuilderHelper helper, this.index, this.getter, this.setter, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
indexAccess() {
indexVariable ??= new VariableDeclaration.forValue(index);
return new VariableGet(indexVariable);
Expression _makeSimpleRead() => new SuperMethodInvocation(
indexGetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[index]), getter);
Expression _makeSimpleWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (!voidContext) return _makeWriteAndReturn(value);
return new SuperMethodInvocation(
indexSetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[index, value]), setter);
Expression _makeRead() {
return builtGetter = new SuperMethodInvocation(
indexGetName, new Arguments(<Expression>[indexAccess()]), getter);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
if (!voidContext) return _makeWriteAndReturn(value);
return new SuperMethodInvocation(indexSetName,
new Arguments(<Expression>[indexAccess(), value]), setter);
_makeWriteAndReturn(Expression value) {
var valueVariable = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(value);
var dummy = new VariableDeclaration.forValue(new SuperMethodInvocation(
new Arguments(
<Expression>[indexAccess(), new VariableGet(valueVariable)]),
return makeLet(
valueVariable, makeLet(dummy, new VariableGet(valueVariable)));
Expression _finish(Expression body) {
return makeLet(indexVariable, body);
class StaticAccessor extends Accessor {
Member readTarget;
Member writeTarget;
BuilderHelper helper, this.readTarget, this.writeTarget, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeRead() => builtGetter = readTarget == null
? makeInvalidRead()
: helper.makeStaticGet(readTarget, token);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) {
return writeTarget == null
? makeInvalidWrite(value)
: new StaticSet(writeTarget, value)
..fileOffset = offsetForToken(token);
class ReadOnlyAccessor extends Accessor {
Expression expression;
VariableDeclaration value;
ReadOnlyAccessor(BuilderHelper helper, this.expression, Token token)
: super(helper, token);
Expression _makeSimpleRead() => expression;
Expression _makeRead() {
value ??= new VariableDeclaration.forValue(expression);
return new VariableGet(value);
Expression _makeWrite(Expression value, bool voidContext) =>
Expression _finish(Expression body) => makeLet(value, body);
Expression makeLet(VariableDeclaration variable, Expression body) {
if (variable == null) return body;
return new Let(variable, body);
Expression makeBinary(AstFactory astFactory, Expression left, Name operator,
Procedure interfaceTarget, Expression right,
{int offset: TreeNode.noOffset}) {
return astFactory.methodInvocation(
left, operator, new Arguments(<Expression>[right]), interfaceTarget)
..fileOffset = offset;
final Name _equalOperator = new Name('==');
Expression buildIsNull(AstFactory astFactory, Expression value,
{int offset: TreeNode.noOffset}) {
return makeBinary(astFactory, value, _equalOperator, null, new NullLiteral(),
offset: offset);
VariableDeclaration makeOrReuseVariable(Expression value) {
// TODO: Devise a way to remember if a variable declaration was reused
// or is fresh (hence needs a let binding).
return new VariableDeclaration.forValue(value);
Expression wrapInvalid(Expression e) {
return new Let(new VariableDeclaration.forValue(e), new InvalidExpression());