blob: 99b9c64126d66623283b0d1c3911eecdcb682956 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../context/mock_sdk.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class UnitApiSignatureTest extends Object with ResourceProviderMixin {
FileSystemState fileSystemState;
Future<Null> assertNotSameSignature(String oldCode, String newCode) async {
assertSignature(oldCode, newCode, same: false);
Future<Null> assertSameSignature(String oldCode, String newCode) async {
assertSignature(oldCode, newCode, same: true);
Future<Null> assertSignature(String oldCode, String newCode,
{bool same}) async {
var path = convertPath('/test.dart');
newFile(path, content: oldCode);
var file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
var lastSignature = file.apiSignature;
newFile(path, content: newCode);
await file.refresh();
var newSignature = file.apiSignature;
if (same) {
expect(newSignature, lastSignature);
} else {
expect(newSignature, isNot(lastSignature));
void setUp() {
var sdk = new MockSdk(resourceProvider: resourceProvider);
var sourceFactory = new SourceFactory([
new DartUriResolver(sdk),
new PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, <String, List<Folder>>{
'aaa': [getFolder('/aaa/lib')],
'bbb': [getFolder('/bbb/lib')],
new ResourceUriResolver(resourceProvider)
], null, resourceProvider);
fileSystemState = new FileSystemState(
new PerformanceLog(new StringBuffer()),
new MemoryByteStore(),
new FileContentOverlay(),
new AnalysisOptionsImpl(),
new Uint32List(0),
new Uint32List(0));
test_class_annotation() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
const a = 0;
class C {}
''', r'''
const a = 0;
class C {}
test_class_constructor_block_to_empty() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
C() {
var v = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
test_class_constructor_body() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
C() {
var v = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
C() {
var v = 2;
test_class_constructor_empty_to_block() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
''', r'''
class C {
C() {
var v = 1;
test_class_constructor_initializer_const() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
final int f;
const C() : f = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
final int f;
const C() : f = 2;
test_class_constructor_initializer_empty() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C { : ;
''', r'''
class C { : f;
test_class_constructor_initializer_notConst() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
final int f; : f = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
final int f; : f = 2;
test_class_constructor_parameters_add() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
C(int a);
''', r'''
class C {
C(int a, int b);
test_class_constructor_parameters_remove() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
C(int a, int b);
''', r'''
class C {
C(int a);
test_class_constructor_parameters_rename() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
C(int a);
''', r'''
class C {
C(int b);
test_class_constructor_parameters_type() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
C(int p);
''', r'''
class C {
C(double p);
test_class_extends() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class A {}
class B {}
''', r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
test_class_field_withoutType() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
var a = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
var a = 2;
test_class_field_withoutType2() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
var a = 1, b = 2, c, d = 4;
''', r'''
class C {
var a = 1, b, c = 3, d = 4;
test_class_field_withType() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int a = 1, b, c = 3;
''', r'''
class C {
int a = 0, b = 2, c;
test_class_field_withType_const() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
static const int a = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
static const int a = 2;
test_class_field_withType_final_hasConstConstructor() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
final int a = 1;
const C();
''', r'''
class C {
final int a = 2;
const C();
test_class_field_withType_final_noConstConstructor() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
final int a = 1;
''', r'''
class C {
final int a = 2;
test_class_field_withType_hasConstConstructor() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int a = 1;
const C();
''', r'''
class C {
int a = 2;
const C();
test_class_field_withType_static_final_hasConstConstructor() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
static final int a = 1;
const C();
''', r'''
class C {
static final int a = 2;
const C();
test_class_field_withType_static_hasConstConstructor() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
static int a = 1;
const C();
''', r'''
class C {
static int a = 2;
const C();
test_class_implements() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class A {}
class B {}
''', r'''
class A {}
class B implements A {}
test_class_method_annotation() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
const a = 0;
class C {
void foo() {}
''', r'''
const a = 0;
class C {
void foo() {}
test_class_method_body_async_to_sync() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
Future foo() async {}
''', r'''
class C {
Future foo() {}
test_class_method_body_block() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int foo() {
return 1;
''', r'''
class C {
int foo() {
return 2;
test_class_method_body_block_to_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int foo() {
return 1;
''', r'''
class C {
int foo() => 2;
test_class_method_body_empty_to_block() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int foo();
''', r'''
class C {
int foo() {
var v = 0;
test_class_method_body_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int foo() => 1;
''', r'''
class C {
int foo() => 2;
test_class_method_body_sync_to_async() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
Future foo() {}
''', r'''
class C {
Future foo() async {}
test_class_method_getter_body_block_to_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int get foo {
return 1;
''', r'''
class C {
int get foo => 2;
test_class_method_getter_body_empty_to_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int get foo;
''', r'''
class C {
int get foo => 2;
test_class_method_parameters_add() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
foo(int a) {}
''', r'''
class C {
foo(int a, int b) {}
test_class_method_parameters_remove() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
foo(int a, int b) {}
''', r'''
class C {
foo(int a) {}
test_class_method_parameters_rename() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
void foo(int a) {}
''', r'''
class C {
void foo(int b) {}
test_class_method_parameters_type() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
void foo(int p) {}
''', r'''
class C {
void foo(double p) {}
test_class_method_returnType() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
int foo() => 0;
''', r'''
class C {
num foo() => 0;
test_class_method_typeParameters_add() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
void foo() {}
''', r'''
class C {
void foo<T>() {}
test_class_method_typeParameters_remove() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
void foo<T>() {}
''', r'''
class C {
void foo() {}
test_class_method_typeParameters_rename() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {
void foo<T>() {}
''', r'''
class C {
void foo<U>() {}
test_class_modifier() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class C {}
''', r'''
abstract class C {}
test_class_with() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class A {}
class B {}
class C extends A {}
''', r'''
class A {}
class B {}
class C extends A with B {}
test_commentAdd() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
var c = 3;
''', r'''
var a = 1; // comment
/// comment 1
/// comment 2
var b = 2;
* Comment
var c = 3;
test_commentRemove() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
var a = 1; // comment
/// comment 1
/// comment 2
var b = 2;
* Comment
var c = 3;
''', r'''
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
var c = 3;
test_function_annotation() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
const a = 0;
void foo() {}
''', r'''
const a = 0;
void foo() {}
test_function_body_async_to_sync() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
Future foo() async {}
''', r'''
Future foo() {}
test_function_body_block() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
int foo() {
return 1;
''', r'''
int foo() {
return 2;
test_function_body_block_to_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
int foo() {
return 1;
''', r'''
int foo() => 2;
test_function_body_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
int foo() => 1;
''', r'''
int foo() => 2;
test_function_body_sync_to_async() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
Future foo() {}
''', r'''
Future foo() async {}
test_function_getter_block_to_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
int get foo {
return 1;
''', r'''
int get foo => 2;
test_function_parameters_rename() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
void foo(int a) {}
''', r'''
void foo(int b) {}
test_function_parameters_type() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
void foo(int p) {}
''', r'''
void foo(double p) {}
test_function_returnType() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
int foo() => 0;
''', r'''
num foo() => 0;
test_function_typeParameters_add() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
void foo() {}
''', r'''
void foo<T>() {}
test_function_typeParameters_remove() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
void foo<T>() {}
''', r'''
void foo() {}
test_function_typeParameters_rename() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
void foo<T>() {}
''', r'''
void foo<U>() {}
test_mixin_field_withoutType() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
mixin M {
var a = 1;
''', r'''
mixin M {
var a = 2;
test_mixin_field_withType() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
mixin M {
int a = 1, b, c = 3;
''', r'''
mixin M {
int a = 0, b = 2, c;
test_mixin_implements() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class A {}
mixin M {}
''', r'''
class A {}
mixin M implements A {}
test_mixin_method_body_block() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
mixin M {
int foo() {
return 1;
''', r'''
mixin M {
int foo() {
return 2;
test_mixin_method_body_expression() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
mixin M {
int foo() => 1;
''', r'''
mixin M {
int foo() => 2;
test_mixin_on() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
class A {}
mixin M {}
''', r'''
class A {}
mixin M on A {}
test_topLevelVariable_withoutType() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
var a = 1;
''', r'''
var a = 2;
test_topLevelVariable_withoutType2() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
var a = 1, b = 2, c, d = 4;;
''', r'''
var a = 1, b, c = 3, d = 4;;
test_topLevelVariable_withType() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
int a = 1, b, c = 3;
''', r'''
int a = 0, b = 2, c;
test_topLevelVariable_withType_const() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
const int a = 1;
''', r'''
const int a = 2;
test_topLevelVariable_withType_final() async {
await assertSameSignature(r'''
final int a = 1;
''', r'''
final int a = 2;
test_typedef_generic_parameters_type() async {
await assertNotSameSignature(r'''
typedef F = void Function(int);
''', r'''
typedef F = void Function(double);