blob: 115d966e9d0df2027ea44e2cb7492c25862adb7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.test.generated.strong_mode_test;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../reflective_tests.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'resolver_test_case.dart';
main() {
* Strong mode static analyzer downwards inference tests
class StrongModeDownwardsInferenceTest extends ResolverTestCase {
TypeAssertions _assertions;
Asserter<DartType> _isDynamic;
Asserter<InterfaceType> _isFutureOfDynamic;
Asserter<InterfaceType> _isFutureOfInt;
Asserter<DartType> _isInt;
Asserter<DartType> _isNum;
Asserter<DartType> _isString;
AsserterBuilder2<Asserter<DartType>, Asserter<DartType>, DartType>
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, InterfaceType> _isFutureOf;
AsserterBuilderBuilder<Asserter<DartType>, List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType>
AsserterBuilder<Asserter<DartType>, InterfaceType> _isListOf;
AsserterBuilder2<Asserter<DartType>, Asserter<DartType>, InterfaceType>
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, InterfaceType> _isStreamOf;
AsserterBuilder<DartType, DartType> _isType;
AsserterBuilder<Element, DartType> _hasElement;
AsserterBuilder<DartType, DartType> _sameElement;
void setUp() {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
options.strongMode = true;
_assertions = new TypeAssertions(typeProvider);
_isType = _assertions.isType;
_hasElement = _assertions.hasElement;
_isInstantiationOf = _assertions.isInstantiationOf;
_isInt = _assertions.isInt;
_isNum = _assertions.isNum;
_isString = _assertions.isString;
_isDynamic = _assertions.isDynamic;
_isListOf = _assertions.isListOf;
_isMapOf = _assertions.isMapOf;
_isFunction2Of = _assertions.isFunction2Of;
_sameElement = _assertions.sameElement;
_isFutureOf = _isInstantiationOf(_sameElement(typeProvider.futureType));
_isFutureOfDynamic = _isFutureOf([_isDynamic]);
_isFutureOfInt = _isFutureOf([_isInt]);
_isStreamOf = _isInstantiationOf(_sameElement(typeProvider.streamType));
void test_async_method_propagation() {
String code = r'''
import "dart:async";
class A {
Future f0() => new Future.value(3);
Future f1() async => new Future.value(3);
Future f2() async => await new Future.value(3);
Future<int> f3() => new Future.value(3);
Future<int> f4() async => new Future.value(3);
Future<int> f5() async => await new Future.value(3);
Future g0() { return new Future.value(3); }
Future g1() async { return new Future.value(3); }
Future g2() async { return await new Future.value(3); }
Future<int> g3() { return new Future.value(3); }
Future<int> g4() async { return new Future.value(3); }
Future<int> g5() async { return await new Future.value(3); }
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
void check(String name, Asserter<InterfaceType> typeTest) {
MethodDeclaration test = AstFinder.getMethodInClass(unit, "A", name);
FunctionBody body = test.body;
Expression returnExp;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
returnExp = body.expression;
} else {
ReturnStatement stmt = (body as BlockFunctionBody).block.statements[0];
returnExp = stmt.expression;
DartType type = returnExp.staticType;
if (returnExp is AwaitExpression) {
type = returnExp.expression.staticType;
check("f0", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f1", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f2", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f3", _isFutureOfInt);
// This should be int when we handle the implicit Future<T> | T union
check("f4", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f5", _isFutureOfInt);
check("g0", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g1", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g2", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g3", _isFutureOfInt);
// This should be int when we handle the implicit Future<T> | T union
check("g4", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g5", _isFutureOfInt);
void test_async_propagation() {
String code = r'''
import "dart:async";
Future f0() => new Future.value(3);
Future f1() async => new Future.value(3);
Future f2() async => await new Future.value(3);
Future<int> f3() => new Future.value(3);
Future<int> f4() async => new Future.value(3);
Future<int> f5() async => await new Future.value(3);
Future g0() { return new Future.value(3); }
Future g1() async { return new Future.value(3); }
Future g2() async { return await new Future.value(3); }
Future<int> g3() { return new Future.value(3); }
Future<int> g4() async { return new Future.value(3); }
Future<int> g5() async { return await new Future.value(3); }
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
void check(String name, Asserter<InterfaceType> typeTest) {
FunctionDeclaration test = AstFinder.getTopLevelFunction(unit, name);
FunctionBody body = test.functionExpression.body;
Expression returnExp;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
returnExp = body.expression;
} else {
ReturnStatement stmt = (body as BlockFunctionBody).block.statements[0];
returnExp = stmt.expression;
DartType type = returnExp.staticType;
if (returnExp is AwaitExpression) {
type = returnExp.expression.staticType;
check("f0", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f1", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f2", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f3", _isFutureOfInt);
// This should be int when we handle the implicit Future<T> | T union
check("f4", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("f5", _isFutureOfInt);
check("g0", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g1", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g2", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g3", _isFutureOfInt);
// This should be int when we handle the implicit Future<T> | T union
check("g4", _isFutureOfDynamic);
check("g5", _isFutureOfInt);
void test_async_star_method_propagation() {
String code = r'''
import "dart:async";
class A {
Stream g0() async* { yield []; }
Stream g1() async* { yield* new Stream(); }
Stream<List<int>> g2() async* { yield []; }
Stream<List<int>> g3() async* { yield* new Stream(); }
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
void check(String name, Asserter<InterfaceType> typeTest) {
MethodDeclaration test = AstFinder.getMethodInClass(unit, "A", name);
BlockFunctionBody body = test.body;
YieldStatement stmt = body.block.statements[0];
Expression exp = stmt.expression;
check("g0", _isListOf(_isDynamic));
check("g1", _isStreamOf([_isDynamic]));
check("g2", _isListOf(_isInt));
check("g3", _isStreamOf([_isListOf(_isInt)]));
void test_async_star_propagation() {
String code = r'''
import "dart:async";
Stream g0() async* { yield []; }
Stream g1() async* { yield* new Stream(); }
Stream<List<int>> g2() async* { yield []; }
Stream<List<int>> g3() async* { yield* new Stream(); }
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
void check(String name, Asserter<InterfaceType> typeTest) {
FunctionDeclaration test = AstFinder.getTopLevelFunction(unit, name);
BlockFunctionBody body = test.functionExpression.body;
YieldStatement stmt = body.block.statements[0];
Expression exp = stmt.expression;
check("g0", _isListOf(_isDynamic));
check("g1", _isStreamOf([_isDynamic]));
check("g2", _isListOf(_isInt));
check("g3", _isStreamOf([_isListOf(_isInt)]));
void test_cascadeExpression() {
String code = r'''
class A<T> {
List<T> map(T a, List<T> mapper(T x)) => mapper(a);
void main () {
A<int> a = new A(), (x) => [x]);
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
CascadeExpression fetch(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
CascadeExpression exp = decl.initializer;
return exp;
Element elementA = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "A").element;
CascadeExpression cascade = fetch(0);
MethodInvocation invoke = cascade.cascadeSections[0];
FunctionExpression function = invoke.argumentList.arguments[1];
ExecutableElement f0 = function.element;
expect(f0.type.normalParameterTypes[0], typeProvider.intType);
void test_constructorInitializer_propagation() {
String code = r'''
class A {
List<String> x;
A() : this.x = [];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
ConstructorDeclaration constructor =
AstFinder.getConstructorInClass(unit, "A", null);
ConstructorFieldInitializer assignment = constructor.initializers[0];
Expression exp = assignment.expression;
void test_factoryConstructor_propagation() {
String code = r'''
class A<T> {
factory A() { return new B(); }
class B<S> extends A<S> {}
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
ConstructorDeclaration constructor =
AstFinder.getConstructorInClass(unit, "A", null);
BlockFunctionBody body = constructor.body;
ReturnStatement stmt = body.block.statements[0];
InstanceCreationExpression exp = stmt.expression;
ClassElement elementB = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "B").element;
ClassElement elementA = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "A").element;
expect(exp.constructorName.type.type.element, elementB);
void test_fieldDeclaration_propagation() {
String code = r'''
class A {
List<String> f0 = ["hello"];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
VariableDeclaration field = AstFinder.getFieldInClass(unit, "A", "f0");
void test_functionDeclaration_body_propagation() {
String code = r'''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
List<int> test1() => [];
Function2<int, int> test2 (int x) {
Function2<String, int> inner() {
return (x) => x.length;
return (x) => x;
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfInt = _isListOf(_isInt);
FunctionDeclaration test1 = AstFinder.getTopLevelFunction(unit, "test1");
ExpressionFunctionBody body = test1.functionExpression.body;
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test2");
FunctionDeclaration inner =
(statements[0] as FunctionDeclarationStatement).functionDeclaration;
BlockFunctionBody body0 = inner.functionExpression.body;
ReturnStatement return0 = body0.block.statements[0];
Expression anon0 = return0.expression;
FunctionType type0 = anon0.staticType;
expect(type0.returnType, typeProvider.intType);
expect(type0.normalParameterTypes[0], typeProvider.stringType);
FunctionExpression anon1 = (statements[1] as ReturnStatement).expression;
FunctionType type1 = anon1.element.type;
expect(type1.returnType, typeProvider.intType);
expect(type1.normalParameterTypes[0], typeProvider.intType);
void test_functionLiteral_assignment_typedArguments() {
String code = r'''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
void main () {
Function2<int, String> l0 = (int x) => null;
Function2<int, String> l1 = (int x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l2 = (String x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l3 = (int x) => 3;
Function2<int, String> l4 = (int x) {return 3;};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
FunctionExpression exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isString, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_assignment_unTypedArguments() {
String code = r'''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
void main () {
Function2<int, String> l0 = (x) => null;
Function2<int, String> l1 = (x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l2 = (x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l3 = (x) => 3;
Function2<int, String> l4 = (x) {return 3;};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
FunctionExpression exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_body_propagation() {
String code = r'''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
void main () {
Function2<int, List<String>> l0 = (int x) => ["hello"];
Function2<int, List<String>> l1 = (String x) => ["hello"];
Function2<int, List<String>> l2 = (int x) => [3];
Function2<int, List<String>> l3 = (int x) {return [3];};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
Expression functionReturnValue(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
FunctionExpression exp = decl.initializer;
FunctionBody body = exp.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return body.expression;
} else {
Statement stmt = (body as BlockFunctionBody).block.statements[0];
return (stmt as ReturnStatement).expression;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfString = _isListOf(_isString);
void test_functionLiteral_functionExpressionInvocation_typedArguments() {
String code = r'''
class Mapper<F, T> {
T map(T mapper(F x)) => mapper(null);
void main () {
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((int x) => null);
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((int x) => "hello");
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((String x) => "hello");
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((int x) => 3);
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((int x) {return 3;});
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = statements[i];
FunctionExpressionInvocation invk = stmt.expression;
FunctionExpression exp = invk.argumentList.arguments[0];
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isString, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_functionExpressionInvocation_unTypedArguments() {
String code = r'''
class Mapper<F, T> {
T map(T mapper(F x)) => mapper(null);
void main () {
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((x) => null);
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((x) => "hello");
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((x) => "hello");
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((x) => 3);
(new Mapper<int, String>().map)((x) {return 3;});
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = statements[i];
FunctionExpressionInvocation invk = stmt.expression;
FunctionExpression exp = invk.argumentList.arguments[0];
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_functionInvocation_typedArguments() {
String code = r'''
String map(String mapper(int x)) => mapper(null);
void main () {
map((int x) => null);
map((int x) => "hello");
map((String x) => "hello");
map((int x) => 3);
map((int x) {return 3;});
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = statements[i];
MethodInvocation invk = stmt.expression;
FunctionExpression exp = invk.argumentList.arguments[0];
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isString, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_functionInvocation_unTypedArguments() {
String code = r'''
String map(String mapper(int x)) => mapper(null);
void main () {
map((x) => null);
map((x) => "hello");
map((x) => "hello");
map((x) => 3);
map((x) {return 3;});
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = statements[i];
MethodInvocation invk = stmt.expression;
FunctionExpression exp = invk.argumentList.arguments[0];
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_methodInvocation_typedArguments() {
String code = r'''
class Mapper<F, T> {
T map(T mapper(F x)) => mapper(null);
void main () {
new Mapper<int, String>().map((int x) => null);
new Mapper<int, String>().map((int x) => "hello");
new Mapper<int, String>().map((String x) => "hello");
new Mapper<int, String>().map((int x) => 3);
new Mapper<int, String>().map((int x) {return 3;});
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = statements[i];
MethodInvocation invk = stmt.expression;
FunctionExpression exp = invk.argumentList.arguments[0];
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isString, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_methodInvocation_unTypedArguments() {
String code = r'''
class Mapper<F, T> {
T map(T mapper(F x)) => mapper(null);
void main () {
new Mapper<int, String>().map((x) => null);
new Mapper<int, String>().map((x) => "hello");
new Mapper<int, String>().map((x) => "hello");
new Mapper<int, String>().map((x) => 3);
new Mapper<int, String>().map((x) {return 3;});
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = statements[i];
MethodInvocation invk = stmt.expression;
FunctionExpression exp = invk.argumentList.arguments[0];
return exp.element.type;
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(0));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(1));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(2));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isInt)(literal(3));
_isFunction2Of(_isInt, _isString)(literal(4));
void test_functionLiteral_unTypedArgument_propagation() {
String code = r'''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
void main () {
Function2<int, int> l0 = (x) => x;
Function2<int, int> l1 = (x) => x+1;
Function2<int, String> l2 = (x) => x;
Function2<int, String> l3 = (x) => x.toLowerCase();
Function2<String, String> l4 = (x) => x.toLowerCase();
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
Expression functionReturnValue(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
FunctionExpression exp = decl.initializer;
FunctionBody body = exp.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return body.expression;
} else {
Statement stmt = (body as BlockFunctionBody).block.statements[0];
return (stmt as ReturnStatement).expression;
expect(functionReturnValue(0).staticType, typeProvider.intType);
expect(functionReturnValue(1).staticType, typeProvider.intType);
expect(functionReturnValue(2).staticType, typeProvider.intType);
expect(functionReturnValue(3).staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
expect(functionReturnValue(4).staticType, typeProvider.stringType);
void test_inference_hints() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void main () {
var x = 3;
List<int> l0 = [];
void test_instanceCreation() {
String code = r'''
class A<S, T> {
S x;
T y;
A(this.x, this.y);
A.named(this.x, this.y);
class B<S, T> extends A<T, S> {
B(S y, T x) : super(x, y);
B.named(S y, T x) : super.named(x, y);
class C<S> extends B<S, S> {
C(S a) : super(a, a);
C.named(S a) : super.named(a, a);
class D<S, T> extends B<T, int> {
D(T a) : super(a, 3);
D.named(T a) : super.named(a, 3);
class E<S, T> extends A<C<S>, T> {
E(T a) : super(null, a);
class F<S, T> extends A<S, T> {
F(S x, T y, {List<S> a, List<T> b}) : super(x, y);
F.named(S x, T y, [S a, T b]) : super(a, b);
void test0() {
A<int, String> a0 = new A(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a1 = new A.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a2 = new A<int, String>(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new A<int, String>.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a4 = new A<int, dynamic>(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a5 = new A<dynamic, dynamic>.named(3, "hello");
void test1() {
A<int, String> a0 = new A("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a1 = new A.named("hello", 3);
void test2() {
A<int, String> a0 = new B("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a1 = new B.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a2 = new B<String, int>("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a3 = new B<String, int>.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a4 = new B<String, dynamic>("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a5 = new B<dynamic, dynamic>.named("hello", 3);
void test3() {
A<int, String> a0 = new B(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a1 = new B.named(3, "hello");
void test4() {
A<int, int> a0 = new C(3);
A<int, int> a1 = new C.named(3);
A<int, int> a2 = new C<int>(3);
A<int, int> a3 = new C<int>.named(3);
A<int, int> a4 = new C<dynamic>(3);
A<int, int> a5 = new C<dynamic>.named(3);
void test5() {
A<int, int> a0 = new C("hello");
A<int, int> a1 = new C.named("hello");
void test6() {
A<int, String> a0 = new D("hello");
A<int, String> a1 = new D.named("hello");
A<int, String> a2 = new D<int, String>("hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new D<String, String>.named("hello");
A<int, String> a4 = new D<num, dynamic>("hello");
A<int, String> a5 = new D<dynamic, dynamic>.named("hello");
void test7() {
A<int, String> a0 = new D(3);
A<int, String> a1 = new D.named(3);
void test8() {
// Currently we only allow variable constraints. Test that we reject.
A<C<int>, String> a0 = new E("hello");
void test9() { // Check named and optional arguments
A<int, String> a0 = new F(3, "hello", a: [3], b: ["hello"]);
A<int, String> a1 = new F(3, "hello", a: ["hello"], b:[3]);
A<int, String> a2 = new F.named(3, "hello", 3, "hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new F.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a4 = new F.named(3, "hello", "hello", 3);
A<int, String> a5 = new F.named(3, "hello", "hello");
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
Expression rhs(VariableDeclarationStatement stmt) {
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
Expression exp = decl.initializer;
return exp;
void hasType(Asserter<DartType> assertion, Expression exp) =>
Element elementA = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "A").element;
Element elementB = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "B").element;
Element elementC = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "C").element;
Element elementD = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "D").element;
Element elementE = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "E").element;
Element elementF = AstFinder.getClass(unit, "F").element;
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertAOf =
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertBOf =
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertCOf =
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertDOf =
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertEOf =
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertFOf =
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test0");
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[1]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[2]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[3]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[4]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isDynamic, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[5]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test1");
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[1]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test2");
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isInt]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isInt]), rhs(statements[1]));
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isInt]), rhs(statements[2]));
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isInt]), rhs(statements[3]));
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[4]));
hasType(assertBOf([_isDynamic, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[5]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test3");
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isInt]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertBOf([_isString, _isInt]), rhs(statements[1]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test4");
hasType(assertCOf([_isInt]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertCOf([_isInt]), rhs(statements[1]));
hasType(assertCOf([_isInt]), rhs(statements[2]));
hasType(assertCOf([_isInt]), rhs(statements[3]));
hasType(assertCOf([_isDynamic]), rhs(statements[4]));
hasType(assertCOf([_isDynamic]), rhs(statements[5]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test5");
hasType(assertCOf([_isInt]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertCOf([_isInt]), rhs(statements[1]));
// The first type parameter is not constrained by the
// context. We could choose a tighter type, but currently
// we just use dynamic.
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test6");
hasType(assertDOf([_isDynamic, _isString]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertDOf([_isDynamic, _isString]), rhs(statements[1]));
hasType(assertDOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[2]));
hasType(assertDOf([_isString, _isString]), rhs(statements[3]));
hasType(assertDOf([_isNum, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[4]));
hasType(assertDOf([_isDynamic, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[5]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test7");
hasType(assertDOf([_isDynamic, _isString]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertDOf([_isDynamic, _isString]), rhs(statements[1]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test8");
hasType(assertEOf([_isDynamic, _isDynamic]), rhs(statements[0]));
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "test9");
hasType(assertFOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[0]));
hasType(assertFOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[1]));
hasType(assertFOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[2]));
hasType(assertFOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[3]));
hasType(assertFOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[4]));
hasType(assertFOf([_isInt, _isString]), rhs(statements[5]));
void test_listLiteral_nested() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
List<List<int>> l0 = [[]];
Iterable<List<int>> l1 = [[3]];
Iterable<List<int>> l2 = [[3], [4]];
List<List<int>> l3 = [["hello", 3], []];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
ListLiteral literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
ListLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfInt = _isListOf(_isInt);
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfListOfInt = _isListOf(assertListOfInt);
void test_listLiteral_simple() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
List<int> l0 = [];
List<int> l1 = [3];
List<int> l2 = ["hello"];
List<int> l3 = ["hello", 3];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
ListLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.staticType;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfInt = _isListOf(_isInt);
void test_listLiteral_simple_const() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
const List<int> c0 = const [];
const List<int> c1 = const [3];
const List<int> c2 = const ["hello"];
const List<int> c3 = const ["hello", 3];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
ListLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.staticType;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfInt = _isListOf(_isInt);
void test_listLiteral_simple_disabled() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
List<int> l0 = <num>[];
List<int> l1 = <num>[3];
List<int> l2 = <String>["hello"];
List<int> l3 = <dynamic>["hello", 3];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
ListLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.staticType;
void test_listLiteral_simple_subtype() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
Iterable<int> l0 = [];
Iterable<int> l1 = [3];
Iterable<int> l2 = ["hello"];
Iterable<int> l3 = ["hello", 3];
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
ListLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.staticType;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfInt = _isListOf(_isInt);
void test_mapLiteral_nested() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
Map<int, List<String>> l0 = {};
Map<int, List<String>> l1 = {3: ["hello"]};
Map<int, List<String>> l2 = {"hello": ["hello"]};
Map<int, List<String>> l3 = {3: [3]};
Map<int, List<String>> l4 = {3:["hello"], "hello": [3]};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
MapLiteral literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
MapLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfString = _isListOf(_isString);
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertMapOfIntToListOfString =
_isMapOf(_isInt, assertListOfString);
void test_mapLiteral_simple() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
Map<int, String> l0 = {};
Map<int, String> l1 = {3: "hello"};
Map<int, String> l2 = {"hello": "hello"};
Map<int, String> l3 = {3: 3};
Map<int, String> l4 = {3:"hello", "hello": 3};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
MapLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.staticType;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertMapOfIntToString =
_isMapOf(_isInt, _isString);
void test_mapLiteral_simple_disabled() {
String code = r'''
void main () {
Map<int, String> l0 = <int, dynamic>{};
Map<int, String> l1 = <int, dynamic>{3: "hello"};
Map<int, String> l2 = <int, dynamic>{"hello": "hello"};
Map<int, String> l3 = <int, dynamic>{3: 3};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInTopLevelFunction(unit, "main");
DartType literal(int i) {
VariableDeclarationStatement stmt = statements[i];
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables.variables[0];
MapLiteral exp = decl.initializer;
return exp.staticType;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertMapOfIntToDynamic =
_isMapOf(_isInt, _isDynamic);
void test_methodDeclaration_body_propagation() {
String code = r'''
class A {
List<String> m0(int x) => ["hello"];
List<String> m1(int x) {return [3];};
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
Expression methodReturnValue(String methodName) {
MethodDeclaration method =
AstFinder.getMethodInClass(unit, "A", methodName);
FunctionBody body = method.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return body.expression;
} else {
Statement stmt = (body as BlockFunctionBody).block.statements[0];
return (stmt as ReturnStatement).expression;
Asserter<InterfaceType> assertListOfString = _isListOf(_isString);
void test_redirectingConstructor_propagation() {
String code = r'''
class A {
A() : this.named([]);
A.named(List<String> x);
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
ConstructorDeclaration constructor =
AstFinder.getConstructorInClass(unit, "A", null);
RedirectingConstructorInvocation invocation = constructor.initializers[0];
Expression exp = invocation.argumentList.arguments[0];
void test_superConstructorInvocation_propagation() {
String code = r'''
class B {
class A extends B {
A() : super([]);
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
ConstructorDeclaration constructor =
AstFinder.getConstructorInClass(unit, "A", null);
SuperConstructorInvocation invocation = constructor.initializers[0];
Expression exp = invocation.argumentList.arguments[0];
void test_sync_star_method_propagation() {
String code = r'''
import "dart:async";
class A {
Iterable f0() sync* { yield []; }
Iterable f1() sync* { yield* new List(); }
Iterable<List<int>> f2() sync* { yield []; }
Iterable<List<int>> f3() sync* { yield* new List(); }
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
void check(String name, Asserter<InterfaceType> typeTest) {
MethodDeclaration test = AstFinder.getMethodInClass(unit, "A", name);
BlockFunctionBody body = test.body;
YieldStatement stmt = body.block.statements[0];
Expression exp = stmt.expression;
check("f0", _isListOf(_isDynamic));
check("f1", _isListOf(_isDynamic));
check("f2", _isListOf(_isInt));
check("f3", _isListOf(_isListOf(_isInt)));
void test_sync_star_propagation() {
String code = r'''
import "dart:async";
Iterable f0() sync* { yield []; }
Iterable f1() sync* { yield* new List(); }
Iterable<List<int>> f2() sync* { yield []; }
Iterable<List<int>> f3() sync* { yield* new List(); }
CompilationUnit unit = resolveSource(code);
void check(String name, Asserter<InterfaceType> typeTest) {
FunctionDeclaration test = AstFinder.getTopLevelFunction(unit, name);
BlockFunctionBody body = test.functionExpression.body;
YieldStatement stmt = body.block.statements[0];
Expression exp = stmt.expression;
check("f0", _isListOf(_isDynamic));
check("f1", _isListOf(_isDynamic));
check("f2", _isListOf(_isInt));
check("f3", _isListOf(_isListOf(_isInt)));
* Strong mode static analyzer end to end tests
class StrongModeStaticTypeAnalyzer2Test extends StaticTypeAnalyzer2TestShared {
void fail_genericMethod_tearoff_instantiated() {
class C<E> {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(E e) => null;
static /*=T*/ g/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static final h = g;
/*=T*/ topF/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var topG = topF;
void test/*<S>*/(/*=T*/ pf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e)) {
var c = new C<int>();
/*=T*/ lf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var methodTearOffInst = c.f/*<int>*/;
var staticTearOffInst = C.g/*<int>*/;
var staticFieldTearOffInst = C.h/*<int>*/;
var topFunTearOffInst = topF/*<int>*/;
var topFieldTearOffInst = topG/*<int>*/;
var localTearOffInst = lf/*<int>*/;
var paramTearOffInst = pf/*<int>*/;
expectIdentifierType('methodTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
expectIdentifierType('staticTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
expectIdentifierType('staticFieldTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
expectIdentifierType('topFunTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
expectIdentifierType('topFieldTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
expectIdentifierType('localTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
expectIdentifierType('paramTearOffInst', "(int) → int");
void setUp() {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
options.strongMode = true;
void test_dynamicObjectGetter_hashCode() {
String code = r'''
main() {
dynamic a = null;
var foo = a.hashCode;
expectInitializerType('foo', 'int', isNull);
void test_dynamicObjectMethod_toString() {
String code = r'''
main() {
dynamic a = null;
var foo = a.toString();
expectInitializerType('foo', 'String', isNull);
void test_genericFunction() {
resolveTestUnit(r'/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;');
expectFunctionType('f', '<T>(T) → T',
elementTypeParams: '[T]', typeFormals: '[T]');
SimpleIdentifier f = findIdentifier('f');
FunctionElementImpl e = f.staticElement;
FunctionType ft = e.type.instantiate([typeProvider.stringType]);
expect(ft.toString(), '(String) → String');
void test_genericFunction_bounds() {
resolveTestUnit(r'/*=T*/ f/*<T extends num>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;');
expectFunctionType('f', '<T extends num>(T) → T',
elementTypeParams: '[T extends num]', typeFormals: '[T extends num]');
void test_genericFunction_parameter() {
void g(/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x)) {}
expectFunctionType('f', '<T>(T) → T',
elementTypeParams: '[T]', typeFormals: '[T]');
SimpleIdentifier f = findIdentifier('f');
ParameterElementImpl e = f.staticElement;
FunctionType type = e.type;
FunctionType ft = type.instantiate([typeProvider.stringType]);
expect(ft.toString(), '(String) → String');
void test_genericFunction_static() {
class C<E> {
static /*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
expectFunctionType('f', '<T>(T) → T',
elementTypeParams: '[T]', typeFormals: '[T]');
SimpleIdentifier f = findIdentifier('f');
MethodElementImpl e = f.staticElement;
FunctionType ft = e.type.instantiate([typeProvider.stringType]);
expect(ft.toString(), '(String) → String');
void test_genericFunction_typedef() {
String code = r'''
typedef T F<T>(T x);
F f0;
class C {
static F f1;
F f2;
void g(F f3) {
F f4;
class D<S> {
static F f1;
F f2;
void g(F f3) {
F f4;
checkBody(String className) {
List<Statement> statements =
AstFinder.getStatementsInMethod(testUnit, className, "g");
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
Expression exp = (statements[i] as ExpressionStatement).expression;
expect(exp.staticType, typeProvider.dynamicType);
void test_genericMethod() {
class C<E> {
List/*<T>*/ f/*<T>*/(E e) => null;
main() {
C<String> cOfString;
expectFunctionType('f', '<T>(E) → List<T>',
elementTypeParams: '[T]',
typeParams: '[E]',
typeArgs: '[E]',
typeFormals: '[T]');
SimpleIdentifier c = findIdentifier('cOfString');
FunctionType ft = (c.staticType as InterfaceType).getMethod('f').type;
expect(ft.toString(), '<T>(String) → List<T>');
ft = ft.instantiate([typeProvider.intType]);
expect(ft.toString(), '(String) → List<int>');
expect('${ft.typeArguments}/${ft.typeParameters}', '[String, int]/[E, T]');
void test_genericMethod_explicitTypeParams() {
class C<E> {
List/*<T>*/ f/*<T>*/(E e) => null;
main() {
C<String> cOfString;
var x = cOfString.f/*<int>*/('hi');
MethodInvocation f = findIdentifier('f/*<int>*/').parent;
FunctionType ft = f.staticInvokeType;
expect(ft.toString(), '(String) → List<int>');
expect('${ft.typeArguments}/${ft.typeParameters}', '[String, int]/[E, T]');
SimpleIdentifier x = findIdentifier('x');
void test_genericMethod_functionExpressionInvocation_explicit() {
class C<E> {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static /*=T*/ g/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static final h = g;
/*=T*/ topF/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var topG = topF;
void test/*<S>*/(/*=T*/ pf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e)) {
var c = new C<int>();
/*=T*/ lf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var lambdaCall = (/*<E>*/(/*=E*/ e) => e)/*<int>*/(3);
var methodCall = (c.f)/*<int>*/(3);
var staticCall = (C.g)/*<int>*/(3);
var staticFieldCall = (C.h)/*<int>*/(3);
var topFunCall = (topF)/*<int>*/(3);
var topFieldCall = (topG)/*<int>*/(3);
var localCall = (lf)/*<int>*/(3);
var paramCall = (pf)/*<int>*/(3);
expectIdentifierType('methodCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFunCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('localCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('paramCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('lambdaCall', "int");
void test_genericMethod_functionExpressionInvocation_inferred() {
class C<E> {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static /*=T*/ g/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static final h = g;
/*=T*/ topF/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var topG = topF;
void test/*<S>*/(/*=T*/ pf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e)) {
var c = new C<int>();
/*=T*/ lf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var lambdaCall = (/*<E>*/(/*=E*/ e) => e)(3);
var methodCall = (c.f)(3);
var staticCall = (C.g)(3);
var staticFieldCall = (C.h)(3);
var topFunCall = (topF)(3);
var topFieldCall = (topG)(3);
var localCall = (lf)(3);
var paramCall = (pf)(3);
expectIdentifierType('methodCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFunCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('localCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('paramCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('lambdaCall', "int");
void test_genericMethod_functionInvocation_explicit() {
class C<E> {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static /*=T*/ g/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static final h = g;
/*=T*/ topF/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var topG = topF;
void test/*<S>*/(/*=T*/ pf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e)) {
var c = new C<int>();
/*=T*/ lf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var methodCall = c.f/*<int>*/(3);
var staticCall = C.g/*<int>*/(3);
var staticFieldCall = C.h/*<int>*/(3);
var topFunCall = topF/*<int>*/(3);
var topFieldCall = topG/*<int>*/(3);
var localCall = lf/*<int>*/(3);
var paramCall = pf/*<int>*/(3);
expectIdentifierType('methodCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFunCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('localCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('paramCall', "int");
void test_genericMethod_functionInvocation_inferred() {
class C<E> {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static /*=T*/ g/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static final h = g;
/*=T*/ topF/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var topG = topF;
void test/*<S>*/(/*=T*/ pf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e)) {
var c = new C<int>();
/*=T*/ lf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var methodCall = c.f(3);
var staticCall = C.g(3);
var staticFieldCall = C.h(3);
var topFunCall = topF(3);
var topFieldCall = topG(3);
var localCall = lf(3);
var paramCall = pf(3);
expectIdentifierType('methodCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('staticFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFunCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('topFieldCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('localCall', "int");
expectIdentifierType('paramCall', "int");
void test_genericMethod_functionTypedParameter() {
class C<E> {
List/*<T>*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ f(E e)) => null;
main() {
C<String> cOfString;
expectFunctionType('f', '<T>((E) → T) → List<T>',
elementTypeParams: '[T]',
typeParams: '[E]',
typeArgs: '[E]',
typeFormals: '[T]');
SimpleIdentifier c = findIdentifier('cOfString');
FunctionType ft = (c.staticType as InterfaceType).getMethod('f').type;
expect(ft.toString(), '<T>((String) → T) → List<T>');
ft = ft.instantiate([typeProvider.intType]);
expect(ft.toString(), '((String) → int) → List<int>');
void test_genericMethod_implicitDynamic() {
// Regression test for:
// These should not cause any hints or warnings.
class List<E> {
/*=T*/ map/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ f(E e)) => null;
void foo() {
List list = null; => e); => 3);
expectIdentifierType('map((e) => e);', '<T>((dynamic) → T) → T', isNull);
expectIdentifierType('map((e) => 3);', '<T>((dynamic) → T) → T', isNull);
MethodInvocation m1 = findIdentifier('map((e) => e);').parent;
expect(m1.staticInvokeType.toString(), '((dynamic) → dynamic) → dynamic');
MethodInvocation m2 = findIdentifier('map((e) => 3);').parent;
expect(m2.staticInvokeType.toString(), '((dynamic) → int) → int');
void test_genericMethod_max_doubleDouble() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
var foo = max(1.0, 2.0);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'double', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_max_doubleDouble_prefixed() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:math' as math;
main() {
var foo = math.max(1.0, 2.0);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'double', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_max_doubleInt() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
var foo = max(1.0, 2);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'num', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_max_intDouble() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
var foo = max(1, 2.0);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'num', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_max_intInt() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:math';
main() {
var foo = max(1, 2);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'int', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_nestedBound() {
String code = r'''
class Foo<T extends num> {
void method/*<U extends T>*/(dynamic/*=U*/ u) {
// Just validate that there is no warning on the call to `.abs()`.
void test_genericMethod_nestedCapture() {
class C<T> {
/*=T*/ f/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ x) {
new C<S>().f/*<int>*/(3);
new C<S>().f; // tear-off
return null;
MethodInvocation f = findIdentifier('f/*<int>*/(3);').parent;
expect(f.staticInvokeType.toString(), '(int) → S');
FunctionType ft = f.staticInvokeType;
expect('${ft.typeArguments}/${ft.typeParameters}', '[S, int]/[T, S]');
expectIdentifierType('f;', '<S₀>(S₀) → S');
void test_genericMethod_nestedFunctions() {
/*=S*/ f/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ x) {
g/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ x) => f;
return null;
expectIdentifierType('f', '<S>(S) → S');
expectIdentifierType('g', '<S>(S) → dynamic');
void test_genericMethod_override() {
class C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
class D extends C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null; // from D
expectFunctionType('f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null; // from D', '<T>(T) → T',
elementTypeParams: '[T]', typeFormals: '[T]');
SimpleIdentifier f =
findIdentifier('f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null; // from D');
MethodElementImpl e = f.staticElement;
FunctionType ft = e.type.instantiate([typeProvider.stringType]);
expect(ft.toString(), '(String) → String');
void test_genericMethod_override_bounds() {
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T extends B>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
class D extends C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T extends A>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
void test_genericMethod_override_invalidReturnType() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class C {
Iterable/*<T>*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
class D extends C {
String f/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ x) => null;
// TODO(jmesserly): we can't use assertErrors because STRONG_MODE_* errors
// from CodeChecker don't have working equality.
List<AnalysisError> errors = analysisContext2.computeErrors(source);
// Sort errors by name.
errors.sort((AnalysisError e1, AnalysisError e2) =>;
expect( =>, [
expect(errors[0].message, contains('Iterable<S>'),
reason: 'errors should be in terms of the type parameters '
'at the error location');
void test_genericMethod_override_invalidTypeParamBounds() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T extends A>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
class D extends C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T extends B>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
// TODO(jmesserly): this is modified code from assertErrors, which we can't
// use directly because STRONG_MODE_* errors don't have working equality.
List<AnalysisError> errors = analysisContext2.computeErrors(source);
List errorNames = =>;
expect(errorNames, hasLength(2));
expect(errorNames, contains('STRONG_MODE_INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE'));
void test_genericMethod_override_invalidTypeParamCount() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class C {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
class D extends C {
/*=S*/ f/*<T, S>*/(/*=T*/ x) => null;
// TODO(jmesserly): we can't use assertErrors because STRONG_MODE_* errors
// from CodeChecker don't have working equality.
List<AnalysisError> errors = analysisContext2.computeErrors(source);
expect( =>, [
void test_genericMethod_propagatedType_promotion() {
// Regression test for:
// Note, after the original
// example won't work, as we now compute a static type and therefore discard
// the propagated type. So a new test was created that doesn't run under
// strong mode.
abstract class Iter {
List/*<S>*/ map/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ f(x));
class C {}
C toSpan(dynamic element) {
if (element is Iter) {
var y =;
return null;
expectIdentifierType('y = ', 'List<C>', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_tearoff() {
class C<E> {
/*=T*/ f/*<T>*/(E e) => null;
static /*=T*/ g/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
static final h = g;
/*=T*/ topF/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var topG = topF;
void test/*<S>*/(/*=T*/ pf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e)) {
var c = new C<int>();
/*=T*/ lf/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ e) => null;
var methodTearOff = c.f;
var staticTearOff = C.g;
var staticFieldTearOff = C.h;
var topFunTearOff = topF;
var topFieldTearOff = topG;
var localTearOff = lf;
var paramTearOff = pf;
expectIdentifierType('methodTearOff', "<T>(int) → T");
expectIdentifierType('staticTearOff', "<T>(T) → T");
expectIdentifierType('staticFieldTearOff', "<T>(T) → T");
expectIdentifierType('topFunTearOff', "<T>(T) → T");
expectIdentifierType('topFieldTearOff', "<T>(T) → T");
expectIdentifierType('localTearOff', "<T>(T) → T");
expectIdentifierType('paramTearOff', "<T>(T) → T");
void test_genericMethod_then() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:async';
String toString(int x) => x.toString();
main() {
Future<int> bar = null;
var foo = bar.then(toString);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'Future<String>', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_then_prefixed() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:async' as async;
String toString(int x) => x.toString();
main() {
async.Future<int> bar = null;
var foo = bar.then(toString);
expectInitializerType('foo', 'Future<String>', isNull);
void test_genericMethod_then_propagatedType() {
// Regression test for
String code = r'''
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
Future<String> p;
var foo = p.then((r) => new Future<String>.value(3));
// This should produce no hints or warnings.
expectInitializerType('foo', 'Future<String>', isNull);
void test_implicitBounds() {
String code = r'''
class A<T> {}
class B<T extends num> {}
class C<S extends int, T extends B<S>, U extends B> {}
void test() {
A ai;
B bi;
C ci;
var aa = new A();
var bb = new B();
var cc = new C();
expectIdentifierType('ai', "A<dynamic>");
expectIdentifierType('bi', "B<num>");
expectIdentifierType('ci', "C<int, B<int>, B<num>>");
expectIdentifierType('aa', "A<dynamic>");
expectIdentifierType('bb', "B<num>");
expectIdentifierType('cc', "C<int, B<int>, B<num>>");
void test_setterWithDynamicTypeIsError() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class A {
dynamic set f(String s) => null;
dynamic set g(int x) => null;
assertErrors(source, [
void test_setterWithExplicitVoidType_returningVoid() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void returnsVoid() {}
class A {
void set f(String s) => returnsVoid();
void set g(int x) => returnsVoid();
void test_setterWithNoVoidType() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class A {
set f(String s) {
return '42';
set g(int x) => 42;
assertErrors(source, [
void test_setterWithNoVoidType_returningVoid() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void returnsVoid() {}
class A {
set f(String s) => returnsVoid();
set g(int x) => returnsVoid();
void test_setterWithOtherTypeIsError() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
class A {
String set f(String s) => null;
Object set g(x) => null;
assertErrors(source, [
void test_ternaryOperator_null_left() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var foo = (true) ? null : 3;
expectInitializerType('foo', 'int', isNull);
void test_ternaryOperator_null_right() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var foo = (true) ? 3 : null;
expectInitializerType('foo', 'int', isNull);
class StrongModeTypePropagationTest extends ResolverTestCase {
void setUp() {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
options.strongMode = true;
void test_foreachInference_dynamic_disabled() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var list = <int>[];
for (dynamic v in list) {
v; // marker
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
void test_foreachInference_reusedVar_disabled() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var list = <int>[];
var v;
for (v in list) {
v; // marker
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
void test_foreachInference_var() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var list = <int>[];
for (var v in list) {
v; // marker
assertPropagatedIterationType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_foreachInference_var_iterable() {
String code = r'''
main() {
Iterable<int> list = <int>[];
for (var v in list) {
v; // marker
assertPropagatedIterationType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_foreachInference_var_stream() {
String code = r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() async {
Stream<int> stream = null;
await for (var v in stream) {
v; // marker
assertPropagatedIterationType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_bottom_disabled() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var v = null;
v; // marker
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.dynamicType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.dynamicType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_constant() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var v = 3;
v; // marker
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_declaredType_disabled() {
String code = r'''
main() {
dynamic v = 3;
v; // marker
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
void test_localVariableInference_noInitializer_disabled() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var v;
v = 3;
v; // marker
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
code, typeProvider.dynamicType, typeProvider.intType);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_field_inferred_lexical() {
String code = r'''
class A {
final x = 3;
f() {
var v = x;
return v; // marker
main() {
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_field_inferred_reversed() {
String code = r'''
class A {
f() {
var v = x;
return v; // marker
final x = 3;
main() {
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_field_lexical() {
String code = r'''
class A {
int x = 3;
f() {
var v = x;
return v; // marker
main() {
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_field_reversed() {
String code = r'''
class A {
f() {
var v = x;
return v; // marker
int x = 3;
main() {
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_list_local() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var x = <int>[3];
var v = x[0];
v; // marker
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_local() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var x = 3;
var v = x;
v; // marker
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_toplevel_inferred_lexical() {
String code = r'''
final x = 3;
main() {
var v = x;
v; // marker
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_toplevel_inferred_reversed() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var v = x;
v; // marker
final x = 3;
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_toplevel_lexical() {
String code = r'''
int x = 3;
main() {
var v = x;
v; // marker
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
void test_localVariableInference_transitive_toplevel_reversed() {
String code = r'''
main() {
var v = x;
v; // marker
int x = 3;
assertPropagatedAssignedType(code, typeProvider.intType, null);
assertTypeOfMarkedExpression(code, typeProvider.intType, null);