blob: a313e5d0588c9c184b9cc113466e959c1f31b1d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Library to generate code that can initialize the `StaticConfiguration` in
/// `package:smoke/static.dart`.
/// This library doesn't have any specific logic to extract information from
/// Dart source code. To extract code using the analyzer, take a look at the
/// `smoke.codegen.recorder` library.
library smoke.codegen.generator;
import 'dart:collection' show SplayTreeMap, SplayTreeSet;
import 'package:smoke/src/common.dart' show compareLists, compareMaps;
/// Collects the necessary information and generates code to initialize a
/// `StaticConfiguration`. After setting up the generator by calling
/// [addGetter], [addSetter], [addSymbol], and [addDeclaration], you can
/// retrieve the generated code using the following three methods:
/// * [writeImports] writes a list of imports directives,
/// * [writeTopLevelDeclarations] writes additional declarations used to
/// represent mixin classes by name in the generated code.
/// * [writeInitCall] writes the actual code that allocates the static
/// configuration.
/// You'd need to include all three in your generated code, since the
/// initialization code refers to symbols that are only available from the
/// generated imports or the generated top-level declarations.
class SmokeCodeGenerator {
// Note: we use SplayTreeSet/Map here and below to keep generated code sorted.
/// Names used as getters via smoke.
final Set<String> _getters = new SplayTreeSet();
/// Names used as setters via smoke.
final Set<String> _setters = new SplayTreeSet();
/// Subclass relations needed to run smoke queries.
final Map<TypeIdentifier, TypeIdentifier> _parents = new SplayTreeMap();
/// Declarations requested via `smoke.getDeclaration or `smoke.query`.
final Map<TypeIdentifier, Map<String, _DeclarationCode>> _declarations =
new SplayTreeMap();
/// Static methods used on each type.
final Map<TypeIdentifier, Set<String>> _staticMethods = new SplayTreeMap();
/// Names that are used both as strings and symbols.
final Set<String> _names = new SplayTreeSet();
/// Prefixes associated with imported libraries.
final Map<String, String> _libraryPrefix = {};
/// Register that [name] is used as a getter in the code.
void addGetter(String name) { _getters.add(name); }
/// Register that [name] is used as a setter in the code.
void addSetter(String name) { _setters.add(name); }
/// Register that [name] might be needed as a symbol.
void addSymbol(String name) { _names.add(name); }
/// Register that `` is used as a static method in the code.
void addStaticMethod(TypeIdentifier cls, String name) {
var methods = _staticMethods.putIfAbsent(cls,
() => new SplayTreeSet<String>());
int _mixins = 0;
/// Creates a new type to represent a mixin. Use [comment] to help users
/// figure out what mixin is being represented.
TypeIdentifier createMixinType([String comment = '']) =>
new TypeIdentifier(null, '_M${_mixins++}', comment);
/// Register that we care to know that [child] extends [parent].
void addParent(TypeIdentifier child, TypeIdentifier parent) {
var existing = _parents[child];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing == parent) return;
throw new StateError('$child already has a different parent associated'
'($existing instead of $parent)');
_parents[child] = parent;
/// Register a declaration of a field, property, or method. Note that one and
/// only one of [isField], [isMethod], or [isProperty] should be set at a
/// given time.
void addDeclaration(TypeIdentifier cls, String name, TypeIdentifier type,
{bool isField: false, bool isProperty: false, bool isMethod: false,
bool isFinal: false, bool isStatic: false,
List<ConstExpression> annotations: const []}) {
final count = (isField ? 1 : 0) + (isProperty ? 1 : 0) + (isMethod ? 1 : 0);
if (count != 1) {
throw new ArgumentError('Declaration must be one (and only one) of the '
'following: a field, a property, or a method.');
var kind = isField ? 'FIELD' : isProperty ? 'PROPERTY' : 'METHOD';
() => new SplayTreeMap<String, _DeclarationCode>());
var map = _declarations[cls];
for (var exp in annotations) {
for (var lib in exp.librariesUsed) {
var decl = new _DeclarationCode(name, type, kind, isFinal, isStatic,
if (map.containsKey(name) && map[name] != decl) {
throw new StateError('$type.$name already has a different declaration'
' (${map[name]} instead of $decl).');
map[name] = decl;
/// Register that we might try to read declarations of [type], even if no
/// declaration exists. This informs the smoke system that querying for a
/// member in this class might be intentional and not an error.
void addEmptyDeclaration(TypeIdentifier type) {
() => new SplayTreeMap<String, _DeclarationCode>());
/// Writes to [buffer] a line for each import that is needed by the generated
/// code. The code added by [writeInitCall] depends on these imports.
void writeImports(StringBuffer buffer) {
DEFAULT_IMPORTS.forEach((i) => buffer.writeln(i));
_libraryPrefix.forEach((url, prefix) {
buffer.writeln("import '$url' as $prefix;");
/// Writes to [buffer] top-level declarations that are used by the code
/// generated in [writeInitCall]. These are typically declarations of empty
/// classes that are then used as placeholders for mixin superclasses.
void writeTopLevelDeclarations(StringBuffer buffer) {
var types = new Set()
(m) => => d.type)))
..removeWhere((t) => t.importUrl != null);
for (var type in types) {
buffer.write('abstract class ${} {}');
if (type.comment != null) buffer.write(' // ${type.comment}');
/// Appends to [buffer] code that will initialize smoke's static
/// configuration. For example, the code might be of the form:
/// useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
/// getters: {
/// #i: (o) => o.i,
/// ...
/// names: {
/// #i: "i",
/// }));
/// The optional [indent] argument is used for formatting purposes. All
/// entries in each map (getters, setters, names, declarations, parents) are
/// sorted alphabetically.
/// **Note**: this code assumes that imports from [writeImports] and top-level
/// declarations from [writeTopLevelDeclarations] are included in the same
/// library where this code will live.
void writeInitCall(StringBuffer buffer, [int indent = 2]) {
final spaces = new List.filled(indent, ' ').join('');
var args = {};
if (_getters.isNotEmpty) {
args['getters'] = => '${_symbol(n)}: (o) => o.$n');
if (_setters.isNotEmpty) {
args['setters'] =
(n) => '${_symbol(n)}: (o, v) { o.$n = v; }');
if (_parents.isNotEmpty) {
var parentsMap = [];
_parents.forEach((child, parent) {
var parent = _parents[child];
parentsMap.add('${child.asCode(_libraryPrefix)}: '
args['parents'] = parentsMap;
if (_declarations.isNotEmpty) {
var declarations = [];
_declarations.forEach((type, members) {
final sb = new StringBuffer()
..write(': ');
if (members.isEmpty) {
sb.write('const {}');
} else {
members.forEach((name, decl) {
var decl = members[name].asCode(_libraryPrefix);
sb.write('$spaces ${_symbol(name)}: $decl,\n');
sb.write('$spaces }');
args['declarations'] = declarations;
if (_staticMethods.isNotEmpty) {
var methods = [];
_staticMethods.forEach((type, members) {
var className = type.asCode(_libraryPrefix);
final sb = new StringBuffer()
..write(': ');
if (members.isEmpty) {
sb.write('const {}');
} else {
for (var name in members) {
sb.write('$spaces ${_symbol(name)}: $className.$name,\n');
sb.write('$spaces }');
args['staticMethods'] = methods;
if (_names.isNotEmpty) {
args['names'] = => "${_symbol(n)}: r'$n'");
..writeln('useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(')
..write('$spaces checkedMode: false');
args.forEach((name, mapContents) {
// TODO(sigmund): use const map when Type can be keys (
buffer.writeln('$spaces $name: {');
for (var entry in mapContents) {
buffer.writeln('$spaces $entry,');
buffer.write('$spaces }');
/// Adds a library that needs to be imported.
void _addLibrary(String url) {
if (url == null || url == 'dart:core') return;
_libraryPrefix.putIfAbsent(url, () => 'smoke_${_libraryPrefix.length}');
/// Information used to generate code that allocates a `Declaration` object.
class _DeclarationCode extends ConstExpression {
final String name;
final TypeIdentifier type;
final String kind;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isStatic;
final List<ConstExpression> annotations;
_DeclarationCode(, this.type, this.kind, this.isFinal, this.isStatic,
List<String> get librariesUsed => []
..addAll(annotations.expand((a) => a.librariesUsed));
String asCode(Map<String, String> libraryPrefixes) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('const Declaration(${_symbol(name)}, '
if (kind != 'FIELD') sb.write(', kind: $kind');
if (isFinal) sb.write(', isFinal: true');
if (isStatic) sb.write(', isStatic: true');
if (annotations != null && annotations.isNotEmpty) {
sb.write(', annotations: const [');
bool first = true;
for (var e in annotations) {
if (!first) sb.write(', ');
first = false;
return sb.toString();
String toString() =>
'(decl: $type.$name - $kind, $isFinal, $isStatic, $annotations)';
operator== (other) => other is _DeclarationCode && name == &&
type == other.type && kind == other.kind && isFinal == other.isFinal &&
isStatic == other.isStatic &&
compareLists(annotations, other.annotations);
int get hashCode => name.hashCode + (31 * type.hashCode);
/// A constant expression that can be used as an annotation.
abstract class ConstExpression {
/// Returns the library URLs that needs to be imported for this
/// [ConstExpression] to be a valid annotation.
List<String> get librariesUsed;
/// Return a string representation of the code in this expression.
/// [libraryPrefixes] describes what prefix has been associated with each
/// import url mentioned in [libraryUsed].
String asCode(Map<String, String> libraryPrefixes);
/// Create a string expression of the form `'string'`, where [string] is
/// normalized so we can correctly wrap it in single quotes.
factory ConstExpression.string(String string) {
var value = string.replaceAll(r'\', r'\\').replaceAll(r"'", r"\'");
return new CodeAsConstExpression("'$value'");
/// Create an expression of the form `prefix.variable_name`.
factory ConstExpression.identifier(String importUrl, String name) =>
new TopLevelIdentifier(importUrl, name);
/// Create an expression of the form `prefix.Constructor(v1, v2, p3: v3)`.
factory ConstExpression.constructor(String importUrl, String name,
List<ConstExpression> positionalArgs,
Map<String, ConstExpression> namedArgs) =>
new ConstructorExpression(importUrl, name, positionalArgs, namedArgs);
/// A constant expression written as a String. Used when the code is self
/// contained and it doesn't depend on any imported libraries.
class CodeAsConstExpression extends ConstExpression {
String code;
List<String> get librariesUsed => const [];
String asCode(Map<String, String> libraryPrefixes) => code;
String toString() => '(code: $code)';
operator== (other) => other is CodeAsConstExpression && code == other.code;
int get hashCode => code.hashCode;
/// Describes a reference to some symbol that is exported from a library. This
/// is typically used to refer to a type or a top-level variable from that
/// library.
class TopLevelIdentifier extends ConstExpression {
final String importUrl;
final String name;
List<String> get librariesUsed => [importUrl];
String asCode(Map<String, String> libraryPrefixes) {
if (importUrl == 'dart:core' || importUrl == null) return name;
return '${libraryPrefixes[importUrl]}.$name';
String toString() => '(identifier: $importUrl, $name)';
operator== (other) => other is TopLevelIdentifier && name ==
&& importUrl == other.importUrl;
int get hashCode => 31 * importUrl.hashCode + name.hashCode;
/// Represents an expression that invokes a const constructor.
class ConstructorExpression extends ConstExpression {
final String importUrl;
final String name;
final List<ConstExpression> positionalArgs;
final Map<String, ConstExpression> namedArgs;
ConstructorExpression(this.importUrl,, this.positionalArgs,
List<String> get librariesUsed => [importUrl]
..addAll(positionalArgs.expand((e) => e.librariesUsed))
..addAll(namedArgs.values.expand((e) => e.librariesUsed));
String asCode(Map<String, String> libraryPrefixes) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('const ');
if (importUrl != 'dart:core' && importUrl != null) {
bool first = true;
for (var e in positionalArgs) {
if (!first) sb.write(', ');
first = false;
namedArgs.forEach((name, value) {
if (!first) sb.write(', ');
first = false;
sb.write('$name: ');
return sb.toString();
String toString() => '(ctor: $importUrl, $name, $positionalArgs, $namedArgs)';
operator== (other) => other is ConstructorExpression && name ==
&& importUrl == other.importUrl &&
compareLists(positionalArgs, other.positionalArgs) &&
compareMaps(namedArgs, other.namedArgs);
int get hashCode => 31 * importUrl.hashCode + name.hashCode;
/// Describes a type identifier, with the library URL where the type is defined.
// TODO(sigmund): consider adding support for imprecise TypeIdentifiers, which
// may be used by tools that want to generate code without using the analyzer
// (they can syntactically tell the type comes from one of N imports).
class TypeIdentifier extends TopLevelIdentifier
implements Comparable<TypeIdentifier> {
final String comment;
TypeIdentifier(importUrl, typeName, [this.comment])
: super(importUrl, typeName);
// We implement [Comparable] to sort out entries in the generated code.
int compareTo(TypeIdentifier other) {
if (importUrl == null && other.importUrl != null) return 1;
if (importUrl != null && other.importUrl == null) return -1;
var c1 = importUrl == null ? 0 : importUrl.compareTo(other.importUrl);
return c1 != 0 ? c1 : name.compareTo(;
String toString() => '(type-identifier: $importUrl, $name, $comment)';
bool operator ==(other) => other is TypeIdentifier &&
importUrl == other.importUrl && name == &&
comment == other.comment;
int get hashCode => super.hashCode;
/// Default set of imports added by [SmokeCodeGenerator].
const DEFAULT_IMPORTS = const [
"import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart' show Declaration, PROPERTY, METHOD;",
"import 'package:smoke/static.dart' show "
"useGeneratedCode, StaticConfiguration;",
_symbol(String name) {
if (!_publicSymbolPattern.hasMatch(name)) {
throw new StateError('invalid symbol name: "$name"');
return _literalSymbolPattern.hasMatch(name)
? '#$name' : "const Symbol('$name')";
// TODO(sigmund): is this included in some library we can import? I derived the
// definitions below from sdk/lib/internal/symbol.dart.
/// Reserved words in Dart.
const String _reservedWordRE =
/// Public identifier: a valid identifier (not a reserved word) that doesn't
/// start with '_'.
const String _publicIdentifierRE =
r'(?!' '$_reservedWordRE' r'\b(?!\$))[a-zA-Z$][\w$]*';
/// Pattern that matches operators only.
final RegExp _literalSymbolPattern = new RegExp(
/// Operator names allowed as symbols. The name of the oeprators is the same as
/// the operator itself except for unary minus, where the name is "unary-".
const String _operatorRE =
/// Pattern that matches public symbols.
final RegExp _publicSymbolPattern = new RegExp(