blob: 70caeff009cd82cbfe76b4910190cd68455d142e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine_internal.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../abstract_single_unit.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
main() {
class ExpectedMatch {
final Element element;
final MatchKind kind;
SourceRange range;
final bool isResolved;
final bool isQualified;
ExpectedMatch(this.element, this.kind, int offset, int length,
{this.isResolved: true, this.isQualified: false}) {
this.range = new SourceRange(offset, length);
bool operator ==(SearchMatch match) {
return match.element == this.element &&
match.kind == this.kind &&
match.isResolved == this.isResolved &&
match.isQualified == this.isQualified &&
match.sourceRange == this.range;
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write(", element=");
buffer.write(element != null ? element.displayName : 'null');
buffer.write(", range=");
buffer.write(", isResolved=");
buffer.write(", isQualified=");
return buffer.toString();
class SearchEngineImplTest extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
Index index;
SearchEngineImpl searchEngine;
void setUp() {
index = createMemoryIndex();
searchEngine = new SearchEngineImpl(index);
test_searchAllSubtypes() async {
class T {}
class A extends T {}
class B extends A {}
class C implements B {}
ClassElement element = findElement('T');
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
ClassElement elementB = findElement('B');
ClassElement elementC = findElement('C');
var expected = [
_expectId(elementA, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'A extends T'),
_expectId(elementB, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'B extends A'),
_expectId(elementC, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'C implements B')
List<SearchMatch> matches = await searchEngine.searchAllSubtypes(element);
_assertMatches(matches, expected);
test_searchMemberDeclarations() async {
class A {
test() {}
class B {
int test = 1;
main() {
int test = 2;
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
ClassElement elementB = findElement('B');
var expected = [
_expectId(elementA.methods[0], MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'test() {}'),
_expectId(elementB.fields[0], MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'test = 1;')
List<SearchMatch> matches =
await searchEngine.searchMemberDeclarations('test');
_assertMatches(matches, expected);
test_searchMemberReferences_qualified_resolved() async {
class C {
var test;
main(C c) {
c.test = 1;
c.test += 2;
List<SearchMatch> matches =
await searchEngine.searchMemberReferences('test');
expect(matches, isEmpty);
test_searchMemberReferences_qualified_unresolved() async {
main(p) {
p.test = 1;
p.test += 2;
Element main = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectIdQU(main, MatchKind.READ, 'test);'),
_expectIdQU(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'test = 1;'),
_expectIdQU(main, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'test += 2;'),
_expectIdQU(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'test();'),
List<SearchMatch> matches =
await searchEngine.searchMemberReferences('test');
_assertMatches(matches, expected);
test_searchMemberReferences_unqualified_resolved() async {
class C {
var test;
main() {
test = 1;
test += 2;
List<SearchMatch> matches =
await searchEngine.searchMemberReferences('test');
expect(matches, isEmpty);
test_searchMemberReferences_unqualified_unresolved() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
class C {
main() {
test = 1;
test += 2;
Element main = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectIdU(main, MatchKind.READ, 'test);'),
_expectIdU(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'test = 1;'),
_expectIdU(main, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'test += 2;'),
_expectIdU(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'test();'),
List<SearchMatch> matches =
await searchEngine.searchMemberReferences('test');
_assertMatches(matches, expected);
test_searchReferences_ClassElement() async {
class A {}
main(A p) {
A v;
ClassElement element = findElement('A');
Element pElement = findElement('p');
Element vElement = findElement('v');
var expected = [
_expectId(pElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'A p'),
_expectId(vElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'A v')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_CompilationUnitElement() async {
part of lib;
library lib;
part 'my_part.dart';
CompilationUnitElement element =[0];
var expected = [
_expectIdQ(testUnitElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, "'my_part.dart'",
length: "'my_part.dart'".length)
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ConstructorElement() async {
class A {
A.named() {}
main() {
new A.named();
ConstructorElement element = findElement('named');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, '.named();', length: 6)
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ConstructorElement_synthetic() async {
class A {
main() {
new A();
ClassElement classElement = findElement('A');
ConstructorElement element = classElement.unnamedConstructor;
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, '();', length: 0)
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_Element_unknown() async {
await _verifyReferences(DynamicElementImpl.instance, []);
test_searchReferences_FieldElement() async {
class A {
var field;
main() {
new A(field: 1);
// getter
print(field); // ref-nq
print(this.field); // ref-q
field(); // inv-nq
this.field(); // inv-q
// setter
field = 2; // ref-nq;
this.field = 3; // ref-q;
FieldElement element = findElement('field');
Element main = findElement('main');
Element fieldParameter = findElement('field', ElementKind.PARAMETER);
var expected = [
_expectIdQ(fieldParameter, MatchKind.WRITE, 'field}'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'field: 1'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.READ, 'field); // ref-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.READ, 'field); // ref-q'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'field(); // inv-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'field(); // inv-q'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'field = 2; // ref-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'field = 3; // ref-q'),
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_FieldElement_ofEnum() async {
enum MyEnum {
A, B, C
main() {
ClassElement enumElement = findElement('MyEnum');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
await _verifyReferences(enumElement.getField('index'),
[_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.READ, 'index);')]);
await _verifyReferences(enumElement.getField('values'),
[_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.READ, 'values);')]);
await _verifyReferences(enumElement.getField('A'), [
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.READ, 'A.index);'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.READ, 'A);')
await _verifyReferences(enumElement.getField('B'),
[_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.READ, 'B);')]);
test_searchReferences_FieldElement_synthetic() async {
class A {
get field => null;
set field(x) {}
main() {
// getter
print(field); // ref-nq
print(this.field); // ref-q
field(); // inv-nq
this.field(); // inv-q
// setter
field = 2; // ref-nq;
this.field = 3; // ref-q;
FieldElement element = findElement('field', ElementKind.FIELD);
Element main = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(main, MatchKind.READ, 'field); // ref-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.READ, 'field); // ref-q'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'field(); // inv-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'field(); // inv-q'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'field = 2; // ref-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'field = 3; // ref-q'),
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_FunctionElement() async {
test() {}
main() {
FunctionElement element = findElement('test');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'test();'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'test);')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_FunctionElement_local() async {
main() {
test() {}
FunctionElement element = findElement('test');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'test();'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'test);')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_FunctionTypeAliasElement() async {
typedef Test();
main() {
Test a;
Test b;
FunctionTypeAliasElement element = findElement('Test');
Element aElement = findElement('a');
Element bElement = findElement('b');
var expected = [
_expectId(aElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'Test a;'),
_expectId(bElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'Test b;')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ImportElement_noPrefix() async {
import 'dart:math' show max, PI, Random hide min;
export 'dart:math' show max, PI, Random hide min;
main() {
print(new Random());
print(max(1, 2));
Random bar() => null;
ImportElement element = testLibraryElement.imports[0];
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
Element barElement = findElement('bar');
var kind = MatchKind.REFERENCE;
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, kind, 'PI);', length: 0),
_expectId(mainElement, kind, 'Random()', length: 0),
_expectId(mainElement, kind, 'max(', length: 0),
_expectId(barElement, kind, 'Random bar()', length: 0),
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ImportElement_withPrefix() async {
import 'dart:math' as math show max, PI, Random hide min;
export 'dart:math' show max, PI, Random hide min;
main() {
print(new math.Random());
print(math.max(1, 2));
math.Random bar() => null;
ImportElement element = testLibraryElement.imports[0];
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
Element barElement = findElement('bar');
var kind = MatchKind.REFERENCE;
var length = 'math.'.length;
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, kind, 'math.PI);', length: length),
_expectId(mainElement, kind, 'math.Random()', length: length),
_expectId(mainElement, kind, 'math.max(', length: length),
_expectId(barElement, kind, 'math.Random bar()', length: length),
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_LabelElement() async {
main() {
while (true) {
if (true) {
break label; // 1
break label; // 2
LabelElement element = findElement('label');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'label; // 1'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'label; // 2')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_LibraryElement() async {
var codeA = 'part of lib; // A';
var codeB = 'part of lib; // B';
addSource('/unitA.dart', codeA);
addSource('/unitB.dart', codeB);
library lib;
part 'unitA.dart';
part 'unitB.dart';
LibraryElement element = testLibraryElement;
CompilationUnitElement unitElementA =[0];
CompilationUnitElement unitElementB =[1];
var expected = [
new ExpectedMatch(unitElementA, MatchKind.REFERENCE,
codeA.indexOf('lib; // A'), 'lib'.length),
new ExpectedMatch(unitElementB, MatchKind.REFERENCE,
codeB.indexOf('lib; // B'), 'lib'.length),
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_LocalVariableElement() async {
main() {
var v;
v = 1;
v += 2;
LocalVariableElement element = findElement('v');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.WRITE, 'v = 1;'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'v += 2;'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.READ, 'v);'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'v();')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_MethodElement() async {
class A {
m() {}
main() {
m(); // 1
this.m(); // 2
print(m); // 3
print(this.m); // 4
MethodElement method = findElement('m');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'm(); // 1'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'm(); // 2'),
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'm); // 3'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'm); // 4')
await _verifyReferences(method, expected);
test_searchReferences_MethodMember() async {
class A<T> {
T m() => null;
main(A<int> a) {
a.m(); // ref
MethodMember method = findNodeElementAtString('m(); // ref');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'm(); // ref')
await _verifyReferences(method, expected);
test_searchReferences_ParameterElement_ofConstructor() async {
class C {
var f;
C({p}) : f = p + 1 {
p = 2;
p += 3;
main() {
new C(p: 42);
ParameterElement element = findElement('p');
ClassElement classC = findElement('C');
ConstructorElement constructorA = classC.unnamedConstructor;
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(constructorA, MatchKind.READ, 'p + 1 {'),
_expectId(constructorA, MatchKind.WRITE, 'p = 2;'),
_expectId(constructorA, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'p += 3;'),
_expectId(constructorA, MatchKind.READ, 'p);'),
_expectId(constructorA, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'p();'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'p: 42')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ParameterElement_ofLocalFunction() async {
main() {
foo({p}) {
p = 1;
p += 2;
foo(p: 42);
ParameterElement element = findElement('p');
Element fooElement = findElement('foo');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.WRITE, 'p = 1;'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'p += 2;'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.READ, 'p);'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'p();'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'p: 42')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ParameterElement_ofMethod() async {
class C {
foo({p}) {
p = 1;
p += 2;
main(C c) { 42);
ParameterElement element = findElement('p');
Element fooElement = findElement('foo');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.WRITE, 'p = 1;'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'p += 2;'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.READ, 'p);'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'p();'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'p: 42')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_ParameterElement_ofTopLevelFunction() async {
foo({p}) {
p = 1;
p += 2;
main() {
foo(p: 42);
ParameterElement element = findElement('p');
Element fooElement = findElement('foo');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.WRITE, 'p = 1;'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.READ_WRITE, 'p += 2;'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.READ, 'p);'),
_expectId(fooElement, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'p();'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'p: 42')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_PrefixElement() async {
import 'dart:async' as ppp;
main() {
ppp.Future a;
ppp.Stream b;
PrefixElement element = findNodeElementAtString('ppp;');
Element elementA = findElement('a');
Element elementB = findElement('b');
var expected = [
_expectId(elementA, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'ppp.Future'),
_expectId(elementB, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'ppp.Stream')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_PropertyAccessorElement_getter() async {
class A {
get ggg => null;
main() {
print(ggg); // ref-nq
print(this.ggg); // ref-q
ggg(); // inv-nq
this.ggg(); // inv-q
PropertyAccessorElement element = findElement('ggg', ElementKind.GETTER);
Element main = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(main, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'ggg); // ref-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'ggg); // ref-q'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'ggg(); // inv-nq'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'ggg(); // inv-q'),
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_PropertyAccessorElement_setter() async {
class A {
set s(x) {}
main() {
s = 1;
this.s = 2;
PropertyAccessorElement element = findElement('s=');
Element mainElement = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectId(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 's = 1'),
_expectIdQ(mainElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 's = 2')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchReferences_TopLevelVariableElement() async {
library lib;
var V;
import 'lib.dart' show V; // imp
import 'lib.dart' as pref;
main() {
pref.V = 1; // q
print(pref.V); // q
pref.V(); // q
V = 1; // nq
print(V); // nq
V(); // nq
ImportElement importElement = testLibraryElement.imports[0];
CompilationUnitElement impUnit =
TopLevelVariableElement variable = impUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
Element main = findElement('main');
var expected = [
_expectIdQ(testUnitElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'V; // imp'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'V = 1; // q'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.READ, 'V); // q'),
_expectIdQ(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'V(); // q'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.WRITE, 'V = 1; // nq'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.READ, 'V); // nq'),
_expectId(main, MatchKind.INVOCATION, 'V(); // nq'),
await _verifyReferences(variable, expected);
test_searchReferences_TypeParameterElement() async {
class A<T> {
main(T a, T b) {}
TypeParameterElement element = findElement('T');
Element aElement = findElement('a');
Element bElement = findElement('b');
var expected = [
_expectId(aElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'T a'),
_expectId(bElement, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'T b')
await _verifyReferences(element, expected);
test_searchSubtypes() async {
class T {}
class A extends T {} // A
class B = Object with T; // B
class C implements T {} // C
ClassElement element = findElement('T');
ClassElement elementA = findElement('A');
ClassElement elementB = findElement('B');
ClassElement elementC = findElement('C');
var expected = [
_expectId(elementA, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'T {} // A'),
_expectId(elementB, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'T; // B'),
_expectId(elementC, MatchKind.REFERENCE, 'T {} // C')
List<SearchMatch> matches = await searchEngine.searchSubtypes(element);
_assertMatches(matches, expected);
test_searchTopLevelDeclarations() async {
class A {} // A
class B = Object with A;
typedef C();
D() {}
var E = null;
class NoMatchABCDE {}
Element topA = findElement('A');
Element topB = findElement('B');
Element topC = findElement('C');
Element topD = findElement('D');
Element topE = findElement('E');
var expected = [
_expectId(topA, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'A {} // A'),
_expectId(topB, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'B ='),
_expectId(topC, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'C()'),
_expectId(topD, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'D() {}'),
_expectId(topE, MatchKind.DECLARATION, 'E = null')
List<SearchMatch> matches =
await searchEngine.searchTopLevelDeclarations(r'^[A-E]$');
_assertMatches(matches, expected);
ExpectedMatch _expectId(Element element, MatchKind kind, String search,
{int length, bool isResolved: true, bool isQualified: false}) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
if (length == null) {
length = getLeadingIdentifierLength(search);
return new ExpectedMatch(element, kind, offset, length,
isResolved: isResolved, isQualified: isQualified);
* Create [ExpectedMatch] for a qualified and resolved match.
ExpectedMatch _expectIdQ(Element element, MatchKind kind, String search,
{int length, bool isResolved: true}) {
return _expectId(element, kind, search, isQualified: true, length: length);
* Create [ExpectedMatch] for a qualified and unresolved match.
ExpectedMatch _expectIdQU(Element element, MatchKind kind, String search,
{int length}) {
return _expectId(element, kind, search,
isQualified: true, isResolved: false, length: length);
* Create [ExpectedMatch] for a unqualified and unresolved match.
ExpectedMatch _expectIdU(Element element, MatchKind kind, String search,
{int length}) {
return _expectId(element, kind, search,
isQualified: false, isResolved: false, length: length);
void _indexTestUnit(String code) {
Future _verifyReferences(
Element element, List<ExpectedMatch> expectedMatches) async {
List<SearchMatch> matches = await searchEngine.searchReferences(element);
_assertMatches(matches, expectedMatches);
expect(matches, hasLength(expectedMatches.length));
static void _assertMatches(
List<SearchMatch> matches, List<ExpectedMatch> expectedMatches) {
expect(matches, unorderedEquals(expectedMatches));