blob: fd639339c41e9fc74aa99ab03685e4c671d309bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--compile-all --error_on_bad_type --error_on_bad_override --checked
library test_helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
bool _isWebSocketDisconnect(e) {
if (e is! ServiceException) {
return false;
return (e as ServiceException).message == 'WebSocket closed';
// This invocation should set up the state being tested.
const String _TESTEE_MODE_FLAG = "--testee-mode";
class _TestLauncher {
Process process;
final List<String> args;
bool killedByTester = false;
_TestLauncher() : args = ['--enable-vm-service:0',
Future<int> launch(bool pause_on_exit) {
String dartExecutable = Platform.executable;
var fullArgs = [];
if (pause_on_exit == true) {
print('** Launching $dartExecutable ${fullArgs.join(' ')}');
return Process.start(dartExecutable, fullArgs).then((p) {
Completer completer = new Completer();
process = p;
var portNumber;
var blank;
var first = true;
.transform(new LineSplitter()).listen((line) {
if (line.startsWith('Observatory listening on http://')) {
RegExp portExp = new RegExp(r"\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:(\d+)");
var port = portExp.firstMatch(line).group(1);
portNumber = int.parse(port);
if (line == '') {
// Received blank line.
blank = true;
if (portNumber != null && blank == true && first == true) {
// Stop repeat completions.
first = false;
print('** Signaled to run test queries on $portNumber');
.transform(new LineSplitter()).listen((line) {
process.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
if ((exitCode != 0) && !killedByTester) {
throw "Testee exited with $exitCode";
print("** Process exited");
return completer.future;
void requestExit() {
print('** Killing script');
if (process.kill()) {
killedByTester = true;
typedef Future IsolateTest(Isolate isolate);
typedef Future VMTest(VM vm);
/// Runs [tests] in sequence, each of which should take an [Isolate] and
/// return a [Future]. Code for setting up state can run before and/or
/// concurrently with the tests. Uses [mainArgs] to determine whether
/// to run tests or testee in this invokation of the script.
void runIsolateTests(List<String> mainArgs,
List<IsolateTest> tests,
{void testeeBefore(),
void testeeConcurrent(),
bool pause_on_exit}) {
if (mainArgs.contains(_TESTEE_MODE_FLAG)) {
if (testeeBefore != null) {
print(''); // Print blank line to signal that we are ready.
if (testeeConcurrent != null) {
// Wait around for the process to be killed.
stdin.first.then((_) => exit(0));
} else {
var process = new _TestLauncher();
process.launch(pause_on_exit).then((port) {
String addr = 'ws://localhost:$port/ws';
var testIndex = 1;
var totalTests = tests.length;
var name = Platform.script.pathSegments.last;
runZoned(() {
new WebSocketVM(new WebSocketVMTarget(addr)).load()
.then((VM vm) => vm.isolates.first.load())
.then((Isolate isolate) => Future.forEach(tests, (test) {
print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]');
return test(isolate);
})).then((_) => process.requestExit());
}, onError: (e, st) {
if (!_isWebSocketDisconnect(e)) {
print('Unexpected exception in service tests: $e $st');
throw e;
// Cancel the subscription and complete the completer when finished processing
// events.
typedef void ServiceEventHandler(ServiceEvent event,
StreamSubscription subscription,
Completer completer);
Future processServiceEvents(VM vm, ServiceEventHandler handler) {
Completer completer = new Completer();
var subscription;
subscription = event) {
handler(event, subscription, completer);
return completer.future;
Future<Isolate> hasStoppedAtBreakpoint(Isolate isolate) {
if ((isolate.pauseEvent != null) &&
(isolate.pauseEvent.eventType == ServiceEvent.kPauseBreakpoint)) {
// Already waiting at a breakpoint.
print('Breakpoint reached');
return new Future.value(isolate);
// Set up a listener to wait for breakpoint events.
Completer completer = new Completer();
var subscription;
subscription = event) {
if (event.eventType == ServiceEvent.kPauseBreakpoint) {
print('Breakpoint reached');
return completer.future; // Will complete when breakpoint hit.
/// Runs [tests] in sequence, each of which should take an [Isolate] and
/// return a [Future]. Code for setting up state can run before and/or
/// concurrently with the tests. Uses [mainArgs] to determine whether
/// to run tests or testee in this invokation of the script.
Future runVMTests(List<String> mainArgs,
List<VMTest> tests,
{Future testeeBefore(),
Future testeeConcurrent(),
bool pause_on_exit}) async {
if (mainArgs.contains(_TESTEE_MODE_FLAG)) {
if (testeeBefore != null) {
await testeeBefore();
print(''); // Print blank line to signal that we are ready.
if (testeeConcurrent != null) {
await testeeConcurrent();
// Wait around for the process to be killed.
stdin.first.then((_) => exit(0));
} else {
var process = new _TestLauncher();
process.launch(pause_on_exit).then((port) async {
String addr = 'ws://localhost:$port/ws';
var testIndex = 1;
var totalTests = tests.length;
var name = Platform.script.pathSegments.last;
runZoned(() {
new WebSocketVM(new WebSocketVMTarget(addr)).load()
.then((VM vm) => Future.forEach(tests, (test) {
print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]');
return test(vm);
})).then((_) => process.requestExit());
}, onError: (e, st) {
if (!_isWebSocketDisconnect(e)) {
print('Unexpected exception in service tests: $e $st');
throw e;