blob: c3df2432cd23852cbba47f872712aec0aaad46af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.new_js_emitter.emitter;
import '../model.dart';
import 'model_emitter.dart';
import '../../common.dart';
import '../../elements/elements.dart' show FieldElement;
import '../../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show Namer, JavaScriptBackend;
import '../../js_emitter/js_emitter.dart' as emitterTask show
class Emitter implements emitterTask.Emitter {
final Compiler _compiler;
final Namer namer;
final ModelEmitter _emitter;
Emitter(Compiler compiler, Namer namer)
: this._compiler = compiler,
this.namer = namer,
_emitter = new ModelEmitter(compiler, namer);
int emitProgram(Program program) {
return _emitter.emitProgram(program);
// TODO(floitsch): copied from OldEmitter. Adjust or share.
bool isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(ConstantValue constant) {
if (constant.isFunction) return true; // Already emitted.
if (constant.isPrimitive) return true; // Inlined.
if (constant.isDummy) return true; // Inlined.
// The name is null when the constant is already a JS constant.
// TODO(floitsch): every constant should be registered, so that we can
// share the ones that take up too much space (like some strings).
if (namer.constantName(constant) == null) return true;
return false;
// TODO(floitsch): copied from OldEmitter. Adjust or share.
int compareConstants(ConstantValue a, ConstantValue b) {
// Inlined constants don't affect the order and sometimes don't even have
// names.
int cmp1 = isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(a) ? 0 : 1;
int cmp2 = isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(b) ? 0 : 1;
if (cmp1 + cmp2 < 2) return cmp1 - cmp2;
// Emit constant interceptors first. Constant interceptors for primitives
// might be used by code that builds other constants. See Issue 18173.
if (a.isInterceptor != b.isInterceptor) {
return a.isInterceptor ? -1 : 1;
// Sorting by the long name clusters constants with the same constructor
// which compresses a tiny bit better.
int r = namer.constantLongName(a).compareTo(namer.constantLongName(b));
if (r != 0) return r;
// Resolve collisions in the long name by using the constant name (i.e. JS
// name) which is unique.
return namer.constantName(a).compareTo(namer.constantName(b));
js.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global) {
return _emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(global);
js.Expression constantReference(ConstantValue value) {
return _emitter.constantEmitter.reference(value);
js.PropertyAccess _globalPropertyAccess(Element element) {
String name = namer.getNameX(element);
js.PropertyAccess pa = new js.PropertyAccess.field(
new js.VariableUse(namer.globalObjectFor(element)),
return pa;
js.Expression isolateLazyInitializerAccess(FieldElement element) {
return js.js('#.#', [namer.globalObjectFor(element),
js.Expression isolateStaticClosureAccess(FunctionElement element) {
return js.js('#.#()',
[namer.globalObjectFor(element), namer.getStaticClosureName(element)]);
js.PropertyAccess staticFieldAccess(FieldElement element) {
return _globalPropertyAccess(element);
js.PropertyAccess staticFunctionAccess(FunctionElement element) {
return _globalPropertyAccess(element);
js.PropertyAccess constructorAccess(ClassElement element) {
return _globalPropertyAccess(element);
js.PropertyAccess prototypeAccess(ClassElement element,
bool hasBeenInstantiated) {
js.Expression constructor =
hasBeenInstantiated ? constructorAccess(element) : typeAccess(element);
return js.js('#.prototype', constructor);
js.PropertyAccess interceptorClassAccess(ClassElement element) {
// Interceptors are eagerly constructed. It's safe to just access them.
return _globalPropertyAccess(element);
js.Expression typeAccess(Element element) {
// TODO(floitsch): minify 'ensureResolved'.
// TODO(floitsch): don't emit `ensureResolved` for eager classes.
return js.js('#.ensureResolved()', _globalPropertyAccess(element));
js.PropertyAccess closureClassConstructorAccess(ClassElement element) {
return _globalPropertyAccess(element);
void invalidateCaches() {}