blob: 99733a8f0d1c1a698e5578191f577656f4da7e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A constructor invocation for a class that needs type arguments captures the
/// type variables.
/*element: Class1a.:hasThis*/
class Class1a<T> {}
/*element: Class1b.:hasThis*/
class Class1b<T> {
/*element: Class1b.method1:hasThis*/
method1() {
dynamic local() => new Class1a<T>();
return local;
/// A constructor invocation for a class that _doesn't_ needs type arguments
/// does _not_ capture the type variables.
/*element: Class2a.:hasThis*/
class Class2a<T> {}
/*element: Class2b.:hasThis*/
class Class2b<T> {
/*element: Class2b.method2:hasThis*/
method2() {
dynamic local() => new Class2a<T>();
return local;
/// A static invocation of a method that needs type arguments captures the type
/// variables.
method3a<T>(o) => o is T;
method3b<T>(o) {
dynamic local() => method3a<T>(o);
return local;
/// A static invocation of a method that _doesn't_ needs type arguments does
/// _not_ capture the type variables.
method4a<T>(o) => o;
method4b<T>(o) {
dynamic local() => method4a<T>(o);
return local;
/// An instance member invocation of a method that needs type arguments captures
/// the type variables.
/*element: Class5a.:hasThis*/
class Class5a {
/*element: Class5a.method5a:hasThis*/
method5a<T>(o) => o is T;
method5b<T>(o) {
dynamic local() => new Class5a().method5a<T>(o);
return local;
/// An instance member invocation of a method that _doesn't_ needs type
/// arguments does _not_ capture the type variables.
/*element: Class6a.:hasThis*/
class Class6a {
/*element: Class6a.method6a:hasThis*/
method6a<T>(o) => o;
method6b<T>(o) {
dynamic local() => new Class6a().method6a<T>(o);
return local;
/// An invocation of a local function that needs type arguments captures the
/// type variables.
method7b<T>(o) {
method7a<S>(p) => p is S;
dynamic local() => method7a<T>(o);
return local;
/// An invocation if a local function that _doesn't_ needs type arguments does
/// _not_ capture the type variables.
method8b<T>(o) {
method8a<S>(p) => p;
dynamic local() => method8a<T>(o);
return local;
main() {
new Class1b<int>().method1().call() is Class1a<int>;
new Class2b<int>().method2().call();