blob: 7952dcf9efabbf63cbf15ba62039f8824526e2ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.barback.web_socket_api;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc;
import '../utils.dart';
import 'asset_environment.dart';
/// Implements the [WebSocket] API for communicating with a running pub serve
/// process, mainly for use by the Editor.
/// This is a [JSON-RPC 2.0]( server. Its
/// methods are described in the method-level documentation below.
class WebSocketApi {
final CompatibleWebSocket _socket;
final AssetEnvironment _environment;
final _server = new json_rpc.Server();
WebSocketApi(this._socket, this._environment) {
_server.registerMethod("urlToAssetId", _urlToAssetId);
_server.registerMethod("pathToUrls", _pathToUrls);
_server.registerMethod("serveDirectory", _serveDirectory);
_server.registerMethod("unserveDirectory", _unserveDirectory);
/// Listens on the socket.
/// Returns a future that completes when the socket has closed. It will
/// complete with an error if the socket had an error, otherwise it will
/// complete to `null`.
Future listen() {
return _socket.listen((request) {
_server.parseRequest(request).then((response) {
if (response != null) _socket.add(response);
}, cancelOnError: true).asFuture();
/// Given a URL to an asset that is served by pub, returns the ID of the
/// asset that would be accessed by that URL.
/// The method name is "urlToAssetId" and it takes a "url" parameter for the
/// URL being mapped:
/// "params": {
/// "url": "http://localhost:8080/index.html"
/// }
/// If successful, it returns a map containing the asset ID's package and
/// path:
/// "result": {
/// "package": "myapp",
/// "path": "web/index.html"
/// }
/// The "path" key in the result is a URL path that's relative to the root
/// directory of the package identified by "package". The location of this
/// package may vary depending on which source it was installed from.
/// An optional "line" key may be provided whose value must be an integer. If
/// given, the result will also include a "line" key that maps the line in
/// the served final file back to the corresponding source line in the asset
/// that was used to generate that file.
/// Examples (where "myapp" is the root package and pub serve is being run
/// normally with "web" bound to port 8080 and "test" to 8081):
/// http://localhost:8080/index.html -> myapp|web/index.html
/// http://localhost:8081/sub/main.dart -> myapp|test/sub/main.dart
/// If the URL is not a domain being served by pub, this returns an error:
/// http://localhost:1234/index.html -> NOT_SERVED error
/// This does *not* currently support the implicit index.html behavior that
/// pub serve provides for user-friendliness:
/// http://localhost:1234 -> NOT_SERVED error
/// This does *not* currently check to ensure the asset actually exists. It
/// only maps what the corresponding asset *should* be for that URL.
Future<Map> _urlToAssetId(json_rpc.Parameters params) {
var url = params["url"].asUri;
// If a line number was given, map it to the output line.
var line = params["line"].asIntOr(null);
return _environment.getAssetIdForUrl(url).then((id) {
if (id == null) {
throw new json_rpc.RpcException(_Error.NOT_SERVED,
'"${}:${url.port}" is not being served by pub.');
// TODO(rnystrom): When this is hooked up to actually talk to barback to
// see if assets exist, consider supporting implicit index.html at that
// point.
var result = {"package": id.package, "path": id.path};
// Map the line.
// TODO(rnystrom): Right now, source maps are not supported and it just
// passes through the original line. This lets the editor start using
// this API before we've fully implemented it. See #12339 and #16061.
if (line != null) result["line"] = line;
return result;
/// Given a path on the filesystem, returns the URLs served by pub that can be
/// used to access asset found at that path.
/// The method name is "pathToUrls" and it takes a "path" key (a native OS
/// path which may be absolute or relative to the root directory of the
/// entrypoint package) for the path being mapped:
/// "params": {
/// "path": "web/index.html"
/// }
/// If successful, it returns a map containing the list of URLs that can be
/// used to access that asset.
/// "result": {
/// "urls": ["http://localhost:8080/index.html"]
/// }
/// The "path" key may refer to a path in another package, either by referring
/// to its location within the top-level "packages" directory or by referring
/// to its location on disk. Only the "lib" and "asset" directories are
/// visible in other packages:
/// "params": {
/// "path": "packages/http/http.dart"
/// }
/// Assets in the "lib" and "asset" directories will usually have one URL for
/// each server:
/// "result": {
/// "urls": [
/// "http://localhost:8080/packages/http/http.dart",
/// "http://localhost:8081/packages/http/http.dart"
/// ]
/// }
/// An optional "line" key may be provided whose value must be an integer. If
/// given, the result will also include a "line" key that maps the line in
/// the source file to the corresponding output line in the resulting asset
/// served at the URL.
/// Examples (where "myapp" is the root package and pub serve is being run
/// normally with "web" bound to port 8080 and "test" to 8081):
/// web/index.html -> http://localhost:8080/index.html
/// test/sub/main.dart -> http://localhost:8081/sub/main.dart
/// If the asset is not in a directory being served by pub, returns an error:
/// example/index.html -> NOT_SERVED error
Future<Map> _pathToUrls(json_rpc.Parameters params) {
var assetPath = params["path"].asString;
var line = params["line"].asIntOr(null);
return _environment.getUrlsForAssetPath(assetPath).then((urls) {
if (urls.isEmpty) {
throw new json_rpc.RpcException(_Error.NOT_SERVED,
'Asset path "$assetPath" is not currently being served.');
var result = {"urls": => url.toString()).toList()};
// Map the line.
// TODO(rnystrom): Right now, source maps are not supported and it just
// passes through the original line. This lets the editor start using
// this API before we've fully implemented it. See #12339 and #16061.
if (line != null) result["line"] = line;
return result;
/// Given a relative directory path within the entrypoint package, binds a
/// new port to serve from that path and returns its URL.
/// The method name is "serveDirectory" and it takes a "path" key (a native
/// OS path relative to the root of the entrypoint package) for the directory
/// being served:
/// "params": {
/// "path": "example/awesome"
/// }
/// If successful, it returns a map containing the URL that can be used to
/// access the directory.
/// "result": {
/// "url": "http://localhost:8083"
/// }
/// If the directory is already being served, returns the previous URL.
Future<Map> _serveDirectory(json_rpc.Parameters params) {
var rootDirectory = _validateRelativePath(params, "path");
return _environment.serveDirectory(rootDirectory).then((server) {
return {
"url": server.url.toString()
}).catchError((error) {
if (error is! OverlappingSourceDirectoryException) throw error;
var dir = pluralize("directory", error.overlappingDirectories.length,
plural: "directories");
var overlapping = toSentence(
(dir) => '"$dir"'));
print("data: ${error.overlappingDirectories}");
throw new json_rpc.RpcException(_Error.OVERLAPPING,
'Path "$rootDirectory" overlaps already served $dir $overlapping.',
data: {
"directories": error.overlappingDirectories
/// Given a relative directory path within the entrypoint package, unbinds
/// the server previously bound to that directory and returns its (now
/// unreachable) URL.
/// The method name is "unserveDirectory" and it takes a "path" key (a
/// native OS path relative to the root of the entrypoint package) for the
/// directory being unserved:
/// "params": {
/// "path": "example/awesome"
/// }
/// If successful, it returns a map containing the URL that used to be used
/// to access the directory.
/// "result": {
/// "url": "http://localhost:8083"
/// }
/// If no server is bound to that directory, it returns a `NOT_SERVED` error.
Future<Map> _unserveDirectory(json_rpc.Parameters params) {
var rootDirectory = _validateRelativePath(params, "path");
return _environment.unserveDirectory(rootDirectory).then((url) {
if (url == null) {
throw new json_rpc.RpcException(_Error.NOT_SERVED,
'Directory "$rootDirectory" is not bound to a server.');
return {"url": url.toString()};
/// Validates that [command] has a field named [key] whose value is a string
/// containing a relative path that doesn't reach out of the entrypoint
/// package's root directory.
/// Returns the path if found, or throws a [_WebSocketException] if
/// validation failed.
String _validateRelativePath(json_rpc.Parameters params, String key) {
var pathString = params[key].asString;
if (!path.isRelative(pathString)) {
throw new json_rpc.RpcException.invalidParams(
'"$key" must be a relative path. Got "$pathString".');
if (!path.isWithin(".", pathString)) {
throw new json_rpc.RpcException.invalidParams(
'"$key" cannot reach out of its containing directory. '
'Got "$pathString".');
return pathString;
/// The pub-specific JSON RPC error codes.
class _Error {
/// The specified directory is not being served.
static const NOT_SERVED = 1;
/// The specified directory overlaps one or more ones already being served.
static const OVERLAPPING = 2;