| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)" |
| #endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME) |
| |
| #include "vm/growable_array.h" |
| #include "vm/hash_map.h" |
| |
| #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/ffi/marshaller.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h" |
| #include "vm/object_store.h" |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| class InlineExitCollector; |
| |
| namespace kernel { |
| |
| class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder; |
| struct InferredTypeMetadata; |
| class BreakableBlock; |
| class CatchBlock; |
| class FlowGraphBuilder; |
| class SwitchBlock; |
| class TryCatchBlock; |
| class TryFinallyBlock; |
| |
| enum class TypeChecksToBuild { |
| kCheckAllTypeParameterBounds, |
| kCheckNonCovariantTypeParameterBounds, |
| kCheckCovariantTypeParameterBounds, |
| }; |
| |
| class FlowGraphBuilder : public BaseFlowGraphBuilder { |
| public: |
| FlowGraphBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function, |
| ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>* ic_data_array, |
| ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array, |
| InlineExitCollector* exit_collector, |
| bool optimizing, |
| intptr_t osr_id, |
| intptr_t first_block_id = 1, |
| bool inlining_unchecked_entry = false); |
| virtual ~FlowGraphBuilder(); |
| |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraph(); |
| |
| // Returns true if given [function] is recognized for flow |
| // graph building and its body is expressed in a custom-built IL. |
| static bool IsRecognizedMethodForFlowGraph(const Function& function); |
| |
| // Returns true if custom flow graph for given [function] |
| // needs an expression_temp_var(). |
| static bool IsExpressionTempVarUsedInRecognizedMethodFlowGraph( |
| const Function& function); |
| |
| private: |
| BlockEntryInstr* BuildPrologue(BlockEntryInstr* normal_entry, |
| PrologueInfo* prologue_info); |
| |
| // Return names of optional named parameters of [function]. |
| ArrayPtr GetOptionalParameterNames(const Function& function); |
| |
| // Generate fragment which pushes all explicit parameters of [function]. |
| Fragment PushExplicitParameters( |
| const Function& function, |
| const Function& target = Function::null_function()); |
| |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfMethodExtractor(const Function& method); |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodDispatcher(const Function& function); |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfRecordFieldGetter(const Function& function); |
| |
| struct ClosureCallInfo; |
| |
| // Tests whether the closure function is generic and branches to the |
| // appropriate fragment. |
| Fragment TestClosureFunctionGeneric(const ClosureCallInfo& info, |
| Fragment generic, |
| Fragment not_generic); |
| |
| // Tests whether the function parameter at the given index is required and |
| // branches to the appropriate fragment. Loads the parameter index to |
| // check from info.vars->current_param_index. |
| Fragment TestClosureFunctionNamedParameterRequired( |
| const ClosureCallInfo& info, |
| Fragment set, |
| Fragment not_set); |
| |
| // Builds a fragment that, if there are no provided function type arguments, |
| // calculates the appropriate TAV to use instead. Stores either the provided |
| // or calculated function type arguments in vars->function_type_args. |
| Fragment BuildClosureCallDefaultTypeHandling(const ClosureCallInfo& info); |
| |
| // The BuildClosureCall...Check methods differs from the checks built in the |
| // PrologueBuilder in that they are built for invoke field dispatchers, |
| // where the ArgumentsDescriptor is known at compile time but the specific |
| // closure function is retrieved at runtime. |
| |
| // Builds checks that the given named arguments have valid argument names |
| // and, in the case of null safe code, that all required named parameters |
| // are provided. |
| Fragment BuildClosureCallNamedArgumentsCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info); |
| |
| // Builds checks for checking the arguments of a call are valid for the |
| // function retrieved at runtime from the closure. |
| Fragment BuildClosureCallArgumentsValidCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info); |
| |
| // Builds checks that the type arguments of a call are consistent with the |
| // bounds of the closure function type parameters. Assumes that the closure |
| // function is generic. |
| Fragment BuildClosureCallTypeArgumentsTypeCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info); |
| |
| // Builds checks for type checking a given argument of the closure call using |
| // parameter information from the closure function retrieved at runtime. |
| // |
| // For named arguments, arg_name is a compile-time constant retrieved from |
| // the saved arguments descriptor. For positional arguments, null is passed. |
| Fragment BuildClosureCallArgumentTypeCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info, |
| LocalVariable* param_index, |
| intptr_t arg_index, |
| const String& arg_name); |
| |
| // Builds checks for type checking the arguments of a call using parameter |
| // information for the function retrieved at runtime from the closure. |
| Fragment BuildClosureCallArgumentTypeChecks(const ClosureCallInfo& info); |
| |
| // Main entry point for building checks. |
| Fragment BuildDynamicClosureCallChecks(LocalVariable* closure); |
| |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfInvokeFieldDispatcher(const Function& function); |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfFfiTrampoline(const Function& function); |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfSyncFfiCallback(const Function& function); |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfAsyncFfiCallback(const Function& function); |
| |
| // Resolves the address of a native symbol from the constant data of a |
| // vm:ffi:native pragma. |
| // Because it's used in optimized mode (as part of the implementation of |
| // @Native functions), it pushes the value as an untagged value. This is safe |
| // to use in unoptimized mode too as long as the untagged value is consumed |
| // immediately. |
| Fragment FfiNativeLookupAddress(const Instance& native); |
| // Expects target address on stack. |
| Fragment FfiCallFunctionBody(const Function& function, |
| const FunctionType& c_signature, |
| intptr_t first_argument_parameter_offset); |
| Fragment FfiNativeFunctionBody(const Function& function); |
| Fragment NativeFunctionBody(const Function& function, |
| LocalVariable* first_parameter); |
| Fragment LoadNativeArg(const compiler::ffi::CallbackMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index); |
| |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfRecognizedMethod(const Function& function); |
| |
| Fragment BuildTypedListGet(const Function& function, classid_t cid); |
| Fragment BuildTypedListSet(const Function& function, classid_t cid); |
| Fragment BuildTypedDataMemMove(const Function& function, classid_t cid); |
| Fragment BuildTypedDataViewFactoryConstructor(const Function& function, |
| classid_t cid); |
| Fragment BuildTypedDataFactoryConstructor(const Function& function, |
| classid_t cid); |
| |
| Fragment EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset, |
| const LocalScope** scope = nullptr); |
| Fragment ExitScope(intptr_t kernel_offset); |
| |
| Fragment AdjustContextTo(int depth); |
| |
| Fragment PushContext(const LocalScope* scope); |
| Fragment PopContext(); |
| |
| Fragment LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments(); |
| Fragment LoadFunctionTypeArguments(); |
| Fragment TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments( |
| const TypeArguments& type_arguments); |
| |
| Fragment CatchBlockEntry(const Array& handler_types, |
| intptr_t handler_index, |
| bool needs_stacktrace, |
| bool is_synthesized); |
| Fragment TryCatch(int try_handler_index); |
| Fragment CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment CloneContext(const ZoneGrowableArray<const Slot*>& context_slots); |
| |
| Fragment InstanceCall( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const String& name, |
| Token::Kind kind, |
| intptr_t type_args_len, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names, |
| intptr_t checked_argument_count, |
| const Function& interface_target = Function::null_function(), |
| const Function& tearoff_interface_target = Function::null_function(), |
| const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type = nullptr, |
| bool use_unchecked_entry = false, |
| const CallSiteAttributesMetadata* call_site_attrs = nullptr, |
| bool receiver_is_not_smi = false, |
| bool is_call_on_this = false); |
| |
| Fragment FfiCall(const compiler::ffi::CallMarshaller& marshaller, |
| bool is_leaf); |
| |
| Fragment CallLeafRuntimeEntry( |
| const RuntimeEntry& entry, |
| Representation return_representation, |
| const ZoneGrowableArray<Representation>& argument_representations); |
| |
| Fragment RethrowException(TokenPosition position, int catch_try_index); |
| Fragment LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable); |
| IndirectGotoInstr* IndirectGoto(intptr_t target_count); |
| Fragment StoreLateField(const Field& field, |
| LocalVariable* instance, |
| LocalVariable* setter_value); |
| Fragment NativeCall(const String& name, const Function& function); |
| Fragment Return(TokenPosition position, bool omit_result_type_check = false); |
| void SetResultTypeForStaticCall(StaticCallInstr* call, |
| const Function& target, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type); |
| Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position, |
| const Function& target, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule); |
| Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position, |
| const Function& target, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names, |
| ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule, |
| const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type = nullptr, |
| intptr_t type_args_len = 0, |
| bool use_unchecked_entry = false); |
| Fragment CachableIdempotentCall(TokenPosition position, |
| Representation representation, |
| const Function& target, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names, |
| intptr_t type_args_len = 0); |
| Fragment StringInterpolateSingle(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment StringInterpolate(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment ThrowTypeError(); |
| |
| // [incompatible_arguments] should be true if the NSM is due to a mismatch |
| // between the provided arguments and the function signature. |
| Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError(TokenPosition position, |
| const Function& target, |
| bool incompatible_arguments, |
| bool receiver_pushed = false); |
| Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError(TokenPosition position, |
| const String& selector, |
| InvocationMirror::Level level, |
| InvocationMirror::Kind kind, |
| bool receiver_pushed = false); |
| Fragment ThrowLateInitializationError(TokenPosition position, |
| const char* throw_method_name, |
| const String& name); |
| Fragment BuildImplicitClosureCreation(TokenPosition position, |
| const Function& target); |
| |
| Fragment EvaluateAssertion(); |
| Fragment CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(const AbstractType& dst_type, |
| const String& name_symbol); |
| Fragment CheckBoolean(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment CheckAssignable( |
| const AbstractType& dst_type, |
| const String& dst_name, |
| AssertAssignableInstr::Kind kind = AssertAssignableInstr::kUnknown, |
| TokenPosition token_pos = TokenPosition::kNoSource); |
| |
| Fragment AssertAssignableLoadTypeArguments( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const AbstractType& dst_type, |
| const String& dst_name, |
| AssertAssignableInstr::Kind kind = AssertAssignableInstr::kUnknown); |
| Fragment AssertSubtype(TokenPosition position, |
| const AbstractType& sub_type, |
| const AbstractType& super_type, |
| const String& dst_name); |
| // Assumes destination name, supertype, and subtype are the top of the stack. |
| Fragment AssertSubtype(TokenPosition position); |
| |
| bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(const Function& function, TokenPosition position); |
| bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(Value* value, TokenPosition position); |
| |
| // Deals with StoreIndexed not working with kUnboxedFloat. |
| // TODO(dartbug.com/43448): Remove this workaround. |
| Fragment StoreIndexedTypedDataUnboxed(Representation unboxed_representation, |
| intptr_t index_scale, |
| bool index_unboxed); |
| // Deals with LoadIndexed not working with kUnboxedFloat. |
| // TODO(dartbug.com/43448): Remove this workaround. |
| Fragment LoadIndexedTypedDataUnboxed(Representation unboxed_representation, |
| intptr_t index_scale, |
| bool index_unboxed); |
| |
| // Truncates (instead of deoptimizing) if the origin does not fit into the |
| // target representation. |
| Fragment UnboxTruncate(Representation to); |
| |
| // Loads the (untagged) thread address. |
| Fragment LoadThread(); |
| |
| // Loads the (untagged) isolate address. |
| Fragment LoadIsolate(); |
| |
| // Loads the (untagged) current IsolateGroup address. |
| Fragment LoadIsolateGroup(); |
| |
| // Loads the (untagged) current ObjectStore address. |
| Fragment LoadObjectStore(); |
| |
| // Loads the (untagged) service extension stream address. |
| Fragment LoadServiceExtensionStream(); |
| |
| // Converts a true to 1 and false to 0. |
| Fragment BoolToInt(); |
| |
| // Converts 0 to false and the rest to true. |
| Fragment IntToBool(); |
| |
| // Compares arbitrary integers. |
| Fragment IntRelationalOp(TokenPosition position, Token::Kind kind); |
| |
| // Pops a Dart object and push the unboxed native version, according to the |
| // semantics of FFI argument translation. |
| // |
| // Works for FFI call arguments, and FFI callback return values. |
| // |
| // If `marshaller.IsCompoundPointer(arg_index)`, then [variable] must point to |
| // a valid LocalVariable. |
| Fragment FfiConvertPrimitiveToNative( |
| const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index, |
| LocalVariable* variable = nullptr); |
| |
| // Pops an unboxed native value, and pushes a Dart object, according to the |
| // semantics of FFI argument translation. |
| // |
| // Works for FFI call return values, and FFI callback arguments. |
| Fragment FfiConvertPrimitiveToDart( |
| const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index); |
| |
| // We pass in `variable` instead of on top of the stack so that we can have |
| // multiple consecutive calls that keep only compound parts on the stack with |
| // no compound parts in between. |
| Fragment LoadTail(LocalVariable* variable, |
| intptr_t size, |
| intptr_t offset_in_bytes, |
| Representation representation); |
| Fragment FfiCallConvertCompoundArgumentToNative( |
| LocalVariable* variable, |
| const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index); |
| |
| Fragment FfiCallConvertCompoundReturnToDart( |
| const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index); |
| |
| // We pass in multiple `definitions`, which are also expected to be the top |
| // of the stack. This eases storing each definition in the resulting struct |
| // or union. |
| Fragment FfiCallbackConvertCompoundArgumentToDart( |
| const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index, |
| ZoneGrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* definitions); |
| |
| Fragment FfiCallbackConvertCompoundReturnToNative( |
| const compiler::ffi::CallbackMarshaller& marshaller, |
| intptr_t arg_index); |
| |
| // Wraps a TypedDataBase from the stack and wraps it in a subclass of |
| // _Compound. |
| Fragment WrapTypedDataBaseInCompound(const AbstractType& compound_type); |
| |
| // Loads the _typedDataBase field from a subclass of _Compound. |
| Fragment LoadTypedDataBaseFromCompound(); |
| Fragment LoadOffsetInBytesFromCompound(); |
| |
| // Copy `definitions` into TypedData. |
| // |
| // Expects the TypedData on top of the stack and `definitions` right under it. |
| // |
| // Leaves TypedData on stack. |
| // |
| // The compound contents are heterogeneous, so pass in `representations` to |
| // know what representation to load. |
| Fragment PopFromStackToTypedDataBase( |
| ZoneGrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* definitions, |
| const GrowableArray<Representation>& representations); |
| |
| // Wrap the current exception and stacktrace in an unhandled exception. |
| Fragment UnhandledException(); |
| |
| // Return from a native -> Dart callback. Can only be used in conjunction with |
| // NativeEntry and NativeParameter are used. |
| Fragment NativeReturn(const compiler::ffi::CallbackMarshaller& marshaller); |
| |
| // Bit-wise cast between representations. |
| // Pops the input and pushes the converted result. |
| // Currently only works with equal sizes and floating point <-> integer. |
| Fragment BitCast(Representation from, Representation to); |
| |
| // Generates Call1ArgStub instruction. |
| Fragment Call1ArgStub(TokenPosition position, |
| Call1ArgStubInstr::StubId stub_id); |
| |
| // Generates Suspend instruction. |
| Fragment Suspend(TokenPosition position, SuspendInstr::StubId stub_id); |
| |
| LocalVariable* LookupVariable(intptr_t kernel_offset); |
| |
| // Build type argument type checks for the current function. |
| // ParsedFunction should have the following information: |
| // - is_forwarding_stub() |
| // - forwarding_stub_super_target() |
| // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including |
| // - needs_type_check() |
| // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter() |
| void BuildTypeArgumentTypeChecks(TypeChecksToBuild mode, |
| Fragment* implicit_checks); |
| |
| // Build argument type checks for the current function. |
| // ParsedFunction should have the following information: |
| // - is_forwarding_stub() |
| // - forwarding_stub_super_target() |
| // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including |
| // - needs_type_check() |
| // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter() |
| void BuildArgumentTypeChecks(Fragment* explicit_checks, |
| Fragment* implicit_checks, |
| Fragment* implicit_redefinitions); |
| |
| // Builds flow graph for noSuchMethod forwarder. |
| // |
| // If throw_no_such_method_error is set to true, an |
| // instance of NoSuchMethodError is thrown. Otherwise, the instance |
| // noSuchMethod is called. |
| // |
| // ParsedFunction should have the following information: |
| // - default_parameter_values() |
| // - is_forwarding_stub() |
| // - forwarding_stub_super_target() |
| // |
| // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including |
| // - needs_type_check() |
| // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter() |
| // |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodForwarder( |
| const Function& function, |
| bool is_implicit_closure_function, |
| bool throw_no_such_method_error); |
| |
| // If no type arguments are passed to a generic function, we need to fill the |
| // type arguments in with the default types stored on the TypeParameter nodes |
| // in Kernel. |
| // |
| // ParsedFunction should have the following information: |
| // - DefaultFunctionTypeArguments() |
| // - function_type_arguments() |
| Fragment BuildDefaultTypeHandling(const Function& function); |
| |
| FunctionEntryInstr* BuildSharedUncheckedEntryPoint( |
| Fragment prologue_from_normal_entry, |
| Fragment skippable_checks, |
| Fragment redefinitions_if_skipped, |
| Fragment body); |
| FunctionEntryInstr* BuildSeparateUncheckedEntryPoint( |
| BlockEntryInstr* normal_entry, |
| Fragment normal_prologue, |
| Fragment extra_prologue, |
| Fragment shared_prologue, |
| Fragment body); |
| |
| // Builds flow graph for implicit closure function (tear-off). |
| // |
| // ParsedFunction should have the following information: |
| // - DefaultFunctionTypeArguments() |
| // - function_type_arguments() |
| // - default_parameter_values() |
| // - is_forwarding_stub() |
| // - forwarding_stub_super_target() |
| // |
| // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including |
| // - needs_type_check() |
| // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter() |
| // |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction(const Function& function); |
| |
| // Builds flow graph of implicit field getter, setter, or a |
| // dynamic invocation forwarder to a field setter. |
| // |
| // If field is const, its value should be evaluated and stored in |
| // - StaticValue() |
| // |
| // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including |
| // - needs_type_check() |
| // |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfFieldAccessor(const Function& function); |
| |
| // Builds flow graph of dynamic invocation forwarder. |
| // |
| // ParsedFunction should have the following information: |
| // - DefaultFunctionTypeArguments() |
| // - function_type_arguments() |
| // - default_parameter_values() |
| // - is_forwarding_stub() |
| // - forwarding_stub_super_target() |
| // |
| // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including |
| // - needs_type_check() |
| // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter() |
| // |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfDynamicInvocationForwarder(const Function& function); |
| |
| void SetConstantRangeOfCurrentDefinition(const Fragment& fragment, |
| int64_t min, |
| int64_t max); |
| |
| // Extracts a packed field out of the unboxed value with representation [rep |
| // on the top of the stack. Picks a sequence that keeps unboxed values on the |
| // expression stack only as needed, switching to Smis as soon as possible. |
| template <typename T> |
| Fragment BuildExtractUnboxedSlotBitFieldIntoSmi(const Slot& slot) { |
| ASSERT(RepresentationUtils::IsUnboxedInteger(slot.representation())); |
| Fragment instructions; |
| if (!Boxing::RequiresAllocation(slot.representation())) { |
| // We don't need to allocate to box this value, so it already fits in |
| // a Smi (and thus the mask must also). |
| instructions += LoadNativeField(slot); |
| instructions += Box(slot.representation()); |
| instructions += IntConstant(T::mask_in_place()); |
| instructions += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kBIT_AND); |
| } else { |
| // Since kBIT_AND never throws or deoptimizes, we require that the result |
| // of masking the field in place fits into a Smi, so we can use Smi |
| // operations for the shift. |
| static_assert(T::mask_in_place() <= compiler::target::kSmiMax, |
| "Cannot fit results of masking in place into a Smi"); |
| instructions += LoadNativeField(slot); |
| instructions += |
| UnboxedIntConstant(T::mask_in_place(), slot.representation()); |
| instructions += BinaryIntegerOp(Token::kBIT_AND, slot.representation()); |
| // Set the range of the definition that will be used as the value in the |
| // box so that ValueFitsSmi() returns true even in unoptimized code. |
| SetConstantRangeOfCurrentDefinition(instructions, 0, T::mask_in_place()); |
| instructions += Box(slot.representation()); |
| } |
| if (T::shift() != 0) { |
| // Only add the shift operation if it's necessary. |
| instructions += IntConstant(T::shift()); |
| instructions += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kSHR); |
| } |
| return instructions; |
| } |
| |
| Fragment BuildDoubleHashCode(); |
| Fragment BuildIntegerHashCode(bool smi); |
| |
| TranslationHelper translation_helper_; |
| Thread* thread_; |
| Zone* zone_; |
| |
| ParsedFunction* parsed_function_; |
| const bool optimizing_; |
| ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array_; |
| |
| intptr_t next_function_id_; |
| intptr_t AllocateFunctionId() { return next_function_id_++; } |
| |
| intptr_t loop_depth_; |
| intptr_t try_depth_; |
| intptr_t catch_depth_; |
| intptr_t block_expression_depth_; |
| |
| GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry_; |
| |
| ScopeBuildingResult* scopes_; |
| |
| LocalVariable* CurrentException() { |
| return scopes_->exception_variables[catch_depth_ - 1]; |
| } |
| LocalVariable* CurrentStackTrace() { |
| return scopes_->stack_trace_variables[catch_depth_ - 1]; |
| } |
| LocalVariable* CurrentRawException() { |
| return scopes_->raw_exception_variables[catch_depth_ - 1]; |
| } |
| LocalVariable* CurrentRawStackTrace() { |
| return scopes_->raw_stack_trace_variables[catch_depth_ - 1]; |
| } |
| LocalVariable* CurrentCatchContext() { |
| return scopes_->catch_context_variables[try_depth_]; |
| } |
| |
| TryCatchBlock* CurrentTryCatchBlock() const { return try_catch_block_; } |
| |
| void SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(TryCatchBlock* try_catch_block); |
| |
| // A chained list of breakable blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the |
| // [BreakableBlock] class. |
| BreakableBlock* breakable_block_; |
| |
| // A chained list of switch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the |
| // [SwitchBlock] class. |
| SwitchBlock* switch_block_; |
| |
| // A chained list of try-catch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the |
| // [TryCatchBlock] class. |
| TryCatchBlock* try_catch_block_; |
| |
| // A chained list of try-finally blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the |
| // [TryFinallyBlock] class. |
| TryFinallyBlock* try_finally_block_; |
| |
| // A chained list of catch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the |
| // [CatchBlock] class. |
| CatchBlock* catch_block_; |
| |
| ActiveClass active_class_; |
| |
| // Cached _PrependTypeArguments. |
| Function& prepend_type_arguments_; |
| |
| // Returns the function _PrependTypeArguments from dart:_internal. If the |
| // cached version is null, retrieves it and updates the cache. |
| const Function& PrependTypeArgumentsFunction(); |
| |
| friend class BreakableBlock; |
| friend class CatchBlock; |
| friend class ProgramState; |
| friend class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder; |
| friend class SwitchBlock; |
| friend class TryCatchBlock; |
| friend class TryFinallyBlock; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| // Convenience class to save/restore program state. |
| // This snapshot denotes a partial state of the flow |
| // grap builder that is needed when recursing into |
| // the statements and expressions of a finalizer block. |
| class ProgramState { |
| public: |
| ProgramState(BreakableBlock* breakable_block, |
| SwitchBlock* switch_block, |
| intptr_t loop_depth, |
| intptr_t try_depth, |
| intptr_t catch_depth, |
| intptr_t block_expression_depth) |
| : breakable_block_(breakable_block), |
| switch_block_(switch_block), |
| loop_depth_(loop_depth), |
| try_depth_(try_depth), |
| catch_depth_(catch_depth), |
| block_expression_depth_(block_expression_depth) {} |
| |
| void assignTo(FlowGraphBuilder* builder) const { |
| builder->breakable_block_ = breakable_block_; |
| builder->switch_block_ = switch_block_; |
| builder->loop_depth_ = loop_depth_; |
| builder->try_depth_ = try_depth_; |
| builder->catch_depth_ = catch_depth_; |
| builder->block_expression_depth_ = block_expression_depth_; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| BreakableBlock* const breakable_block_; |
| SwitchBlock* const switch_block_; |
| const intptr_t loop_depth_; |
| const intptr_t try_depth_; |
| const intptr_t catch_depth_; |
| const intptr_t block_expression_depth_; |
| }; |
| |
| class SwitchBlock { |
| public: |
| SwitchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder, intptr_t case_count) |
| : builder_(builder), |
| outer_(builder->switch_block_), |
| outer_finally_(builder->try_finally_block_), |
| case_count_(case_count), |
| context_depth_(builder->context_depth_), |
| try_index_(builder->CurrentTryIndex()) { |
| builder_->switch_block_ = this; |
| if (outer_ != nullptr) { |
| depth_ = outer_->depth_ + outer_->case_count_; |
| } else { |
| depth_ = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| ~SwitchBlock() { builder_->switch_block_ = outer_; } |
| |
| bool HadJumper(intptr_t case_num) { |
| return destinations_.Lookup(case_num) != nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| // Get destination via absolute target number (i.e. the correct destination |
| // is not necessarily in this block). |
| JoinEntryInstr* Destination(intptr_t target_index, |
| TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally = nullptr, |
| intptr_t* context_depth = nullptr) { |
| // Verify consistency of program state. |
| ASSERT(builder_->switch_block_ == this); |
| // Find corresponding destination. |
| SwitchBlock* block = this; |
| while (block->depth_ > target_index) { |
| block = block->outer_; |
| ASSERT(block != nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| // Set the outer finally block. |
| if (outer_finally != nullptr) { |
| *outer_finally = block->outer_finally_; |
| *context_depth = block->context_depth_; |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure there's [JoinEntryInstr] for that [SwitchCase]. |
| return block->EnsureDestination(target_index - block->depth_); |
| } |
| |
| // Get destination via relative target number (i.e. relative to this block, |
| // 0 is first case in this block etc). |
| JoinEntryInstr* DestinationDirect(intptr_t case_num, |
| TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally = nullptr, |
| intptr_t* context_depth = nullptr) { |
| // Set the outer finally block. |
| if (outer_finally != nullptr) { |
| *outer_finally = outer_finally_; |
| *context_depth = context_depth_; |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure there's [JoinEntryInstr] for that [SwitchCase]. |
| return EnsureDestination(case_num); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| JoinEntryInstr* EnsureDestination(intptr_t case_num) { |
| JoinEntryInstr* cached_inst = destinations_.Lookup(case_num); |
| if (cached_inst == nullptr) { |
| JoinEntryInstr* inst = builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index_); |
| destinations_.Insert(case_num, inst); |
| return inst; |
| } |
| return cached_inst; |
| } |
| |
| FlowGraphBuilder* builder_; |
| SwitchBlock* outer_; |
| |
| IntMap<JoinEntryInstr*> destinations_; |
| |
| TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally_; |
| intptr_t case_count_; |
| intptr_t depth_; |
| intptr_t context_depth_; |
| intptr_t try_index_; |
| }; |
| |
| class TryCatchBlock { |
| public: |
| explicit TryCatchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder, |
| intptr_t try_handler_index = -1) |
| : builder_(builder), |
| outer_(builder->CurrentTryCatchBlock()), |
| try_index_(try_handler_index == -1 ? builder->AllocateTryIndex() |
| : try_handler_index) { |
| builder->SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(this); |
| } |
| |
| ~TryCatchBlock() { builder_->SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(outer_); } |
| |
| intptr_t try_index() { return try_index_; } |
| TryCatchBlock* outer() const { return outer_; } |
| |
| private: |
| FlowGraphBuilder* const builder_; |
| TryCatchBlock* const outer_; |
| intptr_t const try_index_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| class TryFinallyBlock { |
| public: |
| TryFinallyBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder, intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset) |
| : builder_(builder), |
| outer_(builder->try_finally_block_), |
| finalizer_kernel_offset_(finalizer_kernel_offset), |
| context_depth_(builder->context_depth_), |
| try_index_(builder_->CurrentTryIndex()), |
| // Finalizers are executed outside of the try block hence |
| // try depth of finalizers are one less than current try |
| // depth. For others, program state is snapshot of current. |
| state_(builder_->breakable_block_, |
| builder_->switch_block_, |
| builder_->loop_depth_, |
| builder_->try_depth_ - 1, |
| builder_->catch_depth_, |
| builder_->block_expression_depth_) { |
| builder_->try_finally_block_ = this; |
| } |
| ~TryFinallyBlock() { builder_->try_finally_block_ = outer_; } |
| |
| TryFinallyBlock* outer() const { return outer_; } |
| intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset() const { return finalizer_kernel_offset_; } |
| intptr_t context_depth() const { return context_depth_; } |
| intptr_t try_index() const { return try_index_; } |
| const ProgramState& state() const { return state_; } |
| |
| private: |
| FlowGraphBuilder* const builder_; |
| TryFinallyBlock* const outer_; |
| const intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset_; |
| const intptr_t context_depth_; |
| const intptr_t try_index_; |
| const ProgramState state_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| class BreakableBlock { |
| public: |
| explicit BreakableBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder) |
| : builder_(builder), |
| outer_(builder->breakable_block_), |
| destination_(nullptr), |
| outer_finally_(builder->try_finally_block_), |
| context_depth_(builder->context_depth_), |
| try_index_(builder->CurrentTryIndex()) { |
| if (builder_->breakable_block_ == nullptr) { |
| index_ = 0; |
| } else { |
| index_ = builder_->breakable_block_->index_ + 1; |
| } |
| builder_->breakable_block_ = this; |
| } |
| ~BreakableBlock() { builder_->breakable_block_ = outer_; } |
| |
| bool HadJumper() { return destination_ != nullptr; } |
| |
| JoinEntryInstr* destination() { return destination_; } |
| |
| JoinEntryInstr* BreakDestination(intptr_t label_index, |
| TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally, |
| intptr_t* context_depth) { |
| // Verify consistency of program state. |
| ASSERT(builder_->breakable_block_ == this); |
| // Find corresponding destination. |
| BreakableBlock* block = this; |
| while (block->index_ != label_index) { |
| block = block->outer_; |
| ASSERT(block != nullptr); |
| } |
| *outer_finally = block->outer_finally_; |
| *context_depth = block->context_depth_; |
| return block->EnsureDestination(); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| JoinEntryInstr* EnsureDestination() { |
| if (destination_ == nullptr) { |
| destination_ = builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index_); |
| } |
| return destination_; |
| } |
| |
| FlowGraphBuilder* builder_; |
| intptr_t index_; |
| BreakableBlock* outer_; |
| JoinEntryInstr* destination_; |
| TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally_; |
| intptr_t context_depth_; |
| intptr_t try_index_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| class CatchBlock { |
| public: |
| CatchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder, |
| LocalVariable* exception_var, |
| LocalVariable* stack_trace_var, |
| intptr_t catch_try_index) |
| : builder_(builder), |
| outer_(builder->catch_block_), |
| exception_var_(exception_var), |
| stack_trace_var_(stack_trace_var), |
| catch_try_index_(catch_try_index) { |
| builder_->catch_block_ = this; |
| } |
| ~CatchBlock() { builder_->catch_block_ = outer_; } |
| |
| LocalVariable* exception_var() { return exception_var_; } |
| LocalVariable* stack_trace_var() { return stack_trace_var_; } |
| intptr_t catch_try_index() { return catch_try_index_; } |
| |
| private: |
| FlowGraphBuilder* builder_; |
| CatchBlock* outer_; |
| LocalVariable* exception_var_; |
| LocalVariable* stack_trace_var_; |
| intptr_t catch_try_index_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| enum SwitchDispatch { |
| kSwitchDispatchAuto = -1, |
| kSwitchDispatchLinearScan, |
| kSwitchDispatchBinarySearch, |
| kSwitchDispatchJumpTable, |
| }; |
| |
| // Collected information for a switch expression. |
| class SwitchExpression { |
| public: |
| SwitchExpression(intptr_t case_index, |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const Instance& value) |
| : case_index_(case_index), position_(position), value_(&value) {} |
| |
| intptr_t case_index() const { return case_index_; } |
| const TokenPosition& position() const { return position_; } |
| // Constant value of the expression. |
| const Instance& value() const { return *value_; } |
| |
| // Integer representation of the expression. |
| // For Integers it is the value itself and for Enums it is the index. |
| const Integer& integer() const { |
| ASSERT(integer_ != nullptr); |
| return *integer_; |
| } |
| |
| void set_integer(const Integer& integer) { |
| ASSERT(integer_ == nullptr); |
| integer_ = &integer; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| intptr_t case_index_; |
| TokenPosition position_; |
| const Instance* value_; |
| const Integer* integer_ = nullptr; |
| }; |
| |
| // A range that is covered by a branch in a binary search switch. |
| // Leafs are represented by a range where min == max. |
| class SwitchRange { |
| public: |
| static SwitchRange Leaf(intptr_t index, |
| Fragment branch_instructions, |
| bool is_bounds_checked = false) { |
| return SwitchRange(index, index, branch_instructions, is_bounds_checked); |
| } |
| |
| static SwitchRange Branch(intptr_t min, |
| intptr_t max, |
| Fragment branch_instructions) { |
| return SwitchRange(min, max, branch_instructions, |
| /*is_bounds_checked=*/false); |
| } |
| |
| // min and max are indexes into a sorted array of case expressions. |
| intptr_t min() const { return min_; } |
| intptr_t max() const { return max_; } |
| // The fragment to continue building code for the branch. |
| Fragment branch_instructions() const { return branch_instructions_; } |
| // For leafs, whether the branch is known to be in the bounds of the |
| // overall switch. |
| bool is_bounds_checked() const { return is_bounds_checked_; } |
| bool is_leaf() const { return min_ == max_; } |
| |
| private: |
| SwitchRange(intptr_t min, |
| intptr_t max, |
| Fragment branch_instructions, |
| bool is_bounds_checked) |
| : min_(min), |
| max_(max), |
| branch_instructions_(branch_instructions), |
| is_bounds_checked_(is_bounds_checked) {} |
| |
| intptr_t min_; |
| intptr_t max_; |
| Fragment branch_instructions_; |
| bool is_bounds_checked_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Helper for building flow graph for a switch statement. |
| class SwitchHelper { |
| public: |
| SwitchHelper(Zone* zone, |
| TokenPosition position, |
| bool is_exhaustive, |
| const AbstractType& expression_type, |
| SwitchBlock* switch_block, |
| intptr_t case_count); |
| |
| // A switch statement is optimizable if static type of the scrutinee |
| // expression is a non-nullable int or enum, and all case expressions |
| // are instances of the scrutinee static type. |
| bool is_optimizable() const { return is_optimizable_; } |
| const TokenPosition& position() const { return position_; } |
| bool is_exhaustive() const { return is_exhaustive_; } |
| SwitchBlock* switch_block() { return switch_block_; } |
| intptr_t case_count() const { return case_count_; } |
| |
| // Index of default case. |
| intptr_t default_case() const { return default_case_; } |
| void set_default_case(intptr_t index) { |
| ASSERT(default_case_ == -1); |
| default_case_ = index; |
| } |
| |
| const GrowableArray<Fragment>& case_bodies() const { return case_bodies_; } |
| |
| // Array of the expression counts for all cases. |
| const GrowableArray<intptr_t>& case_expression_counts() const { |
| return case_expression_counts_; |
| } |
| |
| const GrowableArray<SwitchExpression>& expressions() const { |
| return expressions_; |
| } |
| |
| const GrowableArray<SwitchExpression*>& sorted_expressions() const { |
| return sorted_expressions_; |
| } |
| |
| // Static type of the scrutinee expression. |
| const AbstractType& expression_type() const { return expression_type_; } |
| |
| const Integer& expression_min() const { |
| ASSERT(expression_min_ != nullptr); |
| return *expression_min_; |
| } |
| const Integer& expression_max() const { |
| ASSERT(expression_max_ != nullptr); |
| return *expression_max_; |
| } |
| |
| bool has_default() const { return default_case_ >= 0; } |
| |
| bool is_enum_switch() const { return is_enum_switch_; } |
| |
| // Returns size of [min..max] range, or kMaxInt64 on overflow. |
| int64_t ExpressionRange() const; |
| |
| bool RequiresLowerBoundCheck() const; |
| bool RequiresUpperBoundCheck() const; |
| |
| SwitchDispatch SelectDispatchStrategy(); |
| |
| void AddCaseBody(Fragment body) { case_bodies_.Add(body); } |
| |
| void AddExpression(intptr_t case_index, |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const Instance& value); |
| |
| private: |
| void PrepareForOptimizedSwitch(); |
| |
| Zone* zone_; |
| bool is_optimizable_ = false; |
| bool is_enum_switch_ = false; |
| const TokenPosition position_; |
| const bool is_exhaustive_; |
| const AbstractType& expression_type_; |
| SwitchBlock* const switch_block_; |
| const intptr_t case_count_; |
| intptr_t default_case_ = -1; |
| GrowableArray<Fragment> case_bodies_; |
| GrowableArray<intptr_t> case_expression_counts_; |
| GrowableArray<SwitchExpression> expressions_; |
| GrowableArray<SwitchExpression*> sorted_expressions_; |
| const Integer* expression_min_ = nullptr; |
| const Integer* expression_max_ = nullptr; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace kernel |
| } // namespace dart |
| |