blob: 12edecbb468180d7e869e4e8b301b20dc30cd63b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// Utility function for the DotPrinter
void PrintUtf16(uint16_t c);
/// Convenience wrapper around a BlockEntryInstr pointer.
class BlockLabel : public ValueObject {
: block_(new JoinEntryInstr(-1, -1)),
is_linked_(false) { }
BlockLabel(const BlockLabel& that)
: ValueObject(),
is_linked_(that.is_linked_) { }
BlockLabel& operator=(const BlockLabel& that) {
block_ = that.block_;
is_bound_ = that.is_bound_;
is_linked_ = that.is_linked_;
return *this;
JoinEntryInstr* block() const { return block_; }
bool IsBound() const { return is_bound_; }
void SetBound(intptr_t block_id) {
is_bound_ = true;
bool IsLinked() const { return !is_bound_ && is_linked_; }
void SetLinked() {
is_linked_ = true;
intptr_t Position() const {
return block_->block_id();
JoinEntryInstr* block_;
bool is_bound_;
bool is_linked_;
class RegExpMacroAssembler : public ZoneAllocated {
// The implementation must be able to handle at least:
static const intptr_t kMaxRegister = (1 << 16) - 1;
static const intptr_t kMaxCPOffset = (1 << 15) - 1;
static const intptr_t kMinCPOffset = -(1 << 15);
static const intptr_t kTableSizeBits = 7;
static const intptr_t kTableSize = 1 << kTableSizeBits;
static const intptr_t kTableMask = kTableSize - 1;
enum {
kParamStringIndex = 0,
enum IrregexpImplementation {
explicit RegExpMacroAssembler(Isolate* isolate);
virtual ~RegExpMacroAssembler();
// The maximal number of pushes between stack checks. Users must supply
// kCheckStackLimit flag to push operations (instead of kNoStackLimitCheck)
// at least once for every stack_limit() pushes that are executed.
virtual intptr_t stack_limit_slack() = 0;
virtual bool CanReadUnaligned() = 0;
virtual void AdvanceCurrentPosition(intptr_t by) = 0; // Signed cp change.
virtual void AdvanceRegister(intptr_t reg, intptr_t by) = 0; // r[reg] += by.
// Continues execution from the position pushed on the top of the backtrack
// stack by an earlier PushBacktrack(BlockLabel*).
virtual void Backtrack() = 0;
virtual void BindBlock(BlockLabel* label) = 0;
virtual void CheckAtStart(BlockLabel* on_at_start) = 0;
// Dispatch after looking the current character up in a 2-bits-per-entry
// map. The destinations vector has up to 4 labels.
virtual void CheckCharacter(unsigned c, BlockLabel* on_equal) = 0;
// Bitwise and the current character with the given constant and then
// check for a match with c.
virtual void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c,
unsigned and_with,
BlockLabel* on_equal) = 0;
virtual void CheckCharacterGT(uint16_t limit, BlockLabel* on_greater) = 0;
virtual void CheckCharacterLT(uint16_t limit, BlockLabel* on_less) = 0;
virtual void CheckGreedyLoop(BlockLabel* on_tos_equals_current_position) = 0;
virtual void CheckNotAtStart(BlockLabel* on_not_at_start) = 0;
virtual void CheckNotBackReference(
intptr_t start_reg, BlockLabel* on_no_match) = 0;
virtual void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(intptr_t start_reg,
BlockLabel* on_no_match) = 0;
// Check the current character for a match with a literal character. If we
// fail to match then goto the on_failure label. End of input always
// matches. If the label is NULL then we should pop a backtrack address off
// the stack and go to that.
virtual void CheckNotCharacter(unsigned c, BlockLabel* on_not_equal) = 0;
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c,
unsigned and_with,
BlockLabel* on_not_equal) = 0;
// Subtract a constant from the current character, then and with the given
// constant and then check for a match with c.
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uint16_t c,
uint16_t minus,
uint16_t and_with,
BlockLabel* on_not_equal) = 0;
virtual void CheckCharacterInRange(uint16_t from,
uint16_t to, // Both inclusive.
BlockLabel* on_in_range) = 0;
virtual void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uint16_t from,
uint16_t to, // Both inclusive.
BlockLabel* on_not_in_range) = 0;
// The current character (modulus the kTableSize) is looked up in the byte
// array, and if the found byte is non-zero, we jump to the on_bit_set label.
virtual void CheckBitInTable(const TypedData& table,
BlockLabel* on_bit_set) = 0;
// Checks whether the given offset from the current position is before
// the end of the string. May overwrite the current character.
virtual void CheckPosition(intptr_t cp_offset, BlockLabel* on_outside_input) {
LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_outside_input, true);
// Check whether a standard/default character class matches the current
// character. Returns false if the type of special character class does
// not have custom support.
// May clobber the current loaded character.
virtual bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uint16_t type,
BlockLabel* on_no_match) {
return false;
virtual void Fail() = 0;
// Check whether a register is >= a given constant and go to a label if it
// is. Backtracks instead if the label is NULL.
virtual void IfRegisterGE(
intptr_t reg, intptr_t comparand, BlockLabel* if_ge) = 0;
// Check whether a register is < a given constant and go to a label if it is.
// Backtracks instead if the label is NULL.
virtual void IfRegisterLT(
intptr_t reg, intptr_t comparand, BlockLabel* if_lt) = 0;
// Check whether a register is == to the current position and go to a
// label if it is.
virtual void IfRegisterEqPos(intptr_t reg, BlockLabel* if_eq) = 0;
virtual IrregexpImplementation Implementation() = 0;
// The assembler is closed, iff there is no current instruction assigned.
virtual bool IsClosed() const = 0;
// Jump to the target label without setting it as the current instruction.
virtual void GoTo(BlockLabel* to) = 0;
virtual void LoadCurrentCharacter(intptr_t cp_offset,
BlockLabel* on_end_of_input,
bool check_bounds = true,
intptr_t characters = 1) = 0;
virtual void PopCurrentPosition() = 0;
virtual void PopRegister(intptr_t register_index) = 0;
// Prints string within the generated code. Used for debugging.
virtual void Print(const char* str) = 0;
// Prints all emitted blocks.
virtual void PrintBlocks() = 0;
// Pushes the label on the backtrack stack, so that a following Backtrack
// will go to this label. Always checks the backtrack stack limit.
virtual void PushBacktrack(BlockLabel* label) = 0;
virtual void PushCurrentPosition() = 0;
virtual void PushRegister(intptr_t register_index) = 0;
virtual void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(intptr_t reg) = 0;
virtual void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(intptr_t reg) = 0;
virtual void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(intptr_t by) = 0;
virtual void SetRegister(intptr_t register_index, intptr_t to) = 0;
// Return whether the matching (with a global regexp) will be restarted.
virtual bool Succeed() = 0;
virtual void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(
intptr_t reg, intptr_t cp_offset) = 0;
virtual void ClearRegisters(intptr_t reg_from, intptr_t reg_to) = 0;
virtual void WriteStackPointerToRegister(intptr_t reg) = 0;
// Controls the generation of large inlined constants in the code.
void set_slow_safe(bool ssc) { slow_safe_compiler_ = ssc; }
bool slow_safe() { return slow_safe_compiler_; }
// Set whether the regular expression has the global flag. Exiting due to
// a failure in a global regexp may still mean success overall.
inline void set_global_mode(GlobalMode mode) { global_mode_ = mode; }
inline bool global() { return global_mode_ != NOT_GLOBAL; }
inline bool global_with_zero_length_check() {
return global_mode_ == GLOBAL;
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
bool slow_safe_compiler_;
bool global_mode_;
Isolate* isolate_;
class IRRegExpMacroAssembler : public RegExpMacroAssembler {
// Type of input string to generate code for.
enum Mode { ASCII = 1, UC16 = 2 };
// Result of calling generated native RegExp code.
// RETRY: Something significant changed during execution, and the matching
// should be retried from scratch.
// EXCEPTION: Something failed during execution. If no exception has been
// thrown, it's an internal out-of-memory, and the caller should
// throw the exception.
// FAILURE: Matching failed.
// SUCCESS: Matching succeeded, and the output array has been filled with
// capture positions.
enum Result { RETRY = -2, EXCEPTION = -1, FAILURE = 0, SUCCESS = 1 };
IRRegExpMacroAssembler(intptr_t specialization_cid,
intptr_t capture_count,
const ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array,
Isolate* isolate);
virtual ~IRRegExpMacroAssembler();
virtual bool CanReadUnaligned();
// Compares two-byte strings case insensitively.
// Called from generated RegExp code.
static RawBool* CaseInsensitiveCompareUC16(
RawString* str_raw,
RawSmi* lhs_index_raw,
RawSmi* rhs_index_raw,
RawSmi* length_raw);
static RawArray* Execute(const Function& function,
const String& input,
const Smi& start_offset,
Isolate* isolate);
virtual bool IsClosed() const { return (current_instruction_ == NULL); }
virtual intptr_t stack_limit_slack();
virtual void AdvanceCurrentPosition(intptr_t by);
virtual void AdvanceRegister(intptr_t reg, intptr_t by);
virtual void Backtrack();
virtual void BindBlock(BlockLabel* label);
virtual void CheckAtStart(BlockLabel* on_at_start);
virtual void CheckCharacter(uint32_t c, BlockLabel* on_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c,
uint32_t mask,
BlockLabel* on_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterGT(uint16_t limit, BlockLabel* on_greater);
virtual void CheckCharacterLT(uint16_t limit, BlockLabel* on_less);
// A "greedy loop" is a loop that is both greedy and with a simple
// body. It has a particularly simple implementation.
virtual void CheckGreedyLoop(BlockLabel* on_tos_equals_current_position);
virtual void CheckNotAtStart(BlockLabel* on_not_at_start);
virtual void CheckNotBackReference(intptr_t start_reg,
BlockLabel* on_no_match);
virtual void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(intptr_t start_reg,
BlockLabel* on_no_match);
virtual void CheckNotCharacter(uint32_t c, BlockLabel* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c,
uint32_t mask,
BlockLabel* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uint16_t c,
uint16_t minus,
uint16_t mask,
BlockLabel* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterInRange(uint16_t from,
uint16_t to,
BlockLabel* on_in_range);
virtual void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uint16_t from,
uint16_t to,
BlockLabel* on_not_in_range);
virtual void CheckBitInTable(const TypedData& table, BlockLabel* on_bit_set);
// Checks whether the given offset from the current position is before
// the end of the string.
virtual void CheckPosition(intptr_t cp_offset, BlockLabel* on_outside_input);
virtual bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(
uint16_t type, BlockLabel* on_no_match);
virtual void Fail();
virtual void IfRegisterGE(intptr_t reg,
intptr_t comparand, BlockLabel* if_ge);
virtual void IfRegisterLT(intptr_t reg,
intptr_t comparand, BlockLabel* if_lt);
virtual void IfRegisterEqPos(intptr_t reg, BlockLabel* if_eq);
virtual IrregexpImplementation Implementation();
virtual void GoTo(BlockLabel* to);
virtual void LoadCurrentCharacter(intptr_t cp_offset,
BlockLabel* on_end_of_input,
bool check_bounds = true,
intptr_t characters = 1);
virtual void PopCurrentPosition();
virtual void PopRegister(intptr_t register_index);
virtual void Print(const char* str);
virtual void PushBacktrack(BlockLabel* label);
virtual void PushCurrentPosition();
virtual void PushRegister(intptr_t register_index);
virtual void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(intptr_t reg);
virtual void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(intptr_t reg);
virtual void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(intptr_t by);
virtual void SetRegister(intptr_t register_index, intptr_t to);
virtual bool Succeed();
virtual void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(intptr_t reg, intptr_t cp_offset);
virtual void ClearRegisters(intptr_t reg_from, intptr_t reg_to);
virtual void WriteStackPointerToRegister(intptr_t reg);
virtual void PrintBlocks();
IndirectGotoInstr* backtrack_goto() const { return backtrack_goto_; }
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry() const { return entry_block_; }
intptr_t num_stack_locals() const { return local_id_.Count(); }
intptr_t num_blocks() const { return block_id_.Count(); }
// Generate a dispatch block implementing backtracking. Must be done after
// graph construction.
void GenerateBacktrackBlock();
// Allocate the actual registers array once its size is known. Must be done
// after graph construction.
void FinalizeRegistersArray();
// Generate the contents of preset blocks. The entry block is the entry point
// of the generated code.
void GenerateEntryBlock();
// Copies capture indices into the result area and returns true.
void GenerateSuccessBlock();
// Returns false.
void GenerateExitBlock();
enum ComparisonKind {
struct InstanceCallDescriptor {
// Standard (i.e. most non-Smi) functions.
explicit InstanceCallDescriptor(const String& name)
: name(name),
checked_argument_count(1) { }
InstanceCallDescriptor(const String& name,
Token::Kind token_kind,
intptr_t checked_argument_count)
: name(name),
checked_argument_count(checked_argument_count) { }
// Special cases for Smi and indexing functions.
static InstanceCallDescriptor FromToken(Token::Kind token_kind) {
switch (token_kind) {
case Token::kEQ: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::EqualOperator(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kADD: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::Plus(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kSUB: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::Minus(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kBIT_OR: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::BitOr(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kBIT_AND: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::BitAnd(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kLT: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::LAngleBracket(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kLTE: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::LessEqualOperator(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kGT: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::RAngleBracket(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kGTE: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::GreaterEqualOperator(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kNEGATE: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::UnaryMinus(), token_kind, 1);
case Token::kINDEX: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::IndexToken(), token_kind, 2);
case Token::kASSIGN_INDEX: return InstanceCallDescriptor(
Symbols::AssignIndexToken(), token_kind, 3);
return InstanceCallDescriptor(Symbols::Empty());
const String& name;
Token::Kind token_kind;
intptr_t checked_argument_count;
LocalVariable* Local(const String& name);
LocalVariable* Parameter(const String& name, intptr_t index) const;
ConstantInstr* Int64Constant(int64_t value) const;
ConstantInstr* Uint64Constant(uint64_t value) const;
ConstantInstr* BoolConstant(bool value) const;
ConstantInstr* StringConstant(const char* value) const;
// The word character map static member of the RegExp class.
// Byte map of one byte characters with a 0xff if the character is a word
// character (digit, letter or underscore) and 0x00 otherwise.
// Used by generated RegExp code.
ConstantInstr* WordCharacterMapConstant() const;
ComparisonInstr* Comparison(ComparisonKind kind,
PushArgumentInstr* lhs,
PushArgumentInstr* rhs);
ComparisonInstr* Comparison(ComparisonKind kind,
Definition* lhs,
Definition* rhs);
InstanceCallInstr* InstanceCall(const InstanceCallDescriptor& desc,
PushArgumentInstr* arg1) const;
InstanceCallInstr* InstanceCall(const InstanceCallDescriptor& desc,
PushArgumentInstr* arg1,
PushArgumentInstr* arg2) const;
InstanceCallInstr* InstanceCall(const InstanceCallDescriptor& desc,
PushArgumentInstr* arg1,
PushArgumentInstr* arg2,
PushArgumentInstr* arg3) const;
InstanceCallInstr* InstanceCall(
const InstanceCallDescriptor& desc,
ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>* arguments) const;
StaticCallInstr* StaticCall(const Function& function) const;
StaticCallInstr* StaticCall(const Function& function,
PushArgumentInstr* arg1) const;
StaticCallInstr* StaticCall(const Function& function,
PushArgumentInstr* arg1,
PushArgumentInstr* arg2) const;
StaticCallInstr* StaticCall(
const Function& function,
ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>* arguments) const;
// Creates a new block consisting simply of a goto to dst.
TargetEntryInstr* TargetWithJoinGoto(JoinEntryInstr* dst);
IndirectEntryInstr* IndirectWithJoinGoto(JoinEntryInstr* dst);
// Adds, respectively subtracts lhs and rhs and returns the result.
Definition* Add(PushArgumentInstr* lhs, PushArgumentInstr* rhs);
Definition* Sub(PushArgumentInstr* lhs, PushArgumentInstr* rhs);
LoadLocalInstr* LoadLocal(LocalVariable* local) const;
void StoreLocal(LocalVariable* local, Value* value);
PushArgumentInstr* PushArgument(Value* value);
PushArgumentInstr* PushLocal(LocalVariable* local);
PushArgumentInstr* PushRegisterIndex(intptr_t reg);
Value* LoadRegister(intptr_t reg);
void StoreRegister(intptr_t reg, intptr_t value);
void StoreRegister(PushArgumentInstr* registers,
PushArgumentInstr* index,
PushArgumentInstr* value);
// Load a number of characters at the given offset from the
// current position, into the current-character register.
void LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(intptr_t cp_offset,
intptr_t character_count);
// Returns the character within the passed string at the specified index.
Value* CharacterAt(LocalVariable* index);
// Load a number of characters starting from index in the pattern string.
Value* LoadCodeUnitsAt(LocalVariable* index, intptr_t character_count);
// Check whether preemption has been requested.
void CheckPreemption();
// Byte size of chars in the string to match (decided by the Mode argument)
inline intptr_t char_size() { return static_cast<int>(mode_); }
// Equivalent to a conditional branch to the label, unless the label
// is NULL, in which case it is a conditional Backtrack.
void BranchOrBacktrack(ComparisonInstr* comparison,
BlockLabel* true_successor);
// Set up all local variables and parameters.
void InitializeLocals();
// Allocates a new local, and returns the appropriate id for placing it
// on the stack.
intptr_t GetNextLocalIndex();
// We never have any copied parameters.
intptr_t num_copied_params() const {
return 0;
// Return the position register at the specified index, creating it if
// necessary. Note that the number of such registers can exceed the amount
// required by the number of output captures.
LocalVariable* position_register(intptr_t index);
void set_current_instruction(Instruction* instruction);
// The following functions are responsible for appending instructions
// to the current instruction in various ways. The most simple one
// is AppendInstruction, which simply appends an instruction and performs
// bookkeeping.
void AppendInstruction(Instruction* instruction);
// Similar to AppendInstruction, but closes the current block by
// setting current_instruction_ to NULL.
void CloseBlockWith(Instruction* instruction);
// Appends definition and allocates a temp index for the result.
Value* Bind(Definition* definition);
// Loads and binds a local variable.
Value* BindLoadLocal(const LocalVariable& local);
// Appends the definition.
void Do(Definition* definition);
// Closes the current block with a jump to the specified block.
void GoTo(JoinEntryInstr* to);
// Accessors for our local stack_.
void PushStack(Definition* definition);
Value* PopStack();
// Prints the specified argument. Used for debugging.
void Print(PushArgumentInstr* argument);
// A utility class tracking ids of various objects such as blocks, temps, etc.
class IdAllocator : public ValueObject {
IdAllocator() : next_id(0) { }
intptr_t Count() const { return next_id; }
intptr_t Alloc(intptr_t count = 1) {
ASSERT(count >= 0);
intptr_t current_id = next_id;
next_id += count;
return current_id;
void Dealloc(intptr_t count = 1) {
ASSERT(count <= next_id);
next_id -= count;
intptr_t next_id;
// Which mode to generate code for (ASCII or UC16).
Mode mode_;
// Which specific string class to generate code for.
intptr_t specialization_cid_;
// Block entries used internally.
GraphEntryInstr* entry_block_;
JoinEntryInstr* start_block_;
JoinEntryInstr* success_block_;
JoinEntryInstr* exit_block_;
// Shared backtracking block.
JoinEntryInstr* backtrack_block_;
// Single indirect goto instruction which performs all backtracking.
IndirectGotoInstr* backtrack_goto_;
const ParsedFunction* parsed_function_;
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array_;
// All created blocks are contained within this set. Used for printing
// the generated code.
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> blocks_;
// The current instruction to link to when new code is emitted.
Instruction* current_instruction_;
// A list, acting as the runtime stack for both backtrack locations and
// stored positions within the string.
LocalVariable* stack_;
// Stores the current character within the string.
LocalVariable* current_character_;
// Stores the current location within the string as a negative offset
// from the end of the string.
LocalVariable* current_position_;
// The string being processed, passed as a function parameter.
LocalVariable* string_param_;
// Stores the length of string_param_.
LocalVariable* string_param_length_;
// The start index within the string, passed as a function parameter.
LocalVariable* start_index_param_;
// An assortment of utility variables.
LocalVariable* capture_length_;
LocalVariable* match_start_index_;
LocalVariable* capture_start_index_;
LocalVariable* match_end_index_;
LocalVariable* char_in_capture_;
LocalVariable* char_in_match_;
LocalVariable* index_temp_;
LocalVariable* result_;
// Stored positions containing group bounds. Generated as needed.
LocalVariable* registers_;
intptr_t registers_count_;
const intptr_t saved_registers_count_;
// The actual array objects used for the stack and registers.
GrowableObjectArray& stack_array_;
TypedData& registers_array_;
IdAllocator block_id_;
IdAllocator temp_id_;
IdAllocator arg_id_;
IdAllocator local_id_;
IdAllocator indirect_id_;
} // namespace dart