Revert "[dart:io] Concurrently resolve IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on iOS."

This reverts commit d7483c330c6d6eddced5d59b2ac2d1fd08352321.

Reason for revert: This CL causes a regression, we seem to be getting an uncaught exception when the application is offline. This later leads to problems when the application resumes after a wifi reconnect.

Original change's description:
> [dart:io] Concurrently resolve IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on iOS.
> Original issue: On iOS, The problem is that people on iOS can have their
> IPv6 misconfigured so it doesn't work, but it's still turned on.
> Additionally getaddrinfo on that platform doesn't handle that case well,
> meaning that the IPv6 lookup takes a long time to time out, delaying the
> legitimate response.
> This fix will issue a concurrent lookup for IPv4 and IPv6 on iOS.
> Whichever IP comes first will be used to try to build the connection.
> Bug:
> Change-Id: I7cda9845f03cf435245bbfad493d7443629b05c3
> Reviewed-on:
> Commit-Queue: Zichang Guo <>
> Reviewed-by: Lasse R.H. Nielsen <>
> Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <>,,

# Not skipping CQ checks because original CL landed > 1 day ago.

Change-Id: I9d116f24901650e0b57efc5159517190134d9db5
Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <>
Reviewed-by: Zach Anderson <>
Commit-Queue: Siva Annamalai <>
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart
index 0d888f2..abd886f 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart
@@ -576,255 +576,149 @@
   static Future<ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket>> startConnect(
-      dynamic host, int port, dynamic sourceAddress) async {
+      dynamic host, int port, dynamic sourceAddress) {
     if (host is String) {
       host = escapeLinkLocalAddress(host);
-    if (sourceAddress is String) {
-      sourceAddress = InternetAddress(sourceAddress);
-    } else if (sourceAddress != null && sourceAddress is! _InternetAddress) {
-      throw ArgumentError(
-          'sourceAddress $sourceAddress must be either String or InternetAddress');
+    if (sourceAddress != null && sourceAddress is! _InternetAddress) {
+      if (sourceAddress is String) {
+        sourceAddress = new InternetAddress(sourceAddress);
+      }
+    return new Future.value(host).then((host) {
+      if (host is _InternetAddress) return [host];
+      return lookup(host).then((addresses) {
+        if (addresses.isEmpty) {
+          throw createError(null, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
+        }
+        return addresses;
+      });
+    }).then((addresses) {
+      var completer = new Completer<_NativeSocket>();
+      var it = (addresses as List<InternetAddress>).iterator;
+      var error = null;
+      var connecting = new HashMap();
-    // The stream containing Internet addresses
-    final stream = await _lookup(host);
-    var streamSubscription;
-    final completer = Completer<_NativeSocket>();
-    // The first error that occurs.
-    var error = null;
-    // The map contains currently attempted connections.
-    final connecting = HashMap<_NativeSocket, Timer>();
-    // A queue contains Internet addresses that waits for connecting.
-    // `stream` keeps pushing element into queue, and connectNext() consume
-    // them.
-    final queue = <InternetAddress>[];
-    // The flag that stream of addresses is done.
-    var streamClosed = false;
-    // connectNext() will exhaust all elements from the queue. In the case of an
-    // element taking so long that connectNext() has finished trying all
-    // addresses, an explicit call to connectNext() is needed to restart the
-    // process.
-    var tryConnect = true;
-    // It will try each element in the `queue` to establish the connection.
-    // There can be multiple Internet addresses are under processing. Whenever
-    // a connection is successfully established (by receiving a write event),
-    // all pending connections stored in the `connecting` will be cancelled.
-    //
-    // 1. Check the status of `queue`, `completer` and `connecting`.
-    //      Return an error if all elements have been tried.
-    //      Reset tryConnect so that next element will be examined if `stream`
-    //      is still open.
-    // 2. Create a socket.
-    //      Try next address by issuing another connectNext() if this failed and
-    //      keep the first error.
-    // 3. Register a timer, if socket creation succeeds, to try next address.
-    // 4. Set up a handler for socket. It will cancel all other pending
-    //    connections and timers if it succeeds. Otherwise, keep the first
-    //    error and issue connectNext().
-    void connectNext() {
-      if (completer.isCompleted) return;
-      if (queue.isEmpty) {
-        if (streamClosed && connecting.isEmpty) {
-          assert(error != null);
-          completer.completeError(error);
-        } else if (!streamClosed) {
-          // If new addresses comes after all elements in the queue have been
-          // processed, issue another connectNext().
-          tryConnect = true;
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      final _InternetAddress address = queue.removeAt(0) as _InternetAddress;
-      var socket = _NativeSocket.normal(address);
-      var result;
-      if (sourceAddress == null) {
-        if (address.type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
-          result = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainConnect(
-              address.address, _Namespace._namespace);
-        } else {
-          result = socket.nativeCreateConnect(
-              address._in_addr, port, address._scope_id);
-        }
-      } else {
-        assert(sourceAddress is _InternetAddress);
-        if (address.type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
-          assert(sourceAddress.type == InternetAddressType.unix);
-          result = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainBindConnect(
-              address.address, sourceAddress.address, _Namespace._namespace);
-        } else {
-          result = socket.nativeCreateBindConnect(address._in_addr, port,
-              sourceAddress._in_addr, address._scope_id);
-        }
-      }
-      if (result is OSError) {
-        // Keep first error, if present.
-        if (error == null) {
-          int errorCode = result.errorCode;
-          if (sourceAddress != null &&
-              errorCode != null &&
-              socket.isBindError(errorCode)) {
-            error = createError(result, "Bind failed", sourceAddress);
-          } else {
-            error = createError(result, "Connection failed", address, port);
+      void connectNext() {
+        if (!it.moveNext()) {
+          if (connecting.isEmpty) {
+            assert(error != null);
+            completer.completeError(error);
-        }
-        connectNext();
-      } else {
-        // Query the local port for error messages.
-        try {
-          socket.port;
-        } catch (e) {
-          error ??= createError(e, "Connection failed", address, port);
-          connectNext();
-        // Set up timer for when we should retry the next address
-        // (if any).
-        final duration =
-            address.isLoopback ? _retryDurationLoopback : _retryDuration;
-        final timer = Timer(duration, connectNext);
-        setupResourceInfo(socket);
-        connecting[socket] = timer;
-        // Setup handlers for receiving the first write event which
-        // indicate that the socket is fully connected.
-        socket.setHandlers(write: () {
-          timer.cancel();
-          connecting.remove(socket);
-          // From 'man 2 connect':
-          // After select(2) indicates writability, use getsockopt(2) to read
-          // the SO_ERROR option at level SOL_SOCKET to determine whether
-          // connect() completed successfully (SO_ERROR is zero) or
-          // unsuccessfully.
-          OSError osError = socket.nativeGetError();
-          if (osError.errorCode != 0) {
-            socket.close();
-            error ??= osError;
-            // No timer is active for triggering next tryConnect(), do it
-            // manually.
-            if (connecting.isEmpty) connectNext();
-            return;
+        final _InternetAddress address = it.current as _InternetAddress;
+        var socket = new _NativeSocket.normal(address);
+        var result;
+        if (sourceAddress == null) {
+          if (address.type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
+            result = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainConnect(
+                address.address, _Namespace._namespace);
+          } else {
+            result = socket.nativeCreateConnect(
+                address._in_addr, port, address._scope_id);
-          socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
-          completer.complete(socket);
-          connecting.forEach((s, t) {
-            t.cancel();
-            s.close();
-            s.setHandlers();
-            s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
-          });
-          connecting.clear();
-        }, error: (e, st) {
-          timer.cancel();
-          socket.close();
+        } else {
+          assert(sourceAddress is _InternetAddress);
+          if (address.type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
+            assert(sourceAddress.type == InternetAddressType.unix);
+            result = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainBindConnect(
+                address.address, sourceAddress.address, _Namespace._namespace);
+          } else {
+            result = socket.nativeCreateBindConnect(address._in_addr, port,
+                sourceAddress._in_addr, address._scope_id);
+          }
+        }
+        if (result is OSError) {
           // Keep first error, if present.
-          error ??= e;
-          connecting.remove(socket);
-          if (connecting.isEmpty) connectNext();
-        });
-        socket.setListening(read: false, write: true);
-      }
-    }
-    void onCancel() {
-      connecting.forEach((s, t) {
-        t.cancel();
-        s.close();
-        s.setHandlers();
-        s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
-        if (error == null) {
-          error = createError(null,
-              "Connection attempt cancelled, host: ${host}, port: ${port}");
-        }
-      });
-      connecting.clear();
-      if (!completer.isCompleted) {
-        completer.completeError(error! as Object);
-      }
-    }
-    // The stream is constructed in the _lookup() and should not emit the error.
-    streamSubscription = stream.listen((address) {
-      queue.add(address);
-      if (tryConnect) {
-        tryConnect = false;
-        connectNext();
-      }
-    }, onError: (e) {
-      streamSubscription.cancel();
-      streamClosed = true;
-      // The error comes from lookup() and we just rethrow the error.
-      throw e;
-    }, onDone: () {
-      streamClosed = true;
-      // In case that stream closes later than connectNext() exhausts all
-      // Internet addresses, check whether an error is thrown.
-      if (queue.isEmpty && connecting.isEmpty && !completer.isCompleted) {
-        completer.completeError(error);
-      }
-    });
-    return Future.value(
-        ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket>._(completer.future, onCancel));
-  }
-  // The [host] should be either a String or an _InternetAddress.
-  static Future<Stream> _lookup(host) async {
-    if (host is _InternetAddress) {
-      return Stream.value(host);
-    } else {
-      assert(host is String);
-      // If host is an IPv4 or IPv6 literal, bypass the lookup.
-      final inAddr = _InternetAddress._parse(host);
-      if (inAddr != null && inAddr.length == _InternetAddress._IPv4AddrLength) {
-        var addresses = await lookup(host, type: InternetAddressType.IPv4);
-        if (addresses.isEmpty) {
-          throw createError(null, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
-        }
-        return Stream.fromIterable(addresses);
-      }
-      if (inAddr != null && inAddr.length == _InternetAddress._IPv6AddrLength) {
-        var addresses = await lookup(host, type: InternetAddressType.IPv6);
-        if (addresses.isEmpty) {
-          throw createError(null, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
-        }
-        return Stream.fromIterable(addresses);
-      }
-      if (Platform.isIOS) {
-        return _concurrentLookup(host);
-      } else {
-        var addresses = await lookup(host, type: InternetAddressType.any);
-        if (addresses.isEmpty) {
-          throw createError(null, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
-        }
-        return Stream.fromIterable(addresses);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  static Stream<InternetAddress> _concurrentLookup(String host) {
-    final controller = StreamController<InternetAddress>();
-    // Lookup IPv4 and IPv6 concurrently
-    Future.wait([
-      for (final type in [InternetAddressType.IPv4, InternetAddressType.IPv6])
-        lookup(host, type: type).then((list) {
-          for (final address in list) {
-            controller.add(address);
+          if (error == null) {
+            int errorCode = result.errorCode;
+            if (sourceAddress != null &&
+                errorCode != null &&
+                socket.isBindError(errorCode)) {
+              error = createError(result, "Bind failed", sourceAddress);
+            } else {
+              error = createError(result, "Connection failed", address, port);
+            }
-          return list.isNotEmpty;
-        })
-    ]).then((successes) {
-      if (!successes.contains(true)) {
-        // Neither lookup found an address.
-        throw createError(null, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
+          connectNext();
+        } else {
+          // Query the local port for error messages.
+          try {
+            socket.port;
+          } catch (e) {
+            if (error == null) {
+              error = createError(e, "Connection failed", address, port);
+            }
+            connectNext();
+          }
+          // Set up timer for when we should retry the next address
+          // (if any).
+          var duration =
+              address.isLoopback ? _retryDurationLoopback : _retryDuration;
+          var timer = new Timer(duration, connectNext);
+          setupResourceInfo(socket);
+          connecting[socket] = timer;
+          // Setup handlers for receiving the first write event which
+          // indicate that the socket is fully connected.
+          socket.setHandlers(write: () {
+            timer.cancel();
+            connecting.remove(socket);
+            // From 'man 2 connect':
+            // After select(2) indicates writability, use getsockopt(2) to read
+            // the SO_ERROR option at level SOL_SOCKET to determine whether
+            // connect() completed successfully (SO_ERROR is zero) or
+            // unsuccessfully.
+            OSError osError = socket.nativeGetError();
+            if (osError.errorCode != 0) {
+              socket.close();
+              if (error == null) error = osError;
+              if (connecting.isEmpty) connectNext();
+              return;
+            }
+            socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
+            completer.complete(socket);
+            connecting.forEach((s, t) {
+              t.cancel();
+              s.close();
+              s.setHandlers();
+              s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
+            });
+            connecting.clear();
+          }, error: (e, st) {
+            timer.cancel();
+            socket.close();
+            // Keep first error, if present.
+            if (error == null) error = e;
+            connecting.remove(socket);
+            if (connecting.isEmpty) connectNext();
+          });
+          socket.setListening(read: false, write: true);
+        }
-      controller.close();
+      void onCancel() {
+        connecting.forEach((s, t) {
+          t.cancel();
+          s.close();
+          s.setHandlers();
+          s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
+          if (error == null) {
+            error = createError(null,
+                "Connection attempt cancelled, host: ${host}, port: ${port}");
+          }
+        });
+        connecting.clear();
+        if (!completer.isCompleted) {
+          completer.completeError(error);
+        }
+      }
+      connectNext();
+      return new ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket>._(completer.future, onCancel);
-    return;
   static Future<_NativeSocket> connect(