blob: 4f90aa54f79d6ca1c7446d79f264b51f806c198a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common.dart';
import '../js_backend/namer.dart' show ModularNamer;
import 'codegen.dart' show CodegenPhase;
import 'nodes.dart';
/// The [LiveRange] class covers a range where an instruction is live.
class LiveRange {
final int start;
// [end] is not final because it can be updated due to loops.
int end;
LiveRange(this.start, this.end) {
assert(start <= end);
String toString() => '[$start $end[';
/// The [LiveInterval] class contains the list of ranges where an
/// instruction is live.
class LiveInterval {
/// The id where the instruction is defined.
int start;
final List<LiveRange> ranges;
LiveInterval() : ranges = <LiveRange>[];
// We want [HCheck] instructions to have the same name as the
// instruction it checks, so both instructions should share the same
// live ranges.
LiveInterval.forCheck(this.start, LiveInterval checkedInterval)
: ranges = checkedInterval.ranges;
/// Update all ranges that are contained in [from, to[ to
/// die at [to].
void loopUpdate(int from, int to) {
for (LiveRange range in ranges) {
if (from <= range.start && range.end < to) {
range.end = to;
/// Add a new range to this interval.
void add(LiveRange interval) {
/// Returns true if one of the ranges of this interval dies at [at].
bool diesAt(int at) {
for (LiveRange range in ranges) {
if (range.end == at) return true;
return false;
String toString() {
List<String> res = <String>[];
for (final interval in ranges) res.add(interval.toString());
return '(${res.join(", ")})';
/// The [LiveEnvironment] class contains the liveIn set of a basic
/// block. A liveIn set of a block contains the instructions that are
/// live when entering that block.
class LiveEnvironment {
/// The instruction id where the basic block starts. See
/// [SsaLiveIntervalBuilder.instructionId].
int startId;
/// The instruction id where the basic block ends.
final int endId;
/// Loop markers that will be updated once the loop header is
/// visited. The liveIn set of the loop header will be merged into this
/// environment. [loopMarkers] is a mapping from block header to the
/// end instruction id of the loop exit block.
final Map<HBasicBlock, int> loopMarkers;
/// The instructions that are live in this basic block. The values of
/// the map contain the instruction ids where the instructions die.
/// It will be used when adding a range to the live interval of an
/// instruction.
final Map<HInstruction, int> liveInstructions;
/// Map containing the live intervals of instructions.
final Map<HInstruction, LiveInterval> liveIntervals;
LiveEnvironment(this.liveIntervals, this.endId)
: liveInstructions = Map<HInstruction, int>(),
loopMarkers = Map<HBasicBlock, int>();
/// Remove an instruction from the liveIn set. This method also
/// updates the live interval of [instruction] to contain the new
/// range: [id, / id contained in [liveInstructions] /].
void remove(HInstruction instruction, int id) {
LiveInterval interval =
liveIntervals.putIfAbsent(instruction, () => LiveInterval());
int lastId = liveInstructions[instruction];
// If [lastId] is null, then this instruction is not being used.
interval.add(LiveRange(id, lastId == null ? id : lastId));
// The instruction is defined at [id].
interval.start = id;
/// Add [instruction] to the liveIn set. If the instruction is not
/// already in the set, we save the id where it dies.
void add(HInstruction instruction, int userId) {
// Note that we are visiting the graph in post-dominator order, so
// the first time we see a variable is when it dies.
liveInstructions.putIfAbsent(instruction, () => userId);
/// Merge this environment with [other]. Update the end id of
/// instructions in case they are different between this and [other].
void mergeWith(LiveEnvironment other) {
other.liveInstructions.forEach((HInstruction instruction, int existingId) {
// If both environments have the same instruction id of where
// [instruction] dies, there is no need to update the live
// interval of [instruction]. For example the if block and the
// else block have the same end id for an instruction that is
// being used in the join block and defined before the if/else.
if (existingId == endId) return;
LiveInterval range =
liveIntervals.putIfAbsent(instruction, () => LiveInterval());
range.add(LiveRange(other.startId, existingId));
liveInstructions[instruction] = endId;
other.loopMarkers.forEach((k, v) {
loopMarkers[k] = v;
void addLoopMarker(HBasicBlock header, int id) {
loopMarkers[header] = id;
void removeLoopMarker(HBasicBlock header) {
bool get isEmpty => liveInstructions.isEmpty && loopMarkers.isEmpty;
bool contains(HInstruction instruction) =>
String toString() => liveInstructions.toString();
/// Builds the live intervals of each instruction. The algorithm visits
/// the graph post-dominator tree to find the last uses of an
/// instruction, and computes the liveIns of each basic block.
class SsaLiveIntervalBuilder extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
final Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
final Set<HInstruction> controlFlowOperators;
/// A counter to assign start and end ids to live ranges. The initial
/// value is not relevant. Note that instructionId goes downward to ease
/// reasoning about live ranges (the first instruction of a graph has
/// the lowest id).
int instructionId = 0;
/// The liveIns of basic blocks.
final Map<HBasicBlock, LiveEnvironment> liveInstructions = {};
/// The live intervals of instructions.
final Map<HInstruction, LiveInterval> liveIntervals = {};
/// Controlling conditions for control-flow operators. Control-flow operators,
/// e.g. `c ? a : b`, have a condition input `c` from the HIf node
/// at the top of the control flow diamond as well as the HPhi inputs for `a`
/// and `b` at the bottom of the diamond.
final Map<HInstruction, HInstruction> _phiToCondition = {};
SsaLiveIntervalBuilder(this.generateAtUseSite, this.controlFlowOperators) {
for (HIf ifNode in controlFlowOperators) {
_phiToCondition[ifNode.joinBlock.phis.first] = ifNode.condition;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
if (!liveInstructions[graph.entry].isEmpty) {
failedAt(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, 'LiveIntervalBuilder.');
void markInputsAsLiveInEnvironment(
HInstruction instruction, LiveEnvironment environment) {
if (instruction is HPhi) {
HInstruction condition = _phiToCondition[instruction];
if (condition != null) {
markAsLiveInEnvironment(condition, environment);
for (int i = 0, len = instruction.inputs.length; i < len; i++) {
markAsLiveInEnvironment(instruction.inputs[i], environment);
// Returns the non-HCheck instruction, or the last [HCheck] in the
// check chain that is not generate at use site.
// For example:
// t1 = GeneratedAtUseSite instruction
// t2 = check(t1)
// t3 = check(t2)
// t4 = use(t3)
// t5 = use(t3)
// t6 = use(t2)
// The t1 is generate-at-use site, and the live-range must thus be on t2 and
// not on the checked instruction t1.
// When looking for the checkedInstructionOrNonGenerateAtUseSite of t3 we must
// return t2.
HInstruction checkedInstructionOrNonGenerateAtUseSite(HCheck check) {
dynamic checked = check.checkedInput;
while (checked is HCheck) {
HInstruction next = checked.checkedInput;
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(next)) break;
checked = next;
return checked;
void markAsLiveInEnvironment(
HInstruction instruction, LiveEnvironment environment) {
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) {
markInputsAsLiveInEnvironment(instruction, environment);
} else {
environment.add(instruction, instructionId);
// Special case the HCheck instruction to mark the actual
// checked instruction live. The checked instruction and the
// [HCheck] will share the same live ranges.
if (instruction is HCheck) {
HCheck check = instruction;
HInstruction checked = checkedInstructionOrNonGenerateAtUseSite(check);
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(checked)) {
environment.add(checked, instructionId);
void removeFromEnvironment(
HInstruction instruction, LiveEnvironment environment) {
environment.remove(instruction, instructionId);
// Special case the HCheck instruction to have the same live
// interval as the instruction it is checking.
if (instruction is HCheck) {
HCheck check = instruction;
HInstruction checked = checkedInstructionOrNonGenerateAtUseSite(check);
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(checked)) {
liveIntervals.putIfAbsent(checked, () => LiveInterval());
// Unconditionally force the live ranges of the HCheck to
// be the live ranges of the instruction it is checking.
liveIntervals[instruction] =
LiveInterval.forCheck(instructionId, liveIntervals[checked]);
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
LiveEnvironment environment = LiveEnvironment(liveIntervals, instructionId);
// Add to the environment the liveIn of its successor, as well as
// the inputs of the phis of the successor that flow from this block.
for (int i = 0; i < block.successors.length; i++) {
HBasicBlock successor = block.successors[i];
LiveEnvironment successorEnv = liveInstructions[successor];
if (successorEnv != null) {
} else {
environment.addLoopMarker(successor, instructionId);
int index = successor.predecessors.indexOf(block);
for (HPhi phi = successor.phis.first; phi != null; phi = {
markAsLiveInEnvironment(phi.inputs[index], environment);
// Iterate over all instructions to remove an instruction from the
// environment and add its inputs.
HInstruction instruction = block.last;
while (instruction != null) {
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) {
removeFromEnvironment(instruction, environment);
markInputsAsLiveInEnvironment(instruction, environment);
instruction = instruction.previous;
// We just remove the phis from the environment. The inputs of the
// phis will be put in the environment of the predecessors.
for (HPhi phi = block.phis.first; phi != null; phi = {
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(phi)) {
environment.remove(phi, instructionId);
// Save the liveInstructions of that block.
environment.startId = instructionId + 1;
liveInstructions[block] = environment;
// If the block is a loop header, we can remove the loop marker,
// because it will just recompute the loop phis.
// We also check if this loop header has any back edges. If not,
// we know there is no loop marker for it.
if (block.isLoopHeader() && block.predecessors.length > 1) {
void updateLoopMarker(HBasicBlock header) {
LiveEnvironment env = liveInstructions[header];
int lastId = env.loopMarkers[header];
// Update all instructions that are liveIns in [header] to have a
// range that covers the loop.
env.liveInstructions.forEach((HInstruction instruction, int id) {
LiveInterval range =
env.liveIntervals.putIfAbsent(instruction, () => LiveInterval());
range.loopUpdate(env.startId, lastId);
env.liveInstructions[instruction] = lastId;
// Update all liveIns set to contain the liveIns of [header].
liveInstructions.forEach((HBasicBlock block, LiveEnvironment other) {
if (other.loopMarkers.containsKey(header)) {
env.liveInstructions.forEach((HInstruction instruction, int id) {
other.liveInstructions[instruction] = id;
env.loopMarkers.forEach((k, v) {
other.loopMarkers[k] = v;
/// Represents a copy from one instruction to another. The codegen
/// also uses this class to represent a copy from one variable to
/// another.
class Copy<T> {
final T source;
final T destination;
Copy(this.source, this.destination);
String toString() => '$destination <- $source';
/// A copy handler contains the copies that a basic block needs to do
/// after executing all its instructions.
class CopyHandler {
/// The copies from an instruction to a phi of the successor.
final List<Copy<HInstruction>> copies;
/// Assignments from an instruction that does not need a name (e.g. a
/// constant) to the phi of a successor.
final List<Copy<HInstruction>> assignments;
: copies = <Copy<HInstruction>>[],
assignments = <Copy<HInstruction>>[];
void addCopy(HInstruction source, HInstruction destination) {
copies.add(Copy<HInstruction>(source, destination));
void addAssignment(HInstruction source, HInstruction destination) {
assignments.add(Copy<HInstruction>(source, destination));
String toString() => 'Copies: $copies, assignments: $assignments';
bool get isEmpty => copies.isEmpty && assignments.isEmpty;
/// Contains the mapping between instructions and their names for code
/// generation, as well as the [CopyHandler] for each basic block.
class VariableNames {
final Map<HInstruction, String> ownName;
final Map<HBasicBlock, CopyHandler> copyHandlers;
// Used to control heuristic that determines how local variables are declared.
final Set<String> allUsedNames;
/// Name that is used as a temporary to break cycles in
/// parallel copies. We make sure this name is not being used
/// anywhere by reserving it when we allocate names for instructions.
final String swapTemp;
String getSwapTemp() {
return swapTemp;
: ownName = Map<HInstruction, String>(),
copyHandlers = Map<HBasicBlock, CopyHandler>(),
allUsedNames = Set<String>(),
swapTemp = 't0';
int get numberOfVariables => allUsedNames.length;
String getName(HInstruction instruction) {
return ownName[instruction];
CopyHandler getCopyHandler(HBasicBlock block) {
return copyHandlers[block];
void addNameUsed(String name) {
bool hasName(HInstruction instruction) => ownName.containsKey(instruction);
void addCopy(HBasicBlock block, HInstruction source, HPhi destination) {
CopyHandler handler = copyHandlers.putIfAbsent(block, () => CopyHandler());
handler.addCopy(source, destination);
void addAssignment(HBasicBlock block, HInstruction source, HPhi destination) {
CopyHandler handler = copyHandlers.putIfAbsent(block, () => CopyHandler());
handler.addAssignment(source, destination);
/// Allocates variable names for instructions, making sure they don't collide.
class VariableNamer {
final VariableNames names;
final ModularNamer _namer;
final Set<String> usedNames;
final List<String> freeTemporaryNames;
int temporaryIndex = 0;
static final RegExp regexp = RegExp('t[0-9]+');
VariableNamer(LiveEnvironment environment, this.names, this._namer)
: usedNames = Set<String>(),
freeTemporaryNames = <String>[] {
// [VariableNames.swapTemp] is used when there is a cycle in a copy handler.
// Therefore we make sure no one uses it.
// All liveIns instructions must have a name at this point, so we
// add them to the list of used names.
environment.liveInstructions.forEach((HInstruction instruction, int index) {
String name = names.getName(instruction);
if (name != null) {
String allocateWithHint(String originalName) {
int i = 0;
String name = _namer.safeVariableName(originalName);
while (usedNames.contains(name)) {
name = _namer.safeVariableName('$originalName${i++}');
return name;
String allocateTemporary() {
while (!freeTemporaryNames.isEmpty) {
String name = freeTemporaryNames.removeLast();
if (!usedNames.contains(name)) return name;
String name = 't${temporaryIndex++}';
while (usedNames.contains(name)) name = 't${temporaryIndex++}';
return name;
HPhi firstPhiUserWithElement(HInstruction instruction) {
for (HInstruction user in instruction.usedBy) {
if (user is HPhi && user.sourceElement != null) {
return user;
return null;
String allocateName(HInstruction instruction) {
String name;
if (instruction is HCheck) {
// Special case this instruction to use the name of its
// input if it has one.
HInstruction temp = instruction;
do {
temp = (temp as HCheck).checkedInput;
name = names.ownName[temp];
} while (name == null && temp is HCheck);
if (name != null) return addAllocatedName(instruction, name);
if (instruction.sourceElement != null) {
if ( != null) {
name = allocateWithHint(;
} else {
// Source element is synthesized and has no name.
name = allocateTemporary();
} else {
// We could not find an element for the instruction. If the
// instruction is used by a phi, try to use the name of the phi.
// Otherwise, just allocate a temporary name.
HPhi phi = firstPhiUserWithElement(instruction);
if (phi != null && != null) {
name = allocateWithHint(;
} else {
name = allocateTemporary();
return addAllocatedName(instruction, name);
String addAllocatedName(HInstruction instruction, String name) {
names.ownName[instruction] = name;
return name;
/// Frees [instruction]'s name so it can be used for other instructions.
void freeName(HInstruction instruction) {
String ownName = names.ownName[instruction];
if (ownName != null) {
// We check if we have already looked for temporary names
// because if we haven't, chances are the temporary we allocate
// in this block can match a phi with the same name in the
// successor block.
if (temporaryIndex != 0 && regexp.hasMatch(ownName)) {
/// Visits all blocks in the graph, sets names to instructions, and
/// creates the [CopyHandler] for each block. This class needs to have
/// the liveIns set as well as all the live intervals of instructions.
/// It visits the graph in dominator order, so that at each entry of a
/// block, the instructions in its liveIns set have names.
/// When visiting a block, it goes through all instructions. For each
/// instruction, it frees the names of the inputs that die at that
/// instruction, and allocates a name to the instruction. For each phi,
/// it adds a copy to the CopyHandler of the corresponding predecessor.
class SsaVariableAllocator extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
final ModularNamer _namer;
final Map<HBasicBlock, LiveEnvironment> liveInstructions;
final Map<HInstruction, LiveInterval> liveIntervals;
final Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
final VariableNames names;
SsaVariableAllocator(this._namer, this.liveInstructions, this.liveIntervals,
: this.names = VariableNames();
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
VariableNamer variableNamer =
VariableNamer(liveInstructions[block], names, _namer);
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
handlePhi(phi, variableNamer);
block.forEachInstruction((HInstruction instruction) {
handleInstruction(instruction, variableNamer);
/// Returns whether [instruction] needs a name. Instructions that
/// have no users or that are generated at use site do not need a name.
bool needsName(instruction) {
if (instruction is HThis) return false;
if (instruction is HParameterValue) return true;
if (instruction.usedBy.isEmpty) return false;
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) return false;
return !instruction.nonCheck().isCodeMotionInvariant();
/// Returns whether [instruction] dies at the instruction [at].
bool diesAt(HInstruction instruction, HInstruction at) {
LiveInterval atInterval = liveIntervals[at];
LiveInterval instructionInterval = liveIntervals[instruction];
int start = atInterval.start;
return instructionInterval.diesAt(start);
void freeUsedNamesAt(
HInstruction instruction, HInstruction at, VariableNamer namer) {
if (needsName(instruction)) {
if (diesAt(instruction, at)) {
} else if (generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) {
// If the instruction is generated at use site, then all its
// inputs may also die at [at].
for (int i = 0, len = instruction.inputs.length; i < len; i++) {
HInstruction input = instruction.inputs[i];
freeUsedNamesAt(input, at, namer);
void handleInstruction(HInstruction instruction, VariableNamer namer) {
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) {
for (int i = 0, len = instruction.inputs.length; i < len; i++) {
HInstruction input = instruction.inputs[i];
freeUsedNamesAt(input, instruction, namer);
if (needsName(instruction)) {
void handlePhi(HPhi phi, VariableNamer namer) {
if (!needsName(phi)) return;
for (int i = 0; i < phi.inputs.length; i++) {
HInstruction input = phi.inputs[i];
HBasicBlock predecessor = phi.block.predecessors[i];
// A [HTypeKnown] instruction never has a name, but its checked
// input might, therefore we need to do a copy instead of an
// assignment.
while (input is HTypeKnown) input = input.inputs[0];
if (!needsName(input)) {
names.addAssignment(predecessor, input, phi);
} else {
names.addCopy(predecessor, input, phi);