blob: 51eec0e2ff3289d46f28b249c1c3c78bfe15efd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_tree;
import '../dart2jslib.dart' as dart2js;
import '../elements/elements.dart'
show Element, FunctionElement, FunctionSignature, ParameterElement,
import '../universe/universe.dart';
import '../ir/ir_nodes.dart' as ir;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, GenericType;
import '../universe/universe.dart' show Selector;
// The Tree language is the target of translation out of the CPS-based IR.
// The translation from CPS to Dart consists of several stages. Among the
// stages are translation to direct style, translation out of SSA, eliminating
// unnecessary names, recognizing high-level control constructs. Combining
// these separate concerns is complicated and the constraints of the CPS-based
// language do not permit a multi-stage translation.
// For that reason, CPS is translated to the direct-style language Tree.
// Translation out of SSA, unnaming, and control-flow, as well as 'instruction
// selection' are performed on the Tree language.
// In contrast to the CPS-based IR, non-primitive expressions can be named and
// arguments (to calls, primitives, and blocks) can be arbitrary expressions.
* The base class of all Tree nodes.
abstract class Node {
* The base class of [Expression]s.
abstract class Expression extends Node {
accept(Visitor v);
/// Temporary variable used by [StatementRewriter].
/// If set to true, this expression has already had enclosing assignments
/// propagated into its variables, and should not be processed again.
/// It is only set for expressions that are known to be in risk of redundant
/// processing.
bool processed = false;
abstract class Statement extends Node {
Statement get next;
void set next(Statement s);
accept(Visitor v);
* Labels name [LabeledStatement]s.
class Label {
// A counter used to generate names. The counter is reset to 0 for each
// function emitted.
static int counter = 0;
static String _newName() => 'L${counter++}';
String cachedName;
String get name {
if (cachedName == null) cachedName = _newName();
return cachedName;
/// Number of [Break] statements that target this label.
/// The [Break] constructor will increment this automatically, but the
/// counter must be decremented by hand when a [Break] becomes orphaned.
int breakCount = 0;
/// The [LabeledStatement] binding this label.
LabeledStatement binding;
* Variables are [Expression]s.
class Variable extends Expression {
// A counter used to generate names. The counter is reset to 0 for each
// function emitted.
static int counter = 0;
static String _newName() => 'v${counter++}';
Element element;
String cachedName;
String get name {
if (cachedName != null) return cachedName;
return cachedName = ((element == null) ? _newName() :;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariable(this);
* Common interface for invocations with arguments.
abstract class Invoke {
List<Expression> get arguments;
Selector get selector;
* A call to a static target.
* In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the arguments can be arbitrary expressions.
class InvokeStatic extends Expression implements Invoke {
final FunctionElement target;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final Selector selector;
InvokeStatic(, this.selector, this.arguments);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this);
* A call to a method, operator, getter, setter or index getter/setter.
* In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the receiver and arguments can be
* arbitrary expressions.
class InvokeMethod extends Expression implements Invoke {
Expression receiver;
final Selector selector;
final List<Expression> arguments;
InvokeMethod(this.receiver, this.selector, this.arguments) {
assert(receiver != null);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this);
* Non-const call to a factory or generative constructor.
class InvokeConstructor extends Expression implements Invoke {
final GenericType type;
final FunctionElement target;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final Selector selector;
InvokeConstructor(this.type,, this.selector, this.arguments);
ClassElement get targetClass => target.enclosingElement;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this);
/// Calls [toString] on each argument and concatenates the results.
class ConcatenateStrings extends Expression {
final List<Expression> arguments;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConcatenateStrings(this);
* A constant.
class Constant extends Expression {
dart2js.Constant value;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this);
class LiteralList extends Expression {
final List<Expression> values;
LiteralList(this.values) ;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this);
class LiteralMap extends Expression {
final List<Expression> keys;
final List<Expression> values;
LiteralMap(this.keys, this.values) ;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMap(this);
/// A conditional expression.
class Conditional extends Expression {
Expression condition;
Expression thenExpression;
Expression elseExpression;
Conditional(this.condition, this.thenExpression, this.elseExpression);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConditional(this);
/// An && or || expression. The operator is internally represented as a boolean
/// [isAnd] to simplify rewriting of logical operators.
class LogicalOperator extends Expression {
Expression left;
bool isAnd;
Expression right;
LogicalOperator(this.left, this.right, this.isAnd);
LogicalOperator.and(this.left, this.right) : isAnd = true;
LogicalOperator.or(this.left, this.right) : isAnd = false;
String get operator => isAnd ? '&&' : '||';
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLogicalOperator(this);
/// Logical negation.
class Not extends Expression {
Expression operand;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitNot(this);
* A labeled statement. Breaks to the label within the labeled statement
* target the successor statement.
class LabeledStatement extends Statement {
Statement next;
final Label label;
Statement body;
LabeledStatement(this.label, this.body, {
assert(label.binding == null);
label.binding = this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this);
* An assignments of an [Expression] to a [Variable].
* In contrast to the CPS-based IR, non-primitive expressions can be assigned
* to variables.
class Assign extends Statement {
Statement next;
final Variable variable;
Expression definition;
final bool hasExactlyOneUse;
Assign(this.variable, this.definition,, this.hasExactlyOneUse);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitAssign(this);
* A return exit from the function.
* In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the return value is an arbitrary
* expression.
class Return extends Statement {
/// Should not be null. Use [Constant] with [NullConstant] for void returns.
Expression value;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitReturn(this);
* A break from an enclosing [LabeledStatement]. The break targets the
* labeled statement's successor statement.
class Break extends Statement {
Label _target;
Label get target => _target;
void set target(Label newTarget) {
_target = newTarget;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
Break(this._target) {
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitBreak(this);
* A continue to an enclosing [While] loop. The continue targets the
* loop's body.
class Continue extends Statement {
Label target;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinue(this);
* A conditional branch based on the true value of an [Expression].
class If extends Statement {
Expression condition;
Statement thenStatement;
Statement elseStatement;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
If(this.condition, this.thenStatement, this.elseStatement);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitIf(this);
* A labeled while(true) loop.
class While extends Statement {
final Label label;
Statement body;
While(this.label, this.body);
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitWhile(this);
class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
Statement next;
Expression expression;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this);
class FunctionDefinition extends Node {
final List<Variable> parameters;
Statement body;
FunctionDefinition(this.parameters, this.body);
abstract class Visitor<S, E> {
E visitExpression(Expression e) => e.accept(this);
E visitVariable(Variable node);
E visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node);
E visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node);
E visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node);
E visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node);
E visitConstant(Constant node);
E visitConditional(Conditional node);
E visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node);
E visitNot(Not node);
E visitLiteralList(LiteralList node);
E visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node);
S visitStatement(Statement s) => s.accept(this);
S visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node);
S visitAssign(Assign node);
S visitReturn(Return node);
S visitBreak(Break node);
S visitContinue(Continue node);
S visitIf(If node);
S visitWhile(While node);
S visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node);
* Builder translates from CPS-based IR to direct-style Tree.
* A call `Invoke(fun, cont, args)`, where cont is a singly-referenced
* non-exit continuation `Cont(v, body)` is translated into a direct-style call
* whose value is bound in the continuation body:
* `LetVal(v, Invoke(fun, args), body)`
* and the continuation definition is eliminated. A similar translation is
* applied to continuation invocations where the continuation is
* singly-referenced, though such invocations should not appear in optimized
* IR.
* A call `Invoke(fun, cont, args)`, where cont is multiply referenced, is
* translated into a call followed by a jump with an argument:
* `Jump L(Invoke(fun, args))`
* and the continuation is translated into a named block that takes an
* argument:
* `LetLabel(L, v, body)`
* Block arguments are later replaced with data flow during the Tree-to-Tree
* translation out of SSA. Jumps are eliminated during the Tree-to-Tree
* control-flow recognition.
* Otherwise, the output of Builder looks very much like the input. In
* particular, intermediate values and blocks used for local control flow are
* still all named.
class Builder extends ir.Visitor<Node> {
final dart2js.Compiler compiler;
// Uses of IR primitives are replaced with Tree variables. This is the
// mapping from primitives to variables.
final Map<ir.Primitive, Variable> variables = <ir.Primitive, Variable>{};
// Continuations with more than one use are replaced with Tree labels. This
// is the mapping from continuations to labels.
final Map<ir.Continuation, Label> labels = <ir.Continuation, Label>{};
FunctionDefinition function;
ir.Continuation returnContinuation;
FunctionDefinition build(ir.FunctionDefinition node) {
return function;
List<Expression> translateArguments(List<ir.Reference> args) {
return new List<Expression>.generate(args.length,
(int index) => variables[args[index].definition]);
Statement buildParameterAssignments(
List<ir.Parameter> parameters,
List<Expression> arguments,
Statement buildRest()) {
assert(parameters.length == arguments.length);
Statement first, current;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
ir.Parameter parameter = parameters[i];
Statement assignment;
if (parameter.hasAtLeastOneUse) {
assignment = new Assign(variables[parameter], arguments[i], null,
} else {
assignment = new ExpressionStatement(arguments[i], null);
if (first == null) {
current = first = assignment;
} else {
current = = assignment;
if (first == null) {
first = buildRest();
} else { = buildRest();
return first;
Expression visitFunctionDefinition(ir.FunctionDefinition node) {
returnContinuation = node.returnContinuation;
List<Variable> parameters = <Variable>[];
for (ir.Parameter p in node.parameters) {
Variable parameter = new Variable(p.element);
variables[p] = parameter;
function = new FunctionDefinition(parameters, visit(node.body));
return null;
Statement visitLetPrim(ir.LetPrim node) {
// LetPrim is translated to LetVal.
Expression definition = visit(node.primitive);
if (node.primitive.hasAtLeastOneUse) {
Variable variable = new Variable(null);
variables[node.primitive] = variable;
return new Assign(variable, definition, node.body.accept(this),
} else if (node.primitive is ir.Constant) {
// TODO(kmillikin): Implement more systematic treatment of pure CPS
// values (e.g., as part of a shrinking reductions pass).
return visit(node.body);
} else {
return new ExpressionStatement(definition, visit(node.body));
Statement visitLetCont(ir.LetCont node) {
Label label;
if (node.continuation.hasMultipleUses) {
label = new Label();
labels[node.continuation] = label;
node.continuation.parameters.forEach((p) {
if (p.hasAtLeastOneUse) variables[p] = new Variable(null);
Statement body = visit(node.body);
// The continuation's body is not always translated directly here because
// it may have been already translated:
// * For singly-used continuations, the continuation's body is
// translated at the site of the continuation invocation.
// * For recursive continuations, there is a single non-recursive
// invocation. The continuation's body is translated at the site
// of the non-recursive continuation invocation.
// See visitInvokeContinuation for the implementation.
if (label == null || node.continuation.isRecursive) return body;
return new LabeledStatement(label, body, visit(node.continuation.body));
Statement visitInvokeStatic(ir.InvokeStatic node) {
// Calls are translated to direct style.
List<Expression> arguments = translateArguments(node.arguments);
Expression invoke = new InvokeStatic(, node.selector, arguments);
ir.Continuation cont = node.continuation.definition;
if (cont == returnContinuation) {
return new Return(invoke);
} else {
assert(cont.parameters.length == 1);
return buildParameterAssignments(cont.parameters, [invoke],
() => visit(cont.body));
Statement visitInvokeMethod(ir.InvokeMethod node) {
Variable receiver = variables[node.receiver.definition];
List<Expression> arguments = translateArguments(node.arguments);
Expression invoke = new InvokeMethod(receiver, node.selector, arguments);
ir.Continuation cont = node.continuation.definition;
if (cont == returnContinuation) {
return new Return(invoke);
} else {
assert(cont.parameters.length == 1);
return buildParameterAssignments(cont.parameters, [invoke],
() => visit(cont.body));
Statement visitConcatenateStrings(ir.ConcatenateStrings node) {
List<Expression> arguments = translateArguments(node.arguments);
Expression concat = new ConcatenateStrings(arguments);
ir.Continuation cont = node.continuation.definition;
if (cont == returnContinuation) {
return new Return(concat);
} else {
assert(cont.parameters.length == 1);
return buildParameterAssignments(cont.parameters, [concat],
() => visit(cont.body));
Statement visitInvokeConstructor(ir.InvokeConstructor node) {
List<Expression> arguments = translateArguments(node.arguments);
Expression invoke =
new InvokeConstructor(node.type,, node.selector, arguments);
ir.Continuation cont = node.continuation.definition;
if (cont == returnContinuation) {
return new Return(invoke);
} else {
assert(cont.parameters.length == 1);
return buildParameterAssignments(cont.parameters, [invoke],
() => visit(cont.body));
Statement visitInvokeContinuation(ir.InvokeContinuation node) {
// Invocations of the return continuation are translated to returns.
// Other continuation invocations are replaced with assignments of the
// arguments to formal parameter variables, followed by the body if
// the continuation is singly reference or a break if it is multiply
// referenced.
ir.Continuation cont = node.continuation.definition;
if (cont == returnContinuation) {
assert(node.arguments.length == 1);
return new Return(variables[node.arguments[0].definition]);
} else {
List<Expression> arguments = translateArguments(node.arguments);
return buildParameterAssignments(cont.parameters, arguments,
() {
// Translate invocations of recursive and non-recursive
// continuations differently.
// * Non-recursive continuations
// - If there is one use, translate the continuation body
// inline at the invocation site.
// - If there are multiple uses, translate to Break.
// * Recursive continuations
// - There is a single non-recursive invocation. Translate
// the continuation body inline as a labeled loop at the
// invocation site.
// - Translate the recursive invocations to Continue.
if (cont.isRecursive) {
return node.isRecursive
? new Continue(labels[cont])
: new While(labels[cont], visit(cont.body));
} else {
return cont.hasExactlyOneUse
? visit(cont.body)
: new Break(labels[cont]);
Statement visitBranch(ir.Branch node) {
Expression condition = visit(node.condition);
Statement thenStatement, elseStatement;
ir.Continuation cont = node.trueContinuation.definition;
thenStatement =
cont.hasExactlyOneUse ? visit(cont.body) : new Break(labels[cont]);
cont = node.falseContinuation.definition;
elseStatement =
cont.hasExactlyOneUse ? visit(cont.body) : new Break(labels[cont]);
return new If(condition, thenStatement, elseStatement);
Expression visitConstant(ir.Constant node) {
return new Constant(node.value);
Expression visitLiteralList(ir.LiteralList node) {
return new LiteralList(translateArguments(node.values));
Expression visitLiteralMap(ir.LiteralMap node) {
return new LiteralMap(
Expression visitParameter(ir.Parameter node) {
// Continuation parameters are not visited (continuations themselves are
// not visited yet).
compiler.internalError(compiler.currentElement, 'Unexpected IR node.');
return null;
Expression visitContinuation(ir.Continuation node) {
// Until continuations with multiple uses are supported, they are not
// visited.
compiler.internalError(compiler.currentElement, 'Unexpected IR node.');
return null;
Expression visitIsTrue(ir.IsTrue node) {
return variables[node.value.definition];
* Performs the following transformations on the tree:
* - Assignment propagation
* - If-to-conditional conversion
* - Flatten nested ifs
* - Break inlining
* - Redirect breaks
* The above transformations all eliminate statements from the tree, and may
* introduce redexes of each other.
* Single-use definitions are propagated to their use site when possible.
* For example:
* { v0 = foo(); return v0; }
* ==>
* return foo()
* After translating out of CPS, all intermediate values are bound by [Assign].
* This transformation propagates such definitions to their uses when it is
* safe and profitable. Bindings are processed "on demand" when their uses are
* seen, but are only processed once to keep this transformation linear in
* the size of the tree.
* The transformation builds an environment containing [Assign] bindings that
* are in scope. These bindings have yet-untranslated definitions. When a use
* is encountered the transformation determines if it is safe and profitable
* to propagate the definition to its use. If so, it is removed from the
* environment and the definition is recursively processed (in the
* new environment at the use site) before being propagated.
* See [visitVariable] for the implementation of the heuristic for propagating
* a definition.
* If-statement are converted to conditional expressions when possible.
* For example:
* if (v0) { v1 = foo(); break L } else { v1 = bar(); break L }
* ==>
* { v1 = v0 ? foo() : bar(); break L }
* This can lead to inlining of L, which in turn can lead to further propagation
* of the variable v1.
* See [visitIf].
* An if inside an if is converted to an if with a logical operator.
* For example:
* if (E1) { if (E2) {S} else break L } else break L
* ==>
* if (E1 && E2) {S} else break L
* This may lead to inlining of L.
* Single-use labels are inlined at [Break] statements.
* For example:
* L0: { v0 = foo(); break L0 }; return v0;
* ==>
* v0 = foo(); return v0;
* This can lead to propagation of v0.
* See [visitBreak] and [visitLabeledStatement].
* Labeled statements whose next is a break become flattened and all breaks
* to their label are redirected.
* For example:
* L0: {... break L0 ...}; break L1
* ==>
* {... break L1 ...}
* This may trigger a flattening of nested ifs in case the eliminated label
* separated two ifs.
class StatementRewriter extends Visitor<Statement, Expression> {
// The binding environment. The rightmost element of the list is the nearest
// available enclosing binding.
List<Assign> environment;
/// Substitution map for labels. Any break to a label L should be substituted
/// for a break to L' if L maps to L'.
Map<Label, Label> labelRedirects = <Label, Label>{};
/// Returns the redirect target of [label] or [label] itself if it should not
/// be redirected.
Label redirect(Label label) {
Label newTarget = labelRedirects[label];
return newTarget != null ? newTarget : label;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition definition) {
environment = <Assign>[];
definition.body = visitStatement(definition.body);
// TODO(kmillikin): Allow definitions that are not propagated. Here,
// this means rebuilding the binding with a recursively unnamed definition,
// or else introducing a variable definition and an assignment.
Expression visitExpression(Expression e) => e.processed ? e : e.accept(this);
Expression visitVariable(Variable node) {
// Propagate a variable's definition to its use site if:
// 1. It has a single use, to avoid code growth and potential duplication
// of side effects, AND
// 2. It was the most recent expression evaluated so that we do not
// reorder expressions with side effects.
if (!environment.isEmpty &&
environment.last.variable == node &&
environment.last.hasExactlyOneUse) {
return visitExpression(environment.removeLast().definition);
// If the definition could not be propagated, leave the variable use.
return node;
Statement visitAssign(Assign node) {
Statement next = visitStatement(;
if (!environment.isEmpty && environment.last == node) {
// The definition could not be propagated. Residualize the let binding. = next;
node.definition = visitExpression(node.definition);
return node;
return next;
Expression visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
// Process arguments right-to-left, the opposite of evaluation order.
for (int i = node.arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
node.arguments[i] = visitExpression(node.arguments[i]);
return node;
Expression visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
for (int i = node.arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
node.arguments[i] = visitExpression(node.arguments[i]);
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
Expression visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
for (int i = node.arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
node.arguments[i] = visitExpression(node.arguments[i]);
return node;
Expression visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) {
for (int i = node.arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
node.arguments[i] = visitExpression(node.arguments[i]);
return node;
Expression visitConditional(Conditional node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
List<Assign> savedEnvironment = environment;
environment = <Assign>[];
node.thenExpression = visitExpression(node.thenExpression);
node.elseExpression = visitExpression(node.elseExpression);
environment = savedEnvironment;
return node;
Expression visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) {
node.left = visitExpression(node.left);
environment.add(null); // impure expressions may not propagate across branch
node.right = visitExpression(node.right);
return node;
Expression visitNot(Not node) {
node.operand = visitExpression(node.operand);
return node;
Statement visitReturn(Return node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
Statement visitBreak(Break node) {
// Redirect through chain of breaks.
// Note that breakCount was accounted for at visitLabeledStatement. = redirect(;
if ( == 1) {;
return visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitContinue(Continue node) {
return node;
Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
if ( is Break) {
// Eliminate label if next is just a break statement
// Breaks to this label are redirected to the outer label.
// Note that breakCount for the two labels is updated proactively here
// so breaks can reliably tell if they should inline their target.
Break next =;
Label newTarget = redirect(;
labelRedirects[node.label] = newTarget;
newTarget.breakCount += node.label.breakCount;
node.label.breakCount = 0;
Statement result = visitStatement(node.body);
labelRedirects.remove(node.label); // Save some space.
return result;
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
if (node.label.breakCount == 0) {
// Eliminate the label if next was inlined at a break
return node.body;
} = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitIf(If node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
// Do not propagate assignments into branches. Doing so will lead to code
// duplication.
// TODO(kmillikin): Rethink this. Propagating some assignments (e.g.,
// constants or variables) is benign. If they can occur here, they should
// be handled well.
List<Assign> savedEnvironment = environment;
environment = <Assign>[];
node.thenStatement = visitStatement(node.thenStatement);
node.elseStatement = visitStatement(node.elseStatement);
environment = savedEnvironment;
Statement reduced = combineStatementsWithSubexpressions(
(t,f) => new Conditional(node.condition, t, f)..processed = true);
if (reduced != null) {
if ( is Break) {
// In case the break can now be inlined.
reduced = visitStatement(reduced);
return reduced;
return node;
Statement visitWhile(While node) {
// Do not propagate assignments into loops. Doing so is not safe for
// variables modified in the loop (the initial value will be propagated).
List<Assign> savedEnvironment = environment;
environment = <Assign>[];
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
environment = savedEnvironment;
return node;
Expression visitConstant(Constant node) {
return node;
Expression visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
// Process values right-to-left, the opposite of evaluation order.
for (int i = node.values.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
node.values[i] = visitExpression(node.values[i]);
return node;
Expression visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
// Process arguments right-to-left, the opposite of evaluation order.
for (int i = node.values.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
node.values[i] = visitExpression(node.values[i]);
node.keys[i] = visitExpression(node.keys[i]);
return node;
Statement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
node.expression = visitExpression(node.expression);
// Do not allow propagation of assignments past an expression evaluated
// for its side effects because it risks reordering side effects.
// TODO(kmillikin): Rethink this. Some propagation is benign, e.g.,
// constants, variables, or other pure values that are not destroyed by
// the expression statement. If they can occur here they should be
// handled well.
List<Assign> savedEnvironment = environment;
environment = <Assign>[]; = visitStatement(;
environment = savedEnvironment;
return node;
/// If [s] and [t] are similar statements we extract their subexpressions
/// and returns a new statement of the same type using expressions combined
/// with the [combine] callback. For example:
/// combineStatements(Return E1, Return E2) = Return combine(E1, E2)
/// If [combine] returns E1 then the unified statement is equivalent to [s],
/// and if [combine] returns E2 the unified statement is equivalence to [t].
/// It is guaranteed that no side effects occur between the beginning of the
/// statement and the position of the combined expression.
/// Returns null if the statements are too different.
/// If non-null is returned, the caller MUST discard [s] and [t] and use
/// the returned statement instead.
static Statement combineStatementsWithSubexpressions(
Statement s,
Statement t,
Expression combine(Expression s, Expression t)) {
if (s is Return && t is Return) {
return new Return(combine(s.value, t.value));
if (s is Assign && t is Assign && s.variable == t.variable) {
Statement next = combineStatements(,;
if (next != null) {
return new Assign(s.variable,
combine(s.definition, t.definition),
if (s is ExpressionStatement && t is ExpressionStatement) {
Statement next = combineStatements(,;
if (next != null) {
return new ExpressionStatement(combine(s.expression, t.expression),
return null;
/// Returns a statement equivalent to both [s] and [t], or null if [s] and
/// [t] are incompatible.
/// If non-null is returned, the caller MUST discard [s] and [t] and use
/// the returned statement instead.
/// If two breaks are combined, the label's break counter will be decremented.
static Statement combineStatements(Statement s, Statement t) {
if (s is Break && t is Break && == {; // Two breaks become one.
return s;
if (s is Return && t is Return && equivalentExpressions(s.value, t.value)) {
return s;
return null;
/// True if the two expressions both syntactically and semantically
/// equivalent.
static bool equivalentExpressions(Expression e1, Expression e2) {
if (e1 == e2) { // Detect same variable reference
// TODO(asgerf): This might turn the variable into a single-use,
// but we currently don't discover this.
return true;
if (e1 is Constant && e2 is Constant) {
return e1.value == e2.value;
return false;
/// Try to collapse nested ifs using && and || expressions.
/// For example:
/// if (E1) { if (E2) S else break L } else break L
/// ==>
/// if (E1 && E2) S else break L
/// [branch1] and [branch2] control the position of the S statement.
/// Returns true if another collapse redex might have been introduced.
void tryCollapseIf(If node) {
// Repeatedly try to collapse nested ifs.
// The transformation is shrinking (destroys an if) so it remains linear.
// Here is an example where more than one iteration is required:
// if (E1)
// if (E2) break L2 else break L1
// else
// break L1
// ::=
// if (E3) S else break L2
// After first collapse:
// if (E1 && E2)
// break L2
// else
// {if (E3) S else break L2} (inlined from break L1)
// We can then do another collapse using the inlined nested if.
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
if (tryCollapseIfAux(node, true, true)) {
changed = true;
if (tryCollapseIfAux(node, true, false)) {
changed = true;
if (tryCollapseIfAux(node, false, true)) {
changed = true;
if (tryCollapseIfAux(node, false, false)) {
changed = true;
bool tryCollapseIfAux(If outerIf, bool branch1, bool branch2) {
// NOTE: We name variables here as if S is in the then-then position.
Statement outerThen = getBranch(outerIf, branch1);
Statement outerElse = getBranch(outerIf, !branch1);
if (outerThen is If && outerElse is Break) {
If innerIf = outerThen;
Statement innerThen = getBranch(innerIf, branch2);
Statement innerElse = getBranch(innerIf, !branch2);
if (innerElse is Break && == {
// We always put S in the then branch of the result, and adjust the
// condition expression if S was actually found in the else branch(es).
outerIf.condition = new LogicalOperator.and(
makeCondition(outerIf.condition, branch1),
makeCondition(innerIf.condition, branch2));
outerIf.thenStatement = innerThen;;
// Try to inline the remaining break. Do not propagate assignments.
List<Assign> savedEnvironment = environment;
environment = <Assign>[];
outerIf.elseStatement = visitStatement(outerElse);
environment = savedEnvironment;
return outerIf.elseStatement is If && innerThen is Break;
return false;
Expression makeCondition(Expression e, bool polarity) {
return polarity ? e : new Not(e);
Statement getBranch(If node, bool polarity) {
return polarity ? node.thenStatement : node.elseStatement;
/// Rewrites logical expressions to be more compact.
/// In this class an expression is said to occur in "boolean context" if
/// its result is immediately applied to boolean conversion.
/// We apply the following two rules to [If] statements (see [visitIf]).
/// if (E) {} else S ==> if (!E) S else {} (else can be omitted)
/// if (!E) S1 else S2 ==> if (E) S2 else S1 (unless previous rule applied)
/// De Morgan's Laws are used to rewrite negations of logical operators so
/// negations are closer to the root:
/// !x && !y --> !(x || y)
/// This is to enable other rewrites, such as branch swapping in an if. In some
/// contexts, the rule is reversed because we do not expect to apply a rewrite
/// rule to the result. For example:
/// z = !(x || y) ==> z = !x && !y;
/// Conditionals with boolean constant operands occur frequently in the input.
/// They can often the re-written to logical operators, for instance:
/// if (x ? y : false) S1 else S2
/// ==>
/// if (x && y) S1 else S2
/// Conditionals are tricky to rewrite when they occur out of boolean context.
/// Here we must apply more conservative rules, such as:
/// x ? true : false ==> !!x
/// If an operand is known to be a boolean, we can introduce a logical operator:
/// x ? y : false ==> x && y (if y is known to be a boolean)
/// The following sequence of rewrites demonstrates the merit of these rules:
/// x ? (y ? true : false) : false
/// x ? !!y : false (double negation introduced by [toBoolean])
/// x && !!y (!!y validated by [isBooleanValued])
/// x && y (double negation removed by [putInBooleanContext])
class LogicalRewriter extends Visitor<Statement, Expression> {
/// Statement to be executed next by natural fallthrough. Although fallthrough
/// is not introduced in this phase, we need to reason about fallthrough when
/// evaluating the benefit of swapping the branches of an [If].
Statement fallthrough;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition definition) {
definition.body = visitStatement(definition.body);
Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Statement savedFallthrough = fallthrough;
fallthrough =;
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
fallthrough = savedFallthrough; = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitAssign(Assign node) {
node.definition = visitExpression(node.definition); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitReturn(Return node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
Statement visitBreak(Break node) {
return node;
Statement visitContinue(Continue node) {
return node;
bool isFallthroughBreak(Statement node) {
return node is Break && == fallthrough;
Statement visitIf(If node) {
// If one of the branches is empty (i.e. just a fallthrough), then that
// branch should preferrably be the 'else' so we won't have to print it.
// In other words, we wish to perform this rewrite:
// if (E) {} else {S}
// ==>
// if (!E) {S}
// In the tree language, empty statements do not exist yet, so we must check
// if one branch contains a break that can be eliminated by fallthrough.
// Swap branches if then is a fallthrough break.
if (isFallthroughBreak(node.thenStatement)) {
node.condition = new Not(node.condition);
Statement tmp = node.thenStatement;
node.thenStatement = node.elseStatement;
node.elseStatement = tmp;
// Can the else part be eliminated?
// (Either due to the above swap or if the break was already there).
bool emptyElse = isFallthroughBreak(node.elseStatement);
node.condition = makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: !emptyElse);
node.thenStatement = visitStatement(node.thenStatement);
node.elseStatement = visitStatement(node.elseStatement);
// If neither branch is empty, eliminate a negation in the condition
// if (!E) S1 else S2
// ==>
// if (E) S2 else S1
if (!emptyElse && node.condition is Not) {
node.condition = (node.condition as Not).operand;
Statement tmp = node.thenStatement;
node.thenStatement = node.elseStatement;
node.elseStatement = tmp;
return node;
Statement visitWhile(While node) {
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
return node;
Statement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
// TODO(asgerf): in non-checked mode we can remove Not from the expression.
node.expression = visitExpression(node.expression); = visitStatement(;
return node;
Expression visitVariable(Variable node) {
return node;
Expression visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
return node;
Expression visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
Expression visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
return node;
Expression visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) {
return node;
Expression visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return node;
Expression visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
return node;
Expression visitConstant(Constant node) {
return node;
Expression visitNot(Not node) {
return toBoolean(makeCondition(node.operand, false, liftNots: false));
Expression visitConditional(Conditional node) {
// node.condition will be visited after the then and else parts, because its
// polarity depends on what rewrite we use.
node.thenExpression = visitExpression(node.thenExpression);
node.elseExpression = visitExpression(node.elseExpression);
// In the following, we must take care not to eliminate or introduce a
// boolean conversion.
// x ? true : false --> !!x
if (isTrue(node.thenExpression) && isFalse(node.elseExpression)) {
return toBoolean(makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: false));
// x ? false : true --> !x
if (isFalse(node.thenExpression) && isTrue(node.elseExpression)) {
return toBoolean(makeCondition(node.condition, false, liftNots: false));
// x ? y : false ==> x && y (if y is known to be a boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.thenExpression) && isFalse(node.elseExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.and(
makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots:false),
// x ? y : true ==> !x || y (if y is known to be a boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.thenExpression) && isTrue(node.elseExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.or(
makeCondition(node.condition, false, liftNots: false),
// x ? true : y ==> x || y (if y if known to be boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.elseExpression) && isTrue(node.thenExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.or(
makeCondition(node.condition, true, liftNots: false),
// x ? false : y ==> !x && y (if y is known to be a boolean)
if (isBooleanValued(node.elseExpression) && isTrue(node.thenExpression)) {
return new LogicalOperator.and(
makeCondition(node.condition, false, liftNots: false),
node.condition = makeCondition(node.condition, true);
// !x ? y : z ==> x ? z : y
if (node.condition is Not) {
node.condition = (node.condition as Not).operand;
Expression tmp = node.thenExpression;
node.thenExpression = node.elseExpression;
node.elseExpression = tmp;
return node;
Expression visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) {
node.left = makeCondition(node.left, true);
node.right = makeCondition(node.right, true);
return node;
/// True if the given expression is known to evaluate to a boolean.
/// This will not recursively traverse [Conditional] expressions, but if
/// applied to the result of [visitExpression] conditionals will have been
/// rewritten anyway.
bool isBooleanValued(Expression e) {
return isTrue(e) || isFalse(e) || e is Not || e is LogicalOperator;
/// Rewrite an expression that was originally processed in a non-boolean
/// context.
Expression putInBooleanContext(Expression e) {
if (e is Not && e.operand is Not) {
return (e.operand as Not).operand;
} else {
return e;
/// Forces a boolean conversion of the given expression.
Expression toBoolean(Expression e) {
if (isBooleanValued(e))
return e;
return new Not(new Not(e));
/// Creates an equivalent boolean expression. The expression must occur in a
/// context where its result is immediately subject to boolean conversion.
/// If [polarity] if false, the negated condition will be created instead.
/// If [liftNots] is true (default) then Not expressions will be lifted toward
/// the root the condition so they can be eliminated by the caller.
Expression makeCondition(Expression e, bool polarity, {bool liftNots:true}) {
if (e is Not) {
// !!E ==> E
return makeCondition(e.operand, !polarity, liftNots: liftNots);
if (e is LogicalOperator) {
// If polarity=false, then apply the rewrite !(x && y) ==> !x || !y
e.left = makeCondition(e.left, polarity);
e.right = makeCondition(e.right, polarity);
if (!polarity) {
e.isAnd = !e.isAnd;
// !x && !y ==> !(x || y) (only if lifting nots)
if (e.left is Not && e.right is Not && liftNots) {
e.left = (e.left as Not).operand;
e.right = (e.right as Not).operand;
e.isAnd = !e.isAnd;
return new Not(e);
return e;
if (e is Conditional) {
// Handle polarity by: !(x ? y : z) ==> x ? !y : !z
// Rewrite individual branches now. The condition will be rewritten
// when we know what polarity to use (depends on which rewrite is used).
e.thenExpression = makeCondition(e.thenExpression, polarity);
e.elseExpression = makeCondition(e.elseExpression, polarity);
// x ? true : false ==> x
if (isTrue(e.thenExpression) && isFalse(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeCondition(e.condition, true, liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? false : true ==> !x
if (isFalse(e.thenExpression) && isTrue(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeCondition(e.condition, false, liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? true : y ==> x || y
if (isTrue(e.thenExpression)) {
return makeOr(makeCondition(e.condition, true),
liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? false : y ==> !x && y
if (isFalse(e.thenExpression)) {
return makeAnd(makeCondition(e.condition, false),
liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? y : true ==> !x || y
if (isTrue(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeOr(makeCondition(e.condition, false),
liftNots: liftNots);
// x ? y : false ==> x && y
if (isFalse(e.elseExpression)) {
return makeAnd(makeCondition(e.condition, true),
liftNots: liftNots);
e.condition = makeCondition(e.condition, true);
// !x ? y : z ==> x ? z : y
if (e.condition is Not) {
e.condition = (e.condition as Not).operand;
Expression tmp = e.thenExpression;
e.thenExpression = e.elseExpression;
e.elseExpression = tmp;
// x ? !y : !z ==> !(x ? y : z) (only if lifting nots)
if (e.thenExpression is Not && e.elseExpression is Not && liftNots) {
e.thenExpression = (e.thenExpression as Not).operand;
e.elseExpression = (e.elseExpression as Not).operand;
return new Not(e);
return e;
if (e is Constant && e.value is dart2js.BoolConstant) {
// !true ==> false
if (!polarity) {
e.value = (e.value as dart2js.BoolConstant).negate();
return e;
e = visitExpression(e);
return polarity ? e : new Not(e);
bool isTrue(Expression e) {
return e is Constant && e.value is dart2js.TrueConstant;
bool isFalse(Expression e) {
return e is Constant && e.value is dart2js.FalseConstant;
Expression makeAnd(Expression e1, Expression e2, {bool liftNots: true}) {
if (e1 is Not && e2 is Not && liftNots) {
return new Not(new LogicalOperator.or(e1.operand, e2.operand));
} else {
return new LogicalOperator.and(e1, e2);
Expression makeOr(Expression e1, Expression e2, {bool liftNots: true}) {
if (e1 is Not && e2 is Not && liftNots) {
return new Not(new LogicalOperator.and(e1.operand, e2.operand));
} else {
return new LogicalOperator.or(e1, e2);
/// Destructively updates each entry of [l] with the result of visiting it.
void _rewriteList(List<Expression> l) {
for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
l[i] = visitExpression(l[i]);