blob: 36364c4d24dcef8ac8bc36f1118a447b06873ecd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Make this a separate library.
part of dart2js.kernel.element_map;
class KernelAnnotationProcessor implements AnnotationProcessor {
final KernelToElementMap elementMap;
void extractNativeAnnotations(
LibraryEntity library, NativeBasicDataBuilder nativeBasicDataBuilder) {
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment = elementMap.elementEnvironment;
CommonElements commonElements = elementMap.commonElements;
elementEnvironment.forEachClass(library, (ClassEntity cls) {
String annotationName;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Make [_getClassMetadata] public and at test to
// guard against misuse.
for (ConstantExpression annotation in elementMap._getClassMetadata(cls)) {
ConstantValue value =
String name = readAnnotationName(
cls, value, commonElements.nativeAnnotationClass);
if (annotationName == null) {
annotationName = name;
} else if (name != null) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(
cls, 'Too many name annotations.');
if (annotationName != null) {
nativeBasicDataBuilder.setNativeClassTagInfo(cls, annotationName);
void extractJsInteropAnnotations(
LibraryEntity library, NativeBasicDataBuilder nativeBasicDataBuilder) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
void processJsInteropAnnotations(
NativeBasicData nativeData, NativeDataBuilder nativeDataBuilder) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.