blob: 070baf746afd6e570b649f79042ab4275f941732 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Support for interoperating with JavaScript.
* This library provides access to JavaScript objects from Dart, allowing
* Dart code to get and set properties, and call methods of JavaScript objects
* and invoke JavaScript functions. The library takes care of converting
* between Dart and JavaScript objects where possible, or providing proxies if
* conversion isn't possible.
* This library does not yet make Dart objects usable from JavaScript, their
* methods and proeprties are not accessible, though it does allow Dart
* functions to be passed into and called from JavaScript.
* [JsObject] is the core type and represents a proxy of a JavaScript object.
* JsObject gives access to the underlying JavaScript objects properties and
* methods. `JsObject`s can be acquired by calls to JavaScript, or they can be
* created from proxies to JavaScript constructors.
* The top-level getter [context] provides a [JsObject] that represents the
* global object in JavaScript, usually `window`.
* The following example shows an alert dialog via a JavaScript call to the
* global function `alert()`:
* import 'dart:js';
* main() => context.callMethod('alert', ['Hello from Dart!']);
* This example shows how to create a [JsObject] from a JavaScript constructor
* and access its properties:
* import 'dart:js';
* main() {
* var object = new JsObject(context['Object']);
* object['greeting'] = 'Hello';
* object['greet'] = (name) => "${object['greeting']} $name";
* var message = object.callMethod('greet', ['JavaScript']);
* context['console'].callMethod('log', [message]);
* }
* ## Proxying and automatic conversion
* When setting properties on a JsObject or passing arguments to a Javascript
* method or function, Dart objects are automatically converted or proxied to
* JavaScript objects. When accessing JavaScript properties, or when a Dart
* closure is invoked from JavaScript, the JavaScript objects are also
* converted to Dart.
* Functions and closures are proxied in such a way that they are callable. A
* Dart closure assigned to a JavaScript property is proxied by a function in
* JavaScript. A JavaScript function accessed from Dart is proxied by a
* [JsFunction], which has a [apply] method to invoke it.
* The following types are transferred directly and not proxied:
* * "Basic" types: `null`, `bool`, `num`, `String`, `DateTime`
* * `Blob`
* * `Event`
* * `HtmlCollection`
* * `ImageData`
* * `KeyRange`
* * `Node`
* * `NodeList`
* * `TypedData`, including its subclasses like `Int32List`, but _not_
* `ByteBuffer`
* * `Window`
* ## Converting collections with JsObject.jsify()
* To create a JavaScript collection from a Dart collection use the
* [JsObject.jsify] constructor, which converts Dart [Map]s and [Iterable]s
* into JavaScript Objects and Arrays.
* The following expression creats a new JavaScript object with the properties
* `a` and `b` defined:
* var jsMap = new JsObject.jsify({'a': 1, 'b': 2});
* This expression creates a JavaScript array:
* var jsArray = new JsObject.jsify([1, 2, 3]);
library dart.js;
import 'dart:collection' show ListMixin;
import 'dart:nativewrappers';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:mirrors' as mirrors;
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:html_common' as html_common;
import 'dart:indexed_db' as indexed_db;
import 'dart:typed_data';
// Pretend we are always in checked mode as we aren't interested in users
// running Dartium code outside of checked mode.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
final bool CHECK_JS_INVOCATIONS = true;
String _stripReservedNamePrefix(String name) =>
? name.substring(_DART_RESERVED_NAME_PREFIX.length)
: name;
_buildArgs(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.namedArguments.isEmpty) {
return invocation.positionalArguments;
} else {
var varArgs = new Map<String, Object>();
invocation.namedArguments.forEach((symbol, val) {
varArgs[mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(symbol)] = val;
return invocation.positionalArguments.toList()
..add(maybeWrapTypedInterop(new JsObject.jsify(varArgs)));
final _allowedMethods = new Map<Symbol, _DeclarationSet>();
final _allowedGetters = new Map<Symbol, _DeclarationSet>();
final _allowedSetters = new Map<Symbol, _DeclarationSet>();
final _jsInterfaceTypes = new Set<mirrors.ClassMirror>();
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
Iterable<mirrors.ClassMirror> get jsInterfaceTypes => _jsInterfaceTypes;
/// A collection of methods where all methods have the same name.
/// This class is intended to optimize whether a specific invocation is
/// appropritate for at least some of the methods in the collection.
class _DeclarationSet {
_DeclarationSet() : _members = <mirrors.DeclarationMirror>[];
static bool _checkType(obj, mirrors.TypeMirror type) {
if (obj == null) return true;
return mirrors.reflectType(obj.runtimeType).isSubtypeOf(type);
/// Returns whether the return [value] has a type is consistent with the
/// return type from at least one of the members matching the DeclarationSet.
bool _checkReturnType(value) {
if (value == null) return true;
var valueMirror = mirrors.reflectType(value.runtimeType);
for (var member in _members) {
if (member is mirrors.VariableMirror || member.isGetter) {
// TODO(jacobr): actually check return types for getters that return
// function types.
return true;
} else {
if (valueMirror.isSubtypeOf(member.returnType)) return true;
return false;
* Check whether the [invocation] is consistent with the [member] mirror.
bool _checkDeclaration(
Invocation invocation, mirrors.DeclarationMirror member) {
if (member is mirrors.VariableMirror || (member as dynamic).isGetter) {
// TODO(jacobr): actually check method types against the function type
// returned by the getter or field.
return true;
var parameters = (member as dynamic).parameters;
var positionalArguments = invocation.positionalArguments;
// Too many arguments
if (parameters.length < positionalArguments.length) return false;
// Too few required arguments.
if (parameters.length > positionalArguments.length &&
!parameters[positionalArguments.length].isOptional) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < positionalArguments.length; i++) {
if (parameters[i].isNamed) {
// Not enough positional arguments.
return false;
if (!_checkType(
invocation.positionalArguments[i], parameters[i].type)) return false;
if (invocation.namedArguments.isNotEmpty) {
var startNamed;
for (startNamed = parameters.length - 1; startNamed >= 0; startNamed--) {
if (!parameters[startNamed].isNamed) break;
// TODO(jacobr): we are unneccessarily using an O(n^2) algorithm here.
// If we have JS APIs with a lange number of named parameters we should
// optimize this. Either use a HashSet or invert this, walking over
// parameters, querying invocation, and making sure we match
//invocation.namedArguments.size keys.
for (var name in invocation.namedArguments.keys) {
bool match = false;
for (var j = startNamed; j < parameters.length; j++) {
var p = parameters[j];
if (p.simpleName == name) {
if (!_checkType(invocation.namedArguments[name],
parameters[j].type)) return false;
match = true;
if (match == false) return false;
return true;
bool checkInvocation(Invocation invocation) {
for (var member in _members) {
if (_checkDeclaration(invocation, member)) return true;
return false;
void add(mirrors.DeclarationMirror mirror) {
final List<mirrors.DeclarationMirror> _members;
* Temporary method that we hope to remove at some point. This method should
* generally only be called by machine generated code.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
void registerJsInterfaces([List<Type> classes]) {
// This method is now obsolete in Dartium.
void _registerJsInterfaces(List<Type> classes) {
for (Type type in classes) {
mirrors.ClassMirror typeMirror = mirrors.reflectType(type);
typeMirror.declarations.forEach((symbol, declaration) {
if (declaration is mirrors.MethodMirror ||
declaration is mirrors.VariableMirror && !declaration.isStatic) {
bool treatAsGetter = false;
bool treatAsSetter = false;
if (declaration is mirrors.VariableMirror) {
treatAsGetter = true;
if (!declaration.isConst && !declaration.isFinal) {
treatAsSetter = true;
} else {
if (declaration.isGetter) {
treatAsGetter = true;
} else if (declaration.isSetter) {
treatAsSetter = true;
} else if (!declaration.isConstructor) {
.putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
if (treatAsGetter) {
.putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
.putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
if (treatAsSetter) {
.putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
_finalizeJsInterfaces() native "Js_finalizeJsInterfaces";
String _getJsName(mirrors.DeclarationMirror mirror) {
for (var annotation in mirror.metadata) {
if (mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(annotation.type.simpleName) == "JS") {
mirrors.LibraryMirror library = annotation.type.owner;
var uri = library.uri;
// make sure the annotation is from package://js
if (uri.scheme == 'package' && uri.path == 'js/js.dart') {
try {
var name =;
return name != null ? name : "";
} catch (e) {}
return null;
bool _isAnonymousClass(mirrors.ClassMirror mirror) {
for (var annotation in mirror.metadata) {
if (mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(annotation.type.simpleName) ==
"_Anonymous") {
mirrors.LibraryMirror library = annotation.type.owner;
var uri = library.uri;
// make sure the annotation is from package://js
if (uri.scheme == 'package' && uri.path == 'js/js.dart') {
return true;
return false;
bool _hasJsName(mirrors.DeclarationMirror mirror) => _getJsName(mirror) != null;
bool hasDomName(mirrors.DeclarationMirror mirror) {
var location = mirror.location;
if (location == null || location.sourceUri.scheme != 'dart') return false;
for (var annotation in mirror.metadata) {
if (mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(annotation.type.simpleName) == "DomName") {
// We can't make sure the annotation is in dart: as Dartium believes it
// is file://dart/sdk/lib/html/html_common/metadata.dart
// instead of a proper dart: location.
return true;
return false;
_getJsMemberName(mirrors.DeclarationMirror mirror) {
var name = _getJsName(mirror);
return name == null || name.isEmpty ? _getDeclarationName(mirror) : name;
// TODO(jacobr): handle setters correctyl.
String _getDeclarationName(mirrors.DeclarationMirror declaration) {
var name = mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.simpleName);
if (declaration is mirrors.MethodMirror && declaration.isSetter) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
return _stripReservedNamePrefix(name);
final _JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX = "js_library";
String _accessJsPath(String path) => _accessJsPathHelper(path.split("."));
String _accessJsPathHelper(Iterable<String> parts) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
..write('${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.JsNative.getProperty(' * parts.length)
for (var p in parts) {
sb.write(", '$p')");
return sb.toString();
String _accessJsPathSetter(String path) {
var parts = path.split(".");
return "${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.JsNative.setProperty(${_accessJsPathHelper(parts.getRange(0, parts.length - 1))
}, '${parts.last}', v)";
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
void addMemberHelper(
mirrors.MethodMirror declaration, String path, StringBuffer sb,
{bool isStatic: false, String memberName}) {
if (!declaration.isConstructor) {
var jsName = _getJsMemberName(declaration);
path = (path != null && path.isNotEmpty) ? "${path}.${jsName}" : jsName;
var name = memberName != null ? memberName : _getDeclarationName(declaration);
if (declaration.isConstructor) {
} else if (isStatic) {
} else {
sb.write(" ");
if (declaration.isGetter) {
"get $name => ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.maybeWrapTypedInterop(${_accessJsPath(path)});");
} else if (declaration.isSetter) {
sb.write("set $name(v) {\n"
" ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.safeForTypedInterop(v);\n"
" return ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.maybeWrapTypedInterop(${_accessJsPathSetter(path)});\n"
} else {
bool hasOptional = false;
int i = 0;
var args = <String>[];
for (var p in declaration.parameters) {
assert(!p.isNamed); // TODO(jacobr): throw.
if (i > 0) {
sb.write(", ");
if (p.isOptional && !hasOptional) {
hasOptional = true;
var arg = "p$i";
if (p.isOptional) {
if (hasOptional) {
// TODO(jacobr):
sb.write(") {\n");
for (var arg in args) {
sb.write(" ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.safeForTypedInterop($arg);\n");
sb.write(" return ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.maybeWrapTypedInterop(");
if (declaration.isConstructor) {
sb.write("new ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.JsObject(");
..write(declaration.isConstructor ? "," : ".apply(")
if (hasOptional) {
sb.write(".takeWhile((i) => i != ${_UNDEFINED_VAR}).toList()");
bool _isExternal(mirrors.MethodMirror mirror) {
// This try-catch block is a workaround for BUG:24834.
try {
return mirror.isExternal;
} catch (e) {}
return false;
List<String> _generateExternalMethods() {
var staticCodegen = <String>[];
mirrors.currentMirrorSystem().libraries.forEach((uri, library) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
String jsLibraryName = _getJsName(library);
library.declarations.forEach((name, declaration) {
if (declaration is mirrors.MethodMirror) {
if ((_hasJsName(declaration) || jsLibraryName != null) &&
_isExternal(declaration)) {
addMemberHelper(declaration, jsLibraryName, sb);
} else if (declaration is mirrors.ClassMirror) {
mirrors.ClassMirror clazz = declaration;
var isDom = hasDomName(clazz);
var isJsInterop = _hasJsName(clazz);
if (isDom || isJsInterop) {
// TODO(jacobr): verify class implements JavaScriptObject.
var className = mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(clazz.simpleName);
var classNameImpl = '${className}Impl';
var sbPatch = new StringBuffer();
if (isJsInterop) {
String jsClassName = _getJsMemberName(clazz);
clazz.declarations.forEach((name, declaration) {
if (declaration is! mirrors.MethodMirror ||
!_isExternal(declaration)) return;
if (declaration.isFactoryConstructor &&
_isAnonymousClass(clazz)) {
sbPatch.write(" factory ${className}(");
int i = 0;
var args = <String>[];
for (var p in declaration.parameters) {
if (args.isNotEmpty) {
.map((name) => '$name:${_UNDEFINED_VAR}')
.join(", "))
sbPatch.write(") {\n"
" var ret = new ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.JsObject.jsify({});\n");
i = 0;
for (var p in declaration.parameters) {
assert(p.isNamed); // TODO(jacobr): throw.
var name = args[i];
var jsName = _stripReservedNamePrefix(
sbPatch.write(" if($name != ${_UNDEFINED_VAR}) {\n"
" ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.safeForTypedInterop($name);\n"
" ret['$jsName'] = $name;\n"
" }\n");
" return new ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.JSObject.create(ret);\n"
" }\n");
} else if (declaration.isConstructor ||
declaration.isFactoryConstructor) {
sbPatch.write(" ");
(jsLibraryName != null && jsLibraryName.isNotEmpty)
? "${jsLibraryName}.${jsClassName}"
: jsClassName,
isStatic: true,
memberName: className);
clazz.staticMembers.forEach((memberName, member) {
if (_isExternal(member)) {
sbPatch.write(" ");
(jsLibraryName != null && jsLibraryName.isNotEmpty)
? "${jsLibraryName}.${jsClassName}"
: jsClassName,
isStatic: true);
if (isDom) {
sbPatch.write(" factory ${className}._internalWrap() => "
"new ${classNameImpl}.internal_();\n");
if (sbPatch.isNotEmpty) {
var typeVariablesClause = '';
if (!clazz.typeVariables.isEmpty) {
typeVariablesClause =
'<${ => mirrors.MirrorSystem.getName(m.simpleName)).join(',')}>';
patch class $className$typeVariablesClause {
if (isDom) {
class $classNameImpl$typeVariablesClause extends $className implements ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX}.JSObjectInterfacesDom {
${classNameImpl}.internal_() : super.internal_();
get runtimeType => $className;
toString() => super.toString();
if (sb.isNotEmpty) {
import 'dart:js' as ${_JS_LIBRARY_PREFIX};
* Placeholder object for cases where we need to determine exactly how many
* args were passed to a function.
const ${_UNDEFINED_VAR} = const Object();
return staticCodegen;
* Generates part files defining source code for JSObjectImpl, all DOM classes
* classes. This codegen is needed so that type checks for all registered
* JavaScript interop classes pass.
List<String> _generateInteropPatchFiles() {
var ret = _generateExternalMethods();
var libraryPrefixes = new Map<mirrors.LibraryMirror, String>();
var prefixNames = new Set<String>();
var sb = new StringBuffer();
var implements = <String>[];
var implementsArray = <String>[];
var implementsDom = <String>[];
var listMirror = mirrors.reflectType(List);
var functionMirror = mirrors.reflectType(Function);
var jsObjectMirror = mirrors.reflectType(JSObject);
for (var typeMirror in jsInterfaceTypes) {
mirrors.LibraryMirror libraryMirror = typeMirror.owner;
var prefixName;
if (libraryPrefixes.containsKey(libraryMirror)) {
prefixName = libraryPrefixes[libraryMirror];
} else {
var basePrefixName =
basePrefixName = basePrefixName.replaceAll('.', '_');
if (basePrefixName.isEmpty) basePrefixName = "lib";
prefixName = basePrefixName;
var i = 1;
while (prefixNames.contains(prefixName)) {
prefixName = '$basePrefixName$i';
libraryPrefixes[libraryMirror] = prefixName;
var isArray = typeMirror.isSubtypeOf(listMirror);
var isFunction = typeMirror.isSubtypeOf(functionMirror);
var isJSObject = typeMirror.isSubtypeOf(jsObjectMirror);
var fullName =
(isArray ? implementsArray : implements).add(fullName);
if (!isArray && !isFunction && !isJSObject) {
// For DOM classes we need to be a bit more conservative at tagging them
// as implementing JS inteorp classes risks strange unintended
// consequences as unrleated code may have instanceof checks. Checking
// for isJSObject ensures we do not accidentally pull in existing
// dart:html classes as they all have JSObject as a base class.
// Note that methods from these classes can still be called on a
// dart:html instance but checked mode type checks will fail. This is
// not ideal but is better than causing strange breaks in existing
// code that uses dart:html.
// TODO(jacobr): consider throwing compile time errors if @JS classes
// extend JSObject as that case cannot be safely handled in Dartium.
libraryPrefixes.forEach((libraryMirror, prefix) {
sb.writeln('import "${libraryMirror.uri}" as $prefix;');
buildImplementsClause(classes) =>
classes.isEmpty ? "" : "implements ${classes.join(', ')}";
var implementsClause = buildImplementsClause(implements);
var implementsClauseDom = buildImplementsClause(implementsDom);
// TODO(jacobr): only certain classes need to be implemented by
// JsFunctionImpl.
var allTypes = []..addAll(implements)..addAll(implementsArray);
class JSObjectImpl extends JSObject $implementsClause {
JSObjectImpl.internal() : super.internal();
class JSFunctionImpl extends JSFunction $implementsClause {
JSFunctionImpl.internal() : super.internal();
class JSArrayImpl extends JSArray ${buildImplementsClause(implementsArray)} {
JSArrayImpl.internal() : super.internal();
// Interfaces that are safe to slam on all DOM classes.
// Adding implementsClause would be risky as it could contain Function which
// is likely to break a lot of instanceof checks.
abstract class JSObjectInterfacesDom $implementsClauseDom {
patch class JSObject {
factory JSObject.create(JsObject jsObject) {
var ret = new JSObjectImpl.internal()..blink_jsObject = jsObject;
jsObject._dartHtmlWrapper = ret;
return ret;
patch class JSFunction {
factory JSFunction.create(JsObject jsObject) {
var ret = new JSFunctionImpl.internal()..blink_jsObject = jsObject;
jsObject._dartHtmlWrapper = ret;
return ret;
patch class JSArray {
factory JSArray.create(JsObject jsObject) {
var ret = new JSArrayImpl.internal()..blink_jsObject = jsObject;
jsObject._dartHtmlWrapper = ret;
return ret;
_registerAllJsInterfaces() {
_registerJsInterfaces([${allTypes.join(", ")}]);
ret..addAll(["dart:js", "JSInteropImpl.dart", sb.toString()]);
return ret;
// Start of block of helper methods facilitating emulating JavaScript Array
// methods on Dart List objects passed to JavaScript via JS interop.
// TODO(jacobr): match JS more closely.
String _toStringJs(obj) => '$obj';
// TODO(jacobr): this might not exactly match JS semantics but should be
// adequate for now.
int _toIntJs(obj) {
if (obj is int) return obj;
if (obj is num) return obj.toInt();
return num.parse('$obj'.trim(), (_) => 0).toInt();
// TODO(jacobr): this might not exactly match JS semantics but should be
// adequate for now.
num _toNumJs(obj) {
return obj is num ? obj : num.parse('$obj'.trim(), (_) => 0);
/// Match the behavior of setting List length in JavaScript with the exception
/// that Dart does not distinguish undefined and null.
_setListLength(List list, rawlen) {
num len = _toNumJs(rawlen);
if (len is! int || len < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Invalid array length");
if (len > list.length) {
_arrayExtend(list, len);
} else if (len < list.length) {
list.removeRange(len, list.length);
return rawlen;
// TODO(jacobr): should we really bother with this method instead of just
// shallow copying to a JS array and calling the JavaScript join method?
String _arrayJoin(List list, sep) {
if (sep == null) {
sep = ",";
return => e == null ? "" : e.toString()).join(sep.toString());
// TODO(jacobr): should we really bother with this method instead of just
// shallow copying to a JS array and using the toString method?
String _arrayToString(List list) => _arrayJoin(list, ",");
int _arrayPush(List list, List args) {
for (var e in args) {
return list.length;
_arrayPop(List list) {
if (list.length > 0) return list.removeLast();
// TODO(jacobr): would it be better to just copy input to a JS List
// and call Array.concat?
List _arrayConcat(List input, List args) {
var ret = new List.from(input);
for (var e in args) {
// TODO(jacobr): technically in ES6 we should use
// Symbol.isConcatSpreadable to determine whether call addAll. Once v8
// supports it, we can make all Dart classes implementing Iterable
// specify isConcatSpreadable and tweak this behavior to allow Iterable.
if (e is List) {
} else {
return ret;
List _arraySplice(List input, List args) {
int start = 0;
if (args.length > 0) {
var rawStart = _toIntJs(args[0]);
if (rawStart < 0) {
start = math.max(0, input.length - rawStart);
} else {
start = math.min(input.length, rawStart);
var end = start;
if (args.length > 1) {
var rawDeleteCount = _toIntJs(args[1]);
if (rawDeleteCount < 0) rawDeleteCount = 0;
end = math.min(input.length, start + rawDeleteCount);
var replacement = [];
var removedElements = input.getRange(start, end).toList();
if (args.length > 2) {
replacement = args.getRange(2, args.length);
input.replaceRange(start, end, replacement);
return removedElements;
List _arrayReverse(List l) {
for (var i = 0, j = l.length - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
var tmp = l[i];
l[i] = l[j];
l[j] = tmp;
return l;
_arrayShift(List l) {
if (l.isEmpty) return null; // Technically we should return undefined.
return l.removeAt(0);
int _arrayUnshift(List l, List args) {
l.insertAll(0, args);
return l.length;
_arrayExtend(List l, int newLength) {
for (var i = l.length; i < newLength; i++) {
// TODO(jacobr): we'd really like to add undefined to better match
// JavaScript semantics.
List _arraySort(List l, rawCompare) {
// TODO(jacobr): alternately we could just copy the Array to JavaScript,
// invoke the JS sort method and then copy the result back to Dart.
Comparator compare;
if (rawCompare == null) {
compare = (a, b) => _toStringJs(a).compareTo(_toStringJs(b));
} else if (rawCompare is JsFunction) {
compare = (a, b) => rawCompare.apply([a, b]);
} else {
compare = rawCompare;
return l;
// End of block of helper methods to emulate JavaScript Array methods on Dart List.
* Can be called to provide a predictable point where no more JS interfaces can
* be added. Creating an instance of JsObject will also automatically trigger
* all JsObjects to be finalized.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
void finalizeJsInterfaces() {
if (_finalized == true) {
throw 'JSInterop class registration already finalized';
JsObject _cachedContext;
JsObject get _context native "Js_context_Callback";
bool get _finalized native "Js_interfacesFinalized_Callback";
JsObject get context {
if (_cachedContext == null) {
_cachedContext = _context;
return _cachedContext;
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
maybeWrapTypedInterop(o) => html_common.wrap_jso_no_SerializedScriptvalue(o);
_maybeWrap(o) {
var wrapped = html_common.wrap_jso_no_SerializedScriptvalue(o);
if (identical(wrapped, o)) return o;
return (wrapped is html.Blob ||
wrapped is html.Event ||
wrapped is indexed_db.KeyRange ||
wrapped is html.ImageData ||
wrapped is html.Node ||
wrapped is TypedData ||
wrapped is html.Window) ? wrapped : o;
* Get the dart wrapper object for object. Top-level so we
* we can access it from other libraries without it being
* a public instance field on JsObject.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
getDartHtmlWrapperFor(JsObject object) => object._dartHtmlWrapper;
* Set the dart wrapper object for object. Top-level so we
* we can access it from other libraries without it being
* a public instance field on JsObject.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
void setDartHtmlWrapperFor(JsObject object, wrapper) {
object._dartHtmlWrapper = wrapper;
* Used by callMethod to get the JS object for each argument passed if the
* argument is a Dart class instance that delegates to a DOM object. See
* wrap_jso defined in dart:html.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
unwrap_jso(dartClass_instance) {
if (dartClass_instance is JSObject &&
dartClass_instance is! JsObject) return dartClass_instance.blink_jsObject;
else return dartClass_instance;
* Proxies a JavaScript object to Dart.
* The properties of the JavaScript object are accessible via the `[]` and
* `[]=` operators. Methods are callable via [callMethod].
class JsObject extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
* If this JsObject is wrapped, e.g. DOM objects, then we can save the
* wrapper here and preserve its identity.
var _dartHtmlWrapper;
* Constructs a new JavaScript object from [constructor] and returns a proxy
* to it.
factory JsObject(JsFunction constructor, [List arguments]) {
try {
return html_common.unwrap_jso(_create(constructor, arguments));
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new html.DomException.jsInterop(e);
static JsObject _create(JsFunction constructor, arguments)
native "JsObject_constructorCallback";
* Constructs a [JsObject] that proxies a native Dart object; _for expert use
* only_.
* Use this constructor only if you wish to get access to JavaScript
* properties attached to a browser host object, such as a Node or Blob, that
* is normally automatically converted into a native Dart object.
* An exception will be thrown if [object] either is `null` or has the type
* `bool`, `num`, or `String`.
factory JsObject.fromBrowserObject(object) {
if (object is num || object is String || object is bool || object == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("object cannot be a num, string, bool, or null");
return _fromBrowserObject(object);
* Recursively converts a JSON-like collection of Dart objects to a
* collection of JavaScript objects and returns a [JsObject] proxy to it.
* [object] must be a [Map] or [Iterable], the contents of which are also
* converted. Maps and Iterables are copied to a new JavaScript object.
* Primitives and other transferrable values are directly converted to their
* JavaScript type, and all other objects are proxied.
factory JsObject.jsify(object) {
if ((object is! Map) && (object is! Iterable)) {
throw new ArgumentError("object must be a Map or Iterable");
return _jsify(object);
static JsObject _jsify(object) native "JsObject_jsify";
static JsObject _fromBrowserObject(object) => html_common.unwrap_jso(object);
* Returns the value associated with [property] from the proxied JavaScript
* object.
* The type of [property] must be either [String] or [num].
operator [](property) {
try {
return _maybeWrap(_operator_getter(property));
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new html.DomException.jsInterop(e);
_operator_getter(property) native "JsObject_[]";
* Sets the value associated with [property] on the proxied JavaScript
* object.
* The type of [property] must be either [String] or [num].
operator []=(property, value) {
try {
_operator_setter(property, value);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new html.DomException.jsInterop(e);
_operator_setter(property, value) native "JsObject_[]=";
int get hashCode native "JsObject_hashCode";
operator ==(other) {
var is_JsObject = other is JsObject;
if (!is_JsObject) {
other = html_common.unwrap_jso(other);
is_JsObject = other is JsObject;
return is_JsObject && _identityEquality(this, other);
static bool _identityEquality(JsObject a, JsObject b)
native "JsObject_identityEquality";
* Returns `true` if the JavaScript object contains the specified property
* either directly or though its prototype chain.
* This is the equivalent of the `in` operator in JavaScript.
bool hasProperty(String property) native "JsObject_hasProperty";
* Removes [property] from the JavaScript object.
* This is the equivalent of the `delete` operator in JavaScript.
void deleteProperty(String property) native "JsObject_deleteProperty";
* Returns `true` if the JavaScript object has [type] in its prototype chain.
* This is the equivalent of the `instanceof` operator in JavaScript.
bool instanceof(JsFunction type) native "JsObject_instanceof";
* Returns the result of the JavaScript objects `toString` method.
String toString() {
try {
return _toString();
} catch (e) {
return super.toString();
String _toString() native "JsObject_toString";
* Calls [method] on the JavaScript object with the arguments [args] and
* returns the result.
* The type of [method] must be either [String] or [num].
callMethod(String method, [List args]) {
try {
return _maybeWrap(_callMethod(method, args));
} catch (e) {
if (hasProperty(method)) {
// Return a DomException if DOM call returned an error.
throw new html.DomException.jsInterop(e);
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, new Symbol(method), args, null);
_callMethod(String name, List args) native "JsObject_callMethod";
/// Base class for all JS objects used through dart:html and typed JS interop.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
class JSObject {
JSObject.internal() {}
external factory JSObject.create(JsObject jsObject);
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
JsObject blink_jsObject;
String toString() => blink_jsObject.toString();
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throwError() {
String name = _stripReservedNamePrefix(
if (invocation.isGetter) {
var matches = _allowedGetters[invocation.memberName];
if (matches == null &&
!_allowedMethods.containsKey(invocation.memberName)) {
var ret = maybeWrapTypedInterop(blink_jsObject._operator_getter(name));
if (matches != null) return ret;
if (ret is Function ||
(ret is JsFunction /* shouldn't be needed in the future*/) &&
invocation.memberName)) return ret; // Warning: we have not bound "this"... we could type check on the Function but that is of little value in Dart.
} else {
// TODO(jacobr): should we throw if the JavaScript object doesn't have the property?
return maybeWrapTypedInterop(blink_jsObject._operator_getter(name));
} else if (invocation.isSetter) {
var matches = _allowedSetters[invocation.memberName];
if (matches == null ||
!matches.checkInvocation(invocation)) throwError();
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
return maybeWrapTypedInterop(blink_jsObject._operator_setter(
name, invocation.positionalArguments.first));
} else {
// TODO(jacobr): also allow calling getters that look like functions.
var matches;
matches = _allowedMethods[invocation.memberName];
if (matches == null ||
!matches.checkInvocation(invocation)) throwError();
var ret = maybeWrapTypedInterop(
blink_jsObject._callMethod(name, _buildArgs(invocation)));
if (!matches._checkReturnType(ret)) {
html.window.console.error("Return value for method: ${name} is "
"${ret.runtimeType} which is inconsistent with all typed "
"JS interop definitions for method ${name}.");
return ret;
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
class JSArray extends JSObject with ListMixin {
JSArray.internal() : super.internal();
external factory JSArray.create(JsObject jsObject);
operator [](int index) =>
maybeWrapTypedInterop(JsNative.getArrayIndex(blink_jsObject, index));
operator []=(int index, value) => blink_jsObject[index] = value;
int get length => blink_jsObject.length;
set length(int newLength) => blink_jsObject.length = newLength;
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
class JSFunction extends JSObject implements Function {
JSFunction.internal() : super.internal();
external factory JSFunction.create(JsObject jsObject);
a10 = _UNDEFINED]) {
return maybeWrapTypedInterop(blink_jsObject
.apply(_stripUndefinedArgs([a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10])));
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.isMethod && invocation.memberName == #call) {
return maybeWrapTypedInterop(
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
// JavaScript interop methods that do not automatically wrap to dart:html types.
// Warning: this API is not exposed to dart:js.
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
class JsNative {
static getProperty(o, name) {
o = unwrap_jso(o);
return o != null ? o._operator_getter(name) : null;
static setProperty(o, name, value) {
return unwrap_jso(o)._operator_setter(name, value);
static callMethod(o, String method, List args) {
return unwrap_jso(o)._callMethod(method, args);
static getArrayIndex(JsArray array, int index) {
return getProperty(array, index);
* Same behavior as new JsFunction.withThis except that JavaScript "this" is not
* wrapped.
static JsFunction withThis(Function f) native "JsFunction_withThisNoWrap";
* Proxies a JavaScript Function object.
class JsFunction extends JsObject {
JsFunction.internal() : super.internal();
* Returns a [JsFunction] that captures its 'this' binding and calls [f]
* with the value of this passed as the first argument.
factory JsFunction.withThis(Function f) => _withThis(f);
* Invokes the JavaScript function with arguments [args]. If [thisArg] is
* supplied it is the value of `this` for the invocation.
dynamic apply(List args, {thisArg}) =>
_maybeWrap(_apply(args, thisArg: thisArg));
dynamic _apply(List args, {thisArg}) native "JsFunction_apply";
* Internal only version of apply which uses debugger proxies of Dart objects
* rather than opaque handles. This method is private because it cannot be
* efficiently implemented in Dart2Js so should only be used by internal
* tools.
_applyDebuggerOnly(List args, {thisArg})
native "JsFunction_applyDebuggerOnly";
static JsFunction _withThis(Function f) native "JsFunction_withThis";
* A [List] proxying a JavaScript Array.
class JsArray<E> extends JsObject with ListMixin<E> {
JsArray.internal() : super.internal();
factory JsArray() => _newJsArray();
static JsArray _newJsArray() native "JsArray_newJsArray";
factory JsArray.from(Iterable<E> other) =>
_newJsArrayFromSafeList(new List.from(other));
static JsArray _newJsArrayFromSafeList(List list)
native "JsArray_newJsArrayFromSafeList";
_checkIndex(int index, {bool insert: false}) {
int length = insert ? this.length + 1 : this.length;
if (index is int && (index < 0 || index >= length)) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length);
_checkRange(int start, int end) {
int cachedLength = this.length;
if (start < 0 || start > cachedLength) {
throw new RangeError.range(start, 0, cachedLength);
if (end < start || end > cachedLength) {
throw new RangeError.range(end, start, cachedLength);
// Methods required by ListMixin
E operator [](index) {
if (index is int) {
return super[index];
void operator []=(index, E value) {
if (index is int) {
super[index] = value;
int get length native "JsArray_length";
set length(int length) {
super['length'] = length;
// Methods overriden for better performance
void add(E value) {
callMethod('push', [value]);
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) {
// TODO(jacobr): this can be optimized slightly.
callMethod('push', new List.from(iterable));
void insert(int index, E element) {
_checkIndex(index, insert: true);
callMethod('splice', [index, 0, element]);
E removeAt(int index) {
return callMethod('splice', [index, 1])[0];
E removeLast() {
if (length == 0) throw new RangeError(-1);
return callMethod('pop');
void removeRange(int start, int end) {
_checkRange(start, end);
callMethod('splice', [start, end - start]);
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) {
_checkRange(start, end);
int length = end - start;
if (length == 0) return;
if (skipCount < 0) throw new ArgumentError(skipCount);
var args = [start, length]..addAll(iterable.skip(skipCount).take(length));
callMethod('splice', args);
void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) {
callMethod('sort', [compare]);
* Placeholder object for cases where we need to determine exactly how many
* args were passed to a function.
const _UNDEFINED = const Object();
// TODO(jacobr): this method is a hack to work around the lack of proper dart
// support for varargs methods.
List _stripUndefinedArgs(List args) =>
args.takeWhile((i) => i != _UNDEFINED).toList();
* Check that that if [arg] is a [Function] it is safe to pass to JavaScript.
* To make a function safe, call [allowInterop] or [allowInteropCaptureThis].
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
safeForTypedInterop(arg) {
if (CHECK_JS_INVOCATIONS && arg is Function && arg is! JSFunction) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Attempt to pass Function '$arg' to JavaScript via without calling allowInterop or allowInteropCaptureThis");
* Check that that if any elements of [args] are [Function] it is safe to pass
* to JavaScript. To make a function safe, call [allowInterop] or
* [allowInteropCaptureThis].
@Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
void argsSafeForTypedInterop(Iterable args) {
for (var arg in args) {
List _stripAndWrapArgs(Iterable args) {
var ret = [];
for (var arg in args) {
if (arg == _UNDEFINED) break;
return ret;
* Returns a method that can be called with an arbitrary number (for n less
* than 11) of arguments without violating Dart type checks.
Function _wrapAsDebuggerVarArgsFunction(JsFunction jsFunction) => (
a10 = _UNDEFINED]) =>
_stripUndefinedArgs([a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10]));
/// This helper is purely a hack so we can reuse JsFunction.withThis even when
/// we don't care about passing JS "this". In an ideal world we would implement
/// helpers in C++ that directly implement allowInterop and
/// allowInteropCaptureThis.
class _CreateDartFunctionForInteropIgnoreThis implements Function {
Function _fn;
[ignoredThis = _UNDEFINED,
a10 = _UNDEFINED]) {
var ret = Function.apply(
_fn, _stripAndWrapArgs([a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10]));
return ret;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.isMethod && invocation.memberName == #call) {
// Named arguments not yet supported.
if (invocation.namedArguments.isNotEmpty) return;
var ret = Function.apply(
_fn, _stripAndWrapArgs(invocation.positionalArguments.skip(1)));
// TODO(jacobr): it would be nice to check that the return value is safe
// for interop but we don't want to break existing addEventListener users.
// safeForTypedInterop(ret);
return ret;
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// See comment for [_CreateDartFunctionForInteropIgnoreThis].
/// This Function exists purely because JsObject doesn't have the DOM type
/// conversion semantics we want for JS typed interop.
class _CreateDartFunctionForInterop implements Function {
Function _fn;
a10 = _UNDEFINED]) {
var ret = Function.apply(
_fn, _stripAndWrapArgs([a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10]));
return ret;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.isMethod && invocation.memberName == #call) {
// Named arguments not yet supported.
if (invocation.namedArguments.isNotEmpty) return;
var ret = Function.apply(
_fn, _stripAndWrapArgs(invocation.positionalArguments));
return ret;
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// Cached JSFunction associated with the Dart Function.
Expando<JSFunction> _interopExpando = new Expando<JSFunction>();
/// Returns a wrapper around function [f] that can be called from JavaScript
/// using the package:js Dart-JavaScript interop.
/// For performance reasons in Dart2Js, by default Dart functions cannot be
/// passed directly to JavaScript unless this method is called to create
/// a Function compatible with both Dart and JavaScript.
/// Calling this method repeatedly on a function will return the same function.
/// The [Function] returned by this method can be used from both Dart and
/// JavaScript. We may remove the need to call this method completely in the
/// future if Dart2Js is refactored so that its function calling conventions
/// are more compatible with JavaScript.
JSFunction allowInterop(Function f) {
if (f is JSFunction) {
// The function is already a JSFunction... no need to do anything.
return f;
} else {
var ret = _interopExpando[f];
if (ret == null) {
// TODO(jacobr): we could optimize this.
ret = new JSFunction.create(new JsFunction.withThis(
new _CreateDartFunctionForInteropIgnoreThis(f)));
_interopExpando[f] = ret;
return ret;
/// Cached JSFunction associated with the Dart function when "this" is
/// captured.
Expando<JSFunction> _interopCaptureThisExpando = new Expando<JSFunction>();
/// Returns a [Function] that when called from JavaScript captures its 'this'
/// binding and calls [f] with the value of this passed as the first argument.
/// When called from Dart, [null] will be passed as the first argument.
/// See the documention for [allowInterop]. This method should only be used with
/// package:js Dart-JavaScript interop.
JSFunction allowInteropCaptureThis(Function f) {
if (f is JSFunction) {
// Behavior when the function is already a JS function is unspecified.
throw new ArgumentError(
"Function is already a JS function so cannot capture this.");
return f;
} else {
var ret = _interopCaptureThisExpando[f];
if (ret == null) {
// TODO(jacobr): we could optimize this.
ret = new JSFunction.create(
new JsFunction.withThis(new _CreateDartFunctionForInterop(f)));
_interopCaptureThisExpando[f] = ret;
return ret;