blob: 7188a3ec774d3b1c0e1994ef0257d51052a11534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/completion_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/candidate_suggestion.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/completion_state.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/feature_computer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/in_scope_completion_pass.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/not_imported_completion_pass.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_collector.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_plugin/src/utilities/selection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver_based_analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager3.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dartdoc/dartdoc_directive_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart' show SourceFactory;
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/file_paths.dart' as file_paths;
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/performance/operation_performance.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/completion_matcher.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/fuzzy_matcher.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/completion/completion_target.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/completion/optype.dart';
/// Class that tracks how much time budget we have left.
class CompletionBudget {
static const Duration defaultDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 100);
final Duration _budget;
final Stopwatch _timer = Stopwatch()..start();
bool get isEmpty {
return _timer.elapsed > _budget;
Duration get left {
var result = _budget - _timer.elapsed;
return result.isNegative ? : result;
/// [DartCompletionManager] determines if a completion request is Dart specific
/// and if so runs the two completion passes.
class DartCompletionManager {
/// Time budget to computing suggestions.
final CompletionBudget budget;
/// The listener to be notified at certain points in the process of building
/// suggestions, or `null` if no notification should occur.
final SuggestionListener? listener;
/// Whether the generation of suggestions for imports should be skipped. This
/// exists as a temporary measure that will be removed after all of the
/// suggestions are being produced by the various passes.
final bool skipImports;
/// If specified, will be filled with suggestions and URIs from libraries
/// that are not yet imported, but could be imported into the requested
/// target. It is up to the client to make copies of [CompletionSuggestion]s
/// with the import index property updated.
final NotImportedSuggestions? notImportedSuggestions;
required this.budget,
this.skipImports = false,
/// Return a suggestion collector containing a list of the suggestions that
/// should be returned to the client.
Future<SuggestionCollector> computeCandidateSuggestions({
required int maxSuggestions,
required OperationPerformanceImpl performance,
required DartCompletionRequest request,
bool suggestOverrides = true,
bool suggestUris = true,
}) async {
var collector = SuggestionCollector(maxSuggestions: maxSuggestions);
try {
var selection = request.offset, length: 0);
if (selection == null) {
throw AbortCompletion();
var tokenData = TokenData.fromSelection(selection);
var targetPrefix = tokenData?.prefix ?? '';
var matcher =
targetPrefix.isEmpty ? NoPrefixMatcher() : FuzzyMatcher(targetPrefix);
var state = CompletionState(request, selection, budget, matcher);
var operations =
(performance) {
var pass = InScopeCompletionPass(
state: state,
collector: collector,
skipImports: skipImports,
suggestOverrides: suggestOverrides,
suggestUris: suggestUris,
state.request.collectorLocationName = collector.completionLocation;
return pass.notImportedOperations;
if (operations.isNotEmpty && notImportedSuggestions != null) {
await performance.runAsync(
(performance) async {
await NotImportedCompletionPass(
state: state, collector: collector, operations: operations)
.computeSuggestions(performance: performance);
} on InconsistentAnalysisException {
// The state of the code being analyzed has changed, so results are likely
// to be inconsistent. Just abort the operation.
throw AbortCompletion();
return collector;
Future<List<CompletionSuggestionBuilder>> computeSuggestions(
DartCompletionRequest request,
OperationPerformanceImpl performance, {
bool enableOverrideContributor = true,
bool enableUriContributor = true,
required int maxSuggestions,
required bool useFilter,
}) async {
var pathContext = request.resourceProvider.pathContext;
if (!file_paths.isDart(pathContext, request.path)) {
return const [];
// Don't suggest in comments.
if ( {
return const [];
var collector = await computeCandidateSuggestions(
maxSuggestions: maxSuggestions,
performance: performance,
request: request,
suggestOverrides: enableOverrideContributor,
suggestUris: enableUriContributor);
var builder =
SuggestionBuilder(request, useFilter: useFilter, listener: listener);
await builder.suggestFromCandidates(collector.suggestions,
collector.preferConstants, collector.completionLocation);
var notImportedSuggestions = this.notImportedSuggestions;
if (notImportedSuggestions != null && collector.isIncomplete) {
notImportedSuggestions.isIncomplete = true;
return builder.suggestions.toList();
/// The information about a requested list of completions within a Dart file.
class DartCompletionRequest {
/// The analysis session that produced the elements of the request.
final AnalysisSessionImpl analysisSession;
final CompletionPreference completionPreference;
/// The content of the file in which completion is requested.
final String content;
/// Return the type imposed on the target's `containingNode` based on its
/// context, or `null` if the context does not impose any type.
final DartType? contextType;
/// Return the object used to resolve macros in Dartdoc comments.
final DartdocDirectiveInfo dartdocDirectiveInfo;
/// Return the object used to compute the values of the features used to
/// compute relevance scores for suggestions.
final FeatureComputer featureComputer;
/// The library element of the file in which completion is requested.
final LibraryElement libraryElement;
/// The library fragment of the file in which completion is requested.
final CompilationUnitElement libraryFragment;
/// Return the offset within the source at which the completion is being
/// requested.
final int offset;
/// The [OpType] which describes which types of suggestions would fit the
/// request.
final OpType opType;
/// The file where completion is requested.
final FileState fileState;
/// The absolute path of the file where completion is requested.
final String path;
/// The source range that represents the region of text that should be
/// replaced when a suggestion is selected.
final SourceRange replacementRange;
/// Return the source in which the completion is being requested.
final Source source;
/// Return the completion target. This determines what part of the parse tree
/// will receive the newly inserted text.
/// At a minimum, all declarations in the completion scope in [target.unit]
/// will be resolved if they can be resolved.
final CompletionTarget target;
/// The compilation unit in which completion is being requested.
final CompilationUnit unit;
/// The location name from [SuggestionCollector].
String? collectorLocationName;
bool _aborted = false;
/// Return `true` if the completion is occurring in a constant context.
late final bool inConstantContext = () {
var entity = target.entity;
return entity is Expression && entity.inConstantContext;
factory DartCompletionRequest({
required AnalysisSession analysisSession,
required FileState fileState,
required String filePath,
required String fileContent,
required CompilationUnitElement unitElement,
required AstNode enclosingNode,
required int offset,
required CompilationUnit unit,
DartdocDirectiveInfo? dartdocDirectiveInfo,
CompletionPreference completionPreference = CompletionPreference.insert,
}) {
var target = CompletionTarget.forOffset(enclosingNode, offset);
var libraryElement = unitElement.library;
var featureComputer = FeatureComputer(
var contextType = featureComputer.computeContextType(
var opType = OpType.forCompletion(target, offset);
if (contextType is VoidType) {
opType.includeVoidReturnSuggestions = true;
return DartCompletionRequest._(
analysisSession: analysisSession as AnalysisSessionImpl,
completionPreference: completionPreference,
content: fileContent,
contextType: contextType,
dartdocDirectiveInfo: dartdocDirectiveInfo ?? DartdocDirectiveInfo(),
featureComputer: featureComputer,
libraryElement: libraryElement,
libraryFragment: unitElement,
offset: offset,
opType: opType,
fileState: fileState,
path: filePath,
replacementRange: target.computeReplacementRange(offset),
source: unitElement.source,
target: target,
unit: unit,
factory DartCompletionRequest.forResolvedUnit({
required ResolvedUnitResult resolvedUnit,
required int offset,
DartdocDirectiveInfo? dartdocDirectiveInfo,
CompletionPreference completionPreference = CompletionPreference.insert,
}) {
resolvedUnit as ResolvedUnitResultImpl;
return DartCompletionRequest(
analysisSession: resolvedUnit.session,
fileState: resolvedUnit.fileState,
filePath: resolvedUnit.path,
fileContent: resolvedUnit.content,
unitElement: resolvedUnit.unit.declaredElement!,
enclosingNode: resolvedUnit.unit,
offset: offset,
unit: resolvedUnit.unit,
dartdocDirectiveInfo: dartdocDirectiveInfo,
completionPreference: completionPreference,
required this.analysisSession,
required this.completionPreference,
required this.content,
required this.contextType,
required this.dartdocDirectiveInfo,
required this.featureComputer,
required this.libraryElement,
required this.libraryFragment,
required this.offset,
required this.opType,
required this.fileState,
required this.path,
required this.replacementRange,
required this.source,
required this.unit,
DriverBasedAnalysisContext get analysisContext {
var analysisContext = analysisSession.analysisContext;
return analysisContext as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
/// Return the feature set that was used to analyze the compilation unit in
/// which suggestions are being made.
FeatureSet get featureSet => libraryElement.featureSet;
/// Return `true` if free standing identifiers should be suggested
bool get includeIdentifiers {
return opType.includeIdentifiers;
InheritanceManager3 get inheritanceManager {
return analysisSession.inheritanceManager;
/// Answer the [DartType] for Object in dart:core
InterfaceType get objectType => libraryElement.typeProvider.objectType;
/// The length of the text to be replaced if the remainder of the identifier
/// containing the cursor is to be replaced when the suggestion is applied
/// (that is, the number of characters in the existing identifier).
/// This will be different than the [replacementOffset] - [offset]
/// if the [offset] is in the middle of an existing identifier.
int get replacementLength => replacementRange.length;
/// The offset of the start of the text to be replaced.
/// This will be different than the [offset] used to request the completion
/// suggestions if there was a portion of an identifier before the original
/// [offset]. In particular, the [replacementOffset] will be the offset of the
/// beginning of said identifier.
int get replacementOffset => replacementRange.offset;
/// Return the resource provider associated with this request.
ResourceProvider get resourceProvider => analysisSession.resourceProvider;
/// Return the [SourceFactory] of the request.
SourceFactory get sourceFactory {
return analysisContext.driver.sourceFactory;
/// Return prefix that already exists in the document for [target] or empty
/// string if unavailable. This can be used to filter the completion list to
/// items that already match the text to the left of the caret.
String get targetPrefix {
var entity = target.entity;
if (entity is Token) {
var prev = entity.previous;
if (prev != null && prev.end == offset && prev.isKeywordOrIdentifier) {
return prev.lexeme;
if (entity is Token &&
entity.type == TokenType.STRING &&
entity.offset < offset &&
offset < entity.end) {
var uriNode = target.containingNode;
if (uriNode is SimpleStringLiteral && uriNode.literal == entity) {
var directive = uriNode.parent;
if (directive is UriBasedDirective &&
directive.uri == uriNode &&
offset >= uriNode.contentsOffset) {
return uriNode.value.substring(0, offset - uriNode.contentsOffset);
// TODO(scheglov): Can we make it better?
String fromToken(Token token) {
var lexeme = token.lexeme;
if (offset >= token.offset && offset < token.end) {
return lexeme.substring(0, offset - token.offset);
} else if (offset == token.end) {
return lexeme;
return '';
if (entity is Token) {
if (entity.end == offset && entity.isKeywordOrIdentifier) {
return fromToken(entity);
if (entity is DeclaredVariablePattern && <= offset) {
return fromToken(;
while (entity is AstNode) {
if (entity is SimpleIdentifier) {
return fromToken(entity.token);
var children = entity.childEntities;
entity = children.isEmpty ? null : children.first;
if (entity is Token) {
return fromToken(entity);
return '';
/// Abort the current completion request.
void abort() {
_aborted = true;
/// Throw [AbortCompletion] if the completion request has been aborted.
void checkAborted() {
if (_aborted) {
throw AbortCompletion();
/// Information provided by [NotImportedContributor] in addition to suggestions.
class NotImportedSuggestions {
/// This flag is set to `true` if the contributor decided to stop before it
/// processed all available libraries, e.g. we ran out of budget.
bool isIncomplete = false;
/// Information about the token containing the selection.
class TokenData {
/// The token containing the offset.
/// The token can be any token, including a comment token.
final Token token;
/// The prefix before the selection offset.
/// This will be an empty string if the token isn't either an identifier or
/// keyword, or if the selection offset is at the beginning of the token.
final String prefix;
TokenData._(this.token, this.prefix);
/// Returns token data representing the token containing the offset of the
/// [selection], or `null` if the offset isn't within any token.
static TokenData? fromSelection(Selection selection) {
var coveringNode = selection.coveringNode;
var selectionOffset = selection.offset;
// Start at the last token in the covering node and walk backward in the
// token stream until we've found the left-most token whose offset is before
// the `selectionOffset`.
var currentToken = coveringNode.endToken;
while ((currentToken.isSynthetic ||
currentToken.offset > selectionOffset ||
(currentToken.offset == selectionOffset &&
!currentToken.isKeywordOrIdentifier)) &&
!currentToken.isEof) {
currentToken = currentToken.previous!;
if (currentToken.isEof) {
return null;
if (selectionOffset > currentToken.end) {
// The selection is between two tokens. Check to see whether it's inside a
// comment token.
Token? commentToken =!.precedingComments;
while (commentToken != null) {
if (selectionOffset >= commentToken.offset &&
selectionOffset <= commentToken.end) {
return TokenData._(commentToken, '');
commentToken =;
return null;
if (currentToken.isKeywordOrIdentifier) {
var offsetInToken = selectionOffset - currentToken.offset;
var prefix = currentToken.lexeme.substring(0, offsetInToken);
return TokenData._(currentToken, prefix);
} else if (currentToken.type == TokenType.STRING) {
// Compute a prefix inside string literals to support completion of URIs
// in directives.
var lexeme = currentToken.lexeme;
var startOfContent = 1;
if (lexeme.startsWith("r'''") || lexeme.startsWith('r"""')) {
startOfContent = 4;
} else if (lexeme.startsWith("r'") || lexeme.startsWith('r"')) {
startOfContent = 2;
} else if (lexeme.startsWith("'''") || lexeme.startsWith('"""')) {
startOfContent = 3;
var offsetInToken = selectionOffset - currentToken.offset;
if (offsetInToken < startOfContent) {
// The cursor is inside the opening quote sequence.
return TokenData._(currentToken, '');
var prefix = currentToken.lexeme.substring(startOfContent, offsetInToken);
return TokenData._(currentToken, prefix);
return TokenData._(currentToken, '');